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Mr. Danielsard Mar 2, 2006 07:41 PM

Band Sticker on Bike Causes Bomb Scare


ATHENS, Ohio - A sticker on a bicycle that said "this bike is a pipe bomb" caused a scare Thursday at Ohio University that shut down four buildings before authorities learned the message was the name of a punk rock band, a university spokesman said.

The sticker on the bike chained outside the university-owned Oasis restaurant near the center of campus attracted the attention of a police officer about 5:30 a.m., spokesman Jack Jeffery said.

Police blocked streets around the restaurant and the Columbus police bomb squad came from about 65 miles away.

The bomb experts hit the bike with a high-pressure spray of water, then pried it apart with a hydraulic device normally used to rescue accident victims trapped in cars, acting Athens Fire Chief Ken Gilbraith said. Once they had it open, they saw there was no bomb.

The buildings, including some classroom facilities, were reopened after a couple hours.

Dean of Students Terry Hogan urged students to be more careful when showing support for the band from Pensacola, Fla.

University police interviewed the bike's owner then released him, Jeffery said. Police are still investigating.

An e-mail seeking comment was sent to Plan-It-X Records, listed on a Web site for the band as its record label. The label does not have a published phone number.
Lol... what do you guys think? ... police paranioa? :eyebrow:

Lord Styphon Mar 2, 2006 07:43 PM

There's a band called "This Bike is a Pipe Bomb"?

Dopefish Mar 2, 2006 07:45 PM

That doesn't remind me of Joe Dirt whatsoever.

TRZD Mar 2, 2006 07:46 PM

Also, I'd imagine that if someone was gonna plant a bomb in a bike they wouldn't make it so blatantly obvious. Guess the police don't have much choice these days though, they have to check out anything suspicious.

Iwata Mar 2, 2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Styphon
There's a band called "This Bike is a Pipe Bomb"?

Yep, they are a modern folk hippie band and their is nothing worse then the mentioned type of music which instantly makes them shitty.

If you visit their website, the first thing you see is this picture.


Outlaw Mar 2, 2006 08:07 PM

That's Ohio for ya (I used to live there, so I can say that....Can't I?)....But its funny though :D . I mean not as funny to the person who was stupid enugh to put it on their bike and have their bike ripped to shreds. But it's still funny.

Seriously though, I do agree with TRZD, if anyone was going to actually make a Bike Bomb, nobody in their right mind would make it so darn obvious as to put a sticker on it saying "This Bikes A Pipe Bomb". And if I were that band I would be using 'TBAPB' on any bumper stickers from now on. I mean sure they probaly wanted to get a rise out of people by naming their band that of all things. But they managed to over look two things and that's the paranoia of of people and the idiociy of others.

Summonmaster Mar 2, 2006 08:45 PM

Oh dear...people are becoming so paranoid these days! That sounds just about as valid as searching a carton of eggs to see if there are any chicks in it: REMOTELY possible but ridiculously unlikely. What happened to common sense?

Robiz Mar 2, 2006 09:16 PM

I have nothing wrong with the police officers that had to investigate the incident but honest to god, who would call that in? I mean why would you look at that and think that is poses any type of a threat?

And does anyone else just think that something is off with the kid in the white in the picture above? Or is that just what emo looks like?

Snowknight Mar 2, 2006 09:38 PM

That band name is oddly specific; I wouldn't be surprised if the owner of the bike wanted people to think that the bike was a bomb, despite what they may say.

That's what joking around will get you?

Helloween Mar 2, 2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Robiz
And does anyone else just think that something is off with the kid in the white in the picture above? Or is that just what emo looks like?

Yeah he does sorta look like he's getting a blow job or something.

Anyways. What a stupid name for a band. Also, that band sounds stupid. That kid's stupid for putting the sticker on his bike. The person who reported that takes stuff too seriously. The police were just doing their job. That's all i see here.

Claliel Mar 3, 2006 06:27 AM

I find it funny. I'd love to see what happens to the kid with "I Kill Old People" on his bumper.

Scumbag Harry Mar 3, 2006 11:24 AM

I'm kinda curious about the owner's intentions here. Putting a cryptic sticker on a bicycle doesn't seem like it'd be a good way to advertise your favorite indie band.

Joe Dirt indeed.

CapturedPenguin Mar 3, 2006 11:38 AM

Because you know the only way to support you're favorite indie band is by word of mouth and stickers.

I find this amusing to say the least, at least it gets the band media attention which is what the guy unintentionally wanted.

DeLorean Mar 3, 2006 12:19 PM

People are freakin paranoid these days, and not without a good reason.

Shiny McShine Mar 3, 2006 02:32 PM

Jesus, I'd be pissed if somebody clipped my bike apart with the Jaws of Life. First off, they had to get close enough to the bike to read the sticker, because no sticker on any bike is big enough that you could read it from far away, and that means they are getting way too close to my shit in the first place. Secondly, and I know it's been said before, but who the hell is dumb enough to LABEL a fucking bomb? How many post office bombs do you see that say "Handle with care: Bomb inside"?

nabhan Mar 3, 2006 02:49 PM

I'm probably the only person on these boards who actually likes This Bike is a Pipe Bomb.

Snowknight Mar 3, 2006 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Shiny McShine
Secondly, and I know it's been said before, but who the hell is dumb enough to LABEL a fucking bomb? How many post office bombs do you see that say "Handle with care: Bomb inside"?

Well, the idea might be to have something cover the label and then uncover the label shortly before it would be detonated, mainly for the lol factor later.

nabhan Mar 3, 2006 08:27 PM

Actually, do you know what this reminds me of? Well, two things actually.

The members of Godspeed You! Black Emperor way back in 1998 were detained and questioned because it was suspected they were terrorists. The van they were in had stickers of missile silos and anti American stickers.

And another thing, which happened only a couple of days ago. Henry Rollins, HENRY ROLLINS, HENRY FUCKING ROLLINS, was on a plane in Australia. He was reading a book about terrorism, and the guy next to him freaked out and reported him after they landed. Rollins got a phone call from the government telling him that he was now on their suspected terrorist list, and he told them and their prime minister to fuck off.

The book was written by a Wall Street Economist too.

PattyNBK Mar 3, 2006 08:35 PM

People are nuts. That's how I explain that.

J-Man Mar 3, 2006 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by nabhan
I'm probably the only person on these boards who actually likes This Bike is a Pipe Bomb.

You probably are. Hippies...when will they learn?

Iwata Mar 3, 2006 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by nabhan
Actually, do you know what this reminds me of? Well, two things actually.

The members of Godspeed You! Black Emperor way back in 1998 were detained and questioned because it was suspected they were terrorists. The van they were in had stickers of missile silos and anti American stickers.

And another thing, which happened only a couple of days ago. Henry Rollins, HENRY ROLLINS, HENRY FUCKING ROLLINS, was on a plane in Australia. He was reading a book about terrorism, and the guy next to him freaked out and reported him after they landed. Rollins got a phone call from the government telling him that he was now on their suspected terrorist list, and he told them and their prime minister to fuck off.

The book was written by a Wall Street Economist too.

why don't you just link to the Henry rollins journal instead of bastardizing what happened with your shitty summary?

Acro-nym Mar 3, 2006 09:47 PM

Just when you think people aren't paranoid enough, then...wait? Bike not go boom?

Moth Mar 3, 2006 09:48 PM

So, they destroyed his bike and arrested him? Something about that strikes me as ethically questionable.

So, I'm a bit hazy here; some constitution fanatic help me out, here.Can you arrest someone for saying (Or in this case, not even that) that they've got a bomb? (Airports excluded), or are there serious freedom of speech implications, here?

Also, did they buy him a new bike? And sticker?

nabhan Mar 3, 2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Iwata
why don't you just link to the Henry rollins journal instead of bastardizing what happened with your shitty summary?

Yeah, it's a shitty summary. I didn't see the journal though, but instead another, although not as shitty, third party summary.


Originally Posted by Henry Rollins
#30. 01-30-06 Melbourne Australia: 2139 hrs. I just got a letter from a nice woman who told me the man I sat next to on the flight from Auckland to Goldcoast Australia reported me to the Australian Government because of the book I was reading.

“I hope this finds you before you leave Australia as I think its something that won’t surprise you but might give you a smile when you are sitting in a hotel room. I work in one of those Government areas that deals with anti terrorism matters. A fine service is provided but unfortunately we get to read a lot of things submitted by lunatics. The Australian Government set up the National Security Hotline to report terrorists.
The person who sat next to you on the flight from New Zealand does not agree with your politics or choice of reading and so nominated you as a possible threat. As they were too cowardly or stupid to leave their details I can’t call them to discuss their idiocy with them.”

Interesting that he and I exchanged nothing but polite hellos. I was reading Ahmed Rashid’s book Jihad: The Rise Of Militant Islam In Central Asia. He’s a correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and the book is on the Yale University Press. Didn’t Bush drink beer at Yale? Didn’t he not seem to learn much at Yale?
Of course I wrote the nice lady back.

“I was reading a book called Jihad by Ahmed Rashid which is a history of Central Asia. I didn't speak to the man next to me past how do you do. I think Ahmed Rashid is published by Yale University Press. Bush's alma mater. Please tell your government and everyone in your office to go fuck themselves. Tell them twice. If your boss is looking for something to do, you can tell him I suggest he go fuck himself. Baghdad's safer than my hometown and your PM is a sissy. You have a nice night.”

I really don’t take kindly to that kind of shit. I like it though. Love it. Confrontation. Tension. Adversarial relationships. More please. It’s the only time it gets real.


Atomic Duck Mar 3, 2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Outlaw
That's Ohio for ya (I used to live there, so I can say that....Can't I?)

I see nothing wrong with it... and I live in Ohio right now and agree xp Afterall, Ohio has a knack for making some interesting news stories.

As for this particular news story, that sounds pretty paranoid. I hadn't heard of the band before today, but I still would've just seen the sticker and thought of it as a really funny joke.

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