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Wall Feces Aug 3, 2006 12:13 AM

Live Free or Die Hard (seriously)


20th Century Fox will release the next installment in the "Die Hard" action franchise next summer over the coveted July 4 holiday weekend, reports Variety.

Live Free or Die Hard will return Bruce Willis to the big screen as rough-and-tumble New York cop John McClane. The film, set to begin shooting next month, will be released on June 29, 2007.

The movie will face Disney/Pixar's Ratatouille, which is scheduled for the same date, while Paramount's Transformers opens five days later on July 4.

Len Wiseman, who helmed the two "Underworld" films, will direct from a screenplay by Mark Bomback.

USA Today adds that the film will feature McClane attempting to stop a techno-terrorist from shutting down the nation's computer systems on the Fourth of July. The story takes place around Washington, D.C.

"Our villain is high tech, but the way McClane deals with him is low-tech," Wiseman told the newspaper. "A fistfight still solves a lot of problems." He added that the fourth outing "will be a more epic movie. It's on a much grander scale. The threat is nationwide."

Wiseman said none of the characters from the earlier movies were returning, and no other cast members were being announced yet.

Fox released the third title in the franchise, Die Hard: With a Vengeance, in 1995.
Okay, Snakes on a Plane is one thing.

Alien vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest is another.

But LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD?? Come on! I'm pumped for the film because I love the first three, but jesus... Studios are leaping at the bad title bandwagon like it's no tomorrow.

SketchTheArtist Aug 3, 2006 01:02 AM

Aw man, they BETTER not screw this one up! Die Hard 3 was such an awesome and bloody movie, Willis was at his prime with McLane!

I'm scared.

Freddy Krueger Aug 3, 2006 06:33 AM

Yeah 1 and 3 were the best cause Mcterian directed them, but with him in jail and not directing 4 hopefully it will remain gritty and bloody. Although "but the way McClane deals with him is low-tech" sounds like the Mclane we all love. Plus this is Bruce fucking Willis not Arnold =p

Majin yami Aug 3, 2006 12:54 PM

I thought it was a pretty good title.

elevator Aug 3, 2006 05:17 PM

That´s cool.. I´ve been looking forward to that movie since I saw Die Hard With A Vengeance. The title is pretty akward, I just hope that the movie will be good.

Yippie-kay-yay motherfucker.

Sian Aug 3, 2006 07:21 PM

Will Bruce Willis be able to handle it what with being a bit too old to be running around playing cop? They should just leave it as a TRILOGY, no point in screwing up the whole thing by making a shitty fourth comeback.

Wojo Aug 3, 2006 08:02 PM

This is completely ridiculous. I bet the villian in this movie will be a reincarnation of Hans Gruber as a robot.

Give me my detonators!

Freddy Krueger Aug 3, 2006 08:04 PM

As long as Mclance is tearing shit up and giving some good 1 liners then this will rock.

acid Aug 3, 2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus

Okay, Snakes on a Plane is one thing.

Alien vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest is another.

But LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD?? Come on! I'm pumped for the film because I love the first three, but jesus... Studios are leaping at the bad title bandwagon like it's no tomorrow.

Because Die Hard 2: Die Harder and Die Hard with a Vengeance were great titles.

Die Hard is my favourite action movie, ever. I'll see this, opening day. But as it stands right now, I'm not exactly pumped about it. McLane dealing with techno-terrorists. And if early rumors are any indication, they may be teaming McLane with a young "hip" sidekick. Christ.

Freddy Krueger Aug 3, 2006 09:15 PM

Justin Long is playing a hacker who helps Mclane I belive. I would rather have Sam Jackson come back, they make a great team.

Morrigan Aug 3, 2006 10:44 PM

Get a grip on the action
Movin' heaven and earth
Gotta get a reaction
Push for all that you're worth

No denyin we're goin' against the grain
So defiant they'll never put us down

Rock Hard Ride Free
All day, all night
Rock Hard Ride Free
All your life

Tough as steel
Stop at nothin'
Look at fate in the face
Don't take no for an answer
Grab the lead in the race

Rock Hard Ride Free
All day, all night
Rock Hard Ride Free
All your life

Rock with a purpose
Got a mind that won't bend
Diehard resolution
That is true to the end

Rock Hard Ride Free
All day, all night
Rock Hard Ride Free
All your life

....Sorry. For some reason, that title reminded me of this classic song. :D

Freddy Krueger Dec 15, 2006 06:03 PM

http://www.movie-list.net/exclusive/...r-die-hard.mov teaser, looks much different then the others but it still looks awesome and it has John Mclane, the end of the trailer is hillarious.

The Wise Vivi Dec 15, 2006 06:22 PM

I heard about this a little while ago. And even though it seems like everyone is jumping on the "Let's release a sequel for a movie that came out about 10 years ago or more" I have to admit, I like seeing some of these actors return for another sequel on a great series of movies already.

Kaleb.G Dec 15, 2006 06:42 PM

The trailer actually looks pretty good. Willis' bald head makes him look more like Agent 47, so you know he doesn't fuck around. I just hope they don't muck up the film with too many patriotic overtones or technological fallacies.

Helloween Dec 15, 2006 06:44 PM

How long until they turn this into a Bond Franchise and just get new actors for MacLane every now and then?

I'll probably see this. I loved all three movies, and frankly, if they do turn this into another Bond franchise, it wouldn't bother me.

Domino Dec 15, 2006 06:57 PM

Looks pretty good, but looks can be deceiving. Let's hope that's not the case here. Probably end up going to see this when it comes out though. I enjoyed the other 3 films, so I don't see why this will be any different.

Kolba Dec 15, 2006 07:12 PM

This trailer had twice as many flying cars as the Casino Royale one did, so we can say we have 100% more potential awesome than Bonds latest outing already. And, if I recall correctly, the spinning car in the Casino Royale trailer didn't achieve nearly as many revolutions per second as the spinning car in this trailer did.

Looks like we're gonna have a smash on our hands

randomwab Dec 15, 2006 07:56 PM

As great as the trailer looks, it doesn't feel very Die Hard. John MacLane always seemed like an average cop against the odds, where as this trailer makes him look like a generic action hero bad ass. Maybe i'm wrong but i'm not feeling a very "Die Hard" vibe from this.

Helloween Dec 15, 2006 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by randomwab
As great as the trailer looks, it doesn't feel very Die Hard. John MacLane always seemed like an average cop against the odds, where as this trailer makes him look like a generic action hero bad ass. Maybe i'm wrong but i'm not feeling a very "Die Hard" vibe from this.

I felt the same way, but i couldn't really describe what i felt.

I didn't like Vengence as much as the other two, mostly because i liked how both of the first two movies were confined to a single place. I've always thought that that's what set it apart from other action movies, or at least, ones i've seen. If i had my way, i'd have Die Hard return to that set up, where everything's just in one place. I guess that means no flying cars, but that's just another number in the formula for action movies if you ask me.

Grail Dec 15, 2006 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Helloween
How long until they turn this into a Bond Franchise and just get new actors for MacLane every now and then?

I'll probably see this. I loved all three movies, and frankly, if they do turn this into another Bond franchise, it wouldn't bother me.

I have a feeling that if they do, they will prolly ruin the franchise.

Bond had tons of books to go off of (from what I know, I'm prolly wrong though) whereas Die Hard was just another movie trilogy.

It odesn't feel like die hard to me because he doesn't have the half hair like the rest of the films :( and he seems tougher in this than he did in Vengence so....while it looks cool, and Justing Long is cool, I don't know how well this movie will turn out.

Tizzler Dec 16, 2006 12:54 AM

Do states have rights to their license plate slogans? If so, I say New Hampshire makes sure they get their ass paid.

I'm going to see this movie when it comes out, just for the Bruce Willis Theater Experience. His action movies are great in a theater, huge screen, crazy loud, with bass that shakes your bowels.

dagget Dec 16, 2006 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Wojo

Give me my detonators!

For some reason I thought that read Dementors and had a picture of McClaine fighting Hans dressed up as Snape. :(

Trailer looks interesting to say the least. I'll probably catch it in the theatres just because.

Kolba Dec 16, 2006 08:49 AM

I can't get that geeks annoying geek voice out of my head. Are they going to have him whining like that through the whole movie, because a whiny geek voice which goes up and down and falters is an easy way of characterising a geek?

Lalala Dec 16, 2006 12:52 PM

All this Die Hard talk makes me want to watch the movies again. Mmm Alan Rickman. :D

Anywho, I agree that it doesn't have the same feel as the other Die Hard movies. I guess I'm biased because Justin Long annoys me to no end.

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