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RacinReaver Jun 4, 2010 12:58 PM

Unusual Snacks
So do you have any sort of unusual things you like to snack on? I've always been really partial to apples and peanut butter. Sometimes I'll actually cut the apple up and slather peanut butter on it, but I'm usually too lazy for that and I'll put a little dollop on the next bite I'm about to take.

I'll also occasionally just grab some marshmallows out of the bag and eat them. Worse than that is my tendency to grab a couple of bacon bits (not even real ones, the fake soy kind) and eat them just because they're there (and delicious).

bahamuty Jul 31, 2010 03:31 AM

It's not really strange per say but I'm addicted to blue corn chips and shredded cheese melted over them. 30 secs in the microwave is all it takes and it doesn't mess up the chips they are still crunchy and perfect.

WolfDemon Aug 3, 2010 02:39 AM

What's strange about apples and peanut butter? That shit's delicious.

Anyway, in the asian aisle at the store they have bags of "Shrimp Chips." Fuckers are so addicting, but they're a bit pricey and so small you can finish a bag in one sitting.

Kyndig Aug 4, 2010 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by RacinReaver (Post 757102)
So do you have any sort of unusual things you like to snack on? I've always been really partial to apples and peanut butter. Sometimes I'll actually cut the apple up and slather peanut butter on it, but I'm usually too lazy for that and I'll put a little dollop on the next bite I'm about to take.

I'll also occasionally just grab some marshmallows out of the bag and eat them. Worse than that is my tendency to grab a couple of bacon bits (not even real ones, the fake soy kind) and eat them just because they're there (and delicious).

I'm not sure that I would really call either of those unusual. Yesterday I was eating a couple of apple slices with peanut butter on them and then I had a couple with cheese on them and then I thought: "Hmmm....apples with peanut butter AND cheese?" Wasn't really as good as I had hoped though.

The strangest snack food that I keep stocked is probably these dried green beans with a strangely sweet seasoning on them. A country store near my house keeps them stocked.

ava lilly Aug 10, 2010 05:04 PM

in my first year of university, I didn't have much in my res room one night so I ate rice crispies out of a mug with a spoonful of peanut butter. it's kinda tasty.

snacking on pepperoncini peppers usually gets some weird looks.

Mighty Tor Aug 16, 2010 09:54 PM

Not sure how unusual this is, but as many snacks are this was born from munchies and limited pantry resources and zero desire to leave the house. Anyways, runs something like this:

Take a tortilla, preferably burrito sized, and spread peanut butter on it, sprinkle liberally with chocolate chips and then microwave for about 15 seconds or so. Roll up and enjoy. It can get a bit runny, but essentially you've got your peanut butter cup roll-up/burrito for dessert.

This is actually evolved slightly from the original which had Nutella in place of the chocolate chips first time through. Still tasty but I prefer the chocolate chips, plus it's cheaper than using up nutella spread.

RacinReaver Aug 17, 2010 12:54 PM

That's actually similar to what I do sometimes when I want a more filling version of toast. Lightly toast the bread, then quickly spread peanutbutter and some chocolate chips on.

Sarag Aug 17, 2010 12:58 PM

When we didn't have anything else in the house I would snack on white bread. I haven't had to do that ever since I moved out, though.

Bernard Black Aug 17, 2010 01:11 PM

I used to eat powdered cup-a-soup with the tiniest bit of mayo, smothered in balsamic vinegar. Not sure what was up with that, it wasn't particularly pleasant either.

THIEF Aug 17, 2010 07:07 PM

BB, that just sounds vile.

I really like eating olives of any kind. And I find myself eating a lot of pickled food as well.

Bernard Black Aug 26, 2010 03:47 PM

It wasn't the greatest :(

I thought of another too actually, I used to eat frozen peas as well.

Helloween Aug 26, 2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bernard Black (Post 766514)
I used to eat powdered cup-a-soup with the tiniest bit of mayo, smothered in balsamic vinegar. Not sure what was up with that, it wasn't particularly pleasant either.

.... holy Moses that sounds atrocious.

Although, i guess i shouldn't talk. Salsa and Oreos was a vice of mine for a few years. I probably would still be down if Oreos weren't on the chopping block when it came time for me to trim my diet to fit financial costs.

Also, BB, how do you reconcile your last post the the post you just made in the picky eating thread?

Shorty Aug 27, 2010 01:50 AM


Surume-ika, or dried squid. You either shred this into strips or buy them all cut up like stringy jerky, and dip it with a bit of mayonnaise topped with some shichimi pepper powder.

Goes oh so well with beer.

No. Hard Pass. Aug 27, 2010 01:54 AM

Shorty. Why don't bonito flakes exist in my city?

Why does the world hate me?

Shorty Aug 27, 2010 02:06 AM

Well, for one, you're posting about shredded shaved dried fish in a thread about "unusual Snacks" which, bonito flakes aren't even considered close to in the country of its origin (unless of course, it's been soaked in a sweet mirin-soy sauce reduction sauce, dried again and combined with sesame seed and dried seaweed (nori) to make furi-kake which can be sprinkled on rice/toast with butter/salad etc. to be considered a snack...).

Oh and Deni, all you have to do is ask. I would send you some.

No. Hard Pass. Aug 27, 2010 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Shorty (Post 767363)
Well, for one, you're posting about shredded shaved dried fish in a thread about "unusual Snacks" which, bonito flakes aren't even considered close to in the country of its origin (unless of course, it's been soaked in a sweet mirin-soy sauce reduction sauce, dried again and combined with sesame seed and dried seaweed (nori) to make furi-kake which can be sprinkled on rice/toast with butter/salad etc. to be considered a snack...).

Oh and Deni, all you have to do is ask. I would send you some.

I'm making miso soup, not eating them by themselves. No one wants to eat blockfish.

Chibi Neko Oct 10, 2010 09:54 PM

A big spoon of peanut butter.

Paco Oct 10, 2010 10:32 PM

Nuke some salad croutons in a bowl with garlic spread to melt the spread onto them and wrap them in a leaf of Romaine lettuce. MAD delicious and puts a light snack in your stomach when you're hung-the-fuck-over and can't stomach greasy-ass fries.

Bernard Black Oct 19, 2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Helloween (Post 767353)
.... holy Moses that sounds atrocious.

Although, i guess i shouldn't talk. Salsa and Oreos was a vice of mine for a few years. I probably would still be down if Oreos weren't on the chopping block when it came time for me to trim my diet to fit financial costs.

Also, BB, how do you reconcile your last post the the post you just made in the picky eating thread?

For some reason, peas seemed to lose 20% of their awesomeness for every minute boiled. No more though! I have had a wondrous maturing of my pallet :)

Salsa and Oreos sounds... counfusing! But then on a similar vein a friend and I did try dipping Galaxy chocolate into a sweet chili and tomato pesto one day and it was bloody gorgeous. Admittedly we had spent the day thoroughly baked, but I'd still recommend it :p

Shorty Jul 29, 2011 01:32 AM

If this isn't "unusual," I don't know what is:


Jessykins Jul 29, 2011 01:24 PM

Personally, I love when my snacks start flailing their tentacles at me.

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