Welcome to the Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis. |
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The Backloggery - InfernalMonkey's Backloggery Still nowhere near done adding all my games (this depresses me) or comments for them! But hey. =) Only going to list games I currently own, because I can't even remember like half the games I rented for the SNES or whatever. Aside from Super Bomberman 3. Because Super Bomberman 3 was awesome. How ya doing, buddy? |
Okay, I think I've got all my games up now~ I probably could have completed at least two or eighty games in the time it took to type up what games I haven't completed.
Most amazing jew boots |
I own all the shitty games on my list. Although Terminator 2 for NES might not count anymore since it's actually pieces of a broken cart in the box and I ignore it but it just doesn't go away!
This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it. |
hay skills u culd use this 1 i drewed 4 u ^__^
I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body? |