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daisyalesounds Sep 9, 2014 02:19 AM

Advice on music
Hi! My name is Brian and my webpage/company is Daisy Ale Soundworks . I am just starting out in the game music industry and would love some advice on my music. It's hard to get a sense of what people want, what affects them and how to deliver that so anything you could say about my music - criticism included - would help me a lot.

This is a piece from a space MMO I'm composing music for right now, specifically for a harsh desert world.

This is a symphonic piece written to prepare someone for battle.

This is a retro/8 bit fusion piece written for a viking retro game.

Thanks guys, anything you say could help me. Cheers!

Incidentally, not sure why my signature is possibly anti-simitic.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 9, 2014 09:50 AM


Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 9, 2014 01:49 PM

To my relatively untrained ear it all sounds a bit the same as a lot of other, similarly themed computer game music but then as that stuff all sounds the same I guess it must be popular.

daisyalesounds Sep 9, 2014 11:26 PM

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss... best forum name I may have ever seen. But then, I am ridiculously immature in my sense of humor and giggle every time someone says or types grundle.

I think I agree with you. I'm trying to make a name for myself and I'm not sure which is the better way - weird, experimental, "new" sounds and styles, or writing music that it seems like people want to hear, and more importantly has proven to facilitate similar storytelling in the past.

I'm kind of torn about it. I have a symphonic background, playing in orchestras, symphonic bands and singing in choirs, so that's definitely my wheelhouse. I like playing with 8bit chiptuney stuff but my favorite right now is fusing the two styles together and making an orchestral style sound with chiptune instruments, like in this one https://soundcloud.com/honkytonk38/nordic-adventure.

Anyway thanks for the opinion. I'll be thinking about it. Also untrained is good - people that are trained in music generally try to inject their own strengths and preferences - I catch myself doing this all the time. I prefer the opinions of music enthusiasts without training. Thanks again man.

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