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Seris Aug 31, 2011 08:43 AM

Your favorite breakfast THING
My favorite kind of breakfast is often the simplest. I love corned beef hash with an over-easy egg on top, with a cup of coffee in hand. That's if I'm getting "fancy", though (or have time to cook in the mornings) Usually my breakfasts consist of either a bowl of cereal or a bowl of greek yogurt with some chopped dates thrown in there.

Now tell me about your breakfasts. Your favorite foods, your ideal breakfast, and what you usually end up settling for since we can't all be cooks like RASPUTIN or HITO or DENI or SHORTY >:|


Sarag Aug 31, 2011 09:27 AM

Bowl of cereal without milk.

Additional Spam:
Well, I love hot breakfasts of all kinds. Love me some fruit, some yogurt, some juice too. But, when it's just me, I go for a bowl of cereal without milk.

LIAR Aug 31, 2011 10:14 AM

During the week, I settle for a poptart or a piece of fruit, or maybe some oatmeal.

On the weekend, I tend to cook. I usually make a huge scramble of scrambled eggs, some sort of sausage (italian, chicken, etc), bacon, chorizo, and hashbrowns. Usually I make a ton so I have leftovers for a breakfast one time through the week. Delicious.

nuttyturnip Aug 31, 2011 11:33 AM

The best breakfast/snack that I had growing up was cereal (Chex or Rice Crispies), frozen strawberries with lots of juice, and peanuts. I don't get much opportunity to eat that, so I'll settle for a nice bacon, egg and cheese croissant/biscuit. On a normal morning, it's usually just a granola bar and some cashews.

Chaotic Aug 31, 2011 12:16 PM

A great breakfast for me usually contained a scrambled egg, some toast and some spam. Would be fully satisfied after that.

But if we're going on cereal here, I fucking miss Rice Krispie Treats Cereal. Just the added marshmallow flavor added a whole new dimension of goodness for me.

Bernard Black Aug 31, 2011 12:21 PM

I never used to eat breakfast, maybe a glass of milk or something, but since college/uni I've started making sure I at least get some fruit if I'm in a hurry. Usual stuff is muesli with some added fruit, either fresh or dried, with semi skimmed. I'm also partial to lightly buttered toast with marmite. By far the best breakfast I have ever had was eggs benedict using some home-cured bacon, but I couldn't eat that everyday even if I had the time/money to cook it. I've had some pretty awesome fry-ups recently too but asides health reasons it just throws my hunger off-kilter for the rest of the day.

RacinReaver Aug 31, 2011 01:56 PM

Most days of the week I'll make some steel cut oats with a little bit of milk, butter, brown sugar, walnuts, and a banana in it. I have a cup of tea on the side.

Ideal breakfast every morning would be cinnamon buns that are just finishing up the moment I awake. Fuck. Yeah.

(Also ^5 to lurker for cereal without milk.)

The Plane Is A Tiger Aug 31, 2011 02:44 PM

Even if I'm up early enough I never really bother to eat breakfast foods for breakfast. I generally just pop the same crap into the microwave that I would for lunch. Back when I did bother to differentiate between meals my favorite was still leftover pizza, especially homemade.

Vemp Sep 23, 2011 01:26 AM

On weekdays I have a warm coffee and and my way to the office I get a sammich from the 7-11. On weekends it's usually coffee and some bread or pancakes, followed by a full meal (rice+stuff). I'm not a big fan of cereal.

coeccias Sep 23, 2011 11:47 PM

My ideal breakfast is bacon and egg fried rice (rice fried in bacon grease is tasty), but as I prefer not to have a full stomach when I start my workday, I have a breakfast bar or piece of fruit with a glass of water for breakfast.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 24, 2011 11:50 AM

I don't often eat breakfast when I'm at home, if I do it's never more than a couple of pieces of toast. When I'm at work however, we run a cafe on site which does an awesome range of breakfast stuff. The chef makes amazing porridge (He uses coconut milk in it) and there's always tons of fried stuff. It's not unknown for me to eat a bowl of porridge followed by a bacon, sausage, mushroom and cheese sandwich.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 24, 2011 03:29 PM

Two (or three) eggs scrambled, homefries, toast, ham steak, small stack of griddle cakes and a little syrup on them. Orange juice.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Sep 30, 2011 12:27 PM

I very, very rarely eat breakfast. I only ever cook breakfast when there are folks over the house, when we're camping, or when we're on the road. Apart from these things, I never really feel hungry in the morning.

When I do eat breakfast (and I have the resources), my favorite is eggs, bacon, cheese and ham throw in into a toast sandwich. With coffee, of course.

When camping, I usually just do eggs, bacon, toast, and if I'm feeling particularly fat that morning, some corned beef hash. Nothing beats camp coffee and the smell of bacon intermingled with a wood fire smell, oh man, heaven. I think one of my favorite things to do ever is sit by a warm fire on a cool fall morning and eat bacon with eggs and coffee.

Fleshy Fun-Bridge Sep 30, 2011 01:50 PM

I usually eat breakfast each day, but what I have depends on how much time I've got.

If I'm running late and need something quick, I'll either pack low-fat cottage cheese with a bit of fruit or jam to bring with me to the office. Either that or an almond-butter and jelly sandwich.

For the days I do have time to make a proper breakfast, what I make varies. I might make a two-egg omelette filled with onions, crimini mushrooms, bell peppers, sometimes sliced jalapenos, and topped with scallions, fresh tomato, and occasionally colby-jack cheese. Sometimes I'll put this over a bed of wilted baby spinach.

Other mornings I might make two eggs soft-boiled with sauteed whole crimini mushrooms, sauteed tomato, and strips of buttered whole-wheat toast. Or I'll make up some home-fries with bacon and onion served with a few thick slices of scrapple on the side.

Ah! Amoeba Sep 30, 2011 02:14 PM

Hot oatmeal with yogurt, almonds, honey, cinnamon and raisins all over it.

Hot cup of black coffee.

No. Hard Pass. Sep 30, 2011 09:04 PM

Since setting out on a weight loss regiment, I've really gotten into breakfast as a concept. However, as my mornings are super busy, I usually prepare a smoothie the night before, put all the ingredients in a blender and leave it in the fridge until morning when I blend and drink.

My go to is frozen purple fruit, frozen orange fruit, frozen red fruit, frozen banana, soy milk and some sort of fruit juice (I usually go pomegranate). 4 ozs of each by weight.

Thank you, Mr. Alton Brown.

Dark Nation Sep 30, 2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Imma squirt water up your butt (Post 789456)
Bowl of cereal without milk.

Since starting a job, I find it a near nesscesity to have SOMETHING to eat before I depart. I also like to have cereal in a bowl, but I include Milk. Mind you, the milk is separate, in its own glass. Evidently people think I am from Jupiter for doing this instead of pouring the milk IN the cereal. I hate that shit, so fuck them.

Also, Orange Juice and Pop-tarts when available. I need to get a new toaster though, the one we have... DOESN'T LIKE POP TARTS :(

Single Elbow Sep 30, 2011 10:37 PM

When I work early morning, I usually just down a glass of casein with water. If I work in the afternoon, I'd usually have scrambled eggs and sausages or leftovers from last night's dinner.

Dopefish Oct 1, 2011 09:37 AM

What, am I the only idiot who loves French toast? There's a restaurant in downtown Portsmouth, NH called The Friendly Toast which, aside from having the oddest mix of decor (30s and 40s) and staff (a bunch of college kids who listen to crazy underground rock shit), they also make dynamite sandwiches, burritos, and breakfast food. But I'll always feel nostalgic about their French toast (three slices of thick toast of an assortment of flavors) and their home fries which are so goddamned delicious.

Maris Oct 1, 2011 03:22 PM

I prefer ????? it`s like pan cake for my break fast
this is so better then you`re capitalist shit food :)

WolfDemon Oct 1, 2011 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Nation (Post 790125)
I also like to have cereal in a bowl, but I include Milk. Mind you, the milk is separate, in its own glass. Evidently people think I am from Jupiter for doing this instead of pouring the milk IN the cereal. I hate that shit, so fuck them.

This. I always get people acting like I'm breaking the cardinal rules of eating cereal when I don't put milk in it, and they think I'm even weirder when I explain that I only like milk in certain cereals (Rice Krispies, Cocoa Pebbles, and Peanut Butter Crunch).

Anyway, when I have time I like to make two eggs, over medium, and just put them on top of two slices of buttered toast.

LIAR Oct 3, 2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Dopefish (Post 790131)
What, am I the only idiot who loves French toast? There's a restaurant in downtown Portsmouth, NH called The Friendly Toast which, aside from having the oddest mix of decor (30s and 40s) and staff (a bunch of college kids who listen to crazy underground rock shit), they also make dynamite sandwiches, burritos, and breakfast food. But I'll always feel nostalgic about their French toast (three slices of thick toast of an assortment of flavors) and their home fries which are so goddamned delicious.

I enjoy French Toast in moderation. Every now and then I get a real craving for it. However, I don't want it constantly, as it is a pretty heavy breakfast.

Shorty Apr 23, 2012 09:27 PM

Sorry, just realized I've never responded to this thread though being summoned.


Originally Posted by Seris (Post 789455)
Now tell me about your breakfasts. Your favorite foods, your ideal breakfast, and what you usually end up settling for since we can't all be cooks like RASPUTIN or HITO or DENI or SHORTY >:|

Raw egg on hot fresh steamed short grained rice, little bit of soy sauce to flavor. Mix well.

Sorry to be so simple.

Adol Oct 8, 2012 10:28 AM

I keep it somewhat simple, personally. Bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and capers, plus a mug of coffee, or a breakfast bar and instant coffee if I'm lazy or in a hurry.

Comedy hangover answer: bacon, eggs, coffee brandy. Not really recommended for use past college, though.

Paco Oct 9, 2012 07:36 PM

Every morning when I wake up I find my blender, put 2 scoops of oatmeal, a splash of cranberry juice, 2 strawberries, and milk then hit LIQUEFY. The result usually keeps me full and nourished well past noon.

If I'm hungover, I just drink a beer and find a breakfast joint that serves some greasy-ass hash browns and eggs or a pho joint.

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