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Ozma Aug 8, 2007 07:33 AM

I know this is an incredibly stupid thread to make. So, straight to the point. I HATE TOMATOES. I hate their colour which is only attractive but not on the tongue. I hate their texture taste which is...bleahhhh...somewhat gross. I hate their smell which tends to make me wanna throw up.

The bad news is that I was born in a tomato-loving family. Yup, I'm the only one in my family who hate tomatoes. As a result, my siblings always tease me when the main menu contains tomatoes, even if the tomatoes are only for garnishes. Of course they use the tomatoes for tools. Usually they pretend to forget I hate tomatoes and 'accidentally' put one on my dinner plate or in my sandwich.

So, tomatoes. Do you love them or hate them?

Musharraf Aug 8, 2007 08:02 AM

When I'm going by plane, I always drink tomato juice. I also like tomatoes in my salad, but not in my suitcase

nuttyturnip Aug 8, 2007 08:30 AM

I'm not a huge fan of raw tomatoes (although they're good on burgers), but I couldn't live without tomato sauce. You'd destroy some of the best part of italian cooking if you got rid of tomatoes.

Dullenplain Aug 8, 2007 08:52 AM

Tomatoes are great, especially the Roma/plum type that you can eat raw. Very tasty. Strange that most people can't stand eating them raw, I don't mind at all, I'm not too fond of most cooked tomatoes as they lost their texture and firmness when cooked.

agreatguy6 Aug 8, 2007 04:38 PM

I really really REALLY hate tomatoes.
But for some reason, I like Ketchup. I mean, I could do without ketchup, but a plain, unadulterated tomato is just.... like squash: disgusting and foreign.

placebo Aug 8, 2007 04:51 PM

ketchup has not very much in common with tomatoes *IMHO*
And even tomatoes can taste so differently. Dutch tomatoes, fresh quality, taste like sour water (little aroma) compared to Turkish tomatoes.
And ketchup...tastes like ketchup.

Muzza Aug 8, 2007 11:58 PM

I love tomatoes. Especially in sauce form ("ketchup"). Very tasty to me. However, sometimes I can't eat them (usually the small "cherry" tomatoes) because of the acidity; my mouth goes on fire whenever I eat one sometimes. Generally speaking though, they're great. =D

Rydia Aug 9, 2007 12:21 AM

I don't mind them at all. I can eat them raw or cooked, but I think I prefer them raw especially if they're in a salad.

Chaotic Aug 9, 2007 01:23 AM

I only like them to certain extent. If it's in a burger to mask up the taste, then I'd eat it. If it was in a salad or a standalone food, I wouldn't.


Minoko Aug 9, 2007 02:25 AM

Ketchup is my life blood....I used to drink it out from th packets. I still have packets in my bag just incase I go to a pizza store with no ketchup. I can eat tomatoes in sandwiches or burgers but I can't eat it by itself. I eat salsa but the tomatoes in my favorite salsa are washed after cut then places in a small quantity of vinegar with salt.

Adara Aug 9, 2007 08:41 AM

I really like tomatoes. One of my favorite snacks, especially on hot days, is sliced roma tomatoes with salt and pepper on top. I would eat them every day if I had access to home grown tomatoes because those are delicious. I'll eat tomatoes cooked or raw, but I have to take it easy on tomato sauces because they make my stomach burn.

Paco Aug 9, 2007 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by agreatguy6 (Post 486617)
I really really REALLY hate tomatoes.
But for some reason, I like Ketchup.


Originally Posted by Minoko (Post 486919)
Ketchup is my life blood....

Guys... Seriously.... Ketchup is NOT tomatoes. Or at least it holds little tomato in today's ketchup. :/

I like eating tomatoes raw in combination with other foods; like burgers or in a chopped up in a salad. My brother-in-law just cuts tomatoes in half and eats them with salt and pepper, just like Adara describes, but I've never liked them like that. My personal favorite way to consume tomatoes is in juice form: you take a glass, put some Tapatio Hot Sauce, some lemon and fill your glass with tomato juice; now THAT is a damn delicious way to get some Vitamin C in your system.

Skexis Aug 9, 2007 01:02 PM

I like things that come from tomatoes, like ketchup or pico de gallo (I love me some pico :3:), but I can't stand sliced tomatoes, by themselves, in a salad, or on a hamburger.

The texture is partly it, but they tend to take away from all the flavor of the cheese and bacon.

Iwata Aug 9, 2007 03:23 PM

I chose the middle option, even though it really isn't the best to reflect my feelings towards the tomato.

I pretty much hate tomatoes most of the time, but their are a few occasions where i don't mind eating em, like if they're on a hamburger on a taco. I also enjoy tomato juice.

But pretty much, i think they're a waste of water.

Crash "Long-Winded Wrong Answer" Landon Aug 9, 2007 07:05 PM

I like the hard flesh of the tomato but I dislike the squishy pulp. Because of this, I usually order hamburgers and subs without tomato.

I'm also not a big fan of ketchup or tomato sauce. Both are too acidic, and modern ketchups aren't very enticing. Homemade ketchups are sometimes better but I could pass on those too. I even skip the ketchup with my fries and tater tots half the time. But I do like ketchup-flavored potato chips, go figure.

On the other hand, tomato is a crucial part of salsa and pico de gallo, which I enjoy. But this is because it contains mostly the harder flesh. The only tomatoes I eat without being cut are cherry tomatoes, and always in salads. They're sweet and the juices are minimal, making them tolerable.

Shorty Aug 10, 2007 12:45 AM

I prefer eggplant over tomatoes (same family) but either or, doesn't matter. All veggies/fruits are pretty much on the good side of my dietary preference.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 10, 2007 12:55 AM

I love fresh tomatoes. I've grown them since my dad taught me about gardening as a kid, and there are very few things that are as sweet and delicious as a fresh tomato picked from the vine.

Arkhangelsk Aug 10, 2007 01:41 AM

There are two things in food that I really, really dislike: tomatoes and onions.
Now granted, onions are waaaaaaaaay worse for me than tomatoes, but I still don't like them.

However, I can 'psyche' myself out and manage to eat them in certain situations, like if they're pureed (ie: salsa, tomato sauce) or very thinly sliced on pizza margherita. It's mostly the texture that I have a problem with than anything else.

When I was younger I wouldn't eat anything red, so I've come along quite a bit since those days ;).

LaMenina Aug 10, 2007 08:40 AM

I HATE THEM. They taste awful, they smell bad, they MUSHY...


Unfortunately, my family makes me eat them (if they are around), regardless of my total dislike of them.

nuttyturnip Aug 10, 2007 09:24 AM

Like Crash, I'm not fond of the squishy insides of tomatoes. However, one of the best additions to pasta are sundried tomatoes.

Golfdish from Hell Aug 10, 2007 12:17 PM

I never liked them alone, so I avoided them. Now, it's taboo to eat a sub or a burger without one (if there's no one behind/around me, I ask the fast food people to make sure my sandwiches have tomato on them). Plus...visually, they make my mouth water. They're just appetizing to look at.

Bernard Black Aug 10, 2007 08:08 PM

I have an on-off love of tomatoes. Especially cherry tomatoes. But I remember when we grew our own and made tomato chutney, my god was that gorgeous. I don't eat them so much anymore, but damn did this thread give me a craving for them. And tomato juice <3

jinjo39 Aug 11, 2007 12:13 AM

Rogue Tomatoes, yes. Real tomatoes, no.

Mmm...Rogue Tomato pizza = delicious.

Ozma Aug 11, 2007 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Arkhangelsk (Post 487372)
There are two things in food that I really, really dislike: tomatoes and onions.
Now granted, onions are waaaaaaaaay worse for me than tomatoes, but I still don't like them.

Onions are good, you know...tomatoes are far worse. Just thinking of eating one makes me puke. I like onions, especially raw ones (a bit out of the topic...I know!).

BlueEdge Aug 11, 2007 11:29 PM

I'm not a fan of raw or even like solid tomatoes, but I'll live with ketchup. Your situation with tomatoes reminds me of my hatred towards mushrooms. They're evil I tell you!

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