Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [SotW] Song of the Week - WEEK 266 Voting/WEEK 267 Nominating (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44208)

orion_mk3 Aug 28, 2012 06:47 PM

Song of the Week - WEEK 266 Voting/WEEK 267 Nominating
Song of the Week. 250 Weeks and counting.
Week 266 Voting is HI CHZ.
Week 267 Nominating is I'M DOING GREAT HOW ABOUT YOU.

THEME WEEK: SotW Unplugged
An acoustic (or faux-acoustic) instrumentation week, acoustic guitar being the obvious example.

1). [11] echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59
2). [9/6.5] Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo
3). [9/5] LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore
4). [7] Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
5). [6/5] Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil
6). [6/4] The Best of LucasArts Original Soundtracks - Scumm Bar
7). [6/3] Granado Espada (Game Rip) - Umbrio
8). [:(] Gran Turismo 5 (Game Rip) - Second Driver

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: Gran Turismo 5 (Game Rip) - Second Driver
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: Granado Espada (Game Rip) - Umbrio
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo
Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: The Best of LucasArts Original Soundtracks - Scumm Bar

Voting Rules:
Voters must distribute 6 points among the 8 nominees, giving points to at least 3 songs, giving no song more than 3 points, and giving no more than one of their choices 3 points. Possible ways of voting include:
Song1 - 3 pts.
Song2 - 2 pts.
Song3 - 1 pt.

"Even Stevens"
Song1 - 2 pts.
Song2 - 2 pts.
Song3 - 2 pts.

"Tough Decision"
Song1 - 2 pts.
Song2 - 2 pts.
Song3 - 1 pt.
Song4 - 1 pt.

"Nomination Bias"
Song1 - 3 pts.
Song2 - 1 pt.
Song3 - 1 pt.
Song4 - 1 pt.

Song1 - 2 pts.
Song2 - 1 pt.
Song3 - 1 pt.
Song4 - 1 pt.
Song5 - 1 pt.

"Shotgun Spread"
Song1 - 1 pt.
Song2 - 1 pt.
Song3 - 1 pt.
Song4 - 1 pt.
Song5 - 1 pt.
Song6 - 1 pt.

Please remember to upload your nominations to the SotW server! Uploaded noms mean a faster, smoother SotW experience for everyone. Server information:
* Host: ftp.sotw.info
* Username: nominations@sotw.info (that is the actual username; not an e-mail address)
* Password: gff
* Port: 21

The Nominations Queue can be found here.
The rules for nominating can be found here.

Elorin Sep 3, 2012 11:54 AM

Ok, this is weird, I'm usually not the first person to vote.

So, this week is kinda easy going for the most part. Which is pretty neat, for me at least. I had some trouble getting the download link to work for the Gran Turismo track so I ended up listening to the stream instead.

(2 points) Granado Espada (Game Rip) - Umbrio
Like this piece quite a bit, but was in two minds about nominating it in the past because it's sort of laid back. And then came SotW Unplugged.

(2 points) LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore
Really digging the the Spanish-inspired (I think) melody. Very pretty.

(1 point) Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
This track has grown on me considerably with repeated listens. Very charming and quaint.

(1 point) The Best of LucasArts Original Soundtracks - Scumm Bar
Arrr, I do fancy a jolly good pirate song. Aye, me toes be a tappin' now.

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 3, 2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Elorin (Post 804323)
I had some trouble getting the download link to work for the Gran Turismo track


orion_mk3 Sep 3, 2012 05:15 PM

Thank god, someone else posted. Now I can vote without getting it automerged into the bloody threadstart post!

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 3, 2012 05:53 PM

The time period when double posts are merged is only three hours. You were waiting for nothing! http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/im...icons/cool.gif

orion_mk3 Sep 4, 2012 08:38 AM

You and I both know that you or Tails would have merged it anyway out of sheer cussedness.

EDIT: I guess I could vote too, while whining.

echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59 I'll be honest: this sounds like a classical music string quartet. It may be a very good classical music string quartet, perhaps the best classical music string quartet of all time. But the fact of the matter is I find string quartet stuff terminally boring no matter how well it's done.

Gran Turismo 5 (Game Rip) - Second Driver Well, it's not the usual unchanging techno loops, that's for sure. Light loungy jazz is not at all the racing norm, but the thing about light loungy jazz is a lot like the thing about classical music string quartets. I just find the form kinda boring most of the time as anything but muzak, no matter how well it's done.

Granado Espada (Game Rip) - Umbrio I keep thinking that the Spanish name of this game will deliver a Spanish sound, but so far all the nominations have tended to be just the opposite with like a Balinese sound or something. This definitely has that laid-back Spanish sound about it, and while it could use a bit more variation as an overall sound it's not bad.

Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle I'll be honest, I saw the name of the game and immidiately thought of a certain Penny Arcade. But looking at industrial solvents makes me think of Penny Arcade, so whatever. It does the relaxing kinda ambient thing really well; if there's a hint of Mitsuda about it it's in the woodwinds, but there's a long way to go before matching the Mitsdude's melodic chops. Excellent Bandcamp find though; all future SotW noms should be required to come from Bandcamp forever.

Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil I thought someone might Neverhood us this week, if only to match Rayman quirk for quirk. It's 1000% original, of course, and features Bear Retrieval Units and Me Bil. The acapella is, as always, TST's major strong suit.

LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore I'll be honest: I nominated this solely on the basis of that solo acoustic guitar. But with melody to spare and that Spanish flair, it's easily the best song from LR (a strong crop to begin with).

Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo I beleive that this is one of the Rayman songs by Billy Martin rather than Christophe Heral. Luckily, Martin is able to match Heral in the quirk department with a heroic melody and kazoo out the wazoo. If I had known that it was kazoos that would be the magic bullet this year, instead of squaky vocals as in years past, this would have been my BSC pick (it was on the shortlist so screw all you haters). It also continues the bizarre emergent Spanish theme this week, as the hot spice world has crazy mariachi music.

The Best of LucasArts Original Soundtracks - Scumm Bar Arr, there be piratey musics aplenty in this here song. I guess it's from Escape from Monkey Island or whatnot? Either way, it be a winnin' combination of tharr piratey and ye Caribbean the likes o' which be a Monkey Island tradition.

The Point Spread
Flower - 3 pts.
Hoarse Isle - 1 pt.
Me Bil - 1 pt.
Kazoooooooooooooooooooooooo - 1 pt.

Chuckster Sep 6, 2012 11:33 AM

I guess everybody's watching election coverage.

(3 points) LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore: Talk about Mitsuda influence. It's actually not him, though those first couple notes seem lifted from Another Marbule. The rest of it is pretty lovely.

(2 points) Granado Espada (Game Rip) - Umbrio: The first couple seconds portend a darker tone, but instead it's a smooth collection of guitar, piano, and whatever other instruments can be used in a Weather Channel/Porn film background tune. (And I actually mean this as a compliment).

(1 point) Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo: The kazoo is of course pretty silly but everything is upbeat ethnic fun, so I can't really begrudge it.

orion_mk3 Sep 6, 2012 12:39 PM

If you are an anti-kazoo activist, a kazoo-free version of Shooter exists. Though why would you hate kazoos after all they are life and anti-kazoo bias is ruthlessly stamped out around here.

orion_mk3 Sep 8, 2012 04:06 PM

Oh, and a nomination:

Album: Globulous Original Soundtrack
Artist: zircon, Jeff Ball
Song: Dawn Oblique
Track#: 1
Release Date: 6/10/12
Source: Bandcamp, bitches
Notes: This song's gonna zirc you up and kick you in the Jeff Balls

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 8, 2012 05:37 PM

3 points: Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo
2 points: echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59
1 point: Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil
my true weakness: Second Driver

Some interesting takes on the acoustic theme for this week. Nice job!

Shooter - Kazoo is such a glorious trainwreck of a composition. Even without the kazoo, I have no idea what's happening in the first minute. But then there is kazoo that plays, among other things, a Morricone trumpet line at 1:32. I literally died in the game while playing this stage because I was laughing too hard at the BGM to concentrate.

Echochrome's soundtrack was actually really impressive, I have to be honest. Sakamoto nailed some legitimately good string quartet music. I've kind of been thinking about nominating #101 for a while, but #59 is excellent too and I'll take it.

Oh Terry Scott Taylor. http://quiteajolt.com/gff/emot-allears.gif

Kanji Sep 11, 2012 05:40 PM

points ~

2: Umbrio
2: Shooter - Kazoo
1: Battle of Robot Bil
1: Scumm Bar

I wanted to give 3 points to Umbrio because that guitar solo is some seriously sexy bittersweet sex, but in the end I had to give in to Neverhood nom bias and resist the temptations to snub Scumm Bar's piracy-endorsin' swing.

The Rayman track is too good, srsly. sounds like something out of a Banjo-Kazooie game with birdbrains herself on lead vocals.

p.s. prob a shot in the dark, but is anyone savvy enough to point me in the right direction to convert Atari ST YM2149 tunes into mp3's? Want to nom a tune from a game called "Crapman," and I know you dudes will eat it up. I have an SNDH archive, but have no idea how to use Audio Overload, apparently. :v

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 13, 2012 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kanji (Post 804477)
p.s. prob a shot in the dark, but is anyone savvy enough to point me in the right direction to convert Atari ST YM2149 tunes into mp3's? Want to nom a tune from a game called "Crapman," and I know you dudes will eat it up. I have an SNDH archive, but have no idea how to use Audio Overload, apparently. :v

lawl Audio Overload is easy mode (there's an "Export to WAV" menu item somewhere) but if you tell me which track in the SNDH I can totes do it for you

Muzza Sep 14, 2012 08:39 PM

SotF :(

2 points: Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
2 points: Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil
1 point: Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo
1 point: echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59

Rayman Origins and Imagninarium in the same week?!

We should do this more often.

Darkcomet72 Sep 15, 2012 09:30 PM

3 points: prime 59
2 points: Scumm Bar
1 point: Shooter - Kazoo
Just Missed: The Battle for Robot Bill

Week 3 vote :(. I promise it won't happen again!

Not too big on this week, though there is some good stuff. Still gotta check out BG&E and Origins, especially with BG&E2 announced. Home Theme is still the true winner of the BBSCSC.

To think, my first exposure to Hideki Sakamoto was the Yakuza 1+2 soundtrack, where I mostly thought of him as "that guy who's not Hidenori Shoji". I was really impressed with his contribution back then, he pretty much matched Shoji in intensity, not an easy feat. Then I learned that he specializes in classical music and yo whaaaaat

Duck King Sep 16, 2012 03:29 AM

2 points: echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59
2 points: The Best of LucasArts Original Soundtracks - Scumm Bar
1 point: Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
1 point: Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil
Just missed: Second Driver

isdapi Sep 16, 2012 10:04 AM

Let's do it now!

<<3 Points>> echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59
<<2 Points>> Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
<<1 Point>> LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 17, 2012 04:52 AM

I guess we'll be doing 7 this week unless someone has an emergency kazoo nomination also:

1). [11] echochrome Original Sound Track - prime #59
2). [9/6.5] Rayman Origins Original Soundtrack - Shooter - Kazoo
3). [9/5] LAST RANKER Original Soundtrack - The Flower Blooms on That Shore
4). [7] Horse Isle 2 Original Soundtrack Volume I - Welcome to Horse Isle
5). [6/5] Imaginarium: songs from the Neverhood - The Battle Of Robot Bil
6). [6/4] The Best of LucasArts Original Soundtracks - Scumm Bar
7). [6/3] Granado Espada (Game Rip) - Umbrio
8). [:(] Gran Turismo 5 (Game Rip) - Second Driver

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