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Chrono Resurrection Petition
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Member 1205

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 01:23 AM #1 of 43
Chrono Resurrection Petition

This is not new news, but it may be new news to some of you out there.

A couple years back 5 people decided to make an open source game using the Unreal Tournament 2004 engine. This game that they wanted to make, was in fact a remake of Chrono Trigger, you know, the other great RPG series that Square has (besides FF, and DQ). Any how after a couple years of development, Square sent the 5 open source workers a letter to tell them to either quit production on their remake, or be sued. Of course like any other sane, middle class person they made the decision to not go against Squeenix.

We still have a chance to get this game to the fans and all it takes is thirty seconds of your time to "sign" this growing petition.

HERE -->

If you would like to see what you are supporting, you can watch the trailer for this work of art.

HERE -->

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Rurounin Translator

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 02:25 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 03:25 PM #2 of 43
I dun think this petition will effect the giant company like SE... but never the less I *signed*

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Kairi Li

Member 1088

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 02:35 AM Local time: Aug 16, 2006, 11:35 PM #3 of 43
Square Enix is not gonna listen, considering they don't have much respect for fans, cause if they do, they would have made Chrono Break right now and try to get the Xenogears crew back together. The fact that they mailed them a cease and desist letter is not cause they care about fans paying tribute that can cause copyright infringement, they just want total control of franchises they don't deserve to keep copyright of, they could have easily hired them at low costs and let them keep making the game, but they didn't.SE has alot of frachises that they chose to ignore cause of FF. Please, name me a game that is NOT FF that was a top selling game internationally recently.(KH2 doesn't count, its got FF characters and its part Disney, I'm talking about ORIGINALfranchises).

Frankly I hate Square's attitude as a company, no other game company has ever shown such disregard to it's own franchises and fans. All they care about now is profit and milking off FF. Look at Capcom, they care about fans across the world, even Asian fans ( I love the fact that the Asian HK version of RE4 was the USA version, but ported to a JP PS2 system.) and not just fans in the US. Hideo Kojima has a online blog with videos, which includes english versions. Now compare all this with Square.

Most amazing jew boots

{ :: ~ Air - the 1000th Summer ~ :: }

:: That sea went on forever, into the blue distance ::
* That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead *

~ : Summer comes again, shining silver : ~
: When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky :

Last edited by Kairi Li; Aug 17, 2006 at 02:40 AM.
oh shi-

Member 445

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 02:43 AM Local time: Aug 16, 2006, 11:43 PM #4 of 43
This project drives me nuts because it was never planned as being a remake of the game. The team never had any intentions of ever releasing a playable version of this. It was just a project to redo some of the scenes in Chrono Trigger. Notice the extreme lack of a person that resembles a programmer? The team was made up of a bunch of modelers and animators. That kind of team isn't going to be able to make a playable game.

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Member 62

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 02:44 AM Local time: Aug 16, 2006, 11:44 PM #5 of 43
Seriously, what's with all these online petitions and their false promises of actually DOING anything.

Some kids in my school got kicked out a while ago for smoking pot. A few of their buddies started a petition to get them back into the school. K.

I understand that petitions portray a strong message, but so does flinging shit at a wall.

I was speaking idiomatically.

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Member 748

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 03:44 AM #6 of 43
Originally Posted by Kairi Li
Square Enix is not gonna listen, considering they don't have much respect for fans, cause if they do, they would have made Chrono Break right now


The fact that they mailed them a cease and desist letter is not cause they care about fans paying tribute that can cause copyright infringement, they just want total control of franchises they don't deserve to keep copyright of,


no other game company has ever shown such disregard to it's own franchises and fans.
You do not understand copyright. If they created it, they deserve the copyright, end of story. I do like, though, how you want a low-budget remake done by total ametures to be official canon while in the same breath complain about milking franchises for money. I mean, wow.

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Last edited by Sarag; Aug 17, 2006 at 03:46 AM.

Member 1331

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 05:33 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 12:33 PM #7 of 43
This game was only about the 10 most memorable scenes in Chrono Trigger which is nothing big, like Cetra is saying also. It looks nice though, but i'd rather see Chrono Break from the officials. Besides, the Japanese folks are doing all the petition work for us and bomb the officials with e-mails almost all the time. And a recent interview with the creators mentioned that they we're interested in making a new Chrono game, but when and for what is still undecided. There are also plans to port the original to handhelds.

Let's just wait, great games need time :P


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Last Star

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 08:53 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 05:53 AM #8 of 43
Originally Posted by Free.User
Seriously, what's with all these online petitions and their false promises of actually DOING anything.

Some kids in my school got kicked out a while ago for smoking pot. A few of their buddies started a petition to get them back into the school. K.

I understand that petitions portray a strong message, but so does flinging shit at a wall.
It did make Capcom re-release Phoenix Wright, and it did make them go on and translate PW2 due to the huge number of requests from fans... it's a problem with a company's attitude.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Kairi Li

Member 1088

Level 32.83

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:12 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 06:12 AM #9 of 43
Originally Posted by a lurker
You do not understand copyright. If they created it, they deserve the copyright, end of story. I do like, though, how you want a low-budget remake done by total ametures to be official canon while in the same breath complain about milking franchises for money. I mean, wow.
Or course I understand copyright, that doens't mean that Square really truly deserves those franchises when they are just sitting there collecting dust, its inevitable that they get to keep their creations, however the fact that they just let them sit there instead of doing something with it shows they just wanna focus on FF, and I mean, do you truly believe a company that is holding so much creations and franchises that people loved deserves to keep them, when they are'nt gonna do anything with it? Its all coporate control, and since when do coporation execs know how to create?

Chrono has barely even been milked, and they even have the nerve to deny fans the right to pay tribute to it. I mean you dont see Square send cease and desist to a Chrono Flash fan game,but when some people make it look full 3D they send in the letter. Are they afraid of a fan tribute is gonna be better then their game? Please, it wasn't even gonna be a full game, Square probably saw some screens, flipped and immeditly send that letter without getting facts straight. And what were they doing to the Chrono franchise? Nothing, after Cross, nothing has happend, and the fact Break's tradmark is dropped shows that they will probably do nothing on it.

A company that gives no respect to its fans and franchises doens't deserve those copyrights, unfortunatly, coporations don't run on what people want or what's right, but profit and control. I am not ignorant as to believe just cause I have my moral objections it means Square is gonna suddenly lose their copyrights.

I just hope those interviews are true and that we will get either a handheld port of Trigger or better, a brand new game.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

{ :: ~ Air - the 1000th Summer ~ :: }

:: That sea went on forever, into the blue distance ::
* That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead *

~ : Summer comes again, shining silver : ~
: When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky :

Last edited by Kairi Li; Aug 17, 2006 at 09:18 AM.
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 50

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:17 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 04:17 PM #10 of 43
You're way too naive, you'll find that a company has cery little concern for respecting the fance, they are in a business to MAKE MONEY after all, so what the hell would you expect? What game would a casual gamer choose, do you think? Final Fantasy XII, a name that they have surely heard before, and if they didn't, they would be intrigued because it seems to be like quite a big series, or a sequel to a SNES game? Get real, and think that most of the casual gamers have started with a PS or PS2-generation console, and they have little interest in something as archaic as the SNES.

Besides, they put a lot of money in producing the original, and even if they "don't espect the wishes of the fans", that still earns them the copyright, so you can whine all that you want about SE, but they won't change their mind. Even you yourself are a fan of their major franchises, so just shut up please, the original wasn't even that great to begin with, there where much better RPGs on the Snes (Romancing Saga <3).

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Last edited by Peter; Aug 17, 2006 at 09:20 AM.
Kairi Li

Member 1088

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:19 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 06:19 AM #11 of 43
I prefer people to read the full post before making a respond. And its within my right to express my opinion. Just cause I like FF's art, design and graphics doesn't mean I like all the games themselves. For one thing, FF12 is off my list and FF8 was IMO terrible.

And whether or not Trigger was great is all subjective, maybe Saga is better, maybe Trigger.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

{ :: ~ Air - the 1000th Summer ~ :: }

:: That sea went on forever, into the blue distance ::
* That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead *

~ : Summer comes again, shining silver : ~
: When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky :

Last edited by Kairi Li; Aug 17, 2006 at 09:26 AM.
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 50

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:26 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 04:26 PM #12 of 43
What the hell is wrong with defending your franchise, even if you don't do anything with it anymore, it's still YOUR property and it's NOT some public good. It's just a reality that you have to accept, you can be pissed about it all you want, but you still have to think logically. What would you do in their place? Focus all your work on a sure hit, or start on a more obscure title, that a select group of gamers wants.

Also, it's hard to read an entire post when you edit it after I posted.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Kairi Li

Member 1088

Level 32.83

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:29 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 06:29 AM #13 of 43
Well Capcom has its obscure titles and they earned alot of profit from it, like the ones from CLover Studios. Square can do the same but instead chose to just focus on FF. Out of all the big names, SE is the only company to take the easy way out.

But hey, maybe I'm the only one who thinks that way.

I was speaking idiomatically.

{ :: ~ Air - the 1000th Summer ~ :: }

:: That sea went on forever, into the blue distance ::
* That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead *

~ : Summer comes again, shining silver : ~
: When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky :

Last edited by Kairi Li; Aug 17, 2006 at 09:31 AM.
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 50

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:35 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 04:35 PM #14 of 43
So what if they take the easy way out? Given the current Japanese unstable economy, it's normal for them to focus on the sure hits, especially if you consider the failures they had in the past years.

How ya doing, buddy?
Kairi Li

Member 1088

Level 32.83

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:38 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 06:38 AM #15 of 43
I know in the end its all about profit, but it wouldn't kill them to put some originality, creativity and most of all variety in their works instead of milking of one label, and making crap games in the process(Dirge of Cerberus) I just hope the next gen games will change my mind.


{ :: ~ Air - the 1000th Summer ~ :: }

:: That sea went on forever, into the blue distance ::
* That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead *

~ : Summer comes again, shining silver : ~
: When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky :
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 50

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:42 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 04:42 PM #16 of 43
I agree with you that there's a lack of creativity, and that SE has done nothing but produce some rather shitty games lately, except for FFXII and to a certain extent KHII, but I personally find it naive to think that a big company will just change its ways because of some fan petition.

(my comments where aimed more at the thread in general, not so much to your posts, sorry if I offended you)

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Kairi Li

Member 1088

Level 32.83

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 09:44 AM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 06:44 AM #17 of 43
Its alright, I understand your points, no harm done. And I did post before that a petition wouldn't work for the reasons I overstated in the previous posts. Coporal minds. It just makes me agnry that I have to rant a little, despite the fact nothing will change.

How ya doing, buddy?

{ :: ~ Air - the 1000th Summer ~ :: }

:: That sea went on forever, into the blue distance ::
* That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead *

~ : Summer comes again, shining silver : ~
: When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky :
Slayer X
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Member 1205

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 12:15 PM #18 of 43
Perhaps nothing will come of it. But also if people sit back and do nothing, then nothing will change for sure.

Secondly I never said that everyone HAD to sign, I know that everyone has different opinions and tastes, for example you didn't like FFVIII and I think that 8 has been the best one in the series.

As for whether or not Square has any plans to do anything with the Chrono series or not is something I don't know much about and would be happy to hear more on the topic when the news arises.

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See You, Space Cowboy

Member 62

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 12:43 PM Local time: Aug 17, 2006, 09:43 AM #19 of 43
Originally Posted by yangxu
It did make Capcom re-release Phoenix Wright, and it did make them go on and translate PW2 due to the huge number of requests from fans... it's a problem with a company's attitude.
So are you saying that this project may even have a slight chance if Square-Enix sees a bunch of E-signatures?

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Member 748

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Old Aug 17, 2006, 11:07 PM #20 of 43
Originally Posted by Kairi Li
Or course I understand copyright, that doens't mean that Square really truly deserves those franchises when they are just sitting there collecting dust, its inevitable that they get to keep their creations, however the fact that they just let them sit there instead of doing something with it shows they just wanna focus on FF, and I mean, do you truly believe a company that is holding so much creations and franchises that people loved deserves to keep them, when they are'nt gonna do anything with it?
Oh my god, do you know what a period even is?

No, you do not understand copyright. if Square didn't send these guys a cease-and-desist letter - if they did not protect their copyright - then they would have lost their copyright, and any fuckwit with two dollars to rub together could make a Chrono game. I guess that's what you want though, since you go on to say

Chrono has barely even been milked, and they even have the nerve to deny fans the right to pay tribute to it.
I mean, there are no words, none at all.

Double Post:
Originally Posted by Kairi Li
Please, it wasn't even gonna be a full game, Square probably saw some screens, flipped and immeditly send that letter without getting facts straight.


Or course I understand copyright,


A company that gives no respect to its fans and franchises doens't deserve those copyrights,


Chrono has barely even been milked,


I mean, do you truly believe a company that is holding so much creations and franchises that people loved deserves to keep them, when they are'nt gonna do anything with it?
You actually want a subpar game made by newbies which looks ass ugly? You are morally awful. Why not just write fanfiction for it, the imagination is more high-res than any console.

Double Post:
Originally Posted by Kairi Li
Well Capcom has its obscure titles and they earned alot of profit from it, like the ones from CLover Studios. Square can do the same but instead chose to just focus on FF. Out of all the big names, SE is the only company to take the easy way out.
oh, lol.

What is your point, other than wanting more Chrono? Do you want them to rape CT's corpse or what, here?

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Sarag; Aug 17, 2006 at 11:20 PM. Reason: Automerged additional post.
Slayer X
Why do you not draw your sword?

Member 1205

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Mar 2006

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Old Aug 18, 2006, 02:42 AM #21 of 43
What are you talking about? The art style is quite good as well as the lighting effects and everything else. It's not supposed to look realistic, it's supposed to look somewhat like DQ8 which is what CT was meant to look like from the beginning.

Also so what if Square looses their copyright, not like they were going to do anything with it anyway.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Dark Nation

Member 722

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Old Aug 18, 2006, 03:05 AM Local time: Aug 18, 2006, 01:05 AM #22 of 43
I glanced at the petition. While the wording is filled with much character and
clearly shows that the writer wants change, it would have to be completley rewritten in a corporate standard to even be considered looked at by a low ranking SE Employee.

In other words: The petition is not written to a professional standard.

I would like to see a Chrono Break as much as the next RPG Joe, but lets be realistic, S-E is primarly out to make money, and while assuredly people will buy the 3rd game if they ever make it, its not a well enough known series to be made now, due to costs of production, as well as projected sales.

then again, maybe someone in the upper echelons of the companie's ladder has a personal grudge against Chrono Trigger/Cross, and this would explain the lack of a sequel?

It ALMOST seems like there is an internal struggle between the creative new types (The brains behind Vagrant Story/Xenogears) and the old mainstays who want to just make as much money as possible (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest)

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Slayer X
Why do you not draw your sword?

Member 1205

Level 33.36

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 18, 2006, 03:15 AM #23 of 43
Dark your theory as to the inner working of SE could be true, because I know when I heard the announcement of the sequel to Valkyrie Profile I was at first really excited, then I thought, "Why would they pick that game to do a pre-sequel to? It was great, but how many people really played it?"

Really I thought that they would do a new chrono title rather then another Profile game.

And then you have the other side that's pumping out 2 new FFVII games (which are at least maintaining a great story).

oh shi-

Member 445

Level 24.23

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 18, 2006, 12:32 PM Local time: Aug 18, 2006, 09:32 AM #24 of 43
I'm willing to bet the main thing that is holding back a new Chrono game is the fact that nearly all of the creative team behind the Chrono series no longer works for Square-Enix.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Slayer X
Why do you not draw your sword?

Member 1205

Level 33.36

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 18, 2006, 12:58 PM #25 of 43
I don't think the original team that made the first Musashi game made the Samurai Legend Musashi for the PS2 last year, so I don't think that something like that would stop the profit side of Square from stopping such a project.

Then again it might have been the same team... I don't know.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

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