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Heisho-Ryuu Mar 5, 2010 06:22 PM

A good Audio & MP3 Tagger
Hi, I'm using Tag&Rename and works great, but since it's a craked version it always put an annoying comment of this was tagged with a craked version or something like that.

Anyone knows a good tagger software without this issues, or a way to resolve this one.

Thanks in advance


quazi Mar 7, 2010 08:28 PM

Foobar2000: foobar2000

Then put the masstagger plugin: foobar2000: Components Repository
into the 'components' directory of foobar2000. It's pretty straightforward to use; just right click the files and select Tagging -> Manage Scripts from the context menu.

Heisho-Ryuu Mar 7, 2010 11:27 PM

Thanks for the help.
But I found it too akward to manage. I was looking something like Tag&Rename or the program itself, my problem is that my version leaves a comment that says: "Tagged by cracked version of Tag&Rename http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm" so it actually ruins all the hard work.
Thanks a lot anyway, I'll keeping giving it a try

wvlfpvp Mar 10, 2010 03:39 PM

... Why don't you just manually take the comment section out? I mean, the comment section isn't all that important, anyway. (oh, and I'm guessing the message is because you updated from an earlier version to a new version having already cracked it.)

seanne Mar 12, 2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Heisho-Ryuu (Post 747142)
my problem is that my version leaves a comment that says: "Tagged by cracked version of Tag&Rename http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm" so it actually ruins all the hard work.

What version is that you're using? I've been using 3.4 for years now without any problems and never felt a need to upgrade. Here's the exe+serial if you want to give it a try.

Tawnee Van Pelt Mar 13, 2010 11:47 PM

I don't feel like making another thread for this questions, so, does anyone knows a software that let's me add a jpg cover to an mp3 file, you know, for showing it in an iPod or another device/program that supports covers when playing an mp3 file?

Basil Mar 13, 2010 11:57 PM

As mentioned above - Tag&Rename.

I use version 3.2 and mine is a cracked version also, but it doesn't add that extra comment in. Here's mine, regardless.

seanne Mar 14, 2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Tawnee Van Pelt (Post 748036)
I don't feel like making another thread for this questions, so, does anyone knows a software that let's me add a jpg cover to an mp3 file, you know, for showing it in an iPod or another device/program that supports covers when playing an mp3 file?

Yeah, Tag&Rename will let you add images to your music files.

Heisho-Ryuu Mar 29, 2010 03:22 AM

I found another version of Tag&Rename and this without the the comment issue. Thanks to anyone who helped.
If needed I'll post my version too.

Case Closed.

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