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Kaiten Mar 14, 2006 06:31 PM

OC ReMix
I'v been going to this site since early 2005 and love the work they all pour out, the quality is fantastic compared to less organized remix sites I've heard.
I currently have ReMixes 0001-1250 (with some removed, I really wish I could get those) and a few dozen others on my hard drive. What's do you think of the site as a whole and what are your favorite remixes?
My current favorite is Final_Fantasy_6_Enchanted_Esper, it's just got the epic feel to it. The length gives you plenty of time to enjoy the subdued music.

Weeklan Mar 14, 2006 07:08 PM

Sega, practically every Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Streets of Rage, metal gear solid etc etc etc remix I love!!! (OK maybe not ALL) But goddamn I have atleast 100MB of those remixes. I love that site.

THE POWER OF WATER Mar 14, 2006 07:13 PM

I'm a big fan of the OverClocked ReMix; heck, I spend more time around there than I do here.

I posted a list of remixes back in an earlier version of this thread from before the wipe (that also included stuff from VGMix, currently down). I'm feeling lazy and don't really want to trudge through everything just for a favorites list that'll be pages long because I'm indecisive. Last.fm indicates that my most listened remix is Neo-Pacificist, so I'll just give that a mention.

Don't forget the site projects, which contain many tracks that weren't actually posted to OCR: Relics of the Chozo (Super Metroid), Kong in Concert (Donkey Kong Country), Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic the Hedgehog 2), Rise of the Star (Kirby's Adventure), The Dark Side of Phobos (Doom), and Chrono Symphonic (Chrono Trigger).


Originally Posted by www.sega.co.jp
I currently have ReMixes 0001-1250 (with some removed, I really wish I could get those) and a few dozen others on my hard drive.

For the most part... nah, you don't really wish you could get those. Quality issues and so forth. But there are definitely some good tracks lodged in there, so check http://www.lggaming.com/user/xerol/escape/OCReMoved/ for all of them.

There's going to be a whole batch of new removed tracks after OCR01500 is posted; the judges are going to go back and toss things that shouldn't have been posted in the first place for standards violations. Given the current rate of song posting, expect that in about seventeen years. :biggrin:

Darkcomet72 Mar 14, 2006 07:40 PM

I never was a big fan of the Remixin scene, to be honest. About 10% of the remixes I actually like in both OCRemix and VGMix. I find it a shame that the majority of VGM fans are VGM remix fans as well, it deters tide away from the originals.

Kong in Concert bored me to death, so I never understood why so many thought it was better than the originals. The only song I liked was Boiling Point.

Dhsu Mar 14, 2006 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by TCK
Never heard of it.

lolz me neither

whos ocremix, sum n00b?

(BTW, even 2chan approves of us gaijin musicians.)

THE POWER OF WATER Mar 14, 2006 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Darkcomet72
I find it a shame that the majority of VGM fans are VGM remix fans as well, it deters tide away from the originals.

I can understand this sentiment, but I completely disagree; remixes have introduced me to a bunch of soundtracks I wouldn't have gone and listened to if I hadn't heard the remix first. In some cases I've found I like the original more, and in some cases I like the remix more.

I love seeing what remixers can do with their own interpretation on tracks, especially with tracks I really enjoy (the opposite of what most people feel, as I've seen); as long as the remix doesn't suck, I'm perfectly happy with a new piece of music. There are only a few tracks I can point to and say I don't want to see them remixed, and that's really only because I'm deathly afraid that they'll be butchered. :(

Remixes from soundtracks I haven't heard help me with VGMQ, too. :p


Originally Posted by Dhsu
lolz me neither

whos ocremix, sum n00b?

Silence, you. Go back to MIDI ripping.

Kaleb.G Mar 14, 2006 07:58 PM

I've been going to OCR longer than I've been coming here. Let's see, I started visiting OCR in late 2001, joined the OCR fag forums in April of 2002, and didn't come to GFF until late 2002. However, in the past year or so, I've been largely ignoring the game mixing community as a whole, save for the random VG Frequency broadcast or OCR remixing project. Honestly, I wish someone would just do what VG Frequency does and condense all of the hottest activity going on in the community (read: music) into one daily/weekly update. I thought I heard of The Shizz doing that, but I don't see anything like that there.

THE POWER OF WATER Mar 14, 2006 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kaleb.G
Honestly, I wish someone would just do what VG Frequency does and condense all of the hottest activity going on in the community (read: music) into one daily/weekly update. I thought I heard of The Shizz doing that, but I don't see anything like that there.

You're probably confusing The Shizz with ThaSauce.

I never noticed the similarity until now. =O

bishop743 Mar 14, 2006 09:38 PM

I think OC Remix is a great site, but of the over 1,200 or so remixes, I have only heard about 100-150 that I really like. A couple of them are the FFVI Terra in Black remix, as well as the Metal Gear May Cry remix. Also, it was great to see Jeremy Soule show his support for the site. His contribution, also a tribute to Uematsu's Terra/Tina track from FFVI, is simply godly.

Dalkaen Mar 14, 2006 09:58 PM

For a while, I listened to OCR material almost exclusively. Sometime ago, I discovered there was much better original music out there. I deleted my OCR collection and deleted the tracks from my Last.fm because it was really screwing up my neighbor recommendations; none of my neighbors listened to the new stuff I was listening to.

Josh_1 Mar 14, 2006 11:29 PM

Well I like the site, but I don't really visit it that often. I love the remixes of Jeremy Robson the best. I can't get enough of his orchestral arrangements. I love how he gives each piece a cinematic influence. My favs of his include Final Fantasy VII Philharmonic Suite and Kefka's Adagio. One of the things I find completely annoying with OCR is that NO ONE arranges Hamauzu's music. I plan to fix that however, and submit my People of the North orchestration, :D!

Darkcomet72 Mar 14, 2006 11:30 PM


Seriously. I actually lurk at OLR. Mabye in a few months I will actually have the guts to post there.

Dark Nation Mar 14, 2006 11:40 PM

OCRemix has produced some very catchy tunes, but you gotta weed out the medicore ones. My all-time favorite from there is tied between a Mega Man 2 song called "Bubble(wantstoget)funkedup, and a song titled "Jenova Trance" originating from FFVII.

VGRemix is another place to find remixes, although I've only been there a few times.

Maybe I'll submit a remix to OC and see what they say.

Kaleb.G Mar 14, 2006 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by CHz
You're probably confusing The Shizz with ThaSauce.

I never noticed the similarity until now. =O

Oh, whoops. You're right. I've heard of ThaSauce a few times before, but I kept losing the URL and forgetting about it. I'm going to set it as my homepage for a while; maybe then I won't forget. ;)

Anyway, thanks.

THE POWER OF WATER Mar 15, 2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Josh_1
One of the things I find completely annoying with OCR is that NO ONE arranges Hamauzu's music. I plan to fix that however, and submit my People of the North orchestration, :D!

There's already a mix of that track. =O

That's the only Hamauzu track I know of, though. I'm sure you can find rejected mixes of some of his other works in the decisions forum, but many of the tracks in there are rejected for good cause. :(

Kaiten Mar 15, 2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by CHz
I'm a big fan of the OverClocked ReMix; heck, I spend more time around there than I do here.

I posted a list of remixes back in an earlier version of this thread from before the wipe (that also included stuff from VGMix, currently down). I'm feeling lazy and don't really want to trudge through everything just for a favorites list that'll be pages long because I'm indecisive. Last.fm indicates that my most listened remix is Neo-Pacificist, so I'll just give that a mention.

Don't forget the site projects, which contain many tracks that weren't actually posted to OCR: Relics of the Chozo (Super Metroid), Kong in Concert (Donkey Kong Country), Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic the Hedgehog 2), Rise of the Star (Kirby's Adventure), The Dark Side of Phobos (Doom), and Chrono Symphonic (Chrono Trigger).

For the most part... nah, you don't really wish you could get those. Quality issues and so forth. But there are definitely some good tracks lodged in there, so check http://www.lggaming.com/user/xerol/escape/OCReMoved/ for all of them.

There's going to be a whole batch of new removed tracks after OCR01500 is posted; the judges are going to go back and toss things that shouldn't have been posted in the first place for standards violations. Given the current rate of song posting, expect that in about seventeen years. :biggrin:

Thanks a lot for the links, for now I'll be redownloading all the newer OC ReMixes I like and try to keep my OCR collection intact until numbe 1500 rolls around.

Rydia Mar 15, 2006 01:41 AM

I first discovered that site before joining GFF, so it took up most of my time back then. Some of my early favorites were remixes by Dale North, I believe. I haven't had an opportunity to listen to the other remixes besides those from Final Fantasy and Xenogears.

Toma Mar 15, 2006 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Darkcomet72

Seriously. I actually lurk at OLR. Mabye in a few months I will actually have the guts to post there.

:biggrin: *is a judge at OLR*

Don't worry, we're a decent crowd.

And OCR is a pretty cool place too. I've enjoyed listening to some of their mixes from time to time, but the standards kinda kill it for me. Looking at their Judges' Decisions page and sometimes seeing entire pages of nothing but rejections (all of them unanimous, WTF?) I wonder how bad these really are. Professionalism is nice, but these are amateur artists we're dealing with. Of course, I know that there are a ton of submissions so it's necessary to be strict, but it's just depressing to read some of these comments sometimes.

Lady Miyomi Mar 15, 2006 02:14 AM

I, too, discovered this site long before I came here. However, I'm more a fan of remixers' work themselves than actual remixes (if that makes any sense). For instance, like Quinn Fox and McVaffe, I pretty much follow all their stuff (especially Quinn Fox).

THE POWER OF WATER Mar 15, 2006 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Toma
:biggrin: *is a judge at OLR*

Oh really? I knew a few of the judges had left, but I didn't know who replaced them. Congrats.


Originally Posted by Toma
And OCR is a pretty cool place too. I've enjoyed listening to some of their mixes from time to time, but the standards kinda kill it for me. Looking at their Judges' Decisions page and sometimes seeing entire pages of nothing but rejections (all of them unanimous, WTF?) I wonder how bad these really are. Professionalism is nice, but these are amateur artists we're dealing with. Of course, I know that there are a ton of submissions so it's necessary to be strict, but it's just depressing to read some of these comments sometimes.

For better or worse, the standards are high, and have definitely risen over time. On the one hand, you can argue that it's not very encouraging to artists to have their work constantly rejected, although there are forums and the judges do give comments for improvement. On the other hand, you could argue that the higher standards lead to higher quality music for listeners. You don't have to weed through quite so much dreck to find songs you enjoy.

VGMix takes the opposite approach; there's no panel asserting quality control (although there's definitely a system in place... it's just much more permissive), resulting in a place where artists can get their music out at the expense of listeners having to wade through more songs. They're just different philosophies, and both have their proponents and detractors.

And of course you have OLR. :megaman:

Melee Mar 15, 2006 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by www.sega.co.jp
I'v been going to this site since early 2005 and love the work they all pour out, the quality is fantastic compared to less organized remix sites I've heard.
I currently have ReMixes 0001-1250 (with some removed, I really wish I could get those) and a few dozen others on my hard drive. What's do you think of the site as a whole and what are your favorite remixes?
My current favorite is Final_Fantasy_6_Enchanted_Esper, it's just got the epic feel to it. The length gives you plenty of time to enjoy the subdued music.

1250, ui
I have only ~1000, it's time to update my oc remixes.

my favorite remix is Zelda: Link's Awakening, (1993) 'Braving Tal Tal Heights' by Disco Dan
Sounds very cool.

Darkcomet72 Mar 15, 2006 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Toma
:biggrin: *is a judge at OLR*

Yeah, I was wondering, HOW THE FU did you become judge? I don't even remeber you being any popular at all period?

And CHz, no judge actually -left-, since they were all the same person.

THE POWER OF WATER Mar 15, 2006 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Darkcomet72
And CHz, no judge actually -left-, since they were all the same person.

Disk Mastah Smokabitch and Hella-Tight MC Fukkaslut are definitely not the same person, and neither of them were anyone else on the panel.

Also, http://olremix.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2911.

Darkcomet72 Mar 15, 2006 11:40 AM

I know, but it's still funny.

And that's the topic I WTF'd to when they changed the title.

Toma Mar 15, 2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Darkcomet72
Yeah, I was wondering, HOW THE FU did you become judge? I don't even remeber you being any popular at all period?

And CHz, no judge actually -left-, since they were all the same person.

I just asked :). I honestly wasn't expecting to be accepted for that very reason, I lurk much more than I post and don't know many members. At any rate, I'm not complaining.

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