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Ayos Nov 1, 2006 04:54 PM

Kerry and his "botched joke"
(Full article read here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13018908/)

What Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said about Iraq: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

What his spokesperson, Amy Brundage, said Kerry’s prepared text called for him to say: “Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush.”
I read about it this morning, and kind of laughed. I can hardly count this as a "botched joke" considering how completely different the two speeches were. And when delivering a "joke" of that subject matter, you're pretty dumb if you don't take extra care delivering it. I also laughed because I wasn't sure at what point politicians became comedians, and vice-versa, or when they became little kids taking immature stabs at each other (though I've seen a lot of this, so I'm guessing it dates back to the late 1800's) but come on...

Anyway, so what do you all think? Was he trying to say something else here? Was it just a poor joke phrased even more poorly? Do you think it was hilarious?

I think he's an idiotic ass. But on the flip side, I'm willing to cut the guy a tiny bit of slack and give him the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes speeches just go awfully wrong. People make mistakes in public speaking (although it's not comforting when political figures do. You're negotiating a peace treaty? Uh... how about no? You might accidentally tell the man you want to piss on him and his family, not peace for him and his family.) Overall I think it's being blown way out of proportion, but I was curious to know what everyone else was thinking on this. Also any general thoughts on Kerry are welcome.

knkwzrd Nov 1, 2006 04:57 PM

I don't think the prepared statement or what he actually said were intended as jokes.

Excrono Nov 1, 2006 06:47 PM

Honestly, I think it would have been a big zing against Bush if he had said what was actually written for him. In that case, I would agree that he shouldn't apologize for that remark as it has some truth to it. On the other hand, he didn't establish the context of the statement when he delivered it (so it sounded like he was saying dumb college students will end up in Iraq), which I would find quite insulting if I were a student listening to the speech. So in this case, I think Kerry should just swallow it and apologize, and manage to save the tattered remains of his public image in the process.

BlueMikey Nov 1, 2006 11:24 PM

It's being blown out of proportion for a reason, because it is election season, which means that Kerry shouldn't even be sniffing jokes like this. The Democrats are doing good right now, and he gives ammo to the Republicans. Either he's an idiot who can't tell a good joke or he thinks American troops are stupid. Either way, why would you take the emphasis of the election off the Republicans and put it on Democrats?

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

(For the record, I don't think what he said is bad. Anyone who is offended needs to lighten the fuck up. But this is politics and he fucked up bad.)

Kalekkan Nov 2, 2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by BlueMikey
It's being blown out of proportion for a reason, because it is election season, which means that Kerry shouldn't even be sniffing jokes like this. The Democrats are doing good right now, and he gives ammo to the Republicans.

This man speaks the truth. Suddenly people will forget about whether they should re-elect people who were indicted because John Kerry told a lousy poor-tasted joke. Republicans are going to look for anything they can right now to make the other party look bad.

Watts Nov 2, 2006 04:35 AM

This is some great political theater. I love election years.


Originally Posted by BlueMikey
Either he's an idiot who can't tell a good joke or he thinks American troops are stupid.

I think that he thinks that everybody is stupid. The whole "you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart" statement leads me to believe this. Make an effort to be smart? Doesn't that mean you're a moron just trying to be smart? He didn't outright say it, but it's implied.

Oh well. If he insulted a crowd and they laughed at being insulted, he's justified in thinking that. Although insulting supporters, or potential voters isn't that smart either.

Night Phoenix Nov 2, 2006 08:24 AM

Am I one of the only people who thinks that Kerry meant JUST what he said?

Given his track record regarding the troops, is it that hard to believe that what he slipped up and said isn't too fucking far from what he actually believes.

Gecko3 Nov 2, 2006 08:58 AM


I couldn't help it, this picture was too funny considering what Kerry said.

That said, I'm going to hold my opinion on this, cause I don't want to "pull a Kerry" :D

mindOverMatter Nov 2, 2006 09:11 AM

well, besides being a blow to the troops, I don't think it was meant like that. It would have been OK if any normal civillian had said it, but since Kerry is who he is....

Secret Squirrel Nov 2, 2006 09:17 AM

There's a core truth to what he said.

If you work hard and keep your grades up, you have more opportunities at age 18 than if you didn't (particularly for someone from a poor family who snags some academic scholarships.) Otherwise, a 4-year stint in the military is a decent and attractive way for someone who's reasonably intelligent, but just missed getting a scholarship. Of course, it has it's risks, and you do earn that college tuition through the GI bill.

Two of my brothers were in the service (1 in the navy, 1 in the army), and they did it to serve their country, gain some skills, and potentially build on their training by going to school after they were done.

Back to Kerry, you do have to be careful what you say, even if it has a grain of truth. He should know better, especially since his party is so quick to pounce on anyone who utters the tiniest of slights against a group. I don't agree that we have to be so sensitive, and Kerry's statement doesn't bother me, but these are the times we live in, so the rules are the rules.

Gechmir Nov 2, 2006 09:43 AM

Damn, Gecko. I was hoping to post that picture :tpg:

Why Am I Allowed to Have Gray Paint Nov 2, 2006 09:46 AM

I think it's been blown out of all proportion myself. Still, Kerry should know by now that the views of the electorate can turn on a dime, and it isn't the character of the person up for election that matters as much as the PR surrounding that person over the last couple of months.

Bush makes far more mistakes when he's giving speeches and what-not, but because he seems more humble and doesn't appear aloof, it allows people to accept those mistakes. On the other hand, I doubt many voters can relate to Kerry very well.

nitsu Nov 2, 2006 12:06 PM

A joke is suppose to be funny, neither what Kerry said, nor the "real" intended prepared statement are funny.

Aramaethe Nov 2, 2006 07:35 PM

I think when you get right down to it, Kerry is a blithering idiot. I mean, I think he was the only presidential candidate in history that covered and agreed with every side of every issue. After all, he did vote FOR the war before he voted against it(his words by the way). Kalekkan, you honestly think that the Republicans are bigger weasels than the Democrats? I admit they are both a bit weaselish, but the Democratic party puts spin on EVERYTHING. They have the biggest, stupidest mouths in the government and they don't know when to close them. For God's sake they are using Michael J. Fox as one of their poster boys just because he shakes alot! I mean, sure it's horrible but it's kind of hitting below the belt on stem cell research if you ask me. Political elections should be won through intellect and not putting sick people on tv. Honestly, I'm not surprised that Kerry botched up his speech. I expect nothing less from him and the rest of his red diaper doper baby friends. What we need is politicians who are NOT career politicians. People who aren't as manipulative. Unfortunately, I don't see that anywhere in sight. We are supposed to be the Rome of today. Unfortunately we are... almost to a T. Remember how Rome fell? We certainly are going down a similar path.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 2, 2006 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Aramaethe
For God's sake they are using Michael J. Fox as one of their poster boys just because he shakes alot! I mean, sure it's horrible but it's kind of hitting below the belt on stem cell research if you ask me. Political elections should be won through intellect and not putting sick people on tv.

Ya, how dare they talk to someone who would benefit from stem cell research about stem cell research? They should ONLY talk to strong christians with no interest in said research!

Also, you're right... it shouldn't be won by putting pictures of sick people on TV. Or showing the towers getting knocked down. Or, I don't know, the fact that a huge number of the party members are indicted right now. I mean, really, let's all stick to the issues.

Shut up, Aramaethe. You help nothing by being such a far right bigot. You're no better than the far leftists. You hinder the discussion, you don't help it. Stop listening to Limbaugh and read a fucking book for once in your life.

Vestin Nov 2, 2006 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kalekkan
Republicans are going to look for anything they can right now to make the other party look bad.

Really? I thought polls were won by thumb wrestling and games of tic-tac-toe.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 2, 2006 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Aramaethe
I was just as angry about what he said as you were I'm sure... and i'm not saying you are incorrect at all. Yes I am far right, I know it's no better than far left but that's the way I am. I just don't think they should have used Michael J. Fox for something like that, and i don't think the twin towers should be used either for political gain. So you shut the fuck up you narrow minded prick and listen to what everyone has to say. Limbaugh is a cock sucker but it's liberals who are flushing this country down the toilet.

Yes, because as the country has gone down the toilet over the past few years, when the liberals had no control in government, it's their fault? Man, go take logic 100.

And who should they use for stem cell research, superstar? A perfectly able man with no issues of cancer or actual defect? And they didn't -use- him. Michael J. Fox actively promotes this. And, finally, listen to what all sides? Kerry told a bad joke, even if he'd told it -right- it was fucking stupid. That's the end of it. Want to talk political scandal? How's Abermoff doing?

For the record, I'm a centrist, by the way. With leanings to the right. Yet even I can see how full of shit this government has been. The fact you can't even acknowledge that you're spouting Limbaugh garbage is pathetic. Grow up.

Aramaethe Nov 2, 2006 07:50 PM

Oh fuck you, the country has been ruinin itself for the past fifty years, but let's get back on topic. I'll be as politically correct as possible. I believe tha Senator Kerry should have rethought his speech so as not to sound like a FUCKING MORON.

Raz, I said liberals not Democrats. There are Lib Republicans out there. They impede progress at every opporunity.

Lord Styphon Nov 2, 2006 07:51 PM

Aramaethe, shut up. Right now.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 2, 2006 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Aramaethe
Oh fuck you, the country has been ruinin itself for the past fifty years, but let's get back on topic. I'll be as politically correct as possible. I believe tha Senator Kerry should have rethought his speech so as not to sound like a FUCKING MORON.

Absolutely. Now stick to actual facts next time instead of spitting gibberish and we won't pick you apart like you were a finger painter at an art exhibit.

Aramaethe Nov 2, 2006 07:57 PM

I completely agree with you. You are right, i shouldn't have called him narrow minded. But, I think it's just about impossible to pick me apart. Oh, Lord Styphon decided to join in, trust you to come and talk about something completely useless. I believe last time I talked to you you criticized my spelling.

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