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Balcony Heckler Nov 20, 2006 11:42 AM

Kramer snaps
LOS ANGELES - Michael Richards stunned a comedy club audience, shouting racial epithets at people who heckled him during a stand-up routine.

The 57-year-old actor-comedian, best known for playing Jerry Seinfeld's eccentric neighbor Kramer on the hit TV show "Seinfeld," was performing at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood Friday night when he launched into the verbal rampage, according to video posted on TMZ.com.

The tirade apparently began after two black audience members started shouting at him that he wasn't funny.

Richards retorted: "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--."

He then paced across the stage taunting the men for interrupting his show, peppering his speech with racial slurs and profanities.

"You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He's a n-----!" Richards shouts before repeating the racial epithet over and over again.

While there is some audible chuckling in the audience throughout the outburst, someone can be heard gasping "Oh my God" and various people "0oh" after Richard uses the n-word.

Richards performed the next night at the Laugh Factory without incident.

Calls to Richards' representatives were not immediately returned early Monday.

He refused to comment on-camera when reached by CNN, but the network reported that he said off-camera he felt sorry for what had happened and had made amends.

comments anyone?

Shonos Nov 20, 2006 12:07 PM


Here's a video of it if anyone's interested.

I think he's a retard for snapping like that. If someone is acting like an idiot and interupting your show you dont stoop to their level and yell back. You ignore them. You certainly dont go as low to start screaming racist remarks.

But it's a bit lol to see him explode like that over something so small.

Borg1982 Nov 20, 2006 01:39 PM

Michael Richards (Kramer; Seinfeld) Uses N-Word Angrily

VIDEO included. use ie6 if it doesnt work.

I must say.. wow.

There's also a poll on that link. Discuss.

Balcony Heckler Nov 20, 2006 01:41 PM

yeah, looks familiar to the post I put up an hour ago in the laughs and games section

Borg1982 Nov 20, 2006 01:43 PM

i didn't think to go there because i didn't feel it belonged in that board. but whatever :) The mods can decide which board it should be in.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 20, 2006 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Balcony Heckler
yeah, looks familiar to the post I put up an hour ago in the laughs and games section

What the hell forum is that?

Whoa holy shit wtf is this!?

Anyway, it's a shame he said it while possibly drugged out or having a random insane moment. Was hoping it'd be more rational than this. Sounds like some shit his goofy Seinfeld character would do though.

Kolba Nov 20, 2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron

His eyes must go red like that whenever he's saying something bad about Jews.

Balcony Heckler Nov 20, 2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kolba
His eyes must go red like that whenever he's saying something bad about Jews.

or when he has to make another apology

Twikite Nov 20, 2006 03:36 PM

I think that was uncalled for.

He could've easily saved the situation after his initial outburst. Maybe fall back and chuckle with the audience, "Just kidding guys. But could you pipe down and let the people enjoy the show?" But nooo, he had to throw the n-word out there. Instant controversy.

Seriously, though, what the fuck... how am I gonna laugh at Kramer's crazy antics now?

WolfDemon Nov 20, 2006 04:39 PM

Hilarious. That's what they get for being dumb niggers. Why even go to the guy's show if all they're gonna do is heckle him? Sure it doesn't do much for his image, but I think they got exactly what they deserved. I wish more people would put jackasses like them in their place.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 04:58 PM

I dont get it. So he starts throwing out "nigger" left and right but no one is upset that the black guy is throwing back "cracker-ass" and the like?Not that I think Richards was correct in simply throwing it out there the way he did - that was just stupid - but the idea that people are MORTIFIED that he dare say a RACIAL SLUR in the year 2006 is fucking absurd. It's not like the guy was Mr Rodgers or Captain Kangaroo.

I'm sure this wouldn't be news if Richards just called him an asshole or a shithole - but even then, it could be construed as racial since he's white and the guy was black.

Borg1982 Nov 20, 2006 05:07 PM

I don't defend the black guy, either.

I would probably also get irritated if people were bugging me while I was doing a presentation of any sort.

seanne Nov 20, 2006 05:43 PM

I'm not allowed to watch this video, even in IE, for some inexplainable reason.

Is this up on youtube yet, or what?

I poked it and it made a sad sound Nov 20, 2006 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by seanne
I'm not allowed to watch this video, even in IE, for some inexplainable reason.

Is this up on youtube yet, or what?

My exact problem as well. LeHah showed me the link about 45 minutes ago and I've been trying for a while. I'm getting a different error, claiming the video is not available.

I looked on YouTube and they only have a CNN clip. If anyone can UPLOAD it to YouTube so we can watch the train wreck? <3

Skexis Nov 20, 2006 05:57 PM


It looked like he was trying to recover there, by saying things like "Don't you know that's what happens when you interrupt the white man?"

But then, as vehemently as he was screaming just a minute before, it's hard to tell if he was serious.

It's hard to put this in context without seeing the rest of his routine, and whether he might have been talking about racism to begin with (as well as how the other guys were heckling him.) But most folks don't care about that. They want the incendiary shit. The kind of soundbyte shit that people can't respond to and explain with a soundbyte of their own.

Rydia Nov 20, 2006 06:32 PM

I'll just go ahead and merge the two threads and move it to General.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Skexis
The kind of soundbyte shit that people can't respond to and explain with a soundbyte of their own.

Exactly. While there is a bit of missing footage from this "homemade video", theres a CNN blurb on YouTube where they interview someone who was in the audience. Not only is the person interviewed BLACK - but he also gets a number of things wrong (by design or not, who's to say?) CNN also doesn't run any of the actual footage from the club, either.

Taterdemalion Nov 20, 2006 08:13 PM

Yes the heckler was being a jerk, but Richards didn't need to start busting out nigger and make it racial. We expect comedians to come back at hecklers, but he took it way over the top. A little restraint could have helped. By the way, I wonder what this will do to his career. He doesn't seem to be too far from rock bottom now.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Nov 20, 2006 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by WolfDemon
Hilarious. That's what they get for being dumb niggers. Why even go to the guy's show if all they're gonna do is heckle him? Sure it doesn't do much for his image, but I think they got exactly what they deserved. I wish more people would put jackasses like them in their place.

After being able to watch the video:

Let's preface this with "I am by no means a racist."

But seriously. These two black guys show up - and during the performance, before the outburst - they were shouting that Richards "wasn't funny" during his act. First off, I don't know how much more disrespectful you can get. Black, white, yellow or brown - they were out-and-out disrespectful. If you ask me, they were asking for it.

I would have likely done the same fucking thing. Sure, the race card was a risk, but seriously - like LeHah said - this is 2006, guys. Time to get the fuck over silly name-calling. So he called them niggers. They called him a cracker. WHO FUCKING CARES.

"You're a poop!"
"You're a crap!"


Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Devoxy
I think the real question is whether or not "Kramer" is a big enough celeb that a lot of people will care.

I think a better question is if a "morally certain" American public will ever let him live this down.

I bet you most people in that audience were white anyway; I don't see Richards crossing a lot of racial barriers.

WolfDemon Nov 20, 2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass
Let's preface this with "I am by no means a racist."

Yeah, I was thinking about doing that, but I think most people say that as an apology for calling someone a nigger or something like that, and I didn't feel the need to apologize for calling these idiots exactly what they were being.

But yeah. I'm definitely not a racist. One of my best friends is black.

Spike Nov 20, 2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
I dont get it. So he starts throwing out "nigger" left and right but no one is upset that the black guy is throwing back "cracker-ass" and the like?

Sure you do. It's double-standards. It sucks, but it's the way the world works. And we all know "cracker" isn't offensive to any white person out there.

But to be on topic, he's an idiot for using racial slurs to get back at someone else being an asshole.

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