Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [Burger] GFF Hammerwatch Night: A Chorus of Fucks (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43431)

The unmovable stubborn Jan 15, 2012 02:49 AM

GFF Hammerwatch Night: A Chorus of Fucks

Thursday nights, 9 PM to midnight EST (Often we run later).

Acer reads everything out loud at http://www.thegond.com/letsplay/

Experience pulchritude with Garr at http://www.thegond.com/garr/

Join our Steam Group for announcements if you're into announcements.

List of games by player count

Custom CAH decks

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

No. Hard Pass. Jan 15, 2012 08:06 AM

I'm so in.


I'm tentatively in until I see if my schedule gets fucked again.

Sousuke Jan 15, 2012 09:43 PM

I'd like to be in, but I've never played a game of this through the interwebs before. So I might need a bit of educating, but I'm otherwise cool.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 15, 2012 10:05 PM


Zephyrin Jan 16, 2012 12:43 AM

Can I use my xbox headset on the 'puter?

I already have a DnD character I had prepared for way back when. So there's that. I'll send it to you at some point.

What system is Space Hulk?

The unmovable stubborn Jan 16, 2012 01:20 AM

Oh, one more thing: build your new guys at level 5, if possible.


Originally Posted by Zephyrin (Post 794209)
Can I use my xbox headset on the 'puter?

Xbox stuff is USB, right? It should work fine so far as I know.


What system is Space Hulk?
Space Hulk is a tiles-based boardgame set in the Warhammer 40K universe; essentially, Space Marines clear horrible alien monsters out of a huge drifting spacecraft on a mission of hella vengeance.

(I think it's technically meant to be a 1-on-1 game but I figure you guys can split the Space Marine responsibilities — again, assuming we have time for SH at all.)

Scent of a Grundle Jan 16, 2012 07:44 PM

On this like stink on rice. I can probably only make it on Wednesdays, but we'll see how things go.

I'm not sure whether xbox mics would work. i know they're not USB, but i don't know if the connection is just a microphone jack or if the setup is something different. always worth a try, though.

Oh yeah, i totally have a Swordmage i've been wanting to use for DnD 4E. it's hard to convince the other players to let you use your character when you're supposed to be the DM.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2012 05:54 AM

Guys, I don't want to nag but I do need your 4E characters in advance, since setting up the token macros does take like 15 minutes a pop. I'll be making up some generic characters just in case but these characters are things like pixie vampires and blob knights so tarry at your own risk!

V Games Workshop seems to exist outside the constraints of conventional copyright law, on both the thief and victim ends of things.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 20, 2012 07:45 AM

The best description of Space Hulk is that someone watched Aliens and decided to make a board game out of it only using 40k Space Marines, since that's essentially what happened and how Games Workshop never got sued for the Genestealers I will never know.

I'd love to be in but these are going to start at like 3am here which is a touch late on a school night even for me. This thread has made me want to find my copy of Space Hulk:Vengance of the Blood Angels on PS though, the hardest console game ever made.

No. Hard Pass. Jan 20, 2012 08:10 AM

I'll fire this off to you by tomorrow, Pang.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 20, 2012 09:21 AM

Ditto. I'll shit out a character sometime tonight.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Robot again though.

Just sayin

LIAR Jan 20, 2012 11:20 AM

Ugh 4E.

How many PC slots are you putting in? I'd be down for some playtime and can whip up a character this weekend.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2012 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 794305)
Ugh 4E.

I am not opposed to trying other editions, this is just what we're doing to start because most of us roughly know how it works. I have like 1 adventure's worth of experience DMing 3.5 but I'm game if everyone else is.

(I assume you're a 3.5 guy since 99% of "ugh 4E" gripes come from that direction. I am personally kind of hoping I get in on the 5E playtest and we can all take a crack at that.)


How many PC slots are you putting in?
As many as needed, it's not hard to fiddle with some numbers and adjust to whoever happens to show up.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 20, 2012 01:14 PM

If we have to teach acer how to play again I might go crazy

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2012 01:27 PM

Man now I kind of want to try to teach everyone how THAC0 works

Additional Spam:
This is a trick post nobody knows how THAC0 works

LIAR Jan 20, 2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 794306)
I am not opposed to trying other editions, this is just what we're doing to start because most of us roughly know how it works. I have like 1 adventure's worth of experience DMing 3.5 but I'm game if everyone else is.

(I assume you're a 3.5 guy since 99% of "ugh 4E" gripes come from that direction. I am personally kind of hoping I get in on the 5E playtest and we can all take a crack at that.)

I'll play 4E if everyone else wants to, I'll just grumble about it now and then :)

3.5 is broken in a lot of different ways. I typically do either Pathfinder or d20 modern, depending on the campaign.

That being said, I'm an RPG nut, so I'll play/try out any system.

Sousuke Jan 20, 2012 02:27 PM

So I used to have access to this with some characters made but I don't anymore. I might have a few character sheets lying around though, now that I think about it... I'll toss one or two your way if I can find 'em.

[edit] Yeah, shit. I don't have digital copies anymore, but I might have 'em on paper. We'll see.

i am good at jokes Jan 20, 2012 04:47 PM

I'd be willing to play as well, if there aren't too many people already. As far as a character goes, I'd be willing to use whatever you have on hand Pang, as I don't have access to the Character Builder anymore either, since the PC I installed it on had a hard drive failure incident recently.

Also, I don't have a headset, but wouldn't headphones do to cut out the noise from the client? I also don't mind doing the whole mute/unmute dance at all if my mic gets too noisy.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 21, 2012 12:27 PM

Since the training game died pretty quick, I didn't really get to use this to it's full comedic effect.

So I'm bringing back Optimus Prime.


My shit is mad out of date though. If there's been source books and things to look at in the last several months I'm completely behind on those.

No. Hard Pass. Jan 23, 2012 08:51 AM

Sorry about the delay, Pang. I made a guy, then saw you wanted them at level 5, so I remade a guy. Any magic weapons or any such thing?

Also, Halfling Monk.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 23, 2012 10:26 AM

What is it with you and halflings? If you're going to be a comedy short-arse then surely gnome is the way forward?

Zephyrin Jan 23, 2012 11:38 AM

I made a psion back in, oh, October, in eager anticipation to play again. Guess it's time to dust him off.

Went ahead and emailed it to you.

Sousuke Jan 23, 2012 04:16 PM

^5 Deni, it's all about the Halflings.

Trying something different this time around though, class-wise. We'll see how it works out.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 23, 2012 06:36 PM

Oh fuck, level 5?

I missed that.


i am good at jokes Jan 24, 2012 12:28 PM

Unfortunately, I'm going to need to withdraw my participation tonight, I've got a bit too much schoolwork to do and I won't be able to take the evening off from it. I should hopefully be good to go on the next Tuesday session.

Sorry all, and Pang I hope you didn't take any time putting together a character for me.

Have fun!

Zephyrin Jan 24, 2012 01:19 PM

yeah apparently I have class on Tues night so Weds. is going to be the day I can participate.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 24, 2012 08:04 PM

Everything's running! Join whenever, you lazy dicks

Ok, small last-minute adjustment: remember how I said I was going to compile all the mechanics into the tokens? Turns out that really only works for NPCs. Tokens can handle HP, initiative, passive stuff like that, but trying to get them to understand attack powers or equipment is like herding cats.

So, if possible, please have your sheet handy in another window for reference. Since a lot of you gave yourselves shitty and/or no equipment I'm passing level-corrected / geared up sheets back your way:

Index of /maptool

Just take whatever looks good if you're dropping in and you didn't get around to making anything. Depending on whether you even have the Builder and how up-to-date yours is you might need some things explained so let me know. Once we start a campaign proper (tonight is just a stress test really) we can work on getting everyone's tools up to date.

To connect to the game you'll need MapTool. Get the newest version, 1.3.b87. It's Java so it should work for everybody so far as I know!

Once you've installed it (that is, put the folder somewhere out of the way, there's no installer as such), DO NOT run Launch MapTool-1G-Memory.bat. DO launch via MapToolLauncher. Or try both! Who the fuck knows!

Once you've launched, go to FILE --> CONNECT TO SERVER. Pick your username, make sure your role is set as "Player" and select the Direct tab. Connect to thegond.us.to port 51234. If someone can try this in advance just so we can be sure I set things up right that would be excellent.

As for the Skype call, I only have Deni on my contacts so the rest of you will need to add me (I'm pangalin, derp) or just join the call once it starts in.... fffff, about an hour! Maybe!

Additional Spam:
CORRECTION: Don't use the .bat! Use the launcher! I'm an idiot!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 24, 2012 09:29 PM




Sousuke Jan 24, 2012 09:30 PM


well i died too but somehow i survived longer


The unmovable stubborn Jan 24, 2012 09:38 PM



No. Hard Pass. Jan 24, 2012 10:04 PM

:( :( :( :( :( :(

Zephyrin Jan 25, 2012 01:23 AM

I missed the bloodbath. :(

LIAR Jan 25, 2012 10:52 AM

lmao sorcerer tanking. KITE THEM WITH MAGIC MISSILE.

Tails Jan 25, 2012 02:11 PM

Fixed your thread title for you nerds.

Scent of a Grundle Jan 26, 2012 02:57 AM

awww, sorry everyone, i was busy trying (and failing) to kill my own players tonight. Hopefully i can make it next tuesday, my tank is (as far as i can tell) pretty solid.

Good to see that this actually sort of worked out, though. GFF D&D coming back is one of the more exciting things that's happened of late.

Zephyrin Jan 26, 2012 07:08 PM

more like it's the only thing that's happened as of late. hurp

The unmovable stubborn Jan 26, 2012 10:20 PM

Since there seems to be some confusion, next session is on Wednesday, February 1. Not Tuesday. We may continue the alternation plan or we may just stick with Wednesday going forward depending on the turnout, since apparently you guys who "can't make it on Wednesdays" can't make it on Tuesdays either.

(From March forward my weekends open up and we could do Thursday or Friday maybe but who knows how that works for the rest of you or if this will even last that long)

Anyways, gonna go ahead and roll back to level 1 after all, experience on Tuesday showed that 5 levels of stuff is a little much to juggle while still learning the Maptools interface. Sorry to you guys that went through the hassle of picking out all your level 5 gear 'n shit. On the upside you can probably expect to hit level 2 within one session instead of a month! So, also different adventure of course.

Chaser game's up in the air since I'm kind of souring on the value of Space Hulk for 3+ players. Suggestions? Also, maybe it would be better to run the light games before the D&D session, give people a little more time to show up?

FatsDomino Jan 26, 2012 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 794311)
If we have to teach acer how to play again I might go crazy

Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho~

this gonna be GOOOO~OO~OOD

Zephyrin Jan 27, 2012 08:19 PM

There's not anything bad with how you're doing the scheduling, but if you're actually concerned about turnout, maybe you could put up a doodle to find the best nights. I recently discovered the site and found it to be really really helpful.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 27, 2012 11:30 PM

Despite the horrible terribleness that was our instant death, I had a lot of fun there.

I will try to make myself more available on the Wednesdays for this.

No. Hard Pass. Jan 28, 2012 02:15 AM

I'll never be able to do wednesdays. Soccer games ever wed night.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 28, 2012 02:29 PM


Ok here's the Doodle, can everyone who's remotely interested kindly go on there and just assert which day(s) you're available? I don't want to shut out anybody but that might be an impossible goal so let's just shoot for the best.

Doodle: GFF Game Night

(In retrospect I should have made this a poll thread in the first place)

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 28, 2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 794435)
Chaser game's up in the air since I'm kind of souring on the value of Space Hulk for 3+ players. Suggestions? Also, maybe it would be better to run the light games before the D&D session, give people a little more time to show up?

Space Crusade? Advanced Space Crusade? Actually, Advanced HeroQuest would be awesome, it's fairly DnD only more boardgame like and with Skaven.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 1, 2012 08:20 PM


The unmovable stubborn Feb 1, 2012 08:28 PM

Why is your face sad sir

FatsDomino Feb 1, 2012 08:32 PM


btw i'm gonna try and stream our session and skype shit tonight

if you aren't playing but want to watch us nerd out then check out...

Let's Play some viderogams 'n' stuff

in like i dunno 30 min or something

The unmovable stubborn Feb 1, 2012 08:49 PM

Ok! Server should be running. Connect at will: port 51234

Again, if possible, join us on Skype because that makes life easier for everybody. Explanatory post from last week should still be valid, let me know if anything is causing any issues. As before, feel free to drop in even if you have no idea what you're doing. I have characters ready for you. Horrible, stupid characters.

Sousuke Feb 1, 2012 10:12 PM


but it's great

and we're not dying



The unmovable stubborn Feb 1, 2012 10:35 PM


Sousuke Feb 1, 2012 11:19 PM

that moment when everyone discovers the bright yellow END TURN button

The unmovable stubborn Feb 1, 2012 11:30 PM

That button

The button of my dreeeeams

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 2, 2012 12:12 AM

Fuckin' glue and string internet

The unmovable stubborn Feb 2, 2012 12:20 AM

True :(

i am good at jokes Feb 2, 2012 12:32 AM



FatsDomino Feb 2, 2012 01:09 AM

tonight was an adventure in internets

<3 sir charles so much


i like even more how magi made an art for me <3<3<3



The unmovable stubborn Feb 2, 2012 11:36 PM

NEXT WEEK (Tuesday, February 7): We finish FROG MURDER SIMULATOR 20XX (shouldn't take more than 90 minutes now that we MOSTLY know what we're doing and also because Acer will be hosting and we won't have to deal with constant desync) and then try something a little less crunchy. Because, you know, much as we love pressing all the little buttons maybe it is too many buttons. And I do not say this lightly because god damn it making those buttons was a lot of work :(

Yeah I spent some time away from 4E and now that I come back to it, it's like damn son why so many moving parts? Also looking back at last night we had a lot of fun but practically none of it actually derived from the game we were all purportedly playing sooooo. But gonna finish that first adventure at least, we'll see. Looking at some alternative systems for robot truck blob battel.

(Also there is apparently no way to make TRUCK MODE into a macro which infuriates me. IF I CANNOT HAVE TRUCK BUTTON THEN WHAT GOOD IS BUTTON)

i am good at jokes Feb 7, 2012 02:35 PM

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

The unmovable stubborn Feb 7, 2012 08:11 PM

About an hour 'til game time! Acer should be hosting maptool at thegond.us.to and possibly streaming our horrible incompetence via his Let's Play page.

We'll be finishing the 1st level D&D adventure and then moving on to character generation for the indie RPG Legends of Anglerre. LoA chargen is a cooperative thing that involves the whole group instead of a number-crunching exercise you need a dedicated app for, so that should be fun. LoA is generally a lot more freeform and I think the group is creative enough to really benefit from that.

I don't know if we'll actually have time to PLAY LoA once that's done (depending on Skills' bedtime) but I will try to wing it if necessary since there aren't any published adventures for the damned thing.

Or, potentially, Orient Express if I can find a copy of the board in a decent resolution.

Also also standard boilerplate EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN (since you cannot fuck things up more than we already do)

(PS Deni actually show up you jerk)

ALSO, potentially, nerd comedy originating from foreign lands (Canada doesn't count as foreign, shut up).

Additional Spam:
Just streamin' some Knightmare while we wait for our last two players

No. Hard Pass. Feb 7, 2012 11:28 PM

P.S. NO.

(Make skills txt me to remind me. :( )

The unmovable stubborn Feb 7, 2012 11:34 PM


Additional Spam:
Queen Victoria's Ghost is little in the middle (but has much back)

i am good at jokes Feb 8, 2012 12:00 AM

Well I say, what's this soot-ish lump doing here?

The unmovable stubborn Feb 8, 2012 12:01 AM

Just to clarify, here's the party roster

Queen Victoria's TIME TRAVELING Ghost (Sousuke)
A Chimneysweep named Goblob Hobjob or I don't even know what (Rychord)
DJ Delicious, the Robot Chocolatier (Skills)
Petey, a Wizard Canary (Acer)

they all met during an epic rap battle inside the chocolate peanut butter cat surprise tunnel

v he's only swearing because all the soot made him black (and therefore evil)

FatsDomino Feb 8, 2012 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rychord (Post 794754)
Well I say, what's this soot-ish lump doing here?


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 8, 2012 12:06 AM

I am seriously in pain laughing so hard

A Cappella Sir Mix-A-Lot is the best anything

The unmovable stubborn Feb 8, 2012 12:10 AM

next week, Acer recites Fuck Tha Police

Added Junk:

Also, some ridiculous shit that happened during 4E play:

A corgi murdering his way through a giant frog from the inside

Frogs used as weapons against frogs

A truck hiding underneath a dog

A spectator token that technically didn't exist being used as a giant pinball

Acer spending 10 minutes crafting an improvised attack to "Lick The Frog"

Blob Loblaw growing to massive size to engage in Kaiju Big Battel with the aforementioned spectator token

Skipping the last battle of the module because the game framework was falling down around our ears

Acer and Skills only ever healing themselves while Sousuke spends half the battle at around 4 HP

i am good at jokes Feb 8, 2012 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 794755)
A Chimneysweep named Goblob Hobjob or I don't even know what (Rychord)

It's Rogoban Goboogan.

I can't believe you didn't get that, it's not like there was three other people gasping for air and injecting random comments on the call while I was saying it.

Honestly Goblob Hobjob almost sounds better though.

Edit: I'd be curious to see what you have written down for aspects on all these guys. All I remember is that Skills "likes big butts", "cannot lie", and has an "itty-bitty waist".

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 8, 2012 10:24 PM

You have no idea how difficult it is

to sit in a dead fucking quiet office

14 people not making a noise

and you're trying not to laugh at "peanut butter mineshaft"

It's really quite a challenge.

Philia Feb 8, 2012 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 794771)
You have no idea how difficult it is

to sit in a dead fucking quiet office

14 people not making a noise

and you're trying not to laugh at "peanut butter mineshaft"

It's really quite a challenge.

I don't believe you. I'm sure you had to let out a fart somewhere. XD

The unmovable stubborn Feb 9, 2012 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rychord (Post 794766)
Edit: I'd be curious to see what you have written down for aspects on all these guys.

I didn't write down a goddamn thing, you were supposed to each be writing down your own aspects. Anyone who didn't, prepare to have the blanks filled by lyrics from other 90's hip-hop tracks.

Character Name: Blob Loblaw


* Will make you jump, jump
* Don't call it a comeback
* Drunk as hell but no throwing up
* Got bitches in the living room gettin' it on
* Super dope homeboy from the Oaktown
* Doin' a little East Coast swing

Additional Spam:
If you type "I like big butts" into wikipedia search it sends you to precisely the right place. Gonna donate on the next drive, wiki foundation understands my needs

The unmovable stubborn Feb 14, 2012 01:59 PM


Tomorrow! Wednesday, February 15! 9 PM EST!

We finish the last steps of Legends of Anglerre character generation (and walk anyone who missed last week through the first steps as quickly as possible) and then straight on to Orient Express, since I still haven't had time to convert an adventure to LOA and also I want to play Orient Express DEAL WITH IT.

Orient Express is a deduction-based boardgame, so if the whole role-playing thing makes you sad and scared, hey! No imagination needed this week, just cold amoral logic.

FatsDomino Feb 14, 2012 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 794757)
I am seriously in pain laughing so hard

A Cappella Sir Mix-A-Lot is the best anything

Guys, there is something that can't be denied.

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

i am good at jokes Feb 15, 2012 07:57 PM

I'll be around for the LOA part of the evening, but I will most likely drop out when you guys hop on the train, as I've been gone all day and I have a bit much shit to do still before bed.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 15, 2012 09:11 PM

Ok, we're rolling, if anybody else wants to get their train on let me know

Additional Spam:
Orient Express' Working-Well-Over-The-Internet Quotient: Poor

i am good at jokes Feb 15, 2012 11:57 PM

Someone put a bomb in the DJ's briefcase!

CLUE: it may have exploded at 5:55 in compartment 26, or maybe it was the ENTREPRENEUR with the candlestick in the powder room, who the fuck knows!

FatsDomino Feb 16, 2012 12:04 AM

But it could have also been the non-existent ballerina!

The unmovable stubborn Feb 16, 2012 12:17 AM

The ballerina exists. However, she was in the saloon.

Additional Spam:
Apparently there are like 5 different printings of this game and none of them are inter-compatible wheeeee

i am good at jokes Feb 16, 2012 04:58 PM

I got flashbacks of talking to town's people in Simon's Quest by the end of the session.

"Destroy the curse and you'll rule Brahm's Mansion" Huh.

"Rumor has it, the Ferryman at the Dead River loves garlic" Good to know.

"Believe in magic and you'll be saved" Will do, Gov'ner!

And my favorite: "Take my daugther, please!!" What

Also, I didn't know explosives were such a popular hobby at the start of the 20th century. I guess they had to find something to do with no internet and all.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 17, 2012 12:45 PM

FWIW I found how to send private messages in Maptool and also a set of cases that actually match the board so next week hopefully the game will work as intended.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 20, 2012 08:55 PM

Tomorrow's session is canceled on account of I am up to my neck in so much stupid bullshit this week you don't even know.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 20, 2012 10:16 PM


I completely forgot that I had a beer outing with some bros and was about to post that I had to bail this week.

i am good at jokes Feb 20, 2012 10:47 PM

Works for me as well, I had a workshop all weekend so it'll give me time to catch up on what I should have been doing.

FatsDomino Feb 23, 2012 07:08 PM

This is fantastic. I completely forgot about it until just now. I have no idea why either.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 26, 2012 08:06 PM

Who's been playing that wouldn't be able to if we moved this to Friday/Saturday?

Who's not been playing that would if we moved it to Friday/Saturday?

(I ask this second question because fully half of the people that expressed interest in Game Night as a concept have never showed the fuck up and I prefer to believe it is a scheduling issue rather than assume you're all just jerks.)

FatsDomino Feb 26, 2012 09:03 PM

I think I'd be okay for the weekend. Kinda makes it nice in a way. I don't have to worry about waking up early exhausted the next day for school if we did it on a Friday/Saturday. Oh.... damn.... yeah it would. I have Tennis on Saturday morning at 9 AM in a week or so. Ah well, in any case I think I'd be alright.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 27, 2012 01:03 AM

Depends on how late on Saturdays. Saturdays are usually my liquor/hockey/liquor-and-hockey nights, but it's usually very late when we start (10:30 PM, give or take).

I am down for whatever. I think it would be easier if we had a single day instead of alternating every week, though. I would have far less trouble keeping track of the dates in my head that way.

i am good at jokes Feb 27, 2012 01:30 AM

I'd be all for doing this on weekends, I do most of my work on weekdays so it's actually better on weekends for me. I might be called in to work every once in a while, so I may miss the odd session if you do decide to make it on weekends. Probably wouldn't happen too often though, at least not until May or so when outdoor events become more frequent.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 27, 2012 08:19 AM

Does asking this imply we aren't doing it this Wednesday and are instead waiting a few more days?

No. Hard Pass. Feb 27, 2012 10:02 AM

I could do fridays, still can't do Wed

LIAR Feb 27, 2012 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 795152)
Who's been playing that wouldn't be able to if we moved this to Friday/Saturday?

Who's not been playing that would if we moved it to Friday/Saturday?

(I ask this second question because fully half of the people that expressed interest in Game Night as a concept have never showed the fuck up and I prefer to believe it is a scheduling issue rather than assume you're all just jerks.)

Fridays are generally open for me save for an occasional FNM here and there. Saturdays are up in the air and vary from weekend to weekend.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be busy for me these days, so thus my lack of attendance.

Sousuke Feb 27, 2012 05:18 PM

I'm having that surgery on Friday afternoon so I don't know how good I'll be at staying awake or sitting upright or any of that stuff, heh. It's day surgery though (so they tell me) it shouldn't be too bad.

Worst case I'll just lay in bed with my iPad and Skype and trudge through it. :3:

The unmovable stubborn Feb 27, 2012 05:40 PM

Ok, Friday sounds good for everybody so far (well, aside from the surgery issue but that's not a long-term problem hopefully)! I would rather deprive Acer of sleep than deprive Skills of liquor because I have my priorities in order goddamn it.


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 795160)
Does asking this imply we aren't doing it this Wednesday and are instead waiting a few more days?

Yeah, sorry, still a little swamped. But all this shit is due by Thursday so one way or the other I'm free for the weekend.

FatsDomino Feb 28, 2012 09:32 PM

So good to know you care that much about Skills' liver. Friday sounds good. Same time I'm guessing? 9 PM?

The unmovable stubborn Mar 2, 2012 07:02 PM

So guess what I still haven't really had time to do a whole lot of fancy conversion work but we've spent like weeks now sitting around with characters and not playing them! So I'm just going to stick my hand into the Big Bag O' Adventures and we'll just convert something on the fly! THIS WILL END WELL!

(rummage, rummage)


But first, Orient Express, played actually properly with like secrecy and such. And also potentially fewer experts in explosives? Who can say.

9 PM (EST) tonight!

Additional Spam:
FUCK I just realized I have to find token images for a canary wizard

i am good at jokes Mar 2, 2012 07:21 PM

It's a wonder really that the train didn't just go up in a blaze as soon as it left the station on its maiden voyage, if the game is painting any kind of an accurate picture of it.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 2, 2012 09:31 PM

Okay! Looks like nobody but Rychord even remembered that this is a thing that we do! Rychord is a pretty cool guy but I don't think he can play a board game all by himself! Especially when the dude who hosts the games for us is MIA. Better luck next week, everybody!

Additional Spam:

FatsDomino Mar 2, 2012 10:08 PM


i am good at jokes Mar 2, 2012 10:22 PM

Is this for your space invader PC that sounds like it's coming to get us every time?

Additional Spam:
Propped for critical apology.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 2, 2012 11:31 PM


Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 3, 2012 02:49 PM

I was actually still up at 2am last night (Which I think is 9pm EST) and I considered joining in but then figureed I wasn't going to stay up late and then I was still up at 4am anyway.

But if you're making it a regular Friday night thing there's a significantly higher chance of me joining in.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 3, 2012 10:45 PM

Yes. It will continue to be on Friday night (at 9 PM EST). There is no time in the foreseeable future when it will not be on Friday night (at 9 PM EST). Certainly, when you all collectively think of Game Night, you should think of Friday night (at 9 PM EST), and, vice versa, when you think of Friday night (at 9 PM EST) you should think of Game Night. Always.

i am good at jokes Mar 6, 2012 12:48 AM

Much as I don't want to, I'm going to have to be absent from the session this Friday, as my GF's folks are coming to town and she'll be at work in the evening so it'll fall on me to entertain them until she gets back. Hopefully I won't miss too much info on Anglerre so that I'm good to get back in next time.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 9, 2012 08:28 PM

Hi! Game Night is tonight! In 30 minutes! Wow! Maybe it would be fun or maybe not.

Additional Spam:
You people are TERRIBLE

Additional Spam:
just super terrible

Additional Spam:
the worst

Additional Spam:
props to Skills, this week's Player Who Has A Memory

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 9, 2012 09:46 PM





The unmovable stubborn Mar 9, 2012 10:14 PM

Seriously though are you guys seriously just THIS GODDAMN FORGETFUL or is this some passive-aggressive nerd bullshit here where you just hate trains and don't want to get confrontational about it

Sousuke Mar 9, 2012 10:25 PM

I am terrible. And hospitalized. I should've Skyped in because I'm kinda high on painkillers. Might've been fun.

i am good at jokes Mar 9, 2012 11:00 PM

Well, looks like I won't be missing any info after all.

Pang, I was thinking that maybe if you post the reminder earlier (like say noon) some of the more forgetful members will see it in time?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 10, 2012 10:21 AM

Plaster it all over facebook, too.

FatsDomino Mar 10, 2012 08:12 PM

Aw, man. I was completely out of it yesterday - dead tired. Completely forgot about it. :(:(:(:(

The unmovable stubborn Mar 12, 2012 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 795421)
Plaster it all over facebook, too.

Gonna do this, every half hour starting at noon. Gonna hike to Acer's house. Gonna hang off his roof and make scary hissing noises at all times so he can't sleep ever

Sousuke Mar 12, 2012 09:45 PM

I'm STILL in the hospital. D: Hopefully I'll be out by Friday, but there's still no saying for sure at this point.

i am good at jokes Mar 12, 2012 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 795450)
Gonna do this, every half hour starting at noon. Gonna hike to Acer's house. Gonna hang off his roof and make scary hissing noises at all times so he can't sleep ever

Good plan, but I'm not sure he'll here you over his computer's fan.

FatsDomino Mar 13, 2012 07:14 AM

Yeah my laptop fan can be atrocious. Maybe I should get a USB keyboard/mouse and hook my laptop up to my TV and string the mic as far away with a USB extension cable as I can. It's an idea~

Also hopefully I'll be conscious Friday night after work. I fucking zonked out last night. I need to get my sleeping schedule in order. Woke up at like 3 am and read terrible books until like I dunno an hour ago cuz hungry 'n' stuff.

Sousuke Mar 13, 2012 07:22 AM

APPARENTLY they're releasing me today, so I will be home. At least that's the plan. I'll try to be there.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2012 11:36 AM


There is a thing tonight? We get on Skype and play some games, it is pretty fun when people actually remember to attend. Ok! So that's at 9 PM (EST) tonight, and what is planned is some Orient Express (which is a mystery-solving type boardgame) and then also the classic D&D adventure Keep on the Borderlands run with a weird-ass new system most of us hardly understand at all!

And since I make these planning decisions more or less with no fuckin' input from you chumps, if you wanna play something else let me know! Okay awesome!

FatsDomino Mar 16, 2012 11:48 AM





Sousuke Mar 16, 2012 02:30 PM


But it doesn't look like I'll be around tonight. :( I'll actually be in NY with my roommate, visiting a friend I haven't seen in ages. Sorry!

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2012 02:36 PM


FatsDomino Mar 16, 2012 07:27 PM

what's going on tonight? is it friday yet?

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2012 07:34 PM

I am welling with a sense of potential disappointment SO MAYBE?

i am good at jokes Mar 16, 2012 08:09 PM

All we need is Skills now.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2012 08:21 PM

Guys why don't you wanna play games with us

We are pretty funny

And we have pie

Additional Spam:
(elephant noises)

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 17, 2012 05:03 AM

If you want to start doing it three hours earlier I'm bang up for it. As it was I fell asleep with about twenty minutes to go. Old age does that to a chap you know.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 17, 2012 06:40 PM

Ehh, it might be worthwhile to start earlier anyways, seeing as Skills starts falling asleep around 10 PM. Was trying to be considerate of people further west but to no avail! 6 might be a little iffy for everyone else but maybe it could be pushed back a little. I'm hella flexible.

Gonna at least finish Orient Express before I shake anything else up though.

i am good at jokes Mar 17, 2012 07:13 PM

I'd be glad to do this earlier as well, just because that way we could probably make sessions a bit longer to prepare for those days when someone forgets, we have connection problems, or wild animals attack us on the way.

i am good at jokes Mar 22, 2012 10:00 PM

Bad news, I got called in for work tomorrow at 10PM, so I won't be able to make the game night session unfortunately. :(

The unmovable stubborn Mar 22, 2012 10:21 PM

Well, shit. Can you upload your OE notes somewhere so that Sousuke (or whoever) can cover for you?

(Unless you were writing them by hand in a cramped, illegible scrawl in which case FFFFFFFF)

We really ought to start having backup plans for this sort of thing. I imagine a lot of us still have UT2K4 installed due to Dope's thing, so that can be our go-to "fuuuuuck only two people showed up" plan until we work out something more concrete. Better than waiting around for an hour making sad noises.

i am good at jokes Mar 23, 2012 12:20 AM

I was so sure I was on the right track to solve this thing too. :tpg:

Here are my notes. Use them wisely.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 23, 2012 03:21 PM

Anyways I love reminding you guys about stuff you should already know, so: tonight? at 9?

UNLESS Acer is hosting MANLIEST DRINK-ON tonight, apparently he hasn't decided yet but if that happens obviously that takes priority.

FatsDomino Mar 23, 2012 04:04 PM

I'm still not sure when I'll be doing the manly drink on. I'm sure I could snag the movies in time for it to happen tomorrow. Not sure I'm feeling it right now. If people want it this weekend that's fine. Next weekend works too. I haven't really advertised it is all.

Also drink on is definitely not happening tonight. I have shit to do Saturday morning. I can make allowance for game night though. Maybe it's me talking for this moment in time but I'd rather be sleeping but whatever. I'm just tired right now. Can't get enthused about anything in particular.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 23, 2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by AnnieMoose (Post 795748)
Maybe it's me talking for this moment in time but I'd rather be sleeping but whatever. I'm just tired right now. Can't get enthused about anything in particular.

Actually, you know what, let's just take a week off then. I'm feeling kind of worn down myself and I don't want anybody to show up for board games just because they feel obligated.

FatsDomino Mar 23, 2012 04:12 PM

And conversely I feel like I've sprung that decision on you making some sort of weird pull and tug OH MAN I'M AN AWFUL PERSON thing - NO IT IS I WHO IS THE AWFUL - NAY, I AM THE PERSON MAKING THE THING TO DO THE OTHER THING BECAUSE OF THING - CODSWALLOP I DISAGREE - I DISAGREE WITH DISAGREEMENT HARUMPH. However, if that's what you'd like to do I'm game for that too. And so rolls the ball of ME BEING AWFUL. [/self-loathing]

The unmovable stubborn Mar 23, 2012 04:20 PM



Additional Spam:
god that is such a fucking nerd thing








Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 24, 2012 07:21 AM

You hang up.

No, you hang up.

No, you hang up.

Ok, bye.

FatsDomino Mar 30, 2012 06:49 PM



i am good at jokes Mar 30, 2012 08:29 PM

PANG, WHERE IS GAME NIGHT???????? :confused: :(:confused::(

FatsDomino Mar 30, 2012 08:34 PM

Welp, I don't see him on aim. Guess not tonight. Kinda tired so perhaps it's for the best.

i am good at jokes Mar 30, 2012 08:42 PM

Guess I'll have to settle for starting that Heroes of Might and Magic 6 then. :p

The unmovable stubborn Mar 30, 2012 10:05 PM

Everybody gets to take a turn forgetting that this is a thing.

This was my turn.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 31, 2012 12:53 AM

I'm starting to think this worked better on Tuesdays

i am good at jokes Apr 1, 2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 796085)
I'm starting to think this worked better on Tuesdays

I agree with this sentiment, as it seems that even though we are internet nerding it up, we seem to actually have real life things going on sometimes.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 2, 2012 02:16 PM

Well 2 votes for Tuesday is the closest thing to a consensus I ever get so why the fuck not! Game Night TOMORROW. Hopefully everyone was a gentleman and refrained from peeking at Ry's notes, and then hopefully we can finally — FINALLY — get on with the adventures of Petey and his horrible retinue.

EDIT: Actually, scratch that, I am an idiot and shouldn't make scheduling decisions a single day in advance while half-asleep and starving.

FatsDomino Apr 3, 2012 08:20 PM

oh lol and here i was scrambling to get the server and client stuff ready

a few weeks back i went and bought one of those logitech headsets with the noise cancelling microphones too

fine by me - gonna just reeelaaaaax instead

maybe do laundry

for my barbie dolls

i am good at jokes Apr 3, 2012 09:35 PM

I completely missed Pang's post until now to be honest, but if this is back to Tuesdays I'll definitely keep it in mind from now on.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 3, 2012 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 796243)
Well 2 votes for Tuesday is the closest thing to a consensus I ever get so why the fuck not! Game Night TOMORROW. Hopefully everyone was a gentleman and refrained from peeking at Ry's notes, and then hopefully we can finally — FINALLY — get on with the adventures of Petey and his horrible retinue.

EDIT: Actually, scratch that, I am an idiot and shouldn't make scheduling decisions a single day in advance while half-asleep and starving.

Does this imply:

1) Nothing this friday and then starting on next tuesday.
2) YES this friday, since it's a holiday, and then starting on next tuesday.

Also, I apologize for my early bed shit and my other whackiness. I wish I could describe how busy I've been in the last month. But I find myself passing out involuntarily pretty early. That feel :(

FatsDomino Apr 3, 2012 10:55 PM

what holiday is it in canuckville? cuz i certainly don't have off

The unmovable stubborn Apr 4, 2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 796336)
2) YES this friday, since it's a holiday, and then starting on next tuesday.

This, though I don't know what... Good Friday? Huh.

But yeah one more Friday and then we'll shift back to Tuesday if that's easier for everybody since (act surprised) the I-can-only-make-it-on-Friday guys never made it anyway.

Sorry for the last-minute change yesterday, Acer.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 4, 2012 05:28 PM

the fuck

you think Yankeedoodle Jesus Town would have Good Friday off.




i am good at jokes Apr 5, 2012 03:18 PM

Just to let you guys know, I have a supper at a restaurant tomorrow with some friends at 5:30PM, but I should be back in time for the game session. If I run a bit late, hopefully someone can fill in for me either until I get back, or until the end of train train caboose bonanza.

My notes are already posted a bit higher in the thread for anyone who would be willing to do so.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 6, 2012 03:48 PM

God dammit we will finish this goddamn train tonight if I have to play all three parts myself

FatsDomino Apr 6, 2012 04:47 PM

well i have the server up and running

i hope it doesn't crash or something equally stupid but it's there just in case i pass out or something or get distracted or or or or

anyway it'll be a good chance to test out this headset mic thingy

The unmovable stubborn Apr 6, 2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by AnnieMoose (Post 796569)
well i have the server up and running

i hope it doesn't crash

I daresay it has!

i am good at jokes Apr 6, 2012 08:10 PM

Did I miss the train? :jesusdance:

The unmovable stubborn Apr 7, 2012 12:00 AM


KILLS: 25 TOWN GUARDS (demoralized into suicide), 1 BEGGAR (drowned), 3 CHILDREN (smothered), 1 KOBOLD (punched into gibs)

Additional Spam:

Additional Spam:
Legend of Anglerre is a hilarious system until combat breaks out at which point


it's still hilarious but

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 7, 2012 12:03 AM

So the world's worst detectives, working together to fail miserably at solving anything on the train, don't make much better adventurers either.

Within 36 hours they managed to kill a hobo by throwing a wet robe off the top of a house, personally fluff over 1000 pillows, murder 3 children with downy softness, punch a house into rubble, and convince half of the city guard to commit ritualistic suicide before stripping their corpses naked.

And then take three real hours to figure out how to play hide and seek with kobolds until they stress out and die.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 7, 2012 12:04 AM

Props to Stop Sign for adjusting to our absolute bullshit madness with remarkable aplomb

Additional Spam:

Stop Sign Apr 7, 2012 12:13 AM

We have the best fucking foie gras and don't you forget it

FatsDomino Apr 7, 2012 12:15 AM

Are you sure you're not a goose? Perhaps you should investigate.

I liked the part where there was soot.

i am good at jokes Apr 7, 2012 12:20 AM

I can't believe that my chimneysweep, specifically designed for nothing if not soot finding got out-sooted by kobolds EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Composure stress here I come thanks for the very sciencey healing Acer! :D

The unmovable stubborn Apr 7, 2012 12:21 AM

I liked that time when the kobolds found no soot whatsoever but you still managed to find less soot than that.

i am good at jokes Apr 7, 2012 12:23 AM

Negative soot is all the rage these days I hear.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2012 02:09 AM


Hope you guys are ready to master the arts of combat

YouTube Video

Stop Sign Apr 10, 2012 07:06 PM

Sorry, folks - with the amount of work I have on my plate, I won't be participating tonight.

(Broken dreams :( )

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2012 07:09 PM

Well, crap. I guess we need a fourth for HeroQuest, then. It's a pretty simple game, folks! I am not even dreading trying to teach it to Acer! Much!

(Alternately we do the hilarious thing of just giving Skills both spellcasters for MAXIMUM RUINING.)

i am good at jokes Apr 10, 2012 07:52 PM

Turn 1: I cast all of the spells! On myself!

Additional Spam:
On second thought, cast NONE of the spells! This dagger will work much better anyway!

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2012 10:18 PM



Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 10, 2012 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rychord (Post 796797)
Turn 1: I cast all of the spells! On myself!

Additional Spam:
On second thought, cast NONE of the spells! This dagger will work much better anyway!

In the end, fists solve all problems.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2012 10:23 PM


i am good at jokes Apr 11, 2012 12:18 PM



The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2012 11:11 AM

TONIGHT: MORE HERO'S QUESTINGS, with dungeon elements that aren't "yup, another orc".

If somebody wants to show up so Rychord can stop mixing up his Toots and his Roots that would be okay! Because trying to control an Elf and a Dwarf simultaneously is, in fact, antithetical to all that is right and good.

I was thinking next week we could take a short break for some electronical gamery, suggestions? Probably something emulated since the pool of PC/Mac cross-compatible titles is still pretty anemic. Definitely some gems in there though.


i am good at jokes Apr 17, 2012 12:02 PM

Is there a reason it has to be cross-platform?

If it's because of me, then it isn't a problem because I've installed Windows 7 in Bootcamp recently so I can have access to more than one game out of ten.

If it's just a question of keeping it accessible to the most people possible then by all means let's do it this way.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2012 02:23 PM

Well I was thinking of you in particular but yeah in general it would be nice to make things as open as possible.

Also I sort of wanted an excuse to buy Farming Simulator.

Either way I'm open to suggestions.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 17, 2012 06:32 PM

Nope, fuck you all.


Stop Sign Apr 17, 2012 07:31 PM

Okay, I got all my work done in time, so I'm in!

Also Magicka is a great idea. I'm utterly incompetent at that game so that makes it an even better idea.

i am good at jokes Apr 17, 2012 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to CABLE INSTINCTS (Post 797165)

i saw a let's play of that with TotalBiscuit and some other guys I can't recall who. Looked hilarious.

Additional Spam:
That's not to say that we couldn't come up with something hilarious to do in a tractor simulator.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2012 08:03 PM

I'm down with that. And by "that", I mean "resurrecting Skills, then mowing him down with a lightning beam, over and over".

Additional Spam:
Also, server's up.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2012 11:13 PM

Stop Sign survives with ONE HIT POINT

Everyone else is mowed down in pursuit of an empty chest

Save Skills, who died two hours ago because he just COULDN'T STOP SUMMONING MONSTERS

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 17, 2012 11:13 PM


i am good at jokes Apr 17, 2012 11:14 PM

Yeah, he dies and then reminds Pang that he can pull the ole switcheroo to kill the rest of us.

I hope I never come up against Skills DM'ing.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2012 11:14 PM

Dr. Conveni N. Scrotums, Subterranean Urologist

Additional Spam:
Skills DM? His adventure notes would burst into flame five minutes before the game. Instead he takes everyone bowling. Fingers get stuck in ball, flings self down alley. Somehow misses every pin.

Additional Spam:
This is the only thread on the forums with the "scrotums" tag and I am legitimately surprised

FatsDomino Apr 17, 2012 11:37 PM


there's just too many chaos warriors behind the door

and even the potion you previously trawed that only heals you for 4 body points that you sneakily told pang "it restores up to all lost body points" while reading the card out loud like the cheating son of a bitch you are isn't even enough

that shit sounds dumb when read out loud and you can't believe no one called you on your bullshit

you were at 3 body points at the time which the potion would have only brought up to 7 body points so perhaps you would have died by the hands of the first chaos warrior behind the door instead of the second leading to an earlier demise for root

ah well

Stop Sign Apr 17, 2012 11:43 PM

I work with medical research papers for a living, and now all I'm going to think when I see So and So MD PhD is scrotes.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2012 11:44 PM

Honestly a lot of those treasure cards AREN'T quite right so I figured there was a nonzero chance that the guy who built the campaign file was the asshole and not you.

Additional Spam:
"Think of me as your own scrotum" probably needs to be added to the Cheers/Ciao dialog

Additional Spam:
And Stop PROBABLY needs a nick change I'm not sayin' I'm just sayin'

FatsDomino Apr 18, 2012 12:11 AM




i am good at jokes Apr 18, 2012 05:55 AM

"Doctor Scrotty McButterfingers to obstetrics"


"Doctor Scrotty McButterfingers to obstetrics"

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 18, 2012 03:54 PM

You should play Advanced Heroquest some time, the addition of Skaven makes everything better.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 19, 2012 05:45 AM

AdvHQ is so complicated by the standard of board games I might as well just steal the random-dungeon-generation tables and just play WFRP.

(and if Game Night ever gets back to proper RPGs it probably will be in the form of random dungeons, since this crew would only repay efforts to create a plot or memorable NPCs with wanton murder)

i am good at jokes Apr 19, 2012 12:18 PM

We can't even play the basic Hero Quest by the rules, so that should serve as an indication of what kind of party we're talking about here.

Stop Sign Apr 19, 2012 10:27 PM

Or to be more accurate, we can play by the rules, but we keep throwing ourselves into pits for whatever reason~

The unmovable stubborn Apr 20, 2012 11:54 AM

It has occurred to me that Magicka multiplayer maxes out at 4 players. While it's possible (likely, really) that someone will be indisposed, maybe it would be good to have an alternate plan. I'm trying to think of something other than an FPS that'll support 5 players and coming up short. Something where we can inadvertently murder each other would be best.

We'll still do Magicka if we end up with only 4 people but I don't want anyone to get left out just because they hopped on Skype a few minutes late. (And we'll still have Magicka as a backup for the next 4-players night)

FatsDomino Apr 20, 2012 12:19 PM

Well, if there's more than 4 players then they can at least watch the stream with the audio muted while skyping if they want to follow along. That's assuming I'm one of the players.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 24, 2012 12:08 PM

All right, lacking any other suggestions I guess tonight is Magicka regardless of playercount. So either show up on time or be prepared to sit around looking stupid while we have all the fun, neener neener, etc etc

OR: find 3 more players so we can have comedy wizard team racing battel

i am good at jokes Apr 24, 2012 01:04 PM

I'm in for this, I've DL'ed the game already and gave it a small whirl just so I wouldn't look like a complete idiot come game time. I can tell this is going to be rather epic. Or maybe a total and complete disaster, whichever.

Quick question though: how are we setting up the chat? is there an in-game voice chat, or are we going to Skype at the same time?

The unmovable stubborn Apr 24, 2012 02:03 PM

Pretty sure we'll still be Skyping it up, Magicka has no internal voice support.

Stop Sign Apr 24, 2012 02:04 PM

Welp, it looks like I'm going to be too busy again tonight. Sorry folks :(

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 24, 2012 11:09 PM


FatsDomino Apr 24, 2012 11:11 PM

I died again. :mad:

The unmovable stubborn Apr 24, 2012 11:11 PM

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a lightning bolt smashing into your face the instant you respawn. Forever.

v Oh christ yes.

"What's my ability? Smoke Bomb? Let's see what... um."

i am good at jokes Apr 24, 2012 11:21 PM

I still don't understand how we made it out of that first dungeon, between the mutual slaughter and Pang's many bombs of game-breaking smoke.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 25, 2012 10:48 AM

So you guys just want to keep hammering at this thing until we beat it, or just hold onto it for Stopless nights? I don't think it's actually possible to get "out of practice" here.

When (if?) we finish Magicka, I figure VG night might be fun with Titan Quest. With the XMAX mod preferably for 400 mobs on screen six bosses at once funtime action. Damn thing goes on sale for $5 every month or two, so.

The unmovable stubborn May 1, 2012 04:08 AM


Tonight: HQ, or Magicka if somebody goes missing! Again!

FatsDomino May 1, 2012 09:03 AM

Finishing Magicka sounds good to me. Gonna have to yell at me to remember probably.

i am good at jokes May 1, 2012 12:23 PM

I'm down with either option. I thought I had posted about that before but apparently not.

So fry me with a lightning bolt. Or harpoon me into a pit of endless wandering monsters.

Either way, I'm in.

Stop Sign May 1, 2012 07:41 PM

I've been waiting for the burly men to stop banging away at my roof (supposed to be done 45 minutes ago!), but aside from that, I'm up for gaming tonight - hopefully the background noise won't be too much of an issue.

The unmovable stubborn May 1, 2012 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by AnnieMoose (Post 797780)
Gonna have to yell at me to remember probably.


FatsDomino May 1, 2012 08:43 PM


The unmovable stubborn May 1, 2012 09:38 PM


Additional Spam:
do you like dolphins

do you want them on your body

FatsDomino May 1, 2012 11:46 PM


Stop Sign May 1, 2012 11:46 PM


FatsDomino May 1, 2012 11:48 PM





The unmovable stubborn May 1, 2012 11:53 PM

http://www.saxypunch.com/pang/tumblr...n52vo1_500.gif http://i.imgur.com/P0Nj2.jpg

FatsDomino May 1, 2012 11:59 PM

oh crap - we could actually do this bullshit game on the forums couldn't we?

i am good at jokes May 2, 2012 12:29 AM


i am good at jokes May 7, 2012 11:07 PM

Hey guys, unfortunately I almost certainly will not be able to make it tomorrow, as I'm on a trip in New Brunswick and I'm going to be visiting my GFs folks tomorrow evening.

Hope you guys have a good one nonetheless!

Here's my Hero Quest character sheet, in case you guys decide to go that route.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 7, 2012 11:21 PM

As much as I'd like to traw some treasures, perhaps if we're down you (it wouldn't be fair to run either Magicka or Hero Quest without you I think), we could do like...Minecraft? Terrorize Acer's server?

FatsDomino May 7, 2012 11:52 PM

lol my poor minecraft server

i'll have to consider some of those stupid maps chat is always raving about

The unmovable stubborn May 8, 2012 12:14 AM


FatsDomino May 8, 2012 10:25 AM

If they made a bukkit plugin for that I might consider it. However, it looks like everyone needs to inject that in their client jar and I into the server jar which is far more complicated than I like. But basically this mod turns the game into resource hunting with a high focus on gold for your health - cuz otherwise gold is useless. There are other ways to turn the game into a huge pain in the ass. Not a bad find though.

Sousuke May 8, 2012 02:25 PM

I honestly have never played Minecraft (nor really ever expressed any interest in it)... As such, I don't have the client or anything either. I guess I might potentially be able to be coerced into playing, though. I mean, I never really 'got' the point, but it seems like it could be fun with other people.

FatsDomino May 8, 2012 07:42 PM

I hope you guys don't mind starting a bit late. I've been working out in the back yard digging trenches and planting shit ALL DAY. I'm only starting to eat in like I dunno a few minutes. So don't expect me until like 9:30. I'll poke my head into here and post again when I'm ready. And by ready I mean probably cobbling something together for tonight's minecraft server.

Sousuke, if you're super interested in minecraft I still have two account codes to give away. I've given accounts codes to lurker, shade, and skills so far.

The unmovable stubborn May 8, 2012 07:49 PM

Dinner's running late for me too so a 9:30 start is fine.


Originally Posted by Donnie, you're out of your element (Post 798136)
Been a dog's age since I've played some Minecraft. I'm down.

Same, I don't think I've actually played more than ten minutes since the 1.0 update.

FatsDomino May 8, 2012 08:48 PM

Okay I have the server up. It's oldshoes' Broville version 10. It's a nice map that's really built up. If we get bored of it I suppose we could load up another map - or if you feel like building I suppose a fresh map would work too.

Additional Spam:
oh yeah server address is thegond.us.to

and the web map is http://thegond.us.to:8123

Sousuke May 8, 2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by AnnieMoose (Post 798137)
Sousuke, if you're super interested in minecraft I still have two account codes to give away. I've given accounts codes to lurker, shade, and skills so far.

Okay, that'd be kind of awesome. :3:

Additional Spam:
...Skills and his testicle base.

The unmovable stubborn May 8, 2012 11:19 PM

"It looks like some kind of discharge."

God it took me hours to get that fucking lava bucket but it was worth it

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 8, 2012 11:19 PM


Additional Spam:

Philia May 9, 2012 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by AnnieMoose (Post 798143)
Okay I have the server up. It's oldshoes' Broville version 10. It's a nice map that's really built up.

Broville is fantastic. I'm having a blast exploring the place. There's a lol Port Authority, there's graveyard lol, there's a Asian place with a sushi boat lmao, there's train stations that you can ride to places. And there's that PURPLE DRANK place. XD

i am good at jokes May 9, 2012 09:25 PM

Damn, I hate myself for missing this now, I've been meaning to try Minecraft for the longest time now.

Oh well, hopefully it will happen again before too long and I'll get my chance.

The unmovable stubborn May 9, 2012 09:30 PM

Ah, but it only happened because you were absent. Such is your curse.

i am good at jokes May 9, 2012 09:31 PM


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 12, 2012 05:52 PM

ok so

what are we doing this week

The unmovable stubborn May 13, 2012 04:01 AM

We're going to do what we do every week, Pinky. Play HQ unless something goes wrong.

So I have absolutely no idea really

Philia May 13, 2012 03:08 PM

My Spiral Staircase has surpasses the Boner Mountain...??? LOL.

Additional Spam:

Thought this was a cool sight to take a pic of. :)

The unmovable stubborn May 14, 2012 09:23 AM

I'm gonna level that whole goddamn town the next time I can't do a corpse run because there's 500 fences in the way. NOTHING MUST INTERFERE WITH THE ASCENT OF MT. BONERMANJARO

i am good at jokes May 14, 2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Philia (Post 798326)
My Spiral Staircase has surpasses the Boner Mountain...??? LOL.

You can't imagine the amount of attention she put into this staircase. I think she spent at least a day just heating up cobblestone to make bricks. All the while, I was dying for the umpteenth time trying to get a goddamn blaze stick.

FatsDomino May 15, 2012 01:53 PM

Well if we don't want to do more d&d things tonight we can always do more minecraft. I actually found a neat game we can do if we don't want to muck around more in broville. Now hold off on your judgements a moment but despite its source inspiration this is actually a really good game - The Survival Games based off of The Hunger Games.

The Survival Games Minecraft Project

You may not like the book or the movie but its minecraft inspired game is actually really really fun.

You basically start in the middle of a cornucopia with up to 24 other players. They'll explain the rules every time but basically there is no destroying blocks besides tree leaves, grass, and mushrooms. There are chests in the middle of the cornucopia that you can grab supplies out of once released and/or you can flee to the rest of the map to find things in chests hidden throughout the land. The purpose of the game is to be the last man standing. Teaming up is allowed although the mods may summon things to try and scatter you but they might fuck with individuals who are camping out too. The idea is to be constantly on the move trying to better your situation and take out others if you can. When someone dies thunder will sound. You'll probably hear a lot of that at the beginning. When the last man is standing the winner will be declared and the server will restart to start the game anew. Items are usually random in most of the chests near as I can tell but you'll probably figure out which chests you like to go after best.

Oh yeah, it's not all super boring once you die either. Once dead you become a host. You can fly around the map and depending on how many kills you got give helpful items to the remaining players. You will be invisible to the remaining players but not to other hosts. Hosts can also only talk to other hosts. It also gives you an opportunity to explore the map and figure out a better strategy for next time.

If you've never flown in minecraft it's double spacebar to engage and then spacebar to go up and shift to go down. Double spacebar again to disengage.

I figure if we all team up using our skype session then we might be able to take out a bunch of other public players if we're lucky enough to get good items. So what say you guys? Sound good? And if we end up not liking it we can always go back to broville or some other d&d game.

The server we should play on is: or

Feel free to play on it ahead of time to get in some practice. They're up all day near as I can tell. Games can last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.

And if we get bored of that map they also have another map that is more city-based than wilderness. It's listed on the link above but I'll post it here if we decide to do that.

To get a good idea of what this is like check out this youtube:

YouTube Video

Stop Sign May 15, 2012 02:25 PM

That sounds like so much fun, but I can't tonight - I'm getting hammered with work today, and when I'm not working, my wife will probably want me to play Diablo 3 with her.

Have fun though!

Sousuke May 15, 2012 02:27 PM

I'd love to get in on this, but alas--no Minecraft!

...That being said even if I COULD get in on it, I've never even played so I'd probably be the first to die. XD

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2012 03:41 PM

Decided to give this a spin. Got killed immediately by a guy named dbz0wn4g3. Got opped after about 5 minutes wait. Flew around. Flying ability seemed to toggle itself on and off more or less at random. Eventually it shut off while I was in midair over a lava pit. Spent about 30 minutes sitting in lava unable to escape while the three surviving players circlejerked over their ever-so-cunning alliance and quibbled over the trade value of a stick.

Additional Spam:
I really really like the idea of a Minecraft last-man-standing sort of thing but I really think we could get a decent-sized group together without involving horrible, horrible pubbies.

Additional Spam:
Also what the FUCK is the deal with Minecraft mods which disable both MINING and CRAFTING hurrhghghrhgh fhfhgjhf

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 15, 2012 05:12 PM

...how about UT2K4?

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2012 05:29 PM

I am down with anything that doesn't involve sitting around with our heads in our hands waiting for some chucklefuck we don't even know to decide to allow us to leave a cage.

i am good at jokes May 15, 2012 08:03 PM

so, is this going down or not?

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2012 08:07 PM

SOMETHING will go down

I think we will have to take a few minutes to hash out what exactly

Additional Spam:
We will also have to take a few minutes to allow the rest of the group to wake from their respective comas

Philia May 15, 2012 08:35 PM

From Pang's post regarding Hunger Games, it doesn't sound very fun to me.

FatsDomino May 15, 2012 08:47 PM

for city level

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2012 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Philia (Post 798490)
From Pang's post regarding Hunger Games, it doesn't sound very fun to me.

Yeah I tried to be polite about it and give it another try but it's just bluh some dude who memorized the map is murdering you enjoy floating around for 20 minutes.

NEXT WEEK: Well, last week's Minecraft was Skills' idea, we tried Acer's idea tonight and it was terrible :mad:, so I guess it's Ry's turn to steer the boat.

Additional Spam:
PS: Should I assume you guys are sick of HeroQuest? I just ask because everyone says PANG WHAT ARE WE PLAYING and I go HEROQUEST UNLESS SOMEONE HAS A BETTER IDEA and then bang zoom the No Feedback Ever Squad is suddenly full of ideas

i am good at jokes May 15, 2012 10:43 PM

I actually love Hero Quest. If your saying it's my turn to suggest something, that would be great for me, going back to the root of game night, which was board games.

P.S. Acer and I won the last Hunger Game we played, which was just two after you left :p

FatsDomino May 15, 2012 10:47 PM

Heroquest is fun. I don't mind playing it if that's what people want.

Again, sorry for tonight. I think Hungergames Minecraft would probably be more fun if we could round up like 15 GFF people if I could host it with all the proper server mods like the server we were on. Problem is rounding up that many people. Even ten people might be alright.

By the way Ry and I teamed up after you guys left and we totally won even after he got stuck and had to warp back to the center losing all his items. Gave him my spare sword and some armor and we just wrecked everyone's shit. So ^5 buddy.

Anyway, if you guys want to do UT2k4 or some other game that we have to download ahead of time then you should voice your opinion so we can well you know download it ahead of time.

i am good at jokes May 15, 2012 10:55 PM

And now Acer is wearing my face as a mask. :(

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2012 11:01 PM

Do you like Rychord

Do you want him on your body

SailorDaravon May 18, 2012 06:53 PM



Edit: Philia: Oh derp, posting on his account lol.

Sousuke May 21, 2012 02:18 AM

Might I suggest Board Game Online for one night? It's rather fun, can get hilarious... It's pretty much “Screw the Other Players and Get to the End First: The Game”. Exactly the kind of thing that is conducive to a bunch of us playing games over Skype.

The unmovable stubborn May 21, 2012 03:20 AM

Well, there's always the chance Acer will go MIA again. How long does a round take/can you make private games?

NEXT week, hopefully, 5th Edition playtest. The playtest docs are supposed to go out on the 24th, so hopefully I'll have time to figure some of it out. From what they've explained in the articles it looks like a real clusterfuck since they're busting ass trying to pander to old greybeards without actually turning the game back into an unbalanced shitheap. (spoiler: the attempt ends in pleasing no-one)

Sousuke May 21, 2012 04:02 AM

A round can take anywhere from 20-30 minutes to... well, the game I'm on now has actually been going for an hour and a half now. It all depends on how much fuckery goes on. :3: But yeah, you can make private games. There's also various options for team play.

i am good at jokes May 22, 2012 03:46 PM

So, is everyone in for Hero Quest tonight? I'm looking At you: Stop Sign, Skills, Acer, and Pang!


Additional Spam:
Plz to answer with pictars

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 22, 2012 06:16 PM

Mmm, mmm. Perhaps, sir.

But how about...Magicka?


i am good at jokes May 22, 2012 06:38 PM

Well, It all depends on how many people can make it / are not in a comma.

If only

of us show up, then Magicka is


on the other hadn, If all

of us are there, then it's time for an UG


P.S.: Sorry for breaking your internet Pang

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2012 06:49 PM

I don't even like Magicka very much but sometimes I just wanna get it over with so we can stop mulling over whether we should play it or not

i am good at jokes May 22, 2012 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 798678)
I don't even like Magicka very much but sometimes I just wanna get it over with so we can stop mulling over whether we should play it or not

Y no pictars?


FatsDomino May 22, 2012 07:01 PM

I'm up for whatever you guys want. I've been doing testing for the Maine meet basement setup all day. Magicka would be fun if everyone wants to get that over and done with. Fair warning: I'll listen in on the skype if we start at 9 pm but can only really talk when my basement clears of people so address me if I'm being a moron I'll be listening but not talking back - unless Magicka has some unknown text function I'm not aware of. Anyway I'm game in an hour if you guys are.

Stop Sign May 22, 2012 07:23 PM

Since's it's Magicka, I'll bail to make it the right number of players - not because I don't like Magicka, but because I'm once again tied up with work because of the EuroPCR meeting that happened over the weekend.

Next week I should be free though!

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2012 10:12 PM




FatsDomino May 22, 2012 10:13 PM

it'll never end






i am good at jokes May 22, 2012 10:15 PM

Well, I've found the weapon of choice.

Yes, the Tron Disc. Simple, elegant, and deadly to all but self.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 22, 2012 10:26 PM

I can't wait to spend 3 hours making a D&D 5e character next week

I wonder if there are any peanut butter mineshafts about

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2012 10:47 PM

I am scared of what kind of character Skills will make when there aren't any robots available

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 22, 2012 11:01 PM

they did what

The unmovable stubborn May 24, 2012 09:37 AM

TURNS OUT: Character generation rules NOT INCLUDED! Hope you suckas like pregens.

Additional Spam:
INCLUDED: The cost of a 10 foot pole and 4 paragraphs on the "Habitat & Society" of rats

FatsDomino May 24, 2012 09:44 AM

I'm terrible and I think I like all of these things! ='D

i am good at jokes May 29, 2012 10:43 AM

Just a heads up for tonight: I've been called in for work at 5, but I've been told it wouldn't be a long job, so I may or may not be back by 9.

Obviously, I'll jump into the thread and on Skype if I get back in time, but don't hold back for me, as it is also possible that I would get here much too late.

The unmovable stubborn May 29, 2012 11:06 AM




Additional Spam:
"don't hold back for me"

you should be so lucky

FatsDomino May 29, 2012 11:30 AM

so are we finishing magicka or...........

The unmovable stubborn May 29, 2012 11:38 AM

Only to the limited extent that frequently-dead wizards will be involved.

Additional Spam:
All the characters are pregens but if everybody wants to be the wizard that's totally fine by me

It's dangerous to Game Night alone, take this.

EDIT: Gonna have to bail tonight, actually. :( Maybe you guys wanna go ahead and finish Magicka after all?

Stop Sign May 29, 2012 12:08 PM

I'll be around for whatever nonsense shows up tonight!

i am good at jokes May 29, 2012 07:51 PM

Looks like I just got back in the nick of time! :-D

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 29, 2012 08:23 PM

But all that is for naught


Stop Sign May 29, 2012 09:12 PM

Well, I probably should get back to work, then. Maybe next week?

FatsDomino May 29, 2012 09:56 PM

oh good job i forgot about this thing - was upgrading the tower i'm bringing to the meet - just finished getting it cleaned and situated only to have it fucking flake out on me

now i have to reinstall god damn everything i did two weeks ago WHAT THE FUCK

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 29, 2012 10:04 PM

I want to think next week, yeah sure.

also acer how did you do that :(

FatsDomino May 29, 2012 10:30 PM

i did nothing

all i did was take out the motherboard so i could put in a new backplane for the new cpu fan, put in the new cpu fan, install a few smaller fans, and reconnect everything

and then the piece of shit says it won't boot off the harddrive - it recognizes the fucker - i disconnect all other devices - only the fucking harddrive should boot - nope it's like fuck man this makes no sense to me try again maaaan - so i'm like fuck this and reinstall the os - it's installed now - computer is up - now all i need to do is reinstall all the drivers, updates, software, and configure wowza AGAIN - and test all the shit AGAIN plus some new things like the cables that came in and also the blu ray drive

FUUUUUUCK - os is installed - i'm doing the rest of this shit tomorrow sometime - so lame - so very very lame - here i am trying to prep like 4 weeks in advance and shit goes south - i am bringing backup harddrives with me to the meet and cloning this stupid harddrive once i've finalized everything with it so in the event of it flaking out again i can restore that shit to a new drive in 40 minutes

The unmovable stubborn May 30, 2012 04:07 AM

I always feel a little guilty when I have to bail on this but it always turns out that Acer exploded or fell into a lake or got eaten by a hyena or something anyways so moot point

PS: Philia I saw how much work you did on the tower, thanks so much, damn

The unmovable stubborn May 30, 2012 04:45 PM

So, again, sorry about last night. I had an appointment to... there was an emergency with... okay honestly I was just really tired okay and the more I read that rules packet the less I ever want to play it.

As for next week, how do we feel about The Ship? I just picked it up off Indie Royale, and I got two free copies to give out. And apparently anyone I give a copy to also gets a free copy so we can keep the chain going and maybe get a larger group in on this. Who knows.

Anyways if you want it speak up provided you pass it on (or just go buy the bundle for $5 whatever)

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 30, 2012 04:50 PM

We could also finish Magicka, so we never have to look at it again.

The unmovable stubborn May 30, 2012 04:52 PM

We could not, and say we did.




Additional Spam:
Also if I have to play Magicka more than once a month I will literally stab one of you. Not sure which one.

Additional Spam:
Probably Acer but only because I have real problems with misdirected anger

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 30, 2012 05:10 PM


once more unto the breach, dear friends, one more.

we shall destroy each other with rocks for the final time!

Philia May 30, 2012 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 798971)
PS: Philia I saw how much work you did on the tower, thanks so much, damn

D'awwwww! No problem man! :D I found a lot of new places to explore by murdering some more of them trees! :D

i am good at jokes May 31, 2012 12:57 AM

I'm up for whatever, as it seems Hero Quest has gone the way of the 5th edition.

The unmovable stubborn May 31, 2012 02:27 AM

I had a system! We'll take turns, I said! And then you picked a thing and then somehow the system broke I don't know what

Additional Spam:
I blame myself for not being more belligerent in my hostility toward Magicka

Additional Spam:
Let's play Heroquest, but, everybody's the wizard and friendly fire is on

Philia May 31, 2012 05:50 AM

Oh yeah, I finally figured out why the fire damage/blast damage restore plugin stopped working. I think...

Acer would need to reinstall those or something. He was talking about his poor pc woes earlier too.

FatsDomino May 31, 2012 08:22 PM

I just took the opportunity of you not being on the server to save it, quit it, and start it up again. The creeperheal plugin you are referring to appears to be working for me.

Also Philia, Pang is referring to the a member picks what game to play for the week turn system thing.

Philia Jun 1, 2012 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by AnnieMoose (Post 799052)
I just took the opportunity of you not being on the server to save it, quit it, and start it up again. The creeperheal plugin you are referring to appears to be working for me.

Also Philia, Pang is referring to the a member picks what game to play for the week turn system thing.

Thanks for restoring the plug in, I can now continue building his tower in ease! I only posted here to make it catch your attention Acer. :)

And uh, what are you talking about? I quoted Pang when he said my name and thanked me for helping him build his tower. Did you derp.

FatsDomino Jun 1, 2012 11:44 AM

Probably and probably. It was really late. Tired etc.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 3, 2012 02:43 PM

So I assume everyone's in meet mode lockdown and get shit down before flyin' on a plane mode?

I know I am, and in fact I have a family dinner to take care of before leaving, and that will be on Tuesday during our time, unfortunately.

So if something happens I'm out for this week.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 3, 2012 02:54 PM

Yeah, I have a few things to get done and I don't know if they'll get done by Tuesday either. If I have time it'll probably be another web games/whatever night, I guess. Maybe try that board game thing Sousuke linked us to. I doubt Acer has any computers available that aren't dedicated to FRENZIED CALCULATIONS anyway.

FatsDomino Jun 3, 2012 07:57 PM

lol frenzied calculations

Well I will kind of be in meet lock down this week. I could possibly do something on Tuesday but it would probably be better time spent on meet prep. That said I'd honestly like to be prepped and ready to go like well before the night of. Like Wednesday max. But yeah ever since my computer blew a gasket for no reason I do still have a few things I need to test out. Also I need to make some clone images just in case that shit happens again.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 4, 2012 05:55 PM

Not that anyone gives a shit about Game Night right now but I just wanted to briefly express my joy that the browser-based virtual tabletop I told you guys about is now in open beta so now we will never ever ever have to use Maptools ever again

Stop Sign Jun 5, 2012 06:09 PM

Sorry guys, I won't be around tonight. Possible new client+work from old clients+suddenly being a manager again= head explode.

i am good at jokes Jun 5, 2012 07:19 PM

Are we doing this thing tonight or not? From reading the recent posts it seems everyone is in lock down mode for meet or otherwise busy. Am I right in assuming this?

I don't have any obligations tonight, but obviously if everyone else is too busy...

The unmovable stubborn Jun 5, 2012 07:25 PM

Yeah, consider Game Night on hiatus until the 19th, I reckon.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 17, 2012 06:45 PM







Additional Spam:


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 17, 2012 07:59 PM

oh god let's just finish and bury magicka

Sousuke Jun 17, 2012 09:08 PM


Oh well. I can just play Magicka BY MY SELF I DON'T NEED YOU GUYS ANYWAY :mad:

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 17, 2012 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 800752)
Additional Spam:


this is a thing i can do

i have done it

i am good at jokes Jun 19, 2012 06:33 PM

So is this thing happening tonight?

Are we going to go see what happens to that guy who isn't even a vampire in the end, so Pang can be at peace forever more?

The unmovable stubborn Jun 19, 2012 06:49 PM

This is happenin' provided Acer isn't too busy swimming in the cash Sprout insisted on pouring over his head

V Hopefully we will be done with Goddamned Magicka by the time you're free, Stop

Stop Sign Jun 19, 2012 07:29 PM

I'm going to have to pass tonight; once again, work's kicking my ass (and likely will keep doing this until July)!

The unmovable stubborn Jun 19, 2012 08:37 PM


Board Game Online

Additional Spam:

FatsDomino Jun 19, 2012 11:17 PM

So I hear tales of Magicka occurring tonight. Were they lies? Or were they LIES?! The tallest of tales I think. Sometimes when a person comes out of the movie theater and texts a man in charge about this and calls another man who is in lieu of certain events to tell other members he expects shit to not end in 5 minutes. Oh well. I HOPE YOU GUYS HAD AS MUCH FUN AS ME WATCHING AN ANIMAL CIRCUS MEETS KALEIDO STAR DISCO NEON UNTZ UNTZ FEVER PALACE RESCUE MISSION BOOGALOO 3. Cuz it was a pretty good time not gonna lie.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 26, 2012 06:10 PM




FatsDomino Jun 26, 2012 06:22 PM

I am going to the movies.


Magicka. Tonight. :cool:

The unmovable stubborn Jun 26, 2012 06:26 PM


The unmovable stubborn Jun 26, 2012 11:13 PM



Additional Spam:
To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.

Additional Spam:
Next week: Moonbase AlphaJOHN MADDEN

i am good at jokes Jun 26, 2012 11:17 PM

I love a game that makes me redo levels as often because I died as it does when it just wants me to start over so badly.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 27, 2012 12:14 AM

I remember this place. This is the place where dwarves knocked down walls on top of dragons. This is the place where Optimus Prime made a kobold head-on-a-stick. This is a good place.

Are the details of dates and times from the front post still true, or have things shifted? I know these things tend to shift around some. And i miss you guys :(

FatsDomino Jun 27, 2012 01:25 AM

GFF Gamenight is 9 PM EST on Tuesday nights.

Uhhh... normal dnd forum games are an entirely different thing.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 27, 2012 10:20 AM

Yeeeeaaaah I tried to make Game Night be about D&D stuff but in practice that doesn't really work since the three hours a week we have to work with doesn't allow for a whole lot of progress in D&D terms (Plus, Acer will cheat like a bastard if not monitored constantly). So when we do tabletop stuff on Game Night it's boardgames or light RPGs (and even then it is a tremendous clusterfuck). Maybe after astronaut time I can negotiate us away from computer games (which were my idea what the hell).

Everybody's welcome regardless and Moonbase Alpha is free to play, so. By all means come and AEIOU with us.

BUT the play-by-post stuff is also coming back real soon? And by soon I mean I'm a try to get signups going tonight I hope I hope

Scent of a Grundle Jun 29, 2012 04:24 AM

Acer: i meant GFF as a whole, not just Game Night. Also - GFF DnD was never normal.

Pang: i'll have to see if i can make it, this tuesday i'll probably be on the road at 9 EST, but i'll definitely try to make it at some point. Will take a closer look at the new play by post thing when it isn't 3am. We'll see if i can join in properly (being that my play style tended to lack creativity, it's really similar to zerg's (minus the trying to help others munchkin constantly))

FatsDomino Jul 3, 2012 06:26 PM

So are we going to the moon tonight?

The unmovable stubborn Jul 3, 2012 06:40 PM


Additional Spam:

Additional Spam:
what the hell you are all traitors to moon law

the beacon god will punish you

Additional Spam:
except for acer since he has an arm

arms ain't nothin' to fuck with

FatsDomino Jul 3, 2012 09:54 PM





The unmovable stubborn Jul 3, 2012 09:57 PM


PS: We're Returning To The Moon this Friday if anybody wants to join us for the encore but was disinclined to download a shitty 1GB game on a moment's notice

so, not holding my breath on that, but

i am good at jokes Jul 5, 2012 08:34 PM

God damn I missed my chance to go to the moon. Completely forgot about moonland fun times bonanza in my planning for the river trip.

I'm actually at my folks place in NB right now and we're packing up to leave at 5AM tomorrow.

Sorry guys. :(

The unmovable stubborn Jul 6, 2012 09:16 PM



The unmovable stubborn Jul 7, 2012 11:15 PM





Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 7, 2012 11:27 PM




Additional Spam:
Alien Swarm on Steam

Here, this is Tuesday's thing.

Also free, also completely retarded.

FatsDomino Jul 7, 2012 11:32 PM

tonight i got trolled

so very hard

so hard it fucked up my recording

i then got trolled by my computer

my face when i have no face

just about as angry as can be

the recording of the greatest troll to ever troll on gff game night is pretty much unwatchable

i am sad :(

Scent of a Grundle Jul 8, 2012 04:31 PM

Meanwhile, in robotland:

"how have they not connected any of those things yet? What are those flying thi- oh. ooooooooooohhhhhh."

i am good at jokes Jul 10, 2012 12:35 PM

I don't know if the game is supposed to be on tonight or not, but I'll most likely not be able to make it, I've got a dinner that was originally supposed to be a brunch or some such tonight.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 10, 2012 07:18 PM

tell them you can't

priority one is aliens

they be swarmin'

The unmovable stubborn Jul 10, 2012 08:05 PM


FatsDomino Jul 10, 2012 11:22 PM

Term is credit to team! From stream viewer to hero. What a bro!

The unmovable stubborn Jul 10, 2012 11:30 PM

I like how Rychord was sooooo busy tonight but not too busy to watch the stream. YEAH WHAT UP WITH THAT

Yeah so, next week we'll finish up Alien Swarm, dunno if Term's coming back for that or what, hopefully so but god knows we'll never manage it without a fourth player of some kind. That shouldn't take more than half an hour (we very nearly made it tonight) so after that we'll be doing some more Pomme. E'erbody likes Pomme. On their bodies.

i am good at jokes Jul 11, 2012 10:32 AM

Yeah, sorry about that, but I got home at 10:15PM and saw an email from Justintv so I decided to tune in. I hadn't downloaded the 2.5GB game yet, so that would have taken too long for me to hop in on time.

Zerg Rush 2.0 actually looked like quite a bit of fun, I'm kinda sad I only got to spectate.

Scent of a Grundle Jul 15, 2012 03:01 PM

i've downloaded the game, but i might be a little late to the party - i'll hopefully be done work at 8:30 on Tuesday. That's assuming Alien Swarm doesn't have a leveling system wherein i will be profoundly underleveled and unhelpful.

i am good at jokes Jul 17, 2012 05:32 PM

So who's the space team that's tackling the zerg rush tonight?

I'm asking because I've (finally) downloaded the game, but it seems we are too numerous who want in (Pang, Skills, Acer, Term(?), Hawk, meself).

Obviously, since Term was the fourth last week, he should have priority to step back in if he wants in. I'm also willing to let Hawkeye take precedence over me if he's available, since I'm usually in just about every game we play with a player limit.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 17, 2012 06:06 PM

We only need to finish the game, which is one more stage. After that we'll get in on apples to apples the gif bullshit like we did several weeks ago and lol at that.

Acer might also be late, of course, so there's that

The unmovable stubborn Jul 17, 2012 06:09 PM

Yeah the goal is basically to get through this as quick as possible and then move on to the Pomme, so ideally we can get Term and his lovely medical gun that shoots life at you. Failing that, whoever we can get hold of first. If you can just fill all your item slots with medkits that would be super.

Sorry to anybody that downloaded the game and then gets left in the lurch, though at least it's free (I think we talked Stop Sign into buying Magicka and then never actually played it with him).

In buying-terrible-games news, Sanctum is $2.49 on Steam for the next 8 hours. It uses the same text-to-speech engine as Moonbase Alpha but has actual levels and gameplay and such. I don't think I need to say anything else. Not playing it next week, I think (we are long overdue a return to the virtual tabletop and I have a malicious plan), but maybe the week after.

Sousuke Jul 17, 2012 09:16 PM

Wait, did I miss Pomme? Is there still Pomme happening? :O

The unmovable stubborn Jul 17, 2012 09:30 PM

Pomme is starting NOW, get on ins. Pomme

Additional Spam:

i am good at jokes Jul 18, 2012 12:34 AM





Sousuke Jul 18, 2012 12:37 AM


Scent of a Grundle Jul 18, 2012 01:11 AM

Topdecking dog gifs, for the win.

Also, bought Sanctum. Then realized i won't be around on the tuesday in question. *facepalm* :(

The unmovable stubborn Jul 18, 2012 01:18 AM

There's no way we'd be getting through Sanctum in one night anyway.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 21, 2012 12:31 PM

TUESDAY: Pathfinder. Yup.

But what is Pathfinder, Pang?

Pathfinder is what happens when a 3rd-party adventure writing team decides they don't like 4th Edition, and thinks they can do better. And by "better", I mean they decide to copy edition 3.5, slap a couple errata stickers on it, and sell it.

Pregens WILL be provided since character generation in 3.5 or any of its derivatives takes the better part of a day and that's with the (shitty, third-party) chargen software.

We won't be using Maptool. There's a free web-based virtual table at roll20.net with all sorts of neat features Maptool could never manage since it's a pile of java garbage. I'm fairly sure you don't even need to sign up and I can just link you to the campaign URL. Guess we'll find out.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 24, 2012 07:53 PM

All right, so Roll20 seems to be working okay so far as I can tell, we'll see how it holds up with actual players instead of me dicking around with the jukebox.

IN THEORY, this link should bring you to the right game: https://app.roll20.net/join/23137/eSRaYA

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 24, 2012 11:51 PM


We are so fucked

The unmovable stubborn Jul 24, 2012 11:54 PM


You are all the worst people

trip report: pathfinder even worse than anticipated, somehow

Additional Spam:
I should mention one more thing for posterity. Hawkeye is incinerated because Skills' greedy ass sets off a massively overpowered fire trap. His ashes are scooped up and dumped into a magic fountain (which Rychord had previously pissed in). With the addition of a toy dragon and a charge from a wand of magic missile, Hawkeye was eventually resurrected as a piss-drenched cripple.

Also, Skills straight-up refusing to use his healing spells to save Hawkeye's life

FatsDomino Jul 25, 2012 12:12 AM

I'd like to note how awesome a meatshield I was until we ran into a god damn dragon who did not give two shits about AC. 0 damage the entire game until instant death by dragon fire. I need to consider recording our games in a higher resolution. I got some good footage but you can't read any of the text. Ah well.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 25, 2012 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by This guy is a cunt (Post 803346)
0 damage the entire game until instant death by dragon fire..

That was a magical moment.

"So, uh, roll your reflex save, and—"

"What about my armor?"

"Your reflex save, which is, let's see—"

"I have this armor though."

"Ooh, you needed a 14, that's not—"


"Yeah, you both melted instantly."


i am good at jokes Jul 25, 2012 12:40 AM

And so they started off on their cave adventure, looking for a monster of sorts.

The FIGHTER: A man of tin and.... tin.

The CLERIC: A dark being, who weaved in and out of existence, apparently. Also with only one eye and a living hat.

The WIZARD: A man who once had a run in with a fountain most vile, and was reconstituted, minus one VERY VERY important member. Also a cyclops.


The ummm... ELF


Oh, yes, the ELF: A master of disguise, becoming all one color, and knifey, pointy things.

For a long time, they dinkered many opponents:

But it was all for naught, as the CLERIC had other plans, namely using the FIGHTER's corpse:

To cause the Ultimate Dinker for the Ages:

And so was the path they found.

Scent of a Grundle Jul 25, 2012 03:30 AM

I appreciated Pang's decision to arbitrarily resurrect my wizard, since our healer had shown no interest in doing so when he was so thoroughly incinerated, and i otherwise would have been left to watch, and we might have never discovered the secret of the obelisk.

Also - MSPaint, the multiplayer experience!

The unmovable stubborn Jul 25, 2012 04:06 AM

Somebody decided it was a cool and mysterious touch to have a MYSTERIOUS OBELISK that said "water" next to some water.

Somebody got paid for that.

Additional Spam:
And, for what it's worth, looked it up: black dragons are intended as an 8th-level enemy

what the fuck

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 29, 2012 12:30 AM

Sanctum on Tuesday, right?

Or Shazbot?

The unmovable stubborn Jul 29, 2012 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Captain's Cocoa (Post 803440)
Sanctum on Tuesday, right?

Or Shazbot?

Wellll if I can actually get Tribes downloaded in 2 days then I guess we can put off Sanctum 'til later

I am always in favor of games that'll support more than four players when we can swing it

i am good at jokes Jul 30, 2012 06:40 AM

Hey guys, just a little heads up to say that I will be going back home today until the 19 of August, and so I won't be able to join in for any Windows only gaming. I'll be spending time with family and friends, so So don't feel bad about playing whatever you want to!

If it so happens that you decide to play something that is mac friendly, I probably will be able to find the time to join in, except for tomorrow, when I'll most likely be too busy catching up with everyone back home. In any case, I'm pretty sure what you have lined up already is Win only anyway.

Have fun guys!

FatsDomino Jul 31, 2012 06:09 PM

so are we doing sanctum or shazbot tonight?

The unmovable stubborn Jul 31, 2012 06:22 PM

Well, Garr seems down for Tribes and since neither Rychord nor I can make it tonight I would recommend you go with that, since Sanctum is a tremendous pain in the ass with exactly two players.

Or, you know, whatever, make your own decisions gee golly gosh

FatsDomino Jul 31, 2012 06:55 PM

can you not make it because you can't download tribes in time or other reasons? cuz i mean it's not like we can't do tribes next week or something if that's the case. i think you said you already had sanctum and i don't mind buying and downloading it if that's the case

Sousuke Jul 31, 2012 10:54 PM


FatsDomino Jul 31, 2012 10:55 PM


i like how i had no idea what i was doing

Sousuke Jul 31, 2012 11:03 PM


i am good at jokes Jul 31, 2012 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie, you're out of your element (Post 803546)

Holy crap, we totally wrecked the other team pretty hardcore there. We won every match we played while we were going.

So what you're saying is that it's a good thing I wasn't there.


The unmovable stubborn Aug 1, 2012 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by This guy is a cunt (Post 803530)
can you not make it because you can't download tribes in time or other reasons?

Naw, I was just falling asleep. We can definitely do Tribes again later though anyway since it seems like you guys had a blast.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 5, 2012 08:48 AM

What's this week, ladies?

The unmovable stubborn Aug 5, 2012 09:34 AM

Because I'm stubbornly enforcing my muleheaded idea of alternating vidya and tabletop (and because Rychord can't swing Windows games for a while) this week is


which should be really, really quick so we should have time for



Seriously AC should take like 20 minutes tops assuming we don't get derailed by ahaahahahahahahaaaaa

Neither of these games require any visual apparatus as such but we may as well do it on Roll20 for the music and doodling opportunities. Provide your soundtrack suggestions, if you like.

A fifth player for Fiasco would be cool but not strictly necessary.

Scent of a Grundle Aug 5, 2012 04:42 PM

i'm around again, but i'll be at work until 9pm mountain time, so i don't know if you guys will still be busy when i get back. Just don't count on me being around any sooner than that.

FatsDomino Aug 6, 2012 01:16 AM

Just a heads up that I might not make it this week.

i am good at jokes Aug 6, 2012 09:05 AM

I might not be able to make it either, as I'm leaving for my own folks home tomorrow. (I've been at my GF's folks house since last Tuesday.)

I'm not sure at who's gonna be at my parents' house, if the house isn't too crowded I might be able to make it, as I am on Atlantic time here, and 10PM is a bit late for my parents if they are working the next day.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 7, 2012 01:01 PM

Yeah I might be shit out of luck too.

If we're three down, do you just want to defer until next week? We can then move Shazbot II: Electric Shazaloo to the 21st.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 7, 2012 02:27 PM

Well, shit.



FatsDomino Aug 7, 2012 07:40 PM

lol as a strange turn of events I am actually around tonight after all

but if you guys are peace'd out then that's cool

gff nap slash doing other things night amiright

Additional Spam:
The answer is no.

FatsDomino Aug 14, 2012 02:19 PM

Heads up: I probably won't be able to do tonight either. I know. I know. I'm terrible.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 14, 2012 06:06 PM

you are

But I'm not.

It's go time for whatever fuck yeah

i am good at jokes Aug 14, 2012 06:54 PM

Ready and waiting.

Let's fuck this castle up!

The unmovable stubborn Aug 14, 2012 07:15 PM

Arright, well, if we can get at least 4 total people somehow we can still go ahead with Lite RPG Nite

Otherwise I guess fallback to Sanctum which is acceptable with only 3

Wait Rychord is still on Mac-only mode right?

FFFFFF tonight's plan: flailing, throwing things


Originally Posted by A terrible person
I know. I know. I'm terrible.


FatsDomino Aug 14, 2012 07:59 PM



i am good at jokes Aug 14, 2012 08:02 PM

Yeah, I'm still at my folks' home, eating jujubes.

Mmmm... jujubes.

Edit: Looks like Acer, Skills and maybe Garr are in.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 14, 2012 08:05 PM


Additional Spam:
Roll20 link: https://app.roll20.net/join/28904/o_Uj_g

Ballpark Frank Aug 14, 2012 09:53 PM

I'm here?

i am good at jokes Aug 14, 2012 10:29 PM


The unmovable stubborn Aug 14, 2012 10:49 PM

That actually went better than I expected, funny thing is

And Action Castle was hilarious




Fuckin' 30+ possible Fiasco playsets, these guys pick out DRAGONS and latch onto it like a lamprey

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 14, 2012 11:01 PM

wait can we shatterhand the guard

YouTube Video

The unmovable stubborn Aug 14, 2012 11:03 PM


You know there's an Action Castle 2, right

Gonna be cash

PS Frank you're welcome to join us for whatever in the future

FatsDomino Aug 15, 2012 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Donnie, you're out of your element (Post 803959)
ghostbuster gaga

Yeah it seems a couple people remixed that. The one we were listening to was by this guy:
Ghostbusters VS. Lady Gaga by Ian Clarke 6 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

The unmovable stubborn Aug 15, 2012 04:51 AM

So remember how I was gonna study the Fiasco rulebook and figure out what the fuck we were doing wrong?


I found the answer

Sarag Aug 15, 2012 09:22 PM

It was kind of hilarious listening to you dorklords. Can anybody just join in?

The unmovable stubborn Aug 15, 2012 11:09 PM

If I let Skills play I don't know why I would bar anybody else

FatsDomino Aug 16, 2012 01:02 AM

Yeah, feel free to join in with us, lurks. Just join our skype session and follow the link in the thread to the game.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 18, 2012 11:15 PM

So what's this week? Finish Fiasco and then SHAZBOT II?

The unmovable stubborn Aug 19, 2012 01:59 AM

Honestly I think we fucked Fiasco up to the point where it's not really possible to finish. It's my fault.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 19, 2012 09:28 AM

Bububububububuuuuu.....I have some outstanding dick exchanges that haven't been finalized yet. :(

Real real though, in how many ways did we fuck it up? How is it supposed to go down?

Although I can't complain about a full night of Shazbot.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 19, 2012 10:41 AM

Well, first thing is, everybody is supposed to have a relationship with (exactly) two other people.

At a physical table, the two people would always be your neighbors. Obviously over Skype that's a little trickier. In theory our relationship chain should look like this:

Pang <-> Hawkeye <-> Rychord <-> Garr <-> Skills <-> Acer <->

But in practice it was kind of a jumbled mess. This is my fault, because you're supposed to sort out all the relationships before you even address locations/needs/stuff and I didn't do that at all. Each relationship was supposed to have at least one Detail, which we also didn't do (although I did kind of try to nudge in that direction). So in practice nobody really knew their place in the game or what the fuck they were supposed to be accomplishing. Plus, the locations and objects were also supposed to be tied to relationships, so we'd have an idea who the trophy was supposed to belong to in the first place.

Second thing we boned is the dice.

I directed you guys to pick your own dice after a scene ends, which is only supposed to happen if you Resolve. On top of that, you're supposed to pass the die to somebody else after you get it. The numbers on them don't really matter at this stage, only the color. (You keep the dice in Act 2, but clearly we never really got to Act 2.) The color of the dice matter because you add up your dice at endgame and it influences precisely how screwed over your character is when the credits roll.

Third: I defy any of you to summarize the plot of the story we were making.

I think part is this is down to the playset we used, the fantasy stuff kind of encouraged you guys to be even more dumb and slapsticky than normal. When Needs were addressed it was generally only for the duration of a single scene, whereas in principle Needs should be a thing you work up to over the course of at least the first Act if not the whole game. Nobody really seemed to be working toward anything long-term. Again, I could have done more to rein some of this in, I'm not blaming anybody but myself.

It might be worth revisiting at some point, but definitely with a more... down-to-earth setting. The game-in-progress is boned. There's no narrative arc there at all.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 19, 2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 804052)
Third: I defy any of you to summarize the plot of the story we were making.

Acer and I, not-so-secret lovers, were conspiring to put the trophy atop the mantle. We needed it. With our powers of flight we accomplished this, but Acer died in the interim.

My attempts at appeasing my neighbours by trading them dicks was only half successful, as no amount of dicks would satiate them.

I was about to flee with my trophy, acer ghost in tow, before I had a change of heart. It was quite sudden and unfortunate. Like the Grinch there.


Scent of a Grundle Aug 21, 2012 03:13 PM

I'll be playing TF2 on my friend's stream (it's a weekly event, but we tend to have a hard time getting many people (so if you want to help with that, the info should be on the info page of the stream)) when game night time rolls around, so someone just gimme a poke and i'll hop in. Is there any tutorial shazbot stuff i should do first, or should i just hop right in and learn things the hard way?

FatsDomino Aug 21, 2012 03:41 PM

Can you ski shitty and shoot while playing capture the flag? Yes?! Then you'll fit right in!

The unmovable stubborn Aug 21, 2012 05:38 PM

Might jump in on that TF2 for a bit. It's a bit of a hard sell for Game Night proper, unfortunately (oh god MVM with randoms is the most frustrating shit in the world).

i am good at jokes Aug 21, 2012 07:52 PM

I won't be able to make it tonight, my GF's mother is here and we will be entertaining her for the evening. Sorry guys!

The unmovable stubborn Aug 21, 2012 08:14 PM

400MB patch HA HA HA HA

The unmovable stubborn Aug 23, 2012 10:07 PM

I assume everything went down ok (if someone uneventfully, given the lack of posts). Sorry I never showed up, it was like 10:45 by the time I was patched (why the fuck can't it use Steam's patch system what the hell) and at that point it seemed kind of silly to jump in.

Anyways, we're back to dork games next week, which means The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen (a competitive storytelling game), and then, time permitting, Everyone is John.

Bring your aristocratic air and your broadest and most offensive European accent.

FatsDomino Aug 24, 2012 06:32 AM

Skills joined in pretty late but we all had a pretty SHAZ BOT time and by SHAZ BOT I mean good. We didn't annihilate like last time - the opposite team had some good players and some players with no scruples that would join our team and sabotage shit. So when we won it was a pretty big thing.

Scent of a Grundle Aug 28, 2012 02:26 PM

Tonight'll be another night when i probably won't be around on time, but i'll be here eventually. Second last night of work!

i am good at jokes Aug 28, 2012 03:36 PM

Once again, I won't be able to make it tonight. A combination of my GF's sister getting out of the hospital today and coming to live with us for a while and early work tomorrow are to blame.

Why does everything always happen on Tuesdays for me lately? :(

The unmovable stubborn Aug 28, 2012 08:02 PM

Clickity. Still setting up so trickle in at your leisure.

Additional Spam:
Trip report:

Deni is a bacon expert

Hawk is a masterful pugilist

Acer can hit water so hard it gets scared and flows backward

FatsDomino Aug 28, 2012 10:37 PM

But John will never have a tail. :(

The unmovable stubborn Aug 28, 2012 10:46 PM

If only John had tried to reason with the doctor instead of strangling him. He was a man of science! He would understand!








i am good at jokes Sep 3, 2012 12:43 PM

Though my nutsack is so far still in acceptable shape, there are other forces at work that will prevent me from taking part for the next 2 weeks at least. Namely, I've been called in to work both days, and I can't afford to not go.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 4, 2012 04:20 PM

Unfortunately I'll not be able to make it tonight either, as a consequence of my shitty internet being even-more-shitty-than-usual. I've put in the usual official complaints but you know how these things go. Maybe we can reschedule later in the week once I've got this sorted or, if you'd like, go ahead without me. I've set up Fiasco in the usual place (https://app.roll20.net/join/34000/yQhjDQ).

(Here's the rulebook, if you think that would help.)

I've promoted both Skills and Acer to GM status for the time being, so shit will actually work. The jukebox has, as promised, been stocked with all manner of ghostbusting.

(Yes, I know you're all highly unlikely to play tabletop games without me around to drag you through it kicking and screaming but the tools are there if you'd like them.)

FatsDomino Sep 4, 2012 06:29 PM

In my opinion it would be best to wait for the GM to be able to GM again. I do appreciate the offer but I believe I am too simple-minded to run Fiasco or an actual for serious D&D anything properly. It would all be jello castles and clouds made of marshmallow and then you have a DDR contest versus an eel and the die rolls would pretty much be meaningless to me because I give not a shit about numbers unless I feel absolutely creative for a 1 or 6 roll. Oh, you got a 3? I guess you hit him. Oh, maybe not? Wait, the guy got distracted by his thumb which he is sucking on like a toddler. Reroll that shit. Yeah, he's dead now. Good job. You murdered Infant Man the king of all babies. You get like a diaper full of gold nuggets and a ham sandwich.

I do like that your jukebox is prepared even if your Internet is not.

I believe we should either all take a chillax night OR do something like SHAZ BOT.

Sousuke Sep 4, 2012 07:32 PM

furious red team clicking noises

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 4, 2012 08:26 PM

Sat around totally ready to fuck up fiasco like a boss for 15 minutes, no one showed, despite announcing in chat. I imagine it would have ended in absolute fucking disaster so it's probably for the best worst best.

Sworder treachery is a thing too!

The unmovable stubborn Sep 5, 2012 02:43 AM

Well, the important thing is you tried and failed.

The lesson is: never try.

Scent of a Grundle Sep 6, 2012 11:14 AM

And I ran around like a chicken with my head chopped off. I'd forgotten how much chaos first week of being back at school is (which is really too bad because i wanted to show off my slowly-improving-but-still-pretty-underwhelming Shazbot skills).

The unmovable stubborn Sep 10, 2012 05:07 PM

Tomorrow: same plan as last week! Provided Verizon doesn't fuck with me again just because they can.

Next week: Apparently Gotham City Impostors has gone F2P and is also, reportedly, kind of shit, so that's an idea.

i am good at jokes Sep 10, 2012 10:32 PM

Whatever the plan is, I can be in after all as the job has been canceled for tomorrow.

FatsDomino Sep 11, 2012 07:35 PM

No lie. I am kinda sleepy.

i am good at jokes Sep 11, 2012 07:55 PM

Basically, you'll have to fight it off 'til the end of the evening. For the greater good.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 11, 2012 07:58 PM

The usual place, for those of you who are awake.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 11, 2012 11:11 PM



Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 11, 2012 11:12 PM

only the choiciest of beefs will prevail

FatsDomino Sep 11, 2012 11:14 PM

warnings from ex-pimps lead to the destruction of the earth

planet garr is a lovely red topping

The unmovable stubborn Sep 11, 2012 11:15 PM

Zoom out.

It's Mo0.

Fade to black.

i am good at jokes Sep 11, 2012 11:21 PM

Basically, it's all that amputee porn that made the difference.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 12, 2012 05:10 PM

ok so

Next week is sort of the release date of borderjerks 2: border harder

I am thinking like half of us are going to be on that yeah. Do we bail on next week?

The unmovable stubborn Sep 12, 2012 05:57 PM

Yeah the release of an amazing co-op game is an excellent reason to skip game night

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 12, 2012 06:25 PM

Half of us are on xbox chief. There might even be some triple users in there.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 12, 2012 06:41 PM

Embarrassingly poor platform decisions do tend to cripple the co-op aspect of things, yes.

Not like I'm not going to take a month off to play XCOM though so who am I to talk

FatsDomino Sep 12, 2012 08:27 PM

You know it's strange. You'd think that third parties wouldn't give a fuck about PS3 and 360 players playing each other or with each other if that were at all possible. Do they have to sign a contract against doing this or are the APIs and network shit really that different that they don't bother? I mean I GET PC versus consoles not being done since it's simply not fair to console players but PS3 and 360 should be about even in terms of controls.

Also I still haven't finished Borderlands so you can count me out I guess. Also I always considered Borderlands to be mostly played on PCs what with those steam multi-game packs being so enticing among other things.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 12, 2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by This guy is a cunt (Post 804501)
Do they have to sign a contract against doing this or are the APIs and network shit really that different that they don't bother?

Well, if it's like the original BL then multiplayer requires some guy to host the game. If you're hosting on your xbox and a ps3 player joins, then you're using Microsoft hardware to enable a Sony customer's gameplay. So yeah, that's probably a contractual no-no.

FatsDomino Sep 13, 2012 07:07 AM

Oh that's right the only third party assholes in town that host their own servers for this shit anymore is activision right? My mistake - I can see how a console allowing another console would be bad juju.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 13, 2012 07:21 AM

Acti has deds for some PC versions of COD, but console deds are few and far between no matter what. BF3 and Gears of War 3 are the most obvious of these right now.

Neither of which are Activision.

Basically Garr is right. I'll likely double dip on borderjerks. With luck, people will have less hoops to jump through than last time.

FatsDomino Sep 13, 2012 05:15 PM

Basically I know nothing because I refuse to buy most Activision games for myself. I only figured the premium whatever accounts you pay Activision for would include playing on dedicated servers but what would I know. I'm just making assumptions.

FatsDomino Sep 13, 2012 08:43 PM

Yeah, I heard about that one and I kind of was implying that game when I said PC and console cross platform wasn't far because that game illustrates it. PC gamers wiped the floor with 360 players in that Shadowrun game.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 13, 2012 08:44 PM

Basically it boiled down to the PC players being weighed down with all sorts of handicaps Harrison Bergeron style while the 360 players got aiming assistance and all the other padded sumo suit shit that's typical of FPS on consoles.

And then the PC players still took a giant shit on them. So the online community didn't last too long on that one, nope.

FatsDomino Sep 18, 2012 03:04 PM

So can I assume that no game night tonight because of Borderlands 2? Would be good to get this cleared up.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 18, 2012 09:06 PM

Aw, geez, sorry, should have said something, but yeah nothing tonight both because of Borderlands and because of some other stuff. Y'know, stuff. :(

Sorry if anybody was sitting around drawing dicks and wondering what was going on.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 22, 2012 05:29 PM

So what are we thinking about for Tuesday? I'm thinking about The Hidden: Source. Anybody object to that?

(Yes you need to own Half-Life 2 but seriously, if you don't own that by now, what the fuck.)

map car man words telling me to do things Sep 22, 2012 05:50 PM

I have an extra copy to hand out if someone doesn't have it.

i am good at jokes Sep 22, 2012 10:30 PM

I have not Half-life two. Shame will be had by me apparently.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 22, 2012 11:12 PM

I have to actually bail out on this one.

I have a CSC Certification test on Wednesday and there's that whole study like fuck thing I gotta do.

Will be back with a vengence for the week after though.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 25, 2012 06:08 AM

Ok apparently The Hidden actually needs the Source SDK 2006 (which is free and a hell of a lot smaller) rather than HL2. It's under Tools in your game library.

Assuming, as always, that anyone actually shows up.

FatsDomino Sep 25, 2012 12:36 PM

So I'm spectating a game right now. And I'm the cameras. Looks like a team of hidden monsters versus a squad of boom boom bang bang. Not quite sure if I get the appeal. Are the players the hidden monsters or are those done by AI?

i am good at jokes Sep 25, 2012 12:36 PM

I will have to sit this one out, as a minor action because I don't have HL2, and my standard action is elaborated in my journal, and best summarized by this smiley. :skills:

I'm working on it.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 25, 2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by This guy is a cunt (Post 804936)
Not quite sure if I get the appeal. Are the players the hidden monsters or are those done by AI?

Both sides should be players AFAIK. Normally there's just one Hidden. Perhaps I have overestimated the appeal of walljumping invisible stabby mans.

Well, Skills is out, Rychord's out, Acer is making skeptical noises. Worst comes to worst we can just do Pretend You're Xyzzy, I guess.

FatsDomino Sep 25, 2012 01:16 PM

Okay whoever kills the hidden monster gets to be the hidden. Found that out when I accidentally killed one. Interesting game. So will we be joining a server or is one of us supposed to host one?

The unmovable stubborn Sep 25, 2012 08:10 PM

Guess we'll just all jump on an empty public server, don't think a few pubbies will harm much of anything. I'll give this 15 or 20 minutes and we don't don't gather many GFFers then we'll just switch to Cards.

If you have the game installed you should be able to just jump in and join me from your friends list I think??

FatsDomino Sep 26, 2012 01:11 AM



The unmovable stubborn Sep 26, 2012 01:13 AM

The chiziest of queefs.

Almost certainly going to do this again next week, hopefully with a server of our own so we don't have to tolerate MLGPRO Hidden players stroking their epeens.

No better way to end a session than "WHO WANTS TO DIE FIRST" (gets a faceful of Garr's buckshot)

i am good at jokes Sep 26, 2012 01:15 AM

In other news, I just discovered that Garr is a pretty impressive FPS player. Hats off to you buddy!



The unmovable stubborn Sep 26, 2012 01:16 AM




FatsDomino Sep 26, 2012 01:19 AM


i am good at jokes Sep 26, 2012 01:21 AM

Yeah, this is an RP server, we're on a quest to find the golden box right now, okay thanks


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 804981)



And then Acer guns him down. Beautiful.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 26, 2012 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rychord (Post 804984)
Yeah, this is an RP server, where on a quest to find the golden box right now, okay thanks


FatsDomino Sep 26, 2012 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 804985)

if i was drinking milk it would be coming out my nose right now

FatsDomino Sep 26, 2012 11:40 AM

garr is a monster


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 1, 2012 05:08 PM


got my cert

so what's on the docket for tomorrow, boss?

The unmovable stubborn Oct 1, 2012 05:22 PM


It's a game all about being a huge dick to people who are scared of you so we were pretty much all agreed that we weren't done with it until you had a go at it. Plus I have the most obnoxiously gimmicky plan.

Acer is the server stuff fairly straightforward, have you had any time to dick around with that?

PS the video I was telling you guys about last week

YouTube Video

FatsDomino Oct 1, 2012 06:30 PM

Holy shit the Joker one with surprise guest Mickey Mouse was amazing as well.

YouTube Video

But naw I haven't really looked into setting up a server. If it's the same group as last time I guess that would be like maybe 5 people max which isn't a bad group. Plus if we left it open then I guess it might work well enough.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 2, 2012 08:04 PM


FatsDomino Oct 3, 2012 12:09 AM

Pleasant dreams, Skills~

i am good at jokes Oct 3, 2012 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by This guy is a cunt (Post 805551)
Pleasant dreams, Skills~


The unmovable stubborn Oct 3, 2012 12:19 AM


Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

Additional Spam:
Seriously though once I figured out crouchjumping playing the Hidden went from sort of frustrating to amazing.

Anybody wanna suggest something for next week? This is obviously a game we can keep exploiting for a while but 3 weeks in a row seems sort of iffy. Any old idea. Throw it out there.

Scent of a Grundle Oct 3, 2012 01:51 PM

Remember that time some of us bought Sanctum and then never played it? Might be an option. Hard to say if i'll be able to make it, though, as soon i will probably have to work Tuesday nights :(

I was in the process of downloading and installing the Hidden, but it was taking too long, so i hopped into a minecraft speed build contest my friend was running instead. We were handed the theme "bridges" and given 25 minutes and that was it.

[EDIT] holy cow those pictures were bigger than i thought sorry anyone with slow internet

This is the bridge that won:

Naturally, this is what i built:

I came in a solid second, though, and i'm happy with how it turned out. Best part was how confused everyone else was until they figured it out.

Scent of a Grundle Oct 3, 2012 10:07 PM

well you can count on me not being around until a fair bit later, because i just got the word that i'll be starting working tuesday nights as of next week. I might show up late, but the possibility of me playing the full time is pretty much gone (although let be honest, i haven't been very good about remembering to show up for the last month)

The unmovable stubborn Oct 3, 2012 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hawkeye (Post 805600)
(although let be honest, i haven't been very good about remembering to show up for the last month)

Don't sweat it, Stop Sign told us he would be too busy "until July" and we haven't seen him since.

Stop Sign Oct 4, 2012 12:24 AM

Sorry, I really should have said something. I'm still working crazy hours on Tuesday, and this may be indefinite :(

The unmovable stubborn Oct 7, 2012 12:43 PM

Well, no other suggestions are coming forward and I haven't really had time to prepare anything Roll20-wise so Sanctum it is. Unfortunately that caps out at 4 players sooooo apologies to the irregulars :(

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 7, 2012 10:47 PM

Oh shit

I got that installed already so no fashionably late installs here.

Oh this one should be excellent.

Although to be honest The Hidden was some of the best vidya we've done yet so it'll be hard to top that.

i am good at jokes Oct 8, 2012 09:00 PM

I got a call to go in for work tomorrow at 6PM, but (as usual) I haven't gotten confirmation yet. I already have Sanctum installed, so depending on how long the job takes (if I'm even working), it's not impossible that I can get in on the tail end of the thing.

That is, if you guys don't already have a full party by then.

i am good at jokes Oct 9, 2012 06:17 PM

I'm not working tonight, so I'm in!

The unmovable stubborn Oct 9, 2012 08:06 PM


The unmovable stubborn Oct 9, 2012 11:17 PM

Next week: Terraria! I know plenty of you motherfuckers have this.

Also even though Sanctum was originally my idea it was Hawkeye who suggested it for this week so I'm gonna blame him for all our frustrations.

PS there's a (provisional) schedule for future weeks in the OP now but I keep making the mistake of asking you people for your opinions so who knows :shrug:

i am good at jokes Oct 9, 2012 11:19 PM


Scent of a Grundle Oct 10, 2012 11:09 PM

I'll take being blamed for frustrations. It's sort of like participating. Except instead of playing games i'm wrapping cables and pushing squeaky sound carts around.

i am good at jokes Oct 16, 2012 04:46 PM

Just a heads up that I won't be coming in tonight. I've been fighting a cold for the last few days and I really need to rest up good as I feel pretty shitty right now.

Sorry for the inconvenience guys.

FatsDomino Oct 16, 2012 04:54 PM

I'm debating whether or not I'll be coming tonight as well. I have some work that I might want to catch up on and tonight could be good for that. Not sure though. How is everyone else feeling?

The unmovable stubborn Oct 16, 2012 06:16 PM

Well I figured Terraria might draw in a few more folks but nobody's said boo and Terraria with 2 people seems a little ehhhh.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 17, 2012 12:18 AM

Well Ry we'll probably try Terraria again next week since Acer's amazing house of cards kept falling over and eventually we just bailed for some incompetentastic TF2 action.

If Terraria still explodes everything when we try again next week, more Hidden!

Mann vs Machine was fun but I don't think anybody else plays often enough to justify the cost of Mann Up tickets and without the promise of loots it gets a bit grindy. But it's there as a fallback I guess since Acer can pull down 10GB in about 90 seconds.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 17, 2012 12:33 AM

I still kept you ducking in and out of that water for like three minutes before you realized my weapons could not harm you :(

You don't lose a ticket until you win a mission. If you do all six missions from a given campaign you win a fancy-ass silver or diamond gun. So you're out six bucks for the tickets and the weapon might not even be for a class you play. There's also a tiny chance for premium robot hats I guess. Not really worth the cash unless you're a tremendous hat baron with 200 cosmetics and 11 dupe accounts and like six different trading sites bookmarked like me so you can flip that shit for a profit.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 21, 2012 11:57 PM

Since my memory is utter shit, what's this week's shenanigans again?

i am good at jokes Oct 22, 2012 01:02 PM

Just dropping in to say that I have company and as such am not sure that I will be able to join in tomorrow, as my desktop is in the guest room and they usually go to bed much earlier than our session ends. I'm downloading TF2 on my laptop right now, however, and will see about getting The Hidden. That doesn't look too promising though, as even though I can get the Source SDK 2006, I can't see the mod being compatible with OSX.

As for Terraria, I can run the legit version with a game wrapper but the multiplayer is supposedly wonky at best. I'll try and see if there is a version of the wrapper that makes it more reliable.

In any case, do what you will. I'll try and be present and ready for whatever you guys choose and if it so happens that it doesn't work on my end I'll just join the stream and heckle you from a distance for a change.

FatsDomino Oct 22, 2012 01:49 PM

Guess I'll just have to boobytrap your castle some more. These jokers convinced me to do it while I waited for TF2 to download and install last time.

i am good at jokes Oct 22, 2012 07:26 PM

I just went in there to work on the battlements and I got a face full of gravel. :tubular:

Now I'm all paranoid to keep going. :tpg:

Additional Spam: Aaaaaand Team Fortress 2 hangs at Steam validation. After spending the evening doing everything short of reinstalling it (10GB download again no thank you) Imma say fuck it. Enjoy your silly hats.

Spam, egg, spam, and spam: Okay, so the company that is over are gone until late enough in the evening that in the end I will plausibly be able to play tonight, at least for the first part of the evening. I've bought and installed Terraria and am downloading TF2 on my other machine. Since it's in Windows I hopefully won't get the same problem I got yesterday on my laptop with the verification.

FatsDomino Oct 24, 2012 01:40 AM

I liked how on Rychord's server we could outdig the water.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 24, 2012 01:44 AM


Next week, Fiasco: Camp Death! And, depending on turnout, Action Castle: Spooky Mansion.

FatsDomino Oct 24, 2012 01:50 AM


The unmovable stubborn Oct 24, 2012 01:53 AM


The unmovable stubborn Oct 30, 2012 08:17 PM


Additional Spam:
In retrospect, sticking to the Camp Death playset would have involved fewer assbots.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 30, 2012 10:52 PM

I dunno about you, but I'd count it as a success if we managed to not only burn a house down, but also make love to a bowl of mac and cheese in an ass laboratory.

FatsDomino Oct 31, 2012 12:24 AM

Now that's what I call kraft dinner!

i am good at jokes Oct 31, 2012 01:06 AM

I'm starting to get worried about the ratio of games that end in a normal fashion to the number of games that end in life or universe ending events.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 31, 2012 07:56 PM

Theoretically we could have kept going, but goddamn once the assbot was introduced I really could not keep my composure for more than a minute

Additional Spam:
I think next RPG night has to be Paranoia, where your natural impulse to fuck each other over and ruin everything can work for you instead of against you

FatsDomino Oct 31, 2012 09:35 PM

I like how it only took four turns to break you. Kill a player and stuff him in a freezer? Okay. Lock the murderer in the freezer for revenge? Sure. Attempt to knock out that guy with a raging boner? No problem. Metallic spider anal servant bot springs forth from the corpse in the freezer? Nope! Laughing in tears for eternity.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 4, 2012 05:18 PM

I fucking second this forever and ever.

Let's decide on how we're gonna run it. I'm fine with Zandronum, which I've never used before. Does anyone else have a preference?

The unmovable stubborn Nov 4, 2012 07:14 PM

Yeah, let's rip and tear some guts. Garr's the dude who knows what's up here so let's just go with Zandronum so he has an easier time telling us what we're fucking up.

i am good at jokes Nov 5, 2012 01:44 PM

Well, I've got it running on my laptop after some tinkering. I haven't had a chance to try the online play so it's anybody's guess if that will work. (because Mac, you know)

I downloaded the original doom wad from Softpedia since it was available, will that suffice for our purposes?

The unmovable stubborn Nov 6, 2012 05:41 PM

>Download Final Doom just to have it ready
>Download Zandronum just to have it ready
>Install Zandronum just to have it ready
>Start it up "just to make sure it works okay"
>Play entirety of Knee-Deep In The Dead

This game

i am good at jokes Nov 6, 2012 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 806376)
>Download Final Doom just to have it ready
>Download Zandronum just to have it ready
>Install Zandronum just to have it ready
>Start it up "just to make sure it works okay"
>Play entirety of Knee-Deep In The Dead

This game

Looool I did the exact same thing. Except for installing Final Doom. Do I need the Final Doom WAD for this?

Animechanic Nov 6, 2012 08:43 PM

It appears that my meeting tonight is cancelled, so I can participate again. If I am following this correctly, I need the following:

-Ultimate Doom (assumimg that's what we decide to start with)
-Brutal Doom mod


i am good at jokes Nov 6, 2012 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie, you're out of your element (Post 806381)
Final Doom actually consists of two WAD files being that they are two separate level pack deals, but that's not really the point. The point is we gotta decide on what Doom game we're gonna play. Since I'm guessing not everyone has played Doom, I suggest Ultimate Doom and work our way through the episodes there.

It looks like whatever softpedia is giving out is the shareware version (in a Flash format!) and I'm pretty sure it won't work with the Brutal Doom mod. Let me put that to the test though.

Well, this is what I got. It's allowing me to play all four episodes, if that helps. It contains a wad file which is just named doom.wad.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 6, 2012 08:57 PM


i am good at jokes Nov 7, 2012 12:34 AM

Brown demons in the red are hard times.

FatsDomino Nov 7, 2012 12:41 AM

pinky is my best friend :)

The unmovable stubborn Nov 7, 2012 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Rychord (Post 806388)
Brown demons in the red are hard times.

Especially when they throw those round hot things at that area on the front of your head.

i am good at jokes Nov 7, 2012 01:33 AM

It's like you read the thing directly behind that spot on my head that the demons expose with their round red things.

FatsDomino Nov 7, 2012 02:09 AM

sometimes pinky will tear at me with his gaping jaws and i will not see him because he is invisible and then i will see him and i will say hi :)

Animechanic Nov 7, 2012 12:55 PM

Another video to further illustrate what was going on last night.

YouTube Video

i am good at jokes Nov 7, 2012 01:14 PM

If that video is meant to illustrate what Garr was doing last night, then yeah, masterful execution of all kinds of beasties was what was going on.

For the rest of us, there is a major lack of profanity, KICKS, JUMP KICKS, AWKWARDLY EXECUTED JUMP KICKS, wasting of bullets, deaths at the hands of the weakest of creatures, confusion as to where we are/are going, infighting, and JURN CLURN VURN DURM JURMP KURCKS.

Single Elbow Nov 7, 2012 09:26 PM

Shit, I missed it. Oh well.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 7, 2012 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie, you're out of your element (Post 806408)
So I heard something about potentially doing this again next week and finishing up the fourth episode of Ultimate Doom using Brutal Doom. After that, what's on the agenda?

Yeah, let's go ahead and finish up Doom.

My first impulse after that is for everybody else to get DOTA keys so we can be the worst team ever and do all the things wrong and provoke infinite rage. But I don't know if anybody else is down for that. Alternately TF2 added a balls-hard MVM map with the Halloween update so we can humiliate ourselves that way instead. Or Hidden, whatever, still want to play these custom Mario maps I found.

Or SWAT 4 you jerks

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 7, 2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie, you're out of your element (Post 806408)
So I heard something about potentially doing this again next week and finishing up the fourth episode of Ultimate Doom using Brutal Doom. After that, what's on the agenda?

Also Final Doom.

Also Do_it.wad with only jump kicks

The unmovable stubborn Nov 12, 2012 06:21 PM

Just a heads up, I'm almost certainly not going to be able to Rip and Tear tomorrow since I have to get up at a ridiculous hour on Wednesday morning. Jumpkick forever in my memory~

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 12, 2012 06:39 PM

Also if we're suggesting F2P hilarity I also suggest MechWarrior Online.

Be aware that game has like a zillion patches to download though if you try to catch up so start a day early.

i am good at jokes Nov 14, 2012 01:05 AM

Tonight: Skills and barrels of green goo are not things you want to see in direct succession.

Especially if your name is Acer.

i am good at jokes Nov 14, 2012 09:26 PM

Speaking for myself I can say that it doesn't bother me in the least and I'm quite frankly rather impressed at how much of the details you know about the game.

It's all in good fun anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

FatsDomino Nov 14, 2012 10:08 PM

Garr, I didn't find that at all. I think it was all the funnier when we then found the yellow key. It's all good. You don't come off as an asshole about doom. Keep being awesome.

Also lol I got waaaay too butt frustrated about stupid things last night - they were either skills related or me being bad at videogames related. I had a lot of fun and I'd totally be down for it again next week.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 14, 2012 10:16 PM

Not in the least, don't worry about it. I ask you questions about it because it's some impressive shit.

Also we really need to see if there's a green barrel spawning mod or command line option. ALL OF THE ACER DEATHS

i am good at jokes Nov 15, 2012 01:54 AM

Yeah, there really should be a big button somewhere that reads "JUMP KICKING BARRELS ARENA DEATHMATCH MODE".

The unmovable stubborn Nov 15, 2012 03:28 PM

I don't have a problem with anybody sperging out about a game they love, I certainly did my share of it when we tried some TF2.

I'm fine for more Doom next week. No idea what TNT is so I have to download some extra shit let me know.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 17, 2012 05:30 PM

Speaking of barrel trolling we need to do a night or two of Worms Armageddon sometime. Unfortunately it's in that inconvenient grey area where the developers straight-up refuse to sell it on Steam so I don't know who else would jump through the hoops for that.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Nov 18, 2012 02:33 PM

Is it Worms Armageddon or Worms World Party that has the Concrete Donkey?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 18, 2012 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 806633)
Speaking of barrel trolling we need to do a night or two of Worms Armageddon sometime. Unfortunately it's in that inconvenient grey area where the developers straight-up refuse to sell it on Steam so I don't know who else would jump through the hoops for that.

So I went looking.

Is there legit no place to buy this digitally? I looked and there's only a halfassed version and what the fuck.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 18, 2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fluffykitten McSnugglepuss (Post 806648)
Is it Worms Armageddon or Worms World Party that has the Concrete Donkey?

Pretty sure all the 2D installments since Worms 2 have had the Donkey. Certainly they randomly remove every other feature in the game but the Donkey at least can be relied upon.


Originally Posted by Hail to the Queef (Post 806653)
Is there legit no place to buy this digitally?

None. For a little while there you could get it as a preorder bonus if you bought a copy of Worms Revolution, but then you'd have a copy of Worms Revolution. Now it's still in the Steam store but not actually purchasable which is really the most dickish thing. They literally have people on staff patching a 13-year-old game that they refuse to sell.

THE POWER OF WATER Nov 20, 2012 10:35 PM

Indie game developers will never stop impressing me. Thanks for demoing the most physically realistic drowning-in-your-blood simulator to date. :)

The unmovable stubborn Nov 21, 2012 08:41 AM

On one hand it would be kind of cool to round out NovemBFG, but on the other hand, yeah, I've spent a little too much time getting locked in rooms I never had the key to get inside in the first place.

There was some talk of giving Orient Express another spin; I'm certainly down and it would be relatively easy for me to set up.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 22, 2012 09:34 PM

Free to play madness?

Fucking not sure if any of you played the Planetside 2 beta, but I sure didn't!

WE CAN ALL LEARN IT TOGETHER. It's on steam. It's also 10 gigs, so Pang you better start downloading tonight or else we won't see you until April.


Mechwarrior Online!

MWO: Index

Technical robot laser bullshit! Also free to play! Has several patches! Only like 2 or 3 gigs total though. Open beta! Expect to get eaten alive. Awesome fun though.

Also there's SHAZBOT we could always play again. I fucking LOVE Shazbot.

Also Star Trek Online. PHASERS. Haven't played that since Closed Beta with Garr like a zillion years ago. NO IDEA IF THIS SUCKS OR WHAT.

There's also Frozen Synapse, which is a strategery gaem. It's NOT free, but it is cheap on Steam until the 27th. 12 bucks gets TWO copies, and we could play each game against each person SIMULTANEOUSLY, since there's a play by email feature and we could all have games going on against each other person AT THE SAME TIME

it would be like speed chess but with assault rifles and exploded tron bits.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 24, 2012 10:02 PM

Oh yeah. Not useful for the next two nights, but after that.

YouTube Video

This goes open beta on the 12th.

Fucking Hawken.

We're getting at least one night of this in. F2P as well.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 26, 2012 02:12 AM

Planetside sounds good. Already set up the train stuff but that can wait for a rainy day, so to speak.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 26, 2012 07:20 PM

Planetside is like a billion gigs, you got that shit ready to rock, Pang?

Animechanic Nov 27, 2012 02:46 AM

Actually we have to settle on a faction and a server.

Connery is the biggest west US server and I think Helios is the smallest. On the east side Mattherson is definitely the biggest and I assume Jaeger is the smallest since it was the most recent to open.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 28, 2012 01:16 AM

Three hours spent fighting a war that, as it happens, had been won before we got there.

Scent of a Grundle Nov 28, 2012 02:17 PM

i have that game. and no class on tuesday! this may be awesome.

though i've found that MWO requires A LOT of grinding before you get do do anything interesting like customize mechs. i was going to wait until i could get a decent mech, but eventually i just ran out of patience and bought a crappy little Commando that i'm no good with whatsoever.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 29, 2012 06:33 PM

That or it needs a lending system where I can start a group and let you use the platforms I've already purchased and are just sitting in the bay.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 29, 2012 06:36 PM

Gonna work my way up to SOMETHING in the next week even if it's a shithouse Jenner. Took me forever just to adjust to the whole "you're not necessarily walking the same direction you're facing" thing. Fuckin' with all my FPS instincts. PLUS MY MISSILES GO IN ASS-RANDOM DIRECTIONS SO THAT'S COOL

Animechanic Nov 29, 2012 11:41 PM

You can purchase mechs and equpment with C-bills. Might take a while to earn a useful amount though. Using the trial mechs you can earn C-bills without repair costs, but you can't customize them.

Once you have your own mech you should stick to energy weapons (no ammo cost) and avoid pricy gear like XL engines if you don't want to get hit with huge repair bills.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 29, 2012 11:57 PM

After 10 or so matches I have almost half the amount needed to buy the shittiest possible mech, at which point I will run around in circles like a mechanical asshole racking up target-spotter credits and never shooting anybody

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 1, 2012 11:19 PM

Be aware that Jenners are most definitely not shithouse.

For that matter without knowing what you're actually doing, the best of the three lights probably IS the jenner.

The armoured one. The one with the 6 energy hardpoints, is probably your best bet for a starter light.

Alternatively save up for a hunchback, which is a very friendly and easy to learn platform.

Commandos are not terrible either. Try to stay away from Ravens and Cicadas until you know what you're doing or you'll feel like you wasted some time/effort/CBills.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 4, 2012 09:09 PM


PS: there's a new patch, so go ahead and grab that while we wait for stragglers

The unmovable stubborn Dec 5, 2012 01:07 AM

Iliev feel very brave, he leave the house, it sunny outside, his friends are with. He go to enemy base, he feel very nice, nobody home. But it trick, all the enemy hide stealthy behind big building, surprise Iliev very much. Sad day.

Iliev go home very depress and look for vodka bottle, but he remember doctor takes the vodka bottle away from Iliev. Sad day.

Additional Spam:

So, next week? I'm down for more Planetside, or Skills has also suggested Star Trek Online, but I'm going to need a status check on that RE: dance emotes

i am good at jokes Dec 5, 2012 01:12 AM

Dem Caterflax came up over dem mountains, I swear they tried to took hour base, we put a stop to that, tell you hwut, with hour hurnchburks and chicardas. Jennifer was there too, she helped us all proper like.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 5, 2012 08:20 AM

Even though I sat a few hour for group size issues I had a fucking blast. Not sure what everyone else thinks of this game though.

i am good at jokes Dec 5, 2012 12:32 PM

I for one really liked this game. The only down side is obviously the group size issue, but beyond that it was really fun to play, and not as impossible to understand as I first thought it might be by looking at the five million key bindings.

I'd be up for playing it again anytime, now that I've got my commando :cool:.

FatsDomino Dec 5, 2012 02:49 PM

As fun as it was to fight alongside Hawkeye and Rychord for most of the night it kind of sucked that we had to split the group up due to shitty multiplayer design. Also it was kind of lame how ineffective anything I ever did was due to using trial mechs and barely knowing what I was doing. Besides listening to you guys and watching a few interesting things happen during the game it was a rather meh night for me. I'll give the game another go if that's what you all want but I don't think I'll be ever playing MWO on my own.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 5, 2012 07:30 PM

The multiplayer party system is done like that for a very good reason. MWO is a competitive game and it's split like that to prevent groups of 8 from stomping PUGs and pubbies.

It's not ideal, but trust me. It's better than it was in closed beta. I still have a fucking blast with you guys, and I only sat out a few rounds to make sure everyone fit. This was no biggy for me. I am sorry we didn't get to rock more though Acer. :(

Since Hawken is the week AFTER next, what is next week?

The unmovable stubborn Dec 5, 2012 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 806998)
Even though I sat a few hour for group size issues I had a fucking blast. Not sure what everyone else thinks of this game though.

Honestly, if it weren't for the group size issue I'd look at MWO as another Hidden that I'd be happy to go back to anytime. I'm definitely going to keep playing on my own and I'm definitely down if a couple of you want to do some pick-up games whenever. Being able to slap dumb improvements on the Mech means getting stomped isn't nearly as frustrating as it would be and I think I'm finally adjusting to the non-traditional FPS controls (and probably fucking myself up royally for my next TF2 session, but so it goes).

But for Game Night, splitting up into separate groups and playing separate games seems to defeat the purpose. We might as well just all go split into pairs and play Saints' Row co-op or something. It might be something to go back to if manage to get 8 people again, but that's hardly likely anytime soon. Let's try to stick to games that can actually manage the complex problem of SEVEN PEOPLE?!?! HOW DO

Additional Spam:
Planetside, Star Trek, Murder Trains, whatever?

Animechanic Dec 5, 2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 806989)
Skills has also suggested Star Trek Online, but I'm going to need a status check on that RE: dance emotes

I remember playing long ago in beta, and even back then every starbase looked like a warehouse rave, so you're probably set in that regard. This was when about half of the randomly generated away missions would have objectives that were impossible to complete. Priorities!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 5, 2012 08:27 PM

Trek is probably a massive pain in the ass to get re-set up, so let's break from vidya for a bit and Murder Trains?

Scent of a Grundle Dec 5, 2012 09:29 PM

I personally loved MWO, but that's partly because i hadn't played it with friends before last night. My Cicada just won't get to be as awesome as i want it to be for a long while yet, so i was really kind of unhelpful, but it was still fun to blast things with you guys. I'd certainly use it as a "welp, only a few of us left who want to do things tonight, now what?" kind of game.

as for next week, i'd be up for Planetside, since i've been playing a fair bit of that lately. Game can be pretty frustrating at times when your faction is short-staffed and you're fighting losing battles all the time, but other than that it's great fun. We should figure out which faction we're all joining on which server, so that we have one less thing to figure out. Or murder trains, whatever they are.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 5, 2012 09:39 PM

Oh shit I forgot a lot of you weren't really regulars last time we played Orient Express. Let me explain.

It's sort of like Clue, but on a train, and you actually have to gather information and interrogate witnesses and use deductive logic. And you have to solve the murder before the train reaches its destination and all the suspects escape into Bulgaria. The players themselves are detectives and not suspects but there's still a competitive aspect and you can use tokens to threaten witnesses into not talking to the other detectives, get into brawls with the other detectives and steal information from them, throw them into closets, all that.

The absurdity comes in when the victim was killed by a bomb and it turns out the train is carrying at least 4 explosives experts with possible motive.

FatsDomino Dec 5, 2012 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 807021)
The multiplayer party system is done like that for a very good reason. MWO is a competitive game and it's split like that to prevent groups of 8 from stomping PUGs and pubbies.

I guess I don't get the appeal of competitive pro gaming. I don't see why they can't just have a setting for competitive where it's either 1,2,3,4, or 8 and a more casual setting for large groups of 5,6, or 7 with pubbies filling the gap. I guess I don't understand where the problem lies for those magical three numbers. What happens when they up the ante to 12 like you mentioned last night? Are they going to make 8,9,10,11 magically difficult numbers as well and force you to bring 12 comrades (including yourself) or tell you to go home and be a family man?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 6, 2012 06:43 PM

By the time 12 people are implemented they will likely have the community warfare system in place, or at least the start of it, so this stop gap measure that was released to prevent one sided games will be scrapped.

It's a similar thing to how there are tiers in SC and the like. It's a community balancing thing.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 7, 2012 01:21 AM

Oh that's fine then, actual skill-level balancing is a huge improvement on MORE THAN 4 OF YOU? GET OUT OF HERE CLANSTACKERS

Of course Skills will throw off our average massively and we'll get stomped anyway BUT STILL

The unmovable stubborn Dec 11, 2012 08:59 PM

C'mon N' Ride It (The Train)

The unmovable stubborn Dec 12, 2012 12:49 AM

Next time on the Orient Express: giving every single detective a different case to solve, since fuck it I'm apparently doing that anyway

Next week: http://www.playhawken.com/

FatsDomino Dec 12, 2012 12:52 AM

What's that? :ms:

Fortune Teller: If revenge was the motive, both the Baroness and Heiress are innocent.
Gambler: The motive could not have been money.
Cook: The victim told me that he always used codes in which letters are shifted up the alphabet based on a series of five numbers. For example, if the number series he used were 2-4-6-8-10, the word KILLS would be written in code as MMRTC This is because M is 2 letters past K and also 4 letters past 1_ R is 6 Setters past L; T is 8 letters past L; and C is 10 letters past S, if you go back to the start of the alphabet after passing Z. I don't know what number series he really used, though.
Waiter: The Actress and Entrepreneur together can eliminate one motive.
Entrepreneur: If either the Count or Gambler is guilty, the motive is insanity or revenge.
Count: If the Actress is guilty, the motive was not revenge.
Baroness: If the Heiress is guilty, the motive was not revenge.
Chief: The victim, Curt Haus, was found in the library, where he had scrawled some kind of coded message just before dying. The Cook knows something about codes and ciphers.
Conductor: Only three of the suspects have a first or last name with exactly five letters in it: Actress Marta Harry, Baroness Lavinia Carii, and Count Alexi Vukovic. However, it is possible that the victim died before finishing a message that was to be longer than five letters.
The Actress: If the Fortuneteller is guilty, the motive was not espionage.
Doctor: The victim was stabbed, but managed to write the letters ICUVD on a book cover before dying—even though he must have died within a minute of being stabbed. The murder took place between 5:15 and 7:45.
Valet: The victim was still alive at 6:15
Porter: The killer was a woman, and she acted alone.
Heiress: If the motive was espionage or revenge, the killer was a woman.

The Victim: The victim wrote all his personal papers and even his correspondence in a simple code based on the number series 1-2-3-4-5. The motive could not have been blackmail or jealousy
The Actress: If the Actress is guilty, the motive was neither insanity or jealousy.
The Heiress: If the Heiress is guilty, the motive was neither espionage nor money.

Drawing room: The Fortuneteller was in the drawing room from 4 o'clock until 6; the Baroness was there from 6 until 8
Kitchen: The murder weapon, a knife, was taken from the kitchen; this rules out the Baroness.
Dining Room: The Count, Diplomat, Fortuneteller, and Heiress were in the dining room from 6 o'clock until 8.
Smoking Lounge: The message ICUVD, found scrawled on a book beside the body, was an attempt by the victim to name his killer.



it was espionage




The unmovable stubborn Dec 12, 2012 01:00 AM








i am good at jokes Dec 12, 2012 11:38 AM

You forgot the most obvious -

Austria: Schwarzenegger accent YAHUR

The unmovable stubborn Dec 12, 2012 12:18 PM

Honestly it all devolved into Pan-European garbledeharble after a bit.

Except for Acer, who was only a few innuendos away from becoming The World's Campiest Living Being.

FatsDomino Dec 12, 2012 09:00 PM

Yeah, you could say that again~


Animechanic Dec 14, 2012 06:38 PM

We may have a problem.

Apparently Hawken does not actually have a group function at this time. I have no idea if it will be patched in by Tuesday or not.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 14, 2012 06:53 PM

Considering I've sat in multiple 15+ minute matchmaking queues only to not find a game yet I won't be exactly heartbroken if we have to change plans

Animechanic Dec 14, 2012 07:27 PM

Wow, really? What game modes were you trying to connect to? Team Deathmatch always seems to have players, as I have never had to wait more than a few seconds.

Single Elbow Dec 14, 2012 07:47 PM

Missile Control (similar to UT2K4's Onslaught mode) should be a blast with the group but you'll all be scattered and shit since there's no party function available.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 15, 2012 08:38 PM

If you wanna rotate it out, that's cool too.

We can always jump back in later, since it's ballin' as fuck

Not had the issues Pang has though, regarding MM

i am good at jokes Dec 15, 2012 10:03 PM

Pang, I don't know if you're familiar with Runebound, but I bought some card decks since my brother bought the base game. He told me the game extension card decks were going out of print, and we want to play over Christmas break.

I've not actually played it yet but from what he described, it's a pretty neat class/party-based RP game that might be cool to try at some point. Also, there is room for shenanigans between players, so that would be neat as well.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 16, 2012 03:59 AM

Well, November was pretty much Garr Month and December has been pretty Skillscentric so if you wanna call shots for January that's fine by me. Looking at Runebound I don't know how well it'll work for Roll20 (assuming that's what you're suggesting) but I'll see what I can dig up.

As far as Hawken matchmaking goes, I tried it again tonight and found a match within 5 seconds, so :shrug:

After playing a few matches, I'm liking this a lot better than Mechwarrior. Actual ingame play-skill seems to matter more than sperging over your precise coolant efficiency or collective team strategy. It's actually possible to disengage from a fight without getting 1000 missiles rammed up your ass. And you can repair.

Shooting people with bullets is worthwhile! Jumpjets accomplish something other than falling down and breaking your legs! So much good.

i am good at jokes Dec 17, 2012 01:24 PM

I've found Runebound in gamebox format for the ZunTsu platform, though I've not yet tried that interface, so it's anybody's guess how user friendly it is. The manual is just ten pages, which shouldn't be too much of a fuss to grasp.

Also, the ztb file is basically a zip archive so renaming it allows for viewing of the image contents, in case we want to transfer to another interface (I'm willing to do this if told what needs to be done).

I've not found any of the variants and extensions yet, but I'm sure the base game could be nice to play for a first go round. That is if there is any interest, of course.

FatsDomino Dec 18, 2012 12:23 PM

I down for whatever. I installed Hawken and updated it but I've yet to play it. So yeah... it's up to you guys what we do tonight.

i am good at jokes Dec 18, 2012 05:13 PM

Are we still doing Hawken even if we can't actually all be in a game together reliably?

I'm asking because I haven't downloaded it yet and won't go through the trouble if we're doing something else.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 18, 2012 06:17 PM

Mechwarrior in separate games wasn't perfect but it wasn't a miserable experience, and nobody has proposed a Hawken alternative and it's getting sort of last-minute, so I assume we're doing Hawken and I'd go ahead and grab it if I were you.

Additional Spam:
I keep running into the same dudes game after game anyway so I think that the player pool is small enough we'll run into each other fairly often regardless.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 18, 2012 06:47 PM

If Rychord hasn't downloaded it yet, there's always that gif apples to apples game, too.

i am good at jokes Dec 18, 2012 07:32 PM

Nah, I'm downloading it right now, and apparently it'll only take 45 minutes. I was just checking to confirm if it needed to be done or not.

Unless there are many large patches beyond the initial 2GB then I'll be fine to jump in with you guys from the get go.

Additional Spam:
Although Apples to Apples is pure awesome, and we should definitely do it again some time. Hopefully they've updated their wacky image database.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 19, 2012 01:29 AM


Additional Spam:
^Pb | moon3715 (Linux): Thou art the bravest of my knights.
^Pb | moon3715 (Linux): Prylord ranking laziest.

Additional Spam:

i am good at jokes Dec 19, 2012 01:34 AM




The unmovable stubborn Dec 19, 2012 01:43 AM


Additional Spam:
Seriously, you guys that bailed early missed out on some goofy. ass. shit.

Additional Spam:
I believe Acer can fly. In fact, I believe he can touch the sky. I think about it, I guess, every night and day... about how he could just spread his wings and just sort of fly away.

I believe he can soar. He just needs to keep on running through that open door.

Additional Spam:
Visit scenic Safety Island, homicide free for 352 1 day(s)! Off route 58, 1 mile south of the Trash Garage.

i am good at jokes Dec 19, 2012 02:29 AM


The unmovable stubborn Dec 19, 2012 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rychord (Post 807690)

I detect you, nuclear launch. Shakin' that ass.

Additional Spam:
Welcome to the hotel peanut butter
Such a lovely treat
It's so good to eat
Plenty of room at the hotel peanut butter
Any kind of bread
For your sandwich spread!

The unmovable stubborn Dec 20, 2012 05:22 PM




i am good at jokes Dec 20, 2012 06:07 PM

That interface looks like a strategy gamer's paradise, to be honest. There are a ton of games themselves available on the site itself, for christsakes. We're covered for a few years there if we want to.

I just hope the interface isn't full of "why can't I see the yellow button"s.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 20, 2012 11:16 PM

looks awesome, i'll have to download it sometime when i'm not running around doing stuff. Also - i love Formula D(e) - which they have. car racing! and dice! what more could you want?

Taco Dec 24, 2012 11:06 AM

we have a forum?

ATTN: Chivalry is on sale for the next 24-ish hours on Steam for 50% off (for a total of $12.50). It's a first person medieval combat game that has all sorts of potential for hilarious shenanigans.

This gives a pretty good idea of what to expect:
YouTube Video

FatsDomino Dec 24, 2012 08:10 PM

Simultaneous jumpkicky deaths

Victor: a single imp

The unmovable stubborn Dec 26, 2012 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest. (Post 807875)
I heard someone say three weeks, please correct me if I'm wrong) so this deal is sort of an unofficial Game Night. Still, anyone who wishes to attend is welcome to do so.

Yeah, I was saying there would be three weeks until the next Game Night, not three weeks of skipped Game Nights. We're still on for the 8th AFAIK.

Played a couple rounds of Hawken tonight with no crashes so maybe the Christmas patch fixed their shit. Hopefully we can get back on that sooner rather than later.

PS Garr I was going to get you Hotline Miami in exchange for your serious gift of seriousness but I saw that you already have it but only played it for like five minutes. Shit seems like it should definitely be up your ally so give it another try, I implore you.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 27, 2012 11:48 PM

Best first time participating ever.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 28, 2012 11:56 AM

Rychord just gave me a copy of Witcher 2 in exchange for a copy of DOTA2 that I don't even remember why I had it and that I certainly didn't actually pay for, so, you know, he's excellent.

Why do game night folks keep giving me singleplayer games you are tearing me apart

FatsDomino Dec 28, 2012 03:38 PM

Holy crap, I really need to learn how to stop streaming. At least I got story time with Deni. That was fun. But yeah I need to not do this until 5 AM. It is dumb.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 28, 2012 07:59 PM

I can't get over how awesome jump kicks were with friendly fire.

i am good at jokes Dec 28, 2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by i report u for swearing around (Post 808107)
Rychord just gave me a copy of Witcher 2 in exchange for a copy of DOTA2 that I don't even remember why I had it and that I certainly didn't actually pay for, so, you know, he's excellent.

Why do game night folks keep giving me singleplayer games you are tearing me apart

It's because we know that the person who is most likely to outwit Pang is Pang himself.

So basically, for purposes of torture.

i am good at jokes Jan 7, 2013 02:18 PM

About Runebound, I had a chance to play 3 or 4 games over the holidays (some with variants), and it is entirely possible for it to work within one game night session.

The setup/rules explanation is really not too big of a deal, just getting a grasp on combat, which is simple enough yet not so much so that the results are telegraphed, and learning about attributes, challenge, and shopping, basically. Think Hero Quest in terms of simplicity, with maybe a slight bit of complexity added the first go round. The game is also pretty much idiot proof, except for a few situations which we may have to house rule. My brother's GF and another one of my brothers, both without any real RPG experience were both able to join in just fine and follow the action.

We just need to make sure we adjust experience requirements for leveling so that the game doesn't take too long to get interesting. As an example, the first game we played (4 players) took about 5 hours with lots of breaks for drinks and such. On the other hand, the last game we played (again 4 players) lasted 8 hours, and we didn't even complete the end phase. This is precisely because we didn't adjust leveling properly owing to the two rather complex variants we added, which multiplied the difficulty and hence made it very difficult to survive even mid level challenges.

Since we are playing the base game, with proper leveling it shouldn't last more than 3 or 4 hours though, and I'll make sure we set the leveling to match up with the time frame and the number of players.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 8, 2013 03:18 PM

Just to remind everybody after the long break, we're back in business tonight at the usual time. I can't think of a better way to start a new year of Game Night than to clumsily bumble through a game we don't understand via an application we've never used before.

(Is there any chance to squeeze the game down to 3 hours? Cuz, y'know.)

i am good at jokes Jan 8, 2013 03:41 PM

Even though the game rules say 2 to 4 hours with suggested experience curve, I say we knock it down, as I can tell from experience that it doesn't apply when everyone is new.

Experience really is the key factor in determining length, so I say we settle for levels starting at 1 XP for the first few (the exact number of levels depending on how many people show up), 2 XP for the next few (ditto), and then 3 XP thereafter. That should make it largely possible to have a winner within 3 hours.

Additional Spam:
We can also add runes to the board to make it go even faster, especially if 4 or more of us show up.

Scent of a Grundle Jan 8, 2013 04:35 PM

Since i'm back at school and working tonight, i might show up late, assuming i make it back in time for showing up to be worth it. Took a poke around ZunTzu though, and it looks amazing. once you get used to the controls, it seems like it could be really smooth and a solid game night platform for whatever we feel like doing.

Disappointed by the fact that the Formula De link didn't work to the point that i actually signed up for the forums there and asked if anyone would fix it. Which i never do. So yeah. Excited. :eagletear:

The unmovable stubborn Jan 8, 2013 04:45 PM

Yeah the file curating on their site is terrible and totally dependent on users uploading shit to random places and passing the links on. So if anyone sees a game they'd like to try sometime and the link still works, I'd advise grabbing it now because it might not be available tomorrow.

I understand why they don't want to be directly responsible for hosting a full copy of, say, Chaos In The Old World, but damn, the number of dead links on the file page is disgusting.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 8, 2013 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest. (Post 808187)
Because I'm pretty sure I've bugged the crap out of you guys about it for the last couple of months and in case you're looking to get it legitimately, the Doom franchise is one of the major deals for today and tomorrow over at Steam. We rock the super old school games, and the Doom Classic Collection is on sale right now for $3.74. That includes Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom and Master Levels for Doom 2. You can also get them individually for $1.24 a piece but it looks like you absolutely have to pick up the collection proper if you want Master Levels.

I'm also pretty sure a great deal of you guys have this already, considering what we played the majority of November, but for those that do not, now is a good time to pick it up.

If you're desperate to give ID money, you can get the Doom 3 BFG edition (Includes Doom 1 and 2) for Xbox 360 for under a tenner pretty much everywhere online now too.

FatsDomino Jan 8, 2013 07:40 PM

You guys have a grand time. I won't be making it tonight.

Whatever you guys end up playing please make an NPC a garden gnome and tell me the results. <3~

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 8, 2013 07:44 PM

wait what are we playing

I thought we were playing chivalry

shit what do I have to download

Scent of a Grundle Jan 8, 2013 07:54 PM

turns out i don't have work this evening, so i'll be back in a bit after taking a look at a friend's computer

i am good at jokes Jan 8, 2013 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 808534)
wait what are we playing

I thought we were playing chivalry

shit what do I have to download

We're playing Runebound, and there are three things you need, all in my post here.

Pang always lists the coming events in the first post of the thread, just so you know. :cmb:

FatsDomino Jan 9, 2013 01:00 AM

I am so handswim.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 9, 2013 01:12 AM

I'm so hungry :(

i am good at jokes Jan 9, 2013 01:23 AM

Jokes, you know? I am good at them.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 9, 2013 01:33 AM

Ok so um for the benefit of.... well Skills, I guess, let me just reiterate that we're going to try to finish this business next week. Hopefully now that we (mostly) know what the fuck we're doing we can play a little more aggressively.

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 11, 2013 12:10 AM

I saved the gamestate as I saw it the next morning before turning the thing off. Hope that's ok.

Also I'll host again, but what are we doing w/r/t players. I can sit out if Acer wants my guy (and promises to kill Rychord)

The unmovable stubborn Jan 11, 2013 12:50 AM

Well, nobody was really close to winning, so I figured we could just give Acer his own dude and then give him whatever the average number of gained levels is.

i am good at jokes Jan 11, 2013 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 808612)
I saved the gamestate as I saw it the next morning before turning the thing off. Hope that's ok.

Also I'll host again, but what are we doing w/r/t players. I can sit out if Acer wants my guy (and promises to kill Rychord)

Keep beating your head against that rock son. Surely it'll turn to pudding to exalt you soon.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 12, 2013 10:48 PM

I can promise you'll run out of stameena before I do

Scent of a Grundle Jan 15, 2013 11:35 AM

I will be working tonight, so i may late, depending on how things go. If i end up not showing up, you guys can always continue without me.

Also, Skills, how did you know i got Persona 4 for Christmas?

The unmovable stubborn Jan 15, 2013 02:21 PM

Might be a little late myself tonight (and, okay, every Tuesday night until May) but it seems we hardly ever get started before 9:30 these days anyway so I doubt it'll hurt anything.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 16, 2013 01:05 AM


Next week: Chivalry! Join us for dudekicking and decapitations.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 16, 2013 01:07 AM

Winner: Hungry Dad and his Dragon King Overlord

Also I can't believe we've been doing this shit for a year.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 16, 2013 01:22 AM


Additional Spam:
Acer I was serious about that Shadowgate LP put your horrible talents to good use

i am good at jokes Jan 16, 2013 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 808795)
Winner: Hungry Dad and his Dragon King Overlord

Also I can't believe we've been doing this shit for a year.

A whole year is hard to believe for me too, but now forever impossible to forget thanks to those goddamn tags.

Also, I think Hungry dad just decided to eat the dragon to take it's powers to better eat you after. I may be wrong though.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 16, 2013 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by i am good at jokes (Post 808798)
I think Hungry dad just decided to eat

Nah dude you gotta stay hungry

FatsDomino Jan 16, 2013 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Hungry Dad (Post 808796)
Acer I was serious about that Shadowgate LP put your horrible talents to good use

Shadowgate for NES or Shadowgate 64 for uh the N64? Or um other Shadowgate I'm not aware of? Also, haha really?

The unmovable stubborn Jan 16, 2013 03:22 AM

I haven't tried Shadowgate 64 but I can't imagine it matches the original's deathless prose.

(There's also a pretty faithful gameboy port if you'd like to torture everyone's ears even more.)

i am good at jokes Jan 20, 2013 12:25 AM

Possibly good news:

It is possible that I will have access to a comp that will be able to run Chivalry for this week.

Long story short, my GF's sister has a less than year old comp which she has no clue as to the specs, but I'm confident with the price she paid for it that it will be able to run the game, at the very least on minimum settings.

In other words: sorry guys, you're not quite rid of me just yet.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 21, 2013 12:22 PM

Oh hey, so idea for later as well.

ShootMania Storm - The new online FPS by NADEO

It's 15 dollars. Comes out on Wendesday, it's basically a goofy, silly, floaty UT clone with interesting mechanics and not terribly high system reqs. If you can do chivalry you can do this.

Maybe not right away but I think it's ridiculous and it should be good.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 23, 2013 01:29 AM

General consensus is MORE CHIVALRY next week. Hopefully we can find a server that actually runs some of the objective-based maps.

Seriously going to set up Joy2Key to automatically press X,9 for me over and over forever

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 23, 2013 09:02 PM

Fuck objectives.

FFA only all day every day. Sneaking up behind Taco and taking his head clean off and then immediately getting speared by Garr is the best.

FatsDomino Jan 23, 2013 09:39 PM

I like coming out of nowhere for the free for all matches. Basically having your green names on my screen instantly becomes my route and I either dodge or maim what I can en route to murder you or whoever you're fighting with with betrayal soon following. Well that's my plan anyway. Not that it gets to happen most of the time but I make an honest effort and that counts for something.

i am good at jokes Jan 23, 2013 09:50 PM

The ideal server would be one where the game mode changes for every match. I can't imagine the guys who put this game together haven't played their fair share of Multiplayer FPS. At least, the game modes that are included are probably all very enjoyable, as no match last night was anywhere near lame.

Additional Spam:
It also never gets old when the game mode changes frequently. Much as I loved the FFA, 5 hours of it might get a bit stall in a group context.

i am good at jokes Jan 24, 2013 01:31 AM

We failed to defend so many things tonight.

And just as it seemed we might finally save some form or other of royal blood...:



FatsDomino Jan 24, 2013 01:46 AM

I was right by the king when he got skewered too. I am useless. :(

Sousuke Jan 28, 2013 08:02 PM


YouTube Video

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 29, 2013 12:10 AM

holy shit yes

Scent of a Grundle Jan 29, 2013 02:42 AM

sooo... a link or something for those of us who don't have the game? (i may or may not be able to show up at game night, seeing as i have a test the next morning, but i'd still be interested to try this ridiculous looking game with friends if nothing else)

Sousuke Jan 29, 2013 05:00 PM

Here's the download page.

Haven't installed it yet but it looks to me like a HL2 Deathmatch mod so if you don't have that shit installed on Steam yet, get to it.

i am good at jokes Jan 29, 2013 09:35 PM

Is it game night? Pang, Acer, Skills, Taco, Hawk????

Garr and I got this going for now but we would still enjoy the company!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 30, 2013 12:00 AM

God this game is a riot.

Pang and a few others missed out, I'm down for this for a third week in a row, unless you want to try that retarded looking bush game.

FatsDomino Jan 30, 2013 01:30 AM

Skills, I have the level 3 hamma now too. It's pretty boss. Plus I got fairly decent at the level 2 as well. I need to get a new mouse though. This one kept dying on me in the middle of my fights. It was awful. I'm surprised I did as well as I did tonight with it.

I heard Pang's motherboard blew up on him. I hope he's able to fix things by next week. I swear this has to be at least the second or third time this has happened to the poor guy. :(

i am good at jokes Jan 30, 2013 01:35 AM

Yeah, I could definitely go for some more of this too! I was just getting the hang of that archery business. The short bow is a pretty big improvement on the long bow in terms of point blankiness, I can say that much.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 30, 2013 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by This guy is so irresponsible (Post 809239)
I heard Pang's motherboard blew up on him. I hope he's able to fix things by next week. I swear this has to be at least the second or third time this has happened to the poor guy. :(



Edit: Same thread title AND no new tags? You people are helpless.

i am good at jokes Feb 1, 2013 03:42 PM

Well shit. I don't know if one more week will be enough now.

Look at this update info! Medieval boner mode engaged!

Additional Spam:
Aaaaaand I can't download the update. Reinstalling steam, hopefully that works. :(

The unmovable stubborn Feb 2, 2013 01:05 AM

Man I don't care how shitty the quarterstaff is I'm maining that business

The unmovable stubborn Feb 6, 2013 12:48 AM


Additional Spam:
NEXT WEEK: That Suicide Survival business, I suppose? Worth a shot. Then, when it turns out to be terrible, more HUUUUUUUUARRRRGGGHBLBLBLBLBLBLSPLAT

i am good at jokes Feb 6, 2013 12:51 AM

I never thought someone could actually make the claim that fire is their main weapon in that game.

But hey, Pang seems to have it down to a (burning) Tee.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 6, 2013 12:57 AM

I think I'm actually getting decent with the swords now (though the Falchion seems to be awful), precious fire is just there to provide a distraction for Ser Knife of Huntington, Esq.

i am good at jokes Feb 6, 2013 01:01 AM

Well, that triple flame kill was nothing if not glorious.

i am good at jokes Feb 7, 2013 12:13 AM

ITT: Pang misses yet another good impromptu game night Chivalring.

i am good at jokes Feb 7, 2013 12:22 AM

you got through the javelins damn fast from what I can tell. It seemed to take forever for the crossbows though.

I'm still working on bows, can't seem to do that shit properly at all. :/

I'm loving the poleaxe, in any case!

i am good at jokes Feb 7, 2013 12:41 AM

Indeed, focusing on one at a time really makes you get to the root of a weapon's strong and weak points. I actually know most weapons well enough now to tell when my alternate will be more useful, and that tends to bring your survival rate up quite a bit.

We all know I'll still run in like a maniac nine times out of ten and get properly chopped down, but you know, just saying.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 7, 2013 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by i am good at jokes (Post 809411)
ITT: Pang misses yet another good impromptu game night Chivalring.

You're the worst, I'm on Steam 24/7, throw my ass an invite or some shit :mad:

i am good at jokes Feb 7, 2013 11:24 AM

Ah, that would be a good idea. Sorry about that. :(

I tend to forget that not everybody only has 6 Steam friends on their list like I do, making it harder to notice things like that. :s

Next time it will be done!

Scent of a Grundle Feb 8, 2013 01:16 PM

well someone lemme know when you guys decide to play something other than Chivalry, so i can know when to start showing up again.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 8, 2013 06:15 PM


That'll be never

The unmovable stubborn Feb 8, 2013 08:49 PM

Hey, we're planning to play Not-Chivalry on a provisional basis next week, who knows? We may dig ourselves out of this Mysterious Chivalry Hole by April.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 9, 2013 11:24 AM

If we ever want a change of pace, what about Descent?

Particularily, Descent 3?

Descent 3 + Expansion for download $9.99 - GOG.com

The unmovable stubborn Feb 12, 2013 08:53 PM

Hey guys if you haven't installed Suicide Survival go ahead and do that ok? Ok cool

FatsDomino Feb 12, 2013 09:19 PM

Alright, I have Suicide Survival installed. You chumps ready to get bushed?

i am good at jokes Feb 13, 2013 12:23 AM

The thread title says it all. We should apply now to JOIN CLAN FIST.

Also there is an 'e' missing in the title.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 13, 2013 12:26 AM

Shame about suicide bush kinda sucking, but glorious Chivalry saves all, again.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 13, 2013 12:28 AM

Saves all except its own busted objective maps anyway.

WATCH THIS SPACE for next week's return to Glorious Boardgamery as I try to hunt down something that isn't fuck-hell retarded. DAMN IT EUROPE NOT EVERY GAME NEEDS TO BE ABOUT CURRYING FAVOUR

FatsDomino Feb 13, 2013 02:09 AM

I like how he said we were pubes when I had taken out two people in a 3v1 fight before standing off against Rychord. Yeah, I was hesitant because I didn't want to push my luck and fuck up for the team. And I delivered. Shame I don't have a recording of that as it was pretty awesome. Rychord put up a good fight though.

i am good at jokes Feb 13, 2013 09:32 AM

If by "put up a good fight" you mean jerked around like a turkey, then yeah, I put up the GREATEST fight. :p

FatsDomino Feb 13, 2013 11:18 AM

You probably could have had me if you'd only come at me faster. Since you allowed me to back off I was able to heal up from all my injuries I had just gotten.

i am good at jokes Feb 13, 2013 02:33 PM

I wasn't aware of the damage, just that you only needed two hits tops to chop me down. Still, man-at-arms is probably my favorite class.

That fast step should be allowed for every class, just maybe with less distance traveled and speed for the heavier classes, and less distance or speed for the archer to keep the MAA's advantage at least a little bit with it. There's nothing more rewarding than sidestepping a spear or maul and then slicing up the foo' who tried to get you!

The unmovable stubborn Feb 14, 2013 10:37 PM


Rules: Rules and FAQ - Shadows over Camelot | Days of Wonder

Zuntzu box: Shadows over Camelot.ztb

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 14, 2013 10:47 PM

oh god this crashhappy shockwave shit again

I look forward to it.

Scent of a Grundle Feb 15, 2013 03:30 AM

I fully expect to be there this week (unless my family has other plans for me, which is a distinct possibility), so this should be awesome. Looking forward to babysitting the board while Pang and Skills get into massive scroll wars.

Also, i highly suspect that we will have at least two, possibly three traitors in our midst, despite the fact that no one will actually be a Traitor in the game. Call it a hunch.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 16, 2013 11:21 AM

If everyone is traitor...ing (Traitoring? Traitorizing?), are they really a traitor? Or is it the OTHER person who's being a traitor?


Shazbot got a huge content drop, 6 new maps, a new weapon, a remake and some changes to some systems, and so on. If anyone wants to revisit that at some point, that'd be cool too.

There's also a "Game of the Year" edition, which lets you buy all game altering content for 30 bucks. So that's about 100 guns, all 9 classes, and about 20 perks, by my reckoning. If anyone's interested in that.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 18, 2013 08:41 PM


YouTube Video

The unmovable stubborn Feb 18, 2013 08:44 PM

I don't think we're ever "done" with Chivalry any more than we're ever done with, say, Hidden. There are always more layers of hilarious stupid shit to explore.

PS my monitor died and I'm reduced to this clanky old CRT while I wait for shipping and jesus the tag cloud takes up half my screen

Additional Spam:

Firebombing motherfuckers from the SKY

The unmovable stubborn Feb 20, 2013 12:33 AM

On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.

As the black plague rises to sweep over Garrthur's fallen kingdom, next week is PANDEMIC (also Zuntzu)

Box: Pandemic.ztb

Rules: http://www.zmangames.com/boardgames/...emic_Rules.pdf

(PS Hawkeye you're the worst)

Additional Spam:
THEN King Garrthur came out of his tower, and had under his gown a jesseraunt of pretty good armor I guess, and there went with him the brown dude, and Sir Tristan of Lyonesse, and Sir Kaylord, and Sir Peeks-At-Cards: these were the men of most pulchritude that were with him. And when they were met there was no meekness, but pulchritude on both sides; but always King Garrthur answered them, and said he would make a full house, but he did not. Wherefore they departed with wrath, and King Garrthur bade keep them well, and they bade the king keep him well.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 20, 2013 12:41 AM

This is such a weird game. Lots of cool concepts with a whole lot of misunderstandings and weird executions.

Lexi found a cheat sheet here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28706940/SOCrules.pdf

And BGG has some forum topics that help explain where we went wrong: Shadows over Camelot | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

I didn't realize Merlin straight across traded for catapults. I also think we got mad fucked by an awful shuffle.

I wouldn't be against trying it again, but not right away.

i am good at jokes Feb 20, 2013 01:06 AM

"I'm sure Sir Kay is the traitor, that laugh is pure EVIL"

Yeah, it turns out he was just (very) French.

Additional Spam:
It's a pretty hard game, but I guess if we had spent the first few turns maxing out our hands and then went on collaborative quests (like we did for the Grail, we almost had it!), it would be doable. Also, if we had figured out that Merlin cards can remove siege engines and picts/saxons, we would have stood a better chance. Or, at the very least, prolonged the inevitable a bit more.

Then again, we had no traitor, so that actually made it EASIER on us, if that is possible.

I would definitely be up for trying this again, if only to get a chance to kick the game's ass.

Scent of a Grundle Feb 20, 2013 01:02 PM

i blame my family. suddenly there were plans (which no one told me about) and we were out doing things. This is what i get for coming home for the week off of school.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 25, 2013 12:45 AM

Just a note if anyone's going to read the Pandemic rules.

As a learning session; we should do two house rules.

1) We'll implement a re-roll system on rolls. This was a good compromise and learning experience at meet.

2) Also from meet; Open hands on the first round. It's a co-op game and it's best learned that way as a start.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 25, 2013 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 809721)
if anyone's going to read the Pandemic rules.

That's funny. You're funny.

FatsDomino Feb 27, 2013 12:30 AM

I gave Pang my Delhi. It helped him cure the black epidemic.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 27, 2013 12:38 AM

Yeah, with some nice Delhi and a handful of Garr's Karachi it was as simple as dropping everything in my pants and the blacks weren't a problem anymore.

Additional Spam:
PS her name is Ekaterina

i am good at jokes Feb 27, 2013 11:49 AM

This is an FYI for everyone that Skills has officially been promoted to the rank of General Skills, as the social aptitude he showed in leading our team to victory proves that he is now able to do much more than just core programming, you know Kernel work and such.

Congrats, you bag o' dicks!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 27, 2013 11:45 PM

Oh hey


Fuck Pandemic for a week, here.

Save 10% on TrackMania² Stadium on Steam

Trackmania²: Stadium's release date was leaked a few hours ago (official announcement tomorrow). Release date is in April.

TM² is now on steam. This is excellent, as the maniaplanet website is kind of shit. TM² through steam still requires maniaplanet launcher, which is fine. It just requires you set up an ID.

If you already own TM² in any capacity, just input your maniaplanet key into steam and you'll unlock the steam version.

ANYWAY. Stadium is in open beta for the next few weeks. Open beta is free. See link above. Don't need to prebuy to gain access. Just click download demo.


It's free. It's simple (Pure digital movement. Restart race. Restart checkpoint. That's all you have for controls).

Servers are full of randomly designed hilarity tracks that cycle every few minutes. There will be random background music.

It will be excellent.

FatsDomino Feb 28, 2013 01:09 AM

Done! Can't wait to virtual puke in my virtual helmet doing my best to stay on the track.

Scent of a Grundle Feb 28, 2013 01:43 AM

oh man. i lost so much time to TM Nations, though i preferred the race mode to the time trial mode (more about consistency than perfection, i seemed to do a lot better at it). Really hoping i finish work early next week so i can get in on this.

EDIT: aand i have officially spent my first night playing this game far too late. For what it's worth, i created a GFF "group" (whatever that really means). To join it, all you gotta do is go to your profile, type in the info, and hit "subscribe".

login: gffgroup
password: handswim

And just when i had hopes that homework might actually ever happen again, having beaten Fire Emblem Awakening just a few hours ago.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 28, 2013 04:43 AM

Welp I don't know much about this game but it looks like you can use a custom horn sound so I'm in

Scent of a Grundle Mar 5, 2013 01:36 AM

I have been playing a lot this week. The two important things which i have taken screenshots of because they will never happen again are:

I am beating Skills at a racing game:

I am visible on a leaderboard of anything ever:

Looking forward to failing spectacularly in front of you all tomorrow.

(also, sorry for the lousy image quality)

Also, if you want to make your name fancy, here's how.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 5, 2013 10:42 AM

Man, haven't played in a couple days. Wonder if I'm still #2 in DE (out of 16, granted).

The variety of music on these servers is ruining me, I'm developing a reluctant appreciation for Flo Rida :(

Scent of a Grundle Mar 5, 2013 01:05 PM

enough of the music on servers is lousy that i just play my own. Only thing better than winning races? Winning races with Freebird rocking in the background.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 5, 2013 11:12 PM

Team Canada enjoying listening to the lamentations of everyone else's women all NIGHT, son.

Legit talk though for a moment; I fucking love this game. I dunno what you guys thought. Someone let me know! (Other than Pang, Pang sucks :( )

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2013 01:45 AM

Yeah pretty much everybody but Hawkeye was as bitter and frustrated as me by the time we called it a night. 60% of this is probably due to the mapmaking community for this game being ten varieties of rare syphilitic dog dick.

FatsDomino Mar 6, 2013 02:02 AM

I don't think I've been more mad and gotten as much a headache since when I played Counter-Strike way back in middle school. Game is frustrating due to how perfect you have to be to even place but mostly because the maps are either boring as fuck or made so poorly that if you fuck up in the wrong place you have to restart the entire race because the jump you want to make is impossible with the amount of track given from the last checkpoint (creepy penis overlap) you went through. Like seriously my head really fucking hurts. Really really hurts.

I'm glad you had fun, Skills, but for me that whole thing from its shit input configuration system to it's horrible race tracks to it just being a really suped up ghost-mode I'd rather not play it again. Out of all the tracks I played tonight I might have liked two of them. The one I got third in because nobody else was able to finish it and one other I can't recall much of. Where were all the neat tracks I saw in the trailer? Where were the looptyloops? Where was all the wall-riding? Shit was both frustrating and boring for the most part. I'll pass if we decide to play this and you can't guarantee that we play fun tracks.

i am good at jokes Mar 6, 2013 02:03 AM

I'm not much of a racing enthusiast in general, so I can't be the metric by which this game is declared good or not, but not being able to dick around with Skills times by being a nuisance to him or anyone else kind of made it not so much the best game for a game night for me.

It's not a bad game, it was just a bit limited in terms of interaction is what I'm getting at. I still had a good time trying it though.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2013 02:43 AM

I love racing games in the general case, though. I'm absolutely down for some Flatout or Dirt or even that goddamn ridiculous new Sonic racing business and if we do get some emulatin' on then Mario Kart is definitely on the menu. I'm sorry, but a "multiplayer" game where you can't functionally interact with the other players is walking a pretty thin line. The only way I could affect anyone's play experience was by making incredibly dumb jokes so they crack up when trying to get past map-ruining-excessively-demanding-jump-#17.

And yeah, it literally gave me a headache as well.

Scent of a Grundle Mar 6, 2013 03:31 AM

It's probably the sort of thing you and I will have to do on our own time Skills, since everyone else was getting fairly frustrated by the end - though if we can put together some sweet maps on our own little server then it might be worth another half a game night to some people. Now i guess i have to get the game because apparently we're rivals or something.

Also - 4th place going the wrong way? Awesome. Totally going to try that again sometime.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 6, 2013 08:37 AM

In that case, I apologize for wasting everyone's time. I didn't realize it was going to be so universally reviled.

The fan made ones do go back and forth, yes. There's some tryhards who create some serious crap (there's a lot of cases where a booster at a checkpoint could make all the difference), but I've also experienced some very good ones that aren't frustrating.

Fair enough that it's no one else's bag though. Unfortunate. :(

It's rare that we have a universal dud, so what are we playing next week?

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2013 03:04 PM

Well, failing any other ideas we can always slaughter more blacks. Other than that maybe we should just make March the month of Skill-Based Games.

March 12: Starcraft
March 19: DOTA 2
March 26: Counter-Strike: GO

FatsDomino Mar 6, 2013 04:26 PM

I refuse to support Blizzard in any way shape or form unless it's a new Lost Vikings or Rock & Roll Racing. If you guys play Starcraft then I'm out unless there is a way I can get the game for free and go into spectator-mode and chat with you guys.

i am good at jokes Mar 6, 2013 06:38 PM

If we do brood war I'm sure there's a way to do it. I don't know the big name servers all that well but heck, if I recall correctly there's an option for one of us to host it anyway.

Starcraft 2 on the other hand needs constant attention from battle.net so that's would be quite hard without buying it.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2013 07:34 PM

Yeah, supporting Blizzard with, like, actual money was never really on the agenda, I'm not a monster.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 6, 2013 07:34 PM

Let's improve all of those.

Starcraft --> Homeworld
DOTA 2 --> Frozen Synapse
CS GO --> UT 2K4

Or 99. Or RTCW. Or any flavour of Tribes.

All better calls. (Seriously fuck you DOTA what is this. Bad taste month?)

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 809889)
(Seriously fuck you DOTA what is this. Bad taste month?)

YouTube Video

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 6, 2013 10:30 PM

Fuck, we should still do Homeworld.

It is the shit.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shake it, Quake it, SPACE KABOOM (Post 809889)
Let's improve all of those.

Starcraft --> Homeworld
DOTA 2 --> Frozen Synapse
CS GO --> UT 2K4





Looks like pretty much everybody owns Sam, but if you don't, just, christ, I'll just give it to you, how did you live up to this point. Homeworld/SWAT will require some sketchy ISO shenanigans (and SWAT might be squirrelly on modern systems, I'll look into it).


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 6, 2013 11:28 PM

It'll take me a week and a half to come up with proper Homeworld solutions to a few issues anyway.


- Widescreen Mod
- Works fine out of the gate on Win 7 64.
- GameRanger for games or maybe it'll be sortable via IP only? MUST CONFIRM
- Getting game itself to people.

Single Elbow Mar 7, 2013 06:05 AM

Serious Sam HD should be fun, with like 16 people actively shooting everything at the same time. Or 8 people, I forgot.

LIAR Mar 7, 2013 02:15 PM

I have Serious Sam classic, but not the HD remake. Do they work together at all or is there an actual difference that keeps the two from working together? If Sam classic on steam won't work with Sam HD on steam, I'll just snag the HD remake as well cause I can never own enough Sam.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 7, 2013 02:29 PM

Classic and HD do not play well together, alas.


Scent of a Grundle Mar 8, 2013 01:59 AM

I think all i've got for Sam is the GOG copies i've got lying around on a hard drive somewhere around here. That game is amazingly fun multiplayer, though.

LIAR Mar 8, 2013 11:46 AM

Next Tuesday:


i am good at jokes Mar 11, 2013 05:59 PM

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it tomorrow. I put my name in to do supply teaching and I got a call today to be in tomorrow and Wednesday at 7:45 AM, which is rather early considering that game night starts at 10PM for me (yay for the Atlantic timezone!).

This is going to be an ongoing thing but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll be working every Wednesday. I'll let you guys know as I find out on a weekly basis.

Also, I will probably drop into the stream for a while at the beginning of the evening to at least see what I will be missing (besides annoying Skills).

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 11, 2013 08:51 PM

Tell those students to stuff it, you've got Cannonballs to deploy.

Also, Homeworld running under Win 7 no issue. Widescreen mod demands running under Windows NT compat, though.

I wrote the instructions in a text file.

Acer will help me share.

Anyone who wants to try to help me set up an MP game this weekend should grab it beforehand and then we can test how we're going to host the game.

LIAR Mar 12, 2013 10:54 AM

I'll want to grab beforehand anyway to make sure it'll have no problems running under WINE.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 12, 2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by i am good at jokes (Post 809954)
This is going to be an ongoing thing but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll be working every Wednesday. I'll let you guys know as I find out on a weekly basis.

Well, if this does turn out to be an ongoing thing of routinely having Wednesday morning engagements, it's not like there's something sacred about doing this business on Tuesday night. RYCHORD DON'T LEAVE US WE NEED YOUR GOOD JOKES

i am good at jokes Mar 12, 2013 12:29 PM

Well, in reality it's an on call thing, so Wednesday is as likely as any other day that I will get a call, and I usually won't know too long in advance. Maybe I wasn't as clear in the way I phrased in my previous post. For instance, next Wednesday is still open.

Hence, there's not really a point in moving it unless we moved it to the weekend which would probably make it worse in terms of attendance, or if we started eariler in the evening but then it becomes pretty early for those of us who are further out west (I think Garr specifically would have to be available pretty ridiculously early?).

I'm also still looking for a more stable gig, so if I happen upon that soon this might all be pointless, though I don't know what kind of schedule I'll have then either.


The unmovable stubborn Mar 12, 2013 11:55 PM

Rarely have I fired my balls at so many invisible cows

Cheers to Shade for finally joining us over a year after he posted


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 794221)
I am down for multiplayer gaming of any sort, of games I own or are cheap enough not to rape my bank by having to buy new games every week.

Jeers to Skills for bailing like a sleepy bitch literally 5 minutes before the final boss

Baffled Shrugs at Garr for just vanishing midgame like a rude dude

FatsDomino Mar 13, 2013 12:20 AM

I like that shade was there to shoot stuff with us. It was a good thing. :shade:

LIAR Mar 13, 2013 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Hungry Dad (Post 809969)
Cheers to Shade for finally joining us over a year after he posted

It was fun! I'm sorry I've missed out on so many fun nights. I want to join in for more.

Also, as a side note, vsync is a horrible thing. I spent the first quarter of the night with choppy graphics because of it.


LIAR Mar 14, 2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by King Garrthur of Pulchritude (Post 809976)
Baffled shrugs at my internet connection. Up to last night, I haven't had a problem playing with you guys, but I could not for the life of me stay connected to Serious Sam last night. Skype kept crapping out too, so I don't know what the hell was going on. After about the sixth or seventh disconnect, I gave up.

I probably should have tried to say something to someone, but by that point, I was pretty irritated with the whole thing and also I was pretty sick last night as well (which was why I was much more quiet than normal). I do apologize for just cutting and running like that though. I like to stick around for the whole thing.

Hopefully next time my internet doesn't shit the bed again.

S'what we kinda figured. I kept watching you drop out and figured you had given up on it. No big deal, hopefully it mellows out by next week.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2013 06:57 PM

Jesus christ the process of getting Homeworld going has me drowning in misplaced nostalgia


                  ________                                  ________
                  /_______/\  ___  ___          _______    /\_______\
                  \  ____\/ /__/\ /__/\        /\______\  / /  _____/
                  \  \ \___ \  \ \\  \ \      / /  ____/ / /  /
                    \  \/__/\ \  \/_\  \ \    / /  /    / /  /_\
                    \  __\/  \  ___  \ \  / /  /__  / /  ___/
                      \  \ \    \  \ \\  \ \ / /  /___\ / /  /
            ????      \__\/    \__\/ \__\/ \/_______/ \/__/        ????
          ??                                                          ??
          ??      ?????????????????????????????????????????????????      ??
          ?????????????????? Flying Horse Cracking Force ??????????????????
          ??      ?????????????????????????????????????????????????      ??
          ??                                                          ??
            ??        --=The Biggest Norwegian Cracking Group=--      ??
            ?                                                        ?
            ?                        Presents:                        ?
            ?                                                        ?
            ?                    Homeworld v1.05                    ?
            ?                                                        ?
            ?                    Cracked by Melk                    ?
            ?                                                        ?
            ??                                                        ??

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 16, 2013 07:22 PM

People still use No-CDs when they can just mount images?

I'd ask if this was 1999 but it appears that with this game; yes, yes it is.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2013 11:34 PM

Welp, Skills and I did a test run to make sure shit actually works, and, after Gameranger flailing helplessly and HOW DO I BUTTS, it does! Now, you may hear some different accounts regarding the outcome of our epic space battle. Let me say only this. Gnatswam regrets nothing.

Additional Spam:
let me also declare my undying vendetta against inertia

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 16, 2013 11:36 PM

OK, Pang and I got this shit working.

We need to use GAMERANGER, but that shit worked. It's a LAN tunneling service. You need to get it installed and whatnot. Not too difficult.

Link here: GameRanger - play your friends online

Additional Spam:
PS pang just mad his zergin' didn't work.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2013 11:42 PM

unavoidable space explosions

my one weakness

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 17, 2013 12:09 AM

YouTube Video

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 17, 2013 05:21 AM

I've got Homeworld 2 knocking about somewhere. If ever there was a game I didn't get my head round, that was it. I suck enough at RTS as it is, let alone in 3d...

i am good at jokes Mar 19, 2013 06:06 PM

I won't be able to make it tonight either. I've been sick for the last week, and working on top of that (and driving 18 hours over the weekend to go see my GF in Montreal) has done quite a number on me.

It sucks that I of all people am missing RTS night, but I hope you guys will have a good time!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 19, 2013 07:11 PM

The next time this is happening is like

in 18 months


The unmovable stubborn Mar 20, 2013 12:04 AM



Next week: SWAT IV! Acer tries to breach a door with beanbag rounds while squad leader Skills slowly claws the skin from his own face. It's impossible to actually buy this shit anymore so do what you do.

All next month: EMULAPRIL. Add suggestions to the list! Support for 4+ players is ideal but not absolutely necessary.

N64 (Mario Kart 64)

NES (Top Gun Permadeath, maybe pair off for some River City Ransoms?)

SNES (That SF2 Turbo? That SF2 Turbo. Uniracers?)

Arcade (That 6-player X-Men business, Sunset Riders, NBA JAM, fuckin' Gauntlet. Smash TV?)

Additional Spam:
Actually depending on the emulator some singleplayer games might be fine

Just map everyone's controls to player 1

Struggle to wrest control of Mario from everybody else

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 20, 2013 12:18 AM

Man if we're going to run some bizarro shit.


Warp Pipe Technologies: Creating Multiplayer Possibilities

Warp Pipe. LAN tunneling for fucking GAMECUBES

Double Dash all up in this.

Problem though;
Prerequisite: Actual gamecubes. Actual gamecube lan adaptors.


also while talking ideas like:

Battletoads and double dragon.

Actually any of the battletoads

Macho man Garr and myself can do BATTLEMANIACS because of extreme self loathing.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 20, 2013 12:29 AM

I think asking people to buy console hardware might be outside the scope of Emulapril. Though mentioning the GC reminds me to add Eternal Darkness to the Acer Bumbles Through Deathtraps queue after Deja Vu and Uninvited.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 20, 2013 12:39 AM

More importantly, the LAN Adapter would run people more than the actual gamecube hardware. Which is :(

FatsDomino Mar 20, 2013 02:42 AM

True story: I'm the first person to successfully play a game of Kirby Air Ride using warppipe. I tested with the creator for a while. It was super slow back in the initial days but it was still fun.

Also I like this idea of simul-Mario that Pang brought up.

LIAR Mar 20, 2013 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Hungry Dad (Post 810129)


Next week: SWAT IV! Acer tries to breach a door with beanbag rounds while squad leader Skills slowly claws the skin from his own face. It's impossible to actually buy this shit anymore so do what you do.

As long as it doesn't require GameRanger, then I'm OK with this. Seriously, I may need to dualboot just to play certain things with you fuckers.


All next month: EMULAPRIL. Add suggestions to the list! Support for 4+ players is ideal but not absolutely necessary.

N64 (Mario Kart 64)

NES (Top Gun Permadeath, maybe pair off for some River City Ransoms?)

SNES (That SF2 Turbo? That SF2 Turbo. Uniracers?)

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 23, 2013 05:51 PM

Fuck I need to find a torrent of SWAT shit shit shit

FatsDomino Mar 26, 2013 06:38 PM

well there's a torrent on REDACTED that i snagged it from

if you don't use that then i guess there's my ftp


The unmovable stubborn Mar 26, 2013 07:12 PM

Woe to this soft generation that cannot find a game that Steam or GOG has not offered to them on a platter. Woe!

The unmovable stubborn Mar 26, 2013 11:24 PM

Lesson learned: never give Acer any kind of weapon at all, ever

Gonna try to get this shit working properly over the weekend and then, if CAN BE DONE, again next week. Hopefully you can rejoin us for that, Shade.

FatsDomino Mar 27, 2013 02:43 AM

during install you give it a key, then after installation is done you install the expansion, then you use the cracked exe for version 1.1 that's on the expansion cd and replace the original exe with it


also at least i shot you in the face, pang

and not in the back

as such a coward would do

The unmovable stubborn Mar 27, 2013 01:21 PM

Technically speaking I shot you in the propane canister, which then in turn shot you in the face.

The tear gas was also definitely in your face.

FatsDomino Mar 27, 2013 01:50 PM

Pretty sure there was at least one time you capped me out from behind that did not involve an explosion. But it's fine I definitely deserved it be it done by cowardly means or not.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 2, 2013 11:33 AM

So are we emulapriling tonight or SWATing because I'm trying to get this shit in order but the weekend "let's get this shit running" crew had trouble convening due to busy Easter schedules.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 2, 2013 11:46 AM

Yeah kind of forgot that normal people had a holiday going this weekend. I'm still down to try to get SWAT going, dunno if we're going to have time to figure it out. Probably a good idea for everybody to grab snes9x and a bucket of roms just in case, we'll need 'em at some point

FatsDomino Apr 2, 2013 12:26 PM

Stayed up to 3 AM last night doing the April Fools stream. If I don't pass out before game night I am down for whatever.

FatsDomino Apr 3, 2013 02:02 AM

Gonna make a simple change.

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 3, 2013 02:12 AM

Acer's proposal has been accepted by the executive committee.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 3, 2013 02:13 AM


Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 7, 2013 09:24 AM

I literally only noticed ten minutes ago that I had Grundle in my username now.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 7, 2013 08:01 PM

Well, I think we'll put SWAT on the backburner for a bit, as AFAIK Skills hasn't figure out how to make his package compatible and Acer doesn't much care for it anyways. Would be cool to get back to with with a few people sometime for serious mode campaigning but it maybe doesn't work as a pick-up-and-go game night sort of thing.

Worms has plenty of mileage left but I'm not going to keep delaying my own Emulapril idea so go ahead and get those Goodsets off the external drive as appropriate. WE GON' PLAYING WITH POWER

FatsDomino Apr 7, 2013 11:09 PM

Actually I just like to complain when I can. I did have fun with SWAT4 once I figured out the controls and also you guys helped me out quite a bit. The way it sends you to the next mission after failure is pretty stupid and yeah people having difficulty connecting was a bit painful. I'm not sure but I think diss was interested in joining us for a SWAT4 session so one more attempt might not be a horrid idea.

I had a lot of fun with Worms once I finally got it to work with my stream. I should be good for it should we do it again.

However, it is April and emuapril was a cool idea. I await your suggestions for it.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 7, 2013 11:15 PM

So what games are we starting with? 9X seems like a good call, and there's a tonne of options here.

LIAR Apr 8, 2013 11:18 AM



Bomberman (2)

The unmovable stubborn Apr 8, 2013 11:49 AM

Yeah, I was figuring on SNES9x off the bat, it's definitely the most painless option. Turns out a lot more titles supported the multitap then I figured, but dunno how you guys feel about soccer and rasslin'.


Originally Posted by You only Grundle Twice (Post 810795)
I'm not sure but I think diss was interested in joining us for a SWAT4 session so one more attempt might not be a horrid idea.

Yeah, I just think it's more suited for a relatively Serious Mode sort of play like the Felghana run or something, so hopefully we can get a crew together for that. But for Game Night we spend half the time allotted just fighting the damn network code, so.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 8, 2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by It's a Grundleful Life (Post 810813)
Yeah, I just think it's more suited for a relatively Serious Mode sort of play like the Felghana run or something

Speaking of this, should totally do a race sometime (and by race I mean more of a co-play because god knows nobody is really speedrun calibre) of one of those bullshit games like Ninja Gaiden or Contra or something. It seems like that kind of stuff would be fun to Skype up and go.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2013 12:57 AM


Additional Spam:
seriously acer buy that SSFIVAE I will have my revenge

Additional Spam:

FatsDomino Apr 10, 2013 01:47 AM

Seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in quite some time. Sailor Moon and Power Rangers - best games ever!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 10, 2013 07:52 AM

Until the lag claimed us, that was awesome, Garr. Turbo Tunnel lols though jesus.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2013 05:19 PM

Alright, if we're doing ARCADE MADNESS next week we need to organize a little better since arcade roms are often not tiny things that you can download on a whim whenever somebody gets a goofy idea, and a full set of MAME roms is, heh, somewhere in the neighborhood of 260GB. So if behooves us to plan out which things we want to play.

So: kindly grant me your ideas, and I'll gather up the necessary files and slap them up on Saxypunch over the weekend. If you're short on ideas, this link will show you every 4-player game on MAME. (XMEN goes up to six players but that's about it for >4.) You can figure out how to use the advanced search to find 2-3 player shit (OH GOD UNDERCOVER COPS), there's a lot of weird little gems out there.

The latest Kaillera-infused version of MAME is a few years old but most MAME progress in the interim has been obscure bootlegs and stuff from 2001 forward, so I don't think it'll be an issue.

Single Elbow Apr 10, 2013 05:20 PM

It'll be great if you guys did a Shadow of Mystara run, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs run among other four player treats.

FatsDomino Apr 11, 2013 01:11 AM

So just a heads up, Garr and I just tested a multistream. Basically I'm hosting rtmp and have it set up to have four channels. We each can stream to a channel and then on a separate computer I can add all four channels to stream out to ustream for everyone to see at the same time. Obviously if I streamed out everyone's game audio it would be a mess so I'll be muting everyone's but one player or at the very least putting everyone's game audio very low. I can also have my skype audio go through and basically it'll be the same game night but with four streams at once in just one stream window.

However, if it's too choppy I could set up a bunch of embedded stream players that we all individually stream to. That would take up far more bandwidth though for people watching.

Do you guys want to try out four people streaming sometime? Garr and I had good success with two people. I'm curious how three or four would work. I'm hoping that Skills and Diss are interested. If you want to test let me know and I can set up a channel for you to use.

Garr, if you wouldn't mind showing these guys how to set up OBS that would be fantastic.

Additional Spam:
To give you a rough idea of what I'm talking about I took a screenshot of Garr and me streaming on the right side with the left blank and put in what perhaps Skills and Diss might be playing.


Although obviously we'd more than likely be playing the same game for racing purposes or something. However, this was just a test.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 11, 2013 01:30 AM

That is probably exactly what Skills would be playing.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 11, 2013 02:14 AM

I could try streaming on this as well, assuming i actually catch game night. I showed up on time yesterday, but when nothing had materialized an hour later i left to play Monster Hunter, and game night suddenly happened without me.

FatsDomino Apr 11, 2013 11:28 AM

Alright I uploaded the test video for you to see what Garr and I did last night. For those that did not tune in while we tested last night this is what they saw live.

Please note this is in a 16x9 aspect ratio so you may want to actually open in it in youtube to get a better idea of what it looks like in the player.

YouTube Video

In this test you can see me testing both of us having our audio on, just me with audio, just Garr with audio, and a mixture of one of us having higher volume than the other. Both Garr and I streamed to two separate channels on my rtmp server which then streamed to ustream for people to see.

For a more thorough test I'd want to use four channels and obviously four people. That's why I intentionally left the left side blank.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 11, 2013 11:55 PM

Well, gave OBS a whirl, fairly painless so far. Surprisingly it seems I can manage a reasonably decent stream, provided the game itself is fairly low-res anyway. If I do stream it's probably better if someone else hosts the Skype though.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 15, 2013 07:07 AM


Anyways! Just download this here bundle: http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/mam...19-20070914.7z

Unzip that into a folder wherever, should be pretty much self-contained. If I missed anything obvious let me know so I can scramble to make corrections at the last possible moment!

i am good at jokes Apr 15, 2013 01:29 PM

I have a guaranteed day of Wednesday since its parent-teacher meeting day, so if I'm not otherwise incapacitated I should be joining in for the fun times tomorrow!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 15, 2013 05:40 PM


The unmovable stubborn Apr 15, 2013 07:08 PM

Well, somebody needed to take Dazzler, so this works out fine.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 16, 2013 12:34 PM

wait, what did i just download?

The unmovable stubborn Apr 16, 2013 01:21 PM

Well, I may be making some context-dependent assumptions here, but: probably a copy of Mame32++K 0.119 and the arcade ROMS for:

Aliens vs Predator
Battle Circuit
Bomberman World
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Captain America and the Avengers
Crime Fighters
Darius Gaiden
Dungeon Magic
D&D: Shadow Over Mystara
D&D: Tower of Doom
Final Fight
Killer Instinct
King of Fighters '98
Knuckle Heads
Ninja Baseball Batman
Rampage World Tour
Rival Schools
Saturday Night Slam Masters
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
Sunset Riders
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Undercover Cops
Waku Waku 7
Wild West C.O.W.Boys of Moo Mesa
WWF Wrestlefest

and a handful of derived clones, redundant parent roms, required BIOS files, etc

I hope this resolves your concerns!

i am good at jokes Apr 16, 2013 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by It's a Grundleful Life (Post 811287)
Well, somebody needed to take Dazzler, so this works out fine.



Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 16, 2013 05:35 PM

Experiencing some weird internet connection issues; unsure if will be resolved in time for gamenight. Will try to keep you informed.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 16, 2013 06:22 PM

sounds fun. i'll have to find my usb controller which should be lying around here somewhere.

Also - what time is game night? last week nobody was around and then suddenly i missed everything.

FatsDomino Apr 16, 2013 06:27 PM

Officially it's supposed to start at 9 PM EST but it never does. It normally starts or people start to gather anywhere from 9:20 to 9:40 PM EST. Also seriously don't just stand around in the stream chat and kick dirt. Get on AIM and look for Pang or get on IRC and yell at people in chat. Or Skype! Or Steam!

tl;dr: it starts later than 9 PM EST and look for people

Additional Spam:
Oh and Garr chimed in on this as well:

[19:25] <Term> Also what time is game night starting?
[19:28] <Garr> Term: We usually start Game Night at 9 PM EST (so 6 our time) but we really don't get things going for another half hour/45 minutes to get all the stragglers in.

Ah! Amoeba Apr 16, 2013 07:07 PM

Aw man that's way too late for me. =(

The unmovable stubborn Apr 16, 2013 07:23 PM

Yeah I've thought about making it (officially) start earlier several times but there's so much footdragging sometimes as it is and 8:00 for me is FUCK YOU I'M STILL AT WORK for some people, so.

Seconding Acer's point that if you want in you gotta say something, I am done herding cats and I've made too many Skype calls to people who acted interested and then never picked up on the damn call.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 17, 2013 01:00 AM

I am tracking down a potential Kaillera-free route for Mametimes so everybody hang on to that shit for now, maybe we can still make it work (and, you know, might as well grab Windjammers while I'm at it). Maybe we can give it another swing next week if I can comprehend this shit, though let's not beat our heads against the wall for two hours again.

Failing that dunno what's next for Emulapril, somebody found a netplay-capable N64 emu at some point I think?

Additional Spam:
oh god it's not Kaillera but it is java-based

dis ain't gon' be gud

Addendum 2: Rychord I'm sorry shit was so poorly conveyed the one night you could make it :(


YouTube Video

i am good at jokes Apr 17, 2013 06:46 PM

Nah it was still a great time.

Gotta admit it sort of still makes me laugh how badly we wanted it to work. I think Acer would still be trying if we didn't drag him into playing The Hidden.


FatsDomino Apr 17, 2013 11:28 PM

I would like to play 6-player X-MEN and NINJA BASEBALL BAT MAN next game night if possible. I hope your java solution works, Pang.

And yes a couple rounds of Hidden is always welcome. Great game.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 18, 2013 12:04 AM

Okay, so this thing is called MAMEHUB, and it's actually been updated this year and runs on a fairly recent revision of MAME. Which, good news in practice, but unfortunately most of those ROMs I already hunted down aren't going to work anymore.

It's a little convoluted but it seems to work okay. The lag is a lot better, at least in the couple of games I've managed to join so far. HERE IS HOW YOU DO:

YouTube Video

If anybody else gets it going flag me down so we can see if the multiplayer works outside the few test games I've tried with random Bulgarians.

(The make-a-shortcut-and-run-as-administrator thing just makes the console window instantly vanish so I just launch MAMEHub.bat directly, YMMV.)

Additional Spam:
PS: ROM sharing is on by default so you can usually get the ROMs for any game possessed by any other player logged into MAMEHub (which is usually like 5 other people tops, but still)

The unmovable stubborn Apr 21, 2013 10:53 PM

Alright, Garr and I gave this a test just now with some AVP and it works pretty damn well. Melted down completely about 3/4 of the way through the game(possibly due to my camels pitching a fit) but it was completely playable up to that point. Little bit of slowdown lag and compensatory fast-forward, nothing unbearable. If you haven't installed this shit by now get on that, and I'll reassemble the rom pack so we have more than three things to play.

And it does the cool guy thing of letting everybody use their P1 controls, so that's nice.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 22, 2013 03:57 PM

Yeah, MAMEHub apparently doesn't actually bother checking the contents of the rom zips until you try to launch, so you end up with a lot of false positives. I went ahead and checked what was still compatible and found maybe 5 or 6 that still worked, so: fuck it, new rom pack.


FatsDomino Apr 25, 2013 06:41 PM

Having never played Rival Schools before I was really blown away at how fun it is. Wind Jammers you are simply the master at. I got some lucky wins at that. I think we need to have a SNES and MAME session at the meet. More than likely a lot of those wins I had were that I was hosting and got a split second advantage or something. MAMEhub handles the lag really well though but I think I got really lucky. That said I love me some Akira. Damn does that motorcycle babe have some nice moves.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 25, 2013 06:53 PM

Yeah, MeetMAME seems like a better and better idea and there will certainly be more than enough Xbox pads floating around to make it viable.

(Maybe I should also set up a Dreamcast emu for some Project Justice. Also, just dedicate somebody's laptop to Seaman all week.)

I asked for other systems anybody wanted to (and could) do for April and didn't really get any answers, so... considering turnout this week was a little anemic, yeah, might as well give MAME one more night unless anybody's opposed. Hopefully we can actually fill out some of those 4-player deals at minimum.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Apr 25, 2013 07:08 PM

Yeah, I apologize about that. I was a little bit of a let down last Tuesday. Maybe hopefully ifnally get some CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS CYCLOPS to work as a full crew.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 30, 2013 06:55 PM

alright, i think i've got this mamehub thing up and running, and i'm borrowing my brother's arcade stick to get that authentic "i have no idea what i'm doing here" feeling. Now i just have to remember that i've changed timezones since last time.

The unmovable stubborn May 1, 2013 01:40 AM


Additional Spam:

The unmovable stubborn May 6, 2013 11:11 PM

Man, I don't know, I sure haven't planned or prepared anything. It's been a big STOP PUTTING SHIT OFF TO THE LAST MINUTE, IDIOT week for me. There was some talk of Torchlight2/L4D2/whatever as well, don't know who's game for what. I'm fine with Pomme or Pretend You're Xyzzy or whatever if everybody just wants to wind down from WHY WON'T IT WORK month by keepin' it casual.

Scent of a Grundle May 7, 2013 12:17 AM

i'm up for a break from Troubleshooting Tuesdays. I actually have both L4D2 and Torchlight 2 (though i've never yet gotten around to playing the latter), so i could get in on those. Hopefully by the time game night rolls around tomorrow i'll know if i have a job come fall.

Single Elbow May 7, 2013 12:31 AM

If you're gonna run Torchlight 2 on multi, you'll need to create an account at Runic.

The unmovable stubborn May 7, 2013 11:43 PM

the horadribmanamamaocodnanic cube

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 12, 2013 03:08 PM

CAH is pretty fucking excellent, and is never bad. But are we sticking with browser stuff again or are we going somewhere else with this on tuesday?

The unmovable stubborn May 12, 2013 03:31 PM

I'm doing to declare that it is Acer's Turn To Pick Something, because then it will be his fault when Tuesday rolls around and we have no plan.

In the extremely likely event that Acer does not even so much as glance at this thread in the interim, suggestions are welcome from the peanut gallery.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 12, 2013 04:18 PM


The unmovable stubborn May 14, 2013 04:20 PM

Works for me. ALTERNATELY: Guns of Icarus Online is gettin' a sale on. Looks like you and Acer are already on that train, and it was on Garr/Hawkeye's wishlists so I tossed it in their direction, so we've got that on the table for whenever if not for tonight.

(if anybody else wants in on this third bundle copy just say so)

FatsDomino May 14, 2013 04:40 PM

Yeah, I feel bad about Guns of Icarus. That was a game we were supposed to play with Omagnus but never got around to. Yeah, I have no idea what you guys want to do tonight. I'm down for whatever.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 14, 2013 05:45 PM

Guns of Icarus is fucking awesome; would love to do that if people are down for it.

Caveat: I haven't played in like....three major patches or something? So while I'll update the shit out of that tonight I imagine. It's also worth noting you'll need an account set up on it and you might want to give a go at a few things to get used to controls.

Also of note: Garr will miss tonight, unfortunately. He sent me a text.

Worms is also good, still, I wouldn't mind giving that a go again too.

It should be noted that Guns of Icarus is probably similar to MWO in the case that it's a very specific player-count sort of game. Four is great. More would require a multiple, and less would require dealing with randoms that are outside the chat window. Communication is key in it. It MIGHT do better on a day when we can guarantee four (or eight) and everyone in chat at the same time. Also Garr not being missing, if he's one of the group.

Thoughts on this?

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2013 08:48 AM

Sorry I had to bail like that last night, I got trapped in an interminable boring conversation and figured it was probably better to duck out than to have you guys constantly revive me while I continued trying to play out of the corner of my eye.

FWIW I don't really think it's the game for me anyway, I am not endowed with the requisite patience.

Also also: next time we have low turnout, Cry of Fear is free on Steam now and the 4p co-op is crackers

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 15, 2013 04:14 PM

New rule: If someone has to leave, they have to leave the way that Ben left.

The unmovable stubborn May 15, 2013 07:11 PM

Next time I'm just going to mute my mic but never actually leave the call, while my music plugin sloooooowly cranks up the volume on "The Entertainer" to 500%

Scent of a Grundle May 20, 2013 11:25 PM

Are we still planning on Guns of Icarus tomorrow if Garr can make it?

The unmovable stubborn May 21, 2013 02:24 AM

So far as I know. Heard some talk about some miscellaneous folk that might want in on that business, don't know if anything's been secured on that front but at least we got the one boatful.

The unmovable stubborn May 25, 2013 05:48 PM

Well, I was going to keep it quiet, but Skills noticed how hard I've been practicing. I think we'll really kick some ass next week thanks to the work I've been putting in.


Just call me Sky Admiral Pang. Don't touch the epaulettes.

Scent of a Grundle May 26, 2013 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by It's a Grundleful Life (Post 812512)
Don't touch the epaulettes.

Unless they're on fire. Then hit them with a hammer, and blast them with a fire extinguisher. In that order.

FatsDomino May 26, 2013 02:17 AM

Just a heads up, I might not be able to air balloons with you guys on Tuesday due to having to stay late for work doing some server room stuff. Not really under my control the day things had to be scheduled for and if I'm lucky it'll go quickly and I might still make it. Still, there's a chance it'll be more complicated than it should be and I don't get to put out engine fires and have to put out fires elsewhere. In either situation I'm sure you'll make me proud, boys, and I'm sure to let you down. ::salute::

The unmovable stubborn May 28, 2013 08:12 PM

Well, don't expect any bites on this but minus Acer and maybe minus Skills we're short one crew for our airboat. Like I mentioned before I've got a spare copy so feel free to jump on Skype if you want to join us on our exploding doom zeppelin.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 28, 2013 11:27 PM


FatsDomino May 29, 2013 01:09 AM


The unmovable stubborn May 29, 2013 01:29 AM

Acer reading out everything he sees is pretty bad, but Sad Heartbroken Acer is even worse. A Noble Experiment.


YouTube Video

The unmovable stubborn Jun 2, 2013 10:04 PM

So, just for clarity's sake, are we doin' anything this week or is everybody going to be busy with Pack All The Things?

Scent of a Grundle Jun 2, 2013 10:55 PM

I was under the impression that the impending meet would be preventing most people from making it. That said, i won't have anything up, so if people who can want to have a mini game night, we can make something happen. Not sure what we'll play, depends on what the people (if any) who want to do game night have.

But yeah, for anyone going to the meet (which is most of the usual suspects), Game Night is on hiatus.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 3, 2013 12:10 AM

I definitely will be doing last minute pack work. Sorry boss.

FatsDomino Jun 3, 2013 12:55 AM

Yup, way too fucking busy. It's Sunday Monday and I don't have enough time to prep for meet let alone game night. So stressful!

Scent of a Grundle Jun 17, 2013 01:46 AM

Working under the assumption that game night's valiant return is at hand, do we have a plan for Tuesday (beyond taking the ManHogan for a joyride)?

The unmovable stubborn Jun 17, 2013 02:43 AM

Everyone seems game to sail the ManHogan for at least another week. Further into the future lies my cunning plan to get Talec to actually join games instead of just staring at us. This plan may involve teaching Acer how to play Magic. You may begin dismissing this plan as impossible... now.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 17, 2013 01:07 PM

depends. If we get the magic games for PC, you can just tell him to click the cards that are shiny and he might figure out how to play one or two. Just make sure to leave blockers, because you know he's swinging every turn.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 18, 2013 11:37 PM

I like our smallhogans almost as much as our regular manhogans

The unmovable stubborn Jun 23, 2013 03:26 AM

All right, we doin' this. Time for some wizard poker.

GET OCTGN! OCTGN - Gaming Platform

GET GAME: Installing Games - OCTGN Game Directory

GET CARD IMAGES (RECOMMENDED BUT OPTIONAL): Game & Image Packs | Magic: the Gathering

LIAR Jun 24, 2013 10:18 AM

oh lawdy, that means I need to make decks.

FatsDomino Jun 24, 2013 11:22 AM

Okay what is wizard poker? I've tried learning Magic the Gathering a couple times and I honestly don't really get it. If it involves MtG nuances then either you guys are going to have to be really understanding more so than usual with me or I'm going to have to sit this one out. Basically, I enjoy the silly MtG cards GFF came up with and silly ones in general but I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to playing it. If wizard poker is something else entirely and MtG cards are just for visual gags only then hey game on I guess.

So yeah...


Scent of a Grundle Jun 24, 2013 12:11 PM

Doesn't OCTGN have like a draft mode? That would make it a lot easier for things to be balanced (since i am bad at deck building, and those who haven't played even more so)

Also: wow, OCTGN has come a looong way since i last used it.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 24, 2013 05:50 PM

Yeah I figured we'd just draft, ideally a really stupid draft environment like Mirage-Planeshift-Unglued.

Don't stress too much Acer, it's a fun game to teach and I'm rusty as fuck myself. Haven't really played since... when did Lorwyn come out? Shit.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 24, 2013 11:16 PM

I've been messing around with OCTGN, and sadly there isn't an in-game drafting system. We could play sealed, but that's just opening a bunch of booster packs and hoping you get lucky. There's a bunch of preconstructed decks that are installed with the Magic ruleset, so using those looks t be our best bet.

I don't know how automated the game is. Some things seem to be programmed into the game, but others aren't. We'll just have to see how things go, i guess.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 25, 2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Scent of a Grundle (Post 814575)
that's just opening a bunch of booster packs and hoping you get lucky.

This is the opposite of a problem.

But yeah there's a metric ton of pregens so that works too, or if people want to make the effort to put together a decent deck just to crush poor Acer they're free, why not.

Or, ooh, Planechase! Always wanted to try Planechase. Maybe better to hold off on that until Acer learns how to attack with his Grizzly Bears though

Scent of a Grundle Jun 25, 2013 10:50 AM

Also interested in trying out Planechase. Near as i can tell it's basically the MarioKart of MtG game modes, which sounds perfect for game night.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 26, 2013 01:26 AM

So that was pretty rad once we learned to cope with OCTGN's crippling inability to cope with multiplayer. Planechase got STUPID silly once we all stopped worrying and learned to love Chaos, then Hawkeye basically won every game with Deathtouch And The Infinite Spiders. Gotta do it again sometime, hopefully with the whole crew on board. Maybe not right away though, maybe give OCTGN a chance to patch out their amazing "the cards just don't show up" feature.

Additional Spam:
Thinking back, the 2 mana that I used to be a petty jerk to Garr might have actually been put to better use in whippin' problems that came along. OH WELL

The unmovable stubborn Jun 29, 2013 01:10 PM

Alright you guys are about as good at generating ideas as I am at steering skyboats so how about we take L4D2 off the back burner it's been sitting on for a while. Looks like pretty much all the regulars have it, plus a few other folks. Would be cool if we could get a full 4v4 going but I'm not betting on that.

FatsDomino Jun 29, 2013 02:05 PM

Ooh! Yet another steam game I've had for ages that I've not actually played. I like this idea. I also have not played the first one either so I guess if folks enjoy this one we could always do that as well.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 29, 2013 03:09 PM

You've never actually played L4D2?

Jesus Christ why didn't I know this.

Single Elbow Jun 29, 2013 05:13 PM

You are in for a nice (as in pleasant nice) surprise of how fun the L4D series is. Opting for 2 and joining if you guys have slots.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 29, 2013 05:39 PM

I'm not really a fan of versus, but we can give it a try i guess. Hopefully i can make it (all of the video game related plans i've made with people in the last few days have fallen apart for assorted reasons)

The unmovable stubborn Jun 29, 2013 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to Have Pants (Post 814759)
Opting for 2

Yeah, there's literally no reason to play the first L4D anymore since (on the PC at least?) all the content from the first game has been ported over with all the feature improvements bolted on.

Plus also frying pan

The unmovable stubborn Jul 2, 2013 11:45 PM

Acer what are you doing to that elephant

Acer stop


Originally Posted by Why Am I Allowed to Have Pants (Post 814759)
joining if you guys have slots.



LIAR Jul 3, 2013 10:14 AM

Yeah wtf TERM

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 3, 2013 05:58 PM

That's ok.

Term didn't even show up and he scored better than Shade did.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 8, 2013 10:45 PM

I am seriously up shit creek with work tonight and possibly tomorrow; depends on if I manage to crap out 7 hours of work in a 4 hour afternoon or not.

Depends on if I can master time compression in the next 20 hours or so. ATTEMPTS WILL BE MADE, at least.

Do not be surprised if late tomorrow like last week again.

tl;dr fuck everything

FatsDomino Jul 9, 2013 04:19 PM

I'm running on 3 hours of sleep after having a pretty fun-filled day already. Might take a nap and show up, might sleep through EVERYTHING. Dunno. Just a heads up though.

LIAR Jul 9, 2013 04:48 PM

I gotta go get a wedding gift for a wedding I am going to on Friday, so I will be late, but will be there.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 9, 2013 05:46 PM

Well, if more than half of us are gonna be out and/or super late (and I'm including myself oh god this heat) then we may as well call it a free week. Zombies II: Electric Boogaloo can wait 'til the 16th.

In the meantime, Steam Summer Sale is probably starting on the 11th (or so goes the scuttlebutt) so why not use the thread to point out shit on sale that's Game Night friendly? Killing Floor is only $4 right now; there's a 6-pack deal for $20 but since I already own the game it won't let me buy the 6er.

Single Elbow Jul 9, 2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by BOUNCETEK - We've given players the ability to think intelligently (Post 815095)
Killing Floor is only $4 right now; there's a 6-pack deal for $20 but since I already own the game it won't let me buy the 6er.

I own KF as well but I don't have the extra map packs and shit on it. Probably go vanilla?

THIEF Jul 10, 2013 11:00 AM

Count me in for July 16th.

Having a weekly time for gaming with buddies reminds me of the good ole days of WoW and running weekly raids. Probably not the most flattering analogy, but still true all the same.

Man, grad school bites and I really missed gaming my face off...all the time.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 10, 2013 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Hyde (Post 815138)
Count me in for July 16th.

It'll be cool to have you, man. What are your Steam/Skype handles so we can add you?

LIAR Jul 11, 2013 10:14 AM

Look at Pang, trying to be all prepared. Don't you know we don't do anything until game night, in which we scramble to get things done at the last minute?

FatsDomino Jul 11, 2013 10:31 AM

At least I have L4D2 installed now. So there's that.

THIEF Jul 11, 2013 10:41 AM

Steam: adus_bay
Skype: reonardo_elfinston

I left my computer mouse at home in Boston when I visited my parents for the Fourth of July. Too cheap and lazy to get a new one as I go home often enough so I'll pick it up soon enough. Until then, there might be some laptop trackpad hilarity if we play FPS and mouse-dominated games.

FatsDomino Jul 11, 2013 11:05 AM

You won't be any worse than me. I guarantee it. :shade:

LIAR Jul 11, 2013 11:31 AM

There are two adus_bays on Steam. One only had two games (Magic 2014 Demo, and Dota 2) and the other doesn't have their profile set up.

THIEF Jul 11, 2013 12:19 PM

Obviously I am the one with MTG and Dota 2.

THIEF Jul 16, 2013 01:41 AM

Got L4D2, Chivalry, and Half Life 2. In the process of downloading The Hidden mod. I'm ready for tomorrow night!

Update: Having issues installing The Hidden. It seems like its an issue for folks since last year. Followed the instructions of this video, although still having problems. Any suggestions? I should still be able to join the game if a friend is playing though (although I can't launch the application for myself).

YouTube Video

Yet another update: So Plarom decided to drop by NYC last minute so Sprout and I are gonna chill with him tonight. Prolly will miss out on game night or show up late. Ugh sorry dudes :(

The unmovable stubborn Jul 17, 2013 10:38 AM

Hyde, as long as you can join us from the friends list it should be fine. It's a fairly old mod at this point and sort of crotchety, so it doesn't really work perfectly for any of us, but I think it's definitely worth the hassle.

To the rest of you, sorry about falling off the earth last night, seems my camels decided that once that server went down it was an excellent opportunity to just fuck off for the next 12 hours.

Introducing Hyde to Dr. Hidden's Invisible Murder Party seems like a good plan for next week, unless you guys thought of a different idea while I was glowering at my ethernet cables and muttering.

THIEF Jul 17, 2013 11:59 AM

I joined in for Chivalry last night, but only for like 15 minutes. Laggy as shit. Next week I'll have to join closer to 9pm instead of midnight. I was late hanging out with GFF folks online because I was hanging out with GFF IRL. It was quite a conundrum.

I stuck around chat until 2:45 am or so afterwards and folks chatted. And I slept through my alarm this morning.

Good times, good times. Totally worth it.

Scent of a Grundle Jul 17, 2013 06:49 PM

Helloween will be new to Hidden as well i think, so there's two people who we get to introduce to invisible-knife-psycho shenanigans. Speaking of which, i should finally get around to installing that, since all of the pieces are finally in place.

LIAR Jul 18, 2013 10:27 AM

I also have not played Hidden.

FatsDomino Jul 18, 2013 10:37 AM

You shall play Hidden. It must be done.

FatsDomino Jul 20, 2013 12:28 PM

I noticed Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed is a game owned by Pang, Hawkeye, and Taco. It has a 4-pack on sale today for pretty cheap. I think if I got that and three game night people wanted in we could totally make a game night out of it. It has 10 player online racing. I assume it has some sort of lobby system so you can play with your friends but I have no clue... yup Taco just confirmed that it does.

So who here would like a free copy of this for a potential game night?

Additional Spam:
Also I'm nabbing a Worms Revolution 4-pack and giving Pang and sousuke copies leaving 1 copy untaken.

Oh and Skills is the first to claim Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. I have 2 more copies left.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 20, 2013 01:04 PM




Scent of a Grundle Jul 20, 2013 04:11 PM

Sonic Transformed is great fun, it reminds me of Diddy Kong Racing. Which is never a bad thing. I'm pretty sure Helloween already has it too (i really need to get him to find this thread already instead of just trying to relay the information to him all the time)

The unmovable stubborn Jul 20, 2013 06:34 PM

Alright well Acer has agreed to consider potentially looking into thinking about maybe theoretically setting up a private server for Hidden next week so we can avoid all the cheaters we ran into last time and try some custom maps (dunno about the rest of you but I am all set with that sewer level).

Not sure if Acer's actually going to follow through and I don't blame him at all if he doesn't but IN THE EVENT THAT HE DOES, you (and he) will need this map pack.


Assuming a default install, drop the bsps in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods\hidden\maps

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 23, 2013 11:19 PM

You alright there Pang? Something bad happen?

The unmovable stubborn Jul 24, 2013 02:36 AM

Uh other than my host getting butthurt because I didn't get their billing emails that they sent to an address I check like never everything's peaches, apologies to anybody who couldn't get the files on account of I'm Bad At Internet. Pretty proud of you guys for managing to wrangle your own cats for once.

Next week: Sonic Racing Ultimate Super Morphin' Time or whatever the fuck, and/or more Hidden if a game with Sonic in the title turns out to suck somehow.


Scent of a Grundle Jul 24, 2013 04:17 PM


The fact that Acer's corpse landed so nicely was awesome. The manner of its arrival (blown away by a shotgun blast and thrown 30 feet across the room) made it that much better.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 24, 2013 04:28 PM

God we really need to figure out the server commands so we can dick around with the gravity and friction

FatsDomino Jul 24, 2013 04:38 PM

I'm just surprised the server worked as well as it did and that mapcycle.txt was just that simple that even I could figure it out. But yes some of the other silly things like allowing spectators to see the hidden's trail, gravity/friction changes, or different game modes (you dead and now you are on the hidden team - outlast the invisible murder train) would be fantastic.

SuperSonic Jul 24, 2013 09:03 PM

If you all need another for All-Stars Racing Transformed, I can be available. Just send me a reminder beforehand.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 25, 2013 08:34 PM

Heeeey I actually made this group a while ago, but if you're not me or Skills you should probably join and get sweet notifications and announcements about Game Night stuff? THAT WAY YOU WILL KNOW THINGS without having to check the thread since apparently nobody does.

Steam Community :: Group :: Coupler Duty

(I know we already have a GFF group but 75% of the members are AWOL, including the group admin, so: THIS.)

PS SuperSonic what's your Steam / Skype if appropriate? Looked in the GFF group and didn't see you.

SuperSonic Jul 26, 2013 04:50 PM

Steam: sonictehhedgehog (duo for Profile name)
Skype: sonictrueblue

The unmovable stubborn Jul 31, 2013 12:43 AM

The lesson here is that I should never host the Skype call because I forget to invite FUCKING EVERYBODY. And then you were set to Away soooooooo

Definitely going back for some of that business once I get a controller that it understands so maybe next time, real sorry guy. =/

Well anyways next week is PANG'S SUPER NERD PARTY with Action Castle and Orient Express, e'erbody feel free to hop in if you like combining things with other things and/or solving poorly conveyed murder mysteries.

(The week after that: DOTA 2, unless someone else thinks of something, which they will definitely do in order to avoid playing DOTA)

Additional Spam:
PS Shade this is Action Castle

YouTube Video

FatsDomino Jul 31, 2013 01:37 AM

Hey guys did you know that Skills is good at racing games? I did not. You know who is also good at racing? Danica Patrick. Do you know where I might be able to see more of Danica Patrick racing?

The unmovable stubborn Jul 31, 2013 01:46 AM

Have you tried http://www.godaddy.com/danica/grudge/dream/bees/blowfish/ghost/gotta_go_fast.wmv

SuperSonic Jul 31, 2013 06:13 AM

Hey no biggie, like I said I completely forgot and I figured you guys were in the middle of a race so I didn't wanna interrupt. :) It's all good.

LIAR Jul 31, 2013 10:34 AM


Scent of a Grundle Jul 31, 2013 06:03 PM

I am so sad that i missed this. Hopefully it happens again sometime soon so that i can beat skills and go fast.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 31, 2013 10:15 PM

Someone to challenge me would be good.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 1, 2013 03:27 PM

Now that I've got my controls configured in a way that doesn't bend my hand into non-euclidean shapes I've put some time into SART and managed to actually win a few races. Just unlocked Nights and the Shinobi guy if that's any kind of useful metric. The idea of reaching the 140-star unlockable is like a distant dream.

Is USE MAGIC DRIFT POWER TO INEXPLICABLY GO FASTER BY RIDING THE BRAKE a thing in modern racing games? I thought most of us were going in more or less blind but everybody else apparently instinctively knew they needed to Drive Sideways To Win, while I futilely looked for a mythical "boost meter" that appeared to be absent from my HUD. :(

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 1, 2013 05:03 PM

Drifting has been a kart racer staple since like 1997. And has been the SEGA beneficial racing game mechanic thing since like 1993, and at least featured in their shit since...what. 1986?

So yeah, modern games maybe I guess?

FatsDomino Aug 1, 2013 06:56 PM

Yeah even mario kart does that shit except it doesn't really involve braking so much as holding the I'M SOMEHOW MAKING MY KART HOP NOW WE TURNING SHARPLY button and moving the direction opposite of how you originated your hop turn thing.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 1, 2013 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 815832)
Drifting has been a kart racer staple since like 1997.

Sure, as a thing that is present, but not, in my experience, something you literally have to do to be able to finish any races ever. But then, as you might imagine, we don't get a lot of practice in kart racers over here in The Land Of Non-Proprietary Hardware, so kindly forgive my ignorance of the genre.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 2, 2013 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 815839)
Sure, as a thing that is present, but not, in my experience, something you literally have to do to be able to finish any races ever. But then, as you might imagine, we don't get a lot of practice in kart racers over here in The Land Of Non-Proprietary Hardware, so kindly forgive my ignorance of the genre.

And here I had you pegged as a Skunny Kart master.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 3, 2013 08:05 AM

Six stars away from unlocking Gilius.

Progress at a standstill.

Rage building.





Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 3, 2013 01:29 PM

Ok so hey.



On steam.

Plays like a slightly simplified Freelancer. Works well with mouse and keyboard! Lasers! Spaceships.

IS ACTUALLY AWESOME. And I'm not just saying that. Omagnus can back me up. There's shooting and pew pew and oh man.

We should do it some night!

THE POWER OF WATER Aug 5, 2013 01:01 AM



Game is kind of fun, it turns out.

SuperSonic Aug 5, 2013 08:20 PM

So for anyone who doesn't have a copy of Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed for Steam, I just grabbed a 4-pack for $12 on Green Man Gaming. Is anyone wanting a copy?

The unmovable stubborn Aug 5, 2013 08:32 PM

It should be noted that a patch today added some dude from Rome Total War, so you can get in your Roman airplane and throw bees at Danica Patrick in your Sonic game.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 5, 2013 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 815970)
It should be noted that a patch today added some dude from Rome Total War, so you can get in your Roman airplane and throw bees at Danica Patrick in your Sonic game.


Mah nigga

I don't think you realize how good this is.

There are lasers.

And missiles.


And explosions and

Single Elbow Aug 5, 2013 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by SuperSonic (Post 815969)
So for anyone who doesn't have a copy of Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed for Steam, I just grabbed a 4-pack for $12 on Green Man Gaming. Is anyone wanting a copy?

I do! :)

LIAR Aug 6, 2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 815971)
Mah nigga

I don't think you realize how good this is.

There are lasers.

And missiles.


And explosions and

But no bees. BEES. BEEEEEEES

The unmovable stubborn Aug 6, 2013 11:33 AM

I do like explosions. They are like boosts in several important ways.

SuperSonic Aug 6, 2013 04:51 PM

Term, check your PM.

I gave the guy from Total War a shot in a race last night and immediately bursted out in laughter when I used his All-Star item. Freakin shields surrounded him and every time I hit the button spears popped out at all angles. Looked like something out of 300 or God of War.

Animechanic Aug 6, 2013 08:23 PM

Oh dang Term, I would gladly take one. I was bummed I couldn't join the karting shenanigans last week.

My steam ID is chanic, friend me!

Edit: Whoops. Not Term, Supersonic. Go Go Reading Comprehension! It worked though, Term already friended me!

Single Elbow Aug 6, 2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Animechanic (Post 815979)
Oh dang Term, I would gladly take one. I was bummed I couldn't join the karting shenanigans last week.

My steam ID is chanic, friend me!

I don't have the copy, Supersonic does!

And will add! Even though no game.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 7, 2013 12:36 AM



FatsDomino Aug 7, 2013 12:38 AM


The unmovable stubborn Aug 7, 2013 12:39 AM

I was like BOOST! BOOST! and then I was like first place wah? Oh boy wow this is the happiest moment of my life! and then FISH

and then sadness

Additional Spam:
Good luck finding a cure for your uncontrollable stunting

The unmovable stubborn Aug 13, 2013 01:07 AM

So I realized we've got a little more variety in the Game Night crew then we did last time we used Roll20. So, quick primer!

If you wanna play some Orient Express with us tonight, go to https://app.roll20.net/join/34000/yQhjDQ . Don't go there until game time because until I launch the campaign the link might not do anything. WHO CAN SAY.

This should take you right to the campaign page. You probably need to have a Roll20 account (I think). Takes like 30 seconds. Don't be a baby about it, it's a lot easier than fighting Maptool, and it lets me play appropriate music.

Once you get in there, go to the My Settings tab (the little gear), and turn the Video and Voice broadcast/receive to Nothing, otherwise we all get trapped in The Hell Of Continuous Echoes.

Okay! Good luck solving the mystery before Acer tricks you into leaving the train and leaves you stranded in Budapest!

THIEF Aug 13, 2013 12:28 PM

Thanks for the update, Pang!

Not sure if I'll be able to make this one. I have a midterm to study for. That being said, are you guys still gonna stream? If so, I'll probably tune in while I review my accounting notes.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 13, 2013 02:14 PM

I think Acer would stream even if he was playing Solitaire, alone, in another room, so no worries on that account.

FatsDomino Aug 13, 2013 03:32 PM

I am a sad lonely existence. Sometimes there are spectators. Sometimes.

THE POWER OF WATER Aug 13, 2013 04:01 PM

Acer why aren't you streaming solitaire right now

I know you have a camera because you used it for Ocarina of Time 3D, don't give me excuses.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 13, 2013 04:10 PM

No just stream a still image of your desktop.

If we crank the volume all the way up we can hear faint sounds of shuffling, as though from a great distance.

And then Acer comes back to the microphone

To read out loud

Every card that he draws


THE POWER OF WATER Aug 13, 2013 04:34 PM

I'm okay with this, but only if he records in a castle or dubs in some footstep sound effects. I want to hear highly reverberated shoes on stone as he approaches the mic.

The six of clubs should carry the same import as the sacking of a border fort.

FatsDomino Aug 14, 2013 02:23 AM


Scent of a Grundle Aug 14, 2013 02:29 AM

Your victory is never secure until the game (or Pang) says it is, Acer. You should know this by now.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 14, 2013 06:13 PM

Man oh man watching people desperately try to roll a 6 over and over and over to be rewarded with "I'm staying in berth 2" will never stop being amazing. Shame the game takes so long but you can only do so much to compel people to knuckle down and pay attention.


Ok somebody must have an idea

Scent of a Grundle Aug 15, 2013 02:47 AM

I'd actually be up for another night of Wizard Poker, because sealed + planechase is hilarious.

Monaco can be great or tough, depending on whether your team all has the same mindset. Four thoughtful, careful, plotting schemers works great. Four run and gun just-run-past-the-guards-they're-fat-and-slow blitzers also works great. Two of each variety trying to play together is where we ran into some troubles.

The only other thing i've got on my steam list that might be an option would be Sanctum, but i'm not sure everyone has that and i think it caps at 4 as well.

Single Elbow Aug 15, 2013 04:44 AM

Cards Against Humanity.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 15, 2013 07:24 AM

Sanctum also has the WORST SCALING OF ALL TIME

Garr's WHodunnit idea is pretty grand, to be honest.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 15, 2013 08:05 AM

Yeah, Sanctum co-op gets pretty miserable.

Whodunit sounds a lot like Trouble In Terrorist Town, which is also a thing we should do sometime (and which probably has a bigger playerbase, to be fair). We can definitely try it, though, maybe fall back on CAH if it doesn't work out due to the map sizes or whatever. I do love some object permanence.

FatsDomino Aug 15, 2013 08:35 AM

I enjoyed Monaco despite playing it stupidly. I wanna say Skills had played prior to our session and destroyed a couple missions with shortcuts but I don't know if that really killed it or anything. Pang was having really bad Internet issues that night so I'm not sure he got the best experience out of it and we constantly had to go rescue him because of it. It wasn't his fault though. Anyway, if folks want to give it another go then I'm down.

I'd probably sit out DOTA2 or LOL or any kind of game like that. It falls fairly close to my desire not to play RTS games. I don't enjoy balancing spreadsheets or worrying about buffing my troops or making just the right clicks on the map for desired quickest movement or holding some teammate back because of being a newb or some other WELP GUESS I CAN'T ENJOY ANYTHING sort of thing to get into a game. I just don't see the appeal. I'm not entirely against RTS but it has to have a really interesting hook to lure me in or be combined with a cheap Steam sale to do it.

I watched you guys play Wizard Poker last time and honestly I was confused by it but I liked that you all had a fun time and shit talked each other. I'd probably sit it out but feel free to play if that's what you want to do.

Yeah, so besides my little comments those all seem like great suggestions. I can assure you I'd be shit at all of them but you already know that. <3

THIEF Aug 15, 2013 02:56 PM

Garr, of that list you named, I have Star Conflict, Alpha Prime (thanks Pang!), and Dota 2. I think out of everyone here, I am probably the one who has played Dota the most. I used to play back in the Warcraft 3 days. There's a couple things I can say about it. I can also see why the game has garnered so much ire from the gaming community.

The game has a extremely high learning curve and the community is pretty terrible. That being said, if you play with people you know, its a lot more tolerable. Personally, I think the game is really fun and has a tremendous amount of depth, but games last really long and it can be tedious, too. It's free to play and I have a free invite if anyone wants.

I'm pretty down for whatever although my internet has been super spotty recently. That being said, let me know what you guys decide on. I got a raise and looking to blow my money on video games.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 19, 2013 05:23 PM

Have we made up our minds?

Because the newest Indie Royale features Retrovirus, a 6DF shooter kinda like the old Descents or Forsaken or something. Gives you a steam key and shit. Current asking price is 5 bucks or something (IR has a price that changes as time goes on).

Not sure if people are down for such a thing.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 20, 2013 03:56 AM

I am down to bump my dumb little ship into all the walls if Doom Time does not come to pass.

Edit: On some other night, on which I am not compelled to spend hours getting the runaround from Corrections functionaries and tow yard goons. Y'all are on your own recognizance.

Helloween Aug 20, 2013 06:39 PM

I bought Retrovirus. So i guess i'm voting for that.


EDIT: Although, wouldn't you know it, it looks like we're playing Whodunit. I'll see if i can get that running in time.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Aug 20, 2013 08:02 PM

I'm all set up and ready to go, it was pretty easy actually, thanks to Garr of course.


THIEF Aug 20, 2013 08:55 PM

So my laptop with Steam and all my games officially bit the bullet. Going to have to call technical support. That and my computer crashing, it's been one really shitty week. =\

Scent of a Grundle Aug 21, 2013 03:55 AM

Naw, i think you would have been fine if you were properly awake. I could practically hear the gears grinding in your head, and most of the problem was you were more or less too tired to hold a train of thought long enough to get to the end without having to go back a few steps. Also the fact that there was always that one critical white patch of wall that you just didn't see. But science was saved, and that is what is most important.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Aug 21, 2013 10:26 AM

Skills starting witch hunts was hilarious and also got me killed.

Helloween Aug 21, 2013 04:00 PM


Last night was Loads of Fun. I wish i had video captured that.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 24, 2013 04:01 PM

As much as I want to see Acer, and then kill him, I will be out of commission this Tuesday. Going dark. Moving. MIGHT have computer on still, might not. UNKNOWN.

Following Tuesday, maybe setup is back up? UNKNOWN.

Do not count on me being around for the next two, at least. WILL MAKE ATTEMPTS BUT

THIEF Aug 25, 2013 11:07 PM

Bad news. I sent my laptop to HP factory for repairs. Will be without a gaming-capable computer for at least a week and then my semester starts. I'll definitely still try to keep my Tuesday's free during the semester.

I'll still tune into the streaming and chat, though.

What game is up for this week?

Helloween Aug 26, 2013 04:55 PM

I bought Retrovirus last week, so i've got it.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 26, 2013 05:06 PM

Yeah, looks like you guys didn't have time for Retrovirus last week, so let's spitefully polish it off while Skills is MIA.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 26, 2013 05:30 PM


I will try~

Helloween Aug 26, 2013 09:18 PM

Come to think of it, i may be sitting out tomorrow night. I don't expect I'll be going late, but i might be late to the party.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 28, 2013 01:03 AM

So, next week, more WhoDunIt and then maybe Hidden? Also?

Because suffice to say we tried this Retrovirus business and it was pretty damn fun for a while

And then




Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 4, 2013 01:45 AM

I am super down with Whodunit and Hidden.

Scent of a Grundle Sep 4, 2013 02:25 AM

Sorry that i couldn't make it tonight, i had other cats to wrangle (namely the kids who decided to go play soccer in the dark using their phones as flashlights). It looks like i might be available next tuesday, though it'll kind of depend on how long it takes my partner to come back to work after running off with his wife while they have a baby.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Sep 4, 2013 09:30 AM

I am so in for Hidden or Whodunit.

L4D2 was great last night, I never knew vomiting on my friends could be so fun.

LIAR Sep 4, 2013 10:24 AM

I am down for whodunit and hidden. I'll make sure Jasper (my roommate) has them too so he can join in. He has a blast playing L4D2 last night.

THIEF Sep 4, 2013 10:25 AM

Oh man, remember when I missed every single one of my charges? Yeah... good stuff. And when I woke up that witch...

Tons of fun last night. Great turn out. Feels good to have my comp back. Who says we need Pang or Skills lol.

we missed you guys :( ;___;

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 4, 2013 11:21 AM


Franky Mikey Sep 4, 2013 04:13 PM

Am I reading that you played L4D2 and I wasn't informed.


The unmovable stubborn Sep 4, 2013 04:49 PM

If only we had some kind of... group. On Steam. Which would tell you which games other people were playing. So you could join those people.

Maybe someday.

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