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Kolba Dec 30, 2009 02:46 PM

Most anticipated game for 2010?
ITT: try to convince me there'll be another game worth playing next year besides this:

YouTube Video

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Dec 30, 2009 02:54 PM

Looking forward to a new Rainbow 6 and Ghost Recon this year, I think there's one of each due. Also, the more nerd rage I read about the new Final Fantasy, the more I'm looking forward to playing it. Hopefully Too Human 2 will see the light of day this year, but I'm not holding my breath. Apart from those, I'm not really up on what's due out.

Grundlefield Earth Dec 30, 2009 03:00 PM

Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy 13, Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2. These are the only ones that spring to mind at the moment and are all pretty much guaranteed to be good. However, lets hope Mass Effect 2 has good alternate worlds to explore and decent side quests.

Iffys are Aliens vs Predator (if anything like old PC version, it is a must buy). Additionally, I am kind of intrigued by Just Cause 2 even though I never played the original. The many trailers I seem look great, but all the developer's comments and their constant praise of it make me want to not like it.

If I had to pick one game, I guess Splinter Cell since it has been a while. I only wish they would stop fucking around and include Spies vs Mercs from Pandora and Chaos Theory.

nuttyturnip Dec 30, 2009 03:32 PM


Ramenbetsu Dec 30, 2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by BZ (Post 739320)
Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy 13, Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2. These are the only ones that spring to mind at the moment and are all pretty much guaranteed to be good. However, lets hope Mass Effect 2 has good alternate worlds to explore and decent side quests.

Iffys are Aliens vs Predator (if anything like old PC version, it is a must buy. Additionally, I am kind of intrigued by Just Cause 2 even though I never played the original. The many trailers I seem look great, but all the developer's comments and their constant praise of it make me want to not like it.

If I had to pick one game, I guess Splinter Cell since it has been a while. I only wish they would stop fucking around and include Spies vs Mercs from Pandora and Chaos Theory.

Dude, you completely didn't close that bracket and it's bugging the living shit out of me.

Darksiders & Bayonetta are the big ones for me. Lost Planet 2 being another one but we'll see.

russ Dec 30, 2009 03:52 PM

Mass Effect 2 is easily the one I anticipate the most this year. I'm way more excited about this game than I have been about any game this generation, really. I attribute that to a combination of nerd-love of Bioware and space operas.

If there is another Rainbow 6 this year as Shin suggested, I would be pretty excited about that too. brb gotta take cover behind this conveniently placed post in the middle of a long hallway

Single Elbow Dec 30, 2009 03:54 PM

Personally some games that fit the category would be:

Dante's Inferno
God of War III
Mass Effect 2
Bioshock 2
Infinite Line
Left 4 Dead 2's "The Passing" DLC
Dark Void (Possibly)

That's all I can recall for now. There's probably more that I have absolutely missed. Will keep an eye out for future releases.

SuperSonic Dec 30, 2009 03:54 PM

While new entries for Metal Gear, Mega Man, and hopefully Sonic (Project Needlemouse) look to be coming out in 2010, I'm going to have to go with Super Mario Galaxy 2. The first one was just freaking amazing, so I'm curious to see how the sequel is going to fare.

I would have said the new Zelda for Wii, but I doubt it'll come out in 2010 unless Miyamoto only showed a picture on purpose and the final product is closer to release than what was previously let on.

Kolba Dec 30, 2009 04:08 PM

Are we gonna see Half-Life 2 Episode 3 next year or what

Krelian Dec 30, 2009 04:28 PM

Honestly, the only games I'm genuinely excited for are Mass Effect 2 and the Pokémon Gold/Silver remakes. Everything else I'm looking forward to hasn't actually been announced yet in any official capacity (Elder Scrolls V, Zelda, HL2 Episode 3).

I'm looking forward to FFXIII and Cave Story, but I'm not as impatient for their arrival as I am for the two aforementioned titles.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 30, 2009 05:02 PM

The Gold/Silver remake for the DS looks good, that was probably the most recent pokemon game i really enjoyed.

Also looking forward to Miles Edgeworth: Perfect Prosecutor in February. Because pretending to be a lawyer and yelling at one's DS just never seems to get old.

map car man words telling me to do things Dec 30, 2009 05:09 PM

I am totally psyched for Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta and Splinter Cell Conviction, but they're all Q1 releases, so maybe they don't count.

Red Dead Revolver is going to be great as well.

Zergrinch Dec 30, 2009 05:33 PM


Given my nick, was this answer ever in doubt? :3:


Don't care what Mr. Denicalis thinks!

Detection Dec 30, 2009 05:36 PM

Looking forward to Lost Planet 2 and.. damn, I can't think of anything else at the moment. Maybe Senko no Ronde DUO if it ever makes it to the US or becomes region-free but I really doubt it.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 30, 2009 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Zergrinch (Post 739336)

Given my nick, was this answer ever in doubt? :3:

You're also a gook of some description so it sort of follows

Dark Nation Dec 30, 2009 06:56 PM

Mass Effect 2, Crackdown 2, Resonance of Fate and Metroid: Other M are the major console games I'm looking forward to seeing, with WoW: Cataclysm on the PC side.

Rockgamer Dec 30, 2009 07:04 PM

The one I'm most excited for is Battlefield: Bad Company 2, as the first one is probably my favorite FPS of this generation of consoles. Played the beta a few weeks ago and it definitely seems like it'll be just as much as the first game was.

Zakiller2000 Dec 30, 2009 08:05 PM

Looking forward to the Perfect Dark remake, as well as a few sequels (Bioshock 2, Crackdown 2, Just Cause 2, and Mass Effect 2), and Darksiders.

Also, The Underside, if it's actually finished in 2010.

Freelance Dec 30, 2009 08:38 PM

I don't really look at game info, but right now I'm looking forward to Final Fantasy XIII and Tales of Vesperia PS3 (assuming it's actually going to happen). Considering how well Contra 4 turned out, I'm also interested in AvP DS. Dunno if it's coming out next year though.

I'm also iffy on AvP PC. I loved AvP2 for the PC but never played the original so I don't know if this new one's gonna be any good.

Paco Dec 30, 2009 09:34 PM

Bioshock is my favorite FPS of all time so, to say that I'm waiting for the sequel is a bit of an understatement. Also, God of War III is coming out soon and I played the demo three days ago; probably gonna have to get me a PS3 now. That shit is gonna be fucking EPIC. Another game that I think looks pretty interesting so far is Heavy Rain but, since they haven't really released any details on the gameplay I don't know what to expect. That trailer (and the entirety of the game) is reportedly run on the PS3's hardware without any prerendered shots.

While we're still on topic, I didn't really like Mass Effect too much so I'm not too sure why everyone is so hyped about its sequel. I mean, it was a pretty good game but, are we hoping they improve on it?

Kimchi Dec 30, 2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Zergrinch (Post 739336)

They say 2010, but I have high doubts.

FF XIII, Bayonetta, GoW3 are on my list.

And probably Tatsunoko VS Capcom lol.

dagget Dec 30, 2009 10:12 PM

I'll add to the Blizzard trend and say not only Starcraft II but also looking forward to Cataclysm. I'm having fun in WoW again, so why not.

Other titles I'm getting itchy to try this year are God of War 3, CastleVania: Lords of Shadow, Darksiders (next week, baby) and yes... Lunar PSP. I'm pretty sure that as the year grows, there will be other titles that will make me drool coming out.

Worm Dec 31, 2009 12:58 AM

I'm excited about Stalker: Call of Pripyat's US release. From what I've read, GSC really listened to feedback and addressed most of the problems people had with the first two games. I still muck around in Shadow of Chernobyl occasionally, but I'd like some new places to explore.

Plus, the improvements to the engine should mean that it'll be a good base for mods, and I expect a slew of them.

Kolba Dec 31, 2009 01:25 AM

I'm surprised. I've heard so little about Call of Pripyat and yet it's already been released in the Russian region? And this only a year after Clear Sky. It's a shame because the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe deserves so much more than rushed expansion packs. Shadow of Chernobyl was one of the best games in years.

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