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[PS2] [SPOILERS] Final Fantasy XII In Game Discussion Thread
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Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 1, 2006, 11:24 PM Local time: Apr 2, 2006, 12:24 PM #26 of 64
Whoa, thats 1 handful of questions. If you have any doubts, just find some random FAQs/Walkthrough on the net with translations

Q: How do I USE the the "special" movements I mean like what do I have to press to make more than 1hit?
A: More than 1 hit? Mist Knack? or do you mean like double attack in 1 motion?

Q: How do I get more summons? I only got the fire one the big fat one.
A: You will get other 4 summons as you advance through the game, there are 7 optional summons that you will need to go through for quests.

Q: what is the number next to the time clock? ( is it the number of steps I make during the game? is it points? can I use then?
A: Yeah, I assuming you are pointing at the Step-Counter, what it does is just to record how many step you take and you can gain trophies in your Clan room.

Q: what is RED and BLUE here
A: Those colors indicate the effect on either Party's side or Enemies side. Blue defines the commands beneficial toward the party, where as Red is commands that usually means to damage the enemies.

Q: does this have any point to be?
A: That just like decoration to your rooms ^ ^!! No, I still haven't figure out whats the point of collecting those figurines for.... prolly just to look cool~

Q: please dont tell me how far in the game I am cos I dont feel that Im that far anyway
A: With level 28, and heavy levelling.. you are prolly just about 36% through the game!

Q: an this is just my chess table lol
A: OH MY GOOD LORD! To be blunt... your build of characters isn't the most efficient ones... normally just focus on 2 weapon and 2 types of armor for each character... don't over do it (eg that picture) You will not have time to fill up all the blank spaces. PLAN WISELY.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 2, 2006, 03:35 AM #27 of 64
Originally Posted by CuteChocobo
Whoa, thats 1 handful of questions. If you have any doubts, just find some random FAQs/Walkthrough on the net with translations

Q: How do I USE the the "special" movements I mean like what do I have to press to make more than 1hit?
A: More than 1 hit? Mist Knack? or do you mean like double attack in 1 motion?

Q: an this is just my chess table lol
A: OH MY GOOD LORD! To be blunt... your build of characters isn't the most efficient ones... normally just focus on 2 weapon and 2 types of armor for each character... don't over do it (eg that picture) You will not have time to fill up all the blank spaces. PLAN WISELY
CHEERS!!! for the answer!!! YAY!

yes the mist knack when you get another screen and you have a time limit bar at the bottom I always get 1 hit U_U''''' I DONT GET IT :/

I feel that I might be able to get all the guild full if I keep fighting cos Im trying to get everyone at least with "full" weaon level and armor level lol


Edit 3 lol :

you mentioned that there were 11 summons but according to wikipedia there are 12 ( star signs ) + a random one called King of Commandment :

Name Title Zodiac Sign Element LP Level
Adrammelech Furious Emperor Capricorn Thunder 25 1
Belias Devil Aries Fire 10 1
Chaos King of Reincarnation Taurus Wind 90 3
Exodus Tree of Judgment Libra Magic 50 2
Famfrit Dark Cloud Aquarius Water 90 3
Hashmalim Regulator Leo Earth 50 2
Mateus Corrupt Empress Pisces Ice 25 1
Queklain Impure King Scorpio Poison 50 2
Shumihaza Betrayer Sagittarius Soul 50 2
Ultima Holy Angel Virgo Light 90 3
Zalera Angel of Death Gemini Death 25 1
Zeromus Convicted Tyrant Cancer Gravity 50 2
Zodiac King of Commandment Serpentarius Dark 200 3

I love this game cos is soooo Final fantasy tactics!!

I still dont know how to make more hits using mist knack :/

How ya doing, buddy?
excuse the shait english :/

Last edited by Saga; Apr 2, 2006 at 11:44 AM.
Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 3, 2006, 03:10 AM Local time: Apr 3, 2006, 04:10 PM #28 of 64
The last summon Zodiac(ゾディアーク) is a b**ch to get... >_<
You will need to satisfy the condition of
1) Get any 10 summons
2) and you need to 'find' the creature... which involves a lotsa walking.

As for mist knacks, you will need to chain them up without breaks. E.g. Level 1 MK 3 times, you will get inferno... I am not really good at explaning mist knacks >_< hopefully someone else can assist ya in that one

Also, as for your comment of 'full armor and weapon'
*gasp* dude, are you gonna spent that long in FFXII? I have seen ppl spending 150hr+ and their license board isn't that completed yet... so I suggest ya just focus on specific build first... else you will find a lotsa trouble at the end games

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 3, 2006, 04:38 AM Local time: Apr 3, 2006, 10:38 AM #29 of 64
Well I just use 金のアミュレット (Gold Amulet) that doubles my LP gain =) I have 50+ hours on my game counter and I got my upper part of Licence Board almost full =) Got 3 summons 2 from the main plot and one from side quest. I'm trying to get the one from the sewers but it's damn hard =(.

Mist Combo depends on number of orbs you got unlocked on your Licence Board. If you have 3 orbs for all 3 haracters then you just start the fight and use one of them. On the bottom right corner are names of your party characters and buttons: Triangle, Square and Circle. If one of them shows you have to press it quick so 2nd chain will be activated, after this one another SHOULD apear but if now you just need to shuffle it with R2.

My MAX Mist Combo was 21 and I can't even get close to it again always stop at 11 or 12.

Type of final Mist Combo blow depends of types of used Mist attack if most of them was watter type final blow will be watter type etc.

Hope that helps =)

I was speaking idiomatically.
"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
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Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 3, 2006, 08:24 AM Local time: Apr 3, 2006, 09:24 PM #30 of 64
Okay, as B4 asked for it! A detailed Mob Hunt list from my translation friend EChang (Credit to him)

Its a huge Mob Hunt List and thats why I use Spoiler tags:

1. Stray Tomato はぐれトマト
Rank: E
Client: Tomaj トマジ
Rabanastre, Bar
Location: Dalmasca Estersand 東ダルマスカ砂漠
Sandy Hill 砂段の丘
Reward: 300 Gil, Potion, Teleport Stone
You should find him as soon as you leave. After about half health, he
runs down the hill, but just go down there to catch up to him and finish
him off.

2. Texta テクスタ
Rank: E
Client: Gasuri ガスリ
Rabanastre, Bar
Location: Dalmasca Westersand 西ダルマスカ砂漠
Galtea Hill ガルテア丘陵
Reward: 500 Gil, Headguard, Teleport Stone
Just turn a left as soon as you leave Rabanastre and follow the wall south
to find this guy. He summons Wolfs, so be careful.

3. Flower Cactrot 花サボテン
Rank: E
Client: Dantoro ダントロ
Dalmasca Estersand, Camp 小キャンプ
Location: Dalmasca Estersand 東ダルマスカ砂漠
Sand Crest Labyrinth 砂紋の迷宮
Reward: 500 Gil, 10 Potions
This is actually the first part in a larger subevent that leads to getting
the Barheim Key, which is necessary for getting the Zaruera summon.

4. Wraith レイス
Rank: E
Clien: Milha ミルハ
Downtown, North Area ダウンタウン北部
Location: Garamsythe Waterway カラムサイズ水路
Final Processing Zone 最終処理区画
Reward: 500 Gil, Ether, Gauntlet
All you have to do is take the stairs down from Downtown and you'll be
in the right room. Go towards the center and he'll appear. He casts
Death Sentence and Dark frequently, so be warned.

5. Nizheg ニーズヘッグ
Rank: E
Client: Eicom エイコム
Bhujerba, Minefront Plaza 採掘場前小広場
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
First Transport Corridor 第1運送路
Reward: 600 Gil, Rose Corsage, Bakrasaba

6. Wyvern Lord ワイバーンロード
Rank: D
Client: Shalare シャルアール
Rabanastre, Weapon Shop
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea 大砂海ナム・エンサ
Sirocco Heights 熱風の下りる高台
Reward: 1000 Gil, Longbow, Shell Shield

7. Enkedras エンケドラス
Rank: D
Client: Chief Shugam 小長老シュグム
Jahara, Elder Hill 古き者たちの丘
Location: Ozmone Plains オズモーネ平原
Cracked Valley ひびわれ谷
Reward: 1100 Gil, Ether, Gold Amulet
In order to get him to appear, first defeat all enemies in the zone, then
zone out and zone back in.

8. Kerogeros ケロゲロス
Rank: D
Client: Sadin サーディーン
Giza Plains, Nomad Camp 遊牧民の集落
Location: Giza Plains ギーザ草原
Starfall Plain 星ふり原
Reward: 1200 Gil, Snake Rod, Teleport Stone
Both Sadin and the Kerogeros only appear when it's raining.

9. Ishtam イシュタム
Rank: D
Client: Big Chief Zayar 大長老ザヤル
Jahara, Elder Hill 古き者たちの丘
Location: Henne Mines ヘネ魔石鉱
First Tunnel 第1期坑道
Reward: Ether, Soul Powder

10. Ring Dragon リングドラゴン
Rank: C
Client: Balzac バルザック
Downtown, North Area ダウンタウン北側
Location: Dalmasca Westersand 西ダルマスカ砂漠
Wind Crest Land 風紋の地
Reward: 200 Gil, Moon Ring, Icebrand
The Ring Dragon appears in the larger of the two parts of Wind Crest Land,
and he only appears when there is a sandstorm.

11. Chopper チョッパー
Rank: C
Client: Hims ヒムス
Bur-Omisace, White Sand Passage 白砂の小路
Location: Paramina Rift パラミナ大峡谷
Ice Dragon's Bones 氷竜の骨
Reward: 1500 Gil, Cross Recurve, 2 Teleport Stones

12. Vorpal Bunny ボーパルバニー
Rank: C
Client: Nefiria ネフィーリア
Eluyt Village, Spirit-dwelling Tree 精霊の住む大樹
Location: Golmore Jungle ゴルモア大森林
Leaf-stained Road 葉ずれのしみる路
Reward: 2000 Gil, Lightning Arrow, Gilly Boots

13. Atomos アトモス
Rank: C
Client: Broppo ブロッポ
Nalbina Fortress, Jazim Bazaar ジャジム・バザー
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste モスフォーラ山地
North Mountainface 北の山すそ
Reward: 1800 Gil, Earth Rod, Diamond Shield

14. Mindflare マインドフレア
Rank: B
Client: Warrior Chief Grom 戦士グロム
Jahara, Peaceful Land やすらぎの大地
Location: Henne Mines ヘネ魔石鉱
First Mining Area 第1期採掘現場
Reward: 2200 Gil, Carmaniore

15. Burai ブライ
Rank: B
Client: Merchant Vacanza 行商人ヴァカンサ
Mosphoran Highwaste, Sound of Water 水音の伝わる処
Location: Salikawood サリカ樹林
Treering Road 年輪を重ねる路
Reward: 1700 Gil, Obelisk, Hi-Ether

16. Dark Steal ダークスティール
Rank: B
Client: Man Who Wants To Go Home ふるさとへ帰りたい男
Archades, Weapon Shop
Location: Sochen Cave Palace ソーヘン地下宮殿
Path of Temptation 誘惑を振りほどく路
Reward: 3000 Gil, Lead Quarrel, Adamantite

17. White Mousse ホワイトムース
Rank: A
Client: Solbe ソルベ
Rabanastre, West Gate
Location: Garamsythe Waterway ガラムサイズ水路
West Water Level Maintenance Area 西部水量調整区
Reward: 2800 Gil, Yoichi's Bow

18. Marilith マリリス
Rank: A
Client: Barmaster 酒場のマスター
Rabanastre, Bar
Location: Zertinan Caves ゼルテニアン洞窟
Heretic Cave 異端を誘う岩窟
Reward: 2200 Gil, Snake Eye, 3 Teleport Stones

19. Bloody ブラッディ
Rank: A
Client: Prisoner #381 囚人381号
Dalmasca Estersand, Nebra River Camp South
Location: Barheim Passage バルハイム地下道
West New Road 西部新坑道区
Reward: 2400 Gil, Stun Bomb, Bloodsucker Fang

20. Viral ヴィラール
Rank: A
Client: Travelling Viera 旅のヴィエラ
Balfonheim, Bar
Location: Cerobi Steppe セロビ台地
North Hill 北部段丘
Reward: 3500 Gil, Halberd, Crystal Shield

21. Lindwulm リンドヴルム
Rank: A
Client: Fulmon フルモン
Old Archades, Windy Road むかい風の路地
Location: Tchita Uplands ツィッタの湿原
Garden of Beginning and End 終焉と旅立ちの庭
Reward: 4200 Gil, Barrel Coat, Hi-Ether
Lindwulm only appears when it's foggy.

22. Piscodemon ピスコディーモン
Rank: A
Client: Ivanus アイヴァヌス
Bur-Omisace, Temple 神殿境内
Location: Giruvegan 古代都市ギルヴェガン
Gate of Fire 火の門
Reward: 3800 Gil, Dark Shot, Collapse Fragment

23. Robby ロビー
Rank: S
Client: Morgan モルガン
Nalbina Fortress, Western Plaza 外郭西広場
Location: Nabreus Deadlands ナプレウス湿原
Eternity-gazing Plateau 永遠を見下ろす高台
Reward: 3100 Gil, Giant's Helmet, Mithril

24. Overlord オーバーロード
Rank: S
Client: Sheek That Wants To Be Popular モテたいシーク
Archades, Skill Shop
Location: Sochen Cave Palace ソーヘン地下宮殿
Corridor of No Regrets 迷いを捨てる路
Reward: 3500 Gil, Hi-Ether, Teleport Stone

25. Goliath ゴリアテ
Rank: S
Client: Barong バロング
Nalbina Fortress, Western Plaza 外郭西広場
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis 死都ナブディス
Corridor of Strength 力宿る回廊
Reward: 3600 Gil, Save The Queen, Einherjar

26. Deathscythe デスサイズ
Rank: S
Client: Popol ポポル
Nalbina Fortress, Jazim Bazaar ジャジム・バザー
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis 死都ナプディス
Hall of the Proud 気高き者たちの間
Reward: 2800 Gil, 2 Hi-Ethers, Soul of Thamasa
Deathscythe only appears if you are near-death.

27. Catoblepas カトブレパス
Rank: S
Client: Warrior Chief Spinel 戦士長スピネル
Jahara, Peaceful Land やすらぎの大地
Location: Zertinan Caves ゼルテニアン洞窟
Hourglass Valley 砂時計の谷
Reward: 3200 Gil, Burkano Type, Arctic Wind

38. Wild Molbol ワイルドモルボル
Rank: S
Client: Letina
Eluyt Village, Spirit-dwelling Tree 精霊の住む大樹
Location: Feywood
Garden of Aromatic Flowers
Reward: 4600 Gil, Euclid's Ruler

29. Diabolos ディアボロス
Rank: H
Client: Micleo ミクリオ
Bhujerba, Miners Residence 採掘作業員居住区
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Eleventh Area Mine 第11鉱区採掘所
Reward: 2600 Gil, Demon's Shield, Mace of Zeus
In order to gain access to the Eleventh Area, you must first complete
the Antlion mob (one of the Clan mobs, below), then go to the Hunter's
Camp in the Phon Coast to get it from the man who used to live in

30. Deathgaze デスゲイズ
Rank: H
Client: Travelling Family 旅行好きの一家
Bhujerba, Airport 飛空挺ターミナル
Location: Airship
Reward: 3400 Gil, 2 Elixirs
Deathgaze appears WHILE you are travelling on the airship, possibly from
Rabanastre to Bhujerba only.

31. Fabnir ファーヴニル
Rank: H
Client: Iha
Bur-Omisace, Passage to the Temple
Location: Paramina Rift
Silverflow's End (West Side)
Reward: 7000 Gil, One-hit Arrow, Teleport Stone
Fabnir only appears during a blizzard.

32. Pilelaster パイルラスタ
Rank: H
Client: Ricky リッキー
Balfonheim, Sasshio Road サッシオ通り
Location: Pharos First Ascent 大灯台下層
Quenching Plaza かわき満たす広場
Reward: 8000 Gil, Grand Mace, 2 Collapse Fragments

1. Niwatoris ニワトリス
Rank: E
Client: Dania ダーニャ
Giza Plain, Nomad Camp 遊牧民の集落
Location: Giza Plains ギーザ草原
Gizas Riverbank North ギーザス川沿岸北側
Reward: 1000 Gil, Jackboots, Rainbow Egg
Dania only appears when it's sunny. To get the Niwatoris to appear, first
defeat all enemies in the area, then rezone. Approach the small yellow
chick-like enemies to get the Niwatoris to appear. You have to defeat all
of the enemies, not just the Niwatoris, for this mission to be complete.

2. Rock Titas ロックタイタス
Rank: E
Client: Pirika ピリカ
Bhujerba, Kuz Square クス空中広場
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Second Area Mine 第2鉱区採掘所
Reward: 1200 Gil, 2 Hi-Potions, Bulky Coat

3. Gilgame ギルガメ
Rank: C
Client: Nanau ナナウ
Giza Plains, Young Crystal Area 幼き水晶のほとり
Location: Giza Plains ギーザ草原
Giant's Footprint 巨獣の足跡
Reward: 3000 Gil, Phobos Leaf
Both Nanau and the Gilgame only appear when it's raining. In order to
access the Giant's Footprint, you must find the rotting trees in six
areas around the plains (星ふり原, 遊牧民の集落, 幼き水晶のほとり,
トーム丘陵, 王都への街道, ギーザス川沿岸北側) and cut them down. This
will allow you to reach Giant's Footprint from the Gibras River South
Bank area (ギーザス川沿岸南側).

4. Ultros オルトロス
Rank: A
Client: Thief Sheek どろぼうシーク
Downtown, North Area ダウンタウン北側
Location: Garamsythe Waterway カラムサイズ水路
South Reservoir 南部取水廊
Reward: 3000 Gil, Holakty Flame, Ether Water
In order to get Ultros appear, you must have an all-female party (Ashe,
Penelo, and Fran) and enter the center part of the room. After he actually
appears, you can change to whatever party members you wish.

5. Trickster トリックスター
Rank: A
Client: Chocobo Renter Gardy チョコボ屋ガーディ
Bur-Omisace, White Sand Path 白砂の小路
Location: Paramina Rift パラミナ大峡谷
Frozen Brook 氷結するせせらぎ
Reward: 4800 Gil, Demos Clay
Trickster only appears during a blizzard.

6. Antlion アントリオン
Rank: A
Client: Nirei ニレイ
Bhujerba, Floating Cloud Path 浮き雲通り
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Ninth Area Mine 第9鉱区採掘場
Reward: 4300 Gil, Bubble Chain, Sabursize

7. Belit ベリト
Rank: A
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea 大砂海ナム・エンサ
Windy Bank, South Area 風化する岸辺
Reward: 5100 Gil, Last Elixir
In order to reach the south area, you must enter from the Zertinan Caves.

8. Ixion イクシオン
Rank: S
Client: Bar Girl 白波亭の娘
Balfonheim, Bar
Location: Pharos Underground 大灯台 地下層
Dusk Ascent 闇昏の層 内郭
Reward: 3000 Gil, Agazai, Ragnarok

9. God 神
Rank: S
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Pharos Underground 大灯台 地下層
Unknown Goal 行き先不明
Reward: 20000 Gil, 2 Last Elixirs
You must first defeat the Phoenix in the Shadow Ascent (暗影の層).

10. Carrot キャロット
Rank: H
Client: Zamadoria ザマドリア
Nalbina Fortress, Airport 飛空挺ターミナル
Location: Salikawood サリカ樹林
Treelined Road 木もれ日の路
Reward: 5200 Gil, Stink Bomb, Smelly Fluid

11. Mysterious Man 謎の男
Rank: H
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Tasshe Bridge (First Time) タッシェ橋
Seventh Area Factory (Second Time) 第7鉱区作業所
Reward: 10000 Gil, Masamune

12. King Behemoth キングベヒーモス
Rank: H
Client: Kokomin ココミン
Downtown, South Area ダウンタウン南側
Location: Feywood 幻妖の森
End of Will 思の最果て
Reward: 250 Gil, Bacchus Wine
You must defeat all of the Behemoths in the End of Will and Heroic Ice
Plains (英知の氷原) zones first.

13. Yazmat ヤズマット
Rank: X
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Ridorana Cataract リドルアナ大瀑布
Colosseum コロシアム
Reward: 30000 Gil, Godkiller's Crest

How ya doing, buddy?
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 3, 2006, 02:25 PM #31 of 64
Originally Posted by CuteChocobo
The last summon Zodiac(ゾディアーク) is a b**ch to get... >_<
You will need to satisfy the condition of
1) Get any 10 summons
2) and you need to 'find' the creature... which involves a lotsa walking.

As for mist knacks, you will need to chain them up without breaks. E.g. Level 1 MK 3 times, you will get inferno... I am not really good at explaning mist knacks >_< hopefully someone else can assist ya in that one

Also, as for your comment of 'full armor and weapon'
*gasp* dude, are you gonna spent that long in FFXII? I have seen ppl spending 150hr+ and their license board isn't that completed yet... so I suggest ya just focus on specific build first... else you will find a lotsa trouble at the end games

at the moment im 46 hours played already im my "chess" is gettin fuller now so to be honest I dont see myself fighting for more than 30 hpurs to get all that ... I dont know but we will see I do enjoy fighting in this game

about the mist knack what do I have to press? to do the chain I cant make more than 1 O_O

excuse the shait english :/
Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 3, 2006, 09:24 PM Local time: Apr 4, 2006, 10:24 AM #32 of 64
Mist Cart appears only if that character has a Summon or Mist Knack
learned. Summons and Mist Knacks require a 'stock' of MP called a
Mist Cartridge. Mist Cartridges are earned at a certain amount of MP.
For instance, if your character has a max MP of 50, then they will get
a Mist Cartridge (represented as a glowing orange bar) at 50 MP.
As your characters learn more Mist Knacks/Summons, they can carry
more Mist Cartridges, up to 3. So if your character has two Mist
Cartridges learned, they can actually have an MP of 100 out of 50;
at 100, they would have two Mist Cartridges. The number of Mist
Cartridges required to use a particular Summon or Mist Knack varies.

Another thing that can be done with Mist Knacks is links (renkei,
連携). While a Mist Knack is active, you can use another Mist Knack
to combo for greater damage. All you have to do to do so is to press
the button next to the character's name (for instance, if you use
Van's Mist Knack and you have Balflear and Fran in your party, X might
appear next to Balflear's name and T next to Fran's name). Pressing
R2 will shuffle which button is assigned to what. The reason for
shuffling is that sometimes you'll get a button that is assigned to
"Cartridge" (カートリッジ). If you select Cartridge, each character
temporarily gains back their Mist Cartridges, meaning they can do their
Mist Knacks again. In other words, you can chain Mist Knacks as long
as you can keep getting Cartridges to come up. However, the longer
you go the time allowed to input the next command goes down, so it
becomes harder and harder to combo.
(Credit from EChang)
Hope that helps

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 4, 2006, 02:35 AM Local time: Apr 4, 2006, 08:35 AM #33 of 64
Originally Posted by CuteChocobo
Okay, as B4 asked for it! A detailed Mob Hunt list from my translation friend EChang (Credit to him)

Its a huge Mob Hunt List and thats why I use Spoiler tags:

1. Stray Tomato はぐれトマト
Rank: E
Client: Tomaj トマジ
Rabanastre, Bar
Location: Dalmasca Estersand 東ダルマスカ砂漠
Sandy Hill 砂段の丘
Reward: 300 Gil, Potion, Teleport Stone
You should find him as soon as you leave. After about half health, he
runs down the hill, but just go down there to catch up to him and finish
him off.

2. Texta テクスタ
Rank: E
Client: Gasuri ガスリ
Rabanastre, Bar
Location: Dalmasca Westersand 西ダルマスカ砂漠
Galtea Hill ガルテア丘陵
Reward: 500 Gil, Headguard, Teleport Stone
Just turn a left as soon as you leave Rabanastre and follow the wall south
to find this guy. He summons Wolfs, so be careful.

3. Flower Cactrot 花サボテン
Rank: E
Client: Dantoro ダントロ
Dalmasca Estersand, Camp 小キャンプ
Location: Dalmasca Estersand 東ダルマスカ砂漠
Sand Crest Labyrinth 砂紋の迷宮
Reward: 500 Gil, 10 Potions
This is actually the first part in a larger subevent that leads to getting
the Barheim Key, which is necessary for getting the Zaruera summon.

4. Wraith レイス
Rank: E
Clien: Milha ミルハ
Downtown, North Area ダウンタウン北部
Location: Garamsythe Waterway カラムサイズ水路
Final Processing Zone 最終処理区画
Reward: 500 Gil, Ether, Gauntlet
All you have to do is take the stairs down from Downtown and you'll be
in the right room. Go towards the center and he'll appear. He casts
Death Sentence and Dark frequently, so be warned.

5. Nizheg ニーズヘッグ
Rank: E
Client: Eicom エイコム
Bhujerba, Minefront Plaza 採掘場前小広場
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
First Transport Corridor 第1運送路
Reward: 600 Gil, Rose Corsage, Bakrasaba

6. Wyvern Lord ワイバーンロード
Rank: D
Client: Shalare シャルアール
Rabanastre, Weapon Shop
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea 大砂海ナム・エンサ
Sirocco Heights 熱風の下りる高台
Reward: 1000 Gil, Longbow, Shell Shield

7. Enkedras エンケドラス
Rank: D
Client: Chief Shugam 小長老シュグム
Jahara, Elder Hill 古き者たちの丘
Location: Ozmone Plains オズモーネ平原
Cracked Valley ひびわれ谷
Reward: 1100 Gil, Ether, Gold Amulet
In order to get him to appear, first defeat all enemies in the zone, then
zone out and zone back in.

8. Kerogeros ケロゲロス
Rank: D
Client: Sadin サーディーン
Giza Plains, Nomad Camp 遊牧民の集落
Location: Giza Plains ギーザ草原
Starfall Plain 星ふり原
Reward: 1200 Gil, Snake Rod, Teleport Stone
Both Sadin and the Kerogeros only appear when it's raining.

9. Ishtam イシュタム
Rank: D
Client: Big Chief Zayar 大長老ザヤル
Jahara, Elder Hill 古き者たちの丘
Location: Henne Mines ヘネ魔石鉱
First Tunnel 第1期坑道
Reward: Ether, Soul Powder

10. Ring Dragon リングドラゴン
Rank: C
Client: Balzac バルザック
Downtown, North Area ダウンタウン北側
Location: Dalmasca Westersand 西ダルマスカ砂漠
Wind Crest Land 風紋の地
Reward: 200 Gil, Moon Ring, Icebrand
The Ring Dragon appears in the larger of the two parts of Wind Crest Land,
and he only appears when there is a sandstorm.

11. Chopper チョッパー
Rank: C
Client: Hims ヒムス
Bur-Omisace, White Sand Passage 白砂の小路
Location: Paramina Rift パラミナ大峡谷
Ice Dragon's Bones 氷竜の骨
Reward: 1500 Gil, Cross Recurve, 2 Teleport Stones

12. Vorpal Bunny ボーパルバニー
Rank: C
Client: Nefiria ネフィーリア
Eluyt Village, Spirit-dwelling Tree 精霊の住む大樹
Location: Golmore Jungle ゴルモア大森林
Leaf-stained Road 葉ずれのしみる路
Reward: 2000 Gil, Lightning Arrow, Gilly Boots

13. Atomos アトモス
Rank: C
Client: Broppo ブロッポ
Nalbina Fortress, Jazim Bazaar ジャジム・バザー
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste モスフォーラ山地
North Mountainface 北の山すそ
Reward: 1800 Gil, Earth Rod, Diamond Shield

14. Mindflare マインドフレア
Rank: B
Client: Warrior Chief Grom 戦士グロム
Jahara, Peaceful Land やすらぎの大地
Location: Henne Mines ヘネ魔石鉱
First Mining Area 第1期採掘現場
Reward: 2200 Gil, Carmaniore

15. Burai ブライ
Rank: B
Client: Merchant Vacanza 行商人ヴァカンサ
Mosphoran Highwaste, Sound of Water 水音の伝わる処
Location: Salikawood サリカ樹林
Treering Road 年輪を重ねる路
Reward: 1700 Gil, Obelisk, Hi-Ether

16. Dark Steal ダークスティール
Rank: B
Client: Man Who Wants To Go Home ふるさとへ帰りたい男
Archades, Weapon Shop
Location: Sochen Cave Palace ソーヘン地下宮殿
Path of Temptation 誘惑を振りほどく路
Reward: 3000 Gil, Lead Quarrel, Adamantite

17. White Mousse ホワイトムース
Rank: A
Client: Solbe ソルベ
Rabanastre, West Gate
Location: Garamsythe Waterway ガラムサイズ水路
West Water Level Maintenance Area 西部水量調整区
Reward: 2800 Gil, Yoichi's Bow

18. Marilith マリリス
Rank: A
Client: Barmaster 酒場のマスター
Rabanastre, Bar
Location: Zertinan Caves ゼルテニアン洞窟
Heretic Cave 異端を誘う岩窟
Reward: 2200 Gil, Snake Eye, 3 Teleport Stones

19. Bloody ブラッディ
Rank: A
Client: Prisoner #381 囚人381号
Dalmasca Estersand, Nebra River Camp South
Location: Barheim Passage バルハイム地下道
West New Road 西部新坑道区
Reward: 2400 Gil, Stun Bomb, Bloodsucker Fang

20. Viral ヴィラール
Rank: A
Client: Travelling Viera 旅のヴィエラ
Balfonheim, Bar
Location: Cerobi Steppe セロビ台地
North Hill 北部段丘
Reward: 3500 Gil, Halberd, Crystal Shield

21. Lindwulm リンドヴルム
Rank: A
Client: Fulmon フルモン
Old Archades, Windy Road むかい風の路地
Location: Tchita Uplands ツィッタの湿原
Garden of Beginning and End 終焉と旅立ちの庭
Reward: 4200 Gil, Barrel Coat, Hi-Ether
Lindwulm only appears when it's foggy.

22. Piscodemon ピスコディーモン
Rank: A
Client: Ivanus アイヴァヌス
Bur-Omisace, Temple 神殿境内
Location: Giruvegan 古代都市ギルヴェガン
Gate of Fire 火の門
Reward: 3800 Gil, Dark Shot, Collapse Fragment

23. Robby ロビー
Rank: S
Client: Morgan モルガン
Nalbina Fortress, Western Plaza 外郭西広場
Location: Nabreus Deadlands ナプレウス湿原
Eternity-gazing Plateau 永遠を見下ろす高台
Reward: 3100 Gil, Giant's Helmet, Mithril

24. Overlord オーバーロード
Rank: S
Client: Sheek That Wants To Be Popular モテたいシーク
Archades, Skill Shop
Location: Sochen Cave Palace ソーヘン地下宮殿
Corridor of No Regrets 迷いを捨てる路
Reward: 3500 Gil, Hi-Ether, Teleport Stone

25. Goliath ゴリアテ
Rank: S
Client: Barong バロング
Nalbina Fortress, Western Plaza 外郭西広場
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis 死都ナブディス
Corridor of Strength 力宿る回廊
Reward: 3600 Gil, Save The Queen, Einherjar

26. Deathscythe デスサイズ
Rank: S
Client: Popol ポポル
Nalbina Fortress, Jazim Bazaar ジャジム・バザー
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis 死都ナプディス
Hall of the Proud 気高き者たちの間
Reward: 2800 Gil, 2 Hi-Ethers, Soul of Thamasa
Deathscythe only appears if you are near-death.

27. Catoblepas カトブレパス
Rank: S
Client: Warrior Chief Spinel 戦士長スピネル
Jahara, Peaceful Land やすらぎの大地
Location: Zertinan Caves ゼルテニアン洞窟
Hourglass Valley 砂時計の谷
Reward: 3200 Gil, Burkano Type, Arctic Wind

38. Wild Molbol ワイルドモルボル
Rank: S
Client: Letina
Eluyt Village, Spirit-dwelling Tree 精霊の住む大樹
Location: Feywood
Garden of Aromatic Flowers
Reward: 4600 Gil, Euclid's Ruler

29. Diabolos ディアボロス
Rank: H
Client: Micleo ミクリオ
Bhujerba, Miners Residence 採掘作業員居住区
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Eleventh Area Mine 第11鉱区採掘所
Reward: 2600 Gil, Demon's Shield, Mace of Zeus
In order to gain access to the Eleventh Area, you must first complete
the Antlion mob (one of the Clan mobs, below), then go to the Hunter's
Camp in the Phon Coast to get it from the man who used to live in

30. Deathgaze デスゲイズ
Rank: H
Client: Travelling Family 旅行好きの一家
Bhujerba, Airport 飛空挺ターミナル
Location: Airship
Reward: 3400 Gil, 2 Elixirs
Deathgaze appears WHILE you are travelling on the airship, possibly from
Rabanastre to Bhujerba only.

31. Fabnir ファーヴニル
Rank: H
Client: Iha
Bur-Omisace, Passage to the Temple
Location: Paramina Rift
Silverflow's End (West Side)
Reward: 7000 Gil, One-hit Arrow, Teleport Stone
Fabnir only appears during a blizzard.

32. Pilelaster パイルラスタ
Rank: H
Client: Ricky リッキー
Balfonheim, Sasshio Road サッシオ通り
Location: Pharos First Ascent 大灯台下層
Quenching Plaza かわき満たす広場
Reward: 8000 Gil, Grand Mace, 2 Collapse Fragments

1. Niwatoris ニワトリス
Rank: E
Client: Dania ダーニャ
Giza Plain, Nomad Camp 遊牧民の集落
Location: Giza Plains ギーザ草原
Gizas Riverbank North ギーザス川沿岸北側
Reward: 1000 Gil, Jackboots, Rainbow Egg
Dania only appears when it's sunny. To get the Niwatoris to appear, first
defeat all enemies in the area, then rezone. Approach the small yellow
chick-like enemies to get the Niwatoris to appear. You have to defeat all
of the enemies, not just the Niwatoris, for this mission to be complete.

2. Rock Titas ロックタイタス
Rank: E
Client: Pirika ピリカ
Bhujerba, Kuz Square クス空中広場
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Second Area Mine 第2鉱区採掘所
Reward: 1200 Gil, 2 Hi-Potions, Bulky Coat

3. Gilgame ギルガメ
Rank: C
Client: Nanau ナナウ
Giza Plains, Young Crystal Area 幼き水晶のほとり
Location: Giza Plains ギーザ草原
Giant's Footprint 巨獣の足跡
Reward: 3000 Gil, Phobos Leaf
Both Nanau and the Gilgame only appear when it's raining. In order to
access the Giant's Footprint, you must find the rotting trees in six
areas around the plains (星ふり原, 遊牧民の集落, 幼き水晶のほとり,
トーム丘陵, 王都への街道, ギーザス川沿岸北側) and cut them down. This
will allow you to reach Giant's Footprint from the Gibras River South
Bank area (ギーザス川沿岸南側).

4. Ultros オルトロス
Rank: A
Client: Thief Sheek どろぼうシーク
Downtown, North Area ダウンタウン北側
Location: Garamsythe Waterway カラムサイズ水路
South Reservoir 南部取水廊
Reward: 3000 Gil, Holakty Flame, Ether Water
In order to get Ultros appear, you must have an all-female party (Ashe,
Penelo, and Fran) and enter the center part of the room. After he actually
appears, you can change to whatever party members you wish.

5. Trickster トリックスター
Rank: A
Client: Chocobo Renter Gardy チョコボ屋ガーディ
Bur-Omisace, White Sand Path 白砂の小路
Location: Paramina Rift パラミナ大峡谷
Frozen Brook 氷結するせせらぎ
Reward: 4800 Gil, Demos Clay
Trickster only appears during a blizzard.

6. Antlion アントリオン
Rank: A
Client: Nirei ニレイ
Bhujerba, Floating Cloud Path 浮き雲通り
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Ninth Area Mine 第9鉱区採掘場
Reward: 4300 Gil, Bubble Chain, Sabursize

7. Belit ベリト
Rank: A
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea 大砂海ナム・エンサ
Windy Bank, South Area 風化する岸辺
Reward: 5100 Gil, Last Elixir
In order to reach the south area, you must enter from the Zertinan Caves.

8. Ixion イクシオン
Rank: S
Client: Bar Girl 白波亭の娘
Balfonheim, Bar
Location: Pharos Underground 大灯台 地下層
Dusk Ascent 闇昏の層 内郭
Reward: 3000 Gil, Agazai, Ragnarok

9. God 神
Rank: S
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Pharos Underground 大灯台 地下層
Unknown Goal 行き先不明
Reward: 20000 Gil, 2 Last Elixirs
You must first defeat the Phoenix in the Shadow Ascent (暗影の層).

10. Carrot キャロット
Rank: H
Client: Zamadoria ザマドリア
Nalbina Fortress, Airport 飛空挺ターミナル
Location: Salikawood サリカ樹林
Treelined Road 木もれ日の路
Reward: 5200 Gil, Stink Bomb, Smelly Fluid

11. Mysterious Man 謎の男
Rank: H
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Lhusu Mines ルース魔石鉱
Tasshe Bridge (First Time) タッシェ橋
Seventh Area Factory (Second Time) 第7鉱区作業所
Reward: 10000 Gil, Masamune

12. King Behemoth キングベヒーモス
Rank: H
Client: Kokomin ココミン
Downtown, South Area ダウンタウン南側
Location: Feywood 幻妖の森
End of Will 思の最果て
Reward: 250 Gil, Bacchus Wine
You must defeat all of the Behemoths in the End of Will and Heroic Ice
Plains (英知の氷原) zones first.

13. Yazmat ヤズマット
Rank: X
Client: Montblanc モンブラン
Rabanastre, Clan HQ クラン本部
Location: Ridorana Cataract リドルアナ大瀑布
Colosseum コロシアム
Reward: 30000 Gil, Godkiller's Crest
You can add missing things on Wiki from here =)

Most amazing jew boots
"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
- Assassin's Creed Ending
XBOX 360 LiVE ID: B4 Hunter PL
Playing on X360: Assassin's Creed, HALO 3
Playing on PC: Gears of War, Call of Duty 4
Contents Under Pressure

Member 1142

Level 22.05

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 4, 2006, 06:12 PM Local time: Apr 5, 2006, 04:12 AM #34 of 64
I need to check out all the judges unmasked.
I need pics of all of them ,can someone help me here??

There's nowhere I can't reach.
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 5, 2006, 02:56 AM Local time: Apr 5, 2006, 08:56 AM #35 of 64
Originally Posted by Sexninja
I need to check out all the judges unmasked.
I need pics of all of them ,can someone help me here??
Well it's nothing... awesome. Most of them are old fags and only one is young. There is one female and 4 males. There is nothing to look at =)

Most amazing jew boots
"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
- Assassin's Creed Ending
XBOX 360 LiVE ID: B4 Hunter PL
Playing on X360: Assassin's Creed, HALO 3
Playing on PC: Gears of War, Call of Duty 4
Contents Under Pressure

Member 1142

Level 22.05

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 5, 2006, 04:57 AM Local time: Apr 5, 2006, 02:57 PM #36 of 64
Grace he female is also old??

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Spinal Tap
Syklis Green

Member 2060

Level 6.75

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 5, 2006, 03:30 PM #37 of 64
Gabranth (the judge who plays the biggest role) can be seen without a helmet in this movie:

His appearance is a pretty big spoiler, though.

He's related to another character

I was speaking idiomatically.
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 6, 2006, 02:56 AM Local time: Apr 6, 2006, 08:56 AM #38 of 64
Originally Posted by Sexninja
Grace he female is also old??
Yeah =( Old fag in a helmet... shame that it's not some hot chick =D

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
- Assassin's Creed Ending
XBOX 360 LiVE ID: B4 Hunter PL
Playing on X360: Assassin's Creed, HALO 3
Playing on PC: Gears of War, Call of Duty 4
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2006, 03:01 PM #39 of 64

yay thanks to all of you I learnt how to use Mist knack! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and shocking!!!! I managed to make 142 chain hits! but from 100 I started getting the same things :/ so there was no point carring on

Sorry about the size :/

I got "shiva" if y wanna called like that lol ( the second summon ) and I just found Capricorn in a cave but I need alittle bit more LP to be strong enough to kill him. Now Im was supposed t be going to Arcadia or some place like that BUT Im still fighting and getting loooooooooooooooooooooots of level! I will go to arcadia at level 50 at least ( im at 42 at the moment )

I have to say that this is the best Final Fantasy Ive ever played since Final Fantasy Tactics!!!!!! it soooo exciting and I cant get bored of fighting!

excuse the shait english :/
I got a signature.

Member 244

Level 9.75

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2006, 04:20 PM Local time: Apr 9, 2006, 11:20 PM #40 of 64
You sure got high stats with only one Mist Knack for Fran. o.o
I am probably not much higher level-wise than you, but everyone has got 3 Mistknacks by now (which is very useful, since your MP increase by 300% when activating all three mist knacks)... Oh yeah, my max. Chain was around 250, I stopped after that because beating up poor bats is really something you shouldn't do. =( (The Lu-se Hamaseki Mines are excellent for getting a ridiculously high Combat Chain count~)

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
I'm a placeholder. I'm there to unnecessarily waste your bandwith and annoy the shit out of you. Too bad that I'm too small to make any difference.
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2006, 05:02 PM Local time: Apr 9, 2006, 11:02 PM #41 of 64
What about Mist Combo? My max was 21 and Normal Chain Combo was 302 on skeletons in mines =)

How ya doing, buddy?
"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
- Assassin's Creed Ending
XBOX 360 LiVE ID: B4 Hunter PL
Playing on X360: Assassin's Creed, HALO 3
Playing on PC: Gears of War, Call of Duty 4
Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2006, 03:07 AM Local time: Apr 10, 2006, 04:07 PM #42 of 64
Yeah my Chain Combo was ~280 in the mines too XD

As for my mist combo, the highest I got was 32.... but that was one time eh The rest I just get about avg 15-20... still the damage was amazing!!

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2006, 03:39 AM #43 of 64
I just realised how to use-and-get the myst knack :/ that was the last thing to get on my mind but now Im buying it like a maniac I wasnt awared about the damage that those combos make O___O .

Is there any point keep making more chains? cos to be honest I could actually carried on but after 100 and something I strated getting the same thing and after 99 of items you dont get pass 99 like 100 if you know what I mean.

very soon I will get all my characters with more than 1 or 2 myst knack i didnt know how powerful and useful was the Mist Knack @____________@

from where do I get or buy or steal the double LP accesory? ( is that how you spell it? XD )


Most amazing jew boots
excuse the shait english :/
Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2006, 03:51 AM Local time: Apr 10, 2006, 04:51 PM #44 of 64
Accessory (sp)

Accessory Level :8
Jap Name: 金のアミュレット
Eng Name: Gold Amulet
Ability: Doubles LP gain

I think you can get that amulate by getting as a reward in a mob hunt quest or steal of 1 boss (forgot who)

Most amazing jew boots
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2006, 04:37 AM Local time: Apr 10, 2006, 10:37 AM #45 of 64
Originally Posted by CuteChocobo
Accessory (sp)

Accessory Level :8
Jap Name: 金のアミュレット
Eng Name: Gold Amulet
Ability: Doubles LP gain

I think you can get that amulate by getting as a reward in a mob hunt quest or steal of 1 boss (forgot who)
You can buy it to =)

I was speaking idiomatically.
"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
- Assassin's Creed Ending
XBOX 360 LiVE ID: B4 Hunter PL
Playing on X360: Assassin's Creed, HALO 3
Playing on PC: Gears of War, Call of Duty 4
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2006, 12:38 PM #46 of 64
thanks! I will look into it so from where do I buy it then? O_o

Most amazing jew boots
excuse the shait english :/
That's My Creed

Member 310

Level 25.54

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2006, 02:13 PM Local time: Apr 10, 2006, 08:13 PM #47 of 64
Originally Posted by Saga
thanks! I will look into it so from where do I buy it then? O_o
I'll try to look for it when I'll be playing tonight and post locations later =) So stay tuned =)

"We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each od them lies an IRREPARABLE truth."
- Assassin's Creed Ending
XBOX 360 LiVE ID: B4 Hunter PL
Playing on X360: Assassin's Creed, HALO 3
Playing on PC: Gears of War, Call of Duty 4
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 14, 2006, 05:39 AM #48 of 64
Originally Posted by B4-Hunter
I'll try to look for it when I'll be playing tonight and post locations later =) So stay tuned =)
Ive found 4 more summos!! :biggrin: im still fighting before going to arcadia any news about LP xD

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
excuse the shait english :/
Syklis Green

Member 3126

Level 8.12

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 16, 2006, 12:08 PM #49 of 64
OK!!! my LP board is absolutly Full! (70 hours and few mins lol ) - I couldnt find the double Lp thingy anywhere so I espended all my time fighting the big dinos at this place call cerobi stepped ? - I manage to make 27 mist Knack but that one was just a lucky one cos I only get now 18 or 11 xDDDDD I think the trick is using only ONE orb as much as you can so that you have more time to choose or shuffler the others- Im in level 58 ( you wonder how? I spent most of my time fighting vs little bats in the renne mines where they are in level 64 ^__^ doing mist combos they were NOThing agains me loool ) now I in Post balfoheim and they told me to go to feywood but I am NOt going to use any teleporst I enjoy fighting in this game so Im going alll the way down there WALKING! xDDDDD

something that Im not doing at the moment is the mob hunt cos I cannot find the monsters LOOOL the bloody cactus or whaever you call it is always running so FUCK IT. lool

Jam it back in, in the dark.
excuse the shait english :/
Rurounin Translator

Member 1038

Level 17.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 20, 2006, 11:19 AM Local time: Apr 21, 2006, 12:19 AM #50 of 64
Umm, yeah the mob hunt is a real bitch to handle, especially some mobs have requirements before they would appear. I actually went down and found out most requirements over this holiday break XD

The ones I find most annoying are...
Pub Mob:
- Wraith, even thou he is an E class monster but his attack really hurts low level characters
- Vorpal Bunny, she runs away at every 10% damage <_<
- Mindflare, 3 words "Requim of Time" <----- that stops all your party member for about 30 seconds and render all your buffs useless. Can things get any worse?
- Marilis, LOL took me a while to find out what are the requirements for this one...
- Robbie, his location ISN'T ON THE MAP. *sigh*

Clan Mob:
- Ultros, the perv monster, only comes out when all your party members are female
- Ixion, dunno why he is only class S.. he should be class X or something... bloody tough. However love the rewards
- Yazmotto, everyones favourite With whopper 40 million HP!!

@ Sega, what level are ya after 70 hrs?

There's nowhere I can't reach.

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