Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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masa Aug 18, 2006 08:01 AM

Forum Game: Corrupt Wish
How to Play: Turns somebodies wish into something horrible!

1st Poster: I wish I had a puppy
Next Poster: Granted, but it gets run over.

Simple right? Great fun.

I wish that the PSP didn't suck so bad.

Kolba Aug 18, 2006 08:23 AM

the psp is no longer crap, people start buying it, and Sony make ground in nintendos illustrious handheld market monopoly, weakening the latter company and removing nintendos artistic liberty as they make a mad dash to be mainstream and boring just to turn a profit, like Sega. Since only nintendo make decent games, for proper gamers it's the end of the industry forever.

I wish i could go to the moon!

Bigblah Aug 18, 2006 08:37 AM

You are fortuitously chosen from your university cohort for a cultural exchange with the Lunarian University of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, and as part of the orientation itinerary you are whisked to a massive facility which houses the experimental Tandem Mirror Engine, to be used for the upcoming Jovian expedition. Just as you place your hand on its perfectly polished surface, a terrorist from the United Space Front detonates a bomb right underneath your suspended walkway, blowing everyone in your group to smithereens. And leaving just a nasty black smudge on the engine, phew!

I wish posting in this thread would pick up.

whinehurst Aug 18, 2006 08:42 AM

Your wish is granted, Bigblah.

Only, you keep deleting them so it amounts to nothing.

I wish i could breathe underwater.

Bigblah Aug 18, 2006 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by whinehurst
Your wish is granted, Bigblah.

Only, you keep deleting them so it amounts to nothing.

(that's the point)

whinehurst Aug 18, 2006 08:44 AM

but you can't corrupt your own wish. That's lame.

(i wish i could breathe underwater)

Bigblah Aug 18, 2006 08:45 AM


Lord Styphon Aug 18, 2006 08:45 AM

I wish this thread didn't exist anymore.

Kolba Aug 18, 2006 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by whinehurst
delete me.

Wish granted. Though in a classic case of the wish granter using the ill thought out means of articulating the wish as a way of poetically twisting the wish to dark ends, the "me" is taken as meaning you and not your post, and you are promptly banned from the forums.

I wish I were a moderator so I could cleverly tie my warnings and announcements in with the subject of the thread in which i post them.

Eleo Aug 18, 2006 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by whinehurst
(i wish i could breathe underwater)

Wish granted.

But, while you are exploring the sea using your new ability; OUT OF NOWHERE, a massive, legendary hammerhead shark known to sailors as "Lord Styphon" emerges from an underwater cave and devours you whole. He then returns to the cave, waiting for the next unsuspecting poster victim.

I wish I were a GFF administrator.

Double Post:
Kolba, when did whinehurst ever wish "delete me"?

Kolba Aug 18, 2006 12:07 PM

Before his wish was granted!

TheReverend Aug 18, 2006 12:20 PM

Eleo, wish granted.

But soon after the Axis takeover of GFF seems complete, Lord Styphon rises from the ashes with a Stalin Avatar and rallies all the members of GFF in a quick and bloodly coup that turns this place into a more class-cliche oriented society having multiple administrators (with no moderators) that abuse their powers repeatedly when any anti-GFF/staff statements come to light and by also hijacking all the FTP servers in one fell swoop.

I wish I had a Wii... ;)

WolfDemon Aug 18, 2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvon
I wish I had a Wii... ;)

Granted, but upon opening the box, the controller is broken in half, probably a result of shoddy construction for the early release. Word gets out that you have a Wii months before everyone else and you are lynched, strung up on a tree with razor wire mere moments before the postman comes with a replacement controller with a note from Nintendo saying "lol Sorry for the busted controller d00d."

I wish Surge (The awesome soda that Vault is trying to imitate) would return.

Alice Aug 18, 2006 01:11 PM


I wish Surge (The awesome soda that Vault is trying to imitate) would return.
Wish granted, but you find half-decayed mouse remains in the bottom of your Surge bottle...but only part of a mouse. You later realize that the gum you've been chewing all afternoon is actually carbonated, high fructose corn syruped mouse-tail.

I wish I didn't have any wrinkles.

Dr. Uzuki Aug 18, 2006 01:22 PM

Wish granted! No more wrinkles. No more skin.

I wish I was little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good. I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six four Impala.

*AkirA* Aug 18, 2006 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Uzuki
Wish granted! No more wrinkles. No more skin.

I wish I was little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good. I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six four Impala.

Wish granted, but you lose all ability to rhyme.

I wish I had a mullet.

Acro-nym Aug 18, 2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Uzuki
Wish granted! No more wrinkles. No more skin.

I wish I was little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good. I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six four Impala.

All of those wishes are granted. However, you have become too tall to fit in your house. The girl has several annoying traits, such as correcting your speech. The rabbit, wearing the hat, destroys the Impala, that you can't fit into, using his bat. And you are a baller, but your wealth is the result of mob assistance, unbeknownst to you. When they come to collect, you obviously have no idea what they want. They threaten you harm you. You try to fight them, but you don't do very well without your bat, which the rabbit broke on the car. During the scuffle, you are shot and killed.

I wish I had the ability to run super-fast.

Chaotic Aug 18, 2006 01:40 PM

Granted, but you eventually burn up in a hell blazing inferno while running. When you finally stop, you're just a charred skeleton.

I wish people would stop saying how good the PS3 is.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Aug 18, 2006 01:51 PM

This thread makes a lot more sense when you can see the deleted posts.

Wish granted, instead they start banging on about even though the PS3 didn't meet expectations, the PS4 is gonna be fucking awesome!

I wish that my credit card hadn't maxed out yesterday (£5,000 in debt lol).

Snowknight Aug 18, 2006 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Shin
I wish that my credit card hadn't maxed out yesterday (£5,000 in debt lol).

Wish granted. Your credit card is reduced to reflect a debt of £4,999. You are unable to pay off the debt--debt collection agencies come after you. After the collection agencies have their way with your possessions, you are packaged in a cardboard box and shipped to Luxembourg.
From stress, you begin to develop mysterious pustules on your skin. The pustules evnetually turn out to be a rare parasitic infection caused by a type of cicada; cicadas pop out of your skin daily.

I wish I had a goldfish.

Acro-nym Aug 18, 2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight
I wish I had a goldfish.

You receive your goldfish, but it doesn't come in a bowl or a bag. Lacking any water, it dies shortly after you acquire it.

I wish cell phones would just be phones.

Visavi Aug 18, 2006 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Acro-nym
You receive your goldfish, but it doesn't come in a bowl or a bag. Lacking any water, it dies shortly after you acquire it.

I wish cell phones would just be phones.

Wish granted, but this sudden change causes calls to tune out since there's no jack to connect the cord to a telephone line. Girlfriends start breaking up with their boyfriends, people start making bad choices on Wall Street because they didn't get their stock advice in time, and America falls into chaos. Soon, Mexico and Canada decide to invade and the country is split in half to become "North Mexico" and "South Canada" with a continuous debate over what the new name for the continent should be.

I wish the Jedi would take care of the whole "Ninja vs. Pirates" debate once and for all.

Yeldarb Aug 18, 2006 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Visavi
I wish the Jedi would take care of the whole "Ninja vs. Pirates" debate once and for all.

Wish granted. The Jedi decimate the ninjas with their lightsabers and force powers. Then they get in little rafts and board the pirates seafaring vessel and slaughter them all and burn the ship. But the pirates in a last effort destroy their rafts. The Jedi can protect themselves from fire but sadly they swim like rocks.

I wish I had high-speed internet.

packrat Aug 18, 2006 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Yeldarb
I wish I had high-speed internet.

Wish granted.

However, due to the sudden viability of file sharing resources, you indulge and download a multitude of ripped DVDs and CDs, as well as gobs of warez.
Contained within these warez files are numerous virii, which invade your computer, and working in conjunction with each other, turn it into a rampaging, homocidal machine. It then proceeds to murder all of your family and rapes your dog with a USB cord, and you only hear about this in horror a week later from the jail cell that the RIAA and MPAA cast you into.

I wish all of my school debts were absolved.

Summonmaster Aug 18, 2006 05:49 PM

Wish granted. However, the school smacks you up with hidden debts the following month that you had no idea you had to pay until the day of announcement. Turns out some id theft'ed you and you have no way to correct it. Your debt escalates and all your items become repossessed, and the school continues to siphon money out of you until you end up living at a friend's house for the rest of your life.

I wish that I could have 20/20 vision again.

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