Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [:plant:] I Guess We Still Play This Kart 8: 16:17 <+BZ> favorite course: Music Park. (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45373)

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 30, 2014 06:08 PM

::furious divorcing noises::

SailorDaravon Aug 30, 2014 06:34 PM

Eating ice cream right now, so it's all good.

Can any of the good people in here post their exact character/kart builds. Mentioned this in the post-game chat, but I'm often baffled at my placing. I will do a race not fucking up or fucking up only once, hit most of the drifts/ramps with boosts but then finish dead last and not see anyone. I'm less annoyed and more just confused, especially since I know I should be better than that. Also seeing people just blow past me pretty often, moreso then I think is accountable for just with slipstreaming or mushrooms, so I'm wondering if I've just build my kart totally wrong, at least for my current skill level or something.

Philia is pretty hooked now, she's playing solo. She had fun but was pretty unhappy with coming in last most of the time because she didn't know the courses, so she seems to be getting down to it now lol. Also the vertical split screen is complete bullshit, for real real. I could mostly compensate when we were doing the regular courses that I knew most of, but mirror mode kept fucking me.

And everyone wasn't kidding, battle mode is garbage in this game. What were they thinking?

OmagnusPrime Aug 30, 2014 06:39 PM

We play Frantic mode so you have to remember that you're always a few seconds away from a good old item-fucking. That can play heavily into randomly ended up at the back or losing places right at the last moment.

As for Kart build, if I qualify as one of the good people then here is what I have set up:
- Character: Roy
- Body: W 25 Silver Arrow (from the new Merc set)
- Wheels: Wood
- Glider: Clouds

I did previously use Roy with Landship and White Off-Road wheels, which was a more even balance.

Tails Aug 30, 2014 06:48 PM

Character: DAISY
Body: Sport Bike
Wheel: Cyber Slick
Glider: Plane

Totes basic but it works.

Additional Spam:
YouTube Video

SuperSonic Aug 30, 2014 10:26 PM

Character: True_Blue (Mii)
Body: Yoshi Bike
Wheel: Cyber Slick
Glider: Cloud Glider

YouTube Video

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THIEF Aug 31, 2014 09:54 AM

So my month of doing all my teaching certification is pretty much done so I can play video games again. I just have to proofread my portfolio and hit submit. It's labor day weekend also so I wanted to treat myself and buy myself a Wii U.

My September is pretty busy and most my Saturdays are booked with weddings and concerts so wouldn't be able to join you guys for weekend Mario Kart until October most likely. I presume you guys will still be playing, especially with the announcement of the awesome DLC packs. I learned that Nintendo has a Super Mario 3D World Bundle on September 15 so contemplating holding off until then. Sadly they are out of the Mario Kart 8 Bundle. Although I am also impatient and was considering the Wind Waker Bundle or the New Super Mario Bros U/New Super Luigi U Bundle as well. They are all $299.

Worth the wait? I haven't played Wind Waker or Super Mario/Luigi U. This is my first new console purchase since PS2.

The Plane Is A Tiger Aug 31, 2014 10:11 AM

If you've never played Wind Waker then you should definitely go with that bundle. It's not my favorite Zelda, but it's still pretty great and has a ton of side stuff to do. Might as well grab that now so you can buy Mario Kart on its own and start practicing Music Park.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 31, 2014 10:35 AM

Fuckin nope, ignore Tritoch.

3D World is seriously one of the top tier Mario games (like Galaxy good) and is overall really fucking special.

That said, Walmart is getting a new exclusive Kart 8 bundle at the same time frame, so go with that:

Super Mario 3D World, Walmart Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundles by mid-September | Joystiq

The Plane Is A Tiger Aug 31, 2014 10:59 AM

Of course 3D World is amazing, but if he wants to have the Wii U this weekend before he gets super busy throughout September he can always buy that separately later instead of waiting 2 weeks to get anything. Hyde should get both anyway since he never played Wind Waker on Gamecube either.

SailorDaravon Aug 31, 2014 11:05 AM

I think it's a bit presumptuous to assume that my expedition to find the road has (or will be) ill-fated.

Tails Aug 31, 2014 09:00 PM

Music Park amuses the fuck out of Philia
What are jokes? Does anyone here know what a joke is?
Tails gets a Blue Shell in third, Omagnus suffers
A plethora of unfunny jokes
Tails gets a visitor
Omagnus is still mad about Teamkilling
"This is not the road"
Phrasing / Philia still amused by Music Park
Red Team collectively forgets how to win; SURPRISE DAISY
[INCOMPREHENSIBLE GELB NOISES] (and the best come from behind victory ever, previous race was 132-114)

Will do 6-9 later. I like how CHz SuperSonic absolutely can't believe that come from behind victory. I want to set that fucking "WHAT?" as my text message alert. So fucking good.

THE POWER OF WATER Aug 31, 2014 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Papino (Post 823844)

Here's what Skills was reacting to:

YouTube Video

I fired a green shell backward and hit Tails, knocking him out of second and allowing Skills and BZ to pass him.

That man gets kind of loud sometimes.

Sousuke Aug 31, 2014 10:47 PM

"Kind of" loud.

THIEF Sep 1, 2014 01:03 AM

So Gamestop doesn't have any Wind Waker bundles (and it was a download copy and not a physical disc) so I am going to wait for the Super Mario 3D World Bundle. Unfortunately, NYC has no Walmarts and the closest is in New Jersey and I would need a car. I'm just going to be patient but I'm sure grabbing and console and a killer app for $300 will be worth the wait.

FatsDomino Sep 1, 2014 01:34 AM

As someone who has had to chump out the past few weeks that sounds pretty chump, Hyde. (buy a wii u whenever)

Gonna just dump this adorable shit here:



Tails Sep 1, 2014 04:38 PM

CHz is a dirty cheater who gets Blue Shells in second place; Omagnus is mad about Team Killing again
Mo0 is always eating
Mo0 is mad about origin stories

I don't even know what that noise Skills was making at the end was about but it's great.

Grundlefield Earth Sep 2, 2014 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by CHz (Post 823845)
Here's what Skills was reacting to:

YouTube Video
I fired a green shell backward and hit Tails, knocking him out of second and allowing Skills and BZ to pass him.

That man gets kind of loud sometimes.

That Donk sure has speed. Plus a little love tap.

Not watched many replays, but there was a lagged reaction there from getting hit by the green shell. Seemed to go right through him and then he got hit a second later. :tpg:

SailorDaravon Sep 3, 2014 10:33 AM

Philia and I played a bunch of this last night (and today). Literally 30 fucking seconds into the first race the words "divorce game" were said out loud.

Tails Sep 6, 2014 12:10 AM




SailorDaravon Sep 6, 2014 07:27 AM

I find your lack of Music Park on those screens...disturbing.

Tails Sep 6, 2014 08:32 AM

What? Shut up Daravon.

SuperSonic Sep 6, 2014 08:48 AM

My God, it's spreading!

Tails Sep 6, 2014 09:37 AM

CHz and I were pubbing it up for a couple of hours last night and apparently pubbies fucking love Music Park. It's a riot. CHz also learned a valuable lesson in that Mushrooms > Horn.

I'm sad I didn't save any replays, there was some funny ass shit there, like that time we were in 1st/2nd and both got thwomped at the same time trying to take the short route in Thwomp Ruins. Drunk Kart Best Kart.

[23:14] <@Tails> i like how there's two bowsers
[23:15] <@CHz> What a poser
[23:15] <@Tails> DO:PHINS
[23:15] <@Tails> YEAAAHHHHHHHHH
[23:15] <@CHz> ^

[23:22] <@CHz> Still chumping the hell out of this Brian guy with 4000
[23:22] <@Tails> ^
[23:22] <@Tails> vbet you he is mad as thit
[23:23] <@Tails> "who is this fudfe withg like 1100 kickingmt ass"
[23:23] <@Tails> ME BITCH
[23:26] <@Tails> ahahaha
[23:26] <@Tails> did i hit you with that bomb
[23:26] <+Air_Wreck> where's dull with the non sequitur?
[23:26] <@Tails> in the second lap
[23:26] <@CHz> Nope
[23:26] <@CHz> I SAW THAT
[23:26] <@Tails> man i got somebody
[23:26] <@Tails> it was AWESOME
[23:26] <@CHz> Did you take that drift wider on lap 3 just to banana me
[23:26] <@Tails> hahahah yes
[23:26] <@Tails> fucvk you

[23:27] <@CHz> Ahaha Brian quit
[23:27] <@CHz> Confirmed mad.

[23:31] <@CHz> Also the start of that race was the funniest shit.
[23:31] <@CHz> ::me boosting and driving straight::
[23:31] <@CHz> ::right side of the screen, you immediately swerving into the guy in first::

[23:46] <@CHz> whoops comm error
[23:46] <@Tails> lol
[23:47] <@CHz> Okay back spectating
[23:47] <@CHz> Current racers: Roflfox, Connor, 9 people named Player
[23:49] <@Tails> AH
[23:49] <@Tails> FUCK YOU CONNOR
[23:49] <@Tails> took 1st in your memory chz
[23:49] <@CHz> lmao
[23:49] <@Tails> rip[ comm error

[00:07] <@CHz> Ahahahaha we BOTH got Whomped lap 3
[00:07] <@CHz> That was beautiful
[00:07] <@Tails> lmao dounle thwomp
[00:07] <@Tails> ^^^^^^
[00:07] <@Tails> so fucking stupd

[00:19] <@Tails> ahahaha
[00:19] <@Tails> thayt fucking first lap
[00:19] <@Tails> i waited until i got up from 8th to throw that red shell at you
[00:19] <@Tails> fucking lmao
[00:19] <@CHz> AHAHAHAHA
[00:19] <@CHz> You're awful.

[00:35] <@Tails> MSURHOOMS BITCH
[00:35] <@CHz> 8|
[00:35] <@Tails> ahahahah
[00:35] <@Tails> i saw you
[00:35] <@Tails> and your fuckin horn
[00:35] <@Tails> fuck you
[00:35] <@CHz> Ahahahaha
[00:35] <@CHz> "yeah let's see you hit me fucker"
[00:35] <@CHz> ".................oh"
[00:35] <@Tails> ^^^^^^^^ dying

[00:47] <@Tails> ahahahah
[00:47] <@Tails> those red shwells
[00:47] <@Tails> IT WAS ME
[00:47] <@Tails> FUCK YOU
[00:47] <@CHz> 8|

Tails Sep 6, 2014 02:15 PM

Pubbing it up, the race where CHz and I both lost because we spent the whole time hitting each other with shells:

YouTube Video

The race where I spent the entire time chasing CHz (like always) and burn him on the last turn because fuck your Horn:

YouTube Video

FatsDomino Sep 6, 2014 05:30 PM

Just had to stop playing. Skills just arrived. Almost full group this week. I think we've had 13 or 14 different people if you count diss attempting to get his Wii U to connect.

Anyway here's the stream recording on hitbox:

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