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-   -   [Question] YOU are Captain N, The Game Master (Game World You'd LIke to be a part of) (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28275)

mortis Dec 20, 2007 05:04 AM

YOU are Captain N, The Game Master (Game World You'd LIke to be a part of)
Hopefully I haven't made a thread similar to one in recent history. I didn't see any so that's a good sign.

Anyway, remember Captain N, The Game Master? For those who don't, the short story of it all was a kid who played video games all the time, then got sucked into his television and was placed into the 'video game world'. There was one central place that connected each game world together (so you could access Megaman's world, Link's world, etc).

With that in mind, presume you got sucked in, and were told that you have to spend your life in a game world. Which one(s) would you select, and why?

For me, albeit cliches, probably Final Fantasy VI. I mean, why WOULDN'T it be awesome to be able to jump up about a thousand feet in the air and come right back down? Or how cool would it be to be able to stop time, slow time down, etc? I think the only things that would NOT be cool would be some of those instant-kill spells. It would make me kinda never want to leave town in the game, haha.

Another might be Eternal Acadia's world. While I have not play the game entirely, it would definitely be awesome to fly through the air with an airship (not that Final Fantasy you can't do that already).

Yet another might be Suikoden I. THe old-fashioned world would be fun. And being able to stay within a remote part in the world inside a castle (presuming I could do that) would be pretty cool.

Oh, and i guess the megaman world if nothing else to find out 'JUST WHAT HAPPENED TO MEGAMAN, ZERO, ETC, ANYWAY? A GUY'S GOTTA KNOW CAPCOM!'. Actually, it would be could to see such advanced artificial life, presuming it doesn't go psycho on me.

Your worlds, and why?

^-^ Dec 20, 2007 07:28 AM

I'd choose the world of Mother, Mother 2, or maybe Mother 3.

Mainly because it'd almost be like living here, in the United States.

That and c'mon, I can be in dalaam or some other place out in the middle of nowhere, and I can get a friggin' PIZZA delivered to me!?

Chaotic Dec 20, 2007 10:55 AM

Hands down, the Pokemon world. There's nothing like leaving your home when you're ten years old and going off to catch wild Pokemon to use in battle against others. Honestly, the idea of it is awesome.

DarkMageOzzie Dec 20, 2007 02:11 PM

DOA X2. No fighting involved and I'd be surrounded by women in swimsuits. Sure there are much cooler games I could say but those all involve the possibility of death.

Or maybe Overlord... but only if I can be The Overlord. I've always wanted an army of minions.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Dec 20, 2007 03:45 PM

To expand upon Chaotic's choice, the Pokemon world is surprisingly... taoist? Places are simply separated by landmass instead of countries or districts, and there is little to no governance over any area (the closest thing to it would be a town elder who is sought for counsel). Each town is self-sufficient and relatively isolated from any neighboring settlements.

The world became a little bit scarier to live in when one of the evil organizations that pop up every so often almost negated existence, but it'd still be pretty interesting place to live in.

Dark Nation Dec 20, 2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Generic Badass (Post 554867)
To expand upon Chaotic's choice, the Pokemon world is surprisingly... taoist? Places are simply separated by landmass instead of countries or districts, and there is little to no governance over any area (the closest thing to it would be a town elder who is sought for counsel). Each town is self-sufficient and relatively separate from any other neighboring cities.

The world became a little bit scarier to live in when one of the evil organizations that pop up every so often almost negated existence, but it'd still be pretty interesting place to live in.

Its actually a stealth modified version of Ancient Japan's Feudal System:

Each major town has a Gym Leader (Daimyo). The Trainers (Samurai) must venture forth and are forbidden from taking another position, they are the only ones who are allowed to carry Pokemon into battle (Swords) among the non-royalty. Store Owners, Breeders and Professors (Merchants, Herbalists, Engineers) are the other major classes of position and rank.

While each Gym Leader is in charge of their own Town/City (Han), they do report to the Elite 4 (Shogunate) and bestow upon Trainers (Samurai) increasing ranks of privilege through competitive combat (Schools of Bushido).

Some Gym Leaders gain their position through besting the previous leader, while others are passed down through Family (Clans).

The pokemon are all varied in strength and usage (Varied kinds of swords) and a trainer is required to carry at least one, but no more then six of them (One minimum, two total Swords).

Finally, the Trainers enjoy great privillages in Travel (Passing between Han), Free Lodging at any Pokemon Center (Town Inns or any home if required), and are paid for every victory against a rival trainer (Option of taking Swords upon death).

Criminal Organizations in the Pokemon world are either brazen and attack in daylight, such as Team Rocket's grunts (Raiders & Pirates) or they operate under the guise of legitimate business such as a Casino or even ruling a Gym, like Giovanni (Yakuza & Bribed Daimyo) or Breeding Houses (Prostitution).

Some parts of the game have no real-world equivalent, and conversely part of the real world functions do not appear in the games, so do not take what I have said above as the be-all-end-all of what is comparable between this world and the Pokemon world.

The More You Know™

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Dec 20, 2007 04:13 PM

The problem is that the common peasant (non-trainer) was not allowed to ascend into the rank of samurai (trainer) unless bestowed that rank by a local lord/daimyo (gym leader). Recently, the protagonists of Pokemon have become trainers by chance and have never been given their pokemon by a gym leader.

We also see that gym leaders and the like can challenge the Elite 4 (shogunate) and the Champion (Shogun) at any time, and that would have been considered high treason.

Finally, merchants in feudal Japan were thought to be bottom-feeders and considered the lowest class in Japanese society. Certainly not a "major class of position and rank."

Dark Nation Dec 20, 2007 04:24 PM

Yeah, its a loose connection, still kinda interesting to think about though.

Oh and as far as topic goes: I wouldn't mind helping out in Xenosaga, Getting big-ass swords in Final Fantasy X (Spira), or flying around defending my country in Ace Combat 5/6 =D

Chaotic Dec 20, 2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Nation (Post 554874)
Its actually a stealth modified version of Ancient Japan's Feudal System:

Each major town has a Gym Leader (Daimyo). The Trainers (Samurai) must venture forth and are forbidden from taking another position, they are the only ones who are allowed to carry Pokemon into battle (Swords) among the non-royalty. Store Owners, Breeders and Professors (Merchants, Herbalists, Engineers) are the other major classes of position and rank.

While each Gym Leader is in charge of their own Town/City (Han), they do report to the Elite 4 (Shogunate) and bestow upon Trainers (Samurai) increasing ranks of privilege through competitive combat (Schools of Bushido).

Some Gym Leaders gain their position through besting the previous leader, while others are passed down through Family (Clans).

The pokemon are all varied in strength and usage (Varied kinds of swords) and a trainer is required to carry at least one, but no more then six of them (One minimum, two total Swords).

Finally, the Trainers enjoy great privillages in Travel (Passing between Han), Free Lodging at any Pokemon Center (Town Inns or any home if required), and are paid for every victory against a rival trainer (Option of taking Swords upon death).

Criminal Organizations in the Pokemon world are either brazen and attack in daylight, such as Team Rocket's grunts (Raiders & Pirates) or they operate under the guise of legitimate business such as a Casino or even ruling a Gym, like Giovanni (Yakuza & Bribed Daimyo) or Breeding Houses (Prostitution).

Some parts of the game have no real-world equivalent, and conversely part of the real world functions do not appear in the games, so do not take what I have said above as the be-all-end-all of what is comparable between this world and the Pokemon world.

The More You Know™

Well damn. Never thought about it that way.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 20, 2007 09:49 PM

[size=abillion]GIANT QUOTE BOX[/size]

[size=tinyasfuck]two word sentence adding a lot to the conversation[/size]

Ok, look.

I'd pick the Sims world, because like real life, I have trouble going to the washroom unless someone tells me what to do first.

Xardion Dec 20, 2007 09:56 PM

In before Tails shows up talking about h games.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 20, 2007 10:04 PM

And here I would have thought you'd have chosen Simtower, Xard.

Grilled Carrots Dec 21, 2007 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Xardion (Post 555061)
In before Tails shows up talking about h games.

That or in Black and White (As a God of course...)

Nall Dec 21, 2007 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Chaotic (Post 554741)
Hands down, the Pokemon world. There's nothing like leaving your home when you're ten years old and going off to catch wild Pokemon to use in battle against others. Honestly, the idea of it is awesome.

Pokemon is like the ultimate escapist fantasy. Trainers essentially live like vagrants who never have to worry about money, and society is basically built around you. You get free food and lodging from tax-funded Pokeconters and everyone respects you despite only having a 5th grade education and no transferable skills other than what attack a giant penguin should use that would be most effective against a giant tree lizard. The only real-world thing I can even compare it to is if professional gamers somehow rose twenty rungs on the social ladder, so I guess Koreans are already kinda living the dream. Also, despite having much more advanced technology than we do (robots, sentient AI programs, cloning, the means to store biological creatures as data) it's only ever applied to Pokemon and nothing else, with essentially all scientific advancements going towards making trainer's lives easier and all the ethical loose-ends apparently tied up ages ago.

Elixir Dec 22, 2007 01:07 AM

Jet Set Radio Future / Disgaea / Persona worlds. I can't decide. Persona's basically just Japan with a dark hour at the end of each day, although I really want to include it I really can't since it's too easy. Changing Seasons would play while you're at school. Morning lasts 30 seconds and you have 2 minutes of school.

Jet Set Radio Future's basically just blading around town skating and listening to the incredible Hideki Naganuma soundtrack while tagging buildings. Still too easy.

So.. Disgaea world. Massive levelling, random Item Worlds, grid-based fighting and passing bills at the Dark Assembly would be the magnum optus of reality for me.

killerpineapple Dec 22, 2007 05:45 AM

I remember playing Dragonquest VIII and thinking..."Man, this world is so amazingly beautiful." Plus I had a huge crush on the main female character.

I'd also like to be able to visit any place where double-jumping thirty feet high is a normal everyday feat. That would come in so handy for many sports.

Borg1982 Dec 22, 2007 05:43 PM

Super Mario Brothers 3.

Floating blocks.

Raccoon Tail, Fire Flower, Hammer Bro Suit, etc.

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