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Thoughts on racism
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Titletown, USA

Member 144

Level 23.83

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 10:58 PM #26 of 215
Originally Posted by Wesker
The "shot and robbed" part isn't all that silly. Here in Houston anyway the vast majority of violent crime is done by blacks..mostly black on black, but also most of the random car jackings and robbery/murders are done by blacks. It's a sad fact, not racism. Houstons violent crime rate is up 23%, highest increase in the counrty, mostly becuase of the 150,000 (mostly black) katrina refugees Houston has taken in.
In many parts in Philly, it's literally considered suicide for a white person to walk the streets at night. If you walk the streets and get shot, you are considered at fault for walking there, not the actual shooter.

But good neighborhoods like mine have a lot of minorities who aren't bad. There are plenty of blacks, hispanics, asians who I am friends with that live around me that wouldn't hurt anyone. Just good people.

To me, the bad neighborhoods are just corrupted with bad parenting, drugs, and bad influences. Young kids growing up not knowing right from wrong. It's a trickle down effect from parents being in jail for doing drugs, etc.

How ya doing, buddy?
River Chocobo

Member 5122

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Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:02 PM #27 of 215
Things leading to the cause of the first pilgrims leaving Europe to start a new colony in the Americas has EVERYTHING to do with American history. You have to start somewhere.

Even English colonization of Africa could be considered part of it, as a brief section, to explain how the slave trade arose.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

River Chocobo

Member 5122

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Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:04 PM #28 of 215
Originally Posted by Devo
Because slaves didn't come from Africa or anything, right Darklink?
What exactly is your level of reading comprehension? Go 2 posts back and read again, this time, very carefully.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

River Chocobo

Member 5122

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Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:08 PM #29 of 215
I apologize. I didn't realize you couldn't count to two.

Black cultural development (in Africa) has nothing to do with American history. Civil Rights, the development of jazz music, etc...all that DOES.

English colonization of Africa and them starting up the slave trade, and us shipping African slaves to America DOES.

Go read my posts. I've clearly stated that if important to American HISTORY, then include it. Irish immigration - sure, talk a little about the potato famine. Slavery? Sure, talk about how the slave trade started up. Going in depth to how black culture arose in Africa is going way off course.

However I've dealt with your immeasurable stupidity in the past, and I know that such a simple thing as actually reading someone's post in its entirety and getting the whole picture is an impossiblity for you. You just take one statement out of context and endlessly bitch about it.

I'm not going to shit around with you, good night.

I was speaking idiomatically.


Last edited by DarkLink2135; Jun 19, 2006 at 11:12 PM.
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Member 482

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:08 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 10:08 PM #30 of 215
Originally Posted by DarkLink2135
Even English colonization of Africa could be considered part of it, as a brief section, to explain how the slave trade arose.
The slave trade did not arise with the British colonization of Africa. Slave trading has been an almost universally accepted practice since the dawn of civilization.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 152

Level 21.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:11 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 09:11 PM #31 of 215
Originally Posted by DarkLink2135
We aren't forcing 'white' history on anybody. We are teaching the history of how America came to be, and like it or not, we started off with a colony of WHITE people coming to this country for the freedom to practice their religion without hamper. Race has nothing to do what is being taught. HISTORY has everything to do with what is being taught.

You want to talk about HISTORY, the HISTORY that you know was written by white people about white people. How about the real American history? How much Native American history do you know? Mexican history?

Don't make it sound like America was a vast wasteland before the pilgrims came and made it into what it was today. America was built on the backs of numerous minorities already living here, most that were killed or at best, taken advantage of and they are totally written out of history textbooks because it is an "unsavory" topic. History is not full of angelic hero figures like Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson. They're just written that way because of the culture's glorification of these "legendary" figures when Washington was an inept military figure, Lincoln was probably insane and partly racist and Jefferson had like 3 kids with one of his slaves.

History ain't that great. History 50 years ago didn't even mention slavery in school. History is a reflection of society and while society still has racism, there will be racism in the way the truth about history is portrayed.

Read Lies My Teacher Told Me by Loewen. Guess what. COLUMBUS WAS AN ASSHOLE.

Philosopher King

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:12 PM Local time: Jun 20, 2006, 01:12 AM #32 of 215
I'm going to go out on a limb here and volunteer myself as being scared out of my wits, not by racism, but by the fascism of multiculturalism. I'm more of a racist than most anyone with whom I've come into contact - but that doesn't mean I hate black or asian people; it's simply a matter of putting value on one's heritage. The real tragedy of the African population of North America isn't that they haven't attained social equality with Europeans, it's the fact that in striving for it they've abandoned their racial identity.

Originally Posted by kat
Whites are forcing their history onto minorities, every history class in America from elementary school to high schools about white American and European history. It really says something when most minorities know more crap about England and France than they do about their own country (or their parent's country, parent's parents, etc.).
This is because the history of America (as in, the U.S. and Canada) is largely European history. These country's were formed out of the heritage of the people who founded them. The heritage of the African peoples in the United States, in the context of that countries history, is one of slavery. If they'd had any sense of their own history, they shouldn't have been content to accept the ridiculous idea of citizenship in the land of their slavemasters. But what you have to realize is that the African culture they'd emerged from was one of tribal (read: racial) violence, where one group of blacks would slaughter another, slightly different group of blacks, and even sell them into slavery to other groups, including Europeans and Americans. To better themselves and build a better heritage for their future generations, the African situation is what they have to change, not the North American one. Instead of endeavoring to do this, they either:

"integrate", which essentially means they adopt a European history in becoming just a slightly peculiar part of a white culture, or:

move into the ghetto and join a gang, continuing their history of group-based violence.

Neither of these does any good for blacks or whites, in the long run. Ironically, the natural outcome of a nation of multiple races, is hatred toward other races, and this shouldn't be the case. A people should have it's own history, and not merely assimilate someone else's.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by Gwaehir; Jun 19, 2006 at 11:14 PM.

Member 152

Level 21.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:13 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 09:13 PM #33 of 215
Originally Posted by knkwzrd
The slave trade did not arise with the British colonization of Africa. Slave trading has been an almost universally accepted practice since the dawn of civilization.
But slaves in most cultures before American weren't property. Their kids weren't slaves. They could buy their freedom and also, slavery in America was race based because whites felt superior to blacks. That was rarely, if ever the case in past slave cultures.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:15 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 10:15 PM #34 of 215
Originally Posted by kat
America was built on the backs of numerous minorities already living here, most that were killed or at best, taken advantage of and they are totally written out of history textbooks because it is an "unsavory" topic.
They were not minorities at this point, actually. This is a very good example of subtle racism that people don't notice. We think of the Natives as minorities, even at a point in time where there were a hell of a lot more of them than Europeans.

Most amazing jew boots
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:16 PM #35 of 215
Originally Posted by DragoonKain
lol, kike. Sorry, but I'm not even 1% jewish. I am 100% italian, so if you are going to call me anything call me a dago.
I didn't ask for your family history, you useless nigger. You honestly think we should just drop the whole racism thing.

So, like, are we going to pay the blacks restitution for slavery, or make any effort to bring them and other minorities to equal socioeconomic status with whites when we decide to stop calling each other mean things, or what?

Double Post:
Originally Posted by DarkLink2135
Things leading to the cause of the first pilgrims leaving Europe to start a new colony in the Americas has EVERYTHING to do with American history. You have to start somewhere.

Even English colonization of Africa could be considered part of it, as a brief section, to explain how the slave trade arose.
lol racism

I like how you don't even bring up pre-whitey American history. Will that be a brief section too?

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Last edited by Sarag; Jun 19, 2006 at 11:18 PM. Reason: Automerged additional post.

Member 152

Level 21.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:19 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 09:19 PM #36 of 215
Originally Posted by Gwaehir
This is because the history of America (as in, the U.S. and Canada) is largely European history. These country's were formed out of the heritage of the people who founded them. The heritage of the African peoples in the United States, in the context of that countries history, is one of slavery. If they'd had any sense of their own history, they shouldn't have been content to accept the ridiculous idea of citizenship in the land of their slavemasters. But what you have to realize is that the African culture they'd emerged from was one of tribal (read: racial) violence, where one group of blacks would slaughter another, slightly different group of blacks, and even sell them into slavery to other groups, including Europeans and Americans. To better themselves and build a better heritage for their future generations, the African situation is what they have to change, not the North American one. Instead of endeavoring to do this, they either:

"integrate", which essentially means they adopt a European history in becoming just a slightly peculiar part of a white culture, or:

move into the ghetto and join a gang, continuing their history of group-based violence.

Neither of these does any good for blacks or whites, in the long run. Ironically, the natural outcome of a nation of multiple races, is hatred toward other races, and this shouldn't be the case. A people should have it's own history, and not merely assimilate someone else's.
What? So all other races besides White Europeans should PACK UP and move back to their countries? WHAT? Blacks have been here for GENERATIONS, their history IS American history but they've been largely excluded from US history because of their race. WHITE CULTURE IS NOT THE DOMINANT CULTURE. American culture as it is TODAY is a mixture and conglomeration of MANY MANY different racial cultures. As much as I hate the term, America is an "melting pot" or "salad bowl " and we are made up of immigrants and our culture reflects that.


How ya doing, buddy?
may carry parasites

Member 165

Level 22.05

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:19 PM #37 of 215
Originally Posted by kat
But slaves in most cultures before American weren't property. Their kids weren't slaves. They could buy their freedom and also, slavery in America was race based because whites felt superior to blacks. That was rarely, if ever the case in past slave cultures.
I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure that--especially with respect to tribal racism in Africa--the enslavers felt superior to the enslaved a good bit of the time.

I was speaking idiomatically.
you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:19 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 10:19 PM #38 of 215
Originally Posted by kat
They could buy their freedom and also, slavery in America was race based because whites felt superior to blacks.
I don't think you can realistically assume this. The master will always feel superior to the slave. The fact is, they found a whole shitload of people that they could take advantage of, and they did it. If Africans had white skin, it wouldn't have made the slightest difference.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
River Chocobo

Member 5122

Level 24.05

Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:19 PM #39 of 215
knkwzrd - The british, however, were primary responsible for setting up the slave trade which provided the American colonies with slaves.

Yamam - In an American History class, there is no need to go in depth with African culture. African-American culture? Sure. That's part of American history.

kat - There's a simple matter of ratios here which you and several other people are completely missing. American history is LARGELY white-based. European history. African culture is part of American history, yes - but there is no reason for it to be some huge massive focus because a few radicals can't get past the fact that their ancestors of 150+ years ago were enslaved. The development of African culture in Africa is such a far out loose end that there's no point in even covering it in an American History class, where the primary focus should be on AMERICA.

I'm not denying the importance of blacks in American history.

I am saying that there is no reason to put as much emphasis on it as some people want to.

Nobody is shoving 'white' history down anyone's throats. They are teaching AMERICAN history, which proportionately has much more to do with europeans, as I just noticed Gwaehir mentioned.


Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:20 PM #40 of 215
Oh wait, now I remember you, DarkLink2135. You're the guy way back when that thought cars aren't worshipped by white people in America.


What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Good Chocobo

Member 336

Level 19.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:21 PM #41 of 215
I believe that we shouldn't even teach History. Why teach someone about what happened in the past? Don't even say "So the same things don't happen again".

Instead invest the time preparing kids/adolescents for the future, the right decisions, things that PARENTS should be doing but unfortunately aren't.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 152

Level 21.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:21 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 09:21 PM #42 of 215
Originally Posted by knkwzrd
They were not minorities at this point, actually. This is a very good example of subtle racism that people don't notice. We think of the Natives as minorities, even at a point in time where there were a hell of a lot more of them than Europeans.
Bad choice of words on my part. They were obliterated into the minorities as we now see today, then shoved onto reservations and left to rot.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
River Chocobo

Member 5122

Level 24.05

Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:25 PM #43 of 215

Look, my whole point was that we are putting far too much emphasis on parts of American history that just WERE NOT important enough to justify the amount of time we spend on them. Sure the native americans were cool, it's neat to learn about their customs, government, etc - but that has little bearing on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which didn't really exist until the Declaration of Independance, and the events leading up to that separation. There isn't any need to spend an entire month studying native americans in a class about American History. A brief summary is enough.

Same with African History. There isn't any point. African History doesn't really meld at all with US History until the slave trade, thus, there isn't any need to talk about it in an American History class.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

Level 45.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:25 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 10:25 PM #44 of 215
Originally Posted by Reznor
I believe that we shouldn't even teach History. Why teach someone about what happened in the past? Don't even say "So the same things don't happen again".

Instead invest the time preparing kids/adolescents for the future, the right decisions, things that PARENTS should be doing but unfortunately aren't.
The big problem in this idea is that YOU CAN'T SEE INTO THE FUTURE.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Member 152

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:25 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 09:25 PM #45 of 215
Originally Posted by knkwzrd
I don't think you can realistically assume this. The master will always feel superior to the slave. The fact is, they found a whole shitload of people that they could take advantage of, and they did it. If Africans had white skin, it wouldn't have made the slightest difference.
I think it would have but since history is contingent in nature and we can't assume anything.

People have enslaved their own for thousands of years and that was largely based on a class structure instead of the race. The one in America was based, at least in it's climax, solely on race and not much else.

The justification for slavery was that whites in general were superior to blacks, that they were a "lesser" breed of people, barely man and therefore, only suitable for being controlled by whites.

I was speaking idiomatically.
River Chocobo

Member 5122

Level 24.05

Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:27 PM #46 of 215
Originally Posted by a lurker
Oh wait, now I remember you, DarkLink2135. You're the guy way back when that thought cars aren't worshipped by white people in America.

What the FUCK are you talking about.

I never said that.

I don't think that.

That wasn't even my point nor something I ever even touched on. Way to bring in a completely unrelated topic.

And now I remember you. You were the guy that thinks a black guy and a white girl aren't going to have any differences arising from culture.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

Level 45.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:29 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 10:29 PM #47 of 215
Originally Posted by DarkLink2135
Look, my whole point was that we are putting far too much emphasis on parts of American history that just WERE NOT important enough to justify the amount of time we spend on them. Sure the native americans were cool, it's neat to learn about their customs, government, etc - but that has little bearing on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which didn't really exist until the Declaration of Independance, and the events leading up to that separation. There isn't any need to spend an entire month studying native americans in a class about American History. A brief summary is enough.

Same with African History. There isn't any point. African History doesn't really meld at all with US History until the slave trade, thus, there isn't any need to talk about it in an American History class.
The idea in teaching these is that they were precursors to the United States. An important part of understanding the history of any nation is knowing the things that caused that nation to come about. You certainly aren't arguing against learning about European colonial life, but I'll be damned if that wasn't pre 1776.

How ya doing, buddy?
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:29 PM #48 of 215
Originally Posted by DarkLink2135
African culture is part of American history, yes - but there is no reason for it to be some huge massive focus because a few radicals can't get past the fact that their ancestors of 150+ years ago were enslaved. The development of African culture in Africa is such a far out loose end that there's no point in even covering it in an American History class, where the primary focus should be on AMERICA.
Tell me what you know about African history and culture. I have a lot of time, I can wait.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
River Chocobo

Member 5122

Level 24.05

Apr 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:29 PM #49 of 215
Originally Posted by Devo
Are you trying to tell me West African culture did not arise in the South, particularly in Lousiana and New Orleans? I guess you are unaware of the voodoo religion.
I'm not talking about West African culture. I'm talking about AFRICAN culture, you dumbfuck. As in, the continent of AFRICA. West African culture has much to do with American History. AFRICAN culture does not have much to do with American History.

I just about didn't include that redundant clause, but I didn't want to give you any reason to start up another bitch storm.

This is the second time in 10 minutes you have failed to actually read through a post.

Jam it back in, in the dark.


Member 152

Level 21.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2006, 11:29 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2006, 09:29 PM #50 of 215
Originally Posted by DarkLink2135
kat - There's a simple matter of ratios here which you and several other people are completely missing. American history is LARGELY white-based. European history. African culture is part of American history, yes - but there is no reason for it to be some huge massive focus because a few radicals can't get past the fact that their ancestors of 150+ years ago were enslaved. The development of African culture in Africa is such a far out loose end that there's no point in even covering it in an American History class, where the primary focus should be on AMERICA.
If you want to fucking talk proportions, PROPORTIONALLY men and women are ~50/~50 in this nation. Why are American history textbooks like 99% about men?

Yeah I'm sure men are far more important and do a lot more shit than women.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

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