Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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nuttyturnip Feb 26, 2009 11:20 AM

GFF Risk 9: It's About Time
Game over, Tritoch wins!

GFF Risk 9 is now underway. Quick notes:

-Each player starts with 20 gil, 1 Tank, and 1 Energy Boost (see Arms Dealer list below for descriptions).
-You may annex 3 additional states anywhere on the map this round (this does not count as an attack, it’s a freebie)
-Each player gets 4 attacks per day, and unlimited item usage.
-You may only attack states adjacent to your territory (Alaska is adjacent to Washington, Hawaii is adjacent to California)
-When attacking, label your dice roll with the state (see example roll in first post). Roll a 1d10; 1-5 means you fail, 6-10 means you are successful.
-Items can be used to attack anywhere (doesn’t have to touch your states).
-Not counting the first round, everyone gets 5 gil added to their account at the beginning of each round.
-Warlord status is achieved if you begin your turn in ownership of 9 adjoining states. If by some miracle you obtain this, you may take 5 gil from each player that touches your Warlord states.
-No one can be wiped out on the first round. If someone enters the second round with no territory, they may still have a turn.

Since we have a couple of new players, here’s an overview of the rules. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Other Rules:
-You may do any or all of the follow during your turn, in any order:
1. Attack neighboring states using dice up to 4 times
2. Purchase and use items as many times as you want, until you run out of money
3. Annex 3 unowned states (first day only)
4. Trade states with another player (with their posted agreement)
-You gain 1 gil for each territory acquired (by annexing, attack, or item use), and 1 gil each time an attack against you fails.
-If you deal a killing blow to an opponent (take their last territory), except in the first round, you acquire all of their remaining gil and items.
-Alliances with other players (secret or not) are perfectly fine (and often the key to victory)
-States may be traded with other players (both must post in the thread, and the trade takes place during one of their turns).

I can only update the map when I’m at home, so your best tool for keeping track of who owns what is by using the linked spreadsheet. I’ll try to update that after each turn, unless it’s the middle of the night.

Arms Dealer List:
(15) Tanks: Take over one state on the map.
(15) Energy Boost: Gain 2 extra attacks for the day.
(25) Blitzkrieg: Conquer 2 adjoining territories.
(30) Atomic Bomb: Take over at least 1 state, with the possibility of taking up to 4 adjoining states. When using this item, roll a 1d4 die; the number you roll is the number of states you take over.
(35) Death Ray: Conquer 3 adjoining territories at once.

Turn order: Rockgamer, Tritoch

Chart of who owns what, gil, and items

Last updated after Tritoch's turn

Zergrinch Feb 26, 2009 11:30 AM

Assuming that annexing empty states isn't considered attacking out of turn, I hereby annex Maine, Florida, and South Carolina.

nuttyturnip Feb 26, 2009 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Zergrinch (Post 684719)
Assuming that annexing empty states isn't considered attacking out of turn, I hereby annex Maine, Florida, and South Carolina.

Sorry, all actions are done during your turn. You'll have to wait.

Scent of a Grundle Feb 26, 2009 10:22 PM


.... like a herd of turtles...

The Plane Is A Tiger Feb 27, 2009 12:02 AM

Wow, I came here ready to apologize for neglecting the thread all day and holding up the game (I didn't realize I was turn #2). Then it turns out Rock still hasn't taken his first turn. What the hell, Rock? Stop watching 24 reruns and annex someone already.

nuttyturnip Feb 27, 2009 08:38 AM

Rock has until 11:30 (my time) to do something, then Tritoch can play. Rock said something in the Testing Forum about having a paper due yesterday, but he knew the game started today and could have at least checked in.

Rockgamer Feb 27, 2009 12:54 PM

I'm really sorry everyone, this game totally slipped my mind. I was up all night finishing a paper and other work for school, and then I was at school all day, and when I got home I was so tired I just hit the hay (slept for like 10 hours). No excuse though, so I'll take any consequences for my actions.

If it is still my turn though, I'll annex Oklahoma, Arkansas, and New Mexico, and I'll attack Arizona, Colorado, Tennessee, and New Jersey (don't know if we need to announce the attacks since they'll be seen in the dice roller, but why not).

nuttyturnip Feb 27, 2009 01:08 PM

Still your turn Rock, yes. I'll update the chart when I get back from lunch, and Tritoch is ready to go whenever he feels like it.

Plarom Feb 27, 2009 01:28 PM

GFF Risk 9: It's about time

The Plane Is A Tiger Feb 27, 2009 02:59 PM

All goes according to plan. My forces shall annex Oregon, Florida, and Massachusetts.

Then I'll move in for the kill on Rhode Island, Nevada, Colorado, and Washington. Spreading the love around.

nuttyturnip Feb 27, 2009 03:14 PM

I shall annex North Carolina, Missouri, and Pennsylvania.

It's too soon to try to wipe anyone out, so I'll try to spread the love around by attacking Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and South Dakota.

EDIT: Rockstopped :(

Plarom Feb 27, 2009 03:43 PM

Alright. I'll be annexing Kansas, Alabama, and Ohio.

I'd also like to attack New York, California, Idaho, and Utah.

Rockgamer Feb 27, 2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by nuttyturnip (Post 685080)
EDIT: Rockstopped :(

And deservedly so, because I don't see how attacking two of my states is spreading the love around.

Scent of a Grundle Feb 27, 2009 07:16 PM

I'll take Wisconsin, Louisiana, and Montana.

attacking Texas, Alaska, Idaho, and Michigan

edit: that went well [/sarcasm]

Dullenplain Feb 27, 2009 08:45 PM

Alright, I'll annex Wyoming, South Carolina, and Vermont.

I will be attacking Utah, New York, North Carolina, and Illinois.

Luck be with me!

EDIT: Well, I'll be . . .

nuttyturnip Feb 27, 2009 08:54 PM

I feel it prudent to point out that no one has successfully taken any of Rockgamer's states, though many have tried. Not that I'm suggesting anything...

On a serious note, after this round, there will be 2 unoccupied states left, and we need to get them in play somehow. In games past, it was first come, first served, but that won't work here (let's not give Rock more land). I have 2 proposals:

1. Each territory costs 20 gil, and can be purchased when your turn comes around (if it's still available).
2. The territories would be given free of charge to whichever player finishes last at the end of the first round.

I'm leaning towards option 2; what do you guys think?

The Plane Is A Tiger Feb 27, 2009 09:01 PM

Option 2 works for me. It'll help prolong the game, rather than playing straight into whatever crazy scheme Zerg has cooked up.

nuttyturnip Feb 27, 2009 09:03 PM

Or I suppose I'm overlooking the obvious Option 3, which is to have people roll dice for them like any other state. I still like Option 2 better, though.

Rockgamer Feb 27, 2009 09:13 PM

The key to victory: delay the game by over a day so the dice roller will love you. :)

And yeah, I'll go with option 2. Of course, if that person ultimately ends up winning the game, they'll have to be marred with a huge asterisk by their name.

Scent of a Grundle Feb 27, 2009 09:28 PM

then give 1 state to the two people furthest behind. Spread things out.

Zergrinch Feb 27, 2009 11:04 PM

Annexing Georgia, New Hampshire, and Maine.

I am distributing my attacks on the people who attacked my states, namely Rockgamer and Tritoch. So, here we go, and hope Rock's defenses isn't as rock-solid as is the case previously!

New York City
Rhode Island

I hate you dice

nuttyturnip Feb 27, 2009 11:33 PM

I can't count. I just realized there will be three states free tomorrow (I forgot to list Virginia as free). At this point, Tritoch is guaranteed to be last with 3 states (and KrelEN can't attack him directly), with KrelEN most likely with 5-6. How about Tritoch gets 2 states, and KrelEN gets the last one, unless he does spectacularly well tonight?

Zergrinch Feb 28, 2009 12:33 AM

Let's make the decision after KrelEN takes his turn.

nuttyturnip Feb 28, 2009 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Zergrinch (Post 685212)
Let's make the decision after KrelEN takes his turn.


Krelian Feb 28, 2009 10:45 AM

Apologies; I was sleeping. Just pretend I live on the east coast of the US. That way my daily routine makes me look like a sane person.

Woo, last turn in a round :( I'll annex Minnesota, Nebraska and Mississippi.

And I'll attack Washington as there's NOT MUCH ELSE I CAN DO LOL GUYS!

e: Victory. Washington state has fallen to the red menace. http://to.all.the.people.in.the.fron...missar-65e.gif

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