Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [DS] Scribblenauts - God on a skateboard with a shotgun (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37961)

Lukage Jul 2, 2009 05:50 PM

Scribblenauts - God on a skateboard with a shotgun
This is an action-puzzle game that looks to be badass. I didn't see much on it until it was deemed the "Game of E3" and I'm quite impressed with it!


Scribblenauts goes by the concept, "Anything you write, you can use." The hero Maxwell has the power to utilize items in levels called Starites which allow him to later spawn material in the real world for his needs. Ladders, tools, weapons ... goldfish, even. If you can dream it, Maxwell can conjure it, and hopefully both of you can use it to solve your puzzles.
http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/arti...40869_640w.jpg http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/arti...44588_640w.jpg http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/arti...08183_640w.jpg http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/arti...11245_640w.jpg

You can even make God fight Cthulu!

So uhh fuck yes you are the greatest. I'm particularly interested to see exactly how big the library of items is!

Official Page

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Jul 2, 2009 07:53 PM

I just like how, when creatures fight, there was some thought put into how strong certain things should be.

The video is a great example-- a jackalope pretty much got one-hit killed by the Kraken, but God came out and started working the shit out of it.

OmagnusPrime Jul 3, 2009 01:59 AM

I've been reading about this game for a while and it's certainly fascinating sounding. The tech sounds marvelous and supposedly works quite well. The only question I have is how it'll be turned into a game worth playing that isn't just spawning a load of random things to see what happens.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jul 3, 2009 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by OmagnusPrime (Post 712209)
I've been reading about this game for a while and it's certainly fascinating sounding. The tech sounds marvelous and supposedly works quite well. The only question I have is how it'll be turned into a game worth playing that isn't just spawning a load of random things to see what happens.

Little Big Planet did ok on a largely similar premis so I'm sure they've thought that through.

OmagnusPrime Jul 3, 2009 04:22 AM

See you say that, but LittleBigPlanet has an excellent single player mode, which makes it worthwhile even if you don't bother with any of the creation aspects of the game (plus you always have access to stuff other people have made), but it's a valid point. From everything I've heard about this one it sounds like they've approached it in a clever way, and I believe there's supposed to be a nifty main mode to play-through, but it's what I'd be wary about right now.

Lukage Jul 3, 2009 09:49 AM

I'm hoping this game is being supported on the DSi for downloadable content. I'd love to see the library get expanded and additional levels be available for download!

Celisasu Jul 4, 2009 08:39 PM

Yeah, this one looks awesome. I definately intend to get it. It's so wonderfully weird. I also heard if you do something like Man+Zombie you end up with two zombies or the like.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Sep 13, 2009 02:59 PM

This game recognizes dandruff, motion detector, Compsognathus (as well as Pachycephalosaurus), and tamarind. It's so goddamn awesome.

The only words I have found that are not generated are greaves and estoc.

The Plane Is A Tiger Sep 13, 2009 03:48 PM

I remember hearing that they entered every dinosaur that they could find into the game. Tuesday can't come soon enough. Speaking of which, TRU gives a $15 gift card if you pick it up there, but only on Tuesday.

How did you manage to get it early, GB?

Krelian Sep 13, 2009 03:50 PM

This game has shark-repellent spray. GOTFY

I tried asking for a boring machine (i.e. a machine used for boring through the ground) and received literally that - an incredibly boring, entirely useless machine.

Dopefish Sep 13, 2009 07:16 PM

Apparently there's a list online of all the words in the game. Someone needs to try "epic fail" and take a video of what happens.

Or "god" and "atheist".

Dark Nation Sep 13, 2009 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tritoch (Post 725037)
How did you manage to get it early, GB?

I can't speak for GB personally, but on certain places on the internet, it was released early. Judging from what I've seen so far, I think its worth buying in stores. Maybe I'll pick it up later.

Rockgamer Sep 13, 2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tritoch (Post 725037)
Speaking of which, TRU gives a $15 gift card if you pick it up there, but only on Tuesday.

That's such a tempting deal, but goddamnit I want my rooster hat (because I'm a whore for useless video game junk). I'm conflicted.

I'd be even more conflicted if a) all the TRUs in town weren't a bit out of the way from me, and b) TRU's promotional gift cards didn't blow so much, but half off for a new release game is still a damn good deal regardless.

Summonmaster Sep 13, 2009 09:21 PM

Just put a preorder for this a couple days ago, so I'm excited for it coming out here in Canada this week! Dunno where I'll be putting the silly rooster hat from the preorder though.

My only (minor) concern is that out of the 22,802 words, many of the items may share identical functions. For example, "match" and "fire" having no subtle distinction, or "chair" vs. "stool". However, I know the fun lies in the discovery of existing objects and in trying to prove if the developers really did think of everything.

It'll also be fun to see what kinds of runs people make, maybe using themes for their objects or really out-of-the-box thinking.

Krelian Sep 13, 2009 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Dopefish (Post 725052)
Or "god" and "atheist".

The atheist runs away from god, flailing his stubby little arms in a terrified fashion.

Spoilered because hey people want to find this shit out for themselves. It's absolutely joyous.

Celisasu Sep 13, 2009 09:43 PM

Damn. So many games I want. Between this, Disgaea 2, Muramasa, and Bowser's Inside story there's just too much. ARGH!

Malmer Sep 14, 2009 02:55 AM

Oh for the love of. Time is escaping me.
Trying to keep my portable gaming on the go and on the can is getting me nowhere. I've only just a few hours into Chinatown Wars and I also had some intention of giving FF Tactics A2 a good run before this.

Now this is nearly out. Maybe it's time to quit my day job and make this life worthwhile.


Originally Posted by Professor Tea and Crumpets or something (Post 712209)
The only question I have is how it'll be turned into a game worth playing that isn't just spawning a load of random things to see what happens.

I think there'll be a lot of standard type obstacles.
There's fire! - Enter any object that could put out a fire.
There's a gap! - Fill it up with elephants and giraffes.
There's a cliff! - Make a slope from elephants and giraffes.

I have no doubt that it will be a blast screwing around with it in spite of it.
It will be up to myself not to keep it repetitive.

m3izero Sep 15, 2009 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Celisasu (Post 725065)
Damn. So many games I want. Between this, Disgaea 2, Muramasa, and Bowser's Inside story there's just too much. ARGH!

as same thinking as me,:D

S_K Sep 15, 2009 08:17 AM

I've already had a small play of this game and it's certainly a lot of fun. The way the controls are so simple and the multiple creative ways you can solve puzzles, is going to make this game last a long time. I did have one little funny mishap however


Give a policemen and a fireman items they use at work

alrighty then...

*makes firehose to give to fireman*

*makes gun to give to shoot policeman*

NO YOU CRAZY FOOL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! :gonk: *is beaten to death by fists and fire hoses*

As for weird words in the game I found "lol wut" "keyboard cat" and "long cat" I'll be sure to look for more when I get the full game for myself, or I give in and get it from the internets... whichever comes first

Single Elbow Sep 15, 2009 03:44 PM

Hell, I am stuck myself on the intro screen, imagining things up.

Hell, there's even Hydra, Dragon, Lion, President, Iceberg, Brass Knuckles and Nuke.

Best handheld game of the year.

The Plane Is A Tiger Sep 15, 2009 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Malmer (Post 725090)
I think there'll be a lot of standard type obstacles.
There's fire! - Enter any object that could put out a fire.
There's a gap! - Fill it up with elephants and giraffes.
There's a cliff! - Make a slope from elephants and giraffes.

I have no doubt that it will be a blast screwing around with it in spite of it.
It will be up to myself not to keep it repetitive.

The real challenge is completing each stage at the Advanced level where you do it three times back to back, and you can't repeat any items.

I've done a few levels so far, but didn't make a whole lot of progress since I kept backing out to the title screen to screw around. My only complaint is the lack of control over the people/creatures that you summon. Sometimes they don't act like you'd expect them to, but figuring that out is all part of the game.

Rockgamer Sep 15, 2009 05:00 PM

All my life I've been told that the lion is the king of the jungle.

But the tiger totally kicked the lion's ass.

My life is a sham.

Seriously though, this game is fucking awesome, and there's no reason not to pick it up if you own a DS.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Sep 15, 2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tritoch (Post 725282)
The real challenge is completing each stage at the Advanced level where you do it three times back to back, and you can't repeat any items.

I've done a few levels so far, but didn't make a whole lot of progress since I kept backing out to the title screen to screw around. My only complaint is the lack of control over the people/creatures that you summon. Sometimes they don't act like you'd expect them to, but figuring that out is all part of the game.

If you're worried about something going awry, put in "Hero" or "God" first. They generally do pretty well protecting you if something turns hostile when you generate it.

Also, for the love of God, if you generate a black hole or destructive wormhole, don't be anywhere near them!

Also, there's quite a few easter eggs are in the game.

Try "teleporter" or "time machine."

Krelian Sep 15, 2009 05:24 PM

Oh jesus it has both liger AND tigon. They've thought of everything. Even relatively obscure foreign delicacies like lutefisk, durian and balut.

Single Elbow Sep 15, 2009 05:39 PM

They also have Cthulhu, Kraken, Necromancer and Necronomicon (Seriously. Last two against God, Goddess, King, Queen, Princess and Prince).

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