Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [:plant:] The GFF Game Club [Now Playing: Max Payne] Now with less spoiler tags (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39673)

OmagnusPrime Jan 11, 2010 06:58 PM

The GFF Game Club [Now Playing: Max Payne] Now with less spoiler tags

The Current Game Club Game: Max Payne
Last day of play: Friday 30th April 2010
Ways to obtain the game: Can pick up second hand on consoles (Xbox or PS2) or purchase from Steam for PC owners: Max Payne on Steam.


The GFF Game Club is an event series that will run a bit like a book club, but for games. Essentially we will pick a game to play, set an amount of time for people to play the game.

The idea is to encourage people to visit, or revisit, games that aren't necessarily brand new (though new-ish titles aren't entirely out of the question) and also get people playing stuff at the same time, sharing their experiences. We'll be focussing on mostly single-player experiences, so no multiplayer games, and perhaps even including some smaller titles like Flash games or small download indie affairs.

How to join The GFF Game Club

If you would like to join in with, or just register interest in possibly taking part with, The GFF Game Club idea then please post to say so.

To help the process of picking games it would be very useful if members kept an up-to-date Backloggery page: Backloggery is a free service that lets you keep track of the games you own and their status (unfinished, beaten, etc). If you have a page please link to it when registering your interest. This is not a requirement, but is very useful for organising purposes.

What are members required to do?

Essentially, nothing. There are no requirements on anyone who chooses to take part. No one will be required to play the games we suggest, and you can choose which games you would like to play along as part of The GFF Game Club on a case by case basis.

There will also be no requirement to finish games. If you can't finish or choose not to finish then that is a legitimate course of action, though we would still encourage you to join in the discussion as the reasons you didn't/chose not to finish could make for interesting talking points themselves.

The Organisers

There's a small group of us who will be organising the club and who will be the ones deciding on the games (and duration set for their playing) to be played each time. Suggestions and nominations are welcomed from any member of the club, but we'll be weighing those up with various factors, like how many people actually have the games, etc.

The organisers are: Colonel Skills, Qwarky, Philia and myself.

- ^-^ [ backloggery ]
- aerisangel [ backloggery ]
- Appetite Lad [ backloggery ]
- Chaotic [ backloggery ]
- Colonel Skills [ backloggery ]
- Denicalis [ backloggery ]
- Encephalon [ backloggery ]
- Dr. Uzuki [ backloggery ]
- Garr [ backloggery ]
- GB [ backloggery ]
- Gechmir
- Iago [ backloggery ]
- Krelian [ backloggery ]
- OmagnusPrime [ backloggery ]
- Philia [ backloggery ]
- Qwarky [ backloggery ]
- RacinReaver
- Rockgamer [ backloggery ]
- Shin [ backloggery ]
- Skexis [ backloggery ]
- Soluzar [ backloggery ]
- Sousuke [ backloggery ]
- Tokubetsu [ backloggery ]
- Tritoch [ backloggery ]
- Turbo [ backloggery ]
- VitaminZinc [ backloggery ]
- wvlfpvp
- Yeldarb [ backloggery ]

Note: If you're not a member, and have no interest in being a member, please don't post in this thread. Please be courteous, this thread will be heavily moderated.


Previous Games Played:
- ICO [finished: 07/01/2010]
- Beyond Good and Evil [finished: 28/02/2010]
- Ikaruga [finished: 28/03/2010]

wvlfpvp Jan 11, 2010 07:19 PM

Seeing as how I'm currently mid-way through a playthrough of ICO, I think I'll sign up for it this time.

OmagnusPrime Jan 11, 2010 08:05 PM

Well it's not signing up for just a game, though you're welcome to play just this one game and no others, it's more signing up to say you're interested in potentially taking part along the way. But yeah, definitely cool if you're going to join in with the first game.

Ramenbetsu Jan 11, 2010 08:16 PM

Sign me up. We should do Bayonetta at some point =O

Philia Jan 11, 2010 08:37 PM

Ahem, OP, you may change it to Philia proper. ^__^

Alrighty, ICO came about from a challenge from Qwarky in my journal's commentary regarding how terrible FFVIII was. (Yes, wvlf, I enjoy the Triple Triad, in fact the music from that game is STILL stuck in my head!) From checking out his backlog and see which FFs he had covered, I saw he was lacking a great title from his finished games belt, Chrono Cross!

Just to prompt Q to play that rpg, I was willing to play through his recommended game thoroughly and immediately if he was willing to consider Chrono Cross on his available playtime soon. :) Of course naturally, ICO is a small gem compared to a large rpg like Chrono Trigger's successor, he recommended me to play Metroid Prime as well. Two great gems is getting its playtime, thanks Qwarky!

That little story aside, I'm enjoying ICO to its gorgeous environment and its peaceful backdrop. Already I can feel that I'm seeing the grassroots of everything that came together for the next two installments be something quite great in their own unique way.

I was going to go into details about certain elements of this game but I think I'll reserve the bit until the deadline passes.

In other news about ICO, we still have our original copy factory sealed and amazingly enough, this gem can go for 100-300+ dollar range on Amazon! O.O' I mean really, we weren't even deliberately keeping this copy in that condition until years later we borrowed a copy from a friend of ours. Neglecting our ps2 collection helped to keep that seal as it is. But yeah, I wish you guys luck to find a good copy.

Also, ICO is a blue disc game. If you're having problems in loading the game, go here for useful info to offset the DREs. I had already gotten a few DREs with this in my ps2 fat, but on the slim, great so far. So, I figured I should note this for you guys while playing this game.

And yes, I had played Shadow of the Colossus a few years back and going back into this now which knowingly... a sequel to the prequel! (Like Lufia and Star Wars and etc etc) I figured this is going to be a real treat. In fact I'm glad I did (on SotC part).

aerisangel Jan 11, 2010 10:48 PM

Im in when i can be :)

No. Hard Pass. Jan 11, 2010 10:53 PM

Sure, I'll play this again. Great game.

Turbo Jan 12, 2010 12:09 AM

I'll sign up, but I don't have Ico


Sousuke Jan 12, 2010 12:13 AM

Yeah, I'll sign up too~

I won't be able to do this game though, as I don't own a copy of ICO, nor do I have any money to go pick up a copy [assuming EB or somewhere has a used one in stock]... But I'd definitely be in for future games.

VitaminZinc Jan 12, 2010 12:32 AM

I'm down.

I'll finally be able to put my gamefly account to some use.

Hi, My Name Is Hito Jan 12, 2010 12:48 AM

This gives me a good excuse to update my backloggery. I'm in.

map car man words telling me to do things Jan 12, 2010 02:02 AM

I should already be in :cool:

For posterity, I'll replay ICO, it's been a long time since I last went through it.

And yes, strangely enough, the US version is a CD, while the European and Japanese releases were on DVD.

Also, the original PAL/JPN release was lovely:


OmagnusPrime Jan 12, 2010 02:36 AM

I've update the top post with the members so far. Remember, if you have a backloggery (or are willing to sign up), or have some other form of games list somewhere that'd be really useful.


Originally Posted by Iago (Post 740742)
This gives me a good excuse to update my backloggery. I'm in.

What's your backloggery username (not sure if I know it or not, and so I can link in the top post)?

Soluzar Jan 12, 2010 02:39 AM

I already played through Ico a long time ago, but hey... I'm in. It is always a pleasure to revisit a game as delightful as Ico. I hope the next game will be something I didn't complete yet, but the chance to hear what some players new to the game have to say about it will be great.

Plus... I honestly don't remember some of the middle parts of the game that well. The opening few scenes and the ending are utterly unforgettable, but the various puzzles have blurred a bit in the time since I last played.

Many of those posting here in this thread are already on my friend list for the Backloggery, but here goes with a link to http://backloggery.com/main.php?user=soluzar. I only just realised yesterday I never got around to adding most of my PC games, but I'll do that ASAP.

Skexis Jan 12, 2010 03:33 AM

I've heard tell of a lot of little nuances in this game that I never personally noticed when I was playing. This will be the perfect chance for me to try it again and make sure I play with my analytical hat on. (Count me in-- backloggery name: Skexis)

Hi, My Name Is Hito Jan 12, 2010 03:46 AM

Omagnus, my BL username is Hitokoei.

The Plane Is A Tiger Jan 12, 2010 04:09 AM

Count me in, though I won't have much to say about ICO. It's been a few years since I played through it and Nutty has my copy, so I can't replay it right now.

Dr. Uzuki Jan 12, 2010 04:14 AM

Sign me up too. I've started this game at least three times without finishing it.


Chaotic Jan 12, 2010 04:42 AM

I'll definitely be up for something in the future. Even though I own ICO, I'm kinda busy with some other games at the moment and I don't want to overload myself at the moment.

[ backloggery ]

map car man words telling me to do things Jan 12, 2010 05:05 AM

Considering it's an 8 hour game, you have no excuse not to finish it amidst Torchlight, DJ Hero and TEKKEN 6.

Ramenbetsu Jan 12, 2010 05:08 AM

My PS2 hasn't been able to read a blue disc game since 2002.

Chaotic Jan 12, 2010 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Qwarky (Post 740760)
Considering it's an 8 hour game, you have no excuse not to finish it amidst Torchlight, DJ Hero and TEKKEN 6.

This is true, but I have to FIND my copy first. :gonk:

If anything, I'll see what I could do. If I do find it, I'll probably blast most of the game on my streaming channel. First playthrough and archiving it while I'm at it.

Dark Nation Jan 12, 2010 09:08 AM

I'd like to join for this, but I don't own Ico.

However, perhaps I can play along for the next game; so here's my Backloggery then.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 13, 2010 06:03 AM

Stick my name on the list, seeing as how I updated myu backloggery recently. I might even play Ico, although I've lost interest very quickly every time I tried to play it before.

Edit: Ok, so I've been playing ICO for 45 minutes now and it seems that every time something happens to make the controller vibrate it switches off the analogue controls, meaning every time I get hit by one of those shadow things, I have to remember to switch it back on or the kid just stands there like an idiot while the girl gets dragged off. This doesn't happen with any other PS2 games and I can't find an option to turn off vibration in the pad without starting a new game. I guess I can use the digital pad although the down button doesn't work too well on the one I'm currently using and I can't be arsed to dig out one of my spares at the moment.

Is the kid with horns talking French? It certainly sounds like it which I'll admit is hampering my ability to connect with him emotionally...

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 14, 2010 10:03 AM

Several hard resets of the console have fixed the analogue stick issue, I'm now an hour and a half in, just reached the graveyard. I know some people find the relationship between Ico and Yorda quite endearing but so far she's mainly just annoying. She never comes unless you call her three times and when they run holding hands it looks like they're connected by bungie rope. That said, the castle is beautifully realised and the puzzles are suitably thought provoking without being too much of the try every item with every bit of scenery type you get in point and click games. At this point I prefer SotC but I'll stick with it.

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