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RacinReaver May 6, 2010 05:01 PM

GodDAMN I want to play that right now!
So I'm sitting here in my office listening to random songs off of my computer when a track from Secret of Mana pops up (Angel's Fear to be precise). It instantly makes me want to ditch work, go home, fire up my SNES, and start a new game of SoM.

I imagine most of us here have some sort of VGM collection, but there are certain tracks that no matter when, where, or how many times I hear it, I always want to start playing that game immediately. Other games that come to mind for me are Actraiser (especially the town music), Illusion of Gaia, and Dr. Mario.

What games out there have music that drives you to replay the game for the hundredth time?

Hi, My Name Is Hito May 6, 2010 05:16 PM

Ace Combat Zero. Every goddamned time I hear that flamenco guitar or even something that sounds like flamenco guitar I have to pop in that game and play a mission or ten.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 6, 2010 05:18 PM

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SuperSonic May 6, 2010 05:19 PM

I've loaded my PSP with a lot of video game music, but if I'm getting close to home and either Faith (Chapter 3) or Butsutekkai - Boss 01 plays then I just have to play Ikaruga as soon as I get home.

The Plane Is A Tiger May 6, 2010 05:33 PM

They may be stereotypical choices, but listening to pretty much anything from the FF VI and FF IX soundtracks spurs an urge to start them up again. "Something to Protect" and "Burmecian Kingdom" have been the worst offenders lately when they pop up.

"Together We Ride" from Fire Emblem 7 (and several others) always puts me in the mood to pop in a Fire Emblem game. Not any specific Fire Emblem, but I could listen to that on loop forever.

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No. Hard Pass. May 6, 2010 05:54 PM

There are a bunch.

Let's start with this one:

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I think this one more than any other does:

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Also this

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RacinReaver May 6, 2010 06:04 PM

Guess I should throw in the particular tracks that make me have to play those games.

I remember burning the Actraiser Symphonic CD just so I could throw this in the CD player in my car and listen to this on long car rides.

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Pretty much the best opening theme. Ever.

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I couldn't choose just one, so this should do.

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Worm May 6, 2010 11:19 PM

Enemy Health: 0%, Enemy Damage: 100%, Enemy Accuracy: 100%, Enemy Reaction Time: 100%.

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Also, the music from Myst--though that's more wishing I could replay it, since it's not much fun to wade through puzzles when you already know the answers. It makes me play other adventure games instead.

EDIT: Just thinking about this tune made me turn on Super Castlevania IV.
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Turbo May 7, 2010 12:23 AM

Hearing this track always makes me pause. The flute opening gives me chills.
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And the violin in this one does the same thing.
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An alternate version of the previous one, with more of a rhythm to it
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Final Fantasy Phoneteen May 7, 2010 12:31 AM

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Seriously, I don't think there's a single dud in that soundtrack. Everything makes me want to replay it.

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I seriously get an itch to play if I am ever reminded of this song. Not as catchy as some of the others, but I probably spent way more time in Greenhill than any other town in that game, for some reason.

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0:50 mark always makes me feel nostalgic as hell.

Single Elbow May 7, 2010 02:02 AM

2 games stand out right now:

Chaos Legion and Legend of Legaia: Duel Saga.

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lulz pseudo-opera/choral bullshit. Still sounds fuckin good though.

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Game's pretty easy enough (sup Paco) but most of its tracks are calming and soothing; very enjoyable.

Chaotic May 7, 2010 02:50 AM

I know music games shouldn't count, but I've been in love with this song as of lately and everytime I listen to it, I wanna grab my PSP and just start playing some DJMAX.

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J-E-N-O-V-A falls into here also. I made a stepfile of this song a while back and everytime I play it, it nudges at me that I still actually have to beat this game. x__x

Lyth May 7, 2010 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Denicalis (Post 753484)
I think this one more than any other does:

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Can't forget

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And, ANY version of this song makes me want to play through a few of the games:

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Skexis May 7, 2010 04:52 AM

MMOs hit me hard on this front. Music is a big part of the MMO experience for me, and (aside from lore) if a game has a good soundtrack I'm much more likely to stick with it.

I don't even particularly like Aion that much, but every time I hear this one I have the urge to get back in the game just to catch a glimmer of the wonder I had when I entered a small farming town next to an open field of purple-leaved trees and orange bushes.

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Tom Bombadil's House is so fitting (as so much of the soundtrack is):
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A couple of more obvious mentions for me:

Final Fantasy 7:
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Shadow of the Colossus:
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and Guild Wars:
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i am good at jokes May 7, 2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Worm (Post 753521)
EDIT: Just thinking about this tune made me turn on Super Castlevania IV.
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Just seeing the picture made me want to play through the game again, and I did that about three days ago. Think I'll go do that again naow.

Ah, and quite related to the Actraiser theme:

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I often find myself listening to this tune in my head.

Philia May 7, 2010 11:56 AM

Same for ActRaiser music but props for Terminus for having played Legaia: Dual Saga, I didn't think anyone else had played that game.

Phantasy Star III:
I loved Phantasy Star III's gloomy music and its battle music the most. What made it stand out quite a bit was the battle music would change according the level of difficulty you'll enter the battle with. This IS awesome, and refreshing and entirely new to me at the time that I appreciated every bit of those tracks.

My favorite is on normal difficulty.

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And not only that music differs, when you're in the overworld, depending on if you're traveling solo or however many in a party, that music changes too (4 in all).

Of course right away... solo ground trek music here.

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And then of course, Phantasy Star IV.

And finally, fucking Dragon Quest nes series. God. I can just live with this compilation. I give you III since its my favorite of the 4 on nes.

I don't even replay games anymore but these always make the exception! :D

No. Hard Pass. May 7, 2010 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Terminus (Post 753530)
2 games stand out right now:

Chaos Legion and Legend of Legaia: Duel Saga.

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lulz pseudo-opera/choral bullshit. Still sounds fuckin good though.

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Game's pretty easy enough (sup Paco) but most of its tracks are calming and soothing; very enjoyable.

I call bullshit. Nothing short of being kicked in the head by a donkey could make a human being with taste in things play Chaos Legion.

Single Elbow May 7, 2010 07:26 PM


Oh wait, I also forgot WEWY. Music fit the atmosphere (plus the game's pretty fun to boot).

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slessman May 7, 2010 07:35 PM

Well, I have started singing some of the jazz tunes from Fallout 3. I have also gotten really into the music of Final Fantasy 7 and 8. I own the soundtracks for both of them. I have also heard some great songs from MMOs that I have played.

BucPride May 7, 2010 08:00 PM

So many, but this one stands out right now.

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Error; are you sure that's a YouTube link?

When I've heard this over the last few weeks, I've wanted to fire up the SNES.

The Plane Is A Tiger May 7, 2010 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Terminus (Post 753617)

Oh wait, I also forgot WEWY. Music fit the atmosphere (plus the game's pretty fun to boot).

I can fully agree with TWEWY. I honestly didn't like much of its music at first, but it really grew on me. I'm flipping through songs from its soundtrack on youtube right now, and it's making want to resume going through the post-game quests.

Scent of a Grundle May 7, 2010 08:25 PM

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I've played this game since i was 3. I used to get to this level, then sit back and chill for the ten minutes it took Sonic to die. Then keep playing. Maybe. The rest of the soundtrack for the game was great, too.

MuppeTFuckeR May 7, 2010 09:47 PM

Here's some annoying and commonplace but memorable tracks that immediately remind me of the games they're from.

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Maris May 8, 2010 03:57 PM

when I listen to turbo toons soundtrack i immiditealy wants to play turbo toons

It´s the same with otherword and FF 10 :)

You know good N64 soundtracks ?

valiant May 8, 2010 04:10 PM

Definintely one of the few boss themes that make me want to replay the boss battle just to listen to the track again.

YouTube - God Hand - Elvis Theme.

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