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Grawl Mar 2, 2006 03:04 PM

World of Warcraft
Let's rejoice and get all addicted again. Post your server, char and level and all that and let's get this going again.

As for myself (European servers, Chromaggus):

Grawl, NE Hunter, 42
Growl, Human Priest, 11

Terra Mar 2, 2006 03:07 PM

Steamwheedle Cartel (EU)

Mervina, currently level 8, priest
Merwyn, currently level 21, rogue
Gratia, currently level 12, shaman

dagget Mar 2, 2006 03:15 PM

Laughing Skull:

Alania level 16 NE Rogue


Ugnok level 60 Orc Warrior
Firey level 15 Human Mage
Deadlyfire level 44 Gnome Rogue

to add discussion, I've been hitting MC the past 2 months and last week we one-shotted everyone up to and including Garr. Haven't won shit yet though. :(

Niekon Mar 2, 2006 03:21 PM

US - Kilrogg
Niekon - lvl 18 Night Elf Druid (will be 19 by tonight)
currently running a lot of quests in Darkshore and trying to hit 20 by the weekend to expand my fishing skills that are currently capped at 150.

Diversion Mar 2, 2006 03:23 PM

US - Crushridge
Darani - 60 Tauren Shaman
Salustio - 14 Troll Priest

Elmoogle Mar 2, 2006 03:28 PM

Zazzi - 27 - Troll Shaman

I sold my old account to a friend because he wanted to try out a paladin. Addiction and boredom drew me back in so he bought me another copy and I've rolled horde in order to see what life is like on the other side of the language barrier.

VitaminZinc Mar 2, 2006 03:31 PM

Laughing Skull - Alliance (Xelium Highguard 4 life, hos!)
Blink - 60 Rogue
Elisabeth - 60 Mage
Blinku - 45 Warrior

gaara-chan Mar 2, 2006 03:54 PM

Shadowsong - Alliance (EU)
Oriix - Level 32 NE Hunter

Aggramar - Horde (Also EU)
Boes - Level 16 Tauren hunter (leftover from the 10 day guest pass back in february '05)

Erm, I don't know if this was mentioned before, but is there some sort of GFF guild on the EU realms?

Grawl Mar 2, 2006 04:06 PM

No, there is no GFF server on the EU realms. They only one playing are you, me, Axalian and eeh... some... other Belgian guy >.> (Enkidu, right?)

Me and Axalian are in CARE, which used to be Mushroom Vendor. I feel so abused.

Good thing my time expires on 17 March.

Dopefish Mar 2, 2006 04:07 PM

I play as Ceemac (60 NE Hunter) and Ecamec (21 Human Priest) on Llane. That is, if I played anymore. 1.10 needs to hustle.

The_Griffin Mar 2, 2006 04:11 PM

Uhh... let's see....

Burning Legion:
Whavvat, 41 Tauren Warrior (Main)
Bukimi, 15 Troll Rogue

Murdercrow, 20 Human Mage
Insaynity, 5-ish Dwarf Hunter (almost never play this guy)

Moldywart, 16 Gnome Warlock (lol)

Thorium Brotherhood:
Megahedron, 13 Troll Shaman

Soo... yeah. I've got a char on every server type except RPPVP. The only real reason I made Mega was 'cause I wanted to see what the brouhaha was about shamans and RP servers.

Oh, and is it just me, or is Blizzard's vision of a warrior "PVE Meatshield?"

Seriously, they've gotten absolutely NO love from Blizzard outside of fixing Shield Slam in the review and a few other bugfixes. And the review and changes were followed by MORE nerfs. Now, when I play in a BG, it's like this 90% of the time 1v1:

Charge, hamstring, get stunned, kite kite kite, Intercept, bash, sheep/fear/Scattershot/Hammer of Judgement/Frost Nova/etc./nothing that a Warrior does unless he's prot spec and then WHY THE FUCK IS HE PVP'ing, charge, Retaliation, wait until the now obvious aura fades, kite kite kite, dead warrior.

I also really love how the devs say that they won't give us a taunt that works in PVP or a shout that disorients because it ruins the player's control, yet there are moves for other classes that do THE EXACT SAME THING.

It also doesn't help that the guy who's supposed to tell the devs about what we want is lying to us. (See: him saying that the devs can't make any changes/buffs because they're too busy on the other classes, then the Pally's guy saying that they'll get additional changes in 1.10 along with the Priest review). Oh, and they still haven't fixed Charge/Intercept (because melee classes NEED to dash 10 feet AWAY from their target!), and now they're making our shouts resistable.


All bitching aside, I'm happy with my war outside of PVP, because I now have a mount. =D And the RP server.. isn't all that bad. Sure, there are times when I can't take it anymore and log, but most of the time it's tolerable.

Peter Mar 2, 2006 04:27 PM

hahaha, I'm not playing Wow. Axalian once tried to laugh at me, since he killed this so called Enkidu a few times, but I quickly told him that it wasn't me. I would kick all your dutch asses anyway =D

Jessykins Mar 2, 2006 05:39 PM

Hyjal - Horde

Razikh - 60 Undead Rogue

Samej - 60 Troll Shaman

Zarandi - 23 Troll Mage

I have some stupid Alliance characters on Draenor, but they are DEAD TO ME.

Gilmour Mar 2, 2006 06:40 PM

I play on Emerald Dream(EU)

Currently have

Floyd - Lvl 60 Hunter
Gilmour - Lvl 60 Mage

immp Mar 2, 2006 06:57 PM

Laughing Skull:

Guild: The Foot
Varacolaci - 41 - Undead Mage


Guild: Runehammer
Nelapsi - 60 - Nightelf Rogue
Alt-Valetto - 47 - Nightelf Warrior
Alt-Miacara - 50 - Nightelf Druid

Lukage Mar 2, 2006 07:11 PM

Thunderlord 60 Troll Priest, some other crap.

Frostblade Mar 2, 2006 08:12 PM

I had a lvl 60 mage on dalaran.
I got hacked... and reported it now blizz wants me to pay the gov and a lawyer to make an offical copy of my ID to reactivate my account... will cost $200 to do... so I quit.

Blizzard needs to revisit it's procedures.

My mage was full epiced out and had alt epic gear... what a waste.

galen Mar 2, 2006 08:20 PM

Alliance: Malorne

Edamh - Dwarf Hunter
Eolynn - Human Warlock

Horde: Spinebreaker

Taizzar - Troll Shaman
Moirent - Undead Warrior
Bogana - Tauren Hunter

samari Mar 2, 2006 09:42 PM

Zulthrash - 46 Troll Warrior

Azlahk - 10 Orc Hunter

I have to second the whole deal about warriors and pvping. Getting repeatedly beat up by hunters that are 5-7 level lower than you gets old FAST. That's why I went ahead and made a character on a PVE server.

Though I think I remember reading Gamingforce had a guild or two. What were they and on what servers?

DarkRavenX Mar 2, 2006 09:59 PM


Sheeten - lvl 44 Human Rogue
Quartermaster in <Crimson Pirates>

Donner - Lvl 19 Night Elf Hunter
Mate in <Crimson Pirates>

Took several months off, just restarted last week. Its a great game i love it.

Cachecrash Mar 3, 2006 12:30 AM

Alita - 31 Draenei Mage
Cachcrash - 14 Draenei Shaman
Cachecrash - 70 Night Elf Warrior
Jabbarwocky - 6 Draenei Paladin
Jabberworky - 6 Human Warlock
Kusanagi - 6 Night Elf Rogue
Mordoric - 6 Dwarf Hunter
Ryvius - 6 Draenei Priest
Trinidads - 6 Night Elf Druid

Vana - 14 Blood Elf Warlock


Cachecrash - 8 Draenei Warrior

Well these are all of my characters I have so far. Cachecrash is my main character, while everything else is just there to try out different classes or have different profession ready, if ever needed.

khan0plinger Mar 3, 2006 02:00 AM

Balnazaar Server

Delacroix 40 Paladin
Charity 22 Rogue

Anyone wanna make any bets on how many Blood Elves will be rolled on the day the expansion comes out?

Six Machine Mar 3, 2006 08:05 AM

Greyfell, 60 Orc Warrior

My guild is starting Blackwing Lair this Saturday. Should be fun.

dagget Mar 3, 2006 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Frostblade
I had a lvl 60 mage on dalaran.
I got hacked... and reported it now blizz wants me to pay the gov and a lawyer to make an offical copy of my ID to reactivate my account... will cost $200 to do... so I quit.

Blizzard needs to revisit it's procedures.

My mage was full epiced out and had alt epic gear... what a waste.

I don't understand that shit, Blizzard makes people do that crap when they get hacked, banned and want to re-activate their accounts. Everything. it's dumb. Someone on our server got hacked IN THE MIDDLE OF A RAID. I think they were in BWL and they got disconnected and tried to log on, but their password was changed or something. Couldn't get back in at all. People in the raid (including his brothers who he lived with) saw "him" log back in, leave group, hearth. then one after the other, all his alts started coming on and going off withing a few minutes. Blizzard told everyone that they couldn't do anything to his account (block it, suspend it, anything) Until they heard from the actual account holder. He finally got control back of his account a few days later. ALL his gold, gone. is boe items that were in the bank. Gone. The only shit he had left was the gear he had equipped. :(

Lukage Mar 3, 2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Frostblade
I had a lvl 60 mage on dalaran.
I got hacked... and reported it now blizz wants me to pay the gov and a lawyer to make an offical copy of my ID to reactivate my account... will cost $200 to do... so I quit.

Blizzard needs to revisit it's procedures.

My mage was full epiced out and had alt epic gear... what a waste.

Not sure who you talked to, but as long as you know your account info, you can tell it to them on the phone to get it back. A second hack requires you to mail in proof of purchase.

They can't do anything about items, because they don't know you don't have a buddy there to launder gold and items and set it up to look like you were innocently robbed.

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