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Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 12:49 PM

The 700 billion dollar bailout just got voted down in the House and the markets are fucking plummeting. ITS A GOOD THING THEY SUICIDE PROOFED THOSE SKYSCRAPERS


Aardark Sep 29, 2008 12:55 PM

Where did you hear that

Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 01:00 PM

This is live, sucka!

Additional Spam:
Business, financial, personal finance news - CNNMoney.com

Additional Spam:
lookatdat rebound

Aardark Sep 29, 2008 01:09 PM

I think we have different definitons of voted down

I mean they are still voting, and the bill will pass btw

Bigblah Sep 29, 2008 01:09 PM



Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 01:10 PM

There's one vote left, and they're gonna hooooooooooooooooooooooold oooooooooooooooooooooon to that vote, but there's still a 20+ spread

Dark Nation Sep 29, 2008 01:15 PM

$700 Billion is almost too much for me to get my head around. Can someone summarize why people are for or against the whole thing? Stock Market, 401k, Mortgage, etc., all that kind of stuff, was never my strong-point.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Sep 29, 2008 01:17 PM

I'm for one glad. Not glad to see the market plummet, but to see that $700 billion won't be spent to bail out irresponsible banks (and of course, stupid people).

I'm sure the agreement will be reached wherein tax payers will be responsible for some sort of bailout (sadly), but not $700 billion worth.

Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 01:19 PM

Bill is dead

I'm rushing for Mexico before the dollar loses all value

Additional Spam:
World Markets - CNNMoney.com

World markets are all going down.

All except Norway. =I

Gechmir Sep 29, 2008 01:27 PM

This fucking made my day. I've been against this bail-out, and I'm glad to see it crash and burn. The vast majority of the US opposed this, but, much like the illegal amnesty attempt, people in Washington tend to meander away from their constituency often.

Might not end well, but I seriously doubt that the bail-out would've helped at all. The government intervening in economical matters never ends well :(

Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 01:32 PM

Welp, I guess the near future will be the coolest time to be a communist, so let's get things started early.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

I poked it and it made a sad sound Sep 29, 2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gechmir (Post 648571)
Might not end well, but I seriously doubt that the bail-out would've helped at all. The government intervening in economical matters never ends well :(

Not to mention the principles it expresses: fuck shit up bad enough, and we'll bait you out. Doesn't matter how much you made off the deal! Consider it a gift from the US Government compliments of the tax payers.

I just don't like to see the market do so poorly, honestly. Especially internationally. Suppose it's the natural way of things, though.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 29, 2008 01:52 PM

Hope you're ready to trade that goat to Fedex for them to ship your mushroom out for you, Sassu~

yevheniy Sep 29, 2008 01:53 PM

First gas shortages all over the country and now this. Hopefully this isn't the beginning of the end for the U.S. economy...

*Laughs at investors losing 400% of their net value*

nazpyro Sep 29, 2008 02:03 PM

Just because it's on the front page of CNN:


Peter Sep 29, 2008 02:15 PM

Holy shit, do you have any IDEA what this will do to your economy? This is not the time to be cheering because your tax dollars are safe, because it WILL come back to bite you in the ass. Yes, the banks have been acting like kids who got their hands on daddies credit card for the first time, but you should be beyond laughing at them, because you're now dealing with preventing the downfall of the ENTIRE economy, not just the financial section. It's the Great Depression all over again (you know, when your government couldn't agree how to help out of fear of some financial socialism, leading to the collapse of the entire system).

Dark Nation Sep 29, 2008 02:22 PM

For those wanting to know, here's the final vote results:


Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 02:23 PM

A lot of people are claiming this is going to turn into another Great Depression, but the problems with Black Friday ended up being exacerbated because the Fed sat on their hands while there was a monetary constriction.

What we're seeing right now is a massive market correction, and the numbers will reflect the reality of the recession we've been in. Now, if the markets drop 1000 points and trading freezes, that's the time to really be worried.

Now is also the time for the Dems and Repubs to seriously think about what they can do to reassure the markets, but I'm not sure anything short of nationalizing all the insolvent banks is gonna work.

No. Hard Pass. Sep 29, 2008 02:26 PM

Am I the only one (besides Brady apparently) who thinks this is decidedly not the time to crown ourselves with laurels because our side of the argument won?

Seems like maybe partisan idiocy might want to be set aside and maybe, you know, you can all get something done. For a change.

Just saying.

Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 02:32 PM

Barney and Pelosi just ripped into the GOP, and of course the GOP blames the Democrats for not doing enough.

Regardless of a plurality of Republicans voting nay 90+ Dems voted down this bill, so everybody is to fucking blame for this you Goddamn hacks.

packrat Sep 29, 2008 02:32 PM

Deni, there is hardly anything partisan about how the votes were cast on this bill.
Its more likely the representatives fell back on what they were ideally supposed to do: represent their constituents.
I mean, even Bush, supposed Godhead of the Republican party, backed this bill and Republicans voted against it.

Dullenplain Sep 29, 2008 02:32 PM

I didn't imagine that the results would come to this, and frankly I'm quite disappointed at the members who have voted no to this bill at the significant risk to the financial health of our nation.

But I suppose we reap what we sow.

Bradylama Sep 29, 2008 02:32 PM

And the markets just keep going doooown doooown doooown :(

Rotorblade Sep 29, 2008 02:34 PM

When the man says "partisan", he's talking about the fact that we haven't rolled to the question of "what next", we've rolled to the collective sigh of relief when a problem still exists. There is nothing good about any of this, if the bailout was a bad idea then we should be asking what the solution is, not going "Man, this inaction shore is swell."

Peter Sep 29, 2008 02:34 PM

Don't think that it'll happen Deni, seeing as politicians lack the spine to make decisions that actually matter (just look at the crisis in Belgium, that started a year and a half ago), especially with an election coming up. I would have expected that everyone would get the seriousness of the situation by now, but the current situation shows that I'm still a bit too naive.

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