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Peter Mar 2, 2006 03:08 PM

Suikoden Club v7!
This is the place for all the discussions concerning the Suikoden series. With the recently released Suikoden Tactics, and the upcoming Suikoden V, I'm sure that this thread will be pretty active.

If you have any questions about the series in general, just post them here, and some of the regulars (if they return) will help you out.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Mar 2, 2006 03:10 PM

Fucker! Beat me to it.

I'm playing V at the moment. It's alright, I guess.

Hachifusa Mar 2, 2006 03:44 PM

The Japanese version, Generic Badass?

Is the battle system nice?

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Mar 2, 2006 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Hachifusa
The Japanese version, Generic Badass?

Is the battle system nice?

Yeah, no other version to play.

The battle system is good by Suikoden standards, which means "average, turn-based battle system" for everyone else. The best part of the game would probably the story, even if I don't like it too much.

It's nice to see a bunch of new nations pop up.

Redfield Mar 2, 2006 08:56 PM

I still need to beat the previous 5 (including Suikoden Tactics). I've started all of them, but haven't really beaten or gotten too far in any. I really need to get back to the first one, though.

I don't really like the art and character designs for Suikoden V, but am I the only one that thinks it's awesome that the Suikoden V hero (Marion?) will wear Tir McDohl's outfit? (At least, according to some scans). Does anyone have any information on that -- as to why he's wearing it or where he got it? I'm definitely interested in where he got it, as I've always wondered about Tir's clothes, mostly because you never see anyone else in the game with clothes even remotely like his (as far as I know).

Edit: To further add to my post... I heard the "theme song" for the game, and it's fairly disappointing when compared to awesome songs like "La Mer" (Suikoden IV) and "Exceeding Love" (Suikoden III). I'm hoping the rest of the OST will be as good as IV's, though.

Forsety Mar 2, 2006 10:15 PM

Haha, wow. This is the only place I've seen on the web that wasn't impressed with Suikoden V. Everywhere else generally praises it for at least being better than 3+4. I'm also curious as to what you don't like about the storyline considering every Japanese review and importer who understands a lick of Japanese seems to think it is the most complex/good of the series.

Edit: The hero doesn't have a name... he's nameless like every other hero in the series. He'll probably get an unofficial name somewhere, though, since I'm sure they will make a manga about SuikoV somewhere down the line. I'm pretty surprised you don't like any of the designs, either... since after flipping through the artbook I have to say I was pretty damn impressed with most of the characters. On the same note this game has less 'random characters' and more that are actually intricate to the plot. (So I've heard, anyway) That's definitely a step in the right direction.

Kalekkan Mar 2, 2006 10:55 PM

The story for Suikoden 5 looks very intriguing.

On another note, I just fairly recently beat Suikoden Tactics and I must say that it is one of the best strategy RPG games that I've ever played. The only downsides I saw to it were that some characters suffered from permadeath which might make you not want to bring them out. Also, I think having situations forcing players to swap characters in/out more would've been good. Loved the music, loved the art, loved the story. I'd like to see more of these gaiden-esque games come to the US in the future.

Oh yeah, another complaint about it.... I can't manage to find any of the art online anywhere for Suikoden Tactics. It's rather frustrating. Everything seems to be watermarked or difficult to find in general.

Redfield Mar 2, 2006 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Forsety
The hero doesn't have a name... he's nameless like every other hero in the series. He'll probably get an unofficial name somewhere, though, since I'm sure they will make a manga about SuikoV somewhere down the line.

Every protagonist has been given a name in the novelizations (or manga? I can never recall which). They're unofficial, but the majority use them because it's far more convenient to say "Riou" than "Hero2" and "Lazlo" than "HeroIV". I've seen him (HeroV) called "Marion" by people, so, it's what I assume his unofficial name is. Quite frankly, I think Konami should consider the "unofficial" names as official just because they seem to be so widely used amongst fans -- English fans, at least. Though, names like "Lazlo" and "Marion" are kind of ridiculous sounding.


I'm pretty surprised you don't like any of the designs, either...
I never said I didn't like any of the designs. There are a few I like (Bernadete, Hazuki, Josephine, Liu, Lorelai, Rahal, Rania, Risara, Sagiri, Shigure, Silva, Wilhelm), but the art isn't as impressive as Fumi Ishikawa's nor as original. Hence, I am disappointed.

Boo-kun Mar 2, 2006 11:53 PM

Oh darnit, S4 left me horribly dissapointed and my lack of interest in consoles have kept me from getting S.Tactics yet, but hopefully that'll be fixed before S5 is available.

PS. Suikoden deserved first post ^^

LS Mar 3, 2006 12:08 AM

Hmm so Suikoden 5 is out?

As far as i know the suikoden series has been one of those series that gives less inovation on "battle" system and more time with the story, which i might say is very impressive starting from the 1st to the tactics, now i dont know but i havent played suikoden 5 but if i manage to get one, i'll pretty much review it.

Casaubon Mar 3, 2006 12:11 AM

I recently just got into the Suikoden crazyness only a couple months ago when I finally got ahold of Suikoden 2. Of course I thought it was awesome like everyone else in the world that played it which only equals like 3 people. I haven't played Suikoden 1 yet but whatever.

I just skipped on to 3 and I find this one the best. It was the first game in a while to keep me hooked for so long, as in 60 hours long. The character development I thought was amazing, none of the main characters were left out, and of course the little side things with other characters were just okay as usual. The plot-twist would have really got me too, but of course it was spoiled. I might have seen it coming anyways, but probably not. Side note for S3 I'll put a spoier just in case:
Is there an official "Flame Champion" or no? Also does the Flame Champ have an official name?

Suiokden V looks to be shaping up nicely, the only real problems I've heard are it takes 500 seconds to load the battle screen, which doesn't really bother me. Didn't XS2 take 600 seconds. The new duel system actually looks cool this time, I've heard they have different animations for each battle which will be awesome. And the strategy battles moving into real time, I was a bit skepticle at first but after watching a few clips it looks fun as well. If it actually isn't that great, it'll still be heaps better than Suikotrash 4, which I couldn't even bother finishing without a gameshark.

Chibi Neko Mar 3, 2006 01:58 AM

Suikoden V is looking nice, I pre-ordered it yesterday.
Suikoden II is my fave out them all, and III was very enjoyable.
IV was ok, but not the best, and a bit tedious at times, and Tactics was really good, except the story was too simple.

Alot of the staff freaked when I told them I have all the games including II. The first 3 games, 2 ecspecially are rare. The highest price I seen Suikoden II go for on ebay was 500.00!

Tyr Mar 3, 2006 02:09 AM

Anyone who is a fan or interested in the the artbook scans from the Limited Edition can check out most of the characters here:


I tried to not look at too many of them since I don't want to be spoiled but the quality of the art from the few I saw is very nice and reminiscent of Suikoden 2 style. Has anyone heard or work at EB or Gamestop if they are going to have any preorder gifts like the OST or artbook? I read on the EB site they were going to have an artbook and soundtrack but now there is nothing.

DragoonKain Mar 3, 2006 02:42 AM

I can't wait for Suikoden V!

Back to the classic views and battle system. I only hope it has Pesmerga or Yuber.

Leknaat Mar 3, 2006 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Casaubon
Is there an official "Flame Champion" or no? Also does the Flame Champ have an official name?

Keeping with the spoiler:

Yes, there is an official Flame Champion. That would be Hugo. If you watch the opening anime--he's the only one fighting the dragon.

Wow. This is my first post on the new one....

Peter Mar 3, 2006 04:33 AM

The Flame Champion:

Well, Hugo is really the only option for Flame Champion, since Geddoe already started with the Lightning Rune, and Chris is supposed to enherit the True Water Rune from her dad. I never really liked that you could choose who would receive the rune, since it doesn't stroke with the overall Suikoden feeeling. It's the Rune that chooses it's bearer, and I always assumed that you couldn't give it up even if you wanted to, so being able to switch True Runes like Chris, Geddoe and Hugo did, doesn't make that much sense to me, nor did the fact that the former Flame Champion mangaged to give up on his rune.

As for the Flame Champion's name, I'm not sure, but it probably appears in the manga, which I've just started reading (only two volumes released over here), so If anyone has read it further, please let us know.

And thanks for the scans Tyr!

Welcome back Leknaat!

Leknaat Mar 4, 2006 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Enkidu
The Flame Champion:

Well, Hugo is really the only option for Flame Champion, since Geddoe already started with the Lightning Rune, and Chris is supposed to enherit the True Water Rune from her dad. I never really liked that you could choose who would receive the rune, since it doesn't stroke with the overall Suikoden feeeling. It's the Rune that chooses it's bearer, and I always assumed that you couldn't give it up even if you wanted to, so being able to switch True Runes like Chris, Geddoe and Hugo did, doesn't make that much sense to me, nor did the fact that the former Flame Champion mangaged to give up on his rune.

As for the Flame Champion's name, I'm not sure, but it probably appears in the manga, which I've just started reading (only two volumes released over here), so If anyone has read it further, please let us know.

And thanks for the scans Tyr!

Welcome back Leknaat!


Remember--Sana said the Rune could see all three of them, but couldn't tell which one was the inheritor. That it was up to them to decide. Ted's grandfather gave Ted the Soul Eater, and then Ted gave it to Tir. Of course, this was more than likely the Soul Eater's influence.

So, who's to say Konami's argument wouldn't be: The Rune chose the inheritor (meaning we're playing the part of the Rune).

Toma Mar 4, 2006 01:46 AM

Yo, it's good to be back in the Suikoden loop. I played 1 and 2 back in the day, and just found 3 at EB the other day, so I should be playing it once I finish up with FFX (just got a PS2 a few months ago). The first two were some of my favorite RPGs ever, though, really one of the few RPG series to convey a truly epic feel without resorting to crap like fighting God at the end. I anticipate part 5 greatly.

MrSatan Mar 4, 2006 02:09 AM

well i just beat suikoden 4 a few hours ago, i liked the game, not the best rpg i have played, but its good.
this is the first Suikoden game i ever played, im starting tactics to complete the feeling.
anyway, i saw some video from Suikoden 5 and looks good!
the characters look less generic, and the battles are more attractive than 4, at least for my taste

Peter Mar 4, 2006 05:53 AM

I really didn't like IV, it just didn't have an epic feeling like I, II, and to a certain extent III had. Tactics is a huge improvement IMO, since the beginning already manages to create a much more exciting world with the pirates and all. I'm not that far yet, but I have high hopes, although the battles can be fairly hard if you want to get Rank S for some cool items.

wishfire Mar 4, 2006 09:56 AM

I'm with more than a few on saying that IV wasn't my favourite installment of this series, but I just finished Tactics about an hour ago. Sure, more simple in story than the others, but a great game nonetheless. The ranks sure kept me at a few battles for hours.

III still holds favour in my heart, though. But yes, I've been playing the series since the first installment, and am overjoyed that it still lives on today.

And on a random note, glad to see you, Leknaat. :D

Tir Mar 4, 2006 01:00 PM

Seems that there aren't many Suikoden fans out there who have actually liked IV. I didn't like it either. The characters had no personality, if I remember 20 Star of Destiny in IV, that's good. And no, I don't have bad memory, I remember all SoD in first and second Suikoden.:p

Thank god Tactics was better, although the story is quite slow. It even has better music than IV!

Casaubon Mar 4, 2006 03:00 PM

So what's the deal with Tactics? I've had it since it's release but never actually played it, in fact I think it's still in it's wrapper. Is it worth a play before Suikoden V comes out?

Peter Mar 4, 2006 06:20 PM

It's a nice pass time, although it borrows heavily from FFT (not as much as Hoshigami though). The story seems a bit forced at some points, but it still manages to entertain me more than IV's. Battles can be hard, although maybe it's just because I'm near the beginning, and it can be frustrating to permanently lose an optional character. As for graphical presentation, I personally love it, except for Kyril's character pic. It's a rather cool game, although I'm sure that people who played further then me could give you much more information.

MrSatan Mar 4, 2006 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Tir
Seems that there aren't many Suikoden fans out there who have actually liked IV.

whoa, you mean that people prefer the original suikoden games?
i wish i played it before, i like this one, damn, why i didnt get it before?

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