Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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Chibi Neko Oct 21, 2006 08:28 AM

Unusual pet habits
Does your pet have a unique talent or habit? Or just act odd around certain things or people?

My cat the late Snowball had a phobia of clothes hangers, he used to go nuts if he saw one. My current cats, Cuddles sometimes attacks the pedals on my piano, and everytime Tubby eats food that he is not too fond of, he tries to bury it like it was crap in the litter box.

My ferret Talisman has a favorite stuffed cat that is known as 'her baby'. If you put the cat on floor and say "where's your baby Tallie?" and she will find the toy and drag it to one of her favorite spots, she wont do it to any other toy.

riggermortis Oct 21, 2006 01:11 PM

My old cat used to fall asleep every time id play call of ktulu by metallica on guitar, dunno if that was coincidence though.

My old dog Bowie (he had 2 different coloured eyes, original i know ¬_¬) used to have a habit of stealing peoples seats when they stood up, but he'd sit in them actually like a human (back on backrest) and make this strange noise lol >_>

Another dog one of my room mates had would get their favourite teddy if you said "Where's your brain?" -_-

Metal Sphere Oct 21, 2006 01:16 PM

My mourning dove wags his tail like a dog when he's really excited about getting more food or being let out of the cage for a bit.

Oh, and flies over to where I am and sings a softer version of their little song when he wants to go back in.

Chibi Neko Oct 21, 2006 01:20 PM

I have a firend who has a budgie, she used to live in a apartment that had a barking dog next door and now the budgie barks like a dog at random times.

The Wise Vivi Oct 21, 2006 01:34 PM

My hamster use to go on the wheel and run in it as soon as we turned out the lights in my room. But as soon as we would turn them back on, he would stop again.

But he got fed up when we started turning the light on and off...

Star Man Aevum Oct 21, 2006 03:01 PM

Twister the Cat is capable of kung fu and will do a backflip every once in while if she try to catch the cotton flying around outside.

Greeder Oct 21, 2006 03:09 PM

Our family dog, named caesar, has a strange habit of freaking out if you give him a little slap on his nose when he's been bad.
He runs around as if he doesnt know where to go and then he lays down, I guess he tries to show his subordination (sp?).

Also he likes to attack the vacuum cleaners head (maybe not so unusual), funny to watch for maybe 5 minutes but after that it only becomes annoying :P

He's still a puppy though so we still have some training ahead :)

I poked it and it made a sad sound Oct 21, 2006 03:35 PM

My cat KeeKee is insane. She doesn't like too many people, but she's affectionate and talkative with me. (I raised her since she could fit in my palm. Yay for imprinting.)

I can point a finger at her quickly and go "YOU!" and she will do the cliched crab walk in my direction, all sideways and shit.

She recently discovered the glory that is catnip. She has a mouse ("Mousey") which she chases and throws and drools all over.

She'll randomly run around the house at extremely high speeds when she's happy, scaring the ever-living shit out of me.

She also has a treat protocol. When I drag out the treats, I say "TREAT?" really high pitched and she cries back, chirping. This apparently a marvel - eveyone who comes into the house tries to make her chirp for treats.

She also tries to eat her hard food with her paw like a human. She picks up it and puts it in her mouth. She also gets chicken and fish from my dinner table. ("Chickey") Roast beef slices make her INSANE (literally GROWLS AT ME when she has roast beef in her possession), so I avoid giving her it.

kat Oct 21, 2006 11:03 PM

My dog hates anything on wheels. Skateboards, scooters, bicylces, tricycles, although I'm not sure about unicycles. When I take him out on a walk and he sees a bicycle, he goes nuts and tries to chase it, which promptly rips my arm right out of my socket.

Render Oct 21, 2006 11:09 PM

My cat, Airies, REQUIRES a tray of cubes at least twice per day. My mom has some kind of weird addiction to ice cubes, and she puts a few in a glass and will eat them while she watched TV. She ended up giving Kitty one and now the cat is addicted as well. First time I've ever seen a human addiction passed on to an animal.

Leknaat Oct 22, 2006 12:27 AM

My old cat, Boxi--used to snore like a human. I mean she was loud. My mom and I were in the living room, and Boxi was asleep in the closet (another trick of hers--she could get into the closet). My mom asked what the noise was, and I told her....

Boxi would also sleep on top of the TV and when certain shows were on, she'd scratch at the screen--but only with certain characters. She didn't like MacGyver or Scooby-Doo.

She also liked playing 'Flashlight Tag." Seriously. If you picked up a flashlight, she'd get all happy and start looking for the spot of light.

Cabi, the cat I have now, will hang from my arm if I've been on the computer too long. She will wrap her front legs around my arm and hang on.

She likes to burrow under ANYTHING. Blankets, newpapers, clothes--whatever she can get herself under.

Cabi and Boxi both know(knew): "Ready for bed?" "Hungry?" "You want some food?" "Do you want fed?"

But Boxi understood: "Do you want some milk?"

Arkhangelsk Oct 22, 2006 12:31 AM

My iguana used to have some pretty unusual quirks... he was color-sensitive to a fault: you could really only wear shades of orange, red or yellow around him or he would flip out. White would provoke an attack. Black (when he was younger) would scare him, probably because of a predator association or something. He also was very fond of watching Matlock (yes, the TV show), and before you say I'm crazy, he would come in from sunbathing *like clockwork* at the time Matlock came on each day. And when the time changed -- and therefore the schedule on TV -- he would adjust himself to come in at the correct time :confused:. He would also chase my mom around the pool when he was in a breeding rut, and sometimes me as well. Damned male animals.

cento Oct 22, 2006 02:37 AM

My cat Sam used to open the door on my refrigerator and take the food out of it at night. We had to put a Velcro strap on it to keep him out. He would also run around the house like crazy after using the litter box. He would do a Prince of Persia style wall run on the side of my couch. He ended up ruining that couch heh

My cat Renny would try to scratch at your temples if you picked her up and looked her in the eyes.

My cat Smokey would bite you if you were petting him and stopped (though I think that might be common)

My cat Socks used to take socks(duh) out of the laundry and run around the house with them.

My dog Sindy likes to eat grapes. She'll somehow get the skin off, leave the rest of the grape behind, and then come back a few minutes later to finish it. She's very possessive of my mom. If her boyfriend or I try to hug her, she starts barking. I guess I've owned a lot of pets over the years. Also, almost all of my pets have had a name beginning with an "S," all by sheer coincidence.

MageDie Oct 22, 2006 04:35 AM

Animals are strange. My dog rescued a baby cat (he hates cats). The cat was about to be crushed by a car and he cgrabbed her and take her away from danger. I don't know why dogs bury bones, logically they should eat food not bury it. Maybe they think that they were planting a tree of food!!!

Syndrome Oct 22, 2006 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by MageDie
I don't know why dogs bury bones, logically they should eat food not bury it. Maybe they think that they were planting a tree of food!!!

Although bones aren't food :P
I think they bury their bones to stash it, so noone else will take it from them. Like when humans dug down their gold.

Adara Oct 22, 2006 06:42 AM

My cat, Meru, learned how to operate the faucet in the bathroom. Apparentally she prefers the taste of fresh water to the stuff that sits in the bowl in my room. She never did learn to turn it off (or maybe she didn't feel like it). When the sink broke and we got new faucet handles, she couldn't run the water anymore.

The same cat also gives "kisses." I don't mean a little lick on the face, either; when you make a kissy sound to her, she'll ram her mouth onto yours like she's trying to passionately kiss you. It's very funny.

Her son, Apollo, is my guard cat. My bedroom is kind of the "cat lair" and when anyone other than me or my mom tries to get inside, he blocks the way, puffs up, and hisses. He'll even attack you if you piss him off enough.

Emeril (Meru's brother) is kind of "special." He ran away for several months a few years ago and came back with a cocked head and slight mental retardation. He sleeps by my head every night and snores very loudly sometimes, but the funny thing is that most nights he will knock my head off of my pillow so that he can sleep on it. He may be stupid, but he's figured out that a Tempur Pedic pillow makes for a very nice kitty mattress.

Chibi Neko Oct 22, 2006 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Leknaat
My old cat, Boxi--used to snore like a human. I mean she was loud. My mom and I were in the living room, and Boxi was asleep in the closet (another trick of hers--she could get into the closet). My mom asked what the noise was, and I told her....

Yeah that remindes me, Snowball used to snore too! It would wake me up at the middle of the night and I would nudge him, and he would nudge back.. we where like a old married couple sometimes.

Muzza Oct 22, 2006 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass
She'll randomly run around the house at extremely high speeds when she's happy, scaring the ever-living shit out of me.

Whoa, my cat does the exact same thing. It freaks me out when she does it, 'cause when she's in a frisky/playful mood, it's best to steer clear in case she mistakes you for a toy... Some people's pets do some interesting things. I wonder if they're innate or whether they grow to doing it over time..? My pets have no strange habits. Well, they do to me, but after reading some comments here my pets seem completely normal.

fiercedeity Oct 22, 2006 07:13 AM

My cockatiel used to imitate the phone ringing. Was awesome when it did it, cause my mum would come all the way downstairs to answer the phone in the kitchen thinking the one upstairs was disconnected. Im sure the bird smiled when she did that.

We had a Basset Hound called Arnold, and he was petrified of hoovers. When we got the hoover out he would jump up and bark really loud. He would leap onto the windowsill and balance there while the hoover was around. Was so funny.

We had a greyhound/saluki cross breed called Alfie too who we took to dog training cause it was a little unruly, and while we were there we obviously couldnt leave Arnold at home alone, so Arnold would try to get involved too. The best part was when they did this thing where all 20 dogs were lined up, and they placed 20 treats opposite them at the other end of the room. The dogs had to sit and wait to be told to go eat them, but someone pointed out that there was a Basset Hound munching em all. He walked along and chomped all 20.

Arnold also used to love it when I came home from school. He liked me the most out of everyone in the house. I would open the front door and he would come sliding down the hallway (it was a wooden floor so occasionally he would run on the spot for a few seconds which is always funny :D) and knock me over and start licking me.

He also loved the Simpsons. We used to watch it every night at six, and if we werent watching it, but say, making dinner or something, he would sit in the living room and paw at the TV at exactly 18:00 and make whining noises. Also every time we laughed at a joke in it he would too! He would make a bark that sounded like a big fat man laughing. We filmed that once cause it was so unusual, if I find the video I will upload it.

Oh and also we were bobbing for apples once too in the kitchen in a massive bowl on the floor, when arnold came running in, dunked his head into the bucket, got an apple on his first try and then ran off and hid under the stairs. Was absolutely hilarious, but we couldnt play anymore cause the bowl was then full of slobber.

Oh and more recently we had a Jack Russel called Ellie and if you held a small piece of chicken in your hand she would leap up to head height until you gave to to her. Always funny to see small dogs leap really high!

Freelance Oct 22, 2006 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chibi Neko
My ferret Talisman.

Pictures, PLEASE.

@fiercedeity, Arnold sounds like a lot of fun. One of my schoolmates from High School had a Basset too, and I met him once during lunch. His back was paralyzed, so the family would lift up his tail and he'd walk to his destination with just his front legs. He had a vehicle designed for him to walk by himself, but he didn't like it.

Chibi Neko Oct 22, 2006 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Freelance Wolf
Pictures, PLEASE.

Sure! I am at work right now so I will need to upload them when I get home... I'll try to get a pic of her with 'her baby' with my digicam.

Freelance Oct 22, 2006 08:53 AM

Yay! Ferrets are the awesome.

I used to have a black German Shepherd Dog. He used to sleep with two of his legs sticking straight up against the wall. I guess that's pretty unusual.

Chibi Neko Oct 22, 2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Freelance Wolf
Yay! Ferrets are the awesome.

I used to have a black German Shepherd Dog. He used to sleep with two of his legs sticking straight up against the wall. I guess that's pretty unusual.

My cat the late Snowball would sort of do that too, I had a waterbed and he would roll over and hit the wall and get stuck. I would see this often when I walk in the room:


Or I would find him stuffed into any small box that he could find:


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