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guyinrubbersuit Mar 2, 2006 07:25 PM

The Metal Thread! (The Zombie Edition)
The boards have crashed and so that means the almighty Metal Thread has been vanquished. It is time to start anew, to rise from the ashes with the mighty metal hammer falling from the heavens and smashing the heathens!

Kalmah just recently released a new album and I for one am excited about it. I dig them, though I know some are turned off by their Children of Bodom sound, however I've read that the new Kalmah incorporates more death metal growling than black metal screeches.

Are you excited for any new releases or upcoming concerts?

knkwzrd Mar 2, 2006 07:46 PM

3/2/06 Opeth w/ DevilDriver @ The Venue, Winnipeg. Can't wait.

Maybe not quite metal, but heavy nonetheless, I also can't wait for my copy of Noise Addiction by Pure Hell on Welfare Records. That one's been waiting far too long. PURE HELL

Living Legend Mar 2, 2006 08:52 PM

I haven't been listening to much Metal lately, allthought I do from time to time, I just haven't been in the mood for it as of late.

One interesting band that someone has shown me was Knorkator. They are a VERY interesting odd sounding band. I really couldn't get into them much at first, but after hearing their cover of "Try Again" from the Romeo Must Die soundtrack it got me hooked because, well it's just a catchy song and them doing just was great to hear.

Helloween Mar 2, 2006 09:17 PM

A blogger on the Internet ran into Alex Lifeson at his bar, and apperantly Alex States that he's written 6 new songs for Rush's next album. I can't remember where the blog was, or even if it was a blog, but i read it somewhere. If i find it i'll post it.

I guess Rush isn't really metal, but it's pretty close.

Single Elbow Mar 2, 2006 09:19 PM

Recently I have been hooked to both Disarmonia Mundi and Deadlock. Mundi's maintaining Soilwork's Natural Born Chaos atmosphere with a Predator's Portrait feel. Quite good. Same for Deadlock actually.

As for upcoming releases, waiting for Kalmah's new release and Wintersun's new release as well. Any bands of the similar caliber (and yes, I know Soilwork, DT, In Flames et al).

And is Pig Destroyer cool or nope?

knkwzrd Mar 2, 2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Terminus
And is Pig Destroyer cool or nope?

I'd say so. I haven't heard much of their stuff, but Terrifier was a great album. Easily a top ten of 2005 for me.

Schadenfreude Mar 2, 2006 10:34 PM

Pig Destroyer fucking OWN.

That said, I haven't really listened to much (if any) black/death metal lately. I've been living on noise music mostly -- with Iron Maiden/Mercyful Fate/Dio binges occasionally. Although I do still listen to (and love) grindcore.

Also, The Axis of Perdition are probably the best "black" metal band ever. Well, I guess the easiest genre to put them in would indeed be black metal.. although I guess post-black metal (what) would be nice. Bleh.

Dalkaen Mar 2, 2006 10:42 PM

Recently started listening to Hollenthon. Awesome symphonic black/death metal stuff.

Living Legend Mar 2, 2006 10:47 PM

So just wondering, what metal bands do you all listen to? I never paid attention in the last metal thread, but I could probably talk about music more in here if I knew what people listened to in this topic. My favorite metal bands

Dream Theater
Demons & Wizards
Blind Guardian
Iced Earth
In Flames

Some others, but obviously I am not into the huge death metal style, but I am open to quite a few different styles of metal.

Schadenfreude Mar 2, 2006 10:51 PM

Right now?

Iron Maiden
Mercyful Fate
Black Sabbath
The Axis of Perdition

I probably still can listen to (and enjoy) all kinds of metal (except the prog, melodic death, power, etc etc styles), though. Haven't really done so over the past month or so (give or take a few weeks).

Dalkaen Mar 2, 2006 10:51 PM

Ayreon, The Black Mages, Cruachan, Dragonforce, Dream Theater, Faith No More, Hollenthon, Mastodon, Megadeth, Metallica, Nightwish, Opeth, Pantera, Slayer, Sonata Arctica, and Stream of Passion.

And some others. Mostly those, though.

knkwzrd Mar 2, 2006 10:55 PM

If I were to list my favourite metal bands, it would probably be along the lines of:

Black Sabbath
Electric Wizard
Corrosion of Conformity

First three for their great stoner riffage. Slayer, because they are Slayer. Corrosion of Conformity have a really nice slow grind thing going. Motörhead because Lemmy is Lord God King over metal. Venom made black metal the way it should be: low-fi, dirty, and over the top. Anthrax because they were the most original act of the eighties. Death defined nineties metal for me by the flawless way Chuck Schuldiner fused jazz basslines into their crushing death metal sound (it's called Death metal for a reason). And Meshuggah, because of their ridiculous chops. No one does as interesting stuff with time signatures as Meshuggah anymore.

Schadenfreude Mar 2, 2006 10:58 PM

Meshuggah have never sounded like anything other than crap to me.

Dalkaen Mar 2, 2006 11:01 PM

I listened to I just recently and thought it was pretty good, actually.

knkwzrd Mar 2, 2006 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Schadenfreude
I probably still can listen to (and enjoy) all kinds of metal (except the prog, melodic death, power, etc etc styles)


Originally Posted by Schadenfreude
Meshuggah have never sounded like anything other than crap to me.

There's probably a connection to be made there.

Schadenfreude Mar 2, 2006 11:10 PM

I guess so. I respect their technical ability, but haven't been able to like their music.

I do like Ruins very much though.. but then, they're not metal.

Living Legend Mar 2, 2006 11:14 PM

I am sure many will hate me with my opinion on this, but there has only been one Metal band that I have hated since I have heard them. I always get questioned about it, but I cannot stand Pantera.

I never liked their music much, and after watching everyone fall in love with them after the guitarist died, just was crazy.

I never cared about Mushuggah either, I mean it's great heavy music. The vocalist is just terrible to me. If there is a bad vocalist in music, it just turns me off to the entire band. :( I am close minded like that.

Dalkaen Mar 2, 2006 11:16 PM

I like Pantera. They're not my favorite heavy metal band by any stretch of the imagination, and I dislike that they helped inspire nu metal, but Vulgar Display of Power will always be a valid album to me.

Schadenfreude Mar 2, 2006 11:22 PM

I never really listened to Pantera all that much, but what I have listened to I have enjoyed.

knkwzrd Mar 2, 2006 11:27 PM

Pantera is interesting, because they started way back in '83 and released three horrifically awful power metal albums independently, but they really grew as the nineties came around and I really respect their later catalogue. Really though, avoid those first three albums like the plague.

Helloween Mar 2, 2006 11:32 PM

My list would have to consist of

Dream Theater
Gamma Ray
Blind Guardian
Masterplan (off and on, i haven't really formed a solid opinion on them yet)
Iced Earth
John Petrucci\
Joe Satriani - basically G3
Steve Vai /

those are the ones who stick out most in my mind. I'm starting to like Saxon, and Hammerfall, but i haven't been able to track down any of their albums, so i can't really get into them.

Dalkaen Mar 2, 2006 11:33 PM

Oh my god. That cover is just terrible. xD

Living Legend Mar 2, 2006 11:38 PM


John Petrucci\
Joe Satriani - basically G3
Steve Vai /
I odn't mean to change the subject much, but with that. I watched the DVD of the G3 show and allthough it featured many great guitarist. It was just boring after awhile. The guitar is my favorite instrument, I love watching people do what they can with it, but there was nothing to pull me into the music anyone was playing. It was more like "I can do this, isn't it cool?" rather than "I can play this, isn't it amazing?" if you get that.

I haven't seen Petrucci on that DVD, but the rest I have. I hope he did something a little more amazing than the rest.

Iwata Mar 3, 2006 12:00 AM

Currently i'm into these metal bands:

Sun O)))
High on Fire
Arsis ( fav band metal band for the past 6 months )
Behemoth ( mainly Satanica )
Deathspell Omega
Electric Wizard

Schadenfreude Mar 3, 2006 12:01 AM

So holy shit I forgot about Boris. Awesomeness right there.

So I heard of this (according to others) killer doom/sludge band called Corrupted from Japan. Any good?

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