Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   Holy shit, Steve Irwin's dead. (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11698)

JazzFlight Sep 3, 2006 11:44 PM

Holy shit, Steve Irwin's dead.

Some crazy stuff right there. This is a death straight out of left field, although with all the dangerous stuff he did, I guess it's not that unexpected.

It's too bad, I'd say he was one of television's "universally appealing" personalities.

Sakabadger Sep 3, 2006 11:45 PM

Kinda sucks that he went down due a stingray barb instead of a crocodile (which would be more appropiate?), or that he died at all...

But I guess this way it's cleaner, eh?

RIP Crocodile Hunter :(

Infernal Monkey Sep 3, 2006 11:57 PM

This is bloody awful. ;__; He was meant to be invincible. Invincible.
RIP Steve, you were right up there with Big Kev.

Identity Crisis Sep 3, 2006 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Courier Mail
It is understood he was killed instantly.

Well, at least he died in one of the least torturous of ways, but I guess he already went through countless injuries in his trials anyway. Heck, judging from what he did I thought he was immortal.

Meh, he saved injured animals and winds up like this. That's quite a reality check.


So did you actual Aussies like this guy, or what? I mean, he kinda reinforced every single stereotype there ever was about Australians.

Anyway, I kinda feel sorry for him. I know it was dumb for him to be doing this, but he has a family. :(

Eleo Sep 4, 2006 12:06 AM



Argentis Sep 4, 2006 12:06 AM

In a way it is a real shock, but you wouldn't expect a shock like this considering his profession. It's very sad to hear about this - I feel sorry for his family.


Koneko Sep 4, 2006 12:08 AM

I was never a fan of his shows but at least he went quickly and not in the jaws of a crocodile... My condolences to his family.

Skexis Sep 4, 2006 12:09 AM

I always thought stingrays were nonagressive, so it's kinda surprising for me to find that they can kill you instantly if they have the stones to.

Arkhangelsk Sep 4, 2006 12:10 AM

Damn, why'd he have to die like this? I suppose it is preferable to having him maimed by a croc or something really messy and violent (like what almost happened to Roy Horn), but still. So...anticlimactic.

RIP. He was an awesome man.
:( :( :(

Godai Sep 4, 2006 12:13 AM

I was seriously distraught when I heard about this. Steve Irwin was a unique character. RIP Crocidile Hunter. :(

Spatula Sep 4, 2006 12:13 AM

Shit man, that's terrible. Our familiy visited his zoo, the Australian Zoo in Brisbane in 2004. I think we saw him on like a trolley going to feed the crocs!

Maico Sep 4, 2006 12:13 AM

Anyone know how long a stingray barb is? And is it thick like a javelin or throwing spear? I wonder if he was impaled or if the barb punctured through his heart or what? I know he has a wife and at least one kid, from the shows.

Blanka Sep 4, 2006 12:14 AM

That's insane. I never would have expected him to go that way.. Actually, I wouldn't have expected him to go at all, at least not for awhile. :(

KCJ506 Sep 4, 2006 12:14 AM

'Tis a damn shame. He was truly one of the best at what he did. However, he was in a very dangerous profession, and something like this could have happened at any time.

Infernal Monkey Sep 4, 2006 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Capo
So did you actual Aussies like this guy, or what? I mean, he kinda reinforced every single stereotype there ever was about Australians.

Anyway, I kinda feel sorry for him. I know it was dumb for him to be doing this, but he has a family. :(

He wasn't nearly as popular here, hell, his TV series wasn't picked up by any of the networks for years, then it bombed when they did play it anyway. But where he'd drag out the outdated Aussie stereotype overseas, he'd make fun of himself for doing it when appearing on local talkshows or whatever. He was a funny bloke.

KCJ506 Sep 4, 2006 12:24 AM

Oh man. Terri doesn't even know yet. Oh Good Lord help her when she finds out.

Tama8-chan Sep 4, 2006 12:27 AM

When he presents himself here he doesn't really do the whole act quite as much as he does overseas.

He only really talks about his family and his zoo when he appears on anything here.

Cirno Sep 4, 2006 12:31 AM

I didn't want to believe this was true, but it unfortunately is.

I'm gonna miss the guy. I always found his shows interesting and fun to watch (although I stayed clear of that movie he did). He just seemed like one of those guys go out some other way and not doing the thing he loved.

At least he died of natural causes.

Spatula Sep 4, 2006 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Maico
Anyone know how long a stingray barb is? And is it thick like a javelin or throwing spear? I wonder if he was impaled or if the barb punctured through his heart or what? I know he has a wife and at least one kid, from the shows.

Here's some information on Australian stingrays


Man those sorta friendly and funny at first...but then.

Also, wiki time


I honestly thought those fellas were generally benign and didn't have fatal attacks that could strike so quickly.

Koneko Sep 4, 2006 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by KCJ506
Oh man. Terri doesn't even know yet. Oh Good Lord help her when she finds out.

You gotta wonder how his daughter will take it.. Poor kid's only 8 (her baby brother is going to turn 3 this year). Really, how is Terrui (or anyone for that matter) going to break it to a child that their dad is dead.

PiccoloNamek Sep 4, 2006 12:46 AM

Dude, NO! I loved his shows and from what I've read about him he seemed like a really awesome guy. I feel pretty bad now. I can't even imagine how Terri is going to take this, not to mention his children. :(

Dullenplain Sep 4, 2006 12:47 AM

Well this certainly is a sad loss for humanity. Especially when the nature of his passing is sudden and unexpected.

Muzza Sep 4, 2006 12:56 AM

It's true that he was loved overseas moreso than in Australia itself. Like Capo said, he reinforced every single stereotype about Australians.

Despite this, I really liked him. He was unique and was quite a funny man, he will be missed. R.I.P Steve Irwin.

Elixir Sep 4, 2006 12:59 AM

Shit this sucks. I didn't like the way he represented his shows but that was pretty irrelevant.

It's going to hurt his child pretty bad. Wasn't his wife canadian? Well, rest in peace. ;_;

Rockgamer Sep 4, 2006 01:00 AM

Damn, my mom is gonna freak when she hears this. She loves him and his shows, so I know this will be hard for her to hear. Thank goodness she's asleep right, and will probably wake up to hear it on the morning news instead of me having to tell her this.

As for myself, I never really watched him that much, but he seemed alright. He was definitely a great personality, and he seemed to do some good work with animals. I know he had a family too, so this must really suck for them. I give my condolences to them, and may Steve Irwin rest in peace.

SpaceOddity Sep 4, 2006 01:02 AM

No freaking way. I wasn't a huge fan, but... wow... This is absolutely shocking and surreal. I feel so bad for his family. He was a good guy. I think he really did care about animals and did a lot of good work with them.

RIP, Croc Hunter. :(

Lacerta Sep 4, 2006 01:04 AM

I'm still kind of shocked, but I guess it was bound to happen with all the crazy stuff he would do.

RIP Crocodile Hunter ~

CLOudkiller Sep 4, 2006 01:09 AM

I see, just read the news right now. It's really a sad news for us all. I think they will make a big tribute to him on the discovery channel now. I really hope for the best for his family now... RIP Croc Hunter RIP..

Ballpark Frank Sep 4, 2006 01:10 AM

Well, if there's a heaven, I'm sure he's there. What's more, I'd bet he's laying the smack down on one Hell of a croc. He was a good guy, and that's all that matters in the end.

VitaPup Sep 4, 2006 01:14 AM

it really is such a same. His zoo is perhaps the nicest one I've ever been too in regard to how they treat the animals and also the level of interaction they allow between the visitors and the animals. I really hope it is able to withstand his death.

WraithTwo Sep 4, 2006 01:14 AM

Man, I just heard a few minutes ago, and I'm in shock. It's a little funny, I shouldn't be as surprised considering his line of work, but I still am. I guess its just after all he did, you no longer consider the man mortal.


- WraithTwo -

knkwzrd Sep 4, 2006 01:18 AM

This is almost surreal. It's so surprising, yet not surprising at all. Weird.

quest2368 Sep 4, 2006 01:19 AM

Rest in Peace, Steve Irwin. Like the others have said, of all the stuff he's been through, you would think that he would be well prepared and cautious. But on the other side, he's living on the edge. Very daring and he's just asking to get hurt. He was very appealing to the world in the things that he did. It is certain, that we will all miss him and his shows. There's no other person like him. He is unique in his own way.

This is him and his wife, Terri at the Australia Zoo.

Grawl Sep 4, 2006 01:21 AM

Althought the guy made horrible commercials, he obvious didn't deserve to die. RIP.

Musharraf Sep 4, 2006 01:27 AM


It is understood Mr Irwin was killed instantly.
Good christ, why do they always let the basement reporters do the job.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Sep 4, 2006 01:29 AM

Rab IMd me out of the blue to tell me this. He said "Steve Irwin's been killed by a Stingray. Stabbed through the heart."

All I could do was reply "AND YOU'RE TOO LATE. YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME."

RIP - Steve Irwin

Conan-the-3rd Sep 4, 2006 01:42 AM

I dunno, given his work, this was more than enevitable.

kat Sep 4, 2006 01:53 AM

I just saw this news bit on wikipedia. Holy shit. Like seriously, holy shit. He was my Australian idol :( Besides the whole baby dangling croc eating incident and such.

Jeff Corwin, be careful!

pompadork Sep 4, 2006 01:54 AM


Jack Hannah sucks, RIP Steve.

dagget Sep 4, 2006 01:55 AM

Jesus Christ. This is certainly something to wake up in the middle of the night to see. :(

Guess this leaves Jeff Corwin to be the "insane animal guy" now. bleh.

Dai Sep 4, 2006 01:55 AM

It was hard to believe at first but it really sucks. He was a great guy. He died doing what he did best.

Matthias Sep 4, 2006 02:01 AM

An Ode to Steve:

It was crocs that you hunted, and other blokes too.
With every daring encounter, your loving audience grew.
We watched in awe and horror, as you confronted deadly snakes
We held our collective breaths, as you swam in croc infested lakes.
You taught us all about nature, the importance of respect and care.
Whether you were brave or perhaps just crazy, you did what we wouldn't dare.
With everything you did, you might have bit the dust many times through.
And in many eyes you became immortal: the fearless and untouchable hunter were you.
You snared sharptoothed mammals, and grabbed frenzied sharks,
But most importantly of all, you touched all of our hearts.

You'll be missed a lot and thought about as the future unravels
We'll laugh with sentimental happiness as we watch again your travels

What happened was a tragedy, which no one could plan or foresee
But one thing is certain: You are immortal, living forever in memory.

by Matt Tyne

Double Post:
will miss ya man..RIP

Gecko3 Sep 4, 2006 02:04 AM

Man, this news does suck. RIP :(

Xexxhoshi Sep 4, 2006 02:05 AM

Half of me is thinking "You knew it would happen sooner or later". The other half of me is "omg I can't believe he's dead. ._."

RIP Steve Irwin.

Dark Nation Sep 4, 2006 02:07 AM

wow, as others said this was totally out of left field.

I suspect we shall learn much more about Stingrays now that he was killed by one.

R.I.P. Steve.

Nahual Sep 4, 2006 02:09 AM

Whoa. Just found this out starting the internet and in one corner it say, "Crocodile Hunter," Steve Irwin Dies.

It's quite a shock to me, actually. Even though I know what he did, it's just kind of strange. And at 44 years old.

I never did watch his shows, but I find it strange that the last time I did see him on tv.(on Extra or something like that) was when he was with his baby and the crocodile...that was some time ago.


DarknessTear Sep 4, 2006 02:36 AM

In Xenosaga Episode 3 E.S. Asher has a weapon called Stingray which stabs through the enemy mech's chest.

NovaX Sep 4, 2006 02:37 AM

CRIKEY! It sure was surprising when I first heard. I am pretty sure his death wouldn't have been an accident, he was probably poking and teasing the animal, just like he always does. Sure he didn't deserve it, but I can't say I'm sad. He was an idiot. Did you know not only did he take his months old child into the crocodile pen with him, but he also let his 8 year old daughter beat-up his 2 year old son.

Hybrid Hunter Sep 4, 2006 02:37 AM

Damn, that sucks big time.
Too many good aussies dieing!

Dark Nation Sep 4, 2006 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by DarknessTear
In Xenosaga Episode 3 E.S. Asher has a weapon called Stingray which stabs through the enemy mech's chest.

proof or it didn't happen.

DarknessTear Sep 4, 2006 02:53 AM


Usually hits chest though D:

Dark Nation Sep 4, 2006 02:56 AM

Damm, that's crazy.

Well I suppose I'll check out any video that surfaced on tomorrow's newscast on TV, or on some site. At least he died pretty quickly instead of a long painful death.

UltimaIchijouji Sep 4, 2006 02:58 AM

This really sucks. Dai sent me the link and I saw it on 4chan but I didn't believe it. Then I found a news site and I still didn't want to believe it. I don't watch TV much but when I watched his shows from time to time. Really a great loss for humanity. I'm sad.

CRIKEY! One last time, in the name of Steve Irwin.

Unas Sep 4, 2006 03:14 AM

Wow, thats some mad shit, he was always doin' mad shit anyway so I guess he died doing what he enjoyed, R.I.P

BIGWORM Sep 4, 2006 03:17 AM

I ran across this at msn.com. My first reaction was, "WHAT!!!?"

Steve Irwin's death. Seriously left field.

SOJC Sep 4, 2006 03:22 AM

This was not expected...I mean he was brilliant at what he did and I cannot believe he's dead...I respected him for his love of animals...I suppose he died doing what he loved...

R.I.P Steve Irwin

midais Sep 4, 2006 03:34 AM

R.I.P. Steve Irwin. The man that brought wildlife conservation closer to the mainstream.

BIGWORM Sep 4, 2006 03:39 AM

Was he still actively doing his T.V. series for Animal Planet?

Hydra Sep 4, 2006 03:39 AM

It's hard to think of someone that vibrant as dead now. It just doesn't make a lot of sense, y'know?

teh dave Sep 4, 2006 03:44 AM

A true Aussie* icon, the face of Australia... The great Steve Irwin, killed by a stingray.

One last time, with meaning... CRIKEY!

:'( Rest in peace, mate. Rest in peace. :'(

*Pronounced "Oz-ee"

Scarletdeath Sep 4, 2006 04:03 AM


It's so shocking that he's suddenly gone, and I kind of enjoyed his shows. I thought he was INVINCIBLE.

RIP Mr. Irwin. ;_;

munchkin13 Sep 4, 2006 07:23 AM

I can't believe that he's dead. He was really entertaining I thought. I've always wanted to visit his zoo in the hope of actually meeting him but alas I wont have the chance to now. I hope his wife and two children are ok. Terri has the hardest job in the world to do now, breaking the news to the kids that daddy is coming home. I wish them all the best and hope no other misfortunes come their way for a long time.


Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 4, 2006 07:30 AM

Who'd have thought Rolf Harris would out-live Steve Irwin?

It's a sad, sad day today.

bighunt Sep 4, 2006 07:36 AM

"Stingrays have flat bodies and tails with serrated spines, which contain venom and can cause cuts and puncture wounds. The creatures are not aggressive and injury usually occurs when a swimmer or diver accidentally steps on one."

Quote i found on the web. how the hell did he get stabbed in the heart then???? holy crap!!!

Scarletdeath Sep 4, 2006 07:39 AM

Knowing how Steve Irwin was, he probably tried to hold the stingray with his hands. His death was so sudden! ;__;

His wife will definitely break down when she learns of the news.

Elixir Sep 4, 2006 07:42 AM

She's known for a long time, and she flew back as soon as she heard.

Still, didn't they have two kids? It's going to hurt them. Everyone on the news keeps saying the wife was american, but I swear I've heard them mention the wife being canadian before. Oh well, it's not really important.

The amount of recognition on the internet today just shows how legendary he was. ;_;

Scarletdeath Sep 4, 2006 07:45 AM

He was indeed a legend. In fact, I don't remember watching any other shows on Discovery where the host actually goes to wrestle crocs and provoke other reptilians upclose themselves, before Steve Irwin did. ;_;

Ryuu Sep 4, 2006 07:51 AM

Holy shit. I forgot all about the crocodile hunter, and he jumps back into the foreground by passing away.

R.I.P. Steve Irwin.

joeymui Sep 4, 2006 08:01 AM

It's really sad. :( Tonight all the channels on TV are about him, his wife, his kids, his zoo. He always seem so tough. He's not supposed to die, at least not like THAT.

hikarub Sep 4, 2006 08:02 AM

How sad. He was doing a great job with his documentaries and he really had a great love of animals. Many nature lovers and fellow conservationists will surely miss him.

You were a good guy, Steve. RIP.

Crash "Long-Winded Wrong Answer" Landon Sep 4, 2006 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kurado
At least he died of natural causes.

You know, somehow I don't think "speared through the chest by pissed-off wildlife" constitutes "natural causes".

It's a far cry from a stroke or pneumonia, don't you think?

Cal Sep 4, 2006 09:00 AM

Deceased: Xtreme natural causes.

Bigblah Sep 4, 2006 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Scarletdeath
Knowing how Steve Irwin was, he probably tried to hold the stingray with his hands. His death was so sudden! ;__;

Some more details on how he got stingrayed:

Originally Posted by Time.com
Veteran marine wildlife documentary maker Ben Cropp, who has spent hundreds of hours filming on Batt Reef, says Irwin had come too close to a bull ray. Citing a colleague who saw footage of the attack, Cropp says Irwin had accidently boxed the animal in, causing it to attack. "It stopped and twisted and threw up its tail with the spike, and it caught him in the chest," says Cropp. "It's a defensive thing. It's like being stabbed with a dirty dagger." Says Cropp: "It's a one-in-a-million thing. I have swum with many rays, and I have only had one do that to me."

Scarletdeath Sep 4, 2006 09:25 AM

God, talk about bad luck. One in a million chance, and he hit the jackpot. Even my entire family is shocked about his death, watching him on TV and all. Guess he learnt that "stingrays are different from reptiles" way too late.

Adara Sep 4, 2006 09:32 AM

Holy shit, I thought this was some sort of a weird joke when I first saw the thread title. I really liked Steve Irwin. When I was younger I used to watch his show (when there was only one) almost religiously. He definitely gave me more respect for reptiles. Who'd have thought he'd go out like this?

R.I.P Steve Irwin

Sal Sep 4, 2006 09:35 AM

Sort of ironic way to go for someone who deals so closely with crocodiles and ends up being killed by something that is for the most part harmless. At a nearby aquarium these things are in an open tank so the public can feed them & touch them. Bet that policy's going to change...

Great shame that someone so passionate & knowledgable about his work, and a great entertainer died so soon.

SuperSonic Sep 4, 2006 09:40 AM

Never did watch his shows, but I definitely know who he is. R.I.P. Steve. Hope his family can get through this.

Jan Sep 4, 2006 09:56 AM

in before...

In West Australia, born and raised. In the ocean, there I spent most of my days. Chillin out, maxin; relaxin all cool, stroking some stingrays inside the pool. When a couple of crocs who were up to no good, started making trouble in Australia Zoo. So I got one little bite, and Terri got scared. "you're moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel Air" I whistled for a boat and when it came near, the licence plate said fresh and had dice in the mirror. If anything, I'd say that this boat was rare, but forget it, yo captain to Bel Air. I pulled up to the sting ray about seven or eight and I yelled to the captain yo holmes smell ya later. Looked at the sting ray my heart it did puncture i sit on my grave as the crocodile hunter

Roph Sep 4, 2006 10:05 AM


gj 4chan

This is pretty sad news, I'd usually stop and watch his shows if I ever saw them on :(

splur Sep 4, 2006 10:15 AM

At least he died doing what he enjoyed.

RIP Steve.

bishop743 Sep 4, 2006 10:32 AM

I wasn't a big follower of his or anything, but I respected guys like him and Jack Hanna. My condolences go out to his wife and kids, as well as his many fans.

Elixir Sep 4, 2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Roph
I am a fucking moron.

Yeah so the appropriate thing to do would be to POST THAT HERE.

Roku Sep 4, 2006 10:50 AM

I used to watch his show at Discovery when I was still viewing the TV regularly... First I thought his way of talking was a bit obnoxious, but eventually, thought he deserved a measure of respect for the conservative work he's doing - not to mention him actively putting his life at risk for his work. He was all passion.

I'm really shocked to hear the news.... Rest in peace Steve.

Yume Sep 4, 2006 10:54 AM

Can't imagine what his daughter Bindi must be going through right now.

The ironic thing is that he wasn't killed by the venom of the stingray, but rather the tail pierced his suit and heart.

RIP Crocodile Hunter.

Amanda Sep 4, 2006 11:33 AM

I remember seeing an outtakes episode of his show that mainly focussed on all the times he'd been bitten, scratached, or threatened by the animals he was handling. One of the clips was of a crocodile biting his hand. His reaction was to stand there with blood streaming down his hand and just sort of laugh and scold it.

It's not like he never got on an animal's bad side in the past, and stingrays aren't exactly unknown for injuring people with their defense mechanism (the tail barb). But still. It's a shock. Say what you want about his personality, but he did a hell of a lot for conservation and promoting a better understanding of wild animals in a way that actually hit the mainstream. He'll be missed.

Argentis Sep 4, 2006 11:42 AM

"Attacks on humans are a rarity - only one other person is known to have died in Australia from a stingray attack, at St Kilda, Melbourne in 1945."


I poked it and it made a sad sound Sep 4, 2006 11:57 AM

I heard about this shit this morning upon waking up. I had no idea it really happened. I had a hard time believing the man was killed by a STINGRAY of all things.

It seems kind of horrible that he didn't die by croc. I mean, who would have expected a sting ray.

And yea, THROUGH THE HEART. Man. Its like the stars aligned to fuck Steve over. I really liked him and I loved his passion for what he did. ;_;

Arc Impulse Sep 4, 2006 12:24 PM

This fucking sucks, his shows were awesome.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Sep 4, 2006 12:27 PM

If that bear loving bastard had to die, this fucker had to go down too. Fucker had it coming. Damn, I was just watching his ridiculous show last week here... In Spanish.

avanent Sep 4, 2006 12:30 PM

This sucks. I'm not surprised in the slightest. But he always seemed a good guy. I feel bad for his family. Poor kiddos. He should of been more careful for their sake.


Eleo Sep 4, 2006 12:31 PM

Law of averages. If you fuck with deadly animals all the time, it's not all that surprising to eventually get killed by one.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Sep 4, 2006 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
If that bear loving bastard had to die, this fucker had to go down too. Fucker had it coming. Damn, I was just watching his ridiculous show last week here... In Spanish.

Are you talking about Timothy Treadwell? Because THAT guy had it fucking coming, yea. "I'm going to go live in Alaska in GRIZZLY BEAR country!" He had no experience save for what he learned while he was there. And the guy was kind of....well....mentally ill if you ask me.

Steve was a pro. He had been doing this all of his life, and he didn't even get nailed by the animal he worked with most. ;_____; STINGRAY. So sad.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Sep 4, 2006 12:38 PM

Are you seriously trying to make this fucker out to be mentally superior in any way? They were both out of their fucking minds, this asshole was just a little more prepared... Except for a stingray barb.

Aya Sep 4, 2006 12:50 PM

I didn't like him for being showy infront of the camera all the time (provoking the dangerous animals and what not, I'm pretty sure you all know what I mean :p).

However, I do respect him alot for most of his other work, as in saving the animals, giving out alot of his tv-money to animal organisation, zoo's, vetschool and whatnot.

I hope someone will take care of his kids, I heard his wife isn't exactly the awesome mother-type.

R.I.P dude.
Also.. wtf? a stingray? weren't you supposed to end up in a croc?
Oh well, atleast you died doing what you loved x_x

Lizardcommando Sep 4, 2006 01:06 PM

Geez, I still can't believe it was a stingray that did him in... This sucks. This really sucks. Tis a sad day. :(

janus zeal Sep 4, 2006 01:15 PM

I was never really a fan of his, but it still saddens me that this happend...

RIP Steve

Basil Sep 4, 2006 01:21 PM

I first heard the news on another forum earlier this morning. Such a shame. I never watched his shows or cared that much for him, but I probably won't understand the pain his wife and kids must be going though. Ugh. >_<

And I'm with everyone else here.

Holy fuck, I got water in my eyes typing this...

Leknaat Sep 4, 2006 01:24 PM

You know, if I read the article correctly, he was filming something for his daughter when it happened. Not the documentary.

Now that's going to be a guilt trip. Poor thing.

Mortuary Sep 4, 2006 02:37 PM

This is wrong man. I thought that this guy was invincible. That's how he made it look on T.V. anyway.

R.I.P. Steve Irwin

MTGNecro Sep 4, 2006 03:24 PM

*has Steve Irwin's autograph somewhere*

R.I.P. Steve Irwin

Chibi Neko Sep 4, 2006 03:24 PM

I found out this morning at work when I checked the news like I always do and saw it on ctv.ca. i called out to some of my buddies about it and our first reaction was WHAT!!??

SketchTheArtist Sep 4, 2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Leknaat
You know, if I read the article correctly, he was filming something for his daughter when it happened. Not the documentary.

Now that's going to be a guilt trip. Poor thing.

It was a documentary. It was supposed to be called something like "The Ocean's Deadliest Creatures". O_o

Krelian Sep 4, 2006 04:36 PM

I guess I always expected him to die doing what he did best: Fucking around with dangerous animals.

He'll be very sorely missed.

KCJ506 Sep 4, 2006 06:14 PM

According to a news report, they got his death on film, and the police have it. I just hope that someone stupid doesn't get a hold of it and puts it on the internet so it becomes something funny to view to people.

PS2 Sep 4, 2006 06:20 PM

Sigh.... This is a sad day for discovery channel/ animal planet fans. I'm not kidding either, I used to watch his shows and was a fan of his work :(.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Sep 4, 2006 06:50 PM

Actually, I´d love to watch the video. Not to make fun or anything, just out of morbid curiosity to see a stingray in action.

Zip Sep 4, 2006 06:53 PM

I always thought a crocodile would bite him or something, not a stupid fish.


Monkey King Sep 4, 2006 06:53 PM

I couldn't believe it either. Deep down, I think we all expected it to end like this, but never really thought it would happen. I would have thought it would be old age and declining reflexes that would do him in or something, not this.

Farewell, Steve. You'll be missed.

KCJ506 Sep 4, 2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
Actually, I´d love to watch the video. Not to make fun or anything, just out of morbid curiosity to see a stingray in action.

But there are some assholes out there that are glad that he's dead and I'm pretty sure they would enjoy watching something like that. The thought of that truly disgusts me.

The usual Internet pricks start saying "LOLOLOL WE GOTZ TEH TAPE AND HE DIED LIEK A SISSYBOI!!11".

Then people wonder why I don't believe in humanity anymore.

avanent Sep 4, 2006 06:57 PM

conflicting info,

CNN stated ealier that he came out of the water own his own accord after being stabbed, although not too well. On the boat they immediatly began calling for help, and headed toward tghe nearest medical facilities. Unluckily that was 30 minutes away, and they didn't make it there before he died.


Why Am I Allowed to Have Gray Paint Sep 4, 2006 07:09 PM

I'm really going to miss Steve; I loved that guy. He seemed such a salt of the earth, honest, and he showed genuine love for his staff, his family and the animals he took care of. The man had such a huge personality that I wonder how Australia Zoo will cope without him. If I ever visited Australia, I wanted to go there and meet him ;_;. Won't ever happen now I guess.

nazpyro Sep 4, 2006 08:06 PM

I just heard about this when I got back from my trip. I'm pretty torn about it. I visited the Australia Zoo during my Australia trip this summer, and I didn't get to see him. I saw his wife and daughter though. I figured I'll be coming back to Australia more often, and I'll get another chance to meet the Crocodile Hunter. I won't get this chance anymore. ;_;

KCJ506 Sep 4, 2006 08:14 PM

Take a look at the clip of him on Celebrity Deathmatch.


He actually sticks his hand in his chest and says "What a stinger."

Oh the irony.

Phoque le PQ Sep 4, 2006 08:33 PM

Meh, he sould ahve expected it. Approcing such dangerous animals is not like in the cartoons; when they bite/sting, it really hurts.

Well, he died doing something he loved... may he RIP

majario Sep 4, 2006 09:40 PM

I heard about his death first thing this morning before going to work. At first I thought I might have been hearing things since I was still sleepy but then they kept saying it. I was very shocked that he died in this manner especiallly by a stingray. My condolences go out to his family, wife, kids, and anyone who was close to him or worked with him on his shows. May God bless his family and may he rest in peace. :(

Kairi Li Sep 5, 2006 01:15 AM

As someone who has gone to school in Australia and in International Australian schools in Hong Kong, along with Aussie citizenship, Steve Irwin has been an inspiration to me and my Aussie friends for all our lives, he cares alot about the wild life in Australia along with the ecosystem. He may have his share of celeb tabloid incidents, but all in all he cares and loves Australia and all beings living in it, and it is a sad day to see him go while still trying to help the natural enviroment.

And part of me wish I made a trip to actually see him in person, but I never did...

Farewell Steve, may you continue to inspire us all and rest in peace.

Flara Sep 5, 2006 01:27 AM

Rest in Peace, Crocodile Hunter.

Metal Sphere Sep 5, 2006 01:28 AM

From what I've heard, he actually managed to get back up and onto the ship but by the time help came, it was too late. Truly a one in a million chance of this happening, even with the nature of the stingray's barb taken into account.

Definitely one of those "damn" moments, going out under some of the most unfortunate and bizarre circumstances. This is on the same level as the guy who survived his fight with cancer, only to die of legionnaire's disease soon after.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Sep 5, 2006 10:37 AM

Ha, when my sister came from work yesterday she mentioned him. Had a hard time understanding who the fuck she was talking about because she said his Spanish name which is different. Really stupid.

KCJ506, yeah, I know what you mean. Though I don´t believe anyone sincerely believes in humanity.

Skaijo Sep 5, 2006 10:57 AM

Steve Irwin will never die. In fact, his mere spit is the cure for cancer.

Still, that is pretty sad. But what an incredible way to go. I just couldn't see Steve die from old age--this was probably the best way to go in terms of suiting his lifestyle.

Dubble Sep 5, 2006 11:37 AM

It really sucks how this all came about. I was thinking of his 3 year old son and how he probably doesn't understand the ramifications of what happened to his daddy and why he won't come home any more and that just depresses me to no end :(

On a side note, I saw on ebay where people are selling Steve Irwin action figures for up to $200-500 bucks now simply on the basis that the man is dead. Am I the only one who finds that almost vulture like and just a tiny bit "ugh", or am I just being an idealistic, romantic twit about the whole thing?

Scarletdeath Sep 5, 2006 11:41 AM

The irony is, while he came out unharmed most of the time facing dangerous animals, he got killed by a peaceful fish.


Roku Sep 5, 2006 11:50 AM

There's a proverb somewhere, the most skilled swimmer drowns in shallow water. When he's with the really dangerous animals, he's fully alert, whereas he's probably more relaxed around the stingray. I noticed he took less and less risk too as his family grew - saw less of him on TV, etc. And now this :(

It was completely unexpected - it's really unlikely to be stung by one simply swimming next to it, and what's more, right in the heart....


It's like the stars aligned to fuck Steve over.

Savage100 Sep 5, 2006 01:21 PM

My dad told me this in the early morning on September 4th. I was really surprised and it still seems surreal.

So when's the marathon tribute? Boy would it be morbid watching his shows for a while, if they're still on and if they're ever back. Steve Irwin won't be back though, and I hope that his family and everyone he new personally gets through this. :(

Skaijo Sep 5, 2006 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Scarletdeath
The irony is, while he came out unharmed most of the time facing dangerous animals, he got killed by a peaceful fish.


Assumably, the sting rays were already agitated by the sharks in the near by area. It's really sad. The guy was rich and a father, there was really no need for him to risk his life so constantly--he could have bought his own zoo.

chaofan Sep 6, 2006 05:53 AM

Tribute to Steve Irwin: An Aussie who put the country on America's world map.

My Australia Day 2006 avatar summarizes how 'Australian' he was. You go around the world and you ask someone who Steve Irwin is, you get an image of Australia.


hamelin Sep 6, 2006 02:19 PM

[QUOTE=quest2368]Rest in Peace, Steve Irwin. Like the others have said, of all the stuff he's been through, you would think that he would be well prepared and cautious. But on the other side, he's living on the edge. Very daring and he's just asking to get hurt.

Apparently he swam over the stingray and didnt provoke it, but it swam up and hit him in the heart, i was very shocked to hear this, felt way too strange that one minute he is there and the next he isnt.



Originally Posted by Skaijo
Assumably, the sting rays were already agitated by the sharks in the near by area. It's really sad. The guy was rich and a father, there was really no need for him to risk his life so constantly--he could have bought his own zoo.

He already did own his own zoo. =D

Dubble Sep 6, 2006 02:40 PM

It's probably waaaaay too early to tell, but I've been hearing rumors that his show on Animal Planet will continue with Terri Irwin at the helm and Jeff Corwin taking up some additional slack through his own show. Has anyone else heard the same thing?

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