Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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The unmovable stubborn Jan 15, 2012 02:49 AM

GFF Hammerwatch Night: A Chorus of Fucks

Thursday nights, 9 PM to midnight EST (Often we run later).

Acer reads everything out loud at http://www.thegond.com/letsplay/

Experience pulchritude with Garr at http://www.thegond.com/garr/

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No. Hard Pass. Jan 15, 2012 08:06 AM

I'm so in.


I'm tentatively in until I see if my schedule gets fucked again.

Sousuke Jan 15, 2012 09:43 PM

I'd like to be in, but I've never played a game of this through the interwebs before. So I might need a bit of educating, but I'm otherwise cool.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 15, 2012 10:05 PM


Zephyrin Jan 16, 2012 12:43 AM

Can I use my xbox headset on the 'puter?

I already have a DnD character I had prepared for way back when. So there's that. I'll send it to you at some point.

What system is Space Hulk?

The unmovable stubborn Jan 16, 2012 01:20 AM

Oh, one more thing: build your new guys at level 5, if possible.


Originally Posted by Zephyrin (Post 794209)
Can I use my xbox headset on the 'puter?

Xbox stuff is USB, right? It should work fine so far as I know.


What system is Space Hulk?
Space Hulk is a tiles-based boardgame set in the Warhammer 40K universe; essentially, Space Marines clear horrible alien monsters out of a huge drifting spacecraft on a mission of hella vengeance.

(I think it's technically meant to be a 1-on-1 game but I figure you guys can split the Space Marine responsibilities — again, assuming we have time for SH at all.)

Scent of a Grundle Jan 16, 2012 07:44 PM

On this like stink on rice. I can probably only make it on Wednesdays, but we'll see how things go.

I'm not sure whether xbox mics would work. i know they're not USB, but i don't know if the connection is just a microphone jack or if the setup is something different. always worth a try, though.

Oh yeah, i totally have a Swordmage i've been wanting to use for DnD 4E. it's hard to convince the other players to let you use your character when you're supposed to be the DM.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2012 05:54 AM

Guys, I don't want to nag but I do need your 4E characters in advance, since setting up the token macros does take like 15 minutes a pop. I'll be making up some generic characters just in case but these characters are things like pixie vampires and blob knights so tarry at your own risk!

V Games Workshop seems to exist outside the constraints of conventional copyright law, on both the thief and victim ends of things.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 20, 2012 07:45 AM

The best description of Space Hulk is that someone watched Aliens and decided to make a board game out of it only using 40k Space Marines, since that's essentially what happened and how Games Workshop never got sued for the Genestealers I will never know.

I'd love to be in but these are going to start at like 3am here which is a touch late on a school night even for me. This thread has made me want to find my copy of Space Hulk:Vengance of the Blood Angels on PS though, the hardest console game ever made.

No. Hard Pass. Jan 20, 2012 08:10 AM

I'll fire this off to you by tomorrow, Pang.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 20, 2012 09:21 AM

Ditto. I'll shit out a character sometime tonight.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Robot again though.

Just sayin

LIAR Jan 20, 2012 11:20 AM

Ugh 4E.

How many PC slots are you putting in? I'd be down for some playtime and can whip up a character this weekend.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2012 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 794305)
Ugh 4E.

I am not opposed to trying other editions, this is just what we're doing to start because most of us roughly know how it works. I have like 1 adventure's worth of experience DMing 3.5 but I'm game if everyone else is.

(I assume you're a 3.5 guy since 99% of "ugh 4E" gripes come from that direction. I am personally kind of hoping I get in on the 5E playtest and we can all take a crack at that.)


How many PC slots are you putting in?
As many as needed, it's not hard to fiddle with some numbers and adjust to whoever happens to show up.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 20, 2012 01:14 PM

If we have to teach acer how to play again I might go crazy

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2012 01:27 PM

Man now I kind of want to try to teach everyone how THAC0 works

Additional Spam:
This is a trick post nobody knows how THAC0 works

LIAR Jan 20, 2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 794306)
I am not opposed to trying other editions, this is just what we're doing to start because most of us roughly know how it works. I have like 1 adventure's worth of experience DMing 3.5 but I'm game if everyone else is.

(I assume you're a 3.5 guy since 99% of "ugh 4E" gripes come from that direction. I am personally kind of hoping I get in on the 5E playtest and we can all take a crack at that.)

I'll play 4E if everyone else wants to, I'll just grumble about it now and then :)

3.5 is broken in a lot of different ways. I typically do either Pathfinder or d20 modern, depending on the campaign.

That being said, I'm an RPG nut, so I'll play/try out any system.

Sousuke Jan 20, 2012 02:27 PM

So I used to have access to this with some characters made but I don't anymore. I might have a few character sheets lying around though, now that I think about it... I'll toss one or two your way if I can find 'em.

[edit] Yeah, shit. I don't have digital copies anymore, but I might have 'em on paper. We'll see.

i am good at jokes Jan 20, 2012 04:47 PM

I'd be willing to play as well, if there aren't too many people already. As far as a character goes, I'd be willing to use whatever you have on hand Pang, as I don't have access to the Character Builder anymore either, since the PC I installed it on had a hard drive failure incident recently.

Also, I don't have a headset, but wouldn't headphones do to cut out the noise from the client? I also don't mind doing the whole mute/unmute dance at all if my mic gets too noisy.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 21, 2012 12:27 PM

Since the training game died pretty quick, I didn't really get to use this to it's full comedic effect.

So I'm bringing back Optimus Prime.


My shit is mad out of date though. If there's been source books and things to look at in the last several months I'm completely behind on those.

No. Hard Pass. Jan 23, 2012 08:51 AM

Sorry about the delay, Pang. I made a guy, then saw you wanted them at level 5, so I remade a guy. Any magic weapons or any such thing?

Also, Halfling Monk.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 23, 2012 10:26 AM

What is it with you and halflings? If you're going to be a comedy short-arse then surely gnome is the way forward?

Zephyrin Jan 23, 2012 11:38 AM

I made a psion back in, oh, October, in eager anticipation to play again. Guess it's time to dust him off.

Went ahead and emailed it to you.

Sousuke Jan 23, 2012 04:16 PM

^5 Deni, it's all about the Halflings.

Trying something different this time around though, class-wise. We'll see how it works out.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 23, 2012 06:36 PM

Oh fuck, level 5?

I missed that.


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