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Helloween May 31, 2009 10:59 AM

E3 Expectations and Reactions Thread
Like, for reals, where's the E3 thread?

Anyways, use this thread to post your expectations and predictions for E3 announcements and press releases, and feel free to discuss/react to said press releases here too.

My biggest concern this year is going to be Nintendo's conference. Last year was unforgivable, but right now i think they have a chance to redeem themselves. Depending on what happens here, we could see the end of Nintendo as a serious gaming company, and it's official re-branding as a casual games producer.

That said, i know we have Zelda Spirit Tracks to look forwards to, as well as rumors of a new Mario game for the Wii. Iwata also said last year that development teams were hard at work on "Zelda and Mario titles for the Wii". I wonder if this means we'll see Spirit Tracks released alongside screen shots and demos of a Wii Zelda game, but we all know we're going to have to wait until 2011 before it's actually released.

Living Legend May 31, 2009 11:12 AM

Obviously, the most anticipated game at E3 this..and pretty much every year, is the release date for a Radical Bikers sequel. It's just so obvious that the people are begging for it, but no one wants to give the fans what they want!

Actually, in all seriousness.....

We need more Buck Bumble

Manny Biggz May 31, 2009 11:49 AM

I'm looking forward to seeing who's gonna crash and burn this year. Chances are, it'll be Nintendo.

I'm also hoping to see something about Half Life 2 Episode 3 and that Warhammer 40000 Space Marine game. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Dark Nation May 31, 2009 12:29 PM

I'm anxious to see what mystery game Capcom keeps giving cryptic clues about. There are TWO games that will be revealed at E3 that are not known yet. One will be a playable Demo, and the other will just be 'Announced'.

Specifically they mentioned the following:
  • It’s something fans have been waiting for.
  • It’s from a classic Capcom IP.
  • It’s not a remake.
  • It’s not Devil May Cry 5 either.
  • It is an action game.
  • Capcom Japan is developing the title.

That narrows down the list a bit, the most popular title suggested is a new Monster Hunter game that is not Tri or Freedom United (Wii and PSP respectively),
and following that Power Stone 3... one more (realistically unlikely) canidate is a Rockman Dash / Megaman Legends sequel.

Kotaku - Capcom's E3 Lineup Rife With Mystery - Capcom
Capcom_Unity (Capcom_Unity) on Twitter
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Final Fantasy Phoneteen May 31, 2009 12:32 PM

Onimusha is being tossed around as the most likely candidate. I also agree with that assessment.

Krelian May 31, 2009 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Manny Biggz (Post 705469)
I'm looking forward to seeing who's gonna crash and burn this year. Chances are, it'll be Nintendo.

It was Nintendo last year AND the year before :mad: Here's hoping they pull something AMAZING out of the ether this time.

Dark Nation May 31, 2009 12:48 PM

Well, aside from a new online Wii Fit game that was announced, they did say they're working on a new Mario title... and there's always a chance they'll debut Pikmin 3.

SuperSonic May 31, 2009 12:57 PM

I'm hoping to see Starfox for the Wii this year, and not a re-release of Starfox Assault with WiiMote gameplay. Seriously Nintendo, that's just being lazy. I was considering getting the first Metroid Prime with the Wii controls but since they're selling it with 2 and 3 as a trilogy pack for 50 bucks, no thanks. It may sound like a deal, but why should I have to buy Prime 3 again?

I'm expecting Microsoft to steal the show again this year. Nintendo has just sucked for the last two years. All they do is talk about how they proved the disbelievers wrong with Wii and showed how everybody is getting into it with past titles, kids and adults laughing, and grandparents smiling with their false teeth flying out as they bowl with the WiiMote in Wii Sports. We don't want to see that, we're hoping to see a show of trailers for the upcoming games and possibly a few demonstrations. Please, no more Wii Music.

Oh lord, if they get that soccer mom back again this year...

Paco May 31, 2009 01:05 PM

I'm hoping to see some new gameplay footage and maybe a playable demo of BrĂ¼tal Legend. I'm also waiting to see how Sony tries to justify their decision to cut out UMD media from their new PSPgo altogether and use a Memory Stick Micro instead of getting in line with the rest of the world and use media that's consistent with the century we're living in.

Helloween May 31, 2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by GB (Post 705479)
Onimusha is being tossed around as the most likely candidate. I also agree with that assessment.

I will agree with that as well, but it seems to me that Viewtiful Joe fits those criteria.

Lukage May 31, 2009 06:15 PM

I'm expecting Nintendo to actually have the best news this year. And no, "Disaster: Day of Crisis" doesn't count.

The best news should be from 3rd party developers. Yes, I'm looking at you, Atlus, Level-5, and Capcom.

Shenlon May 31, 2009 11:13 PM

I'm not really anticipating any software from nintendo but I am waiting to see how they make fun of themselves. I want them to shake their sticks to hard and so fast that their eyes roll back and give out to public orgasms.

As for ps3 and 360, nothing too exciting at the moment. Maybe Bayonetta cause I'm a fan of action+girls+demonic clothing. and trico too

Dagobert May 31, 2009 11:20 PM

Is Kojima the only one left to officially announce anything? Everything else has already been announced just days before E3 this year which is weird why they wouldn't wait till their E3 press conferences.

UltimaIchijouji May 31, 2009 11:32 PM

I know its impossible, but can I still wish for Zone of the Enders 3? Can I, Kojima?

Single Elbow May 31, 2009 11:44 PM

Let's see how Modern Warfare 2 shapes out. The trailer looks insanely promising. Needs more details on the game.

Also I wanna see how Darksiders: Wrath of War turns out. Looks interesting to boot at the very least.

value tart May 31, 2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Krel (Post 705480)
It was Nintendo last year AND the year before :mad: Here's hoping they pull something AMAZING out of the ether this time.

It won't happen.

Reggie could walk outside and give that annoying snowboard bitch from last year's conference a quick facial, take a dump on the stage and then eat it while fingering an audience member's asshole with a hot glue gun, and the Wii will still sell 9,000 million units and Wii Sports 2: This Time With Frisbees will make more money than the GDP of Europe.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 1, 2009 12:03 AM

It's almost as though E3 is a pointless, expensive spectacle that 99% of potential customers pay no attention to!


value tart Jun 1, 2009 12:49 AM

But, but!

They tried E3 without the expensive spectacle part, and suddenly 100% of customers didn't care!

This way, game nerds can be hypocritical all over again when they deride people for being all "celebrity obsessed". "Why do you care what Brad and Angelina do? They're so unimportant and overrated. Oh, I just remembered, I need to check CliffyB's Twitter and Major Nelson's Squawkle accounts!"

Infernal Monkey Jun 1, 2009 01:41 AM

- Blast Corps 2: Time To Get Fantastico for 360. Limited edition includes lifesize model of Thunderfist.
- F-Zero XXL for Wii, developed by Monster Games. Story mode has 297% more old man getting angry over bets of two million space credits at the bar. Hard butt rock version of Captain Falcon's theme to be played everywhere.
- Sony finally announces Lemmings 2 for PSP/PS3/PS2/Betamax. Includes depressed Lemming.
- D3 brings back the Simple 2000 series. I don't fucking care what platform, they bring it back.
- Earthworm Jim 4 revealed, 2D platformer. Launches next week alongside the new cartoon series.

These are all very reasonable expectations.

value tart Jun 1, 2009 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 705651)
- Blast Corps 2: Time To Get Fantastico for 360. Limited edition includes lifesize model of Thunderfist.



Infernal Monkey Jun 1, 2009 02:10 AM

Oh, this is insider knowledge! I'm the janitor of Rare's janitor. Hang on, gotta post it on Twitter.

Jessykins Jun 1, 2009 02:12 AM

Man, Infernal's expectations are pretty awesome.

Either way, I guess I am waiting to see, uh... some more Prototype footage? Maybe some Mass Effect 2 information.

Dagobert Jun 1, 2009 02:35 AM

I hope Nintendo brings Ravi Drums again or shit even Sony and Microsoft could benefit from him.

NovaX Jun 1, 2009 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Lukage (Post 705555)
I'm expecting Nintendo to actually have the best news this year. And no, "Disaster: Day of Crisis" doesn't count.

Disaster was GOTY 2008. I hope they announce a North American release otherwise we'll never see a sequel.

Animechanic Jun 1, 2009 03:06 AM

Yay! Motorstorm Pacific Rift DLC announced. Screw the rest of you, I am happy about this.

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