Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [Question] Perfect Dark Zero or Halo 2? (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14112)

Makaar Oct 29, 2006 01:23 PM

Perfect Dark Zero or Halo 2?
I know most people will go for Halo (2 in particular) but which do you think is better? Personally I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Perfect Dark Zero for the following reasons:


1. 25ish weapons as opposed to 17ish including the turrent weapons
2. The jetpack mech deal
3. Secondary fire on most weapons
4. Gameplay is like Splinter Cell
5. Multiplayer modes are like Battlefield
6. Levels, although few, are able to be expanded
7. Armor breaks off and is satisfying to shoot as opposed to a degenerating shield
8. Has more choices for skins than two models


1. Single player is weak compared to Halo 2
2. Most of the gadgets are uninteresting
3. Only two vehicles (three if you include the mech's secondary mode)
4. Despite it having more character choices, you can't really edit them as well as you can in Halo 2 (decals and such)
5. Not as fast-paced as Halo

Granted a lot of people disagree with a lot of these, but lets hear what you guys think.....these are just my opinions.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 29, 2006 02:10 PM

Whereas I don't really like Halo 2 at all, I HATE Perfect Dark. It's a fucking terrible game, with some of the worst single player level design I've seen in an FPS in AGES. With the exception of the Bridge stage, it's all uninspired, boring, and terrible. Especially the Jungle Stage, what the HELL is that.

25ish weapons, you say. At least in Halo 2, none of the weapons were completely useless and pointless. The JETPACK is a positive point for you? Uhh, ok. The vehicles in Halo were far more entertaining in variety and actually had a point.

Comparing PD to both Splinter Cell and Battlefield makes you look like a retard, just letting you know. The Multiplayer plays NOTHING like the Battlefield games. There are no important squad tactics. The gameplay is NOTHING alike. The objectives aren't the same, you don't have the emphasis on kits like you do in BF, and so forth. There is NOTHING similar about the two other than they are both FPS games. What the fuck.

And gameplay isn't like Splinter Cell. You don't have to hide in the shadows, it's not a stealth action game, it's not THIRD PERSON, it's not important to accomplish your goals in complete secrecy with the possible exception of one or two stages, ammo conservation and avoiding people cleverly is NOT the main focus, and so on.

This is an insult to both of those game series. Wow.

Armour breaks off satisfyingly? It doesn't do anything but explode in a rather stupid looking mess as soon as it's run out. It doesn't shatter bits off AS you shoot it, it doesn't fray or get worse for wear, it just, explodes. Because we all know Kevlar explodes when it gets shot too much. Hell, that effect just looks ridiculous.

You have bad taste in games. (And I don't even like Halo 2. Holy shit, I can't believe I'm defending it.)

Makaar Oct 29, 2006 06:58 PM

It was "supposed" to be a topic with opinions..not one person claiming gaming superiority over everything. Its like Splinter Cell in that you can do certain actions that normal FPS don't allow (wires, third-person hiding, etc.). Its like Battlefield in that the multiplayer had a few modes that were similar...like the checkpoint capturing. Weapons are pointless? Yeah, because the katana in PDZ you actually use skill to wield and it doesn't insta-kill someone. Its called variety. Armor exploding is unrealistic and unsatisfying? If you play video games for realism rather than fun, I think you reek of hypocrisy. I like to see results from shooting someone (even if they are extremely bizarre). If you like fast-paced frag games and didn't give this one a chance that's fine...just don't gay up this board with your righteous sermon of self-proclamation.

I was merely stating my opinions, hoping for some intellectual responses, and you had no good points or anything to add to this discussion (possibly ruining it). Why there are people like you I don't know, but I'm guessing you're under 17 most likely (don't bother saying you aren't). In fact, who the hell cares what you think? I surely don't. Video games were designed for people with varying opinions...not people like you who are a facsimile of FPS Doug with down syndrome. BOOM TARDSHOT

I personally like Halo 2 a lot, I'm just giving my opinions why I like PDZ better. Believe it or not there are people that like games other people don't! *GASP!*

Moving along...

Solis Oct 29, 2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by DELTASABER
You have bad taste in games.

Pot calling kettle black...

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Oct 30, 2006 08:43 AM

This thread is going nowhere fast.

Makaar, if you start a thread asking people's opinions on a couple of games, you're guaranteed to get some fairly strong responses. Don't get all defensive just because someone disagrees with you.

This is particularly important when you're bigging up a game that sucks balls as badly as Perfect Dark does and using pretty poor examples to back up your opinions.

X vs X threads are generally discouraged here at GFF and this thread si only going to end in a horrible flamey mess.

Closed for great justice.

I prefer Halo 2 by the way, in case you were wondering.

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