Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [360] Ace Combat 6 (More homosexual than Top Gun) (Fuck you, high-low fives are awesome) (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20177)

Ramenbetsu Mar 20, 2007 02:16 AM

Ace Combat 6 (More homosexual than Top Gun) (Fuck you, high-low fives are awesome)
Ace Combat 6: Kaiho e no Senbi


Producer - Tadayuki Itiyanagi (AC4 Director)
Director - Natsuki Izaki (AC4 and AC5 planner and main planner respectively)

- Xbox360, 2007
- Large scale aerial battles
- Xbox Live enabled: Battle Royale, Team Battle, Co-op, Leaderboards, tons of rule settings
I was going to wait for skills to make a thread, but I cannot contain the joy within me. Also, AC6 is gonna be a huge cover story for next week's issue of Famitsu Xbox.

UPDATE: Scans are in:

UPDATE: Thanks to ign, we know this:

Outside of the obvious improvement in visual quality that one would expect from the jump into the next generation, Ace Combat 6 will feature a few new gameplay systems. The biggest new inclusion appears to be the Dynamic Mission system, which allows for dynamically changing, large scale battles. During missions, you fight along side a number of ally pilots and squads whom you can send them off to perform separate tasks. Success in some of these mini-missions may be required in order to clear a stage, but this isn't always the case. As you clear tasks, new ones will present themselves, expanding the battle in new ways. The game supports up to six tasks simultaneously.

Also on tap for Ace Combat 6 are some options for the beginner pilots out there. The game includes options for a simplified control scheme, as well as settings that keep you flying even if you manage to crash your plane into the ground.

Xbox Live support will also play a big part in the game -- not surprising, considering how great the online play in Ridge Racer 6 turned out. We can look forward to online battle royal and team battle. Or, if everyone is feeling friendly, a cooperative play option lets all human players group together to take on a powerful enemy force. We don't have specifics just yet on how many players the game will support simultaneously.

On Friday, the marketplace will take delivery of themes and icons, which we'd suggest you download immediately to show off your excitement of more "6" games coming to the Xbox 360.

Grundlefield Earth Mar 20, 2007 03:07 AM

Once again, I have not played any of them. No lies.

Infernal Monkey Mar 20, 2007 04:05 AM

I'm sorry, I'm clipping some of the !?'s from your thread title. =)


I'm sure a proper scan will turn up eventually, but props to duckroll on the other side of the internet for this.

russ Mar 20, 2007 08:25 AM

Every Xbox friend I have will get this and bug me to play with them, I can already see it now.

Rock Mar 20, 2007 09:10 AM

Damn, this game will cost me a fortune new console. Has this been confirmed to be 360-exclusive?

Skwerl Mar 20, 2007 09:25 AM

we need a larger scan and kick ass trailer =(
*off to buy some diaper to anticipate the awesomeness*

value tart Mar 20, 2007 01:25 PM

Yeah, Rock, it appears Namco is jumping off of the PS3 ship as fast as they can. Maybe they know something Sony doesn't.

Like the fact that their console is tanking, lol

Shonos Mar 20, 2007 01:29 PM

I could care less what console it's on. As long as there's online play, great music, and a good story line.

There better be some fucking online play, I swear. Ace Combat has been needing that so badly.

value tart Mar 20, 2007 01:32 PM

That's an an entirely valid reason for switching, to be honest. XBL is still the only system with a thoroughly established online network, it could be they really wanted an online component but Sony wasn't being forthcoming enough with future stuff to do with the PSN.

Musharraf Mar 20, 2007 01:53 PM

Wow are they retarded or what. Surely there will be ten times more XB360 users than PS3 users in a couple of months. Clever.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 20, 2007 01:58 PM

Can we try to keep this retard free Mo0, please? None of this "X is tanking" stuff, thanks.

Shonos, up top it's confirmed that there will multiplay and co-op. Which sounds awesome. I can't imagine the rest being bad.

Mo0, the PSN is just as capable of supporting these multiplayer game features as Live is, so it's hardly a valid reason for the switch. At least it's not the sole reason or anything major by any stretch. Namco isn't jumping ship altogether either, considering things like Cellius.



Surely there will be ten times more XB360 users than PS3 users in a couple of months.
No, perhaps not. But 5 times sounds about right, if the current worldwide sales numbers hold steady. Nice try, though.

Rock Mar 20, 2007 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Shonos (Post 415296)
There better be some fucking online play, I swear. Ace Combat has been needing that so badly.

Not at all, if you ask me.

They rather should have made an online offspring or something along the lines of "Ace Combat Online" and keep the single player story mode for the "real" Ace Combat games. I just can't imagine a game with the perfect single and multiplayer portion at the same time. Chances are that either of these components will suck.

value tart Mar 20, 2007 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rock (Post 415308)
I just can't imagine a game with the perfect single and multiplayer portion at the same time. Chances are that either of these components will suck.



Ramenbetsu Mar 20, 2007 03:07 PM

Updated original post with full scans. Thanks to the folks at xboxyde.

Skexis Mar 20, 2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mo0 (Post 415314)

I might call the Mission Impossible 3 of the videogame world "good," but never "perfect." Especially when it comes to the multiplayer.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 20, 2007 04:04 PM

I think he was refering to the co-op, which was pulled off rather nicely in Gears, all things considered.

Skexis Mar 20, 2007 04:18 PM

That kinda defeats the purpose of quoting Rock, though. =/

Gechmir Mar 20, 2007 04:26 PM

zomg. Ace Combat 6. Posting in a legendary game's thread =3

I can't wait. I loved Ace Combat Zero -- although it wasn't as lengthy as, say, Ace Combat 5. Hopefully there will be more backstory, plot twists, & cutscenes a la #5.

Slayer X Mar 20, 2007 04:28 PM

Yeah the multiplayer wasn't exactly perfect without;
-NO Friend invites to ranked matches
-Huge ping sensitivity
-Random pattern shotgun
-EVERYTHING is random
-No clan support

Don't ask me why I still play it every night for 2 hours though. I don't know myself, it just makes me angry with it's inconsistancey.

value tart Mar 20, 2007 04:43 PM


Don't ask me why I still play it every night for 2 hours though. I don't know myself, it just makes me angry with it's inconsistancey.
Because you're a typical immature unknowledgable gamer who complains about the aspects of a game they don't like even when they know full well they like it enough to play it every day?

Twilight's Twin Mar 21, 2007 01:16 AM

Agh, can we please keep the ANNNGST to a minimum? This is a celebration.

I have played all of the Ace Combats and really adore the series. It is a testament of story-telling and atmospheric involvement that I keep coming back to a series that basically involves hours of "hold a good lock on and fire".

I actually just recently fantasized about a now-gen Ace Combat and really can't wait to envelope myself in 720p surround-sound bloomy long-draw-in-distance high-res high-polygon-count dog-fighting.

As far as I'm concerned, this means a lot more to me than any stinkin' Crying Devil recent announcements.

Skwerl Mar 21, 2007 07:05 PM


Slayer X Mar 21, 2007 09:11 PM

Man talking about a visual orgasim. I'm going to have to pre-book this next time I go to EB to get Armored Core 4

Shonos Mar 21, 2007 10:07 PM

So this is coming out in the fall? Jeez, when I first heard about it I was expecting a year or so wait atleast.. Guess I have alot to look forward to this holiday season.

garthvadr3 Mar 22, 2007 11:24 AM

I guess I'm buying a 360 instead of a PS3. Since all the good developers are running from the PS3 with their tail between their legs, must be something massively wrong with development on that system.

I love Ace Combat. I can't wait for this one, the visuals look awsome and I am sure the game will be as good if not better than previous entries.

Slayer X Mar 22, 2007 11:38 AM

If you want AC6 then yes, you need a 360 unless they announce different at E3 seeing how there still hasn't been any official announcement on the game. What we know is just leaked info, so threre could still be more.

As for you statement about developers "running from the PS3", it's kind of a dumb thing to say. It's not like developers are making their games for the 360 exclusively or anything. Games cost a lot to make and that's why everything is going multiplatform. And it's not like the 360 hasn't lost any exclusive titles latly, Oblivion, Enchanted Arms, Saint's Row. And the PS3 still has as many exclusive games as the 360, so things arn't all people are making them out to be.

If Microsoft want's to make some headway in the industry outside of the United States then they need to secure some innovative features & titles. And get their stupid video marketplace available outside the US, because outside the US the PS3 VS 360 thing is still griddy and close.

garthvadr3 Mar 22, 2007 12:35 PM

um I remember that Namco stated, if they wanted to break even on their PS3 development costs they would need to sell 500,000 copies of the game. THAT IS TO BREAK EVEN. Don't tell me their isn't something wrong with that. Game companies are still companies and they still have to make $$. At the time there weren't even 500,000 PS3s in the world, now how do you expect them to continue developing under those circumstances? There is something wrong with the system if it causes developers to spend that much money to figure out how to make a game on the PS3. Devs shouldn't have to do that, no wonder they are going to an easier platform. And don't say I am a 360 fanboy, because about 2 months ago I swore I would never buy an XBOX product.

And I still refuse to buy the 360 still for another year, till the price is more reasonable.

BTW oblivion was never exclusive, IT WAS ON PC

Slayer X Mar 22, 2007 01:04 PM

PCs don't really affect the console market, it can be argued as to whether a PC version of a game makes a console version no longer an exclusive, but I think that that discussion is best left for another time.

Also if you think that it's less expensive to make a 360 game then it is a PS3 game then you are incorrect. The only cost difference would be dev kits, and dev kits are not included in game budgets. Therefore anything after that is man hours and assets for the development of a game, which last time I checked was the same on both systems.


While Namco did make that statement, that goes for any console also which is why games are going multi-platform. Like I said, when titles goes from PS3 -> 360 exclusively then that might mean something. Multi-platform on the other hand simply means that there's not enough of ANY console for the game to do well on just one. Ace Combat 6 may be 360 exclusive, however it's not like Namco is ditching Sony, because we know that Sould Calibur 4 and Tekken 6 are in development for the PS3 right now, as well that Namco just formed a new company with Sony, therefore they most likely just wanted to expand their horizons, or we have yet to hear the whole story from Namco themselves.

garthvadr3 Mar 22, 2007 01:30 PM

Development time and man hours go up if the system is difficult to develop for. And last time I checked most companies have been complaining about how hard the PS3 was to develop for. This includes Mistwalker who the president of said a singular statement in English "The PS3 is difficult".

So you are saying that if the 360 is easier to develop for than the PS3, somehow the man hours for the same game will be the same. THAT MAKES NO SENSE. The logic of this is making my brain hurt I give up.

Slayer X Mar 22, 2007 01:58 PM

That is true, and was a fault in my logic, I apologize. However something being difficult is a rather cheap copout. My job's hard but I don't see anyone giving me any breaks. However as far as the PS3 concerned the PSedge tool should make things a LOT better, and hopefully we'll see some more stuff come out over there.

However I think I'm going to quit discussion on this matter for we've taken this further then we probably should have in an off topic discussion.

I'll end this post with the hope to see more AC6 coming out soon, and perhaps an E3 appearance with some actual gameplay to show.

garthvadr3 Mar 22, 2007 02:50 PM

roger that, on another note, I am actually glad that the 360 has no motion sensing ability, because now there is no option for them to change the controls too drastically from what it has been. I actually rather like the control scheme for the game that has been established since the PS2 games.

Can't wait to see more on this one, AC6 will be awsome no matter what system it is on.

Paco Mar 23, 2007 01:38 AM

Man, those are some sexy screenshots! Even though, I never really thought there was much room for graphical improvement on the fighter models themselves from the PS2 versions, the background depths and the considerable jump in ground texture improvement will make sure that this looks like one awesome looking title.

As for online play, well... it's always been a wet dream of mine to play Ace Combat online or against another person, for that matter but none of my tosser friends like the Ace Combat games. :mad:

Does anyone know if NAMCO still holds official licensing for Lockheed-Martin and Boeing for the real-life jet fighters?

Infernal Monkey Mar 23, 2007 05:22 AM

I said wow, this game is bloody beautiful.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 23, 2007 11:34 AM

Guys, please shut up about developers and their part in any "Console wars". At the end of the day, any developer with an ounce of sense will be developing for any system they reckon they can turn a profit on. Namco obviously saw a potential market for Ace Combat on the Xbox and went to exploit it, end of story.

Personally, I've always thought the Ace Combat games are pretty dull, nothing more than a glorified Afterburner. That said, I did enjoy the multiplayer in Blazing Angels so this might be worth a look.

Ramenbetsu Mar 23, 2007 12:35 PM

23 720p AC6 shots: http://www.xboxyde.com/news_4131_en.html

seanne Mar 23, 2007 02:21 PM

Is there really a need for a separate thread for AC6?

Tails Mar 23, 2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by seanne (Post 417232)
Is there really a need for a separate thread for AC6?

Fuck yeah. Post content or GTFO now.

Anyways, this is pretty much the greatest announcement ever. Even urther justifies my Xbox 360 purchase earlier this year. The one thing I really wonder though, new console, new flightstick?

It'd be cool if they'd make it so the FlightStick 2 was adaptable, but that's probably a far stretch. I'd be up for a newer one anyways.

Also, sup at the Gamerpics and Themes released today. The Theme #02 is pretty awesome looking.

Shonos Mar 23, 2007 03:08 PM



The AC6 website is up.. Though I don't know how long it's been up so maybe I'm late.

Anyone who can understand Japanese wanna translate? ;|
Posted this in the other thread. Be interesting to know about the story, what part of the world it takes place in, and maybe squadron info.. at least the one you're a part of.

garthvadr3 Mar 23, 2007 03:28 PM

I am drooling on my keyboard from those 720p images Tokubetsu

seanne Mar 23, 2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Roflfox (Post 417238)
Fuck yeah. Post content or GTFO now.


My point is that having two threads for the same discussion seems quite unnecessary - if that wasn't clear.

Paco Mar 23, 2007 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 417016)

OK... You know that shit I said about not much room for improvement on the fighter models? I think I'm gonna go ahead and change my vote on that. =o


Originally Posted by seanne (Post 417242)
My point is that having two threads for the same discussion seems quite unnecessary - if that wasn't clear.

Then it might be a good idea to merge them and put it in General Video Gaming. But that's entirely up to Shin or Infernal.

Locke Mar 23, 2007 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
are they updating the aerodynamics to be more realistic? thats what i found really lacking in the others

Additional Spam:
for comparison

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 23, 2007 11:17 PM

The arcadey-action is the hallmark of the series though. I don't think they're going to go sim all the sudden on us.

A decent 360 sim is Over-G Fighters though, although it suffers from a few issues such as missiles having unrealistic angles of attack, and short, easy missions though.

Locke Mar 24, 2007 10:12 AM

Just a hope from a geeky av-head pilot :P If my roomate ets a 360, ill definaly check out both though :)

Paco Mar 24, 2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Skills (Post 417453)
A decent 360 sim is Over-G Fighters though, although it suffers from a few issues such as missiles having unrealistic angles of attack, and short, easy missions though.

Maybe it's that I don't like TRUE flight sims (because I suck at them) but I just couldn't get into this game. It's one of the reasons why I <3 the Ace Combat series. I can actually FLY a plane AND down some planes. Mexicans just don't belong in the sky, yo.

Karasu Mar 24, 2007 09:40 PM

Well I knew of the game coming out on the 360, what I didnt know was that the game is gonna be done this year and THERE'S PICS OF IT. The game looks....unreal. I can't believe the way the sun glares off of the plane's hull, and the shadows and miniscule details that just SHINE on it as well. I just dont know what to say, I am so happy...and the fact that FINALLY this will be an AC that will be online....well that's every AC pilot's dream. I can hardly wait to fight against some of you people on here when the game comes out. I bet I can down MetalSphere in no time at all. Bwhahaha. >:D

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 25, 2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by seanne (Post 417242)

My point is that having two threads for the same discussion seems quite unnecessary - if that wasn't clear.

Nah, let's keep it here. It's not like there's a huge amount of discussion in MW at the moment and staying out of General Gaming should stop any more of those bullshit console wars posts.

Xellos Apr 9, 2007 09:23 PM

I really want to know if they are going to use Keiki Kobayashi for this one. It better not be the only who did that crappy AC3 soundtrack. Didn't they use that composer for the PSP AC?

Slayer X Apr 10, 2007 07:07 AM

According to the new issue of OXM Ace Combat 6 will be a timed exclusive, meaning that it will come out on the PS3 a few months later. Kind of like Virtua Fighter 5 except hitting consoles the other way around.

"Exclusive, Yo: Not only is Ace 6 the first time the series has departed from a Sony platform and handhelds, but it's a timed exclusive for Xbox 360. It won't hit the other systems for a while." -OXM May

You guys can put this thread back in General Gaming or leave it here, it's of no concern to me, I just thought I'd throw that new info out there.

Anyone else who's looking for more details on AC6, check out the new OXM.

Infernal Monkey Apr 10, 2007 07:33 AM

No sense in moving this over to the General's house of Gaming at the moment, it can stay until the PS3 version hits.

Elixir May 21, 2007 07:36 PM

16 new screenshots.


ctu May 21, 2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Slayer X (Post 420672)
According to the new issue of OXM Ace Combat 6 will be a timed exclusive, meaning that it will come out on the PS3 a few months later. Kind of like Virtua Fighter 5 except hitting consoles the other way around.

"Exclusive, Yo: Not only is Ace 6 the first time the series has departed from a Sony platform and handhelds, but it's a timed exclusive for Xbox 360. It won't hit the other systems for a while." -OXM May

You guys can put this thread back in General Gaming or leave it here, it's of no concern to me, I just thought I'd throw that new info out there.

Anyone else who's looking for more details on AC6, check out the new OXM.

this game would have been one of the few reasons for me to get a 360, but now it can also be a reason for me to get a ps3 since it will be released on it as well :D

Xellos May 22, 2007 08:28 AM

I'm the same way. The Ace Combat games just grab you like no other game. I was especially happy with the last two games, where more attention was shifted towards the story.

I'll wait a while till it is actually confirmed that it will be released on PS3 later. If not, then I will actually buy a Xbox for this.

Rock May 22, 2007 08:40 AM

Two new planes unveiled!











New Terrain Shots:





Infernal Monkey Jun 13, 2007 07:24 PM

This thread needs more TRAILER.

Also this


Taisai Jun 13, 2007 09:15 PM


ACE COMBAT is known for having one of the best VGM soundtracks, and I fell in love with this footage theme at a first listen. Keiki Kobayashi, one of the best VGM composers ever, has reused his previous materials in 05 and ZERO and always stepped it up a notch. This time, again, he surely reuses his own "First Flight" and whatnot melodies from ACE COMBAT5. I, however, am never bored with such a rehash, and I'm rather amazed how he reinterprets his prior work and bumps up it a notch.

I'm pretty certain an AC6 OST will be the soundtrack of this year, and "Fires of Liberation" (the last mission theme, presumably) will be the song of this year, too.

Game-wise... maybe it will be better than ZERO.

ctu Jun 13, 2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 451609)

All I can say about ace combat 6 it is it is sooo bought. I will get my hands on the game ASAP. I am a big fan of the ace combat games and this game looks like it will be a great game as well.

Slayer X Jun 13, 2007 10:02 PM

WoW that trailer was orgasmic.

I think the game and that controller will be a one-two punch combo that will knock any gamer out from being too awesome, lol.

Can't wait for this.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 13, 2007 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 451609)

I go out for most of the day and this is what I miss?

Holy FUCK. I am seriously typing this post up with one hand because the other is firmly flying all over my dick and not letting go. Hot holy shit fuck.

They can charge me 700 dollars for this and I won't care.



Paco Jun 13, 2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 451609)
This thread needs more TRAILER.

I think I came.

Metal Sphere Jun 14, 2007 12:03 AM

That trailer looked damned nice, though I can't shake the feeling that the story segments could've been done some other way. It still looks rough/odd to me and I doubt that'll change from now till the release date. We what looks like some new super weapons (some sort of new burst missle, bomber thing).

About the HOTAS setup, couldn't you simply use the flightsticks from the preivous games? They're essentially the same thing except for some color differences, no?

ctu Jun 14, 2007 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Metal Sphere (Post 451742)
That trailer looked damned nice, though I can't shake the feeling that the story segments could've been done some other way. It still looks rough/odd to me and I doubt that'll change from now till the release date. We what looks like some new super weapons (some sort of new burst missle, bomber thing).

About the HOTAS setup, couldn't you simply use the flightsticks from the preivous games? They're essentially the same thing except for some color differences, no?

Well I am not sure if the 360 will let you use a controller that was not made for a x box....tho I am not sure about any usb one for pc's that are around

Metal Sphere Jun 14, 2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by ctu (Post 451745)
Well I am not sure if the 360 will let you use a controller that was not made for a x box....tho I am not sure about any usb one for pc's that are around

Yeah, I was about to say, it's just a usb stick & throttle setup. IIRC, the Flightstick 2 works with AC4 as well as 5 and Zero. Just asking, since I already have the one offered for AC5.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 14, 2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Metal Sphere (Post 451742)
About the HOTAS setup, couldn't you simply use the flightsticks from the preivous games? They're essentially the same thing except for some color differences, no?

Just 'cause it's USB doesn't mean that the hardware can be recognized/used by the 360. There's all sorts of issues with device signing/drivers/and so forth that are required to get a device working on the thing. (Alternatively, some items don't require such things to work. Most extremely simple USB devices are like this. Also, UPnP stuff that just have generic drivers will also work, but again, that's a limited set of things you're talking about here.)

That's why your average joystick won't work with the 360 and you need to buy the special products. This thing is likely in the same boat.

Slayer X Jun 14, 2007 12:28 AM

Yeah they're right. Mostly it's just 360 devices that works on the 360 besides thumbdrives and i-pods.

However your flight stick would work on a PS3 if you had one.

ctu Jun 14, 2007 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Metal Sphere (Post 451749)
Yeah, I was about to say, it's just a usb stick & throttle setup. IIRC, the Flightstick 2 works with AC4 as well as 5 and Zero. Just asking, since I already have the one offered for AC5.

Lucky you :( If I know what I did that I would have done anything to get it

ps: that joystick worked for ac4,5, and zero because they were all ps2 games :D

Metal Sphere Jun 14, 2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel Skills (Post 451753)
Just 'cause it's USB doesn't mean that the hardware can be recognized/used by the 360. There's all sorts of issues with device signing/drivers/and so forth that are required to get a device working on the thing. (Alternatively, some items don't require such things to work. Most extremely simple USB devices are like this. Also, UPnP stuff that just have generic drivers will also work, but again, that's a limited set of things you're talking about here.)

That's why your average joystick won't work with the 360 and you need to buy the special products. This thing is likely in the same boat.

Gah, looks like that's out then. First I heard about the 360 having problems with various USB devices, but after you explained it, I can see why. Sucks that it kind of defeated the point of USB by requiring specialized products.


Originally Posted by ctu
ps: that joystick worked for ac4,5, and zero because they were all ps2 games

Folks were expecting it not to work, mianly because a lot of USB stuff doesn't work with the PS2. There was a driver for the FS2 floating around online that let you use it on your PC, but I don't play any flight sims on the PC and didn't pick it up.

For those who haven't tried something like Hori's sticks, it really changes how you experience the game.

ctu Jun 14, 2007 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Metal Sphere (Post 451763)

Folks were expecting it not to work, mianly because a lot of USB stuff doesn't work with the PS2. There was a driver for the FS2 floating around online that let you use it on your PC, but I don't play any flight sims on the PC and didn't pick it up.

For those who haven't tried something like Hori's sticks, it really changes how you experience the game.

Well if they made a ace combat game (or anything like it) for pc I would buy it

I never tried to play a ace combat game with a flight stick...I wish I could

Shonos Jun 14, 2007 01:27 AM

Oh fuck that trailer is kick ass. I cannot wait for this game. But I'm interested in some story details. I hope some more info comes out soon.

Also /r/ more AC 6 music pls :(

I need to get me a working 360 before this hits..

Rock Jun 14, 2007 03:51 AM

Can someone with Gamespot Total Access grab that HD version and put it up for download somewhere?

This trailer is made of win on all fronts. I came.

Metal Sphere Jun 14, 2007 06:58 AM

I noticed that at around 38 seconds in, the black aircraft shown looks like a sukhoi... except that it doesn't at the same time. I'm guessing it's the first of many super aircraft in this game.

Slowly making our way back to Electrosphere.

Skwerl Jun 14, 2007 12:43 PM


Ramenbetsu Jun 14, 2007 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by INDIGO-3 (Post 451926)

Such a great trailer. Can't wait. I just hope they start taking pre-orders for the flight stick soon.

Raijin Jun 14, 2007 01:36 PM

Does anyone have the same trailer non-HD please?

Little Shithead Jun 14, 2007 02:37 PM

It's called "go to fucking gamespot and download one of the lower resolution videos," Douchepants McFuckingMoron.

The trailer was all sorts of win and makes it clearly the game to get on Xbox360. Who cares about Halo 3 any more.

russ Jun 14, 2007 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 451609)

Of course they won't release a left handed version of this.

Greykin Jun 14, 2007 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by INDIGO-3 (Post 451926)

That trailer was ecstasy ;_;

Adamgian Jun 16, 2007 11:45 AM

I remember getting a Namco questionaire about this about a year ago, except it said that this was a PS3 exclusive. Oh well.

That said, the trailer was excellent and this may be what actually gets me to buy a next gen system. Absolutely gorgeous.

Diversion Jun 18, 2007 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tokubetsu (Post 451942)
Such a great trailer. Can't wait. I just hope they start taking pre-orders for the flight stick soon.

I've been able to at Gamespot for some time. The package was $150 iirc.

Karasu Jun 18, 2007 09:31 PM

Good lord Coloniel Skills, calm down. Hahaha.

But I am so stoked for this Game. I don't have a 360 yet, but perhaps I should get myself one now, so I won't be broke during the Holiday season haha.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 18, 2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Diversion (Post 454188)
I've been able to at Gamespot for some time. The package was $150 iirc.

Really? It's not on the website yet but I haven't had a chance to pop into my local store to see if it's in their machines yet. I'll pop my face in there tomorrow.


Good lord Coloniel Skills, calm down. Hahaha.
Hell naw. I get creamy in the shorts over this. I'll flip out as I see fit. :tpg:

Karasu Jun 19, 2007 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel Skills (Post 454264)
Hell naw. I get creamy in the shorts over this. I'll flip out as I see fit. :tpg:

Ahahaha, a pity you don't live near me. I'd love to challenge you in some AC then. Perhaps when we get our AC6s, all of us GFer's will duke it out in the blue skies ;D! Of course, i'll splash the most kills...but that's besides the point. XD

Lets talk about the game though people. From what I can see, the game seems to be through the eyes of a woman with her daughter in the middle of the war. Perhaps she's helping her country's soldiers, tending to their wounds? Hmm I wonder.

Oh btw, I wonder if the little legend of Razgriz will be mentioned in this game's story. After all, The Legend did come from the continent of Anea [Razgriz Straits and all..]

What are you guys thinking?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 19, 2007 04:19 AM


Ahahaha, a pity you don't live near me. I'd love to challenge you in some AC then. Perhaps when we get our AC6s, all of us GFer's will duke it out in the blue skies ;D! Of course, i'll splash the most kills...but that's besides the point. XD
You're on, son. Just make sure you post your GT in this thread here. It's easiest to maintain who's got what tag using that.

Anywho, I'm just hoping we get another AC04 style narrative. The POV from a bystander watching the events unfold rather than a direct participant is always interesting and still a bit refreshing. It's kinda hard to tell who the woman is from the information we've been able to glean from the trailer, though.

Rock Jun 20, 2007 04:32 PM

I just discovered this on acecombat.jp (dunno if it's old):


At first I was wondering: "Why the fuck does he have the landing gear lowered in the middle of a mission?"

Then I noticed the "Gear Down" indicator. Are they finally introducing manual landings that are at least somewhat of a challenge? I've been yearning for more realistic landings forever.

More stuff fapping material: http://www.acecombat.jp/ace6/dynamic_mission.html

Adamgian Jun 20, 2007 04:42 PM

I'm still just incredibly impressed by the game's graphics.

That said, the landing gear portions look cool. So we now have mid-mission landing's - though the purpose at this point is unclear, since the guy still has 160 missiles...

Ramenbetsu Jun 20, 2007 04:47 PM

Some new screens over at IGN: here!

@ Rock, jesus though, that doesn't look like a safe place to be landing in LOL. Look at all those hostiles.

P.S: Why the fuck does IGN image compression suck sooooo much ass? look at all the fucking artifacts >.<

Rock Jun 20, 2007 04:54 PM

Those IGN screens are actually old. The new stuff can be found on the page I linked to in my previous post.


Man, those clouds look awesome. Can't wait to dive through some of those.

Ramenbetsu Jun 20, 2007 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rock (Post 455673)
Those IGN screens are actually old. The new stuff can be found on the page I linked to in my previous post.


Man, those clouds look awesome.

Alright, thanks for clarifying that. Yeah a lot of the shots I've seen are just beautiful.

Rock Jun 20, 2007 05:03 PM

It'd probably be a good idea to not quote those high res images.

acecombat.jp seems to have a description for this "landing amidst the enemy" mission. Babelfish has this to say:


< Example 2 > If it succeeds the operation of the friend helicopter unit guard which it tries to subdue the enemy airport, it reaches the point where the friend troop can utilize that airport. The prayer *g*, it reaches the point where it can recover the replenishment exchange and the damage of the weapon at that airport.

Skwerl Jun 20, 2007 05:08 PM

Rock, I think you can land on the airfield that you capture from the enemies via the helo troops.

Karasu Jun 20, 2007 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rock (Post 455651)
I just discovered this on acecombat.jp (dunno if it's old):


At first I was wondering: "Why the fuck does he have the landing gear lowered in the middle of a mission?"

Then I noticed the "Gear Down" indicator. Are they finally introducing manual landings that are at least somewhat of a challenge? I've been yearning for more realistic landings forever.

More stuff fapping material: http://www.acecombat.jp/ace6/dynamic_mission.html

Wow, you just saw that pic now? It's been out for awhile, but man it gets me all the time. To land during battle while there's gunfire and shit going on all around you. Man, if that doesnt capture the intenseness of war. I wonder if you can be targeted while landing...that would make it a little fun ;D.

Ahhh, just a couple more months...

Rock Jun 20, 2007 05:26 PM

On a related note, I've re-encoded the HD trailer for PSP:

http://www.nullpunktseite.de/temp/ac...railer_psp.mp4 (~ 9 MB)

Playback requires at least firmware 3.30 (official or OE). Video should also play fine on any computer with AVC/AAC decoding capabilities.

Metal Sphere Jun 20, 2007 05:29 PM

I got a better look at the black fighter shown in that big ole formation, and it looks like a X-02 with a few mods and the wings folded in. Also, the guy speaking and what he's saying reminded me of the Belkans from Zero.

Rock Jun 20, 2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Karasu (Post 455693)
Wow, you just saw that pic now? It's been out for awhile, but man it gets me all the time.

I see, that's too bad. Still, I'm wondering why there hasn't been more discussion about the landing gear option. In terms of Ace Combat, it's revolutionary.

Karasu Jun 20, 2007 06:11 PM

It is revolutionary, I find it perfect, because I didn't like the RTB line, I would have loved to have landed near the battle instead of switching screens. But hey, it was the ps2 at the time and it could only do so much.

As for you MS, I'm going to have to disagree with you. They are totally seperate airplanes from what I am seeing, and comparing to the Wyvern now. This new plane has a bulkier structure, and the plane's wings are together instead of switchbladed like the Wyvern itself.

Metal Sphere Jun 21, 2007 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rock (Post 455703)
I see, that's too bad. Still, I'm wondering why there hasn't been more discussion about the landing gear option. In terms of Ace Combat, it's revolutionary.

With that, we could easily see missions that last way longer than those in any of the previous titles. You could simply help your forces capture bases so you don't have to trek all the way back to where you started. And with the number of targets I'm seeing in these shots, looks like you'll be rearming pretty often.

Thanatos Jun 21, 2007 05:27 AM

I'm just curious why there's 160 missiles and 56 xmaas..

Metal Sphere Jun 21, 2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Thanatos (Post 456067)
I'm just curious why there's 160 missiles and 56 xmaas..

Maybe it's in super-easy mode? Or they made it even more arcadey by bumping the number of missiles and special weapons. About the taking over of bases thing, there's an opening there for acquisition of new aircraft or at least blueprints.

Karasu Jun 21, 2007 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Thanatos (Post 456067)
I'm just curious why there's 160 missiles and 56 xmaas..

It'd probably because the missions are insanely long now, and there are so many targets, that maybe in SOME missions, you dont have the ability to land during battle. I think that could be why.

Shonos Jun 21, 2007 01:32 PM

Or it could be because it's not the final build and when devs are developing or testing a game they overpower themselves. Why would the person making it restrict their plane to only have like.. 10 missiles when they could put 200 on there if all they want to do is take a screenshot or find out if xxx does yyy?

Rock Jun 21, 2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Shonos (Post 456301)
Or it could be because it's not the final build and when devs are developing or testing a game they overpower themselves. Why would the person making it restrict their plane to only have like.. 10 missiles when they could put 200 on there if all they want to do is take a screenshot or find out if xxx does yyy?

That's what I was going to say. The planes in those builds are most certainly invincible and have unlimited ammo.

ctu Jun 21, 2007 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Shonos (Post 456301)
Or it could be because it's not the final build and when devs are developing or testing a game they overpower themselves. Why would the person making it restrict their plane to only have like.. 10 missiles when they could put 200 on there if all they want to do is take a screenshot or find out if xxx does yyy?

thats what I was thinking...tho I wonder if something like that could be unlocked for single player mode after you beat the game (well just the larger number of missiles that is)

Karasu Jun 21, 2007 04:32 PM

Hmm, but look at it this way, why havent we seen that in other early Ace Combat screenshots of its predecessors like that?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 21, 2007 04:37 PM

For all we know, there could be customizable parts ala AC:X that allows one to add ammo capacity to their aircraft.


Hmm, but look at it this way, why havent we seen that in other early Ace Combat screenshots of its predecessors like that?
That hardly invalidates the idea that whatever missile counts you see here are temporary and likely to change.

Adamgian Jun 21, 2007 04:38 PM

Are you sure that's necessarily the case however? It also may have been that unlimited ammo in other versions only displayed 60 or so missiles...

Just look at the number of targets though; there may just be a necessity to have a lot more missiles.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 21, 2007 04:43 PM

No, which is why I said "likely". A massive amount of targets or not, we simply do not have enough information to back up any claims anyone here is making. For all we know, reloading could be easy. These could be numbers that haven't been tweaked and balanced yet, or are high for testing purposes, or one of plenty of other things.

I'm kinda sad that we're focusing on something so trivial here.

Adamgian Jun 21, 2007 04:58 PM

We're all excited and sadly, don't have much to go on. I wish they'd give us more, although E3 is coming up, so probably nothing until then.

Slayer X Jun 21, 2007 07:42 PM

I just hope that we see demo galore like we did last E3, that would be awesome. And AC6 would obviously have to be one of thoes demos right ;)

Skwerl Jun 21, 2007 09:10 PM

200 missiles, probably because there's a lot more targets to kill... assuming each dynamic operation has the body count of an average ac5 mission, multiply that by 6......... YAY.

Also, confirmed demo in July, check gamespy, ign, team xbox previews yourself.

Thanatos Jun 22, 2007 09:37 AM

I'm quite delighted, raelly. 200 missiles is fun. After all, if it's a game mainly about blowing things up (in a sense), more missiles never do more harm than good. And seeing how cramped the radar is... I think i'll have loads to blow up.

Skwerl Jun 24, 2007 08:21 PM

gameplay video in the intro itself

Karasu Jun 24, 2007 11:43 PM

Oh that was hot. Real hot.

Xellos Jun 28, 2007 10:33 PM

Sweet. Doesn't look like the gameplay has changed at all. (which obviously is a good thing)

I'm liking this idea of your homeland being lost right at the start and then you slowly take it back. Sounds familiar, eh?

Btw, there's a pilot you see in the trailer, am I the only one that thinks he looks way too much like chopper from AC5?

Skwerl Jun 29, 2007 08:36 PM

All pilots, the official command from the branch says we will all be flying a massive combat sortie on October 23rd, 07.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 29, 2007 10:46 PM

Well, that's two months earlier than expected.

Great, this fall is going to be insane. This makes two ~150 dollar 360 titles that are must purchases within a month of each other, not to mention all the other stuff in and around that time from all the various consoles and handhelds. This is gonna be the craziest holiday season in YEARS.

Wallet am cry.

Edit: Should probably drop a source on that cocksucker, 'eh?


Taisai Jun 30, 2007 08:47 AM

So, this will be released on 23th October and two days later, in Japan? I thought I wouldn't buy a Xbox360 until MS finally releases a new model, but...

Inhert Jun 30, 2007 12:17 PM

I just got into the ace combat series, for now i just finish the ace combat X on psp and it was amazing. I'm planing to buy the 4 -5 and Zero for ps2 pretty soon.

So I wonder (and hope) if this game will get a ps3 port like later. Was it said that this game will be only on 360 or could it be a time exclusive?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 30, 2007 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Taisai (Post 461841)
So, this will be released on 23th October and two days later, in Japan? I thought I wouldn't buy a Xbox360 until MS finally releases a new model, but...

I dunno about Japan, actually. The article says nothing of a Japanese release date and places like IGN lists it as a December release, while Wikipedia says it's same day release globally, and some popular import sites just don't even have a listing for the NTSC/J version yet. So I can't give you a straight answer, sorry. ;_;


Originally Posted by Inhert
Was it said that this game will be only on 360 or could it be a time exclusive?

Timed exclusive, according to OXM/various sources. No word at ALL on the PS3 date. Wether or not it's gonna pull a Ridge Racer 7 and basically be the same game with minor changes and an incrimented sequel number has yet to be seen.http://colonelskills.belkanairforce....ages/ace/1.gif

Taisai Jul 4, 2007 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Manshaft Armada (Post 461949)
I dunno about Japan, actually. The article says nothing of a Japanese release date and places like IGN lists it as a December release, while Wikipedia says it's same day release globally, and some popular import sites just don't even have a listing for the NTSC/J version yet. So I can't give you a straight answer, sorry. ;_;

Not at all.

I just heard about the JP version being released on 1st November, a week later. I still hesitate to buy an Xbox360, since it has been said 30% of it will get out of whack soon... A soundytrack is a must-buy, though.

Rock Jul 11, 2007 05:41 AM

Demo is out now. Download and report in, squadron!

Karasu Jul 11, 2007 10:10 AM

Times like this I wish I had a Xbox 360. Perhaps i'll get one soon :P

Shonos Jul 11, 2007 10:24 AM

Times like this I wish I had a faster connection. Dammit, download faster! :(

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 11, 2007 10:48 AM

Live must be getting hammered or something, I doubt it's just you Shonos. It took me over an hour to get the thing, and it's only 300 megs.

Rock Jul 11, 2007 12:52 PM

Demo video and screenshots: http://www.gamersyde.com/news_4583_en.html

This game looks even better than expected. The music is awesome as well, of course.

Shonos Jul 11, 2007 11:19 PM

After playing the demo I only have one thing to say.

This needs to come out NOW.

Slayer X Jul 11, 2007 11:37 PM

I was very impressed with the visuals, framerate (considering other 360 games), and the sharp controls. However other then the standard next-gen upgrade they haven't really done much to enhance the experiance.

I know that the HUGE online component is the biggest thing with AC6 and that there's still time till the game comes out. However I still feel like I've had this experiance before... it just didn't look as good.

*Plz don't hate me, I'm still getting stick+game combo*

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 11, 2007 11:59 PM

No, I can understand that. The series really hasn't progressed much recently in any sort of truely innovative way. Squadron orders and the Ace Type stuff really didn't change the game entirely, but considering how damn fun it is, I don't think anyone really cares. I know I sure don't.http://colonelskills.belkanairforce....ages/ace/1.gif

Slayer X Jul 12, 2007 12:01 AM

Like I would have been excited as all hell if you could hear the comm chat only through the LIVE headset if you have one plugged in and do squad commands via the headset. That combined with the stick controls would have been orgasmic.

Karasu Jul 12, 2007 11:19 AM

Well could it be possible that we will be able to use the headset, or has it been confirmed that you can't?

If you think about it though, you're either gonna hear a generic halo-ish kid being all "fag, you got pwned" or some diehard fan [like me prolly], going "FOX 2, FOX 2!!! SPLASH ONE!" lmao.

BTW, I just saw that video, and holy crap. That video is so amazing, and I can't believe how it sounds, and the detail that is in the game. I think what really excites me is the fact that you actually look like you're 10000 ft in the air, its so life like.

Slayer X Jul 12, 2007 12:28 PM

Well it hasn't been confirmed or not as to whether it'll have Single Player functionality, but usually they mention something like that as a game's bullet points.

However for online play you know it's guarenteed.

value tart Jul 12, 2007 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Slayer X (Post 469862)
Like I would have been excited as all hell if you could hear the comm chat only through the LIVE headset if you have one plugged in

I would LOVE that. Not nearly enough games use the headset in clever ways like that. Halo 3 was the first that I noticed, when it beeps at you when you try to talk while you're dead. I'd love to be able to do something similar in AC6.

CloudNine Jul 12, 2007 02:55 PM

Is the music in the trailer new or is from one of the other games? I loved it and would like to listen to something like it, if there is something.

Megalith Jul 12, 2007 05:21 PM

The music in the trailer is new, and what plays at the end is clearly the new theme, which they'll probably name after the title of the game. It sounds awfully similar to Razgriz and Zero, though.

I like how the demo never gets boring. Has anybody been able to shoot down the entire Strigon Squadron.

The only thing that bothers me is how the missiles feel and look like flares.

Slayer X Jul 12, 2007 09:27 PM

Meh I pass it off to being a demo while keeping my toes crossed. Reason why my toes are crossed is because my hands are too busy playing AC6 ;)

CapturedPenguin Jul 13, 2007 03:29 AM

I can't wait for this to come out, the demo rocked pretty hard.

Cetra Jul 17, 2007 12:42 AM

I finally got to play the demo and overall its very good with a bit of disappointment mixed in. It's Ace Combat so of course it plays excellent. The aircraft detail is also superb.

I'm disappointed in the environmental detail though. With these new consoles there needs to be a whole lot more small detail in these games. Missed missiles should bring those high rise buildings to the ground. Screaming past those buildings at 1000KM/hr should shatter out the building windows. Streaking a few feet above the water should disturb the water. Flying through a downed planes debris cloud should visual damage your jets airframe some. It's too bad they skipped out on these types of details because to me those types of things define the the console generation.

value tart Jul 17, 2007 02:42 PM

This begs the question, Cetra:

In a game that focuses entirely on air-to-air combat, why would they spend time adding graphical effects that only people who SUCK at the game (i.e. people who are anywhere near the ground) would need to look at?

russ Jul 17, 2007 02:51 PM

Sorry but flying near the ground is far more fun and exhilarating than flying several thousand feet up.

Megalith Jul 17, 2007 04:22 PM

No offense, but can y'all find another game to play. Leave Ace Combat to the real fans.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 17, 2007 04:32 PM

I wonder what precedent was set with any game of this sort or with the strength of this current generation of hardware that would allow anyone to expect and then be disappointed by the lack of details such as those.

Infernal Monkey Jul 17, 2007 07:39 PM


Someone needs to shoot down the Bandai-Namco logo!

Bigblah Jul 17, 2007 08:58 PM

Will this game be worth it without that huge ass flightstick bundle?

Wait, never mind, I just want to hear Tails yell FOX 2 over the headset.

Wall Feces Jul 17, 2007 09:34 PM

The AC6 demo officially marks the first Ace Combat game I've ever played. I enjoyed it, but it took a little while before I started to like it. I think I need to spend more time with it, but it definitely seems pretty cool overall.

value tart Jul 17, 2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bigblah (Post 473629)
Wait, never mind, I just want to hear Tails yell FOX 2 over the headset.


ctu Jul 18, 2007 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mo0 (Post 473685)

I agree it would be. Tho I think I would do it myself as well.

Rock Jul 20, 2007 03:39 AM

New screenshots:







Metal Sphere Jul 20, 2007 06:19 AM

Holy shit, hopefully I'm not the only one who thought "Yellow Squadron" when they saw those black and red baddies, I think it's the numbering that does it though.

Slayer X Jul 20, 2007 06:20 AM

Whoa, that Sky Hangar looks sweet.

Also I forget what was said on this, but is there any customizability to the planes in this game? There had better be considering it's on Xbox LIVE. If not for the SP mode, most definatly needs it for MP.

Megalith Jul 20, 2007 09:48 PM

I'll fly my X-02 right into that hangar and kill myself if they allow you to customize your plane with user graphics and text. You'll see the most awful shit imaginable, like Tupac on F-14s and Harry Potter on Rafales. Of course, everybody will complain to ACES Team when they find out that they can't customize their ADFX-01 Morgan with bronze rims.

Course I would just slap the Mobius Squadron logo on my X-02.

::all tangos in my vicinity simultaneously explode as I fly by::

ctu Jul 21, 2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Megalith Prime (Post 475753)
I'll fly my X-02 right into that hangar and kill myself if they allow you to customize your plane with user graphics and text. You'll see the most awful shit imaginable, like Tupac on F-14s and Harry Potter on Rafales. Of course, everybody will complain to ACES Team when they find out that they can't customize their ADFX-01 Morgan with bronze rims.

Course I would just slap the Mobius Squadron logo on my X-02.

::all tangos in my vicinity simultaneously explode as I fly by::

I would like to see a few options for paint jobs and way to put your own logo for your plane tho I don't think I use Mobius Squadron logo, but that would be a sweet thing to have

Karasu Jul 22, 2007 04:28 PM

I think when it comes to customizing a plane, I would keep it real. You know, giving it authentic camoflague or grey scale paint job. I wouldn't wanna make it crazy like "DURR GUNN HAV DA RAINBOW PLANEEE!!". I'd love to bring some of the paint jobs from the old games into this one, like the Grabacr colors, Razgriz camo [F-14D, Su-37/35 from AC5]. Stuff like that.

And now with this 'Rumor' going around about the 360 getting a price drop...man, I can't believe it. It's just unfortunate though that Ace Combat 6 isn't going to be simultaneously released on the ps3. On one hand I really want the ps3 for the backwards stuff and PSP connectivity, but at the same time the 360 is also looking better and better each month, and it's game choices are pretty good too. It's hard :tpg:

Megalith Jul 22, 2007 04:38 PM

The game will look worse on PS3. Believe it.

Although it'd be interesting to see what the team could have done with PS3 hardware from the ground up.

Ramenbetsu Aug 30, 2007 10:35 PM

Ace Combat 6 Achievements Yo. Slight mission spoilers (Destroy ___ or Make sure ___ lands type stuff).

Infernal Monkey Aug 31, 2007 05:20 AM


Holy shit, Namco's not screwing with the PAL version by cutting off the number and giving it some stupid new subtitle like they have been doing since AC04. =o

Rock Aug 31, 2007 07:03 AM

So the achievements list is indicating that the game has only 11 missions?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 31, 2007 11:02 AM

The last secret ones could be unrevealed missions to prevent spoilers, or something.

Metal Sphere Aug 31, 2007 11:27 AM

Let's hope so, since #11's doesn't really sound like a final mission name like we've seen for the other games. Though, now that I take into account your control over air and ground forces, an invasion in the last mission is definitely possible.

OmagnusPrime Aug 31, 2007 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rock (Post 497524)
So the achievements list is indicating that the game has only 11 missions?

11 overall missions, that doesn't suggest what comprises a mission though. Plus as Skills says, there could be more in the secret achievements.

ctu Aug 31, 2007 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by 2401 Penitent Tangent (Post 497569)
The last secret ones could be unrevealed missions to prevent spoilers, or something.

I sure hope so 11 missions is not big enough

Skwerl Sep 1, 2007 01:20 AM

in the latest preview from Leipzig, its been said there are 15 missions. Beside, why isnt there any achievement for retaking Gracemaria or downing Strigon team? hmm? hmm?

Tails Sep 1, 2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by INDIGO-3 (Post 497833)
in the latest preview from Leipzig, its been said there are 15 missions. Beside, why isnt there any achievement for retaking Gracemaria or downing Strigon team? hmm? hmm?

That would be what the four secret achievements are for.

Infernal Monkey Sep 16, 2007 03:14 AM

PAL box art changed.


It's now the same as the Japanese box, but they've removed all the cloud related homosexuality.


Phew, that was a close one. Hey yeah, I bump threads just for box art. I'm cool. :cmb:

Skwerl Sep 19, 2007 11:48 PM

GameSpot Video: Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Official Trailer 2
new trailer

Karasu Sep 20, 2007 01:20 AM

Why I havent bought a 360 and played the demo yet is beyond me...

What am I waiting for XD

Megalith Sep 20, 2007 05:59 PM



Uhhh, is this supposed to be New York.

::ejects from X-02, parachutes into Chinatown::

:: orders bowl of noodles::

Elixir Sep 20, 2007 06:31 PM

I quite like the European box art myself. The American one doesn't look right. The planes might be taking off at that angle, but I doubt they would be in that position with other enemy ships so close.

Oh well, no big deal.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 20, 2007 07:23 PM

Actually, having vertical advantage is a huge bonus, so that climb could be to establish that, or it could be part of one of plenty of maneuvers, like an eventual stall turn of some kind, for example. To assume the only way they've ever be at that angle would be during a full-burn take off is silly.

Hantei Sep 20, 2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by INDIGO-3 (Post 505761)

Loving the new choral piece! Man, looks like I might have to import the game's soundtrack. Can't wait play it either, just one more month.

Megalith Sep 20, 2007 11:24 PM

‚»‚Ì‘¼ -- ƒgƒŒ[ƒ‰[ƒ€[ƒr[

Oh god, the final orchestral version of the AC6 theme.

Kobayashi is unstoppable.

Dark Nation Sep 20, 2007 11:32 PM

Well, if I get a 360 this Holiday season, I know one title I'm going
to pick up. This game looks great. :3

OmagnusPrime Sep 21, 2007 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Nation (Post 506168)
Well, when I get a 360 this Holiday season

Corrected that statement for you there DN. Really though, with the games coming out in the next few months there's little excuse for not getting a 360. In fact there's a whole lot of reason to get one, Ace Combat 6 being just one of them.

I wasn't planning to get the flight stick version, but I've just had a look today, wondering what price it might be over here in the UK and it seems we don't get that option. O_O

Duminas Sep 25, 2007 09:20 PM

Not to sound like a complete idiot, but this being the first Ace Combat game I've ever played (or flight sim at all, for that matter) I'm a bit confused on the mechanics. I've been playing the demo, but never figured out how to make missiles actually hit reliably. Occasionally I see a "Shoot" prompt come up, and when that happens, they almost always connect (and kill), but getting that seems to be a complete crapshoot. Is there some vital mechanic I'm missing here beyond just getting the target square in the middle of my screen and pressing B?

I also occasionally see a small circle pop up on the HUD and (seemingly) move about at total random. What's that about?

Amazing graphics, though--just the reason I got a 360 last week for. Just need an HD TV set now. ;_;

Firefly Sep 25, 2007 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Duminas (Post 508084)
Not to sound like a complete idiot, but this being the first Ace Combat game I've ever played (or flight sim at all, for that matter) I'm a bit confused on the mechanics. I've been playing the demo, but never figured out how to make missiles actually hit reliably. Occasionally I see a "Shoot" prompt come up, and when that happens, they almost always connect (and kill), but getting that seems to be a complete crapshoot. Is there some vital mechanic I'm missing here beyond just getting the target square in the middle of my screen and pressing B?

Intercept geometry is a major issue here. Ideally, fire from behind your target while it is proceeding in roughly the same direction you are; conversely, firing on one crossing your view is least likely to yield results.


I also occasionally see a small circle pop up on the HUD and (seemingly) move about at total random. What's that about?
That's your gunsight; when using cannons to engage a target, aim for that, not the actual plane. If you do get the demo, be sure to play through the tutorials; those should clarify things.

Duminas Sep 25, 2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Firefly (Post 508133)
Intercept geometry is a major issue here. Ideally, fire from behind your target while it is proceeding in roughly the same direction you are; conversely, firing on one crossing your view is least likely to yield results.

How can you tell when missiles actually "lock" though? Is it just whatever happens to be in front of you, or your target (switched by Y)?


That's your gunsight; when using cannons to engage a target, aim for that, not the actual plane. If you do get the demo, be sure to play through the tutorials; those should clarify things.
So get the enemy within that circle if using cannons? Check. And I do have the demo already--did you mean the actual game?

Firefly Sep 26, 2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Duminas (Post 508167)
How can you tell when missiles actually "lock" though? Is it just whatever happens to be in front of you, or your target (switched by Y)?

Let's see... as you've probably noticed, every enemy plane in your field of view has a green box on it. If your current target is off-screen, an arrow will point to it, as seen above.

Your current target will have a data block next to this box. If you're locked on, as is the case in the above image, the box will instead be a red box-and-diamond.


So get the enemy within that circle if using cannons? Check.
http://namco-ch.net/acecombat-zero/popup/img/ast12.jpg http://namco-ch.net/acecombat-zero/popup/img/ast13.jpg
No, no, no. Take note the two symbols in the dead-center of the HUD... when you do fire the cannon, you will see that the fire heads for one of those (the 'w'; someone double-check that for me, please?). You put thatinside the gunsight, which represents where you have to aim to hit the target.

Duminas Sep 26, 2007 02:56 AM

Oh, wow. Thanks for the images--that clarifies things really well.
Actually beat the demo, now. XD

Thank you for your help~

Megalith Sep 26, 2007 04:03 PM

Firing your missiles whenever you get a red box is really amateurish, unless you're using long-range weapons like XMAAs. The AI doesn't seem to kick in until you are near the enemies, so all of them get blown away in a cluster.

I usually just fly and tailgate the enemy, which guarantees a kill, and you fly through the actual explosion.

But Ace Combat 6 online is going to be all about the machine gun. Although blowing people up while they're in a stall could be fun.

Karasu Sep 26, 2007 06:23 PM

Hahaha, true dat Megalith. I think it would definitely show more skill to shoot down a dude with Machine Guns.

Regarding to the above post on how to shoot properly, what I personally do is sometimes I do fire when the red box shows to shake up the A.I. Jet then I get in there fast and if he's stupid enough, I just blow him outta the sky with guns. Personally, I like the challenge so I hope he can give me a run for my money. The A.I. in AC04 is notorious for looping and dogfighting non stop.

Also I have heard from a friend of mine that some people are upset at the amount of missions the game has and the planes. What I personally think is, that the campaign mode is just part of the game, and perhaps Namco are devoting their attention to the Online Mode. For instance, in time we could see Namco making more planes for the game, and more multiplayer online missions. Perhaps it will become similar to Halo in that regard.

Karasu Sep 30, 2007 04:07 AM

Oh wow look at this, it seems yellow 13 and mobius will never die ;D

Ace Combat 6

Megalith Sep 30, 2007 09:35 PM

Does someone care to translate that.

I assume that they will be unlockable skins for online mode. Too bad the real Mobius 1 flies an F-22A.

Metal Sphere Sep 30, 2007 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Megalith Prime (Post 510079)
Does someone care to translate that.

I assume that they will be unlockable skins for online mode. Too bad the real Mobius 1 flies an F-22A.

They better be the most difficult skins to obtain, considering the aces they belonged to. It just looks like you can apply it to other aircraft aside from F/A-22 and Su-37. Of course, folks who enjoyed AC04 will use them on the appropriate aircraft.

Still, I'm hoping they allow you to paint the aircraft (or at least have a variety of skin colors), so I can try and make a Z.O.E MiG-29 from AC2. Awesome paint job is awesome.

Skwerl Oct 1, 2007 07:19 PM

it is supposed to be the pre-order bonus for the japanese players.

Tails Oct 1, 2007 07:23 PM

US Website is up.

Standard fare, looks like all the rest of them.

Skwerl Oct 1, 2007 08:13 PM

Game Music / Acecombat 6 Original Soundtrack

y hallo thar

Tails Oct 1, 2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by INDIGO-3 (Post 510474)

Pre-ordered. I like how I got an extra 300 points from them for it being my birth month.

Megalith Oct 1, 2007 08:55 PM

$30 for 3 CDs. What!!!


Hantei Oct 2, 2007 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Tails (Post 510457)
US Website is up.

Standard fare, looks like all the rest of them.

Something that the US site has that the Japanese one is lacking is the music. Ahh, so good, can't wait till the soundtrack is released.

BTW, does anyone know if the AC6 Ace-Edge Flight Stick bundle is a pre-order only? Or will retailers have the bundle instock upon the game's release? If not, then I better slap down my pre-order sometime this week.

Megalith Oct 2, 2007 02:44 PM

I think that each store will only get three or four, since it's a niche item.

I don't know why anyone would buy it though. It looks like ass, thanks to the 360's excellent choice of a color scheme.

Tails Oct 2, 2007 06:45 PM

Regardless of what it looks like, playing with a flight stick is infinitely better than playing with a controller.

Karasu Oct 2, 2007 07:00 PM

Id like to try the game with a flight stick, but where would the yaw buttons be? on the throttle?

OmagnusPrime Oct 2, 2007 07:09 PM

If it's anything like the MS Sidewinder flightsticks the stick itself could twist to do yaw.

Actually, that's a point. The Xbox has USB right, so do you reckon it will it allow other flightsticks to be plugged in? If so, rock on.

Elixir Oct 2, 2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by OmagnusPrime (Post 510819)
The Xbox has USB right, so do you reckon it will it allow other flightsticks to be plugged in? If so, rock on.

Very highly unlikely.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 3, 2007 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Elixir (Post 510838)
Very highly unlikely.

This is truth.

PNP devices work. Your flash drives, your cameras, your MP3 players, and your basic keyboards. That shit's all fine and dandy. The second you run across anything that'd require a driver of some sort, you're shit out of luck.

So no original Xbox controllers, no Steel Battalion, no bullshit of that nature.

Granted, there are exceptions, but this is mostly the rule. When in doubt, assume it won't if it's an input device that is more than trivial.

OmagnusPrime Oct 3, 2007 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by 2401 Penitent Tangent (Post 510995)
This is truth.

PNP devices work. Your flash drives, your cameras, your MP3 players, and your basic keyboards. That shit's all fine and dandy. The second you run across anything that'd require a driver of some sort, you're shit out of luck.

Yeah I know, I allowed myself a moment of fanciful thinking. Would be neat if I could plug my sidewinder it and use. I mean, it's not like MS would be incapable of making the drivers a bit of downloadable content is it. But sadly, as you say, not going to happen is it.

Zeal Oct 4, 2007 01:55 AM

Anyone who doesn't buy the flight stick should simply not play this game.

OmagnusPrime Oct 4, 2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Zeal (Post 511404)
Anyone who doesn't buy the flight stick should simply not play this game.

That becomes a bit harder when they don't release a flight stick version in your country. In fact is anyone other than the US getting a flight stick version?

Slayer X Oct 4, 2007 02:41 AM

I believe that we are here in Canada. But we're on the same hunk of land so that may the only exception.

OmagnusPrime Oct 4, 2007 02:47 AM

I didn't think you were, hence why Skills is paying crazy amounts to import one.

Elixir Oct 4, 2007 03:14 AM

Importing from America to Canada shouldn't be too expensive. Unless there's import tax or you're using shit like FedEx.

I won't be buying one because I will have to pay crazy amounts in shipping just to get one to NZ. $50 USD in shipping, actually.

Hantei Oct 4, 2007 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Slayer X (Post 511416)
I believe that we are here in Canada. But we're on the same hunk of land so that may the only exception.

Actually I don't think we are, I was gonna slap down a pre-order for one at EB but they said they don't even have it on their computer. Ahh, I hope that changes once the game's actually released though.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 4, 2007 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Slayer X (Post 511416)
I believe that we are here in Canada. But we're on the same hunk of land so that may the only exception.

It's a couple of weeks away, and it's still not in any computers for EB, and considering it's exclusive to EB/GC/Amazon, and all of those won't ship the item to Canada, yeah, we're probably SOL. It still might show up, but there's no promises. So I'm getting someone to send me one.


Originally Posted by Lix
Importing from America to Canada shouldn't be too expensive.

You'd be surprised. It's a lot more than you'd think. Granted, part of the problem is the unit's size, and another part is I want it RIGHT AWAY, so it's gonna be pricey.

Slayer X Oct 4, 2007 10:50 AM

That's true. I've shipped a lot of Paint Ball and Airsoft equipment accross the border and shipping is a bitch. Especially due to the weight, which I'm guessing that controller is pretty hefty.

I guess there's always E-bay once it comes out too. However I don't want one or Zeal's approval that bad, so screw it.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 4, 2007 11:10 AM

Yeah, I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I'm willing to part with an extra 50 bucks or so to ship it ASAP. Overnight would probably run a metric fuckload, so I may or may not spring for that. I guess we'll see.

value tart Oct 4, 2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Elixir (Post 511424)
Importing from America to Canada shouldn't be too expensive.

It costs nearly $20 in shipping alone each time I send Skills some Jap game when I come back from Otakon.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 4, 2007 12:52 PM

You send it priority mail through a courier, though. That's the last thing one wants to do if they're gonna be economical.

russ Oct 4, 2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by 2401 Penitent Tangent (Post 511536)
I buy Jap games, though. That's the last thing one wants to do if they're gonna be economical.

Sometimes you have to be willing to pay a premium if you are going to buy specialty items. Of course, you understand this and don't whine about it like other people.

Elixir Oct 4, 2007 02:15 PM

There's nothing even remotely special about sending a game from America to Canada. It's just American post screwing you out of your hard earned Wal-Mart dollars.


It costs nearly $20 in shipping alone each time I send Skills some Jap game when I come back from Otakon.
The most expensive postage I've paid (game-wise) is $20 for EMS from Japan. Full tracking on two websites and all. Took 5 days. USPS Global Priority for a PS2 game from America is only $7.50 to NZ - whatever's on top of that is profit margin. Try sending him something with the cheapest option and see how long it takes.

Megalith Oct 7, 2007 11:07 AM

So you get a free faceplate if you get the game at Gamestop.


Too bad they all look like ass.

Karasu Oct 7, 2007 06:35 PM

I want them to do the tins with the patches in them again. That was pretty awesome.

Hantei Oct 18, 2007 10:10 PM

Just a heads up, the Flight Stick bundle is indeed going to be available in Canada, through EB games anyway. It's on their computers now, and I had my pre-order changed to it the other day. So yea, Canadians fans who wanted one can now be relieved that they don't have resort to importing.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 18, 2007 10:12 PM

Yeah, I was just going to post this. It's brand new in the machines.

Thankfully Tails got me my money back. Horray Tails~.

Fucking LATE though wow.

OmagnusPrime Oct 19, 2007 07:40 AM

They've still not announced any news about a flight stick over here in the UK. If it wasn't for the incredibly late appearence of the version over in Canada I'd write it off completely, though I still reckon it's not likely.

Given the crazy number of games sat in my 'to play' pile I think I'm going to have to give this one a miss on release, though it is tempting.

Skwerl Oct 19, 2007 12:04 PM


They recorded oversea in London and Bulgaria (there's a huge section written by Kobayashi regarding it) ACE6 ƒI[ƒPƒXƒgƒ‰•ƒ{[ƒCƒYƒNƒƒCƒAŠCŠOŽû˜^ƒŒƒ|[ƒg

Shonos Oct 19, 2007 12:28 PM

I'm excited now. Not much longer until it hits the shelves. I'm going to enjoy shooting down people over Xbox live. D:

Paco Oct 19, 2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by INDIGO-3 (Post 518155)


I'm seriously stoked so bad about this game. This is like THE only game I've looked forward to endlessly this year.

Karasu Oct 19, 2007 03:10 PM

I didn't know you were an AC fan, Encep. I'll be sure to shoot you outta the sky many times when I get my 360 and AC6 *grin*

Skwerl Oct 19, 2007 11:42 PM

IGN Advertisement
Am I the only person who cringed after reading such a well-written review?

Karasu Oct 20, 2007 12:50 AM

I get the fact that Top Gun is the be all, end all of Fighter Jet action...but for god's sake can these reviewers get fucking over it? Every review puts some inane Top Gun reference in their reviews, it gets so old, so quickly.

And for the average gamer, they prolly don't get or really like why the game is so story driven, so they'll skip it or think it's boring, but if Namco continued doing the shit like they did with Ace Combat 3, the game series would have been over by now.

I was right about the fact that this game will become the 'halo' of Ace Combat. I can see namco putting more planes, more missions into online modes with AC6, just as if it was Halo. I'm not complaining about that either, because it's about time we got online mode.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 20, 2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Karasu (Post 518457)
I can see namco putting more planes, more missions into online modes with AC6, just as if it was Halo.


DLC is a Halo thing now?

CloudNine Oct 20, 2007 01:48 AM

Funny, considering there isn't any DLC for Halo.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 20, 2007 01:55 AM

Well, not the third one, yet. The second one has plenty of map packs though.

Tails Oct 24, 2007 01:00 AM

Ahahaha, DLC is already OUT.

Couple of paint schemes, a Halloween one for the F-14D (Tomcat), an Active Stripes pattern for the F-15E (Strike Eagle), but the best part, the best part, are the Ace Combat 2 ones.

One is free and features the Scarface emblem/scheme, and the other is a Scarface variant of the F-16C Fighting Falcon, which comes without SP weapons, which is due to the fact that there were no SP weapons in AC2. I can't wait to give that one a shot and see what it's like. There's a bit in there about the armor and a few tidbits being different, but until I get to play with it I can't say a whole lot.

Glad to see Namco isn't forgetting the series' roots.

Metal Sphere Oct 24, 2007 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tails
Glad to see Namco isn't forgetting the series' roots.

Karasu dropped this bomb on me and I couldn't believe it. Definitely happy they've still got AC2 on their mind, though you could say it's been there ever since the inclusion of the XFA-27 in ACX.

Hopefully they provide a Z.O.E skin, the original ADF-01 pilot (Falken as its known now). Oh and if they toss some YF-23s with the Fox Force Four's ridiculous pastel colors, make sure to try them out for yogurt colored dogfighting.

Megalith Oct 25, 2007 12:56 AM

I am sad to say that this is quite possibly the worst Ace Combat I've ever played. I hope I am speaking too soon, but I only have a few stages left.

First, I am amazed at how boring and stupid every single stage is, barring the first and Aigion. Apparently, someone on the Aces Team went Looney Tunes and decided that the best way to take advantage of the 360 was to put as many enemies as possible in one stage. It's like Desert Arrow from AC5 or Bastion from ACZ, over, and over, and over. While past AC games had a nice mix of genuine dog-fighting and crafty super-structure stuff, Ace Combat 6's idea of fun is to send wave after wave of enemies at you and force you to fly miles and miles back and forth to aid your other battalions.

Also, the story and cutscenes are terrible. Horrible voice acting with characters you couldn't care less about. I can see what they were trying to do, but it fails really bad because most scenes aren't fleshed out, and some are flat out trivial.

Hopefully my brain is just fried from playing it for so long, but I am just not impressed. Even the music hasn't stirred me; most feel very mellow and lack the energy of stuff like Excalibur.

Sexninja Oct 25, 2007 03:35 AM

Japanese POV differs from yours
Ace Combat 6 (Xbox 360, Bandai Namco): 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (36/40)-famitsu:D

value tart Oct 25, 2007 02:53 PM

Has anyone heard anything about a shipping error or something? None of the stores in a 10 mile radius of my house have gotten the game in yet, and it's Thursday! :(

Xardion Oct 25, 2007 03:04 PM

My main complaint with the game is that there are so many air-to-ground missions. I thought Zero had a lot, but I guess I was wrong. Also I have to agree with Lith here. The cutscenes are pretty bad.

Still I'm enjoying being able to finally fly a plane (into things) with a flight stick.

Megalith Oct 25, 2007 06:02 PM

Oh my god. The final choral piece is absolutely weaksauce. I have beat the game and unlocked the music player, and none of the music really stands out, other than Liberation of Gracemeria. I think that Tetsukazu Nakanishi must have done most of the music, since most of it is significantly less orchestral and more techno and mellow-ish.

Ace Combat 6 is a huge rush job. I love it when a series adopts an online mode, and suddenly the single player modes turn to complete rubbish.

LoL, ok. No X-02, no FALKEN. What is this. Thank god I only paid $5.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 25, 2007 11:04 PM

There are some insane latency issues here. After my eighth straight "Connection to host lost" in the middle of a match, not to mention a weird issue where I just couldn't connect to Tube, even right after playing a match with him, I'm start to wonder if the online portion was play tested at all. Add to that little nitpicky things like not being able to change a map without totally disbanding the room kinda makes you scratch your head a bit.

Shame too, since the game itself is a lot of fun, but yowza.

russ Oct 26, 2007 08:58 AM

The whole thing about having to close a room just to change maps is just plain silly. I mean, assuming someone working for the development team actually attempted a multiplayer match during the development process, did no one see that this was a problem. You know, the very first time they tried it? If Bungie can make Halo where you can switch between campaign mode and versus playlists and forge and the theatre on the fly, then certainly these guys could figure out how to swap maps on the fly.

I'd also like to point out that in the first versus match that I was involved in with GELB-1, I pretty much dominated the entire room, thanks to whatever weird way the scoring works. Probably never happen again, but that is not the point.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 26, 2007 12:05 PM

That didn't make sense. We both shot down two people, the scores in the corner during the match were the same, but at the end, you ended up with an additional 10000 point bonus. What. Also you got smashed the next round, but Tube was the worst team mate ever. >_>

Xardion Oct 26, 2007 01:08 PM

The score difference was possibly due to shooting down different plane types. Then again, I don't know how many people were playing in that match, so there might not have been a lot of choice in what to shoot down. I just remember reading in the instructions that different planes have different point values is all.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 26, 2007 01:09 PM

Everyone was in F-22s and SU-47s, plus although some point differences exist, it's not 10 kills worth of point differences in there. (Each kill gives you an average of 1000 points, so a 10000 boost is kinda, uh, large).

Xardion Oct 26, 2007 01:15 PM

Oh. Well I still haven't played online yet, so I really wouldn't know.

Megalith Oct 26, 2007 02:36 PM

I played team deathmatch and I had no problems. Maybe y'all just need a real ISP.

Too bad everyone is a pussy and just sit in the corner firing off XLAAs.

russ Oct 26, 2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Skills (Post 522253)
That didn't make sense. We both shot down two people, the scores in the corner during the match were the same, but at the end, you ended up with an additional 10000 point bonus. What. Also you got smashed the next round, but Tube was the worst team mate ever. >_>

I actually finished the round with 2100 and then got the 10000 tacked on at the end. The next guy finished with 2000 and got 5000 tacked on.

I probably had some assists or something, so I got some extra points, which is why I ended up with a weird total of 2100.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 26, 2007 03:23 PM

or shot one of the flak cannons, which were worth a little bit of points. I really don't know. We'll have to experiment to see.

Tails Oct 26, 2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Megalith Prime (Post 522299)
I played team deathmatch and I had no problems. Maybe y'all just need a real ISP.

Too bad everyone is a pussy and just sit in the corner firing off XLAAs.

I have to agree with you on that, that shit is gay.

I played two matches and score some kills yesterday, fun shit. Too bad all of my kills were with QAAMs off the SU-47. Long range is simply for faggots. Dogfight or go home.

russ Oct 26, 2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tails (Post 522320)
Dogfight or go home.

Truth. Skills chased me forever in our first match at one point and I ended up getting shot down by a flak cannon. He was sad.

Shonos Oct 26, 2007 08:24 PM

I just got the game today. I'm having fun with it so far. But I have not tried the online mode yet though.

I do have to agree with the horrid voice acting and cut scenes. What the hell happened? The scenes in AC5 and Zero were not as bad as this. They were pretty decent. Did the AC team just not try so they could get this out the door faster?

I guess it doesn't help I'm more fond of the cut scenes you got during AC4 and AC X. Those seemed much more fitting than the cut scenes of AC 5 / Zero.

Oh yeah, what is with the insane amount of missiles? Im not playing Easy mode, I shouldn't have so many damn weapons on my plane.

Slayer X Oct 26, 2007 10:14 PM

Just picked the game up today from FutureShop. The controller bundle that is. MY GOD! so many buttons. Anyway, I didn't think it was going to be sold in Canada so I picked it up right when I saw it (they only got 2 in). So yeah... SWEET!

Karasu Oct 26, 2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Megalith Prime (Post 522299)
I played team deathmatch and I had no problems. Maybe y'all just need a real ISP.

Too bad everyone is a pussy and just sit in the corner firing off XLAAs.

Pssh, n00bs do that shit? Fuck that, i'm gonna be on everyone's asses. Are the XLAAs hard to avoid btw? I doubt but, but just wondering.

Megalith Oct 26, 2007 11:28 PM


Got the Nosferatu so bad. Can someone tell me why its special weapons are dual railguns and twelve simultaneously-targeting warheads.

I also take back everything negative I said about the game, other than the stuff about the story and cutscenes. Obviously I was too dumb to realize that the reason why there are so many targets is to make allied attack and coverage nearly mandatory. It's awesome sending out your allies and seeing them actually blow a bunch of planes away, especially on the stage where you're alone in a dog fight with like forty other planes, and the Emmerian squadrons show up.

But without a doubt, the biggest screw up in the game was the decision to remove the manual targeting from ACZ. Many times, it is just way too difficult and time consuming to hit Y again and again until the target you want to hit is highlighted, since there a billion and one enemies on screen simultaneously. There are also many times where you descend to take out a ground target and it keeps highlighting enemies that are miles out of range instead.

...and about the online play, I couldn't really care less about it, since winning seems less about skill and more about lucky maneuvering. There's just nothing you can do when everyone and their mom is firing a QAAM at one another, and a couple of queers are firing XLAAs outside of the fight. I mean, there are certainly people who flat out suck and can't even manage a lock on, but I'm not sure what exactly seperates a good player from another with this kind of gameplay. You're pretty much screwed the second you get hit by a missile, since it puts you into a minor stall, and then all other missiles will hit you.

I guess it would be kind of sweet if they put a Gunman Mode, where you are restricted to guns, but that wouldn't change the fact that everyone I've encountered is a Top Gun watching faggot who screams Goose every two seconds.

Campaign is also ten times better when you default all the sound effects to 15, and bump the music up to 18.

::Liberation of Gracemeria::

Karasu Oct 26, 2007 11:31 PM

Looks like the XFA-36 GAME

Manual Targeting? Im having a blonde moment, you dont mean the 3D button which allows you to track enemies in chase mode.

Megalith Oct 26, 2007 11:40 PM

I am pretty sure it was the L3 button in ACZ. It changed your reticle so you could target something by hovering over it.

Duminas Oct 27, 2007 02:07 AM

Got the game yesterday, and all I can say is... my god was mission 13 hard. I must have gotten shot down by those missiles at least five times, at the end of it; though, that's likely the fault of me leaning on the overburners constantly. At least I'm not crashing into the floor every five minutes like I used to.

Also, is everyone here playing on an HD set? I have an old 19" tube TV, and sometimes the HUD can be a total pain in the rear to read (if not impossible, from blending into the sky). Is that normal, or is it the fault of a crappy TV I need to replace? Megalith's screenshot looked so much crisper than I've ever gotten, quality-wise.

Elixir Oct 27, 2007 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Xardion (Post 521774)
Still I'm enjoying being able to finally fly a plane (into things) with a flight stick.

How is it, anyway?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 27, 2007 03:52 AM

The flightstick? Exactly like the last one, so pretty fucking awesome.

It's a hori product, so you more than most should know what that means for quality. It's responsive and after 5 minutes you'll be flying like a pro.

I don't have a chatpad, but it looks like it's got the full integration plug there, so I dunno if you could use or attach peripherals outside of just the mic.

Edit: I swear to God why can't you save multiplayer replays. They'd be the only ones worth saving, too. >=(

Angel of Light Oct 27, 2007 08:21 AM

I just want to say that I've never played an Ace Combat game before but one of my friends absolutely loves the series.

The reason why I'm posting because I seen one of my friends at work pick up the controller bundle at EB Games and I have to admit it looks pretty sick. You know its kind of peeked my interest into actually playing one of the games.

Its not really my style of game anyway, but you never know I might enjoy it. It seems like like a lot of the GFF members are big fans of this game series and I thought I should really give it a chance. One of my friends sent me tracks from Ace Combat 4 & 5 and the music from this game actually sounds pretty good.

So what ace combat games would you recommend for a beginner, I'll probably rent it first, just to get my feet wet and see if I like it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Metal Sphere Oct 27, 2007 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Angel of Light
So what ace combat games would you recommend for a beginner, I'll probably rent it first, just to get my feet wet and see if I like it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ace Combat 2 - Yes, it's a PSX game, doesn't matter. Pick it up, and enjoy it's definitely one of the best entries in the series. The world in which the rest of the games is established here, with this struggle being a coup on the Usean continent (IIRC, same one where AC4 takes place)

Ace Combat 4 - The way the story's told (slideshow + narration) in this one simply puts a smile on your face. The chatter is a nice addition (especially during that one escort mission), though 5 suffers from too much of it. The music is still awesome, it doesn't let you down there.

Ace Combat Zero - Yeah, yeah you should probably play 5 first, even though this takes place way before that game. Your wingman is actually aggressive and rather smart ( uses special weapons correctly and often). Live action story segments with the former aces might not be your thing, but it's the ACES team switching things up again.

tl;dr - Have fun. Even the ones I excluded are a blast, these are just the ones I think you should definitely check out.

Firefly Oct 27, 2007 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Megalith Prime (Post 522487)
Got the Nosferatu so bad. Can someone tell me why its special weapons are dual railguns and twelve simultaneously-targeting warheads.

Being able to pull off an Itano Circus/Macross Missile Massacre is always cool (but Project Sylpheed is the current champ in this department). The gauss guns are somewhat plausible, being offshoots from Stonehenge/Chandeleir developemt; unlike DEWs, you have to lead them on target.


I also take back everything negative I said about the game, other than the stuff about the story and cutscenes. Obviously I was too dumb to realize that the reason why there are so many targets is to make allied attack and coverage nearly mandatory. It's awesome sending out your allies and seeing them actually blow a bunch of planes away, especially on the stage where you're alone in a dog fight with like forty other planes, and the Emmerian squadrons show up.
Amen to that. How many times have you wished you could do this during something like, oh I don't know, Whiskey Corridor...?


But without a doubt, the biggest screw up in the game was the decision to remove the manual targeting from ACZ...
The term you're looking for, I think, is boresight mode; and yes, it was quite handy. With L3 now being used for landing gear control, maybe they could have used 'double-tap Y' (in the same context as double-clicking a mouse) to toggle boresight mode.

Tails Oct 28, 2007 04:29 PM

Also, on a very irrelevant side note here, I love the steady progression of actual character they've given the AWACS planes since 5. Ghost Eye is definitely my favorite so far, at least out of Thunderhead from 5, Eagle Eye from Zero, and now him. I'd include Sky Eye from 4, but aside from the birthday quote, he really didn't say a whole lot.

Whoever voiced him did a damn good job as far as line delivery and quality is concerned, especially in Mission 1 when he's trying to convince all the pilots to abandon Gracemaria.

So yeah. Massive <3 for Ghost Eye.

Skwerl Oct 28, 2007 08:58 PM


I guess it would be kind of sweet if they put a Gunman Mode, where you are restricted to guns, but that wouldn't change the fact that everyone I've encountered is a Top Gun watching faggot who screams Goose every two seconds.
It's called handicap at weapon level 1, those kids are bitching about how their F-22s dont work against my F-16 anymore.

Karasu Oct 28, 2007 09:17 PM

I thought there wasn't any Voicechat online, or is there?

Slayer X Oct 28, 2007 09:33 PM

They hit you up on their "recently played" list and send you little nasties. Man I hate immature welps.

Tails Oct 28, 2007 09:33 PM

Oh there is. It can be set to either Team or Open Com, I believe.

Also there's an open lobby pre-game. We really need to get a GFF game going next weekend or at the next available opportunity.

Zeal Oct 31, 2007 03:53 PM

Ace Combat 6. A few thoughts.

Overall, extremely good, although I would still rank it lower than any of the previous games. With a stronger story, more diverse missions, and better soundtrack, it could have been the best. I'm hoping some of the newer elements, especially allied support, will be incorporated into future games.


1. Weak story. Unmemorable, boring characters. Noticeably bad voice acting with extremely irritating and repetitive dialogue. The theme of "dance with the angels" became worn out and overused within the first few missions, making the player want to skip cutscenes altogether.

2. Cumbersome lock-on system, making target tracking and selection a chore to cycle through. Slightly dumbed down flight controls.

3. Incohesive mission structure. No memorable dogfight engagements, at least not in the traditional sense. Too many ground based attack missions with similar design.

4. Soundtrack is a bit too soft. No standout choral tracks or much needed militaristic bombast. Ironically, the main theme of the game is one of the best ever written.

5. Weak and uninspired superweapons. Game is far too easy, even on hard.


1. Classic Ace Combat formula. Immediate success.

2. Beautiful graphics. Utterly impossible to render planes more realistically. Ground based graphics are sharper and more believable. Awesome, if somewhat overdone, particle and HDR effects.

2. Ability to command allied forces adds an entirely new element of combat. Players feel truly connected with their fellow pilots, groundmen, and infantry support. Battles are engaged simultaneously, at land, sea, and air, presenting a never-before-seen theater of warefare. Macro display of war feels exhilarating, giving the player a sense of being a small part of a larger conflict.

3. Technical problems aside, AC6 boasts a successful online mode. While enjoyable, I still view this portion of the game as more of a novelty. Not quite ready for full scale dogfights. Lack of experienced AC veterans also waters down the experience. Overall, well implemented first attempt, though.

Overall: 9.7/10

Hantei Nov 4, 2007 12:35 AM

Finally finished the game, and boy was mission 13 a pain the ass, mission 15 was close there too. Thumbs up to the Allied Assault system, awesome how their support actually gave results (loved the part in Mission 12 where they all come to support you at the end). I agree with Zeal about the targeting system, it was annoying trying to get the target you want, especially during the last mission. The toggling system they got going for the map/radar I wasn't too fond of either, it was kinda annoying too. It would have been nice if they had kept it where you held to the button to zoom out. The soundtrack was pretty good, but could have been better especially the last mission's choral track (wasn't as epic as the previous games), the credits piece was probably the best IMO.

Oh and anyone else notice how the lip-sync, mouth-movements were a little off? Seems like they actually modelled them to suit the Japanese VAs this time.

Oh, and is Talisman the husband/father of Melissa/Matilda? They kept hinting at something like that, but uh never really gave a clear answer to it.

Tails Nov 4, 2007 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Hantei (Post 526700)
Oh, and is Talisman the husband/father of Melissa/Matilda? They kept hinting at something like that, but uh never really gave a clear answer to it.

No, during one of the cutscenes they show a downed plane that had Melissa's name painted on the nose of one of the downed planes painted next to an angel, and it was explained that was her husbands plane and that he's dead.

Hantei Nov 4, 2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by GELB-2 (Post 526702)
No, during one of the cutscenes they show a downed plane that had Melissa's name painted on the nose of one of the downed planes painted next to an angel, and it was explained that was her husbands plane and that he's dead.

Oh, yea, that was like the second cut scene too, haha. I guess I made that misconception as they kept censoring/blurring out his face (like in AC5 with Blaze).

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 5, 2007 06:07 AM

I LOVE HATE how broken the CFA-44 makes multiplayer.

That damn EML cannon is fucking hilarious. Pretty much the antithesis of the XLAA using faggots, but it feels so CHEAP. Rip off two shots, down an asshole. No talent required. While funny, completely god damn BUSTED too.

Should not be an option in multi, regardless.

russ Nov 5, 2007 10:38 AM

Yeah, superplane should be removed from multiplayer altogether.

It also breaks the hell out of campaign. Ace difficulty with that plane is easier than normal using regular planes. I burned through Ace in under two and a half hours with it, with an S rank in at least 11 missions. I will use it again to burn through normal, attempting the "beat the game really fast" medal and the "no damage" medal, once I am done with the "only use your machine gun" medal, with an attacker for the "attacker only" medal, which will suck bad in mission 13.

Tails Nov 5, 2007 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by GARUDA-2 (Post 527439)
It also breaks the hell out of campaign. Ace difficulty with that plane is easier than normal using regular planes. I burned through Ace in under two and a half hours with it, with an S rank in at least 11 missions. I will use it again to burn through normal, attempting the "beat the game really fast" medal and the "no damage" medal, once I am done with the "only use your machine gun" medal, with an attacker for the "attacker only" medal, which will suck bad in mission 13.

Hahaha, I really need to stop lazing about and finish unlocking that shit. Gonna be awesome.

Although like I said over the 360, the superplanes have ALWAYS made the game ridiculously easy. Got tired of flying in circles with Ofnir and Grabacr in AC5? Introduce them all to LASER DEATH with the ADF-01 FALKEN. Mission over.

Same with the ADFX-01 MORGAN in Zero, only the laser had a longer recharge time. Same thing though, all of the enemy ace squadrons lasted a good ten seconds. All you had to do was fire at one on the outside of the formation and just strafe the rest of them with the still going beam. I can't wait to give the CFA-44 a shot, it looks fucking ridiculous, you guys are such goofy bastards for using it in our matches online today.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 6, 2007 12:45 AM

Well, you can't use the rape rockets online, only the giant sniper cannons, so that makes it a tiny bit less broken than it could have been.

Only a tiny bit though.

Tails Nov 6, 2007 01:08 AM

Oh, ok. I was gonna ask why nobody was using the rape missiles.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 6, 2007 03:49 AM

Hey russ, how's that machine gun only thing workin for you?

Mission 9's attack angles prove...troublesome.

russ Nov 6, 2007 09:22 AM

I haven't gotten that far yet, I am at like mission 7. For mission 9, I will abuse the hell out of allied attack. Which, I have basically been abusing allied attack for all non-ground, non-B-52, non-A10 targets. Anything that flies and is faster than an A10 gets blasted by my buddies. I am not looking forward to the end of mission 13, or the early parts of mission 15.

Firefly Nov 6, 2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by GELB-1 (Post 527890)
Well, you can't use the rape rockets online, only the giant sniper cannons, so that makes it a tiny bit less broken than it could have been.

I believe that the gauss guns require a bit more skill to use than the DEWs precisely because you can't just sweep it across the formation (and, at longer ranges, it's either dead-on or no cigar). However, I haven't tried using it in versus matches (is it my imagination, or are co-op setups rare to nonexistent? Perhaps I should create one sometime).
That said, I nominate the SAAM as the nerves-of-steel and hope-your-six-is-covered weapon.
Certainly either is better than the sheer quantities of X*AAs being flung around...

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 6, 2007 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by GARUDA-2 (Post 528012)
I haven't gotten that far yet, I am at like mission 7. For mission 9, I will abuse the hell out of allied attack. Which, I have basically been abusing allied attack for all non-ground, non-B-52, non-A10 targets. Anything that flies and is faster than an A10 gets blasted by my buddies. I am not looking forward to the end of mission 13, or the early parts of mission 15.

I tried a machine gun only free mission run of mission 9 just to see something, and it's not the allied attack shit that's troublesome. On normal, when you don't have a core to attack or a cockpit to shoot at for the smaller battleships, it's easy enough to match airspeed and strafe the engines.

What IS troublesome, is the fucking Aigion's cockpit. The attack angle is all super messed up. You have to come at it from an angle nearly parallel to the Z-axis and attack it from underneath, coming upwards.

What will be stupid is the end of mission 13, the beginning timed portions of mission 12, the final dogfight where you lack allied support in mission 11, and the drone takedowns in mission 7. Mission 15 is something that's relatively easy to do with guns, most of the time when I do it I use the damn things to strafe the shit out of giant cannon anyway. Just save two volleys of allied fire for those bullshit AA towers and you'll be fine.

I'm thinking a machine gun run will be 80 times easier in either the CFA-44 or the F-22/SU-47, simply because using an attacker to machine gun at some of those points will be...well, it'll be more annoying than anything else.


Originally Posted by Firefly (Post 528021)
I believe that the gauss guns require a bit more skill to use than the DEWs precisely because you can't just sweep it across the formation (and, at longer ranges, it's either dead-on or no cigar). However, I haven't tried using it in versus matches (is it my imagination, or are co-op setups rare to nonexistent? Perhaps I should create one sometime).

Perhaps. I know russ said he wasn't that great with them, but I still feel it's cheap. It's definitely not HARD to hit a guy with 'em. Especially at close range.

As for matches, it seems the only thing people ever make are team games. Never any fuckin' free-for-alls. Like, ever. And I've only ever come across two siege battles. Co-op is there occasionally though. Drop your gamertag and I'll try helping you with 'em? Or just add me. "Colonel Skills"

russ Nov 6, 2007 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by GELB-1 (Post 528154)
I'm thinking a machine gun run will be 80 times easier in either the CFA-44 or the F-22/SU-47, simply because using an attacker to machine gun at some of those points will be...well, it'll be more annoying than anything else.

The hard part of mission 15 will be at the beginning when there are a bunch of Strigons all over the place, but once your teammates eliminate them, it'll be easy going. I would be apprehensive about using the CFA-44 for a machine gun run because of how unstable it is, so flying at low speeds to destroy some of the cooling units/shielding on one pass would be troublesome. But we will see when I actually get to that part.

And the mission 9 cockpit and core parts may be challenging, but the way I approached them with missiles was actually from an angle from below/front, so I'm fairly well mentally prepared for that. I will probably crash into it at least once though.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 6, 2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by GARUDA-2 (Post 528164)
And the mission 9 cockpit and core parts may be challenging, but the way I approached them with missiles was actually from an angle from below/front, so I'm fairly well mentally prepared for that. I will probably crash into it at least once though.

Well, yeah, you sort of had to go that way. There's no other way of doing it. The angle with the guns is much steeper though due to no splash and no course correction.

Like this:


russ Nov 6, 2007 04:50 PM

Your ultra-realistic diagram "with guns" is the angle I usually took with missiles, so I'm alright.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 6, 2007 04:52 PM

I like how it's totally to scale too.

Firefly Nov 6, 2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by GELB-1 (Post 528154)
As for matches, it seems the only thing people ever make are team games. Never any fuckin' free-for-alls. Like, ever. And I've only ever come across two siege battles. Co-op is there occasionally though. Drop your gamertag and I'll try helping you with 'em? Or just add me. "Colonel Skills"

Decent of you, old chap. Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War hits shelves tomorrow; tooling around with that will probably chew up a few days. That said, drop me a line (gamertag: Shadow Firefly) and we can set something up.

russ Nov 6, 2007 10:08 PM

Can someone tell me why the cockpit is borderline impossible to hit with a machine gun. I took it down to like 30% health one time, which of course necessitated 50 runs at it. It is so bogus, I am holding the machine gun on the cockpit, even based on the little picture in picture display of my target, and yet it is like "sup dude my hit detection is the size of a pinky toe good luck hitting me".

Attacked that thing from all kinds of angles too, so little success. Basically I haven't been able to progress past that specific point yet, with either the A10 {and its wicked gatling gun} or the Gr4 {uh I guess; the other attacker that is not the F-117}. The Gr4 handles better and is faster, so it is easier to dodge the missiles the damn Aigaion shoots from its phantom, untargetable missile cannons, but its gun is kind of terrible.

Skwerl Nov 6, 2007 10:55 PM

gamer tag, pvtskwerl, for the emmerian air superiority!

Firefly Nov 18, 2007 04:40 PM

Master Caution and Warning
From the proverbial horse's mouth... more special schemes are inbound. More imagery can be found here.
If I pick up one plane from this pack, it'd be this Flanker mutation...

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 19, 2007 01:38 AM

In before Taco masturbating.

Firefly, did you ever get in on the play with Devs day on Thursday? Me and Tails spent the better part of 2 hours playing with some QA guys and some producers. It was fun.

Dark Nation Nov 21, 2007 06:29 PM

I like how I just got this game and can play you guys now. I like it a lot.

OmagnusPrime Nov 21, 2007 06:52 PM

My copy should arrive any time from tomorrow to the weekend, so I too should be able to join in the fun sometime soon.

Firefly Nov 21, 2007 07:13 PM

So, I downloaded the Miki-Flanker and took it for a couple of spins. Two amusing facts became obvious.
First, the flavor text:


THE IDOLMASTER, Mikki Hoshi Aircraft
An extremely stable yet otherwise remarkably average aircraft with few outstanding qualities. While capable, it could be great if it only tried a little harder.
A little research revals that this describes the actual Mikki pretty well, too.
Second, its missiles - both regular and special - have green exhaust trails. This is not true, however, of the rockets.
That said, it was quite fun using it towip the floor with the Aigaion, its escort ships, and all of Strigon (the last with a little help from the others).

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 21, 2007 10:18 PM

Ah, some supreme shit wrecking in multi tonight. That was fun. You got me really good a couple of times there, Firefly. DN also out of nowhere with a pair of really good kills. Should have stuck with the 33 for that match with the randoms though.

OmagnusPrime Nov 22, 2007 08:29 AM

My copy has arrivethed. That's three week's in a row a game I've pre-ordered has turned up a day early, sweet. I seemingly have free unlock for the Mobius and Yellow squadron colours according to the outer cardboard slip that is around my copy of the game.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 22, 2007 02:19 PM

Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second.


russ Nov 22, 2007 07:03 PM

Europe release was November 23. What.

OmagnusPrime Nov 22, 2007 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by russ (Post 537816)
Europe release was November 23. What.

Yes it is/was. Yet another bullshit European release date. Fuck you very much publishers.

Karasu May 22, 2008 12:43 PM

Look, I know this thread is old, but I thought this pic alone deserves an "omg"


Tails May 22, 2008 12:49 PM

Woah woah woah woah woah. That's the motherfucking ACE COMBAT 2 FLANKER-D, painted true to the one in the opening cinematic.

I just died and went to heaven.

Syndrome May 22, 2008 04:32 PM

How do you guys arrange your multiplayer matches? I want someone to play CO-OP with ;_;

And Karasu holy shit that's a fine looking pair of wings.

Tails May 22, 2008 04:44 PM

Most of us hang in #xblive on irc.psigenix.net. If you yell at us enough we'll boot up AC6.

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