Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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LIAR Dec 26, 2010 09:02 AM

Brag about loot
Its nearly 6am, on a Sunday, and I'm awake for some unknown reason, so I make thread time!

The holiday season is over for most every celebration in December, so for those that celebrate a gift giving method of celebration, its time to brag about what loot you managed to score!

For example:

I got a:

Universal network cable

Duct Tape Wallet (tri-fold) I fucking needed a new wallet, my old one was falling apart. The best part about this is that it comes with a repair kit, which is... duct tape!

A meh. tshirt Apparently I say this a lot more often in person than I thought, so my family thought I should have it. I love it!

Droid Incredible ProClip mount piece Unfortunately, my grandfather missed the piece on the site about needing two pieces for the mounting system to work, and only got me the second piece. No biggie, I went and ordered the first piece myself, but the second piece will at least make for easy charging until the first arrives!

The rest is clothes that I needed (slacks, etc). Also was gifted the humble bundle 2 (and indirectly #1 as well). Oh and Garr sent me Episode 1.

So lets hear about em, unleash the bags of loot!

WolfDemon Dec 26, 2010 09:17 AM

I mostly bought my own christmas presents.

This video card was an early one I picked up during a Cyber Monday sale. I also bought the Humble Bundle 2 (also received 1 later) and Recettear, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Dragon Age Ultimate Edition and the Indie 2D Pack from Steam's ongoing christmas sale. My grandmother got me a year's Gold subscription for Xbox Live, my mother-in-law got me a 1200 MS point card, my mom got me Fallout: New Vegas on PC and a time card for WoW, and my wife got me Dead Rising 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on Xbox.

My mom originally got me WoW, all the expansions, including Cataclysm and the time card, but luckily my wife told her I already had them and that I wanted Fallout, so she took them back.

Put Balls Dec 26, 2010 09:20 AM

I splurged on Blokus, which is an awesome board game. I also bought myself a used Metroid Prime Trilogy and a nice bottle of red wine. I'm the best gift giver.

From other's I got some candy, cologne and an awesome sweater.

SailorDaravon Dec 26, 2010 10:08 AM

Got a load of stuff, but some of it was for my birthday (which we don't bother separating).

-Transformers: The IDW Collection 1 and Collection 2. Both are really nice and great jumping off points (they're the IDW comics sorted in a reading order that they thought makes the most sense, not the publishing order).

-Amano: The Complete Prints of Yoshitaka Amano. Haven't looked through this yet, but holy shit it goes for a lot on Amazon. I think Kyndig got it for me at a used bookstore, that's an awesome score if so.

-The Making of Empire Strikes Back. The first one was an extremely interesting read, even if you're not into Star Wars, so I'm really looking forward to reading this.

-Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time book 13). The last book was surprisingly well done, and is actually pushing pretty well towards the conclusion finally. The series dragged for a couple books which turned a lot of people off, but the last 2 or 3 have really picked it back up a lot.

-Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and the Collector's Strategy guide. Cannot wait to push a button and have 8 dudes come out of nowhere and start stabbing people. Also Piggyback actually does a really good job with their CE guides, the Assassin's Creed 2 one was actually useful and information (goes into the back fiction, etc).

-Fallout New Vegas.

-Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and the guide. Heard and seen nothing but good things on this one, and I'll admit that I enjoyed KH 1 & 2 and this is basically considered 3, so I'll throw down. Plus it was dirt cheap!

-Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Part 1 and Part 2 from Tails. I also greatly appreciate that he got me the bluray versions since I need any excuse necessary to use the PS3 for something.

Kyndig also got me this hilarious Legend of the Five Rings (a card game?) shirt with a fantastic quote and picture on the back that I'll take a picture of and post back with. And if it counts I bought the Witcher on Steam for $5.

And I'll let Philia post in here on her stuff, but she received a number of games and comics that I'll check out as well.

SuperSonic Dec 26, 2010 10:21 AM

Hershey chocolate bars (4.4 oz), Dove Milk Chocolate, a couple of Reeses peanut butter trees, money, pair of pants, gift cards to Target and Amazon. Good haul overall. :)

Bernard Black Dec 26, 2010 11:24 AM

Mega haul liek what. I am totally spoiled :3

Long pixie coat (which apparently makes me look like a jedi). Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral t-shirt (can only get it imported from the US - I asked my mum to buy it on her credit card then I'd pay her back. Heard nothing more about it...). Several pairs of socks. A tartan skirt. 3 polo shirts. PJs. Natural History Society's Evolution book. A calendar of atrocious puns. A pair of black cords. A pair of tights. Tim Minchin's "Are You Ready For This?" DVD. The Planet Earth series on DVD. 2 boxes of Mr. Scruff's English Breakfast tea as well as a tea caddy of the same filled with teabags. A bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin. A massive, massive box of Lush products.

Is nice!

nuttyturnip Dec 26, 2010 12:43 PM

From my aunt:
-Can of cashews
-Memory quilt

From Mo0:
-Wireless keyboard for my iPad

From my father/Tritoch:
-Get Fuzzy desk calendar
-Picross 3D (DS)
-Enslaved (360)
-Castlevania Lords of Shadow (360)
-Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
-Lottery tickets
-Wireless mouse
-Wireless keyboard for my iPad (will return)
-7 qt Crock Pot
-Bissell Spot Bot carpet cleaner (yes, I'm old)

Hydra Dec 26, 2010 12:56 PM

My fiancée bought me an electric blanket, because I'd been complaining about being cold at night. I bought him boots. This was the extent of our christmas shopping.

packrat Dec 26, 2010 01:03 PM

I too will cop to being really spoiled.

For starters I got Rockband 3 and the keyboard controller for Wii. I aim to practice up for a keyboard-off with Hito during the next GFMeet. It will be spectacular, and there will be blood. (ok, maybe not, but it should still be fun)

I got a couple more Wiimotes of various colors, as well as one of those charging station type things; though unfortunately, it only accommodates 2 remotes, of the 3 we now have.

Theres the Tom-Tom GPS which, to be honest, was desperately in need many years ago.

Also in the game department, I got Dragon Age - Ultimate(pc) and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn(ds), the latter I already dove right in to.

Some assorted unique spice mixes picked up from local butcher shops and what have you.

A 2.75qt cast iron casserole dish.

Some nice spiffy dress shirts.

I also got two different kinds of protector covers for my nook, one from my family and one from my fiancee's family. The irony here is that they both demanded I write up separate Christmas lists for them to guarantee that they don't accidentally get me the same thing. A Nook protective cover was on neither list.

With the cover from my parents, I also got a ridiculously huge B&N gift card. My fiancee seethes with jealousy at the sum.

Finally, I was shocked to discover Christmas morning that my fiancee and my dad colluded to keep me away from my car all day Friday so he could get me some new tires. =D


I always make out like a bandit as I'm a part of at least 3 different family Christmases as a result of various divorces and marriages.

-350$ or so in cash and gift cards.

-about 10 plaid flannel shirts. I suspect that one is a direct result of everyone being glad I started wearing something other than tie dye.

-a Thundercats shirt

-a whole bunch of summer sausage and other such foods

- UFC 66 which happens to be the first full UFC event I ever saw. Weird though none amongst those who bought it knew that.

-a Black & Decker Blender

-a Bodum tea press/pot

-a Scentsy Candle Warmer

-a kind of trashy looking leather jacket with a shitload of pockets that I'm really liking

mortis Dec 26, 2010 06:57 PM

- A mini-fridge that I can place in the car.
- Miles Edgeworth: The perfect prosecutor (or whatever it is called).
- Another NDS strategy game whose title escapes my memory.
- Several dress shirts.'
- Two pairs of dress pants.
- Another new regular pair of pants.
- Donkey Kong Country Returns.
- Various NDS and PSP games I saw here andthere the last few months that my wife got for me but held off on giving to me until Christmas.
- The Justice League, Volume 01.
- A TMNT movie four-pack.

Various other things.

Bernard Black Dec 26, 2010 06:59 PM

Just needed to update. Y'all wish you could have this'un


I recently got Griff into Dexter, and told her to watch season 4 so she would understand my newfound fear of John Lithgow.


She also bought me a bracelet box, with a handmade bracelet inside, and also bought me a copy of Airblade (PS2) since I have often lamented my brother nicking it (amongst a *lot* of other things) to sell for drug money :tpg:

Wall Feces Dec 26, 2010 08:00 PM

My biggest gift this year was a Logitech Harmony One remote. No longer will my entertainment center be encumbered by 5 unwieldy remotes! Between my folks and other family members, I also got:

- Nice new camera backpack
- Some sweaters
- New PJs
- Vinyl cleaner

Metropolis Complete Edition
Modern Family Season 1
Californication Season 1
The Herzog/Kinski Collection
Avatar collectors edition

I also got a shitload of Best Buy gift cards which will probably be spent on a blender and new vacuum for the apartment along with Donkey Kong Country Returns and/or Kirby's Epic Yarn, depending on how much is left over.

Bernard Black Dec 26, 2010 09:09 PM

Quote 4 u. I'm just that nice.

Jeremy : And we might have to untape the DVD and video and TV and Sky remotes.
Mark: The Megatron? But... No.
Jeremy : It smells wrong. I mean, the Megatron doesn't say "Urban free-wheelers", it says "Sofa masturbaters", you know?


Radez Dec 26, 2010 09:57 PM

My mom made me a really nice blanket. It's a light tan with a shimmery wheat-grain print. It's much lighter than my current decor, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Zephyrin Dec 26, 2010 10:40 PM

All I got was Kool-Aid. And $25, presumably to buy more Kool-Aid.

VitaminZinc Dec 27, 2010 02:08 AM

I got a $25 card which I'll probably use to buy a semi-nice exacto blade for my shop. The tiny blades I have now don't work so well on styrene. They break too easy.

Or maybe buy a gamepad for Super Meat Boy cause, god damn, that game's impossible on keyboard.

Sousuke Dec 27, 2010 04:31 AM

I got the Scott Pilgrim Collector's Edition BD, and a cool treble clef statue like thing. And a Bench track jacket though its design lends itself better to skiing or boarding; I'll probably use it for that. Mum says she's also going to grab me a $50 grocery card so I don't have to worry about food for a while.

Small Christmas this year, but meh. I had a great time with family, so it was good.

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