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Fjordor May 26, 2006 03:04 PM

Your favorite morning drinks/foods
So, you get up in the morning, and after scratching yourself a bit, you go off to the bathroom. After unloading all that piss, and yesterday's lunch, you scratch yourself again, and go take a shower. After drying yourself off, getting changed, and scratching yourself just a little bit more, you wander off to the kitchen.
Now, its time for morning food and drink.

What do you prefer your taste buds to wake up to?

I myself am very partial to Lucky Charms and Orange juice.
As an additional kick while at work, I am usually sipping green tea.

Syndrome May 26, 2006 03:26 PM

I'm usually very stressed and short on time when it comes to breakfast, so I'll have to do with a cup of coffee and a pair of sandwiches with butter and cheese on.

I've never really been a big fan of having stuff like muffins, bacon and eggs for breakfast. Just a pair of sandwiches, juice and coffee is very breakfast'y ;)

Rockgamer May 26, 2006 03:45 PM

I usually eat either a bowl of cereal or some waffles and sausage, depending on what kind of day I'm gonna have at school (like if I'm gonna be able to eat lunch at school, I'll probably just eat the cereal, but if I won't be able to, I'll eat the bigger breakfast).

I also like to drink a bottle of Vanilla Frappucino on my way to school, as I love that stuff to death.

knkwzrd May 26, 2006 04:11 PM

I'm a toast man myself. Toasted rye bread in the morning with orange juice, to be specific.

Arkhangelsk May 26, 2006 04:22 PM

If I eat carbohydrates in the morning, I'll be down by 11am. I have to eat bacon and eggs in some form, preferably on a croissant with cheese. Those little sandwiches are the best! That or breakfast tacos...chorizo and egg or bacon and egg on wheat tortillas, with green tea. SO good.

Although that's only if I have to do something that day. On lazy days I usually wake up in time for lunch ;).

Rydia May 26, 2006 04:46 PM

I always try to have a warm drink and a breakfast bar, or just cereal. I usually don't have much time in the morning to prepare something more complex, but my lunch breaks are usually at least one hour during school days anyway.

Domino May 26, 2006 06:07 PM

It's normally some cheap orange squash for me. I'm not much of a coffee person.
And as for food, well, probably a ham sandwich. I'm normally up at lunch time. :)

Fleshy Fun-Bridge May 26, 2006 09:33 PM

Black coffee. Two eggs, over easy. Multi-grain toast. Maybe a few slices of scrapple as well. Fruit juice, if available, otherwise water.

Soluzar May 26, 2006 09:55 PM

The best possible breakfast for me would be coffee, followed by English muffins and scrambled egg. Grapefruit juice is nice too. I'm not saying that I ever have the time to eat that much in the morning, but that would be the nicest breakfast I can think of.

RacinReaver May 26, 2006 10:08 PM

I always just eat some toast with peanutbutter on it and two glasses of water. I switch up between different kinds of grain breads to make my breakfasts more EXCITING!


Really, really strong coffee. Half a spoon of sugar. Nothing else.

Rachelle May 26, 2006 11:26 PM

Hot Milo (this one is a must or I can't get up somehow :P) and a peanut butter and honey sandwich sometimes, or a bowl of oats with yoghurt. Sometimes it's weetbix with milk or yohurt too. I don't really take anything else for breakfast, cos' I'm too lazy to do anything else.

Dee May 27, 2006 12:54 AM

In college, my tray consists of

Cereal: usually Total or Granola
Two half pints of skim milk
One Dannon yogurt. I prefer fruit on the bottom peach.
Eggs, maybe half a bacon strip for saltiness
Half a grapefruit in place of yogurt if there is no yogurt
One banana
Hot water or tea during winter afterwards

This is what I get for waking up one hour earlier for class daily. ;)

At home, it's usually anything I can get my hands on. :(

Fleshy Fun-Bridge May 27, 2006 08:57 AM

I used to eat a half grapefruit quite often as part of breakfast, but can't anymore because of some of the medications that I take.

If I'm really hungry, I'll add an everything bagel with cream cheese. If I've got the time, I'll make hash browns.

SunkistTheHedge May 27, 2006 11:13 AM

Me I like Eggo Waffles with those crystal light packets tea flavor , raspberry , lemonade

nazpyro May 27, 2006 12:18 PM

I like big breakfasts. I usually have some kind of meat with rice and scrambled eggs, that meat being sausage, bacon, or ham, sometimes some potato element (hash browns or tots or something). For drink, it's Sunny D or one of those delicious Tropicana juices. For quicker breakfasts, I go for those microwaveable breakfast sandwiches, usually something on a croissant. Eggo Waffles are love too.

elwe May 27, 2006 04:47 PM

I don't think I've ever eaten a giant breakfast before, as I usually have a glass of orange juice and one of the following:

-cereal (Honey Bunches of Oats!)
-Pop Tart
-TV dinner

I try not to put too much syrup on my waffles, since I can't have anything overly-sweet in the morning. Eggs also make me feel sick when I eat them first thing in the morning, so I can't have those either.

EmpyreanHorizon May 28, 2006 02:28 AM

I have to eat breakfast because I don't know whether I'll have time to eat lunch. I'll eat anything from the day before, just to clear what's in the fridge. Nothing beats cold leftover pizza in the morning. Down it with coffee. I don't eat cereal in the morning though. That's usually stashed under my bed for when I can't seem to sleep at night and am too lazy to walk to the kitchen to get something to eat.

electric_eye May 28, 2006 06:39 AM

Usually I have a bowl of Weetabix but I love to have a bowl of Jordan's Country Crisp Real Strawberry. My dad buys organic breakfast cereals. With that I must have my cup of tea.

Jiraiya May 31, 2006 03:24 PM

Depending on where I am, at home I'll usually make waffles and sausage when Im in the mood. While camping, its always toast and peanut butter. Both I always take both with a nice hot cup of coffee, half a tsp of sugar and a little milk. Mmm

Lady Miyomi Jun 1, 2006 08:21 PM

I usually eat Fruit Loops with vanilla soy milk. If the cereal isn't available, I'll just drink the soy milk by itself. Lately, I've gotten into eating waffle sticks that take about 7 or 8 minutes in the oven.

Battle_CRY Jun 1, 2006 09:23 PM

I usually have a bowl of rice with some egg w/meat or some tofu w/kimchi if I have time (I might even make a bowl of ramen)...If I'm rushing, then probably a hot pocket or a pop tart with a glass of milk!

eriol33 Jun 10, 2006 09:32 PM

Toasted bread poured with grated cheese and evaporated milk. :) I love 'em to death.
I never able to eat rice or anything oily in the morning though.

Infernal Monkey Jun 10, 2006 11:31 PM

If I even bother to have breakfast, it's usually whatever deadly cereal is in the cupboard, with about half a kilo of sugar dumped on top and three drops of milk. Has to be exact, if an extra drop spills out, the cereal gets thrown out the window and I set fire to Kelloggs for dreaming up such disturbing cereal mascots. OH SO YOU'VE GOT A TOUCAN THAT GOES TO THE MOON IN SEARCH OF FRUIT LOOPS DESPITE HAVING SEVERAL BOXES OF IT IN THE SPACE SHIP?

Sometimes I have toast, which I barely even toast! Pretty exciting stuff!

Ryuu Jun 11, 2006 10:11 AM

If I have time for breakfast it's scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with orange juice.

Though with school, and the lack of time every morning, it's been nothing more than a granola bar and some milk.

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