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Aya Mar 2, 2006 06:40 PM

Mentally retarded and prostitution
A bit tabu'ish and unusual subject, but I'm going ahead and bringing it up anyhow.

I was watching T.V, a documentary about phonesex, calling agencies and the whole pay-for-phone-sex-thing and how everything about it was a scam.
Anyhow, to the point. The review for the next documentary program was about the tabu'ish subject of mentally handicapped/retarded people paying for sexual favors/intercourse etc etc. If they should be allowed or denied the whole sexual experience for as long as they live.

It seems as if mentally retarded/handicapped people are allowed to buy sex in some countries (countries where prostitution is allowed, thailand, denmark etc.)
It has been wildely discussed whetever they should allow for mentally handicapped/retarded people to buy sex from special prostitutes (since regular prostitution is not legal, anyhow) in sweden (and problaby alot of other countries as well)

http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/AT..._disabled.html <-- here's a site that seems to be more involved with the subject (the only one in english that I managed to find that didn't offer favors, pictures, movies the whole XXX part >>; ) I wouldn't want to use it as a "proof" or for facts, since it seems to be pro-children-sex. But it does offer some good points about the subject.

Seeing how many handicapped and mentally retarded people got it hard to even find a loved one in the first place, I can't imagine how getting laid would be. I feel that they would problaby love the whole sex thing and why shouldn't they enjoy it like everyone else? But I'm not pro-prostitution. So I feel a bit torn on this subject.

So.. sup.

Gohan1983 Mar 2, 2006 06:54 PM

What should a civilized country do?
The hardest thing that a country has to do is regulate morals. Of course handicapped people have the same rights as any person. I personally believe that if someone does not have the ability do understand all that is going on that if there is no family the state should step in and take care of the person. The issue at hand is very simple and easy to answer. Prostitution is wrong and even for the most sane of mind it is not healthy. If you expose someone who cannot comprehend all that is happening, nothing positive can happen. I think that it is sad and dissheartening that someone would want to even explore this. Soon we will start to hear about websites that promote this sort of thing.

Interrobang Mar 2, 2006 07:05 PM


I personally believe that if someone does not have the ability do understand all that is going on that if there is no family the state should step in and take care of the person.
This simply opens up a can of worms. Do you have the government take care of hicks because they can't completely understand taxes? An average person being totally inept at using a PC?

Originally Posted by Gohan1983
Prostitution is wrong and even for the most sane of mind it is not healthy.


doodle Mar 2, 2006 07:07 PM

"Special Prostitutes"? What.
Can anyone elaborate on that?

Chris Dark Mar 2, 2006 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sing
This simply opens up a can of worms. Do you have the government take care of hicks because they can't completely understand taxes? An average person being totally inept at using a PC?


Ahem... As a "hick" myself, considering that since that's what most people call everyone from the middle states and the south, I'd like to say that while I agree with you, I hate you.

Seriously. Hate.

Love is over.

Interrobang Mar 2, 2006 07:20 PM

The funk is longer available to me. ;_;

seanne Mar 2, 2006 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Aya
I was watching T.V, a documentary about phonesex, calling agencies and the whole pay-for-phone-sex-thing and how everything about it was a scam.

I read about this in Metro this morning and I was suprised to hear that people actually fall for things like these. Sad really. (what program was it that showed this?)

As for the retarded/handicapped peoples' right to sex. How exactly would you judge which people would be eligible for this then? Because next thing you know, ugly people will want to enter in on the action as well. Then fat people. Then lazy people.

And it's hardly true that physicly handicapped people can't get sex by their own abilities to begin with.

Aya Mar 2, 2006 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by doodle
"Special Prostitutes"? What.
Can anyone elaborate on that?

Prostitutes for mentally handicapped people only. Other people not being allowed to buy sex from them (it being illegal).

Marco Mar 2, 2006 08:09 PM

I wonder who would show up to be a prostitute to a mentally retarded person.

Sometimes it'd be hard to get horny I bet. :-/

Too weird. You can't give some people rights.

Watts Mar 3, 2006 12:34 AM

Why can't prostitution just be legal? Or gambling?

You can't legislate morals to people who don't share your set of morals. That's why we need organized religion... and cults. :)

Oh, and if you gamble or hire a prostitute you sell your soul to Satan and will go straight to hell. Burn hethans!!!!!!! (I'm kidding.... I think!)

Misogynyst Gynecologist Mar 3, 2006 07:32 AM

What I want to know is - if you're getting fucked by a retarded kid, how do you not burst out laughing when you see his "O Face".

RacinReaver Mar 3, 2006 04:45 PM

Well, retards might be good prostitutes. Because, you know, they're already dead on the inside.

eks Mar 3, 2006 06:54 PM

I dunno. Why they should be allowed any more privaledges than anyone else. The risks are still there.

Plus, I know chicks who are down to fuck a tard. They wouldn't charge, but they're not exactly clean...

On the fence. :(

Hachifusa Mar 4, 2006 02:01 AM

How about we legalize prostitution for everyone, not just the 'retards'.

Then, at least, the retards can go to a nicer establishment so that they don't add the clap to their list of physical problems.

Bradylama Mar 4, 2006 02:11 AM

Whatever happened to the right to deny service? If a retard wants to buy hanky-panky and the whore consents, I don't really see the problem. The mere presence of a transaction initiated by a retard implies the knowlege of consent, and can't be construed in the same veign as a normal individual taking advantage of a retard's handicap to force them into sex.

eks Mar 4, 2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Hachifusa
How about we legalize prostitution for everyone, not just the 'retards'.

I'm of the belief that the biggest reason prostitution is illegal to begin with is because the government can't regulate it the same way it it's legal.

Watts Mar 4, 2006 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by eks
I'm of the belief that the biggest reason prostitution is illegal to begin with is because the government can't regulate it the same way it it's legal.

Then you'd be wrong. Prostitution is legal in Las Vegas... they call it Sin City for a reason. Maybe the state of Nevada too. I'm not quite sure.

If they made it legal the moral crusaders would have one more thing to cry and moan about. Everybody wins!

Hachifusa Mar 4, 2006 03:01 AM

It's actually only legal in the State of Nevada except for the Las Vegas county (as well as the Reno county). To get to all the good brothels, you have to drive some hours outside of Las Vegas.

Hachifusa Mar 4, 2006 03:15 AM

Yeah. They don't really condone streetwalking.

Aya Mar 4, 2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by seanne
I read about this in Metro this morning and I was suprised to hear that people actually fall for things like these. Sad really. (what program was it that showed this?)

The program was "Insider" they are airing this subject on this Thursday (3:an 22.00)

Will problaby gain a little more knowledge about the situation then.

chrno_crusades Mar 14, 2006 02:19 AM

not every prostitute wants to be a prostitute
i know a few girls who marry men who, take them overseas, physically abuse them, and literally sell them away as prostitutes.
other prostitutes are porbably desperate for money (especially in the poorer countrys)
i hate seeing the ones who are selling themselves for money though, i mean, theres plenty of other jobs u can take which will pay u more worthy money!

RacinReaver Mar 14, 2006 03:36 AM

I don't know of many that'll pay that much money for someone with a similar skill set.

I know my stripper friend would make more in the few hours she worked at night than what I'd make in a day or two working full time as a trained laboratory technician.

Sarag Mar 14, 2006 03:49 AM

Go where the money is, RR.

I don't care that I'm the only one posting in my color anymore, THE WORLD NEEDS MORE NERD JEW STRIPPERS

Just not in my back yard.

RacinReaver Mar 14, 2006 03:53 AM

Well, she made money because she's pretty hot.



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