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Marco Jul 29, 2009 07:41 AM

If you could only play one game for the rest of your life...
What would it be?

Feel free to choose multiplayer-heavy/mmo games.

For me, it would probably be between a Civ game or AOE2, but I would end up choosing Age of Empires.

Between different civilizations, maps, the amount of units and players, AOE2 can be incredibly addicting while maintaining a graduate level of difficulty.

What about you guys?

Worm Jul 29, 2009 10:11 AM

I'd go with a roguelike--Linley's Dungeon Crawl, in particular. Lots of strategic depth, challenge, and randomization keeps it from becoming a game you could beat through sheer repetition. It's low on grinding and unavoidable deaths, and is also not as "solvable" as the Hack branch (once you know Nethack's tricks, the challenge decreases considerably). Plus, I've managed to avoid most of the spoilers, so I'd have plenty to discover.

I'd be tempted to pick something complex that I've never played before, though. The Civ games sound like good choices, and I think EVE Online's number-crunching could keep me busy for years if I didn't have a FAQ.

DarkMageOzzie Jul 29, 2009 10:15 AM

City of Heroes. I already spend more time playing it then anything else.

Sometimes I'll go weeks at a time with my 360 being nothing but a big white DVD player.

Yushiro Jul 29, 2009 10:16 AM

If the updates kept coming, probably World of Warcraft. I stopped playing it a long time ago, but not out of boredom. Just didn't have the time, friends playing, or the money anymore really.

Infernal Monkey Jul 29, 2009 10:34 AM

Possibly Crazy Taxi. I wouldn't mind making caaaaaarrraaaaaaaazzzzy money forever. That and the "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH" would eventually make me start seeing other games on the screen. And generate an invisible friend named Stinks McKenzie for two player.


Put Balls Jul 29, 2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 716728)
Possibly Crazy Taxi. I wouldn't mind making caaaaaarrraaaaaaaazzzzy money forever. That and the "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH" would eventually make me start seeing other games on the screen. And generate an invisible friend named Stinks McKenzie for two player.

On that vein, I'm also going to have to say, the taxi minigame in Grand Theft Auto games from III onward. It is just pure bliss to see people get where they desire! I'd like to do that until time stops in this world.

Making up stories for why a passenger and from where would be going to a specific place is also fun. And all this while Chatterbox is on the radio. YEAH.

Wall Feces Jul 29, 2009 10:41 AM

Mega Man 2 is the easy answer since that's always my go-to game. Perfect music, perfect challenge, perfect gameplay. However, if I'll be playing this FOREVER and want something to last me more than just one sit-down, I'd probably go with Ocarina of Time.

SouthJag Jul 29, 2009 10:56 AM

If mini-games count, FFX's Blitzball would be my poison. I sunk a hundred hours into it alone. I'd love it if Squeenix would release an online version of it.

Otherwise, I'd have to pick Ragnarok Online. Stupid, silly game can be played for hours on end.

Zergrinch Jul 29, 2009 11:03 AM

I would choose a board game, like Chess or Scrabble. Many people have probably played one of these two games to death in their lives, so at least it is bearable!

Wall Feces Jul 29, 2009 11:04 AM

I hated Blitzball but I'd throw down for hours on Triple Triad. That game was just awesome.

i am good at jokes Jul 29, 2009 11:26 AM

I'd probably settle with either a blizzard strategy game (Warcraft or Starcraft), A Heroes of Might and Magic Game, or on of the Elder Scrolls games.

The first three for the obvious possibility of an endless number of new maps, and the later because I sank at least 120 hours into Morrowind and Oblivion each, and picking Morrowind back up last week showed me that I was nowhere near having completed every single possible quest, and that playing a new character meant a whole new set of challenges.

In the end, however, It would probably have to be HOMM III or V, since those were the most rewarding experiences for me as far as developing a good strategy goes, and I'm sure I still have a shit ton to learn about both games.

Zerg's idea of chess is a good one though, and I have to say if I could only play one game of any kind (so not uniquely videogames), then chess it would be!

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Jul 29, 2009 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus (Post 716734)
I hated Blitzball but I'd throw down for hours on Triple Triad. That game was just awesome.

Motherfucking Triple Triad yes. I wonder why I didn't like Tetra Master. It was basically a deeper TT.

Anyway, I might just pick Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst. Has the most missions out of any PSO release, I like the atmosphere of the game and it, like MMOs, takes forever to complete (honestly, I can really only play through a game once).

Wall Feces Jul 29, 2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by GB (Post 716747)
Motherfucking Triple Triad yes. I wonder why I didn't like Tetra Master. It was basically a deeper TT.

That's exactly the reason why I hated Tetra Master. It took away the simplicity and by doing so it also took away the fun.

Skexis Jul 29, 2009 02:21 PM

I think my fondness for Team Fortress 2 is well-known at this point. A lot of other shooter games settle for a bunch of individuals doing their own thing and possibly winning, but TF2 forces you to collaborate with your buddies to take objectives, even if it's something as simple as "push in behind the uber, guys." The team dynamic adds a lot of the appeal to the game for me, because I love that feeling when you know you contributed to the team being able to do something.

I used to get that in Battlefield, but to a much lesser extent. The 24 person cap for TF2 means you're bound to be able to do something constructive during the time that you play.

If I could count on continued expansions/user generated content, I might pick something like Fallout 3, but I think eventually I'd feel like I'd done everything there was to do in the game, which is the danger in exploration games like that.

Summonmaster Jul 29, 2009 02:23 PM

Obviously Disgaea 3 for me! Especially since it takes an absurdly long time to max out a single unit with every skill and evility the game has to offer, even when you know all the tricks to speed up the process. Multiply that by at least 10 units, and even more if you want to have one of everything. I have hundreds of hours logged into it, and am still not quite finished enjoying it, so I could happily play it forever without having to play another game :).

Omnislash124 Jul 29, 2009 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Summonmaster (Post 716757)
Obviously Disgaea 3 for me! Especially since it takes an absurdly long time to max out a single unit with every skill and evility the game has to offer, even when you know all the tricks to speed up the process. Multiply that by at least 10 units, and even more if you want to have one of everything. I have hundreds of hours logged into it, and am still not quite finished enjoying it, so I could happily play it forever without having to play another game :).

I second this. I haven't even started yet, but Disgaea (along with any other NIS SRPG) seems like a game where the amount of fun you get out of it is directly proportional to the amount of time you put into it.

Krelian Jul 29, 2009 06:46 PM

Dwarf Fortress. Possibilities are ENDLESS. Gonna be building glass magma-filled statues and vomit fountains forever.

Thanatos Jul 29, 2009 07:06 PM

Any game with a decent map editor where I can spend all those years working on a map after I beat the game. And I will then proceed to beat the map I just made, and go on to the next one. So warcraft and HoMM comes to mind.

Marco Jul 29, 2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah (Post 716803)

Props for great taste. I can't believe this didn't occur to me; I have like 200 hours in a save. The good thing is that the random battle follow your leveling up, so there is always a challenge there.

Wall Feces Jul 29, 2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mo0 (Post 716838)
Mario Party 5.

God yes. My friends and I spent many, MANY days in school playing this. It was always our favorite iteration of the MP franchise.

Summonmaster Jul 29, 2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus (Post 716839)
God yes. My friends and I spent many, MANY days in school playing this. It was always our favorite iteration of the MP franchise.

Doubly agreed! The series peaked it's fun levels with those deliciously evil Thwomp orbs. The orb system in 5 was the most fun out of all of them, and then series went to crap from there. :( Not to say that the old Mario Party installments weren't good, but 5 had some nice touches to it.

NovaX Jul 29, 2009 11:58 PM

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

At first I loved this game, then I started playing for beats (score) and this game just opened up. Everything about the game is perfect, the level design, the controls (DK bongos) and the combo system.

My favourite game of all time.

Crash "Long-Winded Wrong Answer" Landon Jul 30, 2009 12:07 AM

I think, for me, it'd have to be a toss-up between The Sims (latest version and expansions) or Pokemon.

The Sims would satisfy my God complex and as the series has expanded, there has been a lot of flexibility. With the cheat codes and architecture kits, I could spend a lot of time constructing mansions and guiding my Sims with more precision. I only have Sims One, but I've yet to grow tired of it. The only reason I haven't upgraded is because my computer is a somewhat old laptop and the graphics card doesn't seem compatible with the rendering techniques of most games made past 2007. But assuming I had a computer capable of running the current software, I could do a lot with the Sims and be endlessly entertained.

Pokemon would be my other choice due to the social nature of the game. There's a deceptively intricate system in the game and it rewards those with the patience to properly train for battle. The plot is superfluous to anything I want to do, which is mainly battle and stomp the shit out of other people. I love a challenge with a stern metagame and Pokemon provides that. Plus, even if it was my one game for the rest of my life, I could still interact with others and not grow bored or lonely.

Malmer Jul 30, 2009 05:25 AM

- If I was alone, stuck on an island with an online connection, I'd probably play Guild Wars. Oh, and send for help while I was at it.
- Stuck on an island with no online, but not alone. Worms would be the game that created the most entertainment and variety for me.
- All alone in the whole wide world, I'd eventually grow tired of any sandbox game like GTA or AC anyway. I guess it'd have to be Mario 64, so I can just sleep in the garden all day.

It all comes down to the outer circumstances, but Guild Wars would be my preferred indulgence.

greatPumpkin Jul 30, 2009 07:24 AM

Morrowind... more used to this verson's gameplay. i will be allright with other variations (ie the Elder Scrolls series). me thinks that the map for morrowind only is big enough for me to explore for a long long time. if anything, if there exists a map for the entire TES world i go for that too.

i like to think of it more like that i am 'stuck' in the gameworld... so i definatly want a game that has more worlds and background for me to explore.

X: btf (or any sort of space operatic games) will be my second choice.. if i can do so.

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