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FatsDomino May 4, 2006 02:51 PM

Pre-E3 Wii thread
Okay guys, it's six days until the Nintendo Conference so it's time for the Pre-E3 Wii thread. You guys did pretty well in the last thread. Keep it up. =)

Again just like last time, be warned that if you fag this thread up like the former Revolution threads then you will be banned from this thread and perhaps for a week or two from Mario's Warp Room or all of the gaming forums. So basically behave in this thread or else.

This is the Pre-E3 thread for discussion of Nintendo's next generation console named Wii formerly known as Revolution. As such it will be closed most likely a day or so before the Nintendo Press Conference for the creation of a Nintendo Conference plus E3 Wii thread with the same principle and rules.

Link to prior Revolution/Wii thread for time piecing.

Enjoy your speculation and what not and please, play nice.

Technophile May 4, 2006 03:02 PM

Wow Acer, such formal transitions! Correct me if I'm wrong but I think so far, Wii's the only next-gen console that's getting this sort of treatment around here at GFF.

Anyway, has it been officialy clarified as to what those pictures are of from the Sadness trailer? Is it safe to say that, that's just a person demonstrating how to play?


Sigh...make way for the latest rumor. Wii for FREE

I don't know if I really believe this. I remember Sega did this for a while with Dreamcast when they were desperately trying to save it. If it is indeed true, I'm not sure how I'd feel about it. It might backfire.

FatsDomino May 4, 2006 03:24 PM

That would be quite the steal. It would be mighty awesome for my wallet and entertainment value if that rumor were true.

Technophile May 4, 2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by AcerBandit
That would be quite the steal. It would be mighty awesome for my wallet and entertainment value if that rumor were true.

Yeah it would be but it just seems more and more unlikely as I think about it. (And it's not like it seemed beliveble at first)

See, even if we ignore how much of a loss this would cause Nintendo and entertain the idea, how would they enforce it? We all know how major retailers LOVE to create their own super-bargainprofit induced, stupid bundles. SUPER XXXTREME OMEGA 360 bundle anyone?:rolleyes:

At least when Sega did this with DC, you had to sighn up for 2 years worth of DC-online service so it made some sense. Now had the rumor suggested that you had to purchase an X amount of Nintendo games for the Virtual Console feature, it would have seemed more plausable.

Adamgian May 4, 2006 03:46 PM

I'm just waiting for the final hardware annoucements. Nintendo and other companies keep discussing other "secrets," so I just must find out what they have in store.

Other note, the Nintendo conference is something like 18 hours after the Sony one and around 3 before the MS one. It's going to be a huge mess of information, and hell, everyone better have some decent counters in store.

Solis May 4, 2006 05:44 PM

I have a feeling the Nintendo side of E3 will go like this:

Phase 1: Videos of new Nintendo games for the Wii are shown. People are wowed at the graphics being twice as good as the Gamecube (even though this should be expected by pretty much anyone that has common sense). A few demos are given with what the controller can do.

Phase 2: Launch games are shown and 3rd parties demo their games. Every video shows a person swinging the controller around like a crack addict even for something as simple as pointing.

Phase 3: DSLite US release is revealed...noone cares because they want to see more of the Wii.

Phase 4: Some big surprise is revealed. Price, online system, virtual reality, toaster-oven built in, etc., etc.

Who else wants to take a guess?

Wall Feces May 4, 2006 05:54 PM

I think the Wii and PS3 price will be revealed at E3. They should be anyway, it's getting closer and closer to launch for both systems.

They'll probably start with DSLite stuff to make everyone salivate for Wii, and then when the Wii stuff is revealed, jaws will drop/unhinge.

Technophile May 4, 2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus
I think the Wii and PS3 price will be revealed at E3. They should be anyway, it's getting closer and closer to launch for both systems.

They'll probably start with DSLite stuff to make everyone salivate for Wii, and then when the Wii stuff is revealed, jaws will drop/unhinge.

Um yeah, I'll be royally pissed if the prices and all the super nitty, gritty details for these consoles aren't revealed during this E3. I mean, they already kinda coped out during last year's E3. All both companies did was show the shell for their systems and that was pretty much it.

Oh and if Nintendo knows what it's doing, it'll definately reveal all the DS and GC (OK, Twilight Princess) info before they reveal anything about Wii. Otherwise, Wii will just overshadow everything else they have to say.

Soldier May 4, 2006 06:12 PM

I hope Nintendo divulges on the details of their downloadable games. I made a journal entry about it, but now I want to discuss it.


I believe it was stated before how Nintendo was considering adding updates to their games, like brand new levels for the original Mario Bros and so on. That is where things get interesting. Suppose Nintendo takes a page from Xbox 360 Live and incorporates some of the features from the 360's downloadable games. How about the ability to play against someone online during a game of SNES Mario Kart? Or being able to show off your high score in an online ranking system?

Or better yet, how about letting the users submit some original levels to be incorporated into the classic games? They could give us some basic, easy to learn tools to let us make up some new Mario World levels. Or how about the ability to create some new scenarios and stories for some of the classic FF games (fanfiction put to good use)? I suppose such things would have to get approval first (can't have any penis-shaped block patterns or a rewritten story like that awful Chrono Trigger porn parody), but if Nintendo made a weekly contest out of it, it would be awesome. Or better yet, they could just let us share our fan-levels and RPGs freely to each other.

Of course, Nintendo needs to make some things clear in order for this to work. They have to stay dedicated to this concept, instead of starting off strong then losing interest after (like the whole GBA/GC connectivity thing, but that was never really strong to begin with). They also have to keep the price of downloads minimal. 5 bucks a game is okay, or better yet, a free download with each purchase of a new Wii game (heh).
What do you think? Will Nintendo let us submit our own levels? What are some classic games you would love to see updated?

Also, while I'm still iffy about the system using the name, I totally approve the term "Wiimulator".

surasshu May 4, 2006 06:33 PM

Nintendo has a history of not selling their consoles at a loss (hence their being the most profitable console company), so I find that rumour of giving away Wii consoles to be rather hard to believe. It would be awesome, though, I can't deny that.

Technophile May 4, 2006 08:44 PM

Wow the news just keeps on coming and E3 hasn't even started yet!

Ok so Kojima has stated that he's working on a brand new IP just for Wii! Here's the questionable part: It's geared towards girls. Eh? How girly are we talking? Cause I can take Animal Crossing/Nintendogs "girly" but if it's more like Barbie's Horse Adventures, then I'm a bit worried.

Oh and if anyone was still hoping that Wii's some sort of a prank, faux-name, give it up. The trademark has just surfaced. Wii's here to stay .:biggrin:

chaofan May 5, 2006 05:53 AM

If I were the Nintendo conference planner...

1) Reggie raps on stage about Nintendo's Blue Ocean Strategy and Disruption Philosophy.
2) In comes the DS trailers.
3) Iwata-san explains some of the games. And some DS dates.
4) George Harrison talks about the successes of Nintendo and stuff (the numbers and stats).
5) Aonuma-san reveals more Zelda TP stuff and releases final trailer and date.
6) Miyamoto speech before....

7) THE FRENCH "Wii!" REVOLUTION (okay, I'm gonnna get stoned one day for all these puns I'm making). The Download service name turns out to be Nintendo "Go", price, release date, worldwide (2 weeks maximum difference), final secrets and finally TRAILERS!!!

8) Reggie invites 3rd party guys to come up. Trailers. Each director/producer talks about game for 30 seconds.

9) End of the show... or is it?

10) Gameboy CUBED!!!

Anyone want to take a punt on this guess?

Infernal Monkey May 5, 2006 06:33 AM

Game Boy Cubed? Spew. Oh hay guys I stole this crap quality scan from the internet, One Piece Unlimited Adventure revealed.


Kilroy May 5, 2006 06:46 AM

Though I doubt that the 'free bundle' makes it's way anywhere outside the US, there's still something that bugs me. The games. 4 games from launch that's worth buying? Honestly, I'd see that before I believe it.
But if there's at least a proper Mario and a Zelda, then I'll get it.

RushJet1 May 5, 2006 07:06 AM

sorry, but am i the only one here who has never really loved reggie? i mean sure, he's ok, but i'm not going to all of a sudden go crazy over him or anything.

also, i'm getting kind of sick of "wii will change everything" that nintendo is spouting out in EVERY interview now. it was cool the first time, maybe the second, but not the hundredth (though IGN's "the nintendo minute" is almost completely useless anyway as it is basically a PR gimmick).


aaaanyway, i'm kind of agreeing that wii will steal the show, so showing zelda and other gamecube or ds stuff earlier than wii would be advantageous (then showing zelda using the wii controller after this would rock). i can't wait... too bad i'm not going to e3.

also, about the bundle deal: i doubt it works like that, but knowing nintendo, there will be some sort of bundle deal (get the system, get a few games with it? it's sort of the reverse... though i like the idea of choosing your own games with it as well).

Zeo May 5, 2006 07:17 AM


Monkey Ball for Wii! :D

chaofan May 5, 2006 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by RushJet1
sorry, but am i the only one here who has never really loved reggie? i mean sure, he's ok, but i'm not going to all of a sudden go crazy over him or anything.

I never LOVED him, in actual fact. But everyone else seems to. Why not use him? And plus, he has an enigma that engages the audience.

Any guesses at the "still-to-be-annouced" Wii secret?

VitaminZinc May 5, 2006 07:38 AM

Still to be announced? ...I'd say there needs to be a Powerglove brought back.

RushJet1 May 5, 2006 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by chaofan
I never LOVED him, in actual fact. But everyone else seems to. Why not use him? And plus, he has an enigma that engages the audience.

Any guesses at the "still-to-be-annouced" Wii secret?

obviously force-feedback underwear. makes all those sexual games come to life!

ok seriously, i have no idea. knowing nintendo, it'll either be something way out there and weird that everyone will have to accept, something weird and way out there that will be freaking awesome, or something that everyone expected, and it will fall flat on its face (such as, THE WII WILL INTERFACE WITH THE DS! AMAZING).

deadally May 5, 2006 09:32 AM

I wouldn't mind it if the Wii interfaced, connected, and did really interesting stuff with the DS. There's just that aura of wireless that's powerful. It could be a good thing!

RushJet1 May 5, 2006 09:34 AM

it could be a good thing, but it wouldn't be earth-shattering :)

though, wireless communication would be nice- no need to buy a damn link

Wall Feces May 5, 2006 11:49 AM

It would be nice if the DS connected to the Wii so you could download content for games, or even download entire games and then play them via the wireless connection between the DS and Wii. That could work well for GBA games as well!

Smoodle May 5, 2006 08:26 PM

It would be interesting if Nintendo decided to have replacable hardware ... for example, an updated graphix processor every 1-2 years or so ... like a computer, basically, but easier.

TheReverend May 5, 2006 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Smoodle
It would be interesting if Nintendo decided to have replacable hardware ... for example, an updated graphix processor every 1-2 years or so ... like a computer, basically, but easier.

Not to be totally off topic, but who is that in your avatar Smoodle?!

Oh and I believe Wii is gonna be sweet. Can't wait for Tuesday!!!!

JazzFlight May 5, 2006 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Smoodle
It would be interesting if Nintendo decided to have replacable hardware ... for example, an updated graphix processor every 1-2 years or so ... like a computer, basically, but easier.

Ouch, I would not like that at all.

The problem that creates is that future games will not work on the older "non-upgraded" hardware.

Thus, less people would buy them.

Thus, less developers would make use of said hardware in order to make the most money.

How many games used the N64 memory expansion pak or the PS2 hard drive?

I wished that developers would have realized this all the way back when the Sega CD and 32X add-ons were released.

chaofan May 5, 2006 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Smoodle
It would be interesting if Nintendo decided to have replacable hardware ... for example, an updated graphix processor every 1-2 years or so ... like a computer, basically, but easier.

No. Leave that for PC.

What we would want more is for consoles to survive longer than the 5-year cycle they always seem to go through!!! I mean, my girlfriend brought her GCN days before the Revolution was announced in E3 2005. Was she pissed to find out it could play GCN games!

Adopt something along the lines of Sony. 10-year longevity for the consoles.

Smoodle May 5, 2006 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvon
Not to be totally off topic, but who is that in your avatar Smoodle?!

Oh and I believe Wii is gonna be sweet. Can't wait for Tuesday!!!!

She's the lovely actress Naomi Watts.

Double Post:
And I agree, now that I think about it, that having upgrades would be a pain in the ass in the long run. I wonder if they've got some sort of head-gear of sorts that has a sensor in it like the controler does. I think it would be cool to use your head to control the camera or something. I'm just trying to think of possibilities of what the "new, exciting and unknown" aspect of the console is.

chaofan May 6, 2006 12:47 AM

"Virtual boy-ish" head sensor? Hmm...

If I remember correctly, IGN speculated one time that they interviewed some filmmakers about some new thing there a picture would be presented in 3D, like for example, watching a movie in the room and the picture fills up the room. And apparently one member of the conference made a comment that,


Ah I love pre-e3. I can write anything and its legitamite (until Nintendo proves me wrong on Tuesday). Even stuff from IGN.

Am I the only one who took note of that article when it came out?

TheReverend May 6, 2006 01:10 AM

I think I recall the article vaguely.

I really think is that whatever Nintendo has going on, it's primarily going to be associated with the name. Something to do with "we" the collective, multiplayer, etc. etc. They really banked ALOT on the "Wii" name and in my mind there has to be something more to it than what they've yet shown.

I totally expect them to unveil something that has to do with people playing together ...something that we won't expect... and the Wii name will make quite a bit more sense.

What that is I can only speculate. Maybe a special thing to do with the Wi-Fi service/multiplayer options; or maybe some weird split-screen concept (like those dual-view LCD's that Sharp made, two fullscreen images w/ one screen). Maybe they have some way of doing stereo-vision images with normal TV's (aka. 3-D display technology) without glasses.

Whatever they unveil, I do expect the Big N to ship Wii's with 2 remotes (w/ nunchaks), or 1 remote (w/ nunchak) and 1 game (like old school systems!!) and sell for $199.

Soldier May 6, 2006 02:06 AM

How about no more costly add-ons and Nintendo just sticks with the remote? I want them to focus on making games, not gimmicks.

Final Fantasy Phoneteen May 6, 2006 03:26 AM

Excuse me, but can you take the time to explain to me what the fuck that means?

Soldier May 6, 2006 04:02 AM

It means exactly how it reads. No more bongos, extra ram, pikachu mic, E-Reader, and so on. We have a remote that can do pretty much anything, so let's stick with that instead of spending extra cash on some add-ons that only get used in 1-2 games.

Grubdog May 6, 2006 04:09 AM

Too bad, Nintendo are focusing 100% on gimmicks.

I don't mind add-ons as long as they are free, like the bongos were.

RABicle May 6, 2006 04:48 AM


chaofan May 6, 2006 09:38 AM

Good signs. 3rd party games as big as Call of Duty on Wii helps the future look brighter. GIVE US MORE!!!

(Oh shit! Did the clock stop?!! NOO!!! E3's still 2 days awaaaay!!!)

Oh man, I'm looking around other forums and hardly anyone likes the Wii name! Bloody, non-imaginative and cowardly conservatists!!! Why does no one think the name is cool? Wii! Short and simple.

And it affects people. No one's sat down and said, "Oh, it's Nintendo Eclipse. Cool. Next." Everyone's been like WTOMGF?

Prime Blue May 6, 2006 11:17 AM

This makes me all but sad:
Slowly but surely I'm getting excited about this game. If Nibris keeps what it promises that'll be one hell of a game. Somehow I've got confidence in that company. And I'm sure Nintendo helps them a lot during development.

Solis May 6, 2006 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Prime Blue
And I'm sure Nintendo helps them a lot during development.

Nintendo turned them down when Nibris asked them to be their publisher.

Smoodle May 6, 2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Prime Blue
This makes me all but sad:
Slowly but surely I'm getting excited about this game. If Nibris keeps what it promises that'll be one hell of a game. Somehow I've got confidence in that company. And I'm sure Nintendo helps them a lot during development.

Looks like real life video to me. I'll have to see in-game stuff to get excited. But the idea is cool, I'll have to agree.

Technophile May 6, 2006 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Prime Blue
This makes me all but sad:
Slowly but surely I'm getting excited about this game. If Nibris keeps what it promises that'll be one hell of a game. Somehow I've got confidence in that company. And I'm sure Nintendo helps them a lot during development.

That picture kinda worries me. Either Wii's specs and power were severly underestimated, or that's a real-life human being, meaning that the game uses a mixture of cheesy live-action and CG graphics.

If it's the latter then I'm gonna be on the brink of ruling the game out. Using live-action for videogames never turns out to be a good thing. (With the exception of maybe the fighters in the Mortal Kombat series during it's early days).

As for people hating the name Wii, it's getting annoying. I mean, yeah I can understand not everyone loving it, but seriously how old are these people? 7? Making a piss or penis joke with the name was mildly amusing the first five times, but now it's just retarded. OK we get it, they like SERIOUS consoles with SERIOUS and BADASS sounding names. Because they want a system that has MATURE and BLOODY games for their MATURE taste. Games that let them play as a badass riding a motorcycle where he shoots out chainsaws on fire out of machine-guns. OK. =/

(Oh it's also really annoying when people writing articles on Wii write Wii's name like this: revolutionWii. What the hell? People need to get over it already.)

Sin Ansem May 6, 2006 04:00 PM

I'm going to be EXTREMELY pissed if there is no data/video/images on Super Smash Bros Wii. That is all.

Cetra May 6, 2006 04:07 PM


Slowly but surely I'm getting excited about this game. If Nibris keeps what it promises that'll be one hell of a game. Somehow I've got confidence in that company. And I'm sure Nintendo helps them a lot during development.
I don't know, Nibris seems more like a concept studio rather than a game development studio. These types of game companies tend to go under fast, but we'll have to see how it turns out.

K_ Takahashi May 6, 2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sin Ansem
I'm going to be EXTREMELY pissed if there is no data/video/images on Super Smash Bros Wii. That is all.


Of all the things related to Wii, I hope that SOME info is given (next to the other shitload of features, such as a beta list for the Virtual Console).

Solis May 6, 2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Technophile
That picture kinda worries me. Either Wii's specs and power were severly underestimated, or that's a real-life human being, meaning that the game uses a mixture of cheesy live-action and CG graphics.

If it's the latter then I'm gonna be on the brink of ruling the game out. Using live-action for videogames never turns out to be a good thing. (With the exception of maybe the fighters in the Mortal Kombat series during it's early days).

It's a live action shot, see their other images on IGN. The only images that have been released for the "game" are concept art and live action pictures.

Nintendonomicon May 6, 2006 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sin Ansem
I'm going to be EXTREMELY pissed if there is no data/video/images on Super Smash Bros Wii. That is all.

Eff that! It's all about Wiitroid Prime 3!

Grubdog May 6, 2006 08:29 PM

Super Smash Bros Wii is confirmed to be playable at the show by someone from IGN I think.

Tama8-chan May 6, 2006 08:31 PM

The TRAILER is live action, but doesnt mean the game is.
They're using an actor to demonstrate how you can play the game.
If you look closely at the shots of the chick in modern day clothing, you'll notice she's standing in front of a TV, holding a revmote.

Assuming there is gameplay footage in the trailer, I reckon IGN is held by an NDA, and so they can only reveal the live-action bits of the trailer, but not the game footage, until E3.


RushJet1 May 7, 2006 12:34 AM

this could easily be an in-game shot. the shading's more simple-looking than llive-action shots would look, though it does look completely kickass.

Technophile May 7, 2006 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by RushJet1
this could easily be an in-game shot. the shading's more simple-looking than llive-action shots would look, though it does look completely kickass.

The guy looks pretty cool. But it bothers me how it looks like he was just copied and pasted against some background. It's like a really bad green-screen scene in a movie.

JazzFlight May 7, 2006 01:20 AM

Where's the guy? That's a girl.

J-Man May 7, 2006 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by SOLDIER
How about no more costly add-ons and Nintendo just sticks with the remote? I want them to focus on making games, not gimmicks.

Quoted for the truth!

I dont want to have to buy a DS and hook it up to my Wii just to beat a game a already paid $50 for.

Fucking Crystal Chronicles.

NovaX May 7, 2006 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by J-Mann
I dont want to have to buy a DS and hook it up to my Wii just to beat a game a already paid $50 for.

Fucking Crystal Chronicles.

I think Nintendo have learnt from that mistake.

Though what's wrong with other add-ons? The bongoes, mic, etc. when they cost nothing, they came free and without them you wouldn't be able to play certain genres, for instance many music games focus on add-ons. Is the music genre a gimmick?

Soldier May 7, 2006 03:23 AM

Wasn't Donkey Kong Jungle Beat $60 when it first came out?

That would be the bongos you just spent the extra $10 on. :tpg:

Despite what I said, though, I can think of at least 2 add-ons for the remote that would be pretty cool. Unnecessary, but cool.

1. A gun part that you can attach the remote too, for shooting games. The remote would basically sit on the top of the attachment, acting as the chamber. The only question is how to get the trigger to work.

2. A small speaker-like device you can attach to create Lightsaber FX. Every time you swing the remote, you get the usual Lightsaber noise, same if you strike something with it. Similar speaker devices with different sound effects would be kind of neat too.

FatsDomino May 7, 2006 03:46 AM

Shut up about the gimmicks, SOLDIER. I paid $70 for Guitar Hero. I don't go calling that a gimmick because it came with an add-on and costed more than the usual $50 fare.

Also, I don't think anyone should have a problem with connectivity this time around. Most people who are interested are also people who own a DS or are interested in getting a DS and let's face it it's the handheld gaming device to own. Since it is wireless you don't have to go buy a cable to connect it to the Wii which was a big factor of why people disliked GBA-GCN connectivity. I hope Nintendo does some very interesting things with the DS and the Wii talking to each other.

Grubdog May 7, 2006 05:10 AM


Wasn't Donkey Kong Jungle Beat $60 when it first came out?

That would be the bongos you just spent the extra $10 on.

It was $50.

In fact, the bongo-less version was $40, so it actually LOWERED the price of the game. :D

Infernal Monkey May 7, 2006 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by J-Man
Quoted for the truth!

I dont want to have to buy a DS and hook it up to my Wii just to beat a game a already paid $50 for.

Fucking Crystal Chronicles.

Did you just admit to not being able to finish the game without three other people helping? http://img105.exs.cx/img105/9195/j5bmutantbaby.gif

Rock May 7, 2006 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Grubdog
In fact, the bongo-less version was $40

So the bongos were not free after all.

FatsDomino May 7, 2006 05:27 AM

Hay guyz this be Nintendo Wii thread heyr. Wots goin on?

Seriously, what the fuck is with you guys and getting in a hissy fit over Donkey Kong Jungle Beat IN EVERY GOD DAMN THREAD?!

Grubdog May 7, 2006 05:33 AM

Get back on topic Acer! The Wii is based on a gimmick, we're allowed to talk abuot gimmicks.

So the bongos were not free after all.
Well if you bought the Bongo-less version you'd already have the bongos that came free with Donkey Konga.

Here's a pic that might be related to Wii

Infernal Monkey May 7, 2006 05:40 AM

Everyone is still very angry that Donkey Kong Jungle Beat didn't have an intense storyline, it just had gameplay. "WHERE IS MY ANGSTY STORYLINE AND J-POP?", everyone cries. And shake their fists towards Nintendo Japan. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE A FUN GAME THAT PROMOTES BEING PHYSICALLY ACTIVE AS I PLAY. I cannot eat chips as I play this game, worst game ever made. Bring on the true sequel to Donkey Kong 64!"

Those wounds will never heal!


Originally Posted by Grubdog
Here's a pic that might be related to Wii

I bet they do contain Wii demo stations. But one of those crates also contains Reggie. WHICH ONE? Will anyone want to risk their life to find out? WHAT IF THEY CHOOSE THE REGGIE ONE. REGGIE GUARDS THEM. There will be certain doom.

map car man words telling me to do things May 7, 2006 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey
I bet they do contain Wii demo stations. But one of those crates also contains Reggie. WHICH ONE? Will anyone want to risk their life to find out? WHAT IF THEY CHOOSE THE REGGIE ONE. REGGIE GUARDS THEM. There will be certain doom.

Ahahahaha laughing so hard at the thought of Reggie in one of the crates :tpg:

He's in the horizontal one of course, he's shorter than most people realize.

deadally May 7, 2006 08:27 AM

I only have one question, and it regards the Wii, Nintendo in general, and then not only Nintendo

What the hell is wrong with a gimmick? I can think of nothing

NovaX May 7, 2006 08:41 AM

Nothing is wrong with gimmicks as long as they are not relied apon, for instance your aren't going to base a console around a microphone attachment. The Wii controller is different, it's gimmicky, but it's a gimmick with depth.

Tama8-chan May 7, 2006 09:09 AM

Nintendo has an Impossible Mission to accomplish to sucessfully market the Wii name.

my friend did this in Fireworks after seeing the movie XD

chaofan May 7, 2006 09:15 AM

Now, if only the movie had a scene where Tom Cruise uses the Wii controller to blow up Iraq, it'll sell like hotcakes (presuming people overlook the fact that Tom Cruise is the one doing it).

RushJet1 May 7, 2006 10:44 AM

i usually associate "gimmick" with things like the 64DD or the gamecube's microphone or the NES's lightgun - only used in a couple of games, and wasn't integral to the system.

gamecube's "gimmick" is quite integral to the system- without it, the system is just a souped-up gamecube. even if we're thinking of it as a gimmick now, we probably won't in the near future.

i'm still reserving judgement on the system until i try it out. i might hate it; i might love it- i have no way of knowing (though i have a feeling that, while it will feel odd to use, it'll grow on me, and the fact that nintendo makes the games they make won't hurt my disposition either).

KnowsNothing May 7, 2006 11:48 AM


I bet they do contain Wii demo stations. But one of those crates also contains Reggie. WHICH ONE? Will anyone want to risk their life to find out? WHAT IF THEY CHOOSE THE REGGIE ONE. REGGIE GUARDS THEM. There will be certain doom.
REGGIE will BURST out of the crate on stage to start the E3 press conference. He'll then turn around and kick what's left of the crate into the crowd, hopefully hitting the IGN section. They won't be hard to find because they're the ones who screamed when Reggie jumped from the crate.

Anything after that is trivial, hopefully they show some game footage.

J-Man May 7, 2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey
Did you just admit to not being able to finish the game without three other people helping? http://img105.exs.cx/img105/9195/j5bmutantbaby.gif

I cannot properly retort without sounding like an asshat, but I assure you that that crock of shit game barely needed one person to beat it.

Soooooooo broken.

Smoodle May 7, 2006 03:26 PM

The secret is a pair of glasses that you wear. It helps you see the image on the screen as if you are right in front of it - no matter which angle you are looking at the screen. It also provides stereo-vision. But it's not required.

eriol33 May 7, 2006 11:33 PM

Nintendo Wii = nintendo revival?
It's just my guess, but don't you think Nintendo Wii could become the moment of Nintendo's revival? Since ps3 is hell more expensive than any other consoles, I think nintendo has the chance to dominate once more. Even though the processor is below ps3 and xbox, we could expect a lot of unique gameplay.


(if the similar thread has been made, feel free to merge or lock this up:))

Rydia May 7, 2006 11:45 PM

I just merged this with the existing thread. :)

FatsDomino May 8, 2006 06:46 AM

I'd have just locked it but whatever. If you guys feel like discussing that in here then fine.

Protom@nNeo May 8, 2006 07:21 AM

Could Nintendo dominate once more? It's possible but there are too many variables/obstacles. The largest being the games. Will Marwiio and the other launch titles truly offer something new, like Mario 64 did when it launched? Also Nintendo claims that they've an impressive amount of games for launch, but we all know how they love to delay games. After all Metroid Prime was huge for the gamecube, and had it been released as a launch title like it was supposed along with the mediocre Mario Sunshine I think the previous race would have played out a little differently. In short if the they don't bunggle the launch they have a fighting chance.

FatsDomino May 8, 2006 07:43 AM

Metroid Prime would have completely sucked if it had been released at launch by horrible up-start Retro Studios. Apparantly you know very little of that company's early history. Nintendo had to bitch slap them several times before Metroid Prime became even remotely similar to what it is today.

Again a lot of games that came out later in the cube's life would have been great to have in the launch year but time just doesn't work that way, buddy. What happened, happened.

chaofan May 8, 2006 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by eriol
It's just my guess, but don't you think Nintendo Wii could become the moment of Nintendo's revival? Since ps3 is hell more expensive than any other consoles, I think nintendo has the chance to dominate once more. Even though the processor is below ps3 and xbox, we could expect a lot of unique gameplay.

As long as they play their cards right, then Nintendo should at least be able to sweep back to second place. Goodon!

What to I mean by the right cards? AAA First-Party games. AAA third party support. Tap into the non-gamer market. Appeal to hardcore fans by making games that really exemplify the meaning, "Revolution". DS-Wii compatibility to be more versitile than the GBA-GCN connection. Simple but deep online capabilities. Cheap. CLEVER MARKETING (actually, make that MORE marketing). More new IP. More balanced range in general and mature games. Taking old franchises and smacking them into the "new generation" (as the 64 did for Mario and Zelda).

If they're doing what they're doing for the DS, then no doubt Nintendo can pick themselves up again.

EDIT: Oh, and more exclusives. Pay your way through this generation, Nintendo!

Wall Feces May 8, 2006 11:15 AM

I don't think Nintendo is capable of coming out on top unless they tap into the ferocious retards that are the "gamers who play games like Madden to help sustain their jock image." If they truly want to take over this generation, they need some really hot sports titles. Games like Madden have done all but rule the gaming scene lately. It's time for something fresh, damn it. Some people who play games play nothing but sports games. It's sad, but true. This market is ripe for a revolution.

Why buy Madden 07 for PS3 when it's nothing more than a graphic/roster update? Wii Madden will introduce totally new gameplay mechanics that is sure to impress some of these meatheads.

It will be probably impossible to sway the morons who think that "Nintendo is kiddie" and "Wii doesn't have alot of buttons therefore TEH SUCK!" In otherwords, the closed-minded. People who don't WANT to find something to like about the Wii, people who don't want to explode beyond what Sony or Microsoft have to offer. Why? They simply don't care enough to.

Nintendo needs to tap into everyone else. If they can sway the majority of gamers, they may come out on top like they did in the glory days.

HostileCreation May 8, 2006 12:09 PM

I think Wii is going to take the marketplace by storm. I don't know if Nintendo will come out on top, but seriously think about this for a moment. You can actually play with your games. Interact, physically, like we've always wanted to.

I think it's going to be big, bigger than some think.

As for NIBRIS, I haven't got much faith in them. I'd like to, because they seem serious, and they have a stylish website, and Sadness sounds awesome, but they've got to release something with substance before anyone takes them seriously.

eriol33 May 8, 2006 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus
Nintendo needs to tap into everyone else. If they can sway the majority of gamers, they may come out on top like they did in the glory days.

All they need is to buy the share of square enix and force them to release FF series in Wii. That will be enough for millions SE fanboys to purchase a Wii.
I still love nintendo the best, I grew with it, too bad their own stupidity kick their butt out of the league (the Snes Play Station project, oh nintendo, how stupid were you!)

WraithTwo May 8, 2006 02:57 PM


Squenix is backing the Wii with two new titles which will be announced later today. According to the post, the titles are suspected to be a Crystal Chronicles sequel and a new Dragon Quest for Wii.

Guess we'll know soon enough, but if the Wii is getting Dragon Quest, that is VERY good news indeed.

- WraithTwo -

Kimchi May 8, 2006 03:23 PM

Holy marcral! Since when did SE start to support Nintendo? All I remember is them ditching Nintendo for using cart instead of CD... and some remade-FF came out for GBA for milking...

Solis May 8, 2006 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Taegueki
Holy marcral! Since when did SE start to support Nintendo? All I remember is them ditching Nintendo for using cart instead of CD... and some remade-FF came out for GBA for milking...

Well, that's pretty much why they made Crystal Chronicles: so Nintendo would let them make GBA games. I wonder if the Dragon Quest game will be like that, where it has the name but otherwise doesn't bear much resemblance to the other games in the series. Guess we'll find out if they release some images or footage of it.

FatsDomino May 8, 2006 06:45 PM

Actually most of SE's E3 lineup is for Nintendo systems. Nintendo is getting a lot of love.

Also, I will be closing this short lived thread sometime in the future because well the nintendo conference is tomorrow and all.

Talk about what you expect from the Wii and stuff and the conference and any new info for now. Just look forward to a new thread tomorrow.

Technophile May 8, 2006 08:48 PM

You guys, Sony just stole Wii's main feature. :( . Their controler has some sort of movement sensor. I wonder how this'll effect Wii.

Grubdog May 8, 2006 09:08 PM

It'll either make Wii look a lot better or a lot worse.

It's Nintendos turn now, I can't wait to see what Reggie has to say.

Shonos May 8, 2006 09:20 PM

Nintendo's conference is tomorrow? What time will this take place? The Nintendo Wii is the only other thing I'm interested in this year. ._.

I saw what I wanted to see today with Sony. Now I gotta see what Nintendo does.

Technophile May 8, 2006 09:23 PM

I just hope Wii's last big secret is something huge now that Sony ripped them off. Again.

Wall Feces May 8, 2006 09:25 PM

That's true, they do have a big secret to reveal. I can't fucking wait to see it.

I'm going to bet right here and now that the price of the system will be $249. Anyone else?

lazuli May 8, 2006 09:26 PM

My thoughts after the sony conference:

1. Wii has a DQ launch title, DQ being known for being more popular than Final Fantasy in Japan (and we still haven't seen the Nintendo conference)
2. Wii will most likely be at a 2-for-1 price point compared to the PS3
3. None of the games shown at PS3's press event were said to be launch titles, we have no idea when the first must-have game will come along (this might change, although, MGS4 was shown to be 2007, FFXIII certainly isn't coming out this year...what else that they showed is going to make people plunk down $500 immediately to get a PS3?)

We haven't even seen Nintendo's press conference and at this point the Wii looks likely to take off much better than PS3, particularly in Japan.

Shonos May 8, 2006 09:29 PM

I know the Nintendo Wii has to sell alot just because of the low price. There's no way I can afford the PS3, no matter how much I want it. The 360 is still expensive too. So I'll end up getting the Nintendo Wii first. =/ I assume this will probably be the same for alot of people..

Technophile May 8, 2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Shonos
I know the Nintendo Wii has to sell alot just because of the low price. There's no way I can afford the PS3, no matter how much I want it. The 360 is still expensive too. So I'll end up getting the Nintendo Wii first. =/ I assume this will probably be the same for alot of people..

Yeah, also, none of the MAJOR games seemed to support PS3's controler's motion sensing capabilities. It definately doesn't seem like something they'll genuinly follow up on.

eriol33 May 8, 2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by WraithTwo

Squenix is backing the Wii with two new titles which will be announced later today. According to the post, the titles are suspected to be a Crystal Chronicles sequel and a new Dragon Quest for Wii.

Guess we'll know soon enough, but if the Wii is getting Dragon Quest, that is VERY good news indeed.

- WraithTwo -

Now THAT's a news. I only could guess Nintendo has won the license for FF CC and DQ, but it would be slim chance if the real FF series published in Wii. Sony wouldn't like that since they are shareholder of SE.

Dragon Quest? I'm just waiting for the soundtrack and symphonic suite, but that's clever move, many japanese would buy Wii only to play that game.

russ May 8, 2006 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus
That's true, they do have a big secret to reveal. I can't fucking wait to see it.

I'm going to bet right here and now that the price of the system will be $249. Anyone else?

Shit dude, I wouldn't be surprised if they set it at $200. All signs are pointing towards N5 making Sony look retarded this generation.

Kesubei May 8, 2006 09:55 PM

Things are looking better for the Wii, true. I'm definitely pleased about the two new FF:CC games! Dragon Quest coming to the system is an interesting move, but I don't see it staying there, to be honest.

The Wii could win on price point alone, but where are the games? Outside of it's horrid price point, the PS3 still has FF, VF, Tekken, and MGS - games that, unlike Dragon Quest, sell in big numbers all over the world. I wonder what the third parties are going to show tomorrow?

Wall Feces May 8, 2006 09:56 PM

Especially after this bomb was dropped:


No HDMI output on the base model
No Memory card slot on the base model
No Wi-Fi on the base model

Nice knowing ya, Sony.

Kesubei May 8, 2006 10:00 PM

Heh, I saw all that! Still, even with that large, gaping hole in their arsenal, it'll depend on the games. Unless the Wii is $200. Then, I'd say Sony has a uphill battle.

scotty May 8, 2006 10:06 PM

I looking forward to both the Wii and the PS3, I will buy the Wii first as its cheaper and then buy the PS3 at a later year. Jesus, I better start saving up my money faster, so much stuff I want to buy are coming out!

Technophile May 8, 2006 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by NoWittyComment
Things are looking better for the Wii, true. I'm definitely pleased about the two new FF:CC games! Dragon Quest coming to the system is an interesting move, but I don't see it staying there, to be honest.

The Wii could win on price point alone, but where are the games? Outside of it's horrid price point, the PS3 still has FF, VF, Tekken, and MGS - games that, unlike Dragon Quest, sell in big numbers all over the world. I wonder what the third parties are going to show tomorrow?

Well that's what tommorow's press conference is for. It seems like Wii's definately atracting a lot more 3rd parties than the GC though. I think it'll be treated by the 3rd party companies just like the DS is. Which is just great. Also, don't forget the AAA 1st party titles.

eriol33 May 8, 2006 10:22 PM

Zelda and FF CC would be good reason to buy Wii. Oh yeah, i wonder if third party publishers like Konami, Namco, and Typemoon will publish their franchises to Wii.

Sin Ansem May 8, 2006 10:27 PM

I think Sony failed when Squenix decided to have the KH team do a SEQUEL for an UNRELEASED Final Fantasy XIII.

Yeah guys, thanks for killing Sony *shot for being stupid*

Erhem, I don't think Sony is being very bright in the marketing department right now.

eriol33 May 8, 2006 11:04 PM

Maybe because the CEO is a westerner now. you know, it's rare to see that westerners have top positions in japanese company

Solis May 9, 2006 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by sprouticus
Especially after this bomb was dropped:


No HDMI output on the base model
No Memory card slot on the base model
No Wi-Fi on the base model

Nice knowing ya, Sony.

Ehh, many people probably won't even notice the difference. For your typical uneducated consumer, they'll see the $500 price point and won't care to "upgrade" their console. Really, it depends on if they care about unwired online play or have an HDMI connection on their HDTV (isn't the reason Nintendo isn't supporting HD formats because they say not enough people HAVE HDTVs to justify it? Of those, even less have HDMI ports on their HDTV, and since no other console offers that capability, it's not like they're losing customers because of it). Those things alone CERTAINLY aren't enough to throw the console back into third place if it was going to be poised to take the top spot.

With that said, these "basic" models and the Wii seem to focus on your typical consumer that isn't interested in the bells and whistles with their console. Most will still end up buying a console in order to play games, they don't care much about value or flexability. Nintendo would be smart to advertise the Wii as having "everything you need for a gaming experience". I'm sure many previous console owners have been burned when they found out they needed to buy a $30 just to save their games. Even a simple thing like saying "512MB of built in flash memory to save and download games!" would probably help the Wii's marketing.

As far as the Wii's "secrets", rumor has it that the controller has a speaker built into it. So for example, the sound of your gun firing in an FPS can be made from the controller itself instead of on your normal speakers. A neat little gimmick, gotta hand it to Nintendo to come up with an efficient feature like that which offers something unique without costing much to add (I mean how much does including a speaker into the controller cost? Maybe 25 cents?). I'm a bit worried that this means the chance of having a microphone on the controller is practically non-existant, though.

FatsDomino May 9, 2006 12:38 AM

Rumor has it that the Wii controller has a speaker in it which will make sounds like if you fire a gun or connect with a sword.


Infernal Monkey May 9, 2006 12:52 AM

If true, I hope that when Mario Kart Wii is eventually out, the little speaker will boom out the same noise DK makes when you choose him in Mario Kart DS. ALL THE TIME. Imagine racing to that all day, it'd basically make it the greatest game ever made. "A WEE HEE, A WEE HEE, A WEE HEE".

TheReverend May 9, 2006 01:00 AM

The secret better be more than that...

Speaker in the controller isn't a "major point" of anything. (at least it shouldn't be)

eriol33 May 9, 2006 01:06 AM

Sometimes I think Nintendo = Apple.

They are just so damn creative when publishing their product!

BurningRanger May 9, 2006 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Solis
For your typical uneducated consumer, they'll see the $500 price point and won't want to fucking pay that what the fuck is wrong with you.



Originally Posted by NoWittyThing
Outside of it's horrid price point, the PS3 still has FF, VF, Tekken, and MGS - games that, unlike Dragon Quest, sell in big numbers all over the world.

I suppose you're right... I mean, things would be a lot easier for Nintendo if they had such big, notable franchises with long histories like the Mario series, or Zelda or Metroid or Donkey Kong or ok you get the picture you're wrong.


Originally Posted by Techno
Yeah, also, none of the MAJOR games seemed to support PS3's controler's motion sensing capabilities. It definately doesn't seem like something they'll genuinly follow up on.

Not only is Sony's motion sensor inferior (it doesn't sense orientation...) but it's also nearly impossible to use because you need two hands on the controller. ANY motions, therefore, would be extremely awkward and painful. Finally, the sacrifice of vibration might be a bit too much for such a shitty implementation of motion detection... give me a vibrating controller in a fishing game, rather than asking me to flail 60% of my body weight at the screen to cast a line.

Also, Sony's not a company that's very conducive to innovation. Care for an example? Eyetoy. Aside from DDR, not a single 3rd party game used that. How about the Dual Shock 2? Pressure Sensitive buttons ZOMG! How many games used that, though? Metal Gear and Silent Hill. Woo. Thanks Sony, I just paid an extra 10-20 dollars for your shitty unresponsive controller so I could have pressure sensitivity in one game.

Sony's mentality, especially with the PS3, has been and will be "make the game look good above all else." They won't push the motion sensor thing onto developers at all, just like they didn't push the Eyetoy or the pressure sensitive Dualshock 2.

SketchTheArtist May 9, 2006 01:21 AM

For Wii's Launch in Japan:


Also, as it was noted up there, it seems the secret for the WiiMote will be built-in speakers which is a pretty sweet idea.

Price is being pointed as being 249$US at launch. Also, the Virtual Console games are set to cost a few dollars for NES games, 5$ for SNES games and 10$ for N64.

All this is waiting to be confirmed tomorrow.

Seriously guys, first time that I'm TRUELY waiting the Nintendo system. Bought it in the past at launch but this year is special!

FatsDomino May 9, 2006 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by BurningRanger
Also, Sony's not a company that's very conducive to innovation. Care for an example? Eyetoy. Aside from DDR, not a single 3rd party game used that. How about the Dual Shock 2? Pressure Sensitive buttons ZOMG! How many games used that, though? Metal Gear and Silent Hill. Woo. Thanks Sony, I just paid an extra 10-20 dollars for your shitty unresponsive controller so I could have pressure sensitivity in one game.

Sony's mentality, especially with the PS3, has been and will be "make the game look good above all else." They won't push the motion sensor thing onto developers at all, just like they didn't push the Eyetoy or the pressure sensitive Dualshock 2.

Well not everything for the cube was accepted either, dude. The shoulder trigger click was used in only a few games.

SketchTheArtist May 9, 2006 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by BurningRanger
How about the Dual Shock 2? Pressure Sensitive buttons ZOMG! How many games used that, though? Metal Gear and Silent Hill. Woo.

Playing Driver: Parallel Lines and it's got pressure sensitives integrated for all the buttons including the Ls and Rs.

Solis May 9, 2006 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by BurningRanger

Do you have any idea how much $200 was "worth" back in 1985 when the NES was released? $500 nowadays for what's seen as a "multimedia entertainment machine" is hardly out of the question, people are paying $500 just for HD-DVD players. The market for the Wii isn't the same as the market for the PS3. People aren't go "well I was GOING to get a Blu-ray/DVD/game player for $500, but I think I'll get a Wii instead since it costs less".


Also, Sony's not a company that's very conducive to innovation. Care for an example? Eyetoy. Aside from DDR, not a single 3rd party game used that.
Sega SuperStars? Tony Hawk: American Wasteland? The Urbz? Granted, the last two was just to import your face into the game, but it was used nonetheless.


Pressure Sensitive buttons ZOMG! How many games used that, though? Metal Gear and Silent Hill. Woo. Thanks Sony, I just paid an extra 10-20 dollars for your shitty unresponsive controller so I could have pressure sensitivity in one game.
Plus Zone of the Enders, Madden, GTA, Ridge Racer, even games like Baldor's Gate Dark Alliance. I doubt the analog sensitivity cost much to add though.

But really, this is getting off topic. Lets not debate the PS2/PS3 features here unless it somehow relates to the Wii. Complaining about PS2 hardware that was underused really doesn't have much purpose outside the PS2 or possibly PS3 thread.

Smoodle May 9, 2006 01:50 AM

A speaker in the controller? Is that it? Sorry, but that's fucking gay, and not exciting in the least.

Stealth May 9, 2006 01:51 AM

I agree, nothing to be excited over. I hope Nintendo puts on a good show. Looking forward to another TP trailer.

Kesubei May 9, 2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by BurningRanger
Sony's mentality, especially with the PS3, has been and will be "make the game look good above all else." They won't push the motion sensor thing onto developers at all, just like they didn't push the Eyetoy or the pressure sensitive Dualshock 2.

I don't think so. Sony's mentality is about giving developers a wider palette of paints and a larger canvas. I think both Nintendo and Sony are advancing the industry towards developers doing things they previously couldn't, just in different ways (Sony's ripping of the Wii remote excluded :doh: ).

SketchTheArtist May 9, 2006 01:52 AM

Guys, I think I'm gonna go to bed right now, dreaming about all the great Multiplayer games and gameplay mechanics we'll all be able to experience in groups.

Wow. I'll be praying that Nintendo makes good tomorrow!

Double Post:
Alright, that was gay.

Wall Feces May 9, 2006 01:56 AM

I'll be at a business meeting starting at 9:00 EST... *sigh*

I really hope I can get back here by 12:30... Or at the very least, 1:00 so I can see SOME of the events unfold.

Anyway, viva la revolution. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day!

Technophile May 9, 2006 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by sprouticus

Anyway, viva la revolution. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day!

Yeah I can't wait. I'll be able to catch some of the conference at school, but won't be able to post anything here! I'll be itching till I get home! Damn is it exciting in here or what though?

BurningRanger May 9, 2006 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by AcerBandit
Well not everything for the cube was accepted either, dude. The shoulder trigger click was used in only a few games.

In fact... I can't actually think of any games that did. I never even knew that was a feature, i always just thought it was a confirmation that you were pushing the trigger all the way (I could never tell with an xbox controller...)


Originally Posted by Solis
People aren't go "well I was GOING to get a Blu-ray/DVD/game player for $500, but I think I'll get a Wii instead since it costs less".

No, they aren't going that way, because a very small niche of people is going "I'm going to spend 500 on a hi-def movie player" at all. In my hometown of 30,000 citizens, I would be surprised if 100 of them even knew about the existence of Blu-ray or HD-DVD. the other 29,900, when being told about it, would reply with "Why should I spend 500 on another DVD player, my movies look fine the way they are?"

Also, money might be worth a lot less now, but people (especially parents and other nontechnical types who will be forced to buy PS3s) are still going to remember the last time they bought a playstation and think "wow, this didn't cost me 600 dollars last time, why should I buy this?"

At the risk of getting offtopic though... the speaker-in-remote plan is a horrible idea. The speaker will have to be small, like a Gameboy/DS speaker, and thus any sound produced would be highpitched and tinny. Which would kill the illusion of immersion created by my 5.1 sound system when i have gun sounds coming out of my hand that sound like they are from a $5 kids' toy.

eriol33 May 9, 2006 02:38 AM

Oh yeah, some random thoughts in my mind... perhaps Nintendo taking advantage of Sony's walkman brand that appears anywhere with W. That's why the name of the console become Wii, it really reminds me of Sony's walkman really. and not to mention, the additional "ii" make it sounds more digital like iPod.

Solis May 9, 2006 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by BurningRanger
At the risk of getting offtopic though... the speaker-in-remote plan is a horrible idea. The speaker will have to be small, like a Gameboy/DS speaker, and thus any sound produced would be highpitched and tinny. Which would kill the illusion of immersion created by my 5.1 sound system when i have gun sounds coming out of my hand that sound like they are from a $5 kids' toy.

I'm hoping that it will at least be good enough to make sounds like gunshots or lightsabers fairly accurately. It doesn't have to be super strong, but it would seem pretty pointless if it only made sounds that seem like they were ripped from an NES game.

In other news, Sega has announced an exclusive Sonic game for the Wii. From the sound of it, the "next gen" Sonic the Hedgehog that was already shown will only be on the PS3/Xbox 360, while Wii gets it's own Sonic game.


SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (May 9, 2006) - SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced Sonic Wild Fire (working title) exclusively for the Wii™. Developed by SEGA Studios, Sonic Wild Fire stars the Blue dude with the 'tude on his first solo adventure since the original Sonic The Hedgehog™ in 1991. This intense and exciting action game takes advantage of the innovative Wii™ controller as Sonic combines his trademark high-speed action with easy to play controls to offer a brand new experience!

Sonic's new adventure unfolds from a storybook of the classic tale, Arabian Nights, the last several pages from the book have gone missing, and it's up to Sonic to re-create the story. The vibrant environments provide for a refreshingly new look to the franchise filled with brightly colored mosaic tiles, glistening oases, swaying palm trees, and crumbling stone columns. Sonic activates specific areas in the prismatic environment to pull off new tricks and stunts, in addition to interacting head-on with various obstacles by jumping, dodging, and dashing.

"Sonic Wild Fire and the innovative Wii controller changes the way gamers play interactive entertainment," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of SEGA of America, Inc. "SEGA is excited to lead the gameplay revolution through its support of Wii with a Sonic release built exclusively for this new system."

Gamers will use the Wii controller to steer Sonic and experience an untapped freedom in gameplay and control. Hold the controller horizontally with two hands and tilt left and right to steer Sonic on different paths and maneuver deftly from obstacles and enemies. Continue to tilt and fling forward to dash-attack ground and air enemies and to break down barriers. In addition to the main game is an array of unique controller-focused mini-games which make Sonic Wild Fire fun to play alone or as a multiplayer game with friends. Get ready for a refreshing adventure that puts you on the forefront of gaming!

Sonic Wild Fire will be dashing to Wii's everywhere in 2007. For more information on SEGA's Road to E3 2006, please visit the official E3 page at www.sega.com/e3. For screenshots and artwork, please visit the SEGA FTP site at: http://segapr.segaamerica.com.
Honestly, it sounds pretty silly. "Sonic's new adventure unfolds from a storybook of the classic tale, Arabian Nights, the last several pages from the book have gone missing, and it's up to Sonic to re-create the story."...huh? That sounds like a plot for a really bad episode of Dora the Explorer. And holding the controller sideways to maneuver left and right? So you'd just use the controller to slide back and forth as you follow a railed path? That sounds like a Mario Party minigame more than a section of a Sonic game. Yeesh, I actually like the direction he's taking in the Xbox 360/PS3 game better.

Well, I guess we'll have to see some gameplay videos, I'm hoping they were just referring to the minigames and such when they were talking about those "innovative" uses for the Wii controller. And they said that you can look at screens from the game on their FTP, but I don't see any sign of it.

Infernal Monkey May 9, 2006 03:44 AM

Could it really be true? A Sonic game that JUST HAS SONIC? It's like some kind of weird miracle. Waiting for Sega to announce twenty seven new sidekicks.


chaofan May 9, 2006 03:49 AM

For reasons why Sony's "motion sensor" won't work, head over to the wonderful (sarcasm) guys at IGN:


Though most of what they say is quite true. How could you hold a controller and be able to swing it? People complaining about having to move with a Wiimote won't have to scapegoat it anymore.

FatsDomino May 9, 2006 03:54 AM

A Reminder
Hey guys I have created the thread for the Nintendo Press Conference. I will close this thread an hour or so before the conference starts and then unsticky and reopen the Nintendo Press Conference thread. So go ahead and subscribe to the Nintendo Press Conference thread early if you want to. I'm just getting it ready now so I don't have to do a sudden rush job like I did for the Sony Press Conference thread.

Anyway, just a heads up for you guys. Go here to view/subscribe/lick/whatever it:


Continue on with your discussion in the meantime.
Heh, looks like IGN's Matt was right about there being an exclusive Sonic game for Wii all along. =)

Solis May 9, 2006 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by chaofan
For reasons why Sony's "motion sensor" won't work, head over to the wonderful (sarcasm) guys at IGN:


Though most of what they say is quite true. How could you hold a controller and be able to swing it? People complaining about having to move with a Wiimote won't have to scapegoat it anymore.

How does that say anything about the motion sensor not working? It just describes how the controller works and compares to the Wii controller. In fact they point out specific examples where the PS3's tilt sensitivity would work the same as the Wii controller. Also I don't think you actually have to *move* the PS3 controller, it just responds to tilt. Swinging it would be pointless.

They have similarities, but the Wii controller actually senses movement in 3d space whereas the PS3 controller senses tilt. Both will work for some things, while other things would require the full motion detection of the Wii controller.

Edit: wow, is it almost time for Nintendo's conference already? Maybe I should stay up for it anyway. Oh, and I'm absolutely terrible with time zones...what time does it start in Central Standard Time?

FatsDomino May 9, 2006 04:00 AM

About an hour before EST so that should be 11:30 AM CST if I'm not mistaken.

chaofan May 9, 2006 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Solis
How does that say anything about the motion sensor not working? It just describes how the controller works and compares to the Wii controller. In fact they point out specific examples where the PS3's tilt sensitivity would work the same as the Wii controller. Also I don't think you actually have to *move* the PS3 controller, it just responds to tilt. Swinging it would be pointless.

They have similarities, but the Wii controller actually senses movement in 3d space whereas the PS3 controller senses tilt. Both will work for some things, while other things would require the full motion detection of the Wii controller.

Edit: wow, is it almost time for Nintendo's conference already? Maybe I should stay up for it anyway. Oh, and I'm absolutely terrible with time zones...what time does it start in Central Standard Time?

I didn't say won't work as in disfunctional, I'm saying it as compared to Wii, the tilt function of the PS3 controller is rather superfluous. Didn't need to sacrifice many things just to make a tilt-able controller (which'll probably come off as a secondary thing) such as the rumble.

DOUBLE POST: To keep to the thread though, here;s hoping a revival of Kid Icarus or a brand new IP altogether.

devilmaycry May 9, 2006 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by AcerBandit
Rumor has it that the Wii controller has a speaker in it which will make sounds like if you fire a gun or connect with a sword.

Who long will this pads batteries last? 2 hours?
Internal circuitry + motion sensor + wireless transmition + rumble + speaker + nunchuku (or WTF it's called) internal circuitry + nunchuku accelerometer
I would be amazed if it lasted 2 hours that it...


Originally Posted by SketchTheArtist
Price is being pointed as being 249$US at launch. Also, the Virtual Console games are set to cost a few dollars for NES games, 5$ for SNES games and 10$ for N64.

$249 ?!? That almost how much a XBox 360 costs and I would laugh if MS will reduced the price just to nag Nintendo :)


Originally Posted by AcerBandit
Well not everything for the cube was accepted either, dude. The shoulder trigger click was used in only a few games.

No game I have use it... it's one of those things that look awsome in the paper but when it comes to real life usage it's useless. Just try to think as a game dev and see how hard it to make use of both the pressure trigger and the digital trigger without messing with each other.


Originally Posted by Solis
Honestly, it sounds pretty silly. "Sonic's new adventure unfolds from a storybook of the classic tale, Arabian Nights, the last several pages from the book have gone missing, and it's up to Sonic to re-create the story."...huh? That sounds like a plot for a really bad episode of Dora the Explorer. And holding the controller sideways to maneuver left and right? So you'd just use the controller to slide back and forth as you follow a railed path? That sounds like a Mario Party minigame more than a section of a Sonic game. Yeesh, I actually like the direction he's taking in the Xbox 360/PS3 game better.

I laugh at those who discart a Sonic game because of it's story, it's a Sonic game, not FF! All it needs is good level design and if it was up to me the next Sonic game story would be: Press start screen -> Level loading screen -> Start running :)

Now if you are talking about control Sonic is one of the (nearly 99,99%) of the games I play that makes no sense to control with the Wii-mote... to me this Wii pad is just a markthing gimmie that won't last long, it's kinda like reinventing the spoon, but what do I know, I've been wrong both times when I said that Dreamcast and Gamecube would blow Sony and MS.

FatsDomino May 9, 2006 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by devilmaycry
Who long will this pads batteries last? 2 hours?
Internal circuitry + motion sensor + wireless transmition + rumble + speaker + nunchuku (or WTF it's called) internal circuitry + nunchuku accelerometer
I would be amazed if it lasted 2 hours that it...

I'm sure Nintendo has come a long way since Wavebird, the first official first party wireless controller. If that's any indication then the battery will last a while. This isn't a PSP. If there's one company you can trust for battery use, it's Nintendo. I hope the external port for the attachments is used as a way to charge the batteries. We'll see.


Originally Posted by devilmaycry
$249 ?!? That almost how much a XBox 360 costs and I would laugh if MS will reduced the price just to nag Nintendo :)

Last I checked the 360 was still damn expensive like 400 bucks and widely unavailable. I expect a price drop but I expect the Wii to still be much cheaper.


Originally Posted by devilmaycry
No game I have use it... it's one of those things that look awsome in the paper but when it comes to real life usage it's useless. Just try to think as a game dev and see how hard it to make use of both the pressure trigger and the digital trigger without messing with each other.

It was used for the early cube games and Nintendo's games. Rogue Leader had it to open and close X-foils. I think Mario Sunshine used it somehow with FLUDD. It wasn't used a whole lot but it was there.

chaofan May 9, 2006 09:13 AM

Isn't this thread closed yet?

Well as long as it's open I suggest a "what's the surprise this year" game until 15mins before the conference. Maybe?

The next Game Boy ^_^.

NovaX May 9, 2006 09:22 AM

I hope not, E3 for Nintendo this year should be all about DS and Wii. I don't want the next GameBoy to steal any thunder from upcoming DS news.

Prime Blue May 9, 2006 09:36 AM

Some days ago rumours about one last big GameCube game surfaced. Something which will surprise us all.

chaofan May 9, 2006 10:06 AM

1hrs 25mins and 30seconds according to Gamespot.

New guess: Nintendo to announce 3D projection when playing Wii.

FatsDomino May 9, 2006 10:13 AM

Alright guys, like I said on the page before it is time to close this thread now to make way for the Nintendo Press Conference thread an hour or so early. You guys did very well again. Head on over to the new thread and enjoy the conference. =)



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