Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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I poked it and it made a sad sound Oct 12, 2011 09:57 AM

Favorite outdoor activity
I know. You people don't get outside very much.

So what makes it worth going outside for?

Do you play sports? Do you like yard work or gardening? Shoveling snow or raking leaves (what the hell is wrong with you)? Camping? Hiking?

What will make you nerds go out of doors?

Philia Oct 12, 2011 12:33 PM

Give me a quiet neighborhood, a bike, and a pleasant sunshine, I'd get out there and explore the land. And then get home with scratches, blisters, sore joints and sun burns. I tend to do an activity for hours without realizing it.

LIAR Oct 12, 2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass (Post 790427)
I know. You people don't get outside very much.

So what makes it worth going outside for?

Do you play sports? Do you like yard work or gardening? Shoveling snow or raking leaves (what the hell is wrong with you)? Camping? Hiking?

What will make you nerds go out of doors?


I play basketball once a week. I go play trivia with friends once a week. I go to a board/card game night once a week. During the 3 months of the year that Oregon gets sun, I do a lot of hiking and camping. Occasionally I'll just go for a walk to clear my head if my roommate is getting on my nerves for some reason.

nuttyturnip Oct 12, 2011 03:28 PM

It takes an awful lot to get me to go outside, and it doesn't help that I have a brother and a roommate who prefer the couch to the sunlight. If the weather is nice, I enjoy walking over to the park near my office that has a duck pond. Once a year or so, I'll go up to Great Falls and hike a mile or so down the Potomac to get to the falls. I'm not athletic, so sports aren't my thing, and I don't know anyone who likes camping.

Bernard Black Oct 12, 2011 04:38 PM

I don't spend nearly as much time outdoors as I should as a regular person, let alone someone doing a zoology degree. There are plenty of opportunities through societies to go on nature walks and all sorts of things like that but I'm literally so terrified of social interaction that I don't take advantage of them. I tried last year but it just fell through. I'm getting better at being around people lately though so hopefully this year I'll grow a pair. The only times I've voluntarily been outdoors for extended amounts of time in the past year or so have been festivals, bonfire parties and one drugged-up camping trip; I'm fine with people I know and/or intoxicants :annoyed:

I poked it and it made a sad sound Oct 12, 2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Yeah Hugh (Post 790444)
and I don't know anyone who likes camping.


Camping is my thing. I would camp year 'round if I could. I would ditch all you losers and your space phones and go straight for the dutch oven over open flame. I'm in my element when I wake up with the sun, breathe the fresh air, and get straight to work.

I often wish I was a lot more fit just so I could climb to the peaks of mountains just to yell at the top.

I also like productive gardening and working outside. I love to watch a good garden grow, and I can think of very little that smells like dirt, wood, and fire.

I thrive best when outdoors, even in the wintertime.

Bernard Black Oct 12, 2011 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass
dutch oven

Sass, I think I'm missing something here :(

I poked it and it made a sad sound Oct 12, 2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bernard Black (Post 790448)
Sass, I think I'm missing something here :(



Does it mean something else over there?

Bernard Black Oct 12, 2011 05:37 PM

Aaaah, that's much better to see :D Yeah, it means something else entirely :tpg:

i am good at jokes Oct 12, 2011 07:40 PM

I don't get out much in Montreal except to walk my dog, but when I'm back home in New Brunswick, swimming is my main outdoorsy activity, preferably in a river somewhere. Camping and just camp fires in general (we have a great spot at my folks' home) are also a very frequent activity for me when I'm back home.

Chaotic Oct 13, 2011 04:26 AM

If it counts, my friends and I love traveling. Whenever we can, we try to do road trips and stuff.

Since we're all decently husky as well, our road trips usually involve finding amazing food.

Shorty Oct 14, 2011 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass (Post 790427)
What will make you nerds go out of doors?


A pack of $3 frisbees, 20-something friends, and a bunch of AcerBalls™ in that scenery. That'll get me outside.

for reals, tho:
It doesn't take much to get me outside, it's just a lot of persuading I need, simply because it's quite a hassle to get around much less out of the smog-hell-hole Los Angeles Area I'm in. But otherwise, when I lived in San Luis Obispo, I hiked and beached whenever I possibly could.

Even camped out in the sand dunes on a beach once. Fun.

No seriously, if I can afford the PTO every year, I'd camp up and down the PCH/California 1 Hwy and explore national parks at least one week out of the summer.

Single Elbow Oct 14, 2011 04:49 AM

I only go outdoors mostly in the summer. The rest of the year? Gotta go out with friends, and no, we don't go to the gym or involve ourselves in strenuous physical activity.

WarcoW Nov 17, 2011 09:57 AM

I'm kinda like mr Emperor, that I'm usually outside most in the summer. I like to go out for long runs in the woods and just hanging out in the sun and getting a nice tan and of course swimming whenever I can find the time.
In the wintertime I'm mostly lifting weights and making music in cubase and occasionally going out for a walk once in a while. I live in a pretty small city aswell so there's limitations on what to do here if you don't wanna get drunk every weekend.

THIEF Nov 17, 2011 10:18 AM

I actually like being outside a lot. I'll use any excuse. I used to be pretty big into sports in middle school/high school. I did intramural in college. I like walking/jogging/hiking although I'm not that into backpacking or camping. I'm not one of those who's in love with nature and could spend all my time roughing it. Instead, I like getting fresh air and just looking at the natural world as much as possible.

I also started to get really into analyzing horticulture, agriculture, and ecology biology after reading some books on the matter.

Furby Jan 29, 2012 08:38 AM


I used to hate going outdoors during the day. I was always more of a night life person (clubs, parties, etc) but I've been getting more into the habit of going out for walks or taking my gf's dogs for a walk. We even go out on hikes whenever we're not too lazy or it's not too hot out in the desert!

Mercury Blue Jan 29, 2012 06:39 PM

Well I enjoy going on weekend camping trips when it's an historical living history of quality. Other than that I am zombing out in the house and hissing at the daylight when someone opens the blinds...

arigatou Mar 25, 2012 08:17 PM

Swimming is my main outdoor exercise, it is best to place in a river. Camping and camp fires is a very frequent activity for me when I get home.

williams22 Apr 13, 2012 07:07 AM

Boating during outdoors makes us feel relax..:plant:

Shahacelissaya Apr 19, 2012 03:24 PM

bicycling, swimming and motorsports(car racing) (in summer)
skiing (in winter)....

ahenobarbuso Apr 24, 2012 12:10 PM

This is a bit of an old thread but since someone else already revived it I guess I will post as well...

Recently I've been spending quite a bit of my time playing tennis; usually around three days a week, two or so hours each of those days. I'm in a doubles league right now and I'm enjoying it immensely but I still prefer singles play the most. I plan on going back to that over the summer, although I may end up playing in both leagues. I'm a NTRP 4.5 player currently hoping to move up to 5.0 eventually.

I also love running, I usually run anywhere from 20-30 miles per week. I drive all over my town trying to find lovely places to run around, often getting lost in the process, as I find it boring to run the same route over and over.

I also enjoy taking my dog for walks around various parks around where I live.


Smoking cigarettes.

It's a nice break from inside.

Immortal Sep 18, 2012 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 804651)
Smoking cigarettes.

It's a nice break from inside.

Agreed. It's nice to get outside for a smoke and see something other than fluorescent office lights.

I'm more a fan of a joint outdoors though especially out in the woods somewhere. Everything just feels so peaceful and relaxing even if it is only a few minutes away from whatever I am working on.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 18, 2012 10:55 AM

Five days a week, I do a jog (well, mostly walk because of my bad heel lately) for four miles or so. Depends on the weather, of course.

Franky Mikey Sep 24, 2012 04:24 AM

As for me, hiking. Been to the mountains recently, which I hadn't done in a long time, and enjoyed every minute of it. The silence, the serenity, the beautiful sceneries, the satisfaction when you take a look back and realize how far you've come... after every excursion I'd study the map and ponder what to do next. Wish I could've stayed longer and explored absolutely everything in that valley.

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