Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [DS] 3DS Friend Code - Get ye friends here (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42378)

FatsDomino Mar 27, 2011 02:45 PM

3DS Friend Code - Get ye friends here
Since I seemed to do a decent job with all the online handles for Wii, 360, PS3, and Steam before I figure might as well compile a list for the 3DS too since it only requires the one friend code with your system this time around. But since that last thread was primarily for consoles and it already has the Wii system code I figure I ought to keep 3DS friend codes separate.

So you got a 3DS system now? Right! Let's make some friends. GFF friends of course. You know of real people who have the system too? Lucky bastard. Anyway, post your region, username, and code here and I'll include it in the grand list below.

Try to put spaces between the numbers and dashes. They do that on the 3DS and I think it looks nice. Also bold bbcode around your name would be nice too. Don't forget to include your region as I believe friend codes might be region-locked. Feel free to test other-wise and prove me and my sorting system wrong though.


North America:

0860 - 4152 - 6884

3823 - 8519 - 2379

AnnieMoose aka Acer's silly alt account
5112 - 4708 - 5541

4828 - 6964 - 9551

2595 - 0084 - 3432

3325 - 3426 - 5118

Colonel Skills
0688 - 5265 - 4465

5026 - 4750 - 9463

1977 - 1459 - 3150

5215 - 4670 - 6514

3368 - 6770 - 2102

4468 - 1025 - 6646

2552 - 1250 - 1518

0173 - 1302 - 9611

4897 - 6001 - 5376

1478 - 7629 - 0096

0173 - 1279 - 4660

0044 - 2803 - 8654

2621 - 2607 - 6955

0533 - 4874 - 3694

5241 - 2746 - 9816

4012 - 4180 - 3988

0731 - 4768 - 9502

2680 - 9394 - 8590

5172 - 0270 - 0882

5455 - 9558 - 6601

4468 - 2073 - 1425

3265 - 5770 - 4413

3737 - 9783 - 4967

1075 - 0739 - 3328

4768 - 7523 - 2434

1075 - 0733 - 9337

3952 - 7050 - 4448

3282 - 3860 - 6387

3282 - 2969 - 4064


3652 - 0558 - 3687

3093 - 7397 - 6113

3823 - 8937 - 1040

2251 - 5600 - 7067




Infernal Monkey
4167 - 4511 - 1647

Boop: this post will be edited as people post more friend codes bloooop

nuttyturnip Mar 27, 2011 02:51 PM

My friend code is 2621 - 2607 - 6955. Might not be a bad idea to list the games you have as well (though there's not much online at this point):

-Pilotwings Resort
-Ridge Racer 3D
-Rayman 3D
-Ghost Recon

value tart Mar 27, 2011 09:14 PM

Code time!

0044 - 2803 - 8654

Pilotwings Resort
Ridge Racer 3D
Monkey Ball 3D
Steel Diver

None of which go online! Yay!

FatsDomino Mar 27, 2011 09:29 PM

Haha I wish you could take screenshots of whatever is on-screen because watching nutty's mii playing a 3DS is adorable.

Talec Mar 27, 2011 10:36 PM

North America
1075 - 0733 - 9337

So far I have:
• Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
• Rayman 3D

Lukage Mar 27, 2011 10:55 PM



0173 - 1279 - 4660

Lego Star Wars

value tart Mar 27, 2011 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Talec (Post 781225)
• Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D


Talec Mar 27, 2011 11:05 PM

shut up i like dinosaurs :(

FatsDomino Mar 27, 2011 11:27 PM

You shut up and tell us if it's actually any good. Wait so I guess don't shut up. Is it any good?

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Mar 28, 2011 02:25 AM


Added mo0 and nutty. Feel free to add me.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 28, 2011 09:12 AM


bitches ain't shit but 3D and tricks

SuperSonic Mar 28, 2011 05:38 PM


Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

Talec Mar 29, 2011 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by AcerBandit (Post 781234)
You shut up and tell us if it's actually any good. Wait so I guess don't shut up. Is it any good?

It's a fighting game with some nice 3D running around in between fights. It shows off the 3D p nicely during the running around, and then I turn it off for fights because I keep jiggling the DS :tpg:
It would probably be easy (so far, I'm only up to the third area in my first character) if I didn't suck at fighting games, so as it is it's a pleasant challenge.
It doesn't make use of the touch screen AT ALL which is pretty silly.

But regardless, I get to fight as a velociraptor.

FatsDomino Mar 29, 2011 10:41 AM

So Ubisoft does Primal Rage, huh? Okay.

GB, Skills, and SuperSonic I'm waiting for you to add me.

Rockgamer Mar 29, 2011 03:38 PM

0731 - 4768 - 9502

Don't have any games at the moment, but I should be getting Ghost Recon and Samurai Warriors Chronicles pretty soon.

nuttyturnip Mar 29, 2011 06:45 PM

Why don't you have games, Rockgamer? Spent too much money on regular DS games?

Rockgamer Mar 30, 2011 03:08 AM

Hey, Cake Mania 4 is coming out soon. Those cakes don't bake themselves.

But no, I went the Amazon route (no tax, free (crappy) accessory, $25 game credit plus $10 credit for buying a second game), and they didn't give out the promo credit until after the system shipped. Thus, I won't be getting the games until later this week.

Krelian Apr 4, 2011 01:19 PM

So Pilotwings is pretty much fantastic. When's the first batch of online games for this thing out, anyway?

FC: 3652 - 0558 - 3687

FatsDomino Apr 4, 2011 01:33 PM

I take it you have a European 3DS then, krel? I know the 3DS employs region-locking but I don't know to what extent. I've added you as a friend to test this. It may be that you can add people from different regions as friends but you can't play games with them. It may be up to the developer to enforce the region-locking. If you wouldn't mind adding me we could at least test the initial friend code thing as there aren't any online multiplayer games out yet.

Krelian Apr 4, 2011 01:52 PM

yep, european system. added you with no problems. shall have to wait and see on the multi front

FatsDomino Apr 4, 2011 04:04 PM

Haha! Your favorite title is Health and Safety Information. =')

I'll leave the region thing up in the event that the region-locking is enforced in online multiplayer. Right now there really isn't a heck of a lot that you can do with the Friend Codes beyond check out each other's Miis and a small text field.

GB, why haven't you added me yet? :mad:

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Apr 6, 2011 06:05 AM

Hey, hey, I'm a busy man, goddammit. I added you a little while ago.

nuttyturnip Apr 6, 2011 10:08 AM

Don't make us call your girlfriend, GB.

The Plane Is A Tiger Apr 11, 2011 08:09 PM

So I have a 3DS now.

3952 - 7050 - 4448

As for games, I've got Rayman, Pilotwings, Steel Diver, and Ghost Recon.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Apr 11, 2011 10:35 PM

Well that wasn't sudden or anything.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 14, 2011 01:37 AM

i will have a friend code, when i get access to internet that isn't a jerk. It turns out it's all WoW's fault i can't play games online.

In other news, my shiny new blue 3DS is pretty. i spent a solid couple of hours playing with it before i even put Pilotwings in for the first time.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 18, 2011 09:01 PM

Hawkeye - 0602-6312-8977

Freelance Apr 25, 2011 03:16 PM

Well I just got a shiny new Aqua Blue 3DS today and I will post my Friend Code as soon as it recharges. Hopefully that will be soon.

I only got room for Nintendogs + Cats French Bulldog edition. *

*Shut up. I love dogs.

P.S. Talec, would you recommend Combat Dinosaurs 3D to a dinosaurs fan such as myself? I suck at fighting games too so you think the difficulty is just right? Do specific dinos like the raptors have feathers or are they still scaly? I'm more of a scaly dino fan. Too bad I still have to get FFIV Complete and the next Sims expansion first though.

Update! Okay! It's


4468 - 1025 - 6646

I added everyone in the list so far.

Talec Apr 26, 2011 03:18 PM

Freelance: I think so, if you've got the spare cash. It does have scaly dinosaurs :>

Freelance Apr 26, 2011 09:02 PM

Cool, thanks. Yay for scaly dinosaurs :3

Unfortunately, I think I may have to return my 3DS so that FC may end up null and void. I just noticed that the connector where you plug in the AC adapter is slightly tilted upwards. Don't know if that is normal or not. Despite that, I had no trouble recharging it yesterday. Can anyone check their systems and see?

FatsDomino Apr 26, 2011 09:35 PM

I'm pretty sure that's normal. I think it may even be a feature designed so that the plug stays in securely. Check your charging base. It should look similar.

Freelance Apr 26, 2011 09:46 PM

Ah well that's good to know. Thanks for checking. I see you added me. Whoo!

I wish people in my city used StreetPass. Took it to work today and got total zippo. Lame.

P.S. Not related to 3DS but where's the HtTYD love in this forum?

FatsDomino Apr 26, 2011 09:58 PM

I dunno. I showed it at Western Animation Wednesday a while back and people really liked it so there certainly is love for it. We just don't make threads willy nilly these days it seems.

Scent of a Grundle May 4, 2011 10:02 PM

alright, so my friend code has changed. i broke the top screen of my 3DS by slipping and falling on it, so i sent it in to Nintendo for repairs. it's back now, but everything got reset, so now i've lost all of my friends and miis. Nothing critical, but those of you who did add me (all 1 of you) will have to delete the old one and add the new one.

Hawkeye v2 - 4897 - 6001 - 5376

OmagnusPrime Nov 25, 2011 11:40 AM

I posted mine in my journal, but here it is again:


Sousuke Nov 25, 2011 11:59 AM

I guess I should post mine in here too. :3:


value tart Dec 4, 2011 08:11 PM

Okay, so Mario Kart has these things called Community Codes that let us all "party up", essentially, in Mario Kart.

I went ahead and made a GFF one, here it is!


map car man words telling me to do things Dec 22, 2011 04:39 PM

I have one now!


FatsDomino Dec 22, 2011 05:50 PM

Added you to the grand list and also to my 3ds~

LIAR Jan 17, 2012 10:33 PM

oh shit, shade got a 3ds

3265 - 5770 - 4413

I have Mario 3Dland and Mario Kart 7

FatsDomino Jan 17, 2012 11:29 PM

added you to the grand list

now add me to your list, asshole :mad:

LIAR Jan 18, 2012 11:02 AM

I did, jerkface :mad:

FatsDomino Jan 20, 2012 08:22 AM

Speaking of jerkfaces, I finally added sousuke, Hawkeye, and OmagnusPrime to my grand list (and to my 3DS). Sorry for somehow missing you guys.

OmagnusPrime Jan 20, 2012 04:03 PM

About time jerk. :(

FatsDomino Jan 20, 2012 08:05 PM

Sorry, I have no idea how I missed you guys. Weird.

ComradeTande Jan 26, 2012 02:34 AM

5026 - 4750 - 9463

anyone wanna mariokart?

^-^ May 9, 2012 07:24 AM


Seris Jun 16, 2012 03:00 PM



Infernal Monkey Jun 18, 2012 08:30 PM



Sousuke Jun 18, 2012 09:18 PM


^-^ Jun 22, 2012 09:17 AM

My 3ds is busted, so I can't accept friends/swapnotes anymore :(

FatsDomino Jun 22, 2012 10:20 AM

Go get it fixed. :mad:

^-^ Jun 23, 2012 12:21 PM

Edit, fixed, added everyone

FatsDomino Aug 21, 2012 05:15 PM

Ok so I got a 3DS XL, I moved all my data to it. AcerBandit resides there now - same friend code.

However, that leaves me with my original 3DS which I am keeping and using. I now have a second persona/alias/account/whatever that I can use for extra swapnotes and other potential silliness but probably mostly swapnote.

Presenting AnnieMoose


She's a kawaii sassy lady from the planet JimAlphaPoots and she don't take no for an answer mmmmhmmmmm

So if you want her and silly drawings from her that's really me and I know you do add her to your list of friend codes and it's a done deal unless you weren't a cool enough kid and I didn't add you which in that case yell at me and give me a good excuse as to why I should add you like maybe you brush your teeth twice a day and make a good bowl of cereal good enough for me as long as you don't excessively draw fursonas all day every day in which case you'll need a really good excuse for that one - like maybe you also draw exceedingly well detailed genitalia on potted plants and perhaps then we have something to work with :plant:

So yeah here's dat fancy dame's friend code:

5112 - 4708 - 5541

No. Hard Pass. Aug 23, 2012 05:28 PM

1977 - 1459 - 3150

THE POWER OF WATER Dec 25, 2012 05:34 PM

Hi what's a 3DS and what do I do with it

2595 - 0084 - 3432

Additional Spam:
jesus it's hard to add friend codes with snowflakes everywhere I REGRET NOTHING

Tails Feb 21, 2013 10:24 AM

I'm a real boy now!


2680 - 9394 - 8590

Sakabadger Mar 21, 2013 09:49 PM

Hey well okay!


5172 - 0270 - 0882

SailorDaravon Jun 9, 2013 04:57 PM



Guess I'm actually using this thing now, and just got Animal Crossing. I still can't fucking believe that when you add someone it doesn't notify the other person in any way, so you have to message them and tell them to add you back. Goddamn Nintendo.

also I like how skills' favorite game is some ace combat bullshit, yeah I'm sure that's a great fucking game on the 3DS bro

Philia Jun 12, 2013 10:09 PM


0533 4874 3694 :3

Will fix your gardens to create hybrids in ACNL. Please add me AND LET ME KNOW if you're playing ACNL. :3

Radez Jun 15, 2013 10:30 PM



I am playing Animal Crossing - New Leaf.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Jun 18, 2013 12:38 AM

Added the three of you. I'll pick up Animal Crossing come next paycheck.

OmagnusPrime Jun 18, 2013 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Phoneteen (Post 814080)
Added the three of you. I'll pick up Animal Crossing come next paycheck.

Oh I get it. Add these fellow Americans, but not me. :(

P.S. Also added Philia and Daravon.

The Plane Is A Tiger Jun 18, 2013 01:27 PM

After all this time, Qwarky still hasn't added me back. :(

I added Philia and Daravon to my list, so turnip trading can commence.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Jun 18, 2013 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by SET FINGERWATER TO MAXIMUM (Post 814085)
Oh I get it. Add these fellow Americans, but not me. :(

But... We're already friends on 3DS.

Aren't we?

OmagnusPrime Jun 18, 2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Phoneteen (Post 814124)
But... We're already friends on 3DS.

Aren't we?

I added you, you never added me as far as I can tell.

FatsDomino Jun 18, 2013 02:27 PM

Also piping in here to say that Hito has never added me to his 3DS friends list. It's literally been a year. Either I entered it wrong, you entered your code on the forums wrong, Hito never added me as a friend which is wrong, or something wrong wrong wrong.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 18, 2013 06:59 PM

Pretty much, it's kind of silly that way. Would be nicer if we got some kind of notification that you'd added us, but no such luck.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen Jun 18, 2013 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by SET FINGERWATER TO MAXIMUM (Post 814125)
I added you, you never added me as far as I can tell.

So it would seem. Sorry about that! Added you and sent a couple notes your way.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Jul 2, 2013 07:07 PM


That's me.

vertigo Oct 2, 2013 01:40 AM

Just got mine ahead of Pokémon =x


Vemp Apr 23, 2014 10:31 PM

Ola! I'm late to the party, but whatever!


I'm adding you lot to my friends list.

Silv Jul 15, 2014 09:46 AM

Still new to this whole 3DS lark, but why not.

coeccias Aug 11, 2014 12:02 AM

3325 - 3426 - 5118

Taco Oct 5, 2014 01:32 AM

I thought I had my friend code in this thing ages ago.

4768 7523 2434

Grundlefield Earth Feb 14, 2015 01:36 AM

New 3ds xl - RED!

4828 6964 9551

I added Acer, CHz, Skills, Garr,Mo0, Nutty, Tails, Daravon, shade, SuperSonic, Taco, Tritoch, Omagnus, Qwarky, and vemp at the moment.

Dullenplain Sep 4, 2017 10:42 PM

Pretty much the ur-example of a late adopter. Got myself the New 2DS XL.

Here's my code: 3368 6770 2102

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 6, 2017 06:14 PM


Arainach May 15, 2018 11:03 PM

Discovery: You can leave a 3DS XL in a drawer for 6 months and that thing will still hold a mostly full charge.


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