Mar 20, 2008, 10:06 AM
#1 of 187
I've just got my hands on the first two books in "The Gentleman Bastards" sequence, "The Lies of Locke Lamora" and "Red Seas Under Red Skies". I've got to admit, it was a slow start and I actually stopped reading the first book for a few weeks but my brother kept pushing me to keep reading and I'm glad he did. I really loved it. It's about this guy Locke Lamora who is a natural born con-man. He and his "family" of other such people, the Gentleman Bastards, work together to get as much money and stuff from the people of their city, Camor. I love the way this guy writes, he's very articulate and has a very colourful language which is a lot of fun to read sometimes. Good timing, lots of twists, very clever and great characters. For people who are a fan of George R.R. Martin books, he is a big fan of the series as well. That's what got a friend of mine into reading them as well.
How ya doing, buddy?