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Balcony Heckler Nov 20, 2006 11:42 AM

Kramer snaps
LOS ANGELES - Michael Richards stunned a comedy club audience, shouting racial epithets at people who heckled him during a stand-up routine.

The 57-year-old actor-comedian, best known for playing Jerry Seinfeld's eccentric neighbor Kramer on the hit TV show "Seinfeld," was performing at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood Friday night when he launched into the verbal rampage, according to video posted on TMZ.com.

The tirade apparently began after two black audience members started shouting at him that he wasn't funny.

Richards retorted: "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--."

He then paced across the stage taunting the men for interrupting his show, peppering his speech with racial slurs and profanities.

"You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He's a n-----!" Richards shouts before repeating the racial epithet over and over again.

While there is some audible chuckling in the audience throughout the outburst, someone can be heard gasping "Oh my God" and various people "0oh" after Richard uses the n-word.

Richards performed the next night at the Laugh Factory without incident.

Calls to Richards' representatives were not immediately returned early Monday.

He refused to comment on-camera when reached by CNN, but the network reported that he said off-camera he felt sorry for what had happened and had made amends.

comments anyone?

Shonos Nov 20, 2006 12:07 PM


Here's a video of it if anyone's interested.

I think he's a retard for snapping like that. If someone is acting like an idiot and interupting your show you dont stoop to their level and yell back. You ignore them. You certainly dont go as low to start screaming racist remarks.

But it's a bit lol to see him explode like that over something so small.

Borg1982 Nov 20, 2006 01:39 PM

Michael Richards (Kramer; Seinfeld) Uses N-Word Angrily

VIDEO included. use ie6 if it doesnt work.

I must say.. wow.

There's also a poll on that link. Discuss.

Balcony Heckler Nov 20, 2006 01:41 PM

yeah, looks familiar to the post I put up an hour ago in the laughs and games section

Borg1982 Nov 20, 2006 01:43 PM

i didn't think to go there because i didn't feel it belonged in that board. but whatever :) The mods can decide which board it should be in.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 20, 2006 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Balcony Heckler
yeah, looks familiar to the post I put up an hour ago in the laughs and games section

What the hell forum is that?

Whoa holy shit wtf is this!?

Anyway, it's a shame he said it while possibly drugged out or having a random insane moment. Was hoping it'd be more rational than this. Sounds like some shit his goofy Seinfeld character would do though.

Kolba Nov 20, 2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron

His eyes must go red like that whenever he's saying something bad about Jews.

Balcony Heckler Nov 20, 2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kolba
His eyes must go red like that whenever he's saying something bad about Jews.

or when he has to make another apology

Twikite Nov 20, 2006 03:36 PM

I think that was uncalled for.

He could've easily saved the situation after his initial outburst. Maybe fall back and chuckle with the audience, "Just kidding guys. But could you pipe down and let the people enjoy the show?" But nooo, he had to throw the n-word out there. Instant controversy.

Seriously, though, what the fuck... how am I gonna laugh at Kramer's crazy antics now?

WolfDemon Nov 20, 2006 04:39 PM

Hilarious. That's what they get for being dumb niggers. Why even go to the guy's show if all they're gonna do is heckle him? Sure it doesn't do much for his image, but I think they got exactly what they deserved. I wish more people would put jackasses like them in their place.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 04:58 PM

I dont get it. So he starts throwing out "nigger" left and right but no one is upset that the black guy is throwing back "cracker-ass" and the like?Not that I think Richards was correct in simply throwing it out there the way he did - that was just stupid - but the idea that people are MORTIFIED that he dare say a RACIAL SLUR in the year 2006 is fucking absurd. It's not like the guy was Mr Rodgers or Captain Kangaroo.

I'm sure this wouldn't be news if Richards just called him an asshole or a shithole - but even then, it could be construed as racial since he's white and the guy was black.

Borg1982 Nov 20, 2006 05:07 PM

I don't defend the black guy, either.

I would probably also get irritated if people were bugging me while I was doing a presentation of any sort.

seanne Nov 20, 2006 05:43 PM

I'm not allowed to watch this video, even in IE, for some inexplainable reason.

Is this up on youtube yet, or what?

I poked it and it made a sad sound Nov 20, 2006 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by seanne
I'm not allowed to watch this video, even in IE, for some inexplainable reason.

Is this up on youtube yet, or what?

My exact problem as well. LeHah showed me the link about 45 minutes ago and I've been trying for a while. I'm getting a different error, claiming the video is not available.

I looked on YouTube and they only have a CNN clip. If anyone can UPLOAD it to YouTube so we can watch the train wreck? <3

Skexis Nov 20, 2006 05:57 PM


It looked like he was trying to recover there, by saying things like "Don't you know that's what happens when you interrupt the white man?"

But then, as vehemently as he was screaming just a minute before, it's hard to tell if he was serious.

It's hard to put this in context without seeing the rest of his routine, and whether he might have been talking about racism to begin with (as well as how the other guys were heckling him.) But most folks don't care about that. They want the incendiary shit. The kind of soundbyte shit that people can't respond to and explain with a soundbyte of their own.

Rydia Nov 20, 2006 06:32 PM

I'll just go ahead and merge the two threads and move it to General.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Skexis
The kind of soundbyte shit that people can't respond to and explain with a soundbyte of their own.

Exactly. While there is a bit of missing footage from this "homemade video", theres a CNN blurb on YouTube where they interview someone who was in the audience. Not only is the person interviewed BLACK - but he also gets a number of things wrong (by design or not, who's to say?) CNN also doesn't run any of the actual footage from the club, either.

Taterdemalion Nov 20, 2006 08:13 PM

Yes the heckler was being a jerk, but Richards didn't need to start busting out nigger and make it racial. We expect comedians to come back at hecklers, but he took it way over the top. A little restraint could have helped. By the way, I wonder what this will do to his career. He doesn't seem to be too far from rock bottom now.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Nov 20, 2006 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by WolfDemon
Hilarious. That's what they get for being dumb niggers. Why even go to the guy's show if all they're gonna do is heckle him? Sure it doesn't do much for his image, but I think they got exactly what they deserved. I wish more people would put jackasses like them in their place.

After being able to watch the video:

Let's preface this with "I am by no means a racist."

But seriously. These two black guys show up - and during the performance, before the outburst - they were shouting that Richards "wasn't funny" during his act. First off, I don't know how much more disrespectful you can get. Black, white, yellow or brown - they were out-and-out disrespectful. If you ask me, they were asking for it.

I would have likely done the same fucking thing. Sure, the race card was a risk, but seriously - like LeHah said - this is 2006, guys. Time to get the fuck over silly name-calling. So he called them niggers. They called him a cracker. WHO FUCKING CARES.

"You're a poop!"
"You're a crap!"


Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Devoxy
I think the real question is whether or not "Kramer" is a big enough celeb that a lot of people will care.

I think a better question is if a "morally certain" American public will ever let him live this down.

I bet you most people in that audience were white anyway; I don't see Richards crossing a lot of racial barriers.

WolfDemon Nov 20, 2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass
Let's preface this with "I am by no means a racist."

Yeah, I was thinking about doing that, but I think most people say that as an apology for calling someone a nigger or something like that, and I didn't feel the need to apologize for calling these idiots exactly what they were being.

But yeah. I'm definitely not a racist. One of my best friends is black.

Spike Nov 20, 2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
I dont get it. So he starts throwing out "nigger" left and right but no one is upset that the black guy is throwing back "cracker-ass" and the like?

Sure you do. It's double-standards. It sucks, but it's the way the world works. And we all know "cracker" isn't offensive to any white person out there.

But to be on topic, he's an idiot for using racial slurs to get back at someone else being an asshole.

WolfDemon Nov 20, 2006 09:53 PM

Heh heh... I know. That was a joke.

Snowknight Nov 20, 2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Spike
Sure you do. It's double-standards. It sucks, but it's the way the world works. And we all know "cracker" isn't offensive to any white person out there.

But to be on topic, he's an idiot for using racial slurs to get back at someone else being an asshole.

The example provided--that nasty n-word--is a racial slur for some unknown reason. Maybe I need to be black to understand it, but the logic that "the slave masters called us that" doesn't work for me. Or maybe I'm just a fucking bigot.

Also, what would you do if someone started insulting your performance? Ignore them? Yelling "slurs" were just asking for trouble, but I think he had to say something--they offended him, so it is only fitting that he attempt in some way to offend them.

Spike Nov 20, 2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight
The example provided--that nasty n-word--is a racial slur for some unknown reason. Maybe I need to be black to understand it, but the logic that "the slave masters called us that" doesn't work for me. Or maybe I'm just a fucking bigot.

Also, what would you do if someone started insulting your performance? Ignore them? Yelling "slurs" were just asking for trouble, but I think he had to say something.

I'm not defending the black guy at all. Like I said, he was an idiot for using racial slurs. If Michael Richards yelled at the black guy and made fun of him, that's fair game since the black guy was being an asshole and ruining his act. I think they were both out of line. My point, which you didn't understand, was that Michael Richards shouldn't have used racial slurs. No, I don't understand why the n-word is so bad either as I do not know it's history, but it's obviously incredibly offensive.

Paco Nov 20, 2006 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Spike
But to be on topic, he's an idiot for using racial slurs to get back at someone else being an asshole.

No. No. No. Here's what happens when you're at a comedy show. You pay to see the comedian perform not for the right to heckle and interrupt them in the middle of their act. If you so happen to interrupt someone while they're on stage, you open the door for the performer to heckle you in return. Lewis Black does it all the time and I don't see anyone giving him shit for it.


Heckler: Shut up Lewis!
I love Lewis Black. <3

Snowknight Nov 20, 2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Spike
I'm not defending the black guy at all. Like I said, he was an idiot for using racial slurs. If Michael Richards yelled at the black guy and made fun of him, that's fair game since the black guy was being an asshole and ruining his act. I think they were both out of line. My point, which you didn't understand, was that Michael Richards shouldn't have used racial slurs. No, I don't understand why the n-word is so bad either as I do not know it's history, but it's obviously incredibly offensive.

I completely understood your point--there's no need to go underlining like I can't read. (I never even tried to imply that you were defending the black guy either. Ok, so "also" should be removed, meh.)

His goal was to offend, and he was obviously "incredibly" offended, as is evidenced by his response. Smart? No. Situationally warranted? I'd say so.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Nov 20, 2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Encephalon
No. No. No. Here's what happens when you're at a comedy show. You pay to see the comedian perform not for the right to heckle and interrupt them in the middle of their act. If you so happen to interrupt someone while they're on stage, you open the door for the performer to heckle you in return. Lewis Black does it all the time and I don't see anyone giving him shit for it.

On the same note (I agree with you, Ence), I think if anyone who WAS black saying the shit Richards said would have been accepted.

I think it's ridiculous to get all HURT and OFFENDED when you fire at someone, and low and behold, THEY FIRE BACK.

In fact, I find the heckling worse than the name-calling - mostly because it's extremely STUPID to do.

Paco Nov 20, 2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass
On the same note (I agree with you, Ence), I think if anyone who WAS black saying the shit Richards said would have been accepted.

Ditto... Double standards and all that.

Spike Nov 20, 2006 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight
I completely understood your point--there's no need to go underlining like I can't read. (I never even tried to imply that you were defending the black guy either. Ok, so "also" should be removed, meh.)

His goal was to offend, and he was obviously "incredibly" offended, as is evidenced by his response. Smart? No. Situationally warranted? I'd say so.

Oh, my intention wasn't to insult you. I apologize for that. I just have a bad choice of words sometimes. I thought you had misunderstood my post when I clearly misunderstood yours. And I agree that the situation called for him to insult the black guy. I just don't think racist comments have any room in any argument though. But I agree with you for the most part.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 20, 2006 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Spike
No, I don't understand why the n-word is so bad either as I do not know it's history, but it's obviously incredibly offensive.

So shut the fuck up if you don't know.

Was it funny? Not really. The interrupting the white man line was pretty good, but over all it was pretty fucking unfunny. But that's mostly because Michael Richards is mostly unfunny. However, the black guy did call him a cracker-ass. That's a racial slur too. Someone yell at that ignant ass nigga.

Also, requesting that Balcony Heckler be curbstomped for stealing my Muppets av/sig combo.



You fucking biter.

Spike Nov 20, 2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
So shut the fuck up if you don't know.

Where the hell is this coming from? I wasn't defending Michael Richards. I was saying he was wrong for using the word. I don't understand why you're so upset when it seems that you have the same point of view that I do.

Vemp Nov 20, 2006 10:28 PM

If the black dudes started it, why should Richards be sorry? He was just doing his job when these guys started yelling he's not funny? I think anyone would be very upset with that, and will think of anything to get back at those who humiliated him. Well, he didn't have to go over the line, but still.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 20, 2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Spike
Where the hell is this coming from? I wasn't defending Michael Richards. I was saying he was wrong for using the word. I don't understand why you're so upset when it seems that you have the same point of view that I do.

I'm not mad, mate, but if you don't understand the situation, how can you really be a valuable source of information on it?

Sarag Nov 20, 2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight
The example provided--that nasty n-word--is a racial slur for some unknown reason. Maybe I need to be black to understand it, but the logic that "the slave masters called us that" doesn't work for me. Or maybe I'm just a fucking bigot.

yeah, that's basically it right there, Klanny McWhitePower.

Double Post:

Originally Posted by Denicalis
So shut the fuck up if you don't know.

Was it funny? Not really. The interrupting the white man line was pretty good, but over all it was pretty fucking unfunny. But that's mostly because Michael Richards is mostly unfunny. However, the black guy did call him a cracker-ass. That's a racial slur too. Someone yell at that ignant ass nigga.

Far be it for me, of anyone, to keep someone from doing the whole racial slur thing. Just make it funny. The retorts in question was too painfully bitter to work.

cracker-ass is not a slur and you know it. It attempts to be but it's hard to use terms that imply domination and superiority on the dominate racial group. That's why you go for the fag jokes imply that he has a black baby accuse his women of being slutty and unfulfilled at home ATTACK THE WEAK POINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE I got nothin'.

Snowknight Nov 20, 2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by a lurker
yeah, that's basically it right there, Klanny McWhitePower.


Honestly, though, I think that word has been used for too long out of its original context to be offensive. Nevermind that it really shouldn't have been offensive in the first place. Oh, but I must be a bigot

No. Hard Pass. Nov 20, 2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight

Honestly, though, I think that word has been used for too long out of its original context to be offensive.

That's not up to you to decide, mate. That's up to the offended group to decide.

Sarag Nov 20, 2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight

Honestly, though, I think that word has been used for too long out of its original context to be offensive.

What was its original context, to be dismissive of black folks? Cuz it's still being used that way, Klanny.

lol original context, language evolves, etc

Paco Nov 20, 2006 10:59 PM

I'm actually more insulted that he didn't insult Mexicans. Then again... We don't heckle; we attack.

Snowknight Nov 20, 2006 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by a lurker
What was its original context, to be dismissive of black folks? Cuz it's still being used that way, Klanny.

lol original context, language evolves, etc

Ok, I admit defeat.
I will promptly burn a cross on myself.

I still don't understand why certain uses of the word are offensive. For some people--usually those of older generations--the word is used not to express an undying hate for black people but, rather, as the primary word that they were taught for referring to black people. Yes, it is up to the offended to decide, but I'd like them to be a bit less caustic about it. Guh, I don't know.

I'm still going to burn a cross on myself, though

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Spike
But to be on topic, he's an idiot for using racial slurs to get back at someone else being an asshole.

I think that if he used NIGGER as a point of topic - if he threw the EXPLAINATION of his use - into the crowd, it would've been a victory like the internet has never seen.

Sarag Nov 20, 2006 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Snowknight
Ok, I admit defeat.
I will promptly burn a cross on myself.

I still don't understand why certain uses of the word are offensive. For some people--usually those of older generations--the word is used not to express an undying hate for black people but, rather, as the primary word that they were taught for referring to black people. Yes, it is up to the offended to decide, but I'd like them to be a bit less caustic about it. Guh, I don't know.

I'm still going to burn a cross on myself, though

one can only assume that darkies understand that insults are contextual, and that someone is more likely to come across a racist person than a racist and also a race traitor.

Personally I would like dudes to buy my drinks everywhere I go without the implied sex at the end of the night but we don't always get what we want. Don't know why you would even think it's appropriate to insist that black people sanction you calling your (black?) friends nigger, though.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 20, 2006 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by a lurker
one can only assume that darkies understand that insults are contextual,

Assuming that all blacks are not savages, of course.

Seriously though, one cannot deny that the word has a certain disgusting levity to it. You curse people out when you say nigger. Not nigga but nigger.

However, it should also be said that the word was used properly. Michael Richards wanted to insult those people and struck at a base nerve with a lot of people - not just blacks. The word is there to be insulting, obviously and it's a great, gallant thing that we're able to have the choice of flinging racial slurs at anyone we chose (thought the effects of that are ours to reap, obviously)

The whole thing boils down to White Man's Guilt in the audience and wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't from a celeb. I bet you dollars to donuts we wouldn't have seen this if it was Bobcat Goldwaith screaming about chinks.

Sarag Nov 20, 2006 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
Assuming that all blacks are not savages, of course.

That is a fairly safe assumption.


I bet you dollars to donuts we wouldn't have seen this if it was Bobcat Goldwaith screaming about chinks.
because no one goes to his shows anymore?

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 21, 2006 08:28 AM

Really sounds like these guys just made a wrong turn on thier way to Def Comedy Jam. This could've been avoided.

Minion Nov 21, 2006 09:31 AM

For once, someone says the n-word and black people aren't overracting to it. Probably just circumstantial, though.

Anyway, as stupid as it was for him to say that, it reminds me of how tired I am of the fact that there is a word I can't say but other people can. I really don't care if I can say it or not, since I don't really ever use it verbally or in writing, but I have little tolerance for the double standard grade school bullshit behind it all. If the word evokes such negativity, then no one should use it. You don't see Jews jokingly calling each other Hitler, do you? Maybe that's because it would actually be offensive. Nobody else has a word that they pretend to be offended by so that only they can use their special word. Grow the fuck up already.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 21, 2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Minion
For once, someone says the n-word and black people aren't overracting to it.

Try turning on the news. It's all people are talking about, apparently.

Minion Nov 21, 2006 09:40 AM

Yeah, but from what I saw, the reaction is sort of understandable. You could have put the Grand Wizard of the KKK on stage and he would have been less offensive.

Actually what really bothers me about this is not that some B-list actor may be a bigot, but what he did, unfortunately is going to reflect badly on a cultural icon. It's kind of like he committed "crimes against culture" or something.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 21, 2006 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
For once, someone says the n-word and black people aren't overracting to it. Probably just circumstantial, though.

Anyway, as stupid as it was for him to say that, it reminds me of how tired I am of the fact that there is a word I can't say but other people can. I really don't care if I can say it or not, since I don't really ever use it verbally or in writing, but I have little tolerance for the double standard grade school bullshit behind it all. If the word evokes such negativity, then no one should use it. You don't see Jews jokingly calling each other Hitler, do you? Maybe that's because it would actually be offensive. Nobody else has a word that they pretend to be offended by so that only they can use their special word. Grow the fuck up already.

Minion, you've never taken a class on gender, race and language have you? There's this whole thing where eventually a sub-group will absorb a word, change it, and take away the power it has. Nigger is in the last throes of that. It will either go the way of Pryor, which is stop using it all together because he realised its very usage has a certain undercurrent of subjugation, or the way of Chris Rock, which is throw it around all the time, make it funny, and then it isn't hurtful. You're wrong about the jewish community, by the way. They took nazi germany and made it a part of their belief of the chosen people being tested constantly. They put it in the same compartment as enslavement in egypt (whether it really happened isn't important, they believe it did) and the current strife in Israel. They don't throw around Hitler, but you best believe jewish comics make JOKES about Hitler. Or about how jews are all controlling the media. Or about how jews are Mel Gibson's personal satan. Every culture does this, mate.

Fleshy Fun-Bridge Nov 21, 2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
Try turning on the news. It's all people are talking about, apparently.

Not to mention the instant YTMND and internet-in-general infamy that its earned him.

It could have been handled a lot more gracefully. Shit, you can hear on a CD when someone was making too much noise and heckling Dane Cook, he didn't totally flip out. He very calmly called the guy out and threatened to have security remove him because he was ruining the show for everyone else around him. It was actually kinda cool.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 21, 2006 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by ElectricSheep
Shit, you can hear on a CD when someone was making too much noise and heckling Dane Cook, he didn't totally flip out.

The major difference is that Dane Cook is never, ever funny.

George Carlin memorablity ripped a heckler apart during one of this stand-up acts, screaming that he would kick the guy's ass, fuck his mom in the ass and hope his kids died in a car fire. Yet NOW or children's rights advocates didn't flip their shit over this in the 70s.

Know why? Just like those guys in the balcony - they deserved what they got. The only stigma is that Richards called them EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE, sadly. "You're a nigger" is a terrible thing to say - but BLACK PEOPLE who are in CHEAP SEATS and TALKING SHIT is pretty goddamned stereotypical of NIGGERS just like BEING HORRIFIED about a racial slur not pointed at them is stereotypical WHITE.

God help us. A jew berates a black man. At this pace, dogs and cats will be living together in no time.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 21, 2006 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
The major difference is that Dane Cook is never, ever funny.

Agreed. The reason he calmly told the guy security would escort him out is that he lacks the wit to shoot the man down. Infantile noises and generally being a jerk-off usually won't silence a heckler.

Minion Nov 21, 2006 01:46 PM


Minion, you've never taken a class on gender, race and language have you?
With all due respect, that sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo. But if the beast is in it's "last throes" as you say, that implies it's death is at least inevitable, if not warranted. I'm just hoping that happens within my lifetime (or next week maybe).

No. Hard Pass. Nov 21, 2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
With all due respect, that sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo. But if the beast is in it's "last throes" as you say, that implies it's death is at least inevitable, if not warranted. I'm just hoping that happens within my lifetime (or next week maybe).

No, it doesn't mean it's death is inevitable. What it means is that the culture has taken the word and toyed with it. Either it will become accepted and part of the social dialogue, or it will be rejected and put on a shelf to never be used again. The point is that we can converse about the word nigger. We can have dialogue about it. We couldn't do that a while back. Not a real discussion, at any rate. The problem is that there are still people who treat words as if they have no power, which is false, or they treat words as if they're the only source of power, which is also false. And sometimes people say things like black people use nigger amongst themselves as a way to personally spite them, as a white man, because you can't use it and they can. That's a whole different sort of animal.

Sarag Nov 22, 2006 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Minion
With all due respect, that sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo.

Everything sounds like mumbo-jumbo when summarized in a few lines. I'm seconding the above two posts and telling you to fucking school more. You should not be so proud of your own ignorance.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 22, 2006 08:52 AM

The two guys who Richards called out were on the Today show this morning. Apparently, they're attempting legal action against him, using a screaming hatchet-faced female lawyer that looks so lesbian she could chase most lesbians away.

Matt Lauer, who I find entertaining but pretty cloying, brought up the point that as terrible as Richard's outburst was - wasn't it free speech. And one of the two guys said "I think free speech needs to have a limit".

I find that infinitely more offensive than someone screaming racial slurs.

rocketdog Nov 22, 2006 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by LeHah
The two guys who Richards called out were on the Today show this morning. Apparently, they're attempting legal action against him, using a screaming hatchet-faced female lawyer that looks so lesbian she could chase most lesbians away.

Matt Lauer, who I find entertaining but pretty cloying, brought up the point that as terrible as Richard's outburst was - wasn't it free speech. And one of the two guys said "I think free speech needs to have a limit".

I find that infinitely more offensive than someone screaming racial slurs.

Offensive (kind of racist in playful manner):
Hey! Everyone jump the bandwagon. The double-standard of this word is gay already, but being like "I've been called nigga by a white man so that gives me the right to sue!"... I swear they are just making the image blacks look worse (or up to sterotype). It's almost as bad as the Wendy's lady.

"And one of the two guys said "I think free speech needs to have a limit"."

Further proves their stupidity and the idea that they probably DESERVED that outburst.

You know I'm Chinese, and white people slammed us sorta back in the day. Sure it wasn't slavery, but it was indeed opression... yet we fucking got over it.

God. How long will (the majority of) blacks ride slavery? Be more Jewish, please.

BTW I'm no racist, although I get fucking frustrated sometimes when I see people from all ethnic groups ride the sterotypes cause they don't have half a free mind.

Minion Nov 22, 2006 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by a lurker
Everything sounds like mumbo-jumbo when summarized in a few lines. I'm seconding the above two posts and telling you to fucking school more. You should not be so proud of your own ignorance.

You would take any opportunity to denigrate me anyway, so your opinion couldn't be less relevant.

Under whose authority is this curriculum being developed? Have you even been to college? If my college experience (which is very similar to everyone else's that I've spoken too) is any indication of the quality of this kind of class, then it is probably a lot of bullshit. You can't teach a thing like this in a classroom. It's something you have to know from experience. When people try to make a study of it, that's when it becomes bullshit. But you go ahead and believe that learning something in a classroom a) makes you understand it and b) confers to you any useful knowledge in the first place and enjoy your smug self satisfaction for mastering the intricacies of "gender, race and language" from a sum total of approximately 14 hour long lectures.

Bolide Nov 22, 2006 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by LeHah
However, it should also be said that the word was used properly. Michael Richards wanted to insult those people and struck at a base nerve with a lot of people - not just blacks. The word is there to be insulting

That probably sums up my opinion on this when I heard about this Monday morning. I'm not a fan of Michael Richards, nor did I watch Seinfeld, so this won't affect my opinion of his as an actor because I never really had one in the first place. It was a poor choice of words on his point.

As you've pointed out, he used the words in their negative context. Very promptly after the outburst started, it became apparent that it was beyond a joke.

Balcony Heckler Nov 22, 2006 11:06 AM

either way, it's funny how he tries to apologize like nothing's his fault, why can't these people just come out and say" yeah you know what I said it, and I don't deny it, so blame me as you will for my stupidity

rocketdog Nov 22, 2006 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by a lurker
Everything sounds like mumbo-jumbo when summarized in a few lines. I'm seconding the above two posts and telling you to fucking school more. You should not be so proud of your own ignorance.

I think the problem isn't Minion but the fact that you are all kids (and yes I'll name names here, Deni, Lehah, Lurker) and are still moved by words, like nigger. Grow up. Any sophisticated, educated person will be able to take a racial slur, and just brush it aside. You just look down on those people who have to stoop so low... that's about it. You don't take the time to make an argument of it, or to blow it up. Who gives a shit if they are close minded? It's not our job to save ever single damn person. I think Minion is coming from that perspective "above".


Originally Posted by Denicalis
The problem is that there are still people who treat words as if they have no power

Words have power man, but words like this... only move idiots who can be provoked by such childishness.

And you really don't need an education for this stuff unless you grew up in a closed closed closed white town with your parents constantly reminding you of white power. It is legit to make a study of it, and to analyze outcomes of people, but it really is something you develope with personal expereince... and you know it.

But back on topic, if you were heckled by a few black guys I bet you'd have the phrase "fucking niggers" crossing your mind. Mike just had the balls to say it... it's about damn time.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 22, 2006 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by rocketdog
I think the problem isn't Minion but the fact that you are all kids (and yes I'll name names here, Deni, Lehah, Lurker) and are still moved by words, like nigger.

I'm pretty sure that the only people on this board who are older than me are Julia, Alice and someone on staff. How old are you anyway?

As for that word, I throw racial slurs out like beads at Mardi Gras. Perhaps you haven't been paying attention to my posts in the past. I'm not moved by the words myself - but to say them is to obviously make a reaction. Thats the reason we have a spoken language - to get a point across. And if screaming "N" is one of them - then so be it.

rocketdog Nov 22, 2006 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by LeHah
Thats the reason we have a spoken language - to get a point across. And if screaming "N" is one of them - then so be it.

Actually, thanks. You just made something big click for me :) You're right in the sense that word has so much image and hype, that if he threw that word out so willingly that is just asking for it. I suppose he could have just been like "GET THE FUCK OUT." Hmm... maybe I should rethink.


Originally Posted by LeHah
I'm pretty sure that the only people on this board who are older than me are Julia, Alice and someone on staff.

Not directed toward you, but in my experience with age comes wisdom... for SOME people...

Minion Nov 22, 2006 11:32 AM

It's not really age that brings about wisdom. It's more experience and a generally inquisitive mind. I know people twice my age who are absolute children and simpletons. And the "elders" of this board are hardly an example of what it is to be a grown up.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 22, 2006 01:47 PM

Yeah, Squirrel's about the only person worth looking up to in this sense in the bunch.

But yeah, I learned (somewhere) a while ago about black people and nigger. Like what lurker said; saying it among themselves makes it seem less, a joke. A white person saying it empowers the word and brings back old bitterness among the blacks... Even if the majority of them nowadays don't even have grandparents that went through slavery. OH BUT THE THINGS THAt WENT DOWN BEFORE THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT... What about it?

Cirno Nov 22, 2006 02:08 PM

Good god Reverend Al Sharpton's talking about this on CNN. I hate his fucking ass and he's an embarassment to black people everywhere. I really don't know why they keep letting him on television, representing the black community.

Anyway, apparently Kramer apologized to Al Sharpton. Why, I'm not too sure. The biggest offense I've found is that I can't really watch Seinfeld in the same light, but at the same time I don't really care. What he said didn't really offend me much, since the guys who said the shit deserved it.

Minion Nov 22, 2006 02:12 PM

I guess that's the question, isn't it? Is there really anyone ou there who actually deserves to be called a nigger? It's obviously wrong to brand an entire race with an epithet like that, but what about individuals?

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 22, 2006 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
Is there really anyone ou there who actually deserves to be called a nigger?

A nigger is to a black man as white trash is to a white man.

There are many black people who are worthy of respect - these are people that work hard, go to their jobs every day, have the self-respect to look presentable and try to do their best.

A nigger is someone who stands in line for food stamps, who's cheap with money and generous with his dick. He's tasteless and classless. He cares more about his clothes than he does about his child support check. Similarities with white trash are very obvious.

Certainly, there are various shades of grey to this but in the end, I think everyone knows the difference between the two.

Minion Nov 22, 2006 02:35 PM

But you can call whoever you want white trash. That's the difference. No one will ever make as big a deal about ANY other racial epithet - any epithet whatsoever, really.

Sarag Nov 22, 2006 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
If my college experience (which is very similar to everyone else's that I've spoken too) is any indication of the quality of this kind of class, then it is probably a lot of bullshit. You can't teach a thing like this in a classroom. It's something you have to know from experience.

It's time again for Choose Your Own Response!
If you're an obnoxious pedant with no creativity, go to response 3.
If you're a caustic asshole, go to response 1.
If you want to make a ghost of a point that will be ignored anyway (in between passive-agressive racist arguments), go to response 2.

1) As a white man, I'm sure you learned all the effects of racism you need to know from off the streets.

2) You're using ancedotal evidence to back up your claim that something you never studied is bullshit.

3) "I've spoken too"? Are you even for real.

Double Post:

Originally Posted by rocketdog
I think the problem isn't Minion but the fact that you are all kids (and yes I'll name names here, Deni, Lehah, Lurker) and are still moved by words, like nigger. Grow up. Any sophisticated, educated person will be able to take a racial slur, and just brush it aside.

Aren't you the kid who taught himself classical music from the Sheet Music forum, and now bitch about every girl who dates you because they aren't as refined or cultured as you?

I would give you a better response, but you ask for ego stroking on the internet. You don't deserve better.

I'm just bitter because you're right, though. I would never countance someone saying the n word in my presence.

Minion Nov 22, 2006 02:54 PM


an obnoxious pedant with no creativity... a caustic asshole...
I have to admit, you know yourself well. If only you could decipher a point.

I'm not saying *I* know anything. I'm saying there are things you can't learn in a classroom. Do you understand that? Or maybe this argument stems from your relative lack of real social experience? I'm just trying to sort things out here.

You don't need to learn "from the streets". Again, it seems as if you either didn't actually go to college, or you were a shut in the whole time. I was able to bond with people during college that I would never meet under any other circumstances in this country. African-Americans were not only present, but any American was viewed as a bit mundane in light of my school's ethnic strata. I don't honestly know how I could have learned more except by actually being black and growing up in harlem or detroit. I sure as shit wouldn't learn anything that I've learned from real interaction with human beings in any classroom.

Skexis Nov 22, 2006 03:04 PM

My critical theory class was talking about 3rd wave feminism the other day, and somehow we got on the topic of race. My professor said that the reason he couldn't believe in something like reverse racism was because there still is a very real differential between the traditional white male power elite and the black work force.

I dunno if I agree with that entirely, but Richards made it a racial issue to begin with, when he could have called them a variety of other, more accurate insults.


Originally Posted by LeHah
A nigger is to a black man as white trash is to a white man.

Certainly, there are various shades of grey to this but in the end, I think everyone knows the difference between the two.

I think you know that, in the end, these two are intrinsically not the same. People don't call each other white trash when they have nothing else to fall back on.

The concept of ideology to begin with involves calling someone by their position within that ideology. If you call someone a nigger, then it says you've stopped thinking in terms of individuals, and are looking for class labels, the same way you might call someone poor. It's not just derrogatory. It's a way of saying to a person, "You are insignificant because of your position."

When all Richards had to say was "Nigger," he was essentially telling the audience that that's all he needed to say. And I don't think for a minute that's true.

Balcony Heckler Nov 22, 2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
So shut the fuck up if you don't know.

Was it funny? Not really. The interrupting the white man line was pretty good, but over all it was pretty fucking unfunny. But that's mostly because Michael Richards is mostly unfunny. However, the black guy did call him a cracker-ass. That's a racial slur too. Someone yell at that ignant ass nigga.

Also, requesting that Balcony Heckler be curbstomped for stealing my Muppets av/sig combo.



You fucking biter.

dude, calm the fuck down. I didn't steal anything, I was intro'd to this site by a friend here, and just chose something at random. I'd have to be pretty bored to search through a forum just to steal someone else' av and sig

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 22, 2006 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Skexis
when he could have called them a variety of other, more accurate insults.

Black people buying cheap seats, talking shit and then playing victim? Jesus Christ, all you need is a welfare line and it's the very definition of nigger!


Originally Posted by Skexis
I think you know that, in the end, these two are intrinsically not the same. People don't call each other white trash when they have nothing else to fall back on.

As a retort - you're correct in that I've never called a black man white trash. He is obviously NOT white, hence the word NIGGER.

They are very much the same thing, though I suppose racial class may make "white trash" a little less insulting than nigger.


Originally Posted by Skexis
If you call someone a nigger, then it says you've stopped thinking in terms of individuals, and are looking for class labels, the same way you might call someone poor.

I call people poor all the time. I also call people WTP all the time (White Trash Poor).

From a first person account, I can tell you that I'd much sooner call a black man a nigger than I would call him a bitch. Black men HATE that word and I can tell you they reacted way worse to being called that then the "N" word.

I call people poor though. Obviously, I may be an exception because I try to use every racial slur I can find - nigger, wetback, slant-eyes, zipperhead, Carl Winslow, paddy wagon - because its as empowering to use those words properly as it is to use words like apotheosis or dodecaphonicism. Obviously, talking about twelve tone and shouting PORCH MONKEY are not the same in the eyes of others - but they both show you know what you're talking about.


Originally Posted by Skexis
It's not just derrogatory. It's a way of saying to a person, "You are insignificant because of your position."

I think if you're getting called out on a stereotype class issue and you're getting offended, you don't have any right to leave your house. People judge people anyway, they may not say it but we're all guilty. Why do you think so many white women have an automatic aversion to blacks? (I can't say, but I've seen it way more than I can think of)


Originally Posted by Skexis
When all Richards had to say was "Nigger," he was essentially telling the audience that that's all he needed to say. And I don't think for a minute that's true.

No. No no no. See, while Richards was probably wrong in SCREAMING that word, he was absolutely right in calling them nigger. If you were to do a farce about black people - how would you do it? Cheap black people with 6 kids, living on welfare and food stamps and driving a brand new Audi.

As an aside, after seeing the two gentleman who were called "nigger" on the news this morning, they actually were NOT very "niggerish". The one who talked more was very well spoken, even though I largely disagreed with his remarks about victimization. Both were well dressed and you can tell that it wasn't that someone gave them a collared shirt.

However, the idea that blacks are bitching about victimization from a JEW of all people is not lost on me. Outside of the Irish, is there any other culture in history that has been more shit upon than the Jews? Don't get me wrong - I am not attempting to play down slavery or what-have-you - but have we gotten to the point where two victimized races are going at it? Isn't this one of those things that you'd find at the ends of the universe or something?

koifox Nov 22, 2006 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
But you can call whoever you want white trash. That's the difference. No one will ever make as big a deal about ANY other racial epithet - any epithet whatsoever, really.

That's the point, isn't it? If you're going to insult them, hard and fast without much quick wit to back you up, you might as well pick the one or two words that have the deepest cultural significance. That's the fastest way to put you back in control of most peoples' emotions. (Compare cheat slut for many women, faggot to most men.) Words are a game of power in these situations, and trying to ban a word in a misguided attempt to ban hate only gives the word a great deal of extra power.

Not that culturally enforced civility is such a bad thing. But applying it to a handful of random words, isn't exactly a useful way of going about it.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 22, 2006 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by rocketdog
I think the problem isn't Minion but the fact that you are all kids (and yes I'll name names here, Deni, Lehah, Lurker) and are still moved by words, like nigger. Grow up. Any sophisticated, educated person will be able to take a racial slur, and just brush it aside. You just look down on those people who have to stoop so low... that's about it. You don't take the time to make an argument of it, or to blow it up. Who gives a shit if they are close minded? It's not our job to save ever single damn person. I think Minion is coming from that perspective "above".

Words have power man, but words like this... only move idiots who can be provoked by such childishness.

And you really don't need an education for this stuff unless you grew up in a closed closed closed white town with your parents constantly reminding you of white power. It is legit to make a study of it, and to analyze outcomes of people, but it really is something you develope with personal expereince... and you know it.

But back on topic, if you were heckled by a few black guys I bet you'd have the phrase "fucking niggers" crossing your mind. Mike just had the balls to say it... it's about damn time.

Because Deni certainly isn't known as one of the more offensive members of the board, who often throws around racial slurs for pure amusement. I mean, he certainly doesn't refer to his buddy encephalon as beaner, or kurado as his house boy. That would never happen. The problem with you, Rocketdog, is that at the heart of you, is a very simple little man. You're about black and white. Thus the entry on girls you date and your demand that they're musical.

Of course an educated person can brush aside a racial slur. By the by, walk up to a jewish professor and tell him you think he's a kike and he should burn in an oven. See how fucking funny he thinks you are. I can brush aside a racial slur. I'm white, I'm educated and I can make a point about how words shift constantly, how they don't intrinsically have meaning, but rather they take meaning from webs of understanding dictated by societal pressures.

But I'm not black. I've never had someone spit the word nigger at me in blatant anger. And you know what, when that person chooses a word they know is hateful, and use it in a hateful way? That can be a harsh thing to do. Now, I'm a big proponent of words being words and people needing to be less sensitive, but you know what? Your lack of understanding of any of the modern concepts or theories just proves that education IS needed in it. Not because nigger is the worst thing you can say, but because understanding why other people might think it is... ya, that's sort of important to the debate at hand.

Also, Minion and Rocketdog, I have three years worth of fieldwork behind me, along with years of research. I've dealt with this on the ground, I'm not talking from a textbook. When one of you has worked in the field, doing research on agency and language with different cultures, then you can talk to me about real world experience.

Also, Rocketdog, you are the last person to talk about this subject. We've seen before how your perspective works, and you've managed to talk yourself right out of any valid point. Especially considering neither Lurker, LeHah, or myself said the word nigger was as offensive as these two men are making it out to be. If you don't even understand the basic point, keep your arguments to yourself.

Also, Heckler, stealing as in having the same basic premise. I got tired of people asking me why I'd become retarded in my posting habits, and having to explain that you aren't me. Apparently a moderator did, too.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 22, 2006 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
Especially considering neither Lurker, LeHah, or myself said the word nigger was as offensive as these two men are making it out to be.

Frankly, I'd be pissed off too if I were them - for being caught acting like the racial stereotype. It's embarassing but all they were doing was acting like every idiot racist makes blacks out to be. "Lets sit in cheap seats and talk loudly amongst ourselves and heckle the white guy from that show."

Maybe Richards should've used another word - but maybe their mothers should've raised them better.

Minion Nov 22, 2006 03:45 PM


then you can talk to me about real world experience.
The thing is, if you're going to make an appeal to authority as an argument (which you're welcome to do if your experience is genuine) that's great, but in order for there to be an actual dialogue in this thread, you need to kind of stoop down to our level and at least give us a the jist of the theory involved. Don't just say you know stuff - explain it. I'd love to hear about it, really. I'm not being the least bit sarcastic.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 22, 2006 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
The thing is, if you're going to make an appeal to authority as an argument (which you're welcome to do if your experience is genuine) that's great, but in order for there to be an actual dialogue in this thread, you need to kind of stoop down to our level and at least give us a the jist of the theory involved. Don't just say you know stuff - explain it. I'd love to hear about it, really. I'm not being the least bit sarcastic.

I sort of touch on it above when I snapped at Rocketdog. But it isn't really the theory that is important, what's important is that they took it as offensive. And you know what, Michael Richards feels as if he was wrong to do it. Did you see his apology? The guy is almost in tears over it. Now, if he was trying to make a point about racial slurs, a la Richard Pryor, I'm sure he'd have been less broken up. He threw out hate. Not words, pure hate. He just happened to use those specific words. What he was trying to do is cut someone with language, so he used the most heated thing he could think of. If this was a commentary on how nigger is an overused slander with no real meaning and the black community needs to lighten up (which I happen to agree with), I'm sure the news reports would be very different.

Minion Nov 22, 2006 03:52 PM

Yeah, I mean... that's how I feel exactly. I'm just trying to understand how our views differ, if they in fact do.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 22, 2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
Yeah, I mean... that's how I feel exactly. I'm just trying to understand how our views differ, if they in fact do.

I don't think you and I have much difference in terms of opinion on this, so much as ways of coming to the conclusion. My issue is with Rocketdog.

Sarag Nov 23, 2006 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by LeHah
I call people poor all the time. I also call people WTP all the time (White Trash Poor).

apropos of nothing, if you actually called them the acronym that's gay. BUT. If you called them WTC (White Trash Cunts) then that validates your entire existance.


It was so sad watching Richards apologize on the Letterman Show. :(

Sarag Nov 23, 2006 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Minion
I have to admit, you know yourself well. If only you could decipher a point.

I'm not saying *I* know anything. I'm saying there are things you can't learn in a classroom. Do you understand that? Or maybe this argument stems from your relative lack of real social experience? I'm just trying to sort things out here.

You don't need to learn "from the streets". Again, it seems as if you either didn't actually go to college, or you were a shut in the whole time. I was able to bond with people during college that I would never meet under any other circumstances in this country. African-Americans were not only present, but any American was viewed as a bit mundane in light of my school's ethnic strata. I don't honestly know how I could have learned more except by actually being black and growing up in harlem or detroit. I sure as shit wouldn't learn anything that I've learned from real interaction with human beings in any classroom.

Whoa, this cat's got claws!

Dubble Nov 23, 2006 04:19 PM

Here's the thing:

The two black guys were ignorant dumbfucks for inciting the shit in the first place. Richard was an equally ignorant dumbfuck for keeping the shit going and saying/reacting in the way that he did.

As for this lawsuit nonsense that the black guys are going for (if you saw thier interview on Extra): Mental trauma MY ASS - they deserve no money and are obviously only after the man for his riches at this point. This ladies and gentlemen is what we in the educated world like to call "niggerism." As for Richards, his credibility and career are destroyed and the only person he has to blame for that is himself. MANY a comedian - even the best have been heckled in thier day - the good comedians are the ones that turn it around and wind up making the hecklers look like a bunch of dumb shits. The hecklers are like "We want to see some punishment" - Richards has been banned from performing at one of the most well known comedy clubs in stand up, his reputation is shattered through no fault of his own, and he's ginormously borked up what's left of his career. What more do they want? Personally I think both parties were heavily at fault.

If I sued everybody I know cause they called me a nigger whether in jest or in insult I'd be a fucking RICH BITCH and I am almost certain that goes for almost every other black man on the planet as well. Nothing goes better together better than fools and money.

Balcony Heckler Nov 24, 2006 12:38 PM

in all honesty, richards said that he did it cause he had a lot of anger at the time. I myself never support using that word period for what he used, but it really would've made better sense for him to find a different outlet for that anger before the show, to avoid the aforementioned incident

quazi Nov 24, 2006 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Capo
It was so sad watching Richards apologize on the Letterman Show. :(

The worst part was when the audience cracks up and Jerry Seinfeld of all people has to tell them "Stop it, it's not funny." It was pretty depressing hearing two people who did a great job of making people laugh on Seinfeld trying to have the audience take them seriously and not doing a very good job of it.


I know, man. It was just sort of pitiful to watch.

Balcony Heckler Nov 24, 2006 01:21 PM

yeah, it's sad knowing you're such a comedian that you can't be taken seriously anymore


It was more seing this amazing guy who has made me laugh countless timed up there apologizing like this. Him being laughed at and almost ridiculed just felt sad.

UltimaIchijouji Nov 24, 2006 02:09 PM

I found it really depressing as well. I've watched Seinfield for as long as I can remember and I've come to care about the actors. For something so terrible to happen and for Richards trying to apologize and not being taken seriously... Its really depressing. He did do something wrong but he is sincerely sorry for it and I'm sure he's still in a lot of pain over it. It's terrible.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 24, 2006 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Balcony Heckler
I myself never support using that word period for what he used

Please tell me a time when its appropriate to use the word nigger. Because, see, you can't say theres a time for racial slurs and theres not a time for them. Obviously, they're there to get a reaction, so saying them at any point would be inappropriate.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 24, 2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ultima
He did do something wrong but he is sincerely sorry for it and I'm sure he's still in a lot of pain over it. It's terrible.

His grief is probably only because of the heat it's brought him, not because he sincerely didn't feel that way. That's what I think anyway, he might actually feel bad, but I doubt it.

*AkirA* Nov 24, 2006 06:41 PM

I know this discussion is a few pages down the line, but Im proud of the guy. He hit some assholes where it hurts and should stick by what he said with no apologies.

I keep seeing alot of people saying he could of handled it better, but I honestly think he handled it the best way possible. Hes a comedian and he completely shit talked some stupid fuck into a loop. You can tell someones losing a trash talking argument when they say the same shit over and over again.

"That was uncalled for" < Owned


Calling someone a nigger takes no comedic skill, and even less values. It was a moment of weakness, and nothing more, I hope.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 24, 2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Capo
Calling someone a nigger takes no comedic skill, and even less values.

I disagree. I think it depends on the situation; it was obviously okay to say nigger 140 years ago.


As far as I can tell from the terrible quality video, this stand-up act didn't take place on a plantation in the 1830's.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 24, 2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Capo
As far as I can tell from the terrible quality video, this stand-up act didn't take place on a plantation in the 1830's.

That doesn't defeat the point I made. As with any word, its all about using it in the right place and context.

knkwzrd Nov 24, 2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
That doesn't defeat the point I made. As with any word, its all about using it in the right place and context.

Unless you provide a "right place and context" besides 140 years ago, which I cannot visit due to an unexpected technical problem with the Wayback Machine, that pretty much does defeat your first point.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 24, 2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by knkwzrd
Unless you provide a "right place and context" besides 140 years ago

How about in the south? How about amongst friends whom you feel comfortable with? How about in the privacy of your own home?

ramoth Nov 24, 2006 11:38 PM

Or how about if you're black? It seems really, really incongruous to me that an word that is featured so prominently in hip hop culture, which saturates the media, is only OK to be said by a specific group of people. That just doen't make sense to me.

And I think that's what Michael Richards was ham-handedly trying to point out.

Sarag Nov 25, 2006 01:48 AM

No, no he wasn't. Just shut up already, you don't get it and every one of you people won't get it as long as you have a childish reaction as to why it's acceptable for black people to use terms deemed racist to black people.

There are many people making statements about the time and place for racist terms, about the shock value of hearing it out of an unexpected mouth and about devaluing the term entirely, but that's not what Richards was doing. He was trying to insult them. There's nothing postmodern or clever about it, it was pure anger.

I don't get it. Why do so many otherwise intelligent folks (not Minion though) feel like they're entitled to call people 'nigger' because black folks can? I'm not talking about the thuggish beatdown that these folks should be threatened with, I just.. what the hell is wrong with you guys? it's like not swearing in front of your grandmother, even if she has a cunt and an asshole and has fucked and sucked dicks in her day, dammit. It's good manners. The fuck is wrong with you.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 25, 2006 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by a lurker
There are many people making statements about the time and place for racist terms, about the shock value of hearing it out of an unexpected mouth and about devaluing the term entirely, but that's not what Richards was doing. He was trying to insult them. There's nothing postmodern or clever about it, it was pure anger.

Fucking A, man. Fucking A.

Balcony Heckler Nov 25, 2006 08:36 AM

here's an update on that story:

Men Seek Apology From Ex-'Seinfeld' Star

LOS ANGELES - Two men who say they were insulted by actor-comedian Michael Richards during his racist rant at a comedy club want a personal apology and maybe some money, one of the men and their lawyer said Friday.

Frank McBride and Kyle Doss said they were part of a group of about 20 people who had gathered at West Hollywood's Laugh Factory to celebrate a friend's birthday. According to their attorney, Gloria Allred, they were ordering drinks when Richards berated them for interrupting his act.

When one of their group replied that he wasn't funny, Richards launched into a string of obscenities and repeatedly used the n-word. A video cell phone captured the outburst.

Richards, who played Jerry Seinfeld's wacky neighbor Kramer on the TV sitcom "Seinfeld," made a nationally televised apology on the "Late Show with David Letterman" earlier this week. He has since apologized to the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both civil rights leaders.

But Doss, 26, said Friday he wanted a "face-to-face apology."

"To have him do what he did to me ... I can't even explain it," Doss said. "I was humiliated, even scared at one point."

Richards' publicist said his client wants to apologize to both men, who are black, but hasn't been able to locate them.

Allred, speaking by phone from Colorado, said Richards should meet McBride and Doss in front of a retired judge to "acknowledge his behavior and to apologize to them" and allow the judge to decide on monetary compensation.

"It's not enough to say 'I'm sorry' on 'David Letterman,'" she said.

She did not mention a specific figure, but pitched the idea as a way for the comic to avoid a lawsuit.

"Our clients were vulnerable," Allred said. "He went after them. He singled them out and he taunted them, and he did it in a closed room where they were captive."

The video of Richards' outburst shows several people getting up and walking out as he shouts at the audience.

Richards' publicist said the comic wasn't considering any demand for payment. "He's not dealing with that," Howard Rubenstein said. "He wants to apologize to them directly and then see what happens."

TheXeno Nov 25, 2006 10:11 AM

Fucking blood sucking lawyers, those two guys are as worse "Kramer" in my opinion. I had to get that out I hate around 95% of lawyers. Anyways "Nigger" is just a word, thats it. Words can hurt but I thought we got over this crap in middle school or younger. I've been called some pretty nasty crap, I got pissed off and moved on. Racial slurs are trashy if your going to insult someone try something creative, and chances are if your a decent comedian you know should know how to push buttons other than using slurs. Richards was pissed, he was almost in a rage mode, should of said something else oh well. Ah well I've rambled to long as it is, anyways one should be a better man and move on.


Greedy niggers. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsys...emot-laugh.gif

Paco Nov 25, 2006 01:40 PM

I think it's about proper that we call Gloria Allred a leech and crucify her for crimes against humanity now.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 25, 2006 10:05 PM

Haha, he singled them out. She almost makes it sound random. Also, apparently going to a Comedy Club or any sort of room can be considered being held "captive"?

Sarag Nov 25, 2006 11:19 PM

(when it's crap comedy, maybe!)

(this is heckling on several levels)

Dubble Nov 26, 2006 12:12 AM

and this is exactly what i was talking about in my post.

People like Gloria Allred and Nancy Grace are bottomfeeders suckling off of the pond scum of society (i.e. these two ignorant dumbass greedy motherfuckers)

The Wise Vivi Nov 26, 2006 12:20 AM

Wow. Just watched the video. I had been kinda ignoring this thread for a while until my friend suggested we watch it.

Yep, he sure spasmed.... All I get from that video is "That is uncalled for..."

Glad he apologized. But, it goes to show just how sensitive this kind of stuff is. Especially in the United States.


A bullshit apology only after international criticism shows nothing.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 26, 2006 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Capo
A bullshit apology only after international criticism shows nothing.

True, to an extent. I think an infinitely more appropriate response would've been "I said it and I won't take it back" - but the man does have his career to think about.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 26, 2006 01:00 AM

Aww hell. What career? Guy probably doesn't have to work anyway.

Sarag Nov 26, 2006 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dubble
and this is exactly what i was talking about in my post.

People like Gloria Allred and Nancy Grace are bottomfeeders suckling off of the pond scum of society (i.e. these two ignorant dumbass greedy motherfuckers)

Oh man, fuck Nancy Grace. I keep trying to convince my mom that she's an opportunistic cunt (Grace, not my own mother, you jerks). The only time I watched her was when she was haranging a man for buying LACY PETERSON'S HOUSE (!). He was selling it because, I guess, he was doing poorly in the town and was going to move elsewhere for his career. Maybe there's a GHOST.

She took the camera inside and shown how the nursery was converted into a WORK OUT ROOM (!).

She was also furious that Scott Peterson was being fed and receiving medical attention while in prison. Fuck that cuntbag.



Originally Posted by Capo
A bullshit apology only after international criticism shows nothing.

Totally thought this was the UCLA Taser thread. Whoops!

Balcony Heckler Nov 26, 2006 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Rita the Carpet Cleaner
I love how Nancy Grace gets so self-righteous that people cannot move on with their lives without her permission.

yeah, but at least they make life entertaining with their antics

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 07:55 PM

I love that they're demanding monetary compensation. That, right there, tells me they're not too broken up about it. They're just using this as an opportunity now. Make the dude make his ammends, say he's sorry... fuck, ask that he's required to do community service in a black neighbourhood. But you want money for being called a nigger? Where's my money for being called a drunk Irish asshole.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
I love that they're demanding monetary compensation. That, right there, tells me they're not too broken up about it. They're just using this as an opportunity now. Make the dude make his ammends, say he's sorry... fuck, ask that he's required to do community service in a black neighbourhood. But you want money for being called a nigger? Where's my money for being called a drunk Irish asshole.

thats exactly what there doing... maybe he should counter sue for them ruining his set, blowing this out of proportion, and creating a bad public outlook on him.

Seriously, anyone who's opinion of 'kramer' is lowered by this needs to ask themselves a few questions question... ever been angry? ever make a mistake while angry? were you up on that stage? did you see anything besides his outburst? ever had a bad day? and had that last straw fall into place? stop judging him. try judging yourself to those same standards. the majority of people have no right to call him a bad person.

I think they deserve it. Just because they are black and he's white its become some huge ordeal. If he was any other race, this wouldn't go past state news at most.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
thats exactly what there doing... maybe he should counter sue for them ruining his set, blowing this out of proportion, and creating a bad public outlook on him.

No, hecklers are part of comedy. I don't think they blew it out of proportion until they demanded money. Also, I'm willing to bet that Gloria Allred called them, not the other way around. She's a fucking bottom feeder. And you know what caused a bad public outlook of Michael Richards? Screaming nigger in a derogatory way at two people who interrupted his set.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
No, hecklers are part of comedy. I don't think they blew it out of proportion until they demanded money. Also, I'm willing to bet that Gloria Allred called them, not the other way around. She's a fucking bottom feeder. And you know what caused a bad public outlook of Michael Richards? Screaming nigger in a derogatory way at two people who interrupted his set.

they pulled the trigger that set the gun off. Itd be no more ridiculous than them claiming a need for monetary compensation.

I hate hecklers. Had I been there, I'd of told them to shut the hell up. Maybe even used some offensive jargon of my own. Hecklers ruin shows for everyone else because they're selfish and feel that the show should be altered just because they aren't enjoying it. fuck hecklers.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
they pulled the trigger that set the gun off. Itd be no more ridiculous than them claiming a need for monetary compensation.

I hate hecklers. Had I been there, I'd of told them to shut the hell up. Maybe even used some offensive jargon of my own. Hecklers ruin shows for everyone else because they're selfish and feel that the show should be altered just because they aren't enjoying it. fuck hecklers.

So explain why people can often deal with Hecklers without resorting to yelling racial slurs at people? They pulled the trigger? No they didn't. They might have danced infront of the asshole with the gun and said "shoot me, you unfunny fucker" but they didn't pull the trigger.

Also, I've seen Michael Richards do stand up. He isn't funny. He deserves to be heckled.

And for the last part, Richard Belzer was being heckled at a show once. A man in the audience was talking and said: "where did you get that coat, the discount rack?" Without missing a beat, Belzer looked down and said: "In your mother's vagina, pal. I get all my clothes there. It's like a frickin' warehouse in there." The dude shut the fuck up after that. And you know, not once did Belzer call him a nigger in hate. Don Rickles used to use racial slurs at his audience all the time. Usually when it was Sammy Davis Jr. But you know what, he didn't scream at them and say things like "Fifty years ago, we'd have you hanging upside down with a fork stuck up your ass." That is fucking RACIST, man. He wasn't shooting down hecklers, he was spitting hate at people. There's a way of dealing with people like that, and he chose the wrong way. Keep trying to defend it, though. You've clearly got a strong position here with this "They were being niggers" defence.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 10:14 PM

yes, he did chose the wrong way to deal with it. But its between him and them, not the whole world. They egged him on and he retaliated inappropriately with anger. I'm not defending it, i'm just not focusing on what way too many people already are.

Ya, he screwed up. Shit happens, its not our business.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
yes, he did chose the wrong way to deal with it. But its between him and them, not the whole world. They egged him on and he retaliated inappropriately with anger. I'm not defending it, i'm disagreeing with everything else instead of focusing on what way too many people already are.

Ya, he screwed up. Shit happens, its not our business.

It's our business when it happens in a public forum infront of cameras. That's like saying that apartheid isn't our business because we're not African. It wasn't private. It wasn't in the privacy of his den with a fire roaring. It was on stage. Infront of a room full of people.

Again, the monetary thing is bullshit, but the black community being a wee bit fucking incensed by this? Ya, I can see that.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
It was on stage. Infront of a room full of people.

difference of opinion. That doesn't make it public; its between him and them.

it wasn't on the streets, it wasn't on tv (it was _put_ on tv, its different), it wasn't within public property.

it was within a private venue. Its a trivial matter within a private location, therefore, imo, its not our business. Next time you fuck up anywhere thats not contained within your home, lets broadcast it all over everything.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
difference of opinion.

it wasnt on the streets, it wasn't on tv (it was _put_ on tv, its different), it wasn't within public property.

it was within a private venue. Its a trivial matter within a private location, therefore, imo, its not our buisiness.

See, I have to highly disagree with that. He called someone a nigger in a public room full of people. It isn't private under the law, and it sure as fuck isn't private under social understanding.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
See, I have to highly disagree with that. He called someone a nigger in a public room full of people. It isn't private under the law, and it sure as fuck isn't private under social understanding.

its a private venue, its private property. its is a private room of people, not public; payment is required to gain entrance. These are facts. Deciding whether or not you feel the issue itself is public or private is a separate matter.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
its a private venue, its private property. its is a private room of people, not public.

It's private property, it's not a private venue. A comedy club, one of the biggest in America, is a public venue.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
It's private property, it's not a private venue. A comedy club, one of the biggest in America, is a public venue.

its private domain. That's what allows them to control it as they see fit.

yes, the public has access to it, but that doesn't make it public domain.

does it make a difference to _you_ either way?

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
its private domain. That's what allows them to control it as they see fit.

Mate, you walk into any court room in America and tell them what you said on stage in the comedy barn is privilieged because it took place in a private venue. You tell me how that works out.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:28 PM

is that what I said?

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
does it make a difference to _you_ either way?

No. I'm not black. Nigger doesn't offend me. Now, were my name Jamaal and I found out Kramer just screamed nigger at two guys in a comedy club, I'd probably want a certain amount of him being held responsible.

And yes, that is what you're saying. You're trying to convince me that a public comedy club is a private place so the media shouldn't be able to make a big deal out of it? He talked about hanging the man upside down and jamming a fork up his ass while calling him a nigger. Ya, that's a big fucking deal. Yes, the media should be reporting on it, yes he should be held accountable, no they shouldn't be asking for money. But again, I'd wager that's Gloria Allred. I think the problem, Av, is that you're not sure what you're arguing here.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
No. I'm not black. Nigger doesn't offend me. Now, were my name Jamaal and I found out Kramer just screamed nigger at two guys in a comedy club, I'd probably want a certain amount of him being held responsible.

thats not what I was asking. I was asking if whether you call it public private property makes any difference of your opinion.


Originally Posted by Denicalis
And yes, that is what you're saying. You're trying to convince me that a public comedy club is a private place so the media shouldn't be able to make a big deal out of it? He talked about hanging the man upside down and jamming a fork up his ass while calling him a nigger. Ya, that's a big fucking deal. Yes, the media should be reporting on it, yes he should be held accountable, no they shouldn't be asking for money. But again, I'd wager that's Gloria Allred. I think the problem, Av, is that you're not sure what you're arguing here.

It is a private place, with which the public has access to. Those whom were within it as well as officials of the region should be concerned about it. Not all physical and digital media, nor everyone that is exposed to this media.

I'm saying its not all of the world's business. He should be held accountable, but all the world shouldn't make sure of it, nor be riding his ass for it.

You're reading between lines instead of reading the lines.

Sarag Nov 26, 2006 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by avanent
yes, he did chose the wrong way to deal with it. But its between him and them, not the whole world. They egged him on and he retaliated inappropriately with anger. I'm not defending it, i'm just not focusing on what way too many people already are.

Ya, he screwed up. Shit happens, its not our business.

I find it interesting that you file this in the 'niggers being niggers' file, and then turn around and proclaim that no one should have an opinion unless they're Richards or the hecklers.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by a lurker
I find it interesting that you file this in the 'niggers being niggers' file, and then turn around and proclaim that no one should have an opinion unless they're Richards or the hecklers.

is that comment directed at me?

If so... would you happen to be familiar with the term eisegesis?

No. Hard Pass. Nov 26, 2006 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Avanent
they pulled the trigger that set the gun off. Itd be no more ridiculous than them claiming a need for monetary compensation.


Originally Posted by Avanent
I'm not defending it, i'm just not focusing on what way too many people already are.


Originally Posted by Avanent
You're reading between lines instead of reading the lines.


Originally Posted by Avanent
they pulled the trigger that set the gun off. Itd be no more ridiculous than them claiming a need for monetary compensation.


Originally Posted by Avanent
they [the black men] pulled the trigger that set the gun off. Itd be no more ridiculous than them claiming a need for monetary compensation.

But you're not defending Michael Richards. Okay.

avanent Nov 26, 2006 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
But you're not defending Michael Richards. Okay.

try to pay more attention. Maybe this will help.


Originally Posted by avanent
ever been angry? ever make a mistake while angry? were you up on that stage? did you see anything besides his outburst? ever had a bad day? and had that last straw fall into place?

indirectly stating his imperfection and fallibility at the least.

Originally Posted by avanent
yes, he did chose the wrong way to deal with it.
Ya, he screwed up.

directly stating he was in the wrong.

Originally Posted by avanent
Next time you fuck up anywhere thats not contained within your home, lets broadcast it all over everything.

indirectly stating he fucked up

Originally Posted by avanent
Those whom were within it as well as officials of the region should be concerned about it.

directly stating it should be a matter of concern, but of those within a particular sphere.

Originally Posted by avanent
He should be held accountable, but all the world shouldn't make sure of it, nor be riding his ass for it.

indirectly stating _someone_ should make sure he is held accountable.

Just because I don't hark and rant on how he screwed up, doesn't mean I'm defending him. Even if I felt some NEED to, why bother, plenty of people have done a great job of it, like all the media involved.

BTW, not going to bother replying anymore, your just reading whatever you want into everything. Which a lurker lvoes to do as well. So... why should I bother? All this discussion being trivial doesn't help either...

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
is that comment directed at me?

No, I just quoted you because I like your avatar, dumbass.


If so... would you happen to be familiar with the term eisegesis?
Cherrypicking bible quotes, right? What of it?

avanent, I wonder why it's important to you that people recognize that an event taking place in private property is a private event. Whether for better or worse, it's been thrust into the popular eye, people know about it and they have video proof of it happening. Why does it bother you if people form an opinion about this? Notwithstanding the fact that you felt entitled to form your own opinion before handing down the verdict from on high that since this was a private event in some bizarro moon-man logic of yours, therefore people should pay it no mind. Clearly we can see that it is no longer private. Why should people ignore the racist behind the curtain?

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
indirectly stating his imperfection and fallibility at the least.

indirectly stating he fucked up

indirectly stating _someone_ should make sure he is held accountable.

Just because I don't hark and rant on how he screwed up, doesn't mean I'm defending him.


Originally Posted by Avanent
You're reading between lines instead of reading the lines.

So I should only read you literally when you desire to be read literally, but I'm wrong when I read between the lines as well as when I just read what you say at its face value.

Ya, Devo, don't bother. Ava's sort of been debunked as not knowing anything of his own position at this point.

avanent Nov 27, 2006 12:32 AM

you read whatever you want to into everything a lurker. discussing anything with you, that you dont already agree with, shouldn't be bothered with.


Originally Posted by Rita the Carpet Cleaner
What do you suppose was Richard's motivation for apologizing? That's right, social pressure from those who made it their business.

maybe, its an argument. We cant say for sure, but its certainly a possibility. For this very reason, many people are discrediting his apology. Would his apology have meant more if the public eye wasn't on him? Yes.

Would he have apologized if the public eye wasn't on him? We can't say. We know he hadn't yet, but we can't say we know he wouldn't of at all. We only know that the apology came after public presentation. We can no longer know if he would have had the media not focused on him. An apology was pretty much forced, and now we're left guessing its sincerity.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
BTW, not going to bother replying anymore, your just reading whatever you want into everything.


Originally Posted by avanent
deni, within and between are different.

So, which line was I to read between, or within, to find out how "not going to reply" really means "well, maybe one more time."

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
you read whatever you want to into everything a lurker. discussing anything with you, that you dont already agree with, shouldn't be bothered with.

I'm not reading anything into anything, avarent. You said very clearly that you think people shouldn't have an opinion about this unless they were directly related, but you had no problem giving us your own opinion of the events.

This could only mean...



avanent Nov 27, 2006 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
So, which line was I to read between, or within, to find out how "not going to reply" really means "well, maybe one more time."

does that make you feel special? you ever make a mistake?

my intention was not reply to you, because your want and opinion influences you're comprehension and your tongue twists to serve your purpose. I also went back on what I had said, which is why I edited it out. Which you happened to see in under the 4 minutes it existed. I'm going back on what I said once more only to state this. pat yourself on the back. I wish i were so impressive.


Originally Posted by a lurker
I'm not reading anything into anything, avarent. You said very clearly that you think people shouldn't have an opinion about this unless they were directly related, but you had no problem giving us your own opinion of the events.

This could only mean...



Where did I say that? you inferred that. I only stated it shouldn't be our business. While stating how your not reading into anything, you present something you inferred as something I actually stated. True awesomeness. You remind me why I find you not worth speaking to.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
does that make you feel special?

Only when I can use your own words to hamper your credibility and show that you're just using words, not truly understanding them.

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
Where did I say that? you inferred that. I only stated it shouldn't be our business.

You're very bad at this game, avanent! Something that you have no business in, ideally, means something you have to ignore. You have awful reading comprenehsion, and a bloated sense of self-worth, otherwise you wouldn't think you could outsmart anyone quoting your words right at you by saying "You're reading too much into things".

Why do you hate black people, avanent? Did your mom run off with one of them?

avanent Nov 27, 2006 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by a lurker
You're very bad at this game, avanent! Something that you have no business in, ideally, means something you have to ignore. You have awful reading comprenehsion, and a bloated sense of self-worth, otherwise you wouldn't think you could outsmart anyone quoting your words right at you by saying "You're reading too much into things".

Why do you hate black people, avanent? Did your mom run off with one of them?

you said i stated something very clearly that I didn't say at all. Instead of even trying to defend your original statement, you further yourself with personal attacks.

No, something you 'have no business in' not only means you should not act upon it, but also that it shouldn't even be brought to your attention. Just because you ignore it doesn't mean no opinion is formed, nor does it mean that an opinion should be restrained from being formed. Your confusing paying no attention to and restraining acting upon with actually restraining all attention to; there is a difference. There are a few people on GFF I tend to ignore, that doesn't mean I try to suppress my opinions of them, nor does ignoring require or suggest that.

fyi, i don't even know any black people, they are rather rare here. I've heard all the stereotypes, and seen how the media represents them, but I have little information to base much of any opinion on them.

btw, i prefer the term arrogant. Do you always resort to personal attacks?

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
you said i stated something very clearly that I didn't say at all. Instead of even trying to defend your original statement, you further yourself with personal attacks.

My original statement as far as you're concerned is that you're giving your opinion on something you have no business in, by your own words. I was just confused why you felt you had the right. You still haven't enlightened me on the topic. Why do you keep dodging it?


No, something you 'have no business in' not only means you should not act upon it, but also that it shouldn't even be brought to your attention. Just because you ignore it doesn't mean no opinion is formed, nor does it mean that an opinion should be restrained from being formed.
But you're giving your opinion, that is an action. Why do you feel you have the right to act, and deny this right to other people?

Miss Manners thinks you're a lying nigger but don't mind her, when she grew up that's how everyone spoke

Dubble Nov 27, 2006 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
fyi, i don't even know any black people, they are rather rare here. I've heard all the stereotypes, and seen how the media represents them, but I have little information to base much of any opinion on them.


Well just so you know avanent - we all like to eat fried chicken. LOTS OF IT. Usually with copious amounts of hot sauce and piles upon piles of watermelon. Don't ask me why. I don't understand it myself but it's genetic: the more watermelon the better. In fact - next time you meet a black person ask them if they'd like watermelon ON fried chicken COVERED in hot sauce. I guarantee you'll give them an orgasm and they'll explode into confetti right there on the spot.

Speaking of orgasms all black males have ginormous cocks and all black women have gaping cavernous pussies that taste like sweet milk duds. Our cocks are so big in fact that we have to put on more mass just to hold our bodies up. Thats why down south all the black people are so fat or work out up north to put more muscles on our bodies. That's why we're so good in football and basketball you know! This is a PROVEN FACT.

Lastly (just so I can make sure you stay educated), - several short notes:

A) All young black people are either ghetto thugs who listen to gangsta rap (Hip Hop is for sellouts and white kids from malibu) or make sweet sweet love to R&B (AL GREEN AND BOYS 2 MEN FOR THE WIN).

B) All old black people cannot speak proper english and "TALKS LIKES DID SHO NUFF MASSUH". That usually triggers the comical country southern white man to scream out something quaint and colloquial like "NIGGER IN THE WOODPILE!!!" Everybody not of color dons fresh white linens on thier head. Benny Hill Yakety Sax music plays. Comedy thus ensues.

C) Since I assume you're white I'll just cut out the middleman and refer to you as MASSUH from now on so's you don't HANGS ME FUM NO TREE OH LAWDY LAWDY LAWDY JESUS!!!! **dances like he was in church on Sunday morning**

I hope that this has helped to educate you in some way. Just remember: Whitey doesn't just hate us. Whitey hates everybody! :) This concludes todays textbook lesson entitled "Black People: Myth or Mystery?" Thank you and good night.

avanent Nov 27, 2006 02:50 AM

Good to know dubble, I'll be sure to write it all down. Now I can quote you on all this right?

actually, i've never heard the hotsauce or the watermelon thing before, but I have been exposed to the other stereotypes.

white? well... I do prefer the term caucasian...
i am part white.


Originally Posted by a lurker
My original statement as far as you're concerned is that you're giving your opinion on something you have no business in, by your own words. I was just confused why you felt you had the right. You still haven't enlightened me on the topic. Why do you keep dodging it?

oh? is that exactly what you've been trying to get at? Is that exact;y what your trying to say? Ask it directly next time, and its exactly what i'll answer. Resorting to personal attacks and twisting words only muddles things.

The whole thing isn't my business, and it should have never been brought to my attention. But it has been. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and one will form whether or not it is wanted. On a forum, opinions are shared, and thats what I did. It isn't my business, but of course, like everyone else I have an opinion on it. My opinion wasn't exactly what I had shared at first either, but rather a bit to counter the current balance.

my opinion is that both parties are to blame. What he did is somewhat justified by their behavior, and they deserved some sort of retort, but that in no way makes it right or proper, and he way overdid it. Of course, I don't really think my opinion is any of your business, but since you seem so focused on it.


Originally Posted by a lurker
But you're giving your opinion, that is an action. Why do you feel you have the right to act, and deny this right to other people?

Miss Manners thinks you're a lying nigger but don't mind her, when she grew up that's how everyone spoke

Did I deny this right to other people? No I did not. I simply stated I don't believe any of us even have the right to be aware of the whole 'kramer' situation, much less act upon it.

The media loves to present things that aren't really our business. I hear things all the time in the media that I really don't think they had the right to share.

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
oh? is that exactly what you've been trying to get at? Is that exact;y what your trying to say? Ask it directly next time, and its exactly what i'll answer. Resorting to personal attacks and twisting words only muddles things.


Originally Posted by a lurker
I find it interesting that you file this in the 'niggers being niggers' file, and then turn around and proclaim that no one should have an opinion unless they're Richards or the hecklers.

Who exactly do you think you're fooling, casper?


The whole thing isn't my business, and it should have never been brought to my attention. But it has been. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and one will form whether or not it is wanted. On a forum, opinions are shared, and thats what I did. It isn't my business, but of course, like everyone else I have an opinion on it. My opinion wasn't exactly what I had shared at first either, but rather a bit to counter the current balance.
So it's not your business, and you have no right to act about it in any way, but since you are aware of it you'll run your mouth off. You'll also tell us over and over again about how it's none of our business and we should leave well enough alone. But since this is a discussion forum...

avanent Nov 27, 2006 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by a lurker
Who exactly do you think you're fooling, casper?

no one, i disregarded that since i was not regarding 'niggers as niggers'. I responded more to what you were stating as my opinion rather than the question you were trying to ask in that statement. Now that you bring it back, its pretty clear, but the way you stated it, with it following the post before it, and you not directly asking the question... well, I forgot about it. In my head, it became the 'niggers as niggers' accusation rather than the question within a statement.

Dubble Nov 27, 2006 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
white? well... I do prefer the term caucasian...
i am part white.

Good to know dubble, I'll be sure to write it all down. Now I can quote you on all this right?

actually, i've never heard the hotsauce or the watermelon thing before, but I have been exposed to the other stereotypes..

POINT <-----------------------------------------------------------------> AVANENT

Uh-oh! You missed it! Hurry and run back! You might be able to catch it! Go on now! There's not much time left!!!!

:doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy: :doggy:


avanent Nov 27, 2006 03:22 AM

nah, i got it dubble. I was partially playing along and partially provided irrelevant information in response.


Originally Posted by a lurker
So it's not your business, and you have no right to act about it in any way, but since you are aware of it you'll run your mouth off. You'll also tell us over and over again about how it's none of our business and we should leave well enough alone. But since this is a discussion forum...

when in rome...

You keep asking, I keep telling. I'm not preaching, you're asking. Stop asking, I'll stop telling. You drop my topic, and I'll drop my topic. The easiest way to kill something is through neglect.

in that same vein... despite you being a mod, you engage in behavior unbefitting for a role-model within the community. The behavior you display as a mod promotes and validates it. This very behavior is not only against common courtesy, but also against Bobo's desired behavior. Sure he isn't always here, but he does hold the plug, and this is his little project. Does this provide any dissonance for you?

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
The easiest way to kill something is through neglect.

I hear the easiest way to kill something is to put it in a burlap sack and drown it.

...maybe that's just puppies.

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by avanent
You keep asking, I keep telling. I'm not preaching, you're asking. Stop asking, I'll stop telling. You drop my topic, and I'll drop my topic. The easiest way to kill something is through neglect.

I'm asking you the why, and you keep telling me the what. It's not the same thing. Why won't you answer my question? What right do you have to act on something that isn't your business?


in that same vein... despite you being a mod, you engage in behavior unbefitting for a role-model within the community. The behavior you display as a mod promotes and validates it. This very behavior is not only against common courtesy, but also against Bobo's desired behavior. Sure he isn't always here, but he does hold the plug, and this is his little project. Does this provide any dissonance for you?
I'm merely asking you a question. There's no need to get uppity, all I want is an answer. You keep dodging the question. Why won't you answer it?

ArrowHead Nov 27, 2006 07:57 AM

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Both of you.

As far as I'm concerned this is all ridiculous. Only in America do you see this sort of stupidity - Americans are way too fucking sensitive about black people.

Yeah, Michael Richards made a big idiot of himself. But stop acting as if he's a closet KKK leader or something.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 27, 2006 07:59 PM

(Good God woman, I leave a couple of days and I come back to see you've continued battling here! What is it with you and this thread?)

(It's the nigger word, isn't it?)

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Both of you.

As far as I'm concerned this is all ridiculous. Only in America do you see this sort of stupidity - Americans are way too fucking sensitive about black people.

Yeah, Michael Richards made a big idiot of himself. But stop acting as if he's a closet KKK leader or something.

Oh ya, only in America. When's the last time a bunch of black people had a standoff with police over land rights, Arrow? Oh right, that was us. In Canada. With natives. GLASS HOUSE. ROCKS EVERYWHERE.

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 08:12 PM

(Yeah, it brings out the worst in people. Except avarent, he's always been like this.)

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 27, 2006 08:15 PM

(He's a pretty old member, isn't he?)

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 27, 2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
I hear the easiest way to kill something is to put it in a burlap sack and drown it.

BLACK PEOPLE BREATHE IN WATER. Didn't your parents ever teach you they only die from fire?!

Sarag Nov 27, 2006 08:16 PM

(Yeah, you'd think he'd grow up a little!)

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
BLACK PEOPLE BREATHE IN WATER. Didn't your parents ever teach you they only die from fire?!

Fire? I know they can sustain themselves on watermelon, fried chicken and sweet potato pie for years, but I have no idea they'd adapted GILLS.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 27, 2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
I have no idea they'd adapted GILLS.

It's a side effect from their culture drinking so much malt liquor. Kinda like how white people turn into the Hulk when exposed to Gamma Radiation.

Dubble Nov 27, 2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
BLACK PEOPLE BREATHE IN WATER. Didn't your parents ever teach you they only die from fire?!

You are so stupid. No we do not. We spit fire from our mouths, absorb water like human ameobas, belch powerful bolts of lightning from our asses, and shoot killer laser beams from our eyes in order to kill our prey.

Years of picking cotton has turned us into MUTANTS. Why else do you think the white man fears us so? Did you learn NOTHING from my earlier tutorial?


Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 27, 2006 08:23 PM

Guatemalan runners are known for hating blacks, Kenyans in particular. Fuckers always come here for the annual race and stomp the natives.

So, while we're taking silly shots at blacks, what is it with some of them and always having their mouth open? There was one in particular I noticed this from in some NFL game I saw yesterday. It gets really irritating after a while.

(leave him alone then!)

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
It's a side effect from their culture drinking so much malt liquor. Kinda like how white people turn into the Hulk when exposed to Gamma Radiation.

Oh, ok. So it's the fault of the Colt 45.

Sarag Nov 28, 2006 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
(leave him alone then!)

(what's happened to you? have you gone SOFT on us?)

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 28, 2006 10:17 AM

(A little. But I don't wanna see more old members go!)

Sepharite Nov 28, 2006 08:14 PM

Not sure if this has been posted yet: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/...r_Apology.html

No. Hard Pass. Nov 29, 2006 12:24 AM


No matter what side you fall on, this is pretty funny.

DragoonKain Nov 29, 2006 12:55 AM

I'm not really bothered by Kramer's rant. I really don't have a problem with people being racist either as long as they don't act on it in a violent way. If someone uses a bunch of words though, I really don't care.

ArrowHead Dec 3, 2006 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Denicalis
Oh ya, only in America. When's the last time a bunch of black people had a standoff with police over land rights, Arrow? Oh right, that was us. In Canada. With natives. GLASS HOUSE. ROCKS EVERYWHERE.

Have anything relevant to say? Black natives, eh?

Double Post:

Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
So, while we're taking silly shots at blacks, what is it with some of them and always having their mouth open? There was one in particular I noticed this from in some NFL game I saw yesterday. It gets really irritating after a while.

Yeah like Puff Daddy. Speaking of whom, PICK ONE FUCKING NAME AND STICK WITH IT YOU MOUTHBREATHING RETARD. Also, get some talent please.

Balcony Heckler Dec 3, 2006 09:14 AM

well, in either case, apparently the apology is set.


you know, this is completely fucking sad. he said this racist shit, claimed it was because he was angry (like that's any fucking reason), and then goes off, acts all sympathetic, but mostly just pathetic, and now had to talk to his lawyers in order to see if he could apologize. Excuse me Mr. Richards, you got a little brown coming out of your ears now, here's a tissue to plug it up with.

this is just typical of celebrities. they completely fuck up in in the worst possible way, try to act all sugary sweet and apologize in a cutesy way, like a 3 year old who just broke some dishes, but yet have to go to a lawyer first to make up for their mistakes. then there are those who never apologize and just outright run off, like the lindsay lohan/paris hilton incident, when lohan called paris a cunt on camera, and then quickly gets in the car, makes a shitty excuse, then drives off as fast as she can, as seen in exhibit B here:


why is it so hard just to say "you know what? yeah I fucked up, and badly"

anyone else have any thoughts on these?

Sarag Dec 3, 2006 09:14 AM


That's rich, Arrowhead aka NRen2k6 aka NRen2k5 aka NRen2k4.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 3, 2006 09:59 AM

Jesus. How are you gonna get out of that mountain spring (>_>) motherfucker?

S_K Dec 3, 2006 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
Really sounds like these guys just made a wrong turn on thier way to Def Comedy Jam. This could've been avoided.

Certainly sums up the black guys side of it. Personally I never found "Seinfeld" funny and going by his reaction he definatly snapped and will be unlikely to get much more TV work, he lost control of the situation without question. I've seen little kids come out with retorts like that :annoyed: I still find the double standard for nigga and cracker laughable though, the slave trade and whole poor black guy routine is over for god sake, people just still make a drama about it, in my mind both of those are just as offensive.

ArrowHead Dec 4, 2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Merv Toast
That's rich, Arrowhead aka NRen2k6 aka NRen2k5 aka NRen2k4.

Nope, was NRen2k5 and NRen2k5 only. Only started with ArrowHead after the last crash. Thanks for not checking.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 4, 2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Thanks for not checking.

I don't remember you ever being important enough to have that attitude, buddy. Check it at the door.

ArrowHead Dec 4, 2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Merv Siu Bau
Doesn't Arrowhead rarely post and when he does it's telling someone to shut the fuck up or posting lies about women?

I mostly stick to Behind The Music and I think it's time you move on with your life.


Originally Posted by Merv Siu Bau
Why is he here?

Why not come here?

Chie Dec 4, 2006 01:19 PM

He just never looked like a patient person to begin with.
Why all the fuss, he isn't a rolemodel to anyone. I just saw a commercial for the seinfield dvd's shortly after this so I guess that may hurt sales to a certain degree.

Dubble Dec 4, 2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chie
I just saw a commercial for the seinfield dvd's shortly after this so I guess that may hurt sales to a certain degree.

Actually it's quite the opposite. The sales for the new DVD for this season have been higher than sales for the last season and just slightly above sales for the season before last.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 4, 2006 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
I mostly stick to Behind The Music and I think it's time you move on with your life.

To coin Auden: "I smell an era of blood and prominent banning"

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 4, 2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Merveringue Pie
Actually it's quite the opposite. The sales for the new DVD for this season have been higher than sales for the last season and just slightly above sales for the season before last.

Well, Seinfeld got funnier as the series progressed, too.

Paco Dec 4, 2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Balcony Heckler
anyone else have any thoughts on these?

Yeah... I actually agree with you that celebrities should own up to their fuck ups when and if they make them. However, I still maintain that the only fuck up that Richards committed here is the fact that he apologized in such a pussified way.

These balcony hecklers (lol) had it coming when they opened the floodgates to the insults. It was stupid and irresponsible of Richards to take the joke so far as he did, but the worst thing he could have done is apologize for actually spitting racial slurs when he should have been apologizing for drawing this out further than needed.

Again: When you go to a comedy show you pay to see the performer, not for a heckling license.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 4, 2006 05:12 PM

Ah, Ceph. It's just that you're Hispanic and have a harder time giving in to what black fuckers want than your average white person would.

Chie Dec 4, 2006 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Merveringue Pie
Actually it's quite the opposite. The sales for the new DVD for this season have been higher than sales for the last season and just slightly above sales for the season before last.

then I don't see what the problem is here.
Why does even mediocre celebrity news make it in the top headlines

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 4, 2006 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Brent
Well, Seinfeld got funnier as the series progressed, too.

Don't forget that people are recognizing these episodes now. The show didn't catch on till later in it's run - so now that we have The Soup Nazi on DVD, things are bound to pick up, thanks to the more casual viewer.

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by LeHah
To coin Auden: "I smell an era of blood and prominent banning"

We'll all miss you.

Paco Dec 5, 2006 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
Ah, Ceph. It's just that you're Hispanic and have a harder time giving in to what black fuckers want than your average white person would.

The average white person needs to grow some Hispanic balls then.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 5, 2006 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
We'll all miss you.

Somehow - I was missed when I was banned.

You post and no one seems to know who you are.

This brings into question as to your worth.


why is it so hard just to say "you know what? yeah I fucked up, and badly"
I'm waiting for the day when someone just says something utterly terrible - and then refuses to take it back. Kinda like Marlon Brando's rant about Jews running Hollywood; he never took that back and he was still a big star.

And by "big" I mean fat and full of Wendys Double Cheeseburgers.

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah
Somehow - I was missed when I was banned.

You post and no one seems to know who you are.

This brings into question as to your worth.

Nobody knows who I am because I don't post here all that often. My worth here is roughly equivalent to shit; I'm pretty well aware of that, and quite frankly I think it's pretty funny. Good thing I have a life outside of the internet.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 5, 2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Good thing I have a life outside of the internet.

I'm sure everyone else here is thankful that something - even a shallow lie such as that - keeps you away from the rest of us.

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 02:25 PM

*Yawn* lies... yeah... you speaking for everyone... yeah. right. anyway.

Haven't you dragged this thread far enough off-topic already?

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 5, 2006 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Haven't you dragged this thread far enough off-topic already?

I don't know - Blah said my post was worth posting. I'd have to say, no.

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 03:42 PM

Goody. So what is your motivation behind antagonizing me like this anyway?

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 5, 2006 03:43 PM

And you're just the helpless little scamp in all this!

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 03:46 PM

no, but I'm no Big Bad Wolf.

Oh for fuck's sake. What's your problem? Or are we going to dance around like this for the rest of the week?

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 5, 2006 03:56 PM

I hit you in the mouth with one post and now I have a problem? This shit never lasts a week, it'll get closed or you'll get banned. But this won't last for long.

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 03:59 PM

I'm talking to both of you.

Try paying attention to what I'm saying before trying to give me attitude.

Now I'll repeat the question clearly:

What is your problem with me, guys?

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 5, 2006 04:03 PM

Oh, shit, I'm sorry. I'm just not used to a member addressing someone in two different posts within the same thread without the motherfucker responding in between.

I am paying attention. I pay too much attention, actually. It's probably my highest stress factor when dealing with jackasses like you.

ArrowHead Dec 5, 2006 04:13 PM

Jeez, and I just told you about the attitude too.

I'll repeat the question clearly:

What is your problem with me?

[Edit]Hmm, they left.[/Edit]

Paco Dec 5, 2006 04:36 PM

Thanks kid... One would think that the question doesn't need to be repeated THREE FUCKING TIMES. The one who should have left from this thread is.... you...

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 5, 2006 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
What is your problem with me, guys?

You're posting, for starters.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 5, 2006 05:58 PM

My only problem here is seeing you resort to blaming LeHah and anyone else for dragging this shit on when you're doing a pretty bang up job of it yourself. Argue, flame, debate, whatever. Do it without being a spineless hypocrite, okay?

Lord Styphon Dec 5, 2006 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
What is your problem with me?

If you need to ask, you must not be paying attention to what you say.

ArrowHead Dec 6, 2006 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Encephalon
Thanks kid... One would think that the question doesn't need to be repeated THREE FUCKING TIMES. The one who should have left from this thread is.... you...

It will be repeated until they answer it.


Originally Posted by Devolution
Hey Arrowhead I notice you're antagonizing women again.

Way to prove my prior post right.

LMFAO! Yeah, Nadienne is "women". How many Nadiennes do we have?


Originally Posted by LeHah
You're posting, for starters.

So don't read them.


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
My only problem here is seeing you resort to blaming LeHah and anyone else for dragging this shit on when you're doing a pretty bang up job of it yourself. Argue, flame, debate, whatever. Do it without being a spineless hypocrite, okay?

Seems to me that Lehah and you are hypocrites. You claim to have something against me for taking shots at people, so you come here to take shots at me.


Originally Posted by Lord Styphon
If you need to ask, you must not be paying attention to what you say.

No, I need to ask to show that they aren't honest or good enough to answer.

If anybody here genuinely wants to set me straight on anything, Private Messages are the way to do it. You know it and I know it.

But some people want to make a show instead. So what the Hell, I'll oblige.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 6, 2006 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
So don't read them.


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
So don't read them.


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
So don't read them.


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
So don't read them.


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
So don't read them.

Take your own advice, you're picking up Elixir's bad habits.

Lord Styphon Dec 6, 2006 09:08 AM

So not only are you, ArrowHead, offering nothing but jackassery to this thread, but now you're telling me that you're going to continue to do so?

Yeah, okay. See you in a week.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Dec 6, 2006 09:15 AM

Vote to split this thread to the Sewers, to allow this topic to return to its normal subject of bigotry - and still have another place to act like bigots towards ArrowHead.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Dec 6, 2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Seems to me that Lehah and you are hypocrites. You claim to have something against me for taking shots at people, so you come here to take shots at me.

Actually, I already explained what my problem was. Let me see if I can go back through my posts here and see where it is I said I had a problem with you taking shots at people.


Originally Posted by OctoberOmicron
it'll get closed or you'll get banned.

That must be it. You get that to the life outside the internet of yours and we'll see you in a week.

theclit Dec 8, 2006 01:04 PM

That's a h*ll of an outburst. Kills any respect I had for the guy...

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