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-   -   I'm going to treat you like crap...and you'll like it...? (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37442)

Living Legend May 22, 2009 07:18 AM

I'm going to treat you like crap...and you'll like it...?
You know those situations where you see a guy, being a complete dick to a girl. Saying all these vulgar things, offending everyone around him with what he's saying...everyone around is usually offended, but the girls laughs and enjoys the company?

That's how things are with me. After two important relationships failed, I sorta became a huge, uncarring person towards females and the more of a dick I try to be, the more they seem to like my company.

I usually am always as honest as I can be, to the point (that I would think make people angry, which normally would any chick), but it has gotten to the point of annoyance with them that I try not to hide any little things back.

Girl-"Do you think i'm ugly"
Me-"You'd break almost every mirror I own"
Girl-*giggles* laughs...and goes on with better thoughts.

That's just beginning. A few weeks ago, I was bored and these girls were with a bunch of us..and you know the voice in the back of your head that you know you shouldn't really ever say to any female, cause guys thoughts are usually fucking horrible? Yeah...

I was bored, and wanted a change of conversation and decided to just let the stupid stuff come fourth

"Ya know, you'd look fantastic naked...to me, right now, you're not even wearing clothes and it looks fucking delicious"

...it makes me hate the fact that I was ever shy in highschool, to get away with saying the most vulgar, ridiculous shit possible to a positive response.

What's respect have to do with anything?

Bloodcinder May 22, 2009 12:29 PM

For all of the social mores we can come up with, sometimes people just want to be put down, antagonized, roughed up, fought with, or fucked. It's a mystery!

I tend to say what I really think whether it's appropriate or not, but for me I find that it tends to turn people away. I do know plenty of people in relationships like you described: one person totally owns the other in all manners verbal.

I guess the issue is just this: do you feel like you're being true to you? That applies to anybody.

Sarag May 22, 2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Living Legend (Post 703295)
I was bored, and wanted a change of conversation and decided to just let the stupid stuff come fourth

"Ya know, you'd look fantastic naked...to me, right now, you're not even wearing clothes and it looks fucking delicious"

Doesn't sound like she got naked, so I doubt they enjoy your company any more.

anyway gj i guess? ^5

coeccias May 22, 2009 11:17 PM

This may seem odd to you, Living Legend, as it appears you define yourself by the company you keep, but some people have principles as the basis for their behavior. These people also have standards and expectations that drive them to continue to behave in alignment with those principles despite being surrounded by examples of the contrary. You may say what you think and see the value in doing that, but I am of the opinion you also need to evaluate the content of your statements before uttering them.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss May 28, 2009 04:48 AM

Girls don't like being abused, they just hate needy guys, there's a big difference. What they're reacting to is your implied confidence. In my experience, there's little that makes women want to sleep with a guy less than the guy seeming desperate or safe.

In the short term, insulting birds is going to get you a few giggles and shit, yeah, but if you want to start converting that into regular, meaningless sex, you need to learn the difference between a casual air of aloofness and indifference and being an arse, as only one of these standpoints will result in a lifetime of sexual conquest. The other will result in you being married to a fat, ugly chick with too much body hair and bruises all up her arms.

Dual Jul 16, 2009 06:38 PM

A pair of balls beats everything. Use responsibly.

Single Elbow Jul 16, 2009 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by YOU MAD (Post 714202)
Or how about you learn to surround yourself with girls/women who are not shallow stupid cunts.

He lives in Cali, man.

You know how a lot of the women live their lives there.

Shorty Jul 19, 2009 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by YOU MAD (Post 714205)
If he's in Socal he's pretty much doomed. But if he's up here in Norcal there are plenty of decent chicks.

You know, I was going to give some counter argument about how many shallow girls I've seen from San Fran / San Jose area, but then I thought of the San Diego / Los Angeles / Inland Empire girls I've seen that are considered "unusual" if they haven't gone through pregnancy by the time they are 18 and figured I'd lose either way.

I tend to think social class has more to do with location in regards to how a person can be gauged, but you're right in the pretense that certain geographic areas have a tendency to attract only certain social classes.

Respect towards one gender or the other has its place too. I'm sure if you're still in high school it may be fine being a dick around girls, but I doubt it'll get you anywhere in society if you're still doing it at 40. I tend to generalize that if you are past age 25 and can afford to be a complete asshole around female counterparts without losing out on booty calls you must be either rich or incredibly attractive in the looks department. Unfortunately, the type of women who usually go for those men are also pretty shallow as well.

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