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Krelian Feb 4, 2010 10:34 AM

Fallout: New Vegas - Oblivion with blackjack


Not much in the way of details for this one yet, but here's what's been announced:

- Developed by Obsidian, with a bunch of guys who worked on Fallout and Fallout 2 aboard
- Published by Bethesda
- Same kind of experience as Fallout 3
- Coming out on PC, 360 and PS3
- Release date: Autumn 2010.

A few things can be gleaned from the trailer:

- It'll have the same sort of 50s swing-jazz soundtrack as Fallout 3.
- Vegas is holding up considerably better than DC. Look at all those shiny city lights!
- The NCR will be involved. (!!!!!!)
- There will be robots.
- And guns.
- Shit will be hot.

Despite its many flaws and technical fuckups, Fallout 3 was an excellent title. If New Vegas carries on the same formula with a little bit more polish and some varied locations you don't have to pay extra for, I reckon this could be one hell of a game. Anxiously awaiting some real screenshots/gameplay details.

Paco Feb 4, 2010 10:43 AM

I was one of those late-comers to Fallout 3 but, when I did finally get around to playing it, it quickly became one of the most addicting and amazing games I've ever played in the last decade. I honestly can't wait until it's out because my projector is JONESIN' to see some proper we-ain't-stoppin-till-six-in-da-mornin use.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 4, 2010 10:49 AM

Basically the only information in the trailer other than "yes, this is a Fallout game and it takes place in Vegas" is Mr. Dramatic Windswept Cape at the end there. I know I shouldn't expect too much from a teaser, but that's the unique image they decided to give us? Dramatic cape guy?

edit: okay looking at it again it's not so much a cape as a ridiculous huge trenchcoat, which — not really an improvement

I want to be optimistic about this because if there's anything the old black isle team needed is backing from a bigger company that actually had its shit together. With my luck the game will combine the creative storytelling of Bethesda and the technical know-how of Troika though

vvv Chumps

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Feb 4, 2010 10:51 AM

I hope there's a touch more variety to the locations this time round. I did enjoy Fallout 3 but after a while, examining empty desks and filing cabinets in identikit ruined buildings forever gets a bit old, especially once you've hit maximum level since then there's no point to fighting any of the monsters either. My only real criticism of the game was that it was too big for it's own good, you could hit maxuimum level and have collected enough ammo to kill everything in the wasteland three times over having only explored a quarter of the map. Given the somewhat all-looking-basically-the-same nature of the environment, there was really no incentive to carry on exploring after that, so I just bashed off the rest of the story missions and put the game down. Whilst Oblivion had all kinds of flaws and was itself guilty of over-use of architecture, you still always felt your character was progressing and you were finding more and better gear, meaning there was a point to continued exploration. Why would I bother hunting for a slightly better unique missile launcher in F3 when the plasma rifle I already have takes out Supermutant Behemoths in three shots?

In other words, I'll get this if they either make it smaller, put some variation in it or ditch the level cap. Also I played pretty much all of Fallout 3 with the radio turned off. The music was a change from the norm but five songs isn't enough for a game you're likely to be playing for at least 40 hours.

Paco Feb 4, 2010 11:00 AM

The soundtrack actually had like 30 songs but, yeah, if that's not your bag, you weren't gonna be digging it too much played ad-nauseam.

Winta Feb 9, 2010 04:44 AM

Fallout is by far one of my favorite games :) Its so detailed and you can go so many ways and still play the game as it should be played :) Cant wait for this to come out :D

Bradylama Feb 9, 2010 03:27 PM

Fallout 3's format with good writing would be nice

Skexis Feb 9, 2010 03:40 PM

My main problem with Fallout 3 currently is that there doesn't seem like much point in exploring once you've hit level 20. There might be a lot of points in the wasteland I haven't hit yet, but because I don't really get anything from it I almost feel like I shouldn't bother playing the game.

I considered getting Brotherhood of Steel, because I heard that it puts the level cap at 30, but I don't know if the meat of the expansion is worth the $10 or not, so I haven't bothered.

I hope a change in environment is enough to recharge the game for me. I'll definitely be picking it up.

Bradylama Feb 9, 2010 04:26 PM

BoS is the worst content update, and the level 30 cap doesn't include any interesting new perks

Krelian Feb 9, 2010 04:48 PM

Some details from the new PC Gamer:

Takes place three years after Fallout 3.

You play as a courier who gets shot up during his mission, and left in a shallow grave. A robot named Victor digs you up, and his owner, a doctor named Mitchell, helps you back on your feet and gives you a Pipboy.

Optional hardcore mode that features ammunition with weight, and requires you to drink water to stay alive.

Three main factions: New California Republic, Caesar's Legion (slaver gang from the original, cancelled Fallout 3), residents of New Vegas and super mutants. NCR is based in McCarran Airport, Caesar's Legion is based on the Strip, and the mutants are holed up in a place called Black Mountain.

Other locations include the Hoover Dam, a solar power station, and multiple towns in the Mojave desert — one of which features a strip revue. Area 51 rumoured for inclusion. Vegas itself is a little run-down, but mostly intact.

New weapons include dynamite, golf club and "varmint rifle".

Melee weapons now have special attacks — the golf club, for instance, has an attack called "Fore" that lets you whack your opponent in the bollocks.

Geckos from Fallout 2 are featured enemies. First quest in the game involves you killing a bunch (similar to the roaches at the beginning of F3).

New mutant faction called the Nightkin.

Initial character setup is determined with one of those love tester machines that were common in bars decades ago.

Conversations work COMPLETELY differently. Every conversation option features a skill check, and two different responses based on whether you pass or fail. Even if you don't have stats sufficient to pass a skill check for a particular option, the option itself is still visible.

Fallout/Fallout 2 writing team are on board.

Fallout 3-style karma system returns, along with the Fallout 2-style reputation system — each town has its own opinion of you. Reputation system applies to factions as well as towns.

Barter skill now affects quest rewards as well as shopping.

Followers can be given orders through a context-sensitive menu.

Books are in again, as well as magazines.

NMA has a bunch of screenshots up. Spoilered for convenience.

Gechmir Feb 9, 2010 04:58 PM

For all the above gripes about Fallout 3, some of the wonderful mods helped smooth it all out =V Like ones that require eating/drinking, or the weapon add-ons mod, etc.

Looking forward to this. Still need to go back and actually beat one of Bethesda's games, though :psyduck:

Bradylama Feb 10, 2010 02:09 AM

It's almost like everything I wanted in a Fallout sequel.

I also see PC Gamer's image captions are as groan-inducing as ever.
It's like the Gaming League dorks in King of Kong who have a penalty for foul language

Additional Spam:
The PSM3 UK preview has more information.

Randi Apr 15, 2010 10:23 PM

Hopefully they make this next game a bit more... adult, I guess.

I mean, you can't have Vegas without prostitution.

No. Hard Pass. Apr 15, 2010 10:24 PM

Um. There was prostitution in Fallout 3.

Randi Apr 15, 2010 10:27 PM

I don't consider paying a chick to take a nap with me prostitution.

No. Hard Pass. Apr 15, 2010 10:31 PM

Ah, so what you're actually saying is you want to see some pixel based cock sucking.

You must live a full life.

FatsDomino Apr 15, 2010 11:40 PM

I believe I have some of that somewhere.

Single Elbow Apr 16, 2010 01:59 AM

Fallout 3: Hot Coffee mod.

Should be somewhere around the internet, Randi.

Randi Apr 16, 2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Denicalis (Post 751633)
Ah, so what you're actually saying is you want to see some pixel based cock sucking.

You must live a full life.

Well at least then I wouldn't be wasting my caps on napping then would I?

Misogynyst Gynecologist Apr 16, 2010 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Bradylama (Post 743944)
Fallout 3's format with good writing would be nice


I get that details are slim right now, but what I want to know is if this is going to be a FPS with the VATS system again or what? Only because Fallout 3 was a huge departure from the other top-down games, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something new. You know, like it turns out to be Wacky Wheels with some new skins or something.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 16, 2010 12:34 PM

There's essentially zero chance of it not being Fallout 3 with a new skin. You gotta remember that a lot of the people that liked F3 bought it because they'd played Oblivion, not because they played the first two Fallout games. I imagine they might make it more rpg like or more fps like or even more likely both, with more of a noticeable difference as to how you're playing it, possibly with full mode changes, rather than just a VATS button. It's not been that long since F3 came out so they've not had time to do much more than re-skin and write the dialogue, unless they started this a while before F3 came out.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Apr 16, 2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Shin (Post 751705)
There's essentially zero chance of it not being Fallout 3 with a new skin. You gotta remember that a lot of the people that liked F3 bought it because they'd played Oblivion, not because they played the first two Fallout games.

At the same time - I didn't like Oblivion but I loved Fallout 3. Or how about the old Fallout fans not liking the idea of a FPS/RPG ala System Shock type of fare? Anyway, thats for a seperate discussion.

I figured (and hope!) that there isn't too, too much change with New Vegas since the F3 system is pretty spot on aside from occasional glitches.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Apr 16, 2010 02:48 PM

Well, it seems to be more of a decent tweaking of the formula than serious alterations in the core mechanics, so it should be pretty hard to change things that drastically.

Krelian May 5, 2010 12:42 PM

A few more details from a recent Bethesda press event:

You can aim down your guns' sights à la Call of Duty/any other modern FPS.

The tutorial quests are largely optional. After the opening sequence/character creation, you can either play a sequence of quests that teach you how to play, or you can wander out into the desert and do your own thing.

If you choose to begin a game on hardcore mode, you can turn it off at any time. However, you can't turn it on from normal mode, so it's a choice you have to stick with for the whole game. Completing the game on hardcore mode apparently earns you some kind of special reward.

You can't just carry around hundreds of stimpaks on hardcore mode. For broken bones and other severe injuries, you have to go see a doctor and get fixed up.

No fast travel in hardcore.

Vegas wasteland is just as big as DC. Maybe even bigger.

Music will be a mixture of 1950s jazz and country/western.

You'll be able to customise weapons and equip different kinds of ammunition. Scopes, silencers and extended magazines are the sort of things that'll be available.

Companions have been improved a great deal. If you equip a melee weapon on a sniping specialist, for example, they'll stop you and ask if you want them to use something to which they're better suited.

VATS has been tweaked. You can set it so the dramatic slow-mo combat stuff is first-person only, third-person only, a mix of the two or not present at all. Slow-mo killcams are also present during normal non-VATS gameplay.

Nightkin super mutants will come equipped with cloaking devices, making it impossible for you to target them in VATS.

Obligatory gambling minigames.

Some enemies have tough armour — upon attacking them, a red shield icon appears onscreen, indicating you might want to switch to something with greater penetration.

New weapons: Grenade machine gun and plasma caster.

Animations haven't been improved at all and apparently look like they were recycled from F3/Oblivion.

Fallout: New Vegas for Xbox 360 - Preview - G4tv.com
Fallout: New Vegas First Look - PlayStation 3 Preview at IGN

RacinReaver May 5, 2010 01:11 PM


Music will be a mixture of 1950s jazz and country/western.
::2 new songs::

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