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Dr. Uzuki Aug 4, 2010 07:15 PM

Props and the Consert Hall
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against boonsen. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all that. But out of the last 50 props as of the time of this post, he has 28 of them, 34 of belonging to the classical recordings thread in general. Personally, I don't mind these dudes showing appreciation in other people's uploading, but when it floods the page, I can't catch up on all the forum hilarity. Hilarity is slipping through my fingertips.

I know this isn't a new idea, but let's get the ball rolling again. If any one of you administrator-y types could possibly create an optional filter for what forums display on the props page, you'd be enriching my Gamingforce experience, I'm sure others' would be enhanced as well. It's a win/win, you're not taking any privilege away from the classical loving chaps, just giving the rest of us the option to collectively ignore them.

Or, if it's easier to just universally bar that forum from appearing on the props page, I'm good with that too.

Zephyrin Aug 4, 2010 07:41 PM


Nooooo....my precious lulz!

Buckwalt Aug 4, 2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Uzuki (Post 765255)
Or, if it's easier to just universally bar that forum from appearing on the props page, I'm good with that too.

I could have sworn that this was supposed to have happened the last time someone opened up the Concert Hall can of shit that everyone seems to love around here. Anyhow, I hope this happens this time around.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Aug 4, 2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Buckwalt (Post 765263)
I could have sworn that this was supposed to have happened the last time someone opened up the Concert Hall can of shit that everyone seems to love around here. Anyhow, I hope this happens this time around.

What. More like...


Originally Posted by Buckwalt (Post 765263)
Hello, I am in a position to help this part of the forum in doing what you ask and am here to say something. Having said that, I will now leave and not do anything at all. Thank you.

nuttyturnip Aug 4, 2010 08:19 PM

Buckwalt is just a Moderator, like me. Other than handing out infractions and messing with threads in our assigned forums, there's not much we can do.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Aug 4, 2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by nuttyturnip (Post 765266)
Buckwalt is just a Moderator, like me. Other than handing out infractions and messing with threads in our assigned forums, there's not much we can do.

Yeah, I get that he's not an admin or whatever - but walking in and saying HEY THIS SHOULDVE HAPPENED LAST TIME BLAH BLAH SNARF is like middle management walking in and loudly correcting a CEO in the middle of a presentation.

(The single difference between my saying it and his saying it is that I am not a moderator, and it is not my point to manage.)

Radez Aug 4, 2010 08:33 PM

In all fairness, Dr. Uzuki would be more like the guy presenting to the CEO while the affected middle-manager bitches at the CEO that he should have done something the LAST time around.

In either scenario the dude would be canned. <3

Misogynyst Gynecologist Aug 4, 2010 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Radez29 (Post 765268)
In all fairness, Dr. Uzuki would be more like the guy presenting to the CEO while the affected middle-manager bitches at the CEO that he should have done something the LAST time around.

The difference is tone and pecking order here. Uzuki, nice guy he is, ain't marked down as staff while Buckwalt specifically manages this end of the yard. Not to mention the difference between "Hello I noticed something" and "Oh yeah shit WHY DOESNT SOMEONE ELSE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT I HAVE TOO MANY TPS REPORTS RIGHT NOW.

No. Hard Pass. Aug 4, 2010 08:57 PM

We need a cover sheet on those.

There was a memo.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 4, 2010 09:04 PM


nuttyturnip Aug 5, 2010 07:26 AM

Maybe we should take the communist approach, and any props given in Concert Hall are instead distributed to other GFF members.

Ozma Aug 5, 2010 08:33 AM

The posts in The Musician's Library has been rendered to not appear on the latest 5 posts. Can't the same thing be applied on props to solve the riddle?

Zephyrin Aug 6, 2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by nuttyturnip (Post 765333)
Maybe we should take the communist approach, and any props given in Concert Hall are instead distributed to other GFF members.

I believe in the socialist approach in which all props and disses are operated by the moderation and are handed out for use at their discretion.

Franky Mikey Aug 7, 2010 03:37 AM

People aren't even "showing appreciation": the guy actually requires that his posts be propped to PM people the links to his uploads. Kind of similar to these Facebook pages you have to "like" before you can see the actual content.

Frolov Aug 7, 2010 08:13 AM

[hide] tag features works good.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 7, 2010 08:19 AM

If you're basically holding the files for ransom under the insistence that they prop you first, then the entire exercise of filesharing ceases to be an example of generosity and turns into an absurdist kiss-my-ring processional.

Yes, if people are allowed to download files without "thanking" you first, they'll do so. And the problem with this state of affairs would be...?

Additional Spam:
Ah, yes, this makes them "leechers", far inferior to their cousins the "leechers who can press a button."

Frolov Aug 7, 2010 08:34 AM


The unmovable stubborn Aug 7, 2010 08:41 AM

If you love these other forums so much why don't you marry them

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 7, 2010 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Frolov (Post 765515)
Remember that other forums with the "thank you" button allow you to download only if you have collected 10 "thanks". This means that the member needs to contribute something first before being able to donwload anything.
It is superflous to say that torrent forums have a DL/UP ratio. If the ratio drops below a limit then downloading is blocked and only uploading is encouraged in order to improve the ratio. This certainly helps in regulating the place and assures that transactions proceed smoothly....

Except we don't have a system in place that forces anyone to contribute anything in order to access anything. Trying to jackhammer one in by abusing a system that's meant for silly is kinda :/

And comparing it to a torrent site where you're using your own bandwidth is silly, because you have MEDIAFIRE LINKS. Not only is it not inconveniencing you in any way, shape or form if one or a thousand people grab it, there is no way to track or encourage sharing or contributions.

It's e-dick sucking and you're being a wiener. That's all there is to it.

The **Hidden Content**

*Not for Zerg to be ridiculous with

Misogynyst Gynecologist Aug 7, 2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Agent Di Gun Him (Post 765518)
Except we don't have a system in place that forces anyone to contribute anything in order to access anything. Trying to jackhammer one in by abusing a system that's meant for silly is kinda :/

And comparing it to a torrent site where you're using your own bandwidth is silly, because you have MEDIAFIRE LINKS. Not only is it not inconveniencing you in any way, shape or form if one or a thousand people grab it, there is no way to track or encourage sharing or contributions.

It's e-dick sucking and you're being a wiener. That's all there is to it.

I enjoy this post.


And Agent Di Gun Him is all "OH YOU'LL MAKE IT FIT BITCH".

Sarag Aug 7, 2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Frolov (Post 765515)
No, it is not an absurdity of kiss-my-ring processional.
Uploaders are just taking some minimum precautions against leechers.

If I was the only person providing content for a site, I would stop going to that site. I don't need props to tell me that I'm the only person providing content to that site, I would know because I am not retarded.

I hope this helps.

Zergrinch Aug 8, 2010 12:45 AM

Back in the day when My Stuff was vogue, it WAS customary for people to post what they're downloading from an FTP, or face a ban from the FTP runner. I suppose the prop system is an extension of this system.

Still, any time I see one of those prop-demanding posts, a strong urge to click the diss button develops. Most of the time, I don't. Should I always indulge such urges?


Also, I am an afficionado of the use of hide tags to prevent leeching. I do not understand why Colonel Skills hate them so much, when he doesn't even have to unhide them :(

Mersenne Aug 8, 2010 01:48 AM

So Pang finally gets it. The 'usage' of props in the concert hall has been diverted far from its orginal intent. In fact, the result of such prop-conditioning has become frickin' ridiculous: where there once was words to the effect of 'thank you' and some small semblance of appreciation, there now is a robotic churn of piano posts with 30 mindless props a piece. The same names predictably reappear: leechers now trained to press a button.

I say get rid of the prop/diss button in the CH altogether. But first, make props = disses and disses = props in the concert hall.

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