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aku Jul 19, 2006 02:08 PM

Guess that Anime Screenshot V2
Ok, the last thread was annoying, so i talked with some of the staff since i had the floor, and we agreed that we needed a new one, with real rules, so here they are!

Originally Posted by RULES!
  1. Only one active picture at a time.
  2. If nobody can produce an correct answer after 24 hours or after 3 guesses, a hint of some kind must be posted
  3. Whoever guesses the pic gets to post the next pic, unless they pass it off.
  4. If you're guessing, wait for confirmation that you're right. If you know you have the pic dead to rights, you may post your own stumper right away.
  5. No anime before 1990, unless years aired is stated.
  6. Some substance to the picture(IE unless it is a symbol in the show or something easily recognized, don't post the leg to a bed or random bits of landscape,unless there is something VERY important about it)
  7. NO SPOILER SHOTS!!!!(major spoilers to anime people might not have seen you know, like everybody knows spike dies, but not everybody knows how elfen lied ends)
  8. No name only answers, the answers should have some substance to them, tell what you remember them doing in that scene, or that the art style reminds you of such and such. Solo anime titles will be deleted from the thread and right or wrong this person will NOT get the next slot, a la staff

If rules are abused you will be banned from this thread and maybe even Animespot, be sure to follow. ~ staff

Link to prior Guess the anime Screencap thread for time piecing.

OK!, NOW lets start off!

FatsDomino Jul 19, 2006 02:16 PM

I don't know what this picture is from but I'm guessing the symbol on the floor is significant.

However, I just want to state that staff will be watching this thread for spam guess posts and those that abuse these rules will be removed from this thread permanantly and if need be from Animespot for a set length of time.

The rules are in place to reduce spam and increase activity. Please abide them and have fun. =)

Kimchi Jul 19, 2006 03:58 PM

IDK but I am guessing it is one of the two Naruto movies.

Mojougwe Jul 19, 2006 04:10 PM

The animation video quality reminds me of nothing Naruto related. And considering the styles of clothing in Naruto, I wouldn't agree so with Taegueki.

I however feel the screenshot must be from something like Fate Stay Night. The color, style, and the shoes themselves remind me of Illiya. (However her name is spelled.) But then again, my mind plays tricks on me and I can't even recall that particular scene. If it is Fate Stay Night, it's probably from a park scene where she meets with Shiro(ou) to talk.

FatsDomino Jul 19, 2006 04:21 PM

The video quality makes me think this is a much older series than Naruto and Fate Stay Night, guys.

Hiro Jul 19, 2006 04:44 PM

I'm guessing it might be one of those Zelda cartoons? Those shoes certainly looks like your typical medieval "boots" that people like Robin Hood may wear, so, maybe it's Link? The symbol on the ground doesn't really ring a bell for me, unfortunately.

chato Jul 19, 2006 05:09 PM

I was thinking more of Texhnolyze from the opening theme where you see Ren walking but its widescreen and it looks liek that only..not. How sweet..he added layers around it lol.

I guess you should bring up a hint ;p

aku Jul 19, 2006 05:26 PM

Well we have Naruto, which is a no, we have Fate/Stay Night, which is a not at all, we have a Zelda cartoon made in the US, that hurts me to watch, that is a no, and we have Texhnolyze, which i still need to get to watching, and is also a no, so i will go ahead and post the next picture >:3...just let me find it real fast...if you have seen it, this should trigger somthing >:3

Bigblah Jul 19, 2006 09:13 PM

This reminds me of Record of Lodoss Wars, if only for the animation quality, but the characters don't match. Doesn't help that I didn't finish watching it.

Dee Jul 19, 2006 09:42 PM

This reminds me of Saint Seiya but without their cool armor. I never really watched it so I don't think that's it though.

khalfan Jul 19, 2006 11:24 PM

Since it has a medieval feel to it and as Acer pointed out from the animation quality it doesn't seem too recent, I'll guess Bastard! I kinda remember Yoko wearing shoes like that. Been too long to count on that memory though so whatever.

Soldier Jul 19, 2006 11:28 PM

Ha, something I recognize.

That would be Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals, and those people are the cast of FFV, in a dream sequence of sorts.

Faris' breast is also exposed for some reason :/

This might be too easy or too hard. We'll see.


aku Jul 19, 2006 11:34 PM

Here is the next pic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...ap-1778724.png
edit:Well Soldier got it, while i was getting the next pic good job, your turn!

Summonmaster Jul 20, 2006 01:03 PM

I'm going to guess Xenogears since the game reminds me of blood plus the quality of the scene. Although there's no mecha reference there, so I'm probably wrong.

Andrea Jul 20, 2006 01:28 PM

Mmmmm, something like, "Hokuto no Ken"?

Err, but wasn't there a "no before 1990" rule? XD

Luceid Jul 20, 2006 02:54 PM

I just hope that ridicously hard pics won't be posted again. =/

As for the actual pic, I don't have an idea.

Soldier Jul 20, 2006 03:04 PM

Well, that's three guesses, so I guess I'll give a hint. I'll try to make it subtle.

It was one of the first anime to be released on DVD. Maybe the first anime ever on DVD. And yes, I mean R1 DVDs.

Rockgamer Jul 20, 2006 03:11 PM

Based on that hint, I'm gonna guess Battle Arena Toshinden. I remember reading in a review for it that it was the first anime DVD released in the US. It also makes sense considering the blood, which could be from a fight scene (I'm not sure, since I've never seen it before).

map car man words telling me to do things Jul 20, 2006 03:12 PM

Immediately makes me think of the attrocities, like Psychic Wars, just cause the guy + violence has that First of the North Star 80's hyper violence feel to it, only you know it's not First of the North Star.

Roku Jul 20, 2006 05:06 PM

I've never actually seen the anime, so I'm going solely on your hint.

The earliest anime on DVD which I know of is Phantom Quest Corp.

If not that, then maybe Ultraman (again, based on the dates of their DVD release).

Soldier Jul 20, 2006 05:19 PM

Nope, still wrong. I'm a bit surprised, too. But here's another hint.


And how many guesses before I'm required to show another pic from the same anime?

khalfan Jul 20, 2006 06:12 PM

Said after 3 guesses or 24 hours. My guess is Street Fighter 2 V. The animation style is very similar. Plus, insert coin seems to be an on the dot hint if this is the show.

Soldier Jul 20, 2006 08:18 PM

Nope. Here's another pic, along with another hint.


You're hopeless if you don't get it this time.

What's the size limit on pics? I'll make it smaller if it's too big.

khalfan Jul 20, 2006 08:24 PM

That's totally from Street Fighter :/ That's Akuma definetely.

map car man words telling me to do things Jul 20, 2006 08:25 PM

Wait, this is Street Fighter - The Animated Movie?

Who the heck was that guy full of holes? =/

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