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[Anime] Code Geass: Lelouche of the Rebellion
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Member 469

Level 30.22

Mar 2006

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Old May 31, 2008, 02:44 PM #76 of 168
episode 8 was amazing. It doesn't surprise me how surprising lulouches plans are.....because they are surprising and then of course I'd be surprised...

It was awesome.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

New Record!

Member 25298

Level 18.44

Oct 2007

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Old Jun 16, 2008, 06:23 AM Local time: Jun 16, 2008, 01:23 PM 1 #77 of 168
I'm starting to get real disappointed in what season two has given to us so far. Especially the last episode (10), it was just plain bad, especially when they in some way were able to predict each others move like I don't know what and then claim they were masters of strategy and tactics. Zero is losing all the time (losing all the credibility as being some kind of evil genius which was the cool thing about him) and he's turning into a bawwing emotional bitch who's making lots of weird AND stupid decisions.

Most of the characters are losing colour in my opinion and it doesn't feel like there's any good development between them. Many characters have gotten introduced in the new season, but after a while just been left behind with no importance to the plot at all. What I liked about the first season was that practically every character introduced had some importance to the progression of the plot line.

There's like no tactics or strategy left in the series, even though I guess there wasn't too much real strategy in the first season neither, but back then it felt just a bit plausible and "OMGWTFBBQ" worthy. Anyhow, now it's all about who has the biggest mecha-penis and how many goatse-wide plot holes they can fit into one episode.

Anyone who's starting to feel the same?

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 16, 2008, 08:25 AM #78 of 168
I'm starting to get real disappointed in what season two has given to us so far. Especially the last episode (10), it was just plain bad, especially when they in some way were able to predict each others move like I don't know what and then claim they were masters of strategy and tactics. Zero is losing all the time (losing all the credibility as being some kind of evil genius which was the cool thing about him) and he's turning into a bawwing emotional bitch who's making lots of weird AND stupid decisions.

Most of the characters are losing colour in my opinion and it doesn't feel like there's any good development between them. Many characters have gotten introduced in the new season, but after a while just been left behind with no importance to the plot at all. What I liked about the first season was that practically every character introduced had some importance to the progression of the plot line.

There's like no tactics or strategy left in the series, even though I guess there wasn't too much real strategy in the first season neither, but back then it felt just a bit plausible and "OMGWTFBBQ" worthy. Anyhow, now it's all about who has the biggest mecha-penis and how many goatse-wide plot holes they can fit into one episode.

Anyone who's starting to feel the same?
Quite the opposite. Anybody who didn't survive the transistion from S1 to R2 wasn't important enough or had their story finished and over with (Shirley, for example).

The Xing-ke/Zero one upping each other in Turn 10 was largely due to the fact that Zero is no longer facing a bunch of incompetent morons this season, with Schniezel being a perfect match for Lelouch's genius and Xing-ke being his own special brand of plot hax, it's become obvious he's not going to be able to win as easily as he did the first time around, but that's part of what makes it so fun to watch.

As for the Zero baawww thing, we get one episode where he mopes about after being masterstroked by the emperor, and all of a sudden he's a whiny bitch? Wow. Sure he had his day then, but overall he's grown quite a bit and has learned to go with the flow more and not go into instant defeat mode the moment someone pulls a fast one on him, rather turning to his genius ability and his support around him to pull off comeback victories.

Return of OOOOORRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGE is going to be all kinds of great.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

#654: Braixen

Member 469

Level 30.22

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 16, 2008, 08:46 AM #79 of 168
I don't feel like season 2 has lost its touch at all. Episode 10 did bore me a little but thats because I usually like zero's plans work out and reach an awesome climax. Although it was nice to see him struggle for once and see him get caught in someone's trap, now he just going to have to work harder for it.
And what can you really expect from the character development, this is season 2 of course. Most of the characters are from season 1 and have already been introduced and thus they still share the same type of relationship with each other or have the same hate toward zero at this point its just a matter of who zero tries to screw over and how they want to get him back. And plus Xing-ke had some backstory told, doesn't that count o-0


New Record!

Member 25298

Level 18.44

Oct 2007

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Old Jun 16, 2008, 11:33 AM Local time: Jun 16, 2008, 06:33 PM 1 #80 of 168
Quite the opposite. Anybody who didn't survive the transistion from S1 to R2 wasn't important enough or had their story finished and over with (Shirley, for example).
Well yeah I know that, but still it feels like there have been too many characters introduced that I can't quite understand why they were added except for fanservice. It just feels unmotivated especially when there's barely any development on most of the characters.

The Xing-ke/Zero one upping each other in Turn 10 was largely due to the fact that Zero is no longer facing a bunch of incompetent morons this season, with Schniezel being a perfect match for Lelouch's genius and Xing-ke being his own special brand of plot hax, it's become obvious he's not going to be able to win as easily as he did the first time around, but that's part of what makes it so fun to watch.
I know why supposedly Zero is getting his ass kicked, that they're supposed to be much smarter than the average dudes he met early on in season 1. What I'm bothered about is that as a matter of fact there's no special or smart tactics going on even though they're supposed to be great tacticians or whatever, Zero is getting beat up for always doing stupid decisions, letting his emotions get in the way or because his mecha-penis is too small. And it just doesn't make any sense, the "tactics" that were used in ep 10 were real weird and I don't think anyone with in one's right mind would really risk going in like Xing-ke did just because he somehow had a feeling that Zero would do like he did. Also how come the only place in the middle of the battlefield that didn't get flooded was EXACTLY in the middle of Zero's troops and where Xing-ke's troop stood, well, how damn lucky isn't that. There's nothing genius about that, just damn luck. In the end, going after Kallen was meaningless and Zero is starting to get freaked up.

And with the hardships he's meeting now I'm just not seeing him winning over Britannia. I just don't want to see him acquire some pwnhax somewhere near the end just so he can beat Britannia.

As for the Zero baawww thing, we get one episode where he mopes about after being masterstroked by the emperor, and all of a sudden he's a whiny bitch? Wow. Sure he had his day then, but overall he's grown quite a bit and has learned to go with the flow more and not go into instant defeat mode the moment someone pulls a fast one on him, rather turning to his genius ability and his support around him to pull off comeback victories.
It's more than just that one time. What I meant with bawwing bitch side is that it's getting in the way of his battles, he's getting too emotional. It was such a stupid decision to try go after Kallen in ep 10, just because he has some feelings for her. He's getting too soft and it's helping no one.

Well hopefully, it will change later on in the season. I'm not really saying that the whole second season has been bad, been some good stuff, but the last eps definitely have been bad, in comparison to the greatness of the first season.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 16, 2008, 11:43 AM #81 of 168
Well yeah I know that, but still it feels like there have been too many characters introduced that I can't quite understand why they were added except for fanservice. It just feels unmotivated especially when there's barely any development on most of the characters.
What new fanservice characters are you speaking of? The only thing I can remember of recent was the swimsuit nonsense during the school festival, and the culprits there were all from Season One, Viletta included. And that part was not needed, I'll give you that. The only thing I can think of outside of that is the obligatory body shot of Kallen in every episode, and well, I doubt they'll stop doing that any time soon.

I know why supposedly Zero is getting his ass kicked, that they're supposed to be much smarter than the average dudes he met early on in season 1. What I'm bothered about is that as a matter of fact there's no special or smart tactics going on even though they're supposed to be great tacticians or whatever, Zero is getting beat up for always doing stupid decisions, letting his emotions get in the way or because his mecha-penis is too small. And it just doesn't make any sense, the "tactics" that were used in ep 10 were real weird and I don't think anyone with in one's right mind would really risk going in like Xing-ke did just because he somehow had a feeling that Zero would do like he did. Also how come the only place in the middle of the battlefield that didn't get flooded was EXACTLY in the middle of Zero's troops and where Xing-ke's troop stood, well, how damn lucky isn't that. There's nothing genius about that, just damn luck. In the end, going after Kallen was meaningless and Zero is starting to get freaked up.
Actually using the land is a valid warfare tactic, and it played out that way because Zero and Xing-ke both think alike, and so Xing planned ahead for Zero's tactics. It's not that hard to believe.

Also there are a number of reasons to go after Kallen. For one, she knows his true identity (Sayako is currently playing as Lelouch back at the academy), he has slight feelings for her true, but you also have to remember his Raison d'etre has changed now that Nunally is the Gov. Gen. of Area 11. He can't say that he's fighting to keep her safe and create the world for her because she more or less is, and is also part of the Brittania he wishes to overthrow. He now fights for the lives of everyone he holds close, this mainly includes everyone back at Ashford, and Kallen is included in this group. His decision to rescue her only further implants his beliefs and show that he's changing.

How ya doing, buddy?

#654: Braixen

Last edited by Tails; Jun 16, 2008 at 11:46 AM.
Tails is incompetent!

Member 5

Level 45.31

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 16, 2008, 11:57 AM Local time: Jun 17, 2008, 12:57 AM #82 of 168
And it just doesn't make any sense, the "tactics" that were used in ep 10 were real weird and I don't think anyone with in one's right mind would really risk going in like Xing-ke did just because he somehow had a feeling that Zero would do like he did. Also how come the only place in the middle of the battlefield that didn't get flooded was EXACTLY in the middle of Zero's troops and where Xing-ke's troop stood, well, how damn lucky isn't that. There's nothing genius about that, just damn luck.
Oh how about that scene at the beginning of season 1 where Zero manages to cave in an entire city block and wipe out a contingent of knightmares with just a couple well-placed shots?

Or how Lelouch times Sayoko's call to Kallen to happen at the exact moment?

Or how the Britannians just happen to enjoy building structures that are collapsible on a whim?

Or how Mao gets filled with lead and returns the next episode none the worse for wear?

Or how Rollo walks in on Suzaku surprising Lelouch with a phone call to Nunally, and immediately grasps the situation?

Or, hell, iceberg ships?

If you haven't learnt to suspend disbelief by now, you really shouldn't be watching the show.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 18

Level 51.14

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 19, 2008, 11:59 PM Local time: Jun 19, 2008, 11:59 PM #83 of 168
I think the real problem with this new season is that its pacing has gotten out of hand. Sometimes it just feels like there's too much happening and with no clear sense of direction. Too many new characters have been added and not enough old ones have died, so it seems like they're trying to do a lot with too much.

Case in point: kidnapping Tian just didn't seem as dastardly as it should be. The characters are just way too fresh and both Tian and Xing-Ke haven't had enough characterization for me to give the slightest fuck how they feel. So while Zero strokes his handlebar moustache (in spirit) and Tian cries her little lollicon eyes out I laughed and laughed and laughed.

How ya doing, buddy?

Last edited by Bradylama; Jun 20, 2008 at 12:04 AM.

Member 1808

Level 9.89

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 22, 2008, 06:13 PM Local time: Jun 22, 2008, 11:13 PM #84 of 168
Nekkid C.C. made episode 11.

Anya is Marianne's reincarnation, or is very closely related to Marianne (clone lol). This explains why Marianne told her bodyguards to leave her before she was murdered, and why C.C. says "is that how it is?". Apparantly Anya's hairstyle is the same as young Marianne in a pre-production sketch, but I've yet to see the picture in question.

Total shocker: Zero and Xing Ke made an alliance.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Member 18

Level 51.14

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 23, 2008, 12:00 AM Local time: Jun 23, 2008, 12:00 AM #85 of 168
The episode that launched 1000 doujins.

Seriously this shit is just awful. The show is getting way too big for its britches and the writers can't handle geopolitics for shit. The Eunuch Generals are cardboard cutout aristocrats and a national revolt is treated with the significance of a sneeze. Nevermind the godawful scene where everybody stands around funneling exposition from their stupid mouths so Lelouche can learn the power of heart with the help of Shirley's fanservice.

And the Order? What is that shit? A mystery that's gone on for a season and a half and whoopdy fuck it's casual conversation.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Tails is incompetent!

Member 5

Level 45.31

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 23, 2008, 12:38 AM Local time: Jun 23, 2008, 01:38 PM #86 of 168
I just realized this show is directed by the same guy who worked on Planetes. Even the music staff is the same.

Fanboy mode engaged

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
nunally vi brittania commands you...

Member 1131

Level 41.71

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 1, 2008, 08:07 AM Local time: Jul 1, 2008, 08:07 PM #87 of 168
Episode 12 is a definite proof that Geass is made for harem game

Sayoko made LeLouch busy making promise to date all girls within the next 6 month.

A funny episode, I laughed pretty hard in some scenes actually.

You all think you got good deals, huh? Ha! You frugal and observant shoppers have more to learn.

None of that approaches this:
*censored for sake of signature size*
The Mr. Methane CD, purchased over ebay for .01¢. Yeah, free shipping. This guy performs all sorts of neat stuff, including the doot doot, doot doot from the Blue Danube.

Allow me to share a track from this CD. Here ya go.
I think he should have paid you .01¢ instead.

Member 18

Level 51.14

Feb 2006

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Old Jul 2, 2008, 12:58 PM Local time: Jul 2, 2008, 12:58 PM #88 of 168
There used to be a real gravity to Zero's actions that just doesn't exist anymore. The disparity between Eleven and Britanian lifestyles used to be a constant reminder of the world's dystopia, but I don't think they've even attempted to touch on this theme since the first episode. Everything since then has been all about Zero's crew and the school. It just keeps spiraling into this social drama nonsense while behind-the-scenes machinations are dealt with the most half-hearted exposition I've ever seen. Oh something bad's gonna happen, you know it's gonna be bad because we say so.

I guess they understand their audience, though.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 2, 2008, 01:23 PM #89 of 168
Well the school nonsense is probably going to come to an end very shortly. Milly is gone, Kallen is off FIGHTING TO SAVE THE WORLD, Nina is somewhere being a crazy racist bitch, and
Shirley dies in the next episode
, so the show SHOULD go back to being about the real fight in very short order.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

#654: Braixen
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 940

Level 19.45

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 8, 2008, 07:19 PM Local time: Jul 8, 2008, 04:19 PM #90 of 168
If you haven't learnt to suspend disbelief by now, you really shouldn't be watching the show.
For the most part I'm willing to suspend disbelief to enjoy a good show, but lately I've been wondering if this show is even worth watching anymore
Much like Rolo and Villeta Lelouch manages to convince Gottwald (Orange-kun) to join him after a brief dialogue about Lelouch's mother and how she was actually Gottwald's first charge. Wow really? is Lelouch that good that all he needs to make someone switch sides is to exchange like 4 lines of dialogue? Maybe he should go have a talk with his dad. And for like the past 3 episodes they've built up Gottwald as this character who was going to take vengence on the people who put him in his miserable state. Who knows maybe there is more at work here.

Shirley dies, and really for no reason other than she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and talked to the wrong person, it doesn't feel like the event really moved the plot at all, it seemed like the writers felt they needed to kill someone again and they happened to pull Shirley's name out of the hat this time. Though from the dialogue before she dies it sounds like they may or may not do something with her. But either way the writers are pretty damned.

I've suspended my disbelief for a while now hoping the series would pick itself up soon, but from the previews it looks like they've already magically found the place where V.V is set-up his super secret lair, no doubt characters will randomly die and allegiances will switch.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Last edited by Yggdrasil; Jul 8, 2008 at 07:22 PM.
Tails is incompetent!

Member 5

Level 45.31

Feb 2006

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Old Jul 8, 2008, 08:28 PM Local time: Jul 9, 2008, 09:28 AM #91 of 168
If you're still saying that even after the latest episode, drop it now. Delete all episodes. Forget it ever existed. It's obvious that you're not even following the plot anymore.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Last edited by Bigblah; Jul 8, 2008 at 08:32 PM.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 8, 2008, 08:32 PM #92 of 168
Yeah, the ORANGE thing was explained back in the picture dramas from the first season. If you can't see why he'd change sides to side with the guy whose mother is the very person he failed to protect with his life which in turn lead to his sort of downward spiral, then you are several different kinds of retarded.

Also, agreeing with Blah.

Also also, fuck yes ORRRRRRANGE.

Order of the ORANGE Knights.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

#654: Braixen
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 940

Level 19.45

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 9, 2008, 04:16 PM Local time: Jul 9, 2008, 01:16 PM #93 of 168
Perhaps I worded my post in a wierd way, my gripe isn't so much with orange's side switching, its with how quickly and easily it happened. We get several glimpses of this guy in previous episodes to build him up to be some kind of major new nemesis, and all we get is him having a short fight on the campus, and a conversation with Lelouch before he switches sides. One would figure with the build-up they gave Orange that a bit more should've happened before Orange heard what Lelouch had to say, instead it all ended very quickly and rather disappointingly.

But maybe its just me

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 18

Level 51.14

Feb 2006

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Old Jul 15, 2008, 07:37 AM Local time: Jul 15, 2008, 07:37 AM #94 of 168
I kept trying to put my finger on why Code Geass sucks all of a sudden (yes even the last episode you nerds).

There's no more risk. Oh sure there's never really a risk of LeLouche and various biting the dust as with all other protagonists. If they could really die there wouldn't be much of a show, but the key is in making obstacles seem difficult if not insurmountable (only to be overcome by a helping spoonful of chakra).

This just doesn't happen anymore. The Black Knights have become the elite wing of a standing army. The United States of Japan is for all intents and purposes a sovereign country with its own territory and the military backing of an entire superpower acquired through ridiculous plot development. The appeal of a ragtag group of freedom fighters combating the system from within and fomenting a popular revolt just isn't there any more. LeLouche no longer requires subterfuge and treachery, he can simply send an armored division to level the facility of a secret cult with all the characterization of a door mat.

The show's gotten away from itself. It's got no soul and zero sense of pacing. The cast has become too large and the attempts to thin its ranks are hamfisted and prone to cheap melodrama. Bloo bloo bloo Shirley now you're dead, I'll honor your memory by committing genocide.

Which brings me more to the next point. There's no reason to give a fuck about anybody anymore. With all the Chinese bullshit and Ashford academy slice-of-life nonsense there's been no room for characterization. Returning characters from the original season are re-introduced with all the fanfare of a silent fart and given no indication of what they've been doing, or what their motives are. Not even people seem like people. In the previous season the realities of life in Area 11 were constantly emphasized. The disparities between Britannians and former Japanese gave real meaning to the struggle, and the prejudices of both sides while flawed were understandable.

Now there's no mention of Elevens which had factored in so prominently before. The focus has entirely been on geopolitics and the Ashford Academy hoopla. Focusing all attention on the "good life" in a system which by all rights should not exist makes it unclear why it's worth destroying in the first place. Further, the Black Knights are now driving the murder wagon, matter-of-factly massacring thousands of civilians belonging to an under-developed cult which apparently produces Geass users in a facility which had no previous indication of being occupied at all, let alone being a fucking research facility. Even the children were slaughtered, yet they're also amoral killing machines so beyond the basic idea that indiscriminate slaughter == bad I don't see why I should give a fuck what LeLouche has done or even why, specifically, it was wrong.

It's spiraling into a tailspin of mediocrity and hamfisted plot development. The same thing happened to Gundam Seed Destiny before it turned into an absolute shit pile so I think I'll enjoy the coming trainwreck and nerd rage.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Tails is incompetent!

Member 5

Level 45.31

Feb 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2008, 01:03 PM Local time: Jul 26, 2008, 02:03 AM #95 of 168
For those who are wondering, this is what happened during Zero's absence between R1 and R2:

YouTube Video
YouTube Video

so what if it's non-canon

Most amazing jew boots
Tails is incompetent!

Member 5

Level 45.31

Feb 2006

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Old Aug 11, 2008, 05:25 AM Local time: Aug 11, 2008, 06:25 PM #96 of 168
Episode 18 was R1's 22 all over again, except this time
Suzaku pulls the trigger

I knew that Geass would activate in the worst way possible

That was simply poetic. We're not even close to the end yet.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by Bigblah; Aug 11, 2008 at 05:38 AM.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 11, 2008, 06:03 AM #97 of 168
Episode 18 was R1's 22 all over again, except this time
Fixed your post for you. Kallen is fucking back, everyone else can get fucked and die.

Even if what is being hinted at between Todou and Asahina happens, Kallen and ORRRRRANGE are pretty much all Zero needs at this point, seeing as how Orange is now Captain Badass and the new Gurren is the most overpowered mech I've ever seen in my entire life, moreso than the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice from SEED.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

#654: Braixen

Member 25298

Level 18.44

Oct 2007

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Old Aug 11, 2008, 06:44 AM Local time: Aug 11, 2008, 01:44 PM #98 of 168

Lelouche and C.C alone in the whole world ending CONFIRMED (because now he's headed for world destruction I'm sure, starting off with Rolo.)

I've been looking forward to this. I don't want an everyone's alive and happy ending.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 11, 2008, 07:39 AM #99 of 168
I'd be pretty miffed if they decided to pull a KILL EM ALL now, but you're on the money about the Rolo thing. His ass is going to be dead very, very shortly.

And god damn I love that avatar, nanaman.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

#654: Braixen

Member 8

Level 26.84

Feb 2006

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Old Aug 11, 2008, 09:44 AM Local time: Aug 11, 2008, 07:44 AM #100 of 168
The only way this could get better is by taking Nina out along with Rolo. She's got to be the worst Britannian in the series.

Still holding out for an "it was all a geass-induced haze set by the Emperor and Lelouche is actually dying" copout ending that leads to Code Geass R3: Nunnaly of the Revolution.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

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