Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   At an inate level, I am scared of girls. (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37813)

RABicle Jun 18, 2009 10:26 AM

At an innate level, I am scared of girls.
Sometimes I wake up in the night shouting and all sweaty. These are the wet dreams.

But let's talk about today.

Actually no, let's talk about six weeks and 5 hours ago. Then I was sitting next to the delightful Sarah in EDU282. We were somewhat familiar with each other and this was the most we'd chatted in any lesson. I was into her. I raced for the seat next to her when I arrived in class. Class ended and I sat around because my next class was in the same room. She was going home… except she didn't, she lingered. She just had an extra nothing to say to me and I'm all mentally "well let's just wrap this conversation up" and then she left. 5 minutes later it hit me; why the fuck didn't I ask for her number? I wont see her for 3 weeks and that is a long enough study break to fit in a date what the fuck!

I haven't seen her since at all. I think she dropped out or something, two exams and two full days of class and I haven't seen her. The window is shut. She doesn't have a facebook, her myspace is untouched since 07. It's over. Am cry.

Let's come back to the now, 10 hours ago. We're wrapping up the final hour of EDU282 for the semester. I'm sitting on the same table as Imogen. Imogen is hot. Intimidatingly so. Elle Macpherson is nicknamed 'The Body' because her measurements of 92c-62-89 (36-25-35) are considered perfect. While I haven't had the opportunity or courage to measure Imogen, I imagine she'd record similar figures. Class is wrapping up, we're packing up. "Yeah I'm thinking Tavern" I quietly say to my group. "Yeah I might just meet you there," she replies. Then class ended and there was one final handout to collect and I collected mine and just, just wandered the fuck off. "What the hell Roland! Of course a girl isn't going to just arrive at a bar alone, you have to chat them up the whole way there," is what I told myself as I stared over my beer towards Bush Court.

I finished the beer and thought about food. So I headed to the refectory and in the line to Aroma for a bite to eat. In the line I get chatting to a girl I hadn't ever spoken to but knew from EDU231. Although she's not particularly attractive and we'd never spoken there was always a spunk to her that I'd been inexplicably drawn to. I'm turning on the charm and we got along great. We ate lunch together, albiet with some of her friends but they might as well not have been there. She had to rush back for her 1pm class. And kinda lingered. "So I guess I'll see you sometime…"
"Yeah! I'll see you around" I reply.

In my head a little voice said "Nup that's it. fuck you mate I'm outta here."

I keep telling myself I want a girlfriend or at least a date but it's like my body is resisting it. What the fuck.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jun 18, 2009 11:22 AM

Maybe you're gay? Have you tried chatting up any men to see if the same thing happens?

RABicle Jun 18, 2009 11:33 AM

I've always half jokingly suggested that gay men have it much easier because we are much more reasonable, mentally stable and years of conditioning make approaching your own gender easier. But I'm pretty sure if I was gay there would be some kind of physical attraction, I live with three other guys and the desire to jump into one of their muscular arms just isn't there.

Who kows, maybe I'll head down to The Court and see how I go :p.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jun 18, 2009 11:43 AM

Maybe then it's an innate fear of rejection rather than of women. Do you find it easier to talk to them when you're drunk?

Sarag Jun 18, 2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by RABicle (Post 709519)
I've always half jokingly suggested that gay men have it much easier because we are much more reasonable, mentally stable


we are much more reasonable, mentally stable

we are much more reasonable, mentally stable
I don't think there's a 'we' in that statement you just made there, Rabby.

Sceptre X Jun 23, 2009 02:13 PM

By "we" RAB means the male gender in general, not just gays.

Oh, and RAB...go watch 40-Year Old Virgin. There's a scene where Seth Rogan punches the other guy in the balls after he says he's too afraid of women to go talk to a gorgeous single at the bar.

"What'd you hit me in the balls for?" he yells.

"I didn't punch you in the balls," says Seth Rogan. "I punched you in the fleshy place where your balls used to be."

Every time you see a girl you want to ask out, but almost don't, imagine Seth Rogan is punching you in the balls.

Dual Jul 16, 2009 06:30 PM

There may be cultural differences to consider. That said, grow a pair. You seem like an intelligible chap. Emotional maturity could be deferred but that wouldn't necessarily make your company any less enjoyable. Be sure of yourself and put yourself out there. You can't be afraid of life.

Awndra Aug 19, 2009 08:16 PM

Induce a confidence high in yourself. the hard part for shy male is knowing what is the appropriate situation to approach the female subject. If you have any talents, go to a party where you have full chance to display them, even if you don't get lucky that time, try again. Just get that positive shit running through your brain.

Don't fully understand the subtle signs a female will give off when attracted? There are entire books devoted to body language, read them, familiarize yourself with some of the more basic ones, and from there you innate instincts should pick up.

If all else fails craigslist has a section for trannies looking to fuck. Couldn't be any worse than not getting any.

Gift of Game Aug 21, 2009 09:46 PM

Practice asking girls out. Ask out girls that you aren't attracted to. You'll have nothing to lose and once you realize that, you'll be ready for the pond.

Single Elbow Aug 21, 2009 09:57 PM

Hell, before even asking girls out, how about approaching and talking to them first?

Fundamentals first.

Gift of Game Aug 21, 2009 10:24 PM


Hell, before even asking girls out, how about approaching and talking to them first?

Fundamentals first.
No. You get to know each other a little on each date. That's when you talk. Less is more. Dating is what will put you in the best seat in the house. Girlfriend hunting is not a matter of talking and texting someone's ears off until you're ready to hold hands. That's a common and unfortunate misconception.

value tart Aug 23, 2009 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Gift of Game (Post 721328)
No. You get to know each other a little on each date. That's when you talk. Less is more. Dating is what will put you in the best seat in the house. Girlfriend hunting is not a matter of talking and texting someone's ears off until you're ready to hold hands. That's a common and unfortunate misconception.

So you're saying the best way to get over your fear of girls is to walk up to one, immediately ask her on a date, and... then what? You do realize that 99.9% of people would say "no" to a completely unsolicited date request, and the other 0.1% are protitutes, correct? That's a FANTASTIC way to get over your fear of girls, getting rejected by a few... hundred.

Zergrinch Aug 23, 2009 04:48 AM

Or he could be a card-carrying member of the seduction community...

Gift of Game Aug 23, 2009 09:58 AM

That's why most of you are closet fags. Nothing wrong with being fags, but the closet is a dark, discouraging place.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Aug 23, 2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Gift of Game (Post 721328)
No. You get to know each other a little on each date. That's when you talk. Less is more. Dating is what will put you in the best seat in the house. Girlfriend hunting is not a matter of talking and texting someone's ears off until you're ready to hold hands. That's a common and unfortunate misconception.

While I don't disagree with what Devo said either - this has a lot of fact in it. It seems to be a thing of our current age - though perhaps for people younger than I - that younger people seem to feel... entitled to relationships without doing anything that actually equates to *working* at it?

Zip Aug 23, 2009 10:16 AM

It's just lack of experiance RAB, just keep at it and eventually you'll do the right thing.

Sarag Aug 23, 2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Zergrinch (Post 721548)
Or he could be a card-carrying member of the seduction community...

The seduction community, proving that you can be creepier than furries.

Gift of Game Aug 25, 2009 10:36 AM

Haha. Yeah. Projecting my newborn daughter. She can already say fag. I luff her. :tpg:

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Aug 25, 2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mom Bomb (Post 721544)
So you're saying the best way to get over your fear of girls is to walk up to one, immediately ask her on a date, and... then what? You do realize that 99.9% of people would say "no" to a completely unsolicited date request, and the other 0.1% are protitutes, correct? That's a FANTASTIC way to get over your fear of girls, getting rejected by a few... hundred.

99.9% of girls might say no to you perhaps but actually, it's not that difficult to walk up to a random girl and get her number at least. I'm not saying you walk right up and blurt out the question, generally you offer to buy her a drink first but I have in the past just walked up to someone and got her number and everyone who gives it out isn't automatically a 'ho'. Whilst Mr Game isn't great at articulating his point of view, he's not, in this instance, wrong. All that getting to know people and working up to being in a relationship is basically for losers.

You know all those threads we get by people who really like a girl and have done for ages and they were getting on really well but then she met some asshole and now they do nothing but have filthy, kinky sex all the time? Those threads are written by people who play the long game and get to know people slowly and surely.

I dunno, maybe things work differently if you're fat and ugly but I'd have thought then it's just a case of picking your targets better. If Mo0 waddled up to someone attractive and asked them out on a date they would of course say no and possibly be physically sick, but if he tried it with some 34 stone gothalump, he might well get a yes or at least a phone number.

I'm not saying you're wrong Mo0, I'm just saying that you giving out advice on meeting girls is like me giving advice on particle physics, my experience in the field is strictly on a third hand, theoretical basis.

Gift of Game Aug 25, 2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Big Gay Chulo (Post 721947)
Whilst Mr Game isn't great at articulating his point of view, he's not, in this instance, wrong. All that getting to know people and working up to being in a relationship is basically for losers.

It's not that I'm bad at articulating. I can articulate up a storm. In this case, I'm simply being blunt, as it seems that too much articulation is in play.

Articulation leads to masturbation.

The guy thinks so much about how big of a failure he is at women and it's holding him back. Think less. So no, I'm not typing out an essay full of fluff and BS to persuade him that he's out of touch with his manhood. I'm strictly saying to get in touch with his manhood. If he wants to be cradled then he should be asking his mom why he can't get laid.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 25, 2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Gift of Game (Post 721957)
get in touch with his manhood.

He's been doing that.

The goal is to get someone else to touch his manhood.

Gift of Game Aug 25, 2009 11:18 AM

A man of adequate manhood should have no problem getting his manhood manned.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 25, 2009 11:22 AM

but that's just it

we need to get his manhood womanned

Timberwolf8889 Aug 25, 2009 12:26 PM

I think the argument is kind of silly. There's nothing wrong with either answer that's been posted here. The important thing to remember for people and people of the opposite sex is that everyone approaches dating a bit differently. For some people they prefer the long method because maybe it takes them a long time to suss someone out or to trust them. And some people just jump right in and that works for them and the other person.

I just find it silly to argue which is right when there's no real right answer here. And certainly the generalization that all girls who give out their numbers are sluts is a bit ridiculous as well. It also depends what stage of life you are in right now too. If you're still a student, the long slow method works a little bit better because you probably have more time to do random little things every so often but when you get older and get a job I imagine this time for meandering about is lessened somewhat.

As lame as this whole answer is, my real advice is...play it by ear. Some girls move faster than other, there's not going to be one "method" that works.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Aug 25, 2009 12:32 PM

When I was a student I had more meaningless one-night stands in six months than in the rest of my life outside of university. Being a student is exactly the wrong time to pussy about holding hands and passing secret messages back and forth with girls, if only because there are going to be hundreds of blokes around like me who will swoop in, get her number and bang her that same night, leaving you alone and crying along to Linkin Park records.

Sarag Aug 25, 2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Big Gay Chulo (Post 721947)
You know all those threads we get by people who really like a girl and have done for ages and they were getting on really well but then she met some asshole and now they do nothing but have filthy, kinky sex all the time? Those threads are written by people who play the long game and get to know people slowly and surely.

Those threads are done by guys who think they're playing the long game, when in fact they're playing the sucker. Telling them to grow a pair and ask a girl out isn't going to fix their problems, since they're playing an entirely different game (that of the sucker).

Timberwolf8889 Aug 25, 2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Big Gay Chulo (Post 721970)
When I was a student I had more meaningless one-night stands in six months than in the rest of my life outside of university. Being a student is exactly the wrong time to pussy about holding hands and passing secret messages back and forth with girls, if only because there are going to be hundreds of blokes around like me who will swoop in, get her number and bang her that same night, leaving you alone and crying along to Linkin Park records.

You make a good point that uni sucks because...you're only there for so long. So I give you that, hadn't thought about that.

But I think what you're talking about is more a lesson in confidence and taking the initiative than dating styles. I guess I don't equate taking a long time as passing text messages back and forth for months. And if you're a guy who's trying to date a girl who DOESN'T have that kind of patience...it's probably not going to work out anyway. If that makes sense?

No. Hard Pass. Aug 25, 2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by RABicle (Post 709501)
Sometimes I wake up in the night shouting and all sweaty. These are the wet dreams.

But let's talk about today.

Actually no, let's talk about six weeks and 5 hours ago. Then I was sitting next to the delightful Sarah in EDU282. We were somewhat familiar with each other and this was the most we'd chatted in any lesson. I was into her. I raced for the seat next to her when I arrived in class. Class ended and I sat around because my next class was in the same room. She was going home… except she didn't, she lingered. She just had an extra nothing to say to me and I'm all mentally "well let's just wrap this conversation up" and then she left. 5 minutes later it hit me; why the fuck didn't I ask for her number? I wont see her for 3 weeks and that is a long enough study break to fit in a date what the fuck!

I haven't seen her since at all. I think she dropped out or something, two exams and two full days of class and I haven't seen her. The window is shut. She doesn't have a facebook, her myspace is untouched since 07. It's over. Am cry.

Let's come back to the now, 10 hours ago. We're wrapping up the final hour of EDU282 for the semester. I'm sitting on the same table as Imogen. Imogen is hot. Intimidatingly so. Elle Macpherson is nicknamed 'The Body' because her measurements of 92c-62-89 (36-25-35) are considered perfect. While I haven't had the opportunity or courage to measure Imogen, I imagine she'd record similar figures. Class is wrapping up, we're packing up. "Yeah I'm thinking Tavern" I quietly say to my group. "Yeah I might just meet you there," she replies. Then class ended and there was one final handout to collect and I collected mine and just, just wandered the fuck off. "What the hell Roland! Of course a girl isn't going to just arrive at a bar alone, you have to chat them up the whole way there," is what I told myself as I stared over my beer towards Bush Court.

I finished the beer and thought about food. So I headed to the refectory and in the line to Aroma for a bite to eat. In the line I get chatting to a girl I hadn't ever spoken to but knew from EDU231. Although she's not particularly attractive and we'd never spoken there was always a spunk to her that I'd been inexplicably drawn to. I'm turning on the charm and we got along great. We ate lunch together, albiet with some of her friends but they might as well not have been there. She had to rush back for her 1pm class. And kinda lingered. "So I guess I'll see you sometime…"
"Yeah! I'll see you around" I reply.

In my head a little voice said "Nup that's it. fuck you mate I'm outta here."

I keep telling myself I want a girlfriend or at least a date but it's like my body is resisting it. What the fuck.


Originally Posted by Mom Bomb (Post 721544)
So you're saying the best way to get over your fear of girls is to walk up to one, immediately ask her on a date, and... then what? You do realize that 99.9% of people would say "no" to a completely unsolicited date request, and the other 0.1% are protitutes, correct? That's a FANTASTIC way to get over your fear of girls, getting rejected by a few... hundred.


Originally Posted by Gift of Game (Post 721938)
Haha. Yeah. Projecting my newborn daughter. She can already say fag. I luff her. :tpg:

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Gift of Game Aug 26, 2009 12:16 AM

I find it ridiculous how some of you cringe and hiss like vampires at dawn when someone comes along and says to grow a pair of balls and talk to girls. Last I checked, no one learned how to swim, ride a bicycle or drive a car without first getting into the water, getting on a bike or sitting behind a wheel. I'm sure there are geniuses out there with all the answers that need not be bothered with experience. I doubt that there are any at Gamingforce dot org.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 26, 2009 08:31 AM

Women aren't bicycles, though.

This is merely an extrapolation of the 1990 Cyborgs Ain't Ladies resolution, of course

No. Hard Pass. Aug 26, 2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Gift of Game (Post 722051)
I find it ridiculous how some of you cringe and hiss like vampires at dawn when someone comes along and says to grow a pair of balls and talk to girls. Last I checked, no one learned how to swim, ride a bicycle or drive a car without first getting into the water, getting on a bike or sitting behind a wheel. I'm sure there are geniuses out there with all the answers that need not be bothered with experience. I doubt that there are any at Gamingforce dot org.

See, this alpha male bullshit is not why you're a git.

You see how several people are agreeing with your ideas, but yet still think you're a douche?

That's because you're flailing your cock around like someone over-compensating rather than just having the confidence of someone capable. There's a subtle line between the ego of someone who knows what they're talking about and the fake ego of someone terrified the world will figure them out.

Continue to talk about how everyone on the internet is a virgin while you continue to post on the internet. Not only post on the internet, but come back to a site you left years ago under a different name to snipe at people. Showing how truly moved on you are, and beyond the simplistic petty bullshit of gamingfo- O wait.

Try a little harder to convince us all GoG. You're doing great. Clearly you must be the first person to tell people on the internet to cowboy up.

Maris Aug 26, 2009 04:36 PM

I know this situtation but I have hhelp from my friends over. Just ask and you will get sucess, in real live and in reality. in case you'are not gay I have an opinion for your live: ask woman or I can give you one from my colection lol

Sparkles McGlitterbottom Sep 20, 2009 08:37 PM

Ohhh man... Nah this is TOO easy.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 20, 2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Guy Axelrod (Post 725925)
Ohhh man... Nah this is TOO easy.

Yes, you are.

Immortal Sep 22, 2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Timberwolf8889 (Post 721980)
But I think what you're talking about is more a lesson in confidence and taking the initiative than dating styles.

I'm going to save you a lot of loneliness in your late 20s and just say one thing about this here post.

After college, that is dating. It's about confidence. Girls don't want some other pussy to talk to, that's why they have girl friends. Even if you aren't confident learn to act like it or you will be one lonely man.

bluesy violin Sep 23, 2009 05:05 AM

While you know guys are more orientated to the outward appearance, girls naturally look for posture, tonality of voice and confidence, and height(you need to be at least her height, but tall girls may not mind shorter guys if they project themselves to be confident). So calm down and speak at a appropriate, if not, slow and manly pace. Articulate all your words. And don't forget to smile. Try not to stu...stu..tututut...terterrter..
-(all these factors are actually superficial as you can practice them and be good at it)
What you say hardly matters. However it's how you bring across the idea, like your confidence and stuff, that scores you points.

No. Hard Pass. Sep 23, 2009 04:18 PM

Good god. There should be a rule against virgins ever giving advice on the internet concerning women. Like some sort of shock collar that just leaves them twitching on the ground if they even consider dispensing advice on something they know fuck all about.

No, not only guys give a fuck about outward appearance.

No, saying being tall is good, but being short can be good too is NOT useful.

Talking all slow like a rere is not going to score you points.

If she has a brain in her head, yes, WHAT you say is important.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Confidence is great, but unfortunately for you anime fags, if you have no substance, charm or sexual energy you are fucked. You will live your life having sex with saggy-shouldered, no-hygience bridge trolls. This is your future. Come to terms with it and move on with your lives. There is no magic "be good with women" pills. Doesn't work. If you haven't figured out how to make the ladies want your dick by the time you're 17, you're a lost cause. You are going to have to wait until they turn 30 and are willing to settle for the safe guy. This is your lot in life. It's okay. You'll get through it.

Radez Sep 23, 2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis (Post 726399)
If you haven't figured out how to make the ladies want your dick by the time you're 17, you're a lost cause. You are going to have to wait until they turn 30 and are willing to settle for the safe guy. This is your lot in life. It's okay. You'll get through it.

I could be way off base here, but I don't think that's true. Granted, you know, it takes a lot of effort and I reckon a certain segment of the population will passively accept it instead of making the effort, but people can change, right? :(

No. Hard Pass. Sep 24, 2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Ice Cream Princess (Post 726406)
I could be way off base here, but I don't think that's true. Granted, you know, it takes a lot of effort and I reckon a certain segment of the population will passively accept it instead of making the effort, but people can change, right? :(

No, because if you haven't figured out the mechanism by the time you're out of high school, you're going to spend your time thinking about how to approach the situation rather than just internalizing it and reacting.

You become those idiots paying money to learn "the Game" from some idiot in a leopard print top hat. If you have to go to someone and say "how does I make grl likez me?" and you're over 18, you're already fucked.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 24, 2009 12:33 AM

You know, if we could just force Deni to include a photograph of himself in all these posts where he's implicitly boasting on his mad talents for raking in the dames, we could all save a lot of time that we're otherwise wasting on taking him seriously.

Zephyrin Sep 24, 2009 12:55 AM

^^^ What he said.

Anyways, that's not all true. I couldn't get shit after high school, not a thing. But nowadays I'm not half bad at playing whatever bullshit the girls like. I only lose often because I get tired of being a fucking douche and would rather just be my belligerent self.

But I guess as a generalization, it holds.

No. Hard Pass. Sep 24, 2009 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bath House Pang House (Post 726494)
You know, if we could just force Deni to include a photograph of himself in all these posts where he's implicitly boasting on his mad talents for raking in the dames, we could all save a lot of time that we're otherwise wasting on taking him seriously.

Yes, because being good at pulling women has everything to do with being thin and nothing to do with talent. If I was prettier and had my ability with women, I'm sure I'd pull even more than I already do. I'm not an adonis, and I still get laid by fairly attractive women. I'm good with it. I never claimed I was hot, I claimed I was good with women. Keep biting at my heels, Pang. Hasn't gotten old yet.

Don't get sore because not all us doughy cats don't have to settle for fucking the Goodyear blimp (at least until it dumps us for an even doughier cat with a neckbeard. Oops, I can swing personal too, champ. Predictable Pang snark in 3.2.)


Originally Posted by Zephyrin (Post 726496)
Anyways, that's not all true. I couldn't get shit after high school, not a thing. But nowadays I'm not half bad at playing whatever bullshit the girls like. I only lose often because I get tired of being a fucking douche and would rather just be my belligerent self.

But I guess as a generalization, it holds.

So it isn't a 100%, I'm willing to admit that. There are exceptions to every rule.

Zephyrin Sep 24, 2009 01:48 AM

I'd love to stay up and watch you two quarrel like lovebirds, but I have to get up early to bang a black chick.


The unmovable stubborn Sep 24, 2009 01:58 AM

I didn't say jack or shit about your weight, honcho.

No. Hard Pass. Sep 24, 2009 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Bath House Pang House (Post 726507)
I didn't say jack or shit about your weight, honcho.


Originally Posted by Denicalis (Post 726504)
If I was prettier and had my ability with women, I'm sure I'd pull even more than I already do. I'm not an adonis, and I still get laid by fairly attractive women. I'm good with it. I never claimed I was hot, I claimed I was good with women.

O Pang. I'm so glad you're here to try and put me in my place all the time. Without you, things would just run out of control, I'm sure. Keep it up, Top Cop. Come on, puff out your chest and try and explain to me how I'm wrong. I know it's what you like to do best with your time these days.

It's cool, Cap. I can wait.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 24, 2009 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Denicalis (Post 726508)
Come on, puff out your chest and try and explain to me how I'm wrong. I know it's what you like to do best with your time these days.

ITT Denicalis accuses someone else of being an antagonistic blowhard who doesn't know how to back down.

They should've sent a poet.

You know what, you win. There's absolutely no way for me to respond to that without resorting to pointing out how glue-like you are in comparison to my exquisite rubbery exterior. That would just demean both of us.

Crash "Long-Winded Wrong Answer" Landon Sep 24, 2009 02:24 AM



No. Hard Pass. Sep 24, 2009 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Bath House Pang House (Post 726509)
ITT Denicalis accuses someone else of being an antagonistic blowhard who doesn't know how to back down.

They should've sent a poet.

You know what, you win. There's absolutely no way for me to respond to that without resorting to pointing out how glue-like you are in comparison to my exquisite rubbery exterior. That would just demean both of us.

Agreed. This may be one of the most retarded things we've ever bothered clashing over. Which is, you know, saying something for us. No point in dragging on the "NO U" bullshit for an entire night. Cheers.

bluesy violin Sep 24, 2009 08:11 AM

I did not say being short is a plus point. I just said some girls do not mind shorter guys if they can prove themselves to be confident and attractive to them. You misinterpreted.

I dd--ii-------d-----n-----ooo-t------- mean to talk slow. Again, you jumped to conclusions. Do you know many "shy" guys actually talk too fast, and jumble over their words? That is why I believe in talking at an appropriate pace, at least when you first approach her. Of course when you joke/tease, you must vary your tone but that is really needless to say because its automatic once you go funny mode.

Anime fags? I'm a little disappointed at your trolling attempt. You can do better.
Dating is not all about sex. If that's your idea of dating, and you feel its the right way to go about doing it, then by all fucking means do whatever you like. I don't fucking care.
While I regard dating as an enjoyable experience, I still treat it seriously, that is, its not a thing to fool about with, as the relationship gets progresses. This is a personal opinion: I believe in staying clean, and I've stayed clean for my current relationship of 2 years. And please note I'm not spreading religious abstinence dogma here. I'm a secular humanist.

If you say it's doomed to fail, I disagree. I spruce up my relationship with methods like surprises, and little little sweet details. Also, treating every time I meet her, even though it's been nearly 2 years, I treat it like the first time I'm ever meeting her.

I've dated a few girls before, probably not more than 10. I did not click with some of them because we had some differences(NOT about secx), and I have certain standards, so for the nicer ones we decided to remain just friends. But I did score multiple dates with most of them.

My earlier post was a genuine attempt to help some guy. Because I've been there. And I know how hard it is to come out. If you think your ideas for dating are better, then by all means, its your choice.
However, its one thing to have the freedom to choose, it is another to be idiotic.
It's ridiculous to disregard my ideas when you don't realize there are different dating landscapes.

Sarag Sep 24, 2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by bluesy violin (Post 726524)
I dd--ii-------d-----n-----ooo-t------- mean to talk slow. Again, you jumped to conclusions. Do you know many "shy" guys actually talk too fast, and jumble over their words? That is why I believe in talking at an appropriate pace, at least when you first approach her. Of course when you joke/tease, you must vary your tone but that is really needless to say because its automatic once you go funny mode.


My earlier post was a genuine attempt to help some guy. Because I've been there. And I know how hard it is to come out.

you're an autistic aren't you.

bluesy violin Sep 24, 2009 08:30 AM

:) I wish. Then maybe I could claim healthcare benefits.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 24, 2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by bluesy violin (Post 726524)
Dating is not all about sex.

No, but it doesn't hurt to know how too go about having lots of sex when you're not dating and frankly, dating is something most normal people do when they're a bit older and jaded from having so much meaningless sex.

Not an insult here, just a query. You're a virgin, right?

RacinReaver Sep 24, 2009 12:05 PM

Does it seem possible that some people never go through the meaningless sex phase?

Zephyrin Sep 24, 2009 01:14 PM

Crash, I think this is what you meant...


Paco Sep 24, 2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by bluesy violin (Post 726524)
Dating is not all about sex.

Yes it is, Traumatized Rat. We've been over this. You're married now, so you should know.

^-^ Sep 24, 2009 01:36 PM

Oh, how very big of you. You're an alpha male, are you? Well, let me clue you in on something: Alpha Males haven't been in charge for a good couple of decades. Obviously, this tirade is directed on a High School level.

Once you get out of high school, and begin working at your dead-end office job, you know who your boss is going to be? That's right, that pasty nerd you made fun of.

It's funny, you see. The majority of the women you are talking about, despite the blatant lies you've slipped in, and the generalizations which remain moderately untrue, are frankly, idiotic sluts. The fact that you're trying to taunt us with them is inane, because while they sound appealing in text, in reality, we wouldn't want anything to do with the fucking skanks. And furthermore, thank you for "fucking every girl in the school (I bet you can bench 2000 pounds too, amirite?)." Honestly, thank you. Why, you may ask? Because, by taking away the easy route, you have brought pain upon us. You have brought us misery, you have forced us to adapt to that misery, and to grow as people.

Luxury doesn't incite growth, pain does. So while you're busy sticking it in your AIDS-ridden skanks, we're studying, learning, gaining skills that are necessary for life.

You may scoff at this, call us stupid nerds for not getting the pussy while it's hot, but guess what? We're going to get it eventually. You said so yourself, women love power.

So, eventually, you're going to find a women you love as much as she primally needs you. You're going to get married, maybe settle down a bit. Wild sex for the first two years, but after a while, she'll get antsy. She'll grow tired of the novelty of the Alpha Male. Your relationship will become the dull forced marriage that is seen constantly in America.

You'll likely divorce her and move on; getting a younger wife that'll need you as much as your old wife did when you first married.

Seems swell, doesn't it?

I can assure you, it isn't. By now, we have risen to power. While you live the life of the swingers, we are the Senators, the Chairmen, we are the rulers of life as you know it. We have transcended your pitiful existence, and control every aspect of your very fate, without you even so much as noticing.

By now, we have the money and the power, and as Scarface once said (We know you love him, and have his poster on your bedroom wall, ‘cause you're cool like that) next we get the women.

And guess who it is that loves power, as you said women do? That's right, it's your little skank of a wife! Now, most of us will likely have settled down with a wife, but I'm sure there are plenty that would be glad to take your wife when she dumps your sorry ass to go to the people she knows have the real power.

And, as we get older, our fortunes and power will grow. We'll eventually get a few trophy wives, settle down a bit, and live in the lap of luxury.

Meanwhile, you, the "Alpha Male" will be left alone. By the time you hit thirty, your primal attraction, your ONLY asset, will begin to fade. Your third wife in ten years will grow tired of your old, pitiful body, and will leave you. Stuck in a dead-end job as one of our pawns, you will grow old and even less appealing.

Eventually you will die an old and unloved man, either by taking your own life, drowning yourself in booze, or perhaps merely out of your own misery.

So go ahead. Brag about how many women you are fucking. Call us losers. We may seem to be upset, and you may mock our pain, but I assure you, we know your fate.

And we are smiling inside.

Bigblah Sep 24, 2009 02:26 PM

Dude, Deni has three degrees

The unmovable stubborn Sep 24, 2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by ^-^ (Post 726561)
this tirade is directed on a High School level.

I like it when people are more self-aware than they like to admit.

Musharraf Sep 24, 2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bigblah (Post 726571)
Dude, Deni has three degrees

Yeah, one in pointless blathering, one in bragging and one in trolling

^-^ Sep 24, 2009 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bath House Pang House (Post 726572)
I like it when people are more self-aware than they like to admit.

I like it when Pang falls for it.

every time.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 24, 2009 04:09 PM

I just fell for the trap


^-^ Sep 24, 2009 08:49 PM

trolls trolling trolls

The unmovable stubborn Sep 24, 2009 08:52 PM

Trolling a troll who trolled a troll for trolling a troll-trolling troll

No. Hard Pass. Sep 24, 2009 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Musharraf (Post 726580)
Yeah, one in pointless blathering, one in bragging and one in trolling

The irony is so thick I think even your gaping maw, stretched as it is from multiple sessions with multiple dicks, will have trouble swallowing it.

Seris Sep 25, 2009 12:41 PM

you know what women find uncontrollably sexy about a guy, is when they start an open discussion on an internet forum about what they should do to to land a chick in the sack

and then spend pages upon pages dictating what women irreversibly find attractive in a dude

and then start sucking each others cocks

Bigblah Sep 25, 2009 02:56 PM

That's because you like yaoi

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 26, 2009 07:34 AM

I read this thread while eating a huge tub of yogurt. Then I took a really huge shit in the toilet.

Yogurt, shit and this thread. Which one is the bigger mess?

tiki Feb 9, 2010 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah (Post 726836)
I read this thread while eating a huge tub of yogurt. Then I took a really huge shit in the toilet.

Yogurt, shit and this thread. Which one is the bigger mess?


Good times, good times.

Sarag Feb 10, 2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by tiki (Post 743972)

Good times, good times.

When I saw this post in the last 5 posts reel, I thought you were necroing a thread to laugh at the concept. That I can understand, and respect on some level.

Not this.

Never this.

China Feb 26, 2010 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Seris (Post 726723)
you know what women find uncontrollably sexy about a guy, is when they start an open discussion on an internet forum about what they should do to to land a chick in the sack

and then spend pages upon pages dictating what women irreversibly find attractive in a dude

A lady in the streets but a freak on the web.

RABicle Mar 29, 2010 02:30 AM

I should jsut post all my blog entries as forum posts if shit spirals out like this everytime.

slessman Sep 2, 2010 06:36 PM

You should be scared. Women are scary. I think it is because they are hard to understand. However, I think the degree to which you are scared may be too high. I think that with regular counseling you could potentially solve this problem. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would teach you to be more comfortable around girls and you'll have an easier time dealing with them. Hope that helps! Sorry it was so late in coming!

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 3, 2010 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by slessman (Post 768159)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would teach you to be more comfortable around girls

My cognitive behavioral therapy of kicking the crap out of you would teach you not to be a weirdo Internet narcissistic psychoanalyst.

Sarag Sep 3, 2010 10:01 AM


Tails Sep 3, 2010 10:52 AM

Only if you sit next to them in class before you ask them out.

Sarag Sep 3, 2010 10:53 AM


Tails Sep 3, 2010 10:57 AM


Sarag Sep 3, 2010 10:57 AM



slessman Sep 4, 2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by LeHah (Post 768201)
My cognitive behavioral therapy of kicking the crap out of you would teach you not to be a weirdo Internet narcissistic psychoanalyst.

Wow, you are not a nice person at all are you? Oh well, I don't expect much from people who hurl insults freely just because they are anonymously posting on the internet. Also, who is psychoanalyzing whom when you are calling me a narcissist? If anything I am a nice, helpful person and that apparently irritates you.

NewNick Sep 4, 2010 04:50 AM

Jesus, this thread is depressing. Apparently, the fact that I lost my virginity when I was 22 makes me a freak and a lost cause to ever finding a non-inhuman mate for which to settle down with. Seriously, I could go blow my brains out right now. I mean, I'm not saying this for attention, because I'm pretty sure the only response I'm going to get is a lulz-worthy "Remember to cut down the street and not across the road!!!1!one" or a coolly delivered "Make sure to lay down a tarp so as to reduce the amount of cleanup."

I mean, I get it, half this thread is just flaming and trolling, because that's what you guys do to each other since you've all known each other for like a decade or more. But underlying the flaming there's a somewhat-serious discussion here about guys that are pussies and guys that get pussy. So because I've had only one relationship that lead to sexual intercourse and since it occurred beyond a supposed point of sexual maturity, I'm supposed to live with my life as a sub-human being? Seriously?

Is it this abnormal to want to pursue a relationship in a.) a way that is slower but ultimately more meaningful, and b.) that lasts multiple years as opposed to multiple weeks?

I felt accomplished moving into my 4th year with my girlfriend, before she became my ex. Was I wrong in feeling so?

disclaimer: I'm drunk.

edit: really drunk, because after i got the infraction, i was like "wtf, i'm not suicidal?". So apparently I was literally just saying that for attention.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 4, 2010 07:57 AM

I fail to see how not waiting ages to shag someone in any way equates to aiming for a short term relationship. I had sex with my girlfriend the first night we met and we're still together after nearly seven years.

slessman Sep 4, 2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 768262)
Jesus, this thread is depressing. Apparently, the fact that I lost my virginity when I was 22 makes me a freak and a lost cause to ever finding a non-inhuman mate for which to settle down with. Seriously, I could go blow my brains out right now. I mean, I'm not saying this for attention, because I'm pretty sure the only response I'm going to get is a lulz-worthy "Remember to cut down the street and not across the road!!!1!one" or a coolly delivered "Make sure to lay down a tarp so as to reduce the amount of cleanup."

I mean, I get it, half this thread is just flaming and trolling, because that's what you guys do to each other since you've all known each other for like a decade or more. But underlying the flaming there's a somewhat-serious discussion here about guys that are pussies and guys that get pussy. So because I've had only one relationship that lead to sexual intercourse and since it occurred beyond a supposed point of sexual maturity, I'm supposed to live with my life as a sub-human being? Seriously?

Is it this abnormal to want to pursue a relationship in a.) a way that is slower but ultimately more meaningful, and b.) that lasts multiple years as opposed to multiple weeks?

I felt accomplished moving into my 4th year with my girlfriend, before she became my ex. Was I wrong in feeling so?

disclaimer: I'm drunk.

edit: really drunk, because after i got the infraction, i was like "wtf, i'm not suicidal?". So apparently I was literally just saying that for attention.

I definitely don't think that you are sub-human. I think that it is actually commendable that you were able to pursue a serious relationship and have an encounter with a woman that was meaningful. I don't think there's any reason to beat yourself up over anything or to think as though others are judging you because if they are then they are just being combative.

Zephyrin Sep 5, 2010 01:16 AM

Stop being a faggot, Tails.

Tell us how you feel instead.

Deep down inside.

When Crash is piddling you.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 5, 2010 07:57 AM



Originally Posted by slessman (Post 768258)
Wow, you are not a nice person at all are you?



Originally Posted by slessman (Post 768258)
Also, who is psychoanalyzing whom when you are calling me a narcissist?



Originally Posted by slessman (Post 768258)
If anything I am a nice, helpful person and that apparently irritates you.


NewNick Sep 5, 2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Shin (Post 768267)
I fail to see how not waiting ages to shag someone in any way equates to aiming for a short term relationship. I had sex with my girlfriend the first night we met and we're still together after nearly seven years.

OK, true enough. It was unfair of me to assume that a relationship that results in almost immediate sexual conduct, also results in a short-lived romance. I didn't mean to insult your relationship in whatever state it is in. But I am a bit inexperienced, as I openly disclosed. That wasn't my intent.

I'm merely calling out the fact that it seems to be one side's argument that anyone that takes too much time in "securing" that intimacy, is indeed, a walking male vagina.

pre-destined edit: drunk again: Steel Reserve + Jack and Coke is the shit. (unarguable - willing to recieve whatever future incarcerations this post deserves.)

Sarag Sep 5, 2010 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 768365)
I'm merely calling out the fact that it seems to be one side's argument that anyone that takes too much time in "securing" that intimacy, is indeed, a walking male vagina.

Wow, a vagina? Really? I guess it's important that nobody doubts your devotion and emotional maturity (despite your sexual inexperience), but it's not as important that you aren't bigoted against women. I mean, you have priorities here.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 6, 2010 05:00 AM

To be fair, if you spend months skirting round the issue rather than just fucking the ho' then you are essentially a massive pussy.

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