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Tawnee Van Pelt Aug 27, 2013 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bernard Black (Post 816367)
I seriously nearly bit through my own finger during the last 15 minutes. This show sure knows how to do TENSE.

Ditto on that.

My thoughts on the most recent episode:

I for one, cannot believe that the ricin cigarrette sublot is still going, I just don't buy it anymore and I believe Jesse should have buried those feelings by now.

Apart from that, the episode was thrilling I couldn't keep belive my eyes as the confession progressed, and before that the restaurant scene was top notch, Hank's character owned it.

I really pictured Jesse in Alaska, somehow seemed plausible but well, you know, his actions are paving the way to complete madness on the next episodes.

Mucho excited.

THIEF Sep 2, 2013 11:02 PM

Oh snap. Mid-mid season mark has been passed.

What is Jesse's plan? Cannot wait for next week's episode.

Vemp Sep 3, 2013 12:31 AM

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I started this today! I'm still in Season 1 so, I'll try avoid spoilers.

nabhan Sep 15, 2013 09:35 PM

fuck actual content, all i have to say is

o m f g

THIEF Sep 15, 2013 11:40 PM


holy fucking shit

Bernard Black Sep 16, 2013 05:48 PM

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me

Behind a cushion for most of that!

Sarag Sep 16, 2013 07:00 PM

So, spoilers:

Poor Gomie :(

Poor Hank, you were a jock and a pig and all but you didn't need to die :(


actual things said ITS:

So, that knife fight could've gone way worse (and way more predictable) than it did. I'm glad nobody got accidentally stabbed to death.

Couldn't help but notice the purple orchid in Skylar's office. And on her sleeves, too. THE COLORS

Hank, seriously, should have called in the cavalry. He knew Walt was dangerous, even when everybody else didn't; even if he wasn't expecting fucking Nazis, he should've been expecting some bad shit. Wait, he should've been expecting Nazis, Jesse knew about them. JESUS HANK

And, oh my god Jesse, that last shot of him in the meth lab with Todd suiting up in the background felt like such a violation, like on top of the whole called-in-a-hit, Jane, and torture thing.

Bernard Black Sep 17, 2013 06:40 AM

My heart fucking bleeds for Jesse, it really does. He's done some shitty things but MAN. Worst year!

Now I want to know who Walt is after in those flash-forwards; is he after the Nazis alone, or Jesse too?

And I'm not quite over Gomie or Hank. I think I actually whimpered when Jack had the gun on Jesse too, just too much to take in all at once.

My boyfriend pointed out that the episode title refers to a poem:

"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Grundlefield Earth Sep 17, 2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bernard Black (Post 816648)
My heart fucking bleeds for Jesse, it really does. He's done some shitty things but MAN. Worst year!

Now I want to know who Walt is after in those flash-forwards; is he after the Nazis alone, or Jesse too?

And I'm not quite over Gomie or Hank. I think I actually whimpered when Jack had the gun on Jesse too, just too much to take in all at once.

My boyfriend pointed out that the episode title refers to a poem:

"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Yeah, Bernard. There was a reading of it by Bryan Cranston

YouTube Video

The Plane Is A Tiger Sep 17, 2013 06:20 PM

Ha, I knew I'd heard that poem recently, but I forgot that it was from Bryan Cranston reading it. I'm still hoping for a dramatic twist that reveals the ending written by Dean Norris (Hank) to be true.

As for this episode:
Hank and Gomez were obviously going to die, but Jesse becoming a slave cook? That is dark. I feel sorry for Gomez's actor though. It feels like such a disservice to kill someone who's been around since the beginning between episodes.

Sarag Sep 19, 2013 07:39 PM

So I was thinking today about how fucked up it would be if this past episode was the last one. I mean, like if that was the planned last episode, if that's just how it ends.

Kinda D:<.

Tawnee Van Pelt Sep 23, 2013 06:10 PM

My thoughts:

I really liked this episode, for me it's tied with Ozymandias. I loved seeing Walt in such an opposite setting. I do wonder though, do you guys think they are going to find Hank's body? I think it's a bit unnecessary as it would take away time for other plot points, but I kinda want to see a resolution for Marie, as much as I hate her.

Sarag Sep 24, 2013 10:27 PM

For the episode before last's:
I keep thinking about it, and like, Hank knew he was walking into trouble by setting up Walt like that; that's why he brought Gomie. He also knew Walt was on speaking terms with a gang of nazis, AND he knew he had Walt dead to rights.

dude should've called in some cavalry to back him up. If he did that, maybe he'd still be alive now.

I've been thinking about that ever since Walt Jr all flipping out on his dad. Dude, first of all, Hank's a grown-ass man, he knew what he was doing; and also, we all know you're just overcompensating for the fact that you were a huge spoiled snotmuffin to your (now sainted) mom when she was trying to get separated, and I bet you didn't even apologize to her neither

Sarag Sep 26, 2013 08:21 PM

I'm watching the Breaking Bad marathon right now; there were a bunch of episodes in the middle of the series that I missed.

Man, this fucking show makes something as absurd as a mid-air plane collision over Walt's house compelling and dramatic.

oh my god and now the Cousins stole some clothes off the clothesline of a family who's all watching them and then they take off their sunglasses in sync

The Plane Is A Tiger Sep 27, 2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to Judge SNES Music (Post 816731)
Man, this fucking show makes something as absurd as a mid-air plane collision over Walt's house compelling and dramatic.

The scene where Walt attempts to convince a high school assembly that the plane crash really wasn't that bad is still one of my favorite moments in the series.

THIEF Sep 28, 2013 02:18 AM

Can't wait to go to Sprout's meth party on Sunday. Also sad to see this show go.

I've been rewatching the show via the marathon and totally forgot about half the crazy subplots in the show. Lol, Ted.

Bernard Black Sep 30, 2013 03:44 AM


Personally, I think that ending was just about perfect. And completely ridiculous. But pretty perfect. I could never picture Walt being taken alive. Seeing him admit his selfishness to Skyler, and say goodbye to his family was so touching. The whole thing, damn, so cathartic. I'd really started to resent Walt by the end of this season, but the last few episodes, and then this one, where you actually see he's still in there, watching it all fall apart... I'm glad he gave the location of Hank and Gomie's bodies too, and saved Jesse (and Jesse's flight to freedom!). And Lydia! Thank FUCK. I'd forgotten about him taking the ricin (I think ridiculous neo-nazi slaughter scene drove it out of my mind for a bit). It was good to see Badger and Skinny Pete again too.

So many people laud it as their favourite TV show of all time, and I always thought that was a bit much; I mean it's damn fine TV but it's not comprehensively great. The finale was so on the money though. If I ever find the time I'd like to go back and rewatch with a fresher perspective.

THIEF Sep 30, 2013 10:45 AM

My only wish was for Todd to die. I feel so validted. So does Jesse, I bet

The Plane Is A Tiger Sep 30, 2013 10:57 AM

The finale really hit everything it needed to both in terms of loose ends and Walt finally admitting to his mistakes. I was a little worried going in that they would leave it as an open ending like so many other big series finales, so it was refreshing to get a proper ending.

Jesse strangling the hell out of Todd reminded me so much of Walt having to strangle that dealer back in season 1. I'm curious if that was intentional.

It was great seeing Badger and Skinny Pete again, but I have to wonder how Walt contacted them. He could barely remember their names even when they worked for him.

I love that they gave such importance to Walt taking off the watch Jesse gave him when it was really just to prevent a continuity error in the diner scene. I hadn't even noticed he was still wearing it. I always preferred the calculator watch he wore at the beginning of the series anyway since I wore that exact watch back in elementary school.

Jesse's ending seemed to lead directly into Need For Speed, so I'm going to regard that as canon.

Wall Feces Sep 30, 2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tritoch (Post 816755)
Jesse strangling the hell out of Todd reminded me so much of Walt having to strangle that dealer back in season 1. I'm curious if that was intentional.

Good catch! With a show as deftly-written as Breaking Bad, it's safe to assume that most of these little details are intentional.

Last night's finale was perfect. I don't have much else to say about it at the moment, suffice to say that it gave me everything I could have possibly wanted and then some. This ranks up there with The Shield and Six Feet Under as one of the best series finales I've seen.

I'll miss Breaking Bad, but like all good stories, it had to end eventually. I'm glad they didn't drag it out unnecessarily. It was exactly as long as it needed to be, and everything worked perfectly.

Sarag Sep 30, 2013 08:08 PM

I couldn't be happier tbh. Lydia was killed, Todd was killed; hell, I thought Jesse wasn't gonna make it but he flew out of there laughing like whoa. Fantastic.

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